Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
require 'cgi' module Haml class Compiler include Haml::Util attr_accessor :options def initialize(options) @options = options @output_tabs = 0 @to_merge = [] @precompiled = '' end def compile(node) parent = instance_variable_defined?('@node') ? @node : nil @node = node if node.children.empty? send(:"compile_#{node.type}") else send(:"compile_#{node.type}") {node.children.each {|c| compile c}} end ensure @node = parent end if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" # The source code that is evaluated to produce the Haml document. # # In Ruby 1.9, this is automatically converted to the correct encoding # (see {file:REFERENCE.md#encodings the `:encoding` option}). # # @return [String] def precompiled @precompiled end else def precompiled encoding = Encoding.find(@options[:encoding]) return @precompiled.force_encoding(encoding) if encoding == Encoding::BINARY return @precompiled.encode(encoding) end end def precompiled_with_return_value precompiled + ";" + precompiled_method_return_value end # Returns the precompiled string with the preamble and postamble. # # Initializes to ActionView::OutputBuffer when available; this is necessary # to avoid ordering issues with partial layouts in Rails. If not available, # initializes to nil. def precompiled_with_ambles(local_names) preamble = <<END.gsub("\n", ";") begin extend Haml::Helpers _hamlout = @haml_buffer = Haml::Buffer.new(haml_buffer, #{options.for_buffer.inspect}) _erbout = _hamlout.buffer @output_buffer = output_buffer ||= ActionView::OutputBuffer.new rescue nil END postamble = <<END.gsub("\n", ";") #{precompiled_method_return_value} ensure @haml_buffer = @haml_buffer.upper if @haml_buffer end END preamble + locals_code(local_names) + precompiled + postamble end private # Returns the string used as the return value of the precompiled method. # This method exists so it can be monkeypatched to return modified values. def precompiled_method_return_value "_erbout" end def locals_code(names) names = names.keys if Hash == names names.map do |name| # Can't use || because someone might explicitly pass in false with a symbol sym_local = "_haml_locals[#{inspect_obj(name.to_sym)}]" str_local = "_haml_locals[#{inspect_obj(name.to_s)}]" "#{name} = #{sym_local}.nil? ? #{str_local} : #{sym_local}" end.join(';') + ';' end def compile_root @dont_indent_next_line = @dont_tab_up_next_text = false @output_line = 1 @indentation = nil yield flush_merged_text end def compile_plain push_text @node.value[:text] end def nuke_inner_whitespace?(node) if node.value && node.value[:nuke_inner_whitespace] true elsif node.parent nuke_inner_whitespace?(node.parent) else false end end def compile_script(&block) push_script(@node.value[:text], :preserve_script => @node.value[:preserve], :escape_html => @node.value[:escape_html], :nuke_inner_whitespace => nuke_inner_whitespace?(@node), &block) end def compile_silent_script return if @options[:suppress_eval] push_silent(@node.value[:text]) keyword = @node.value[:keyword] if block_given? # Store these values because for conditional statements, # we want to restore them for each branch @node.value[:dont_indent_next_line] = @dont_indent_next_line @node.value[:dont_tab_up_next_text] = @dont_tab_up_next_text yield push_silent("end", :can_suppress) unless @node.value[:dont_push_end] elsif keyword == "end" if @node.parent.children.last.equal?(@node) # Since this "end" is ending the block, # we don't need to generate an additional one @node.parent.value[:dont_push_end] = true end # Don't restore dont_* for end because it isn't a conditional branch. elsif Parser::MID_BLOCK_KEYWORDS.include?(keyword) # Restore dont_* for this conditional branch @dont_indent_next_line = @node.parent.value[:dont_indent_next_line] @dont_tab_up_next_text = @node.parent.value[:dont_tab_up_next_text] end end def compile_haml_comment; end def compile_tag t = @node.value # Get rid of whitespace outside of the tag if we need to rstrip_buffer! if t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] dont_indent_next_line = (t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] && !block_given?) || (t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] && block_given?) if @options[:suppress_eval] object_ref = "nil" parse = false value = t[:parse] ? nil : t[:value] attributes_hashes = {} preserve_script = false else object_ref = t[:object_ref] parse = t[:parse] value = t[:value] attributes_hashes = t[:attributes_hashes] preserve_script = t[:preserve_script] end # Check if we can render the tag directly to text and not process it in the buffer if object_ref == "nil" && attributes_hashes.empty? && !preserve_script tag_closed = !block_given? && !t[:self_closing] && !parse open_tag = prerender_tag(t[:name], t[:self_closing], t[:attributes]) if tag_closed open_tag << "#{value}</#{t[:name]}>" open_tag << "\n" unless t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] elsif !(parse || t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] || (t[:self_closing] && t[:nuke_outer_whitespace])) open_tag << "\n" end push_merged_text(open_tag, tag_closed || t[:self_closing] || t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] ? 0 : 1, !t[:nuke_outer_whitespace]) @dont_indent_next_line = dont_indent_next_line return if tag_closed else if attributes_hashes.empty? attributes_hashes = '' elsif attributes_hashes.size == 1 attributes_hashes = ", #{attributes_hashes.first}" else attributes_hashes = ", (#{attributes_hashes.join(").merge(")})" end push_merged_text "<#{t[:name]}", 0, !t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] push_generated_script( "_hamlout.attributes(#{inspect_obj(t[:attributes])}, #{object_ref}#{attributes_hashes})") concat_merged_text( if t[:self_closing] && @options.xhtml? " />" + (t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] ? "" : "\n") else ">" + ((if t[:self_closing] && @options.html? t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] else !block_given? || t[:preserve_tag] || t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] end) ? "" : "\n") end) if value && !parse concat_merged_text("#{value}</#{t[:name]}>#{t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] ? "" : "\n"}") elsif !t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] && !t[:self_closing] @to_merge << [:text, '', 1] end @dont_indent_next_line = dont_indent_next_line end return if t[:self_closing] if value.nil? @output_tabs += 1 unless t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] yield if block_given? @output_tabs -= 1 unless t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] rstrip_buffer! if t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] push_merged_text("</#{t[:name]}>" + (t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] ? "" : "\n"), t[:nuke_inner_whitespace] ? 0 : -1, !t[:nuke_inner_whitespace]) @dont_indent_next_line = t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] return end if parse push_script(value, t.merge(:in_tag => true)) concat_merged_text("</#{t[:name]}>" + (t[:nuke_outer_whitespace] ? "" : "\n")) end end def compile_comment open = "<!--#{@node.value[:conditional]}" # Render it statically if possible unless block_given? push_text("#{open} #{@node.value[:text]} #{@node.value[:conditional] ? "<![endif]-->" : "-->"}") return end push_text(open, 1) @output_tabs += 1 yield if block_given? @output_tabs -= 1 push_text(@node.value[:conditional] ? "<![endif]-->" : "-->", -1) end def compile_doctype doctype = text_for_doctype push_text doctype if doctype end def compile_filter unless filter = Filters.defined[@node.value[:name]] name = @node.value[:name] if ["maruku", "textile"].include?(name) raise Error.new(Error.message(:install_haml_contrib, name), @node.line - 1) else raise Error.new(Error.message(:filter_not_defined, name), @node.line - 1) end end filter.internal_compile(self, @node.value[:text]) end def text_for_doctype if @node.value[:type] == "xml" return nil if @options.html? wrapper = @options[:attr_wrapper] return "<?xml version=#{wrapper}1.0#{wrapper} encoding=#{wrapper}#{@node.value[:encoding] || "utf-8"}#{wrapper} ?>" end if @options.html5? '<!DOCTYPE html>' else if @options.xhtml? if @node.value[:version] == "1.1" '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">' elsif @node.value[:version] == "5" '<!DOCTYPE html>' else case @node.value[:type] when "strict"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">' when "frameset"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">' when "mobile"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/DTD/xhtml-mobile12.dtd">' when "rdfa"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd">' when "basic"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic11.dtd">' else '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' end end elsif @options.html4? case @node.value[:type] when "strict"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">' when "frameset"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">' else '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">' end end end end # Evaluates `text` in the context of the scope object, but # does not output the result. def push_silent(text, can_suppress = false) flush_merged_text return if can_suppress && @options.suppress_eval? newline = (text == "end") ? ";" : "\n" @precompiled << "#{resolve_newlines}#{text}#{newline}" @output_line += (text + newline).count("\n") end # Adds `text` to `@buffer` with appropriate tabulation # without parsing it. def push_merged_text(text, tab_change = 0, indent = true) text = !indent || @dont_indent_next_line || @options[:ugly] ? text : "#{' ' * @output_tabs}#{text}" @to_merge << [:text, text, tab_change] @dont_indent_next_line = false end # Concatenate `text` to `@buffer` without tabulation. def concat_merged_text(text) @to_merge << [:text, text, 0] end def push_text(text, tab_change = 0) push_merged_text("#{text}\n", tab_change) end def flush_merged_text return if @to_merge.empty? str = "" mtabs = 0 @to_merge.each do |type, val, tabs| case type when :text str << inspect_obj(val)[1...-1] mtabs += tabs when :script if mtabs != 0 && !@options[:ugly] val = "_hamlout.adjust_tabs(#{mtabs}); " + val end str << "\#{#{val}}" mtabs = 0 else raise SyntaxError.new("[HAML BUG] Undefined entry in Haml::Compiler@to_merge.") end end unless str.empty? @precompiled << if @options[:ugly] "_hamlout.buffer << \"#{str}\";" else "_hamlout.push_text(\"#{str}\", #{mtabs}, #{@dont_tab_up_next_text.inspect});" end end @to_merge = [] @dont_tab_up_next_text = false end # Causes `text` to be evaluated in the context of # the scope object and the result to be added to `@buffer`. # # If `opts[:preserve_script]` is true, Haml::Helpers#find_and_flatten is run on # the result before it is added to `@buffer` def push_script(text, opts = {}) return if @options.suppress_eval? args = %w[preserve_script in_tag preserve_tag escape_html nuke_inner_whitespace] args.map! {|name| opts[name.to_sym]} args << !block_given? << @options[:ugly] no_format = @options[:ugly] && !(opts[:preserve_script] || opts[:preserve_tag] || opts[:escape_html]) output_expr = "(#{text}\n)" static_method = "_hamlout.#{static_method_name(:format_script, *args)}" # Prerender tabulation unless we're in a tag push_merged_text '' unless opts[:in_tag] unless block_given? push_generated_script(no_format ? "#{text}\n" : "#{static_method}(#{output_expr});") concat_merged_text("\n") unless opts[:in_tag] || opts[:nuke_inner_whitespace] return end flush_merged_text push_silent "haml_temp = #{text}" yield push_silent('end', :can_suppress) unless @node.value[:dont_push_end] @precompiled << "_hamlout.buffer << #{no_format ? "haml_temp.to_s;" : "#{static_method}(haml_temp);"}" concat_merged_text("\n") unless opts[:in_tag] || opts[:nuke_inner_whitespace] || @options[:ugly] end def push_generated_script(text) @to_merge << [:script, resolve_newlines + text] @output_line += text.count("\n") end # This is a class method so it can be accessed from Buffer. def self.build_attributes(is_html, attr_wrapper, escape_attrs, hyphenate_data_attrs, attributes = {}) # @TODO this is an absolutely ridiculous amount of arguments. At least # some of this needs to be moved into an instance method. quote_escape = attr_wrapper == '"' ? """ : "'" other_quote_char = attr_wrapper == '"' ? "'" : '"' join_char = hyphenate_data_attrs ? '-' : '_' attributes.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) data_attributes = attributes.delete(key) data_attributes = flatten_data_attributes(data_attributes, '', join_char) data_attributes = build_data_keys(data_attributes, hyphenate_data_attrs, key) attributes = data_attributes.merge(attributes) end end result = attributes.collect do |attr, value| next if value.nil? value = filter_and_join(value, ' ') if attr == 'class' value = filter_and_join(value, '_') if attr == 'id' if value == true next " #{attr}" if is_html next " #{attr}=#{attr_wrapper}#{attr}#{attr_wrapper}" elsif value == false next end escaped = if escape_attrs == :once Haml::Helpers.escape_once(value.to_s) elsif escape_attrs Haml::Helpers.html_escape(value.to_s) else value.to_s end value = Haml::Helpers.preserve(escaped) if escape_attrs # We want to decide whether or not to escape quotes value.gsub!(/"|"/, '"') this_attr_wrapper = attr_wrapper if value.include? attr_wrapper if value.include? other_quote_char value.gsub!(attr_wrapper, quote_escape) else this_attr_wrapper = other_quote_char end end else this_attr_wrapper = attr_wrapper end " #{attr}=#{this_attr_wrapper}#{value}#{this_attr_wrapper}" end result.compact.sort.join end def self.filter_and_join(value, separator) return "" if value == "" value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) value = value.flatten.collect {|item| item ? item.to_s : nil}.compact.join(separator) return !value.empty? && value end def self.build_data_keys(data_hash, hyphenate, attr_name="data") Hash[data_hash.map do |name, value| if name == nil [attr_name, value] elsif hyphenate ["#{attr_name}-#{name.to_s.gsub(/_/, '-')}", value] else ["#{attr_name}-#{name}", value] end end] end def self.flatten_data_attributes(data, key, join_char, seen = []) return {key => data} unless data.is_a?(Hash) return {key => nil} if seen.include? data.object_id seen << data.object_id data.sort {|x, y| x[0].to_s <=> y[0].to_s}.inject({}) do |hash, array| k, v = array joined = key == '' ? k : [key, k].join(join_char) hash.merge! flatten_data_attributes(v, joined, join_char, seen) end end def prerender_tag(name, self_close, attributes) # TODO: consider just passing in the damn options here attributes_string = Compiler.build_attributes( @options.html?, @options[:attr_wrapper], @options[:escape_attrs], @options[:hyphenate_data_attrs], attributes) "<#{name}#{attributes_string}#{self_close && @options.xhtml? ? ' /' : ''}>" end def resolve_newlines diff = @node.line - @output_line return "" if diff <= 0 @output_line = @node.line "\n" * [diff, 0].max end # Get rid of and whitespace at the end of the buffer # or the merged text def rstrip_buffer!(index = -1) last = @to_merge[index] if last.nil? push_silent("_hamlout.rstrip!", false) @dont_tab_up_next_text = true return end case last.first when :text last[1].rstrip! if last[1].empty? @to_merge.slice! index rstrip_buffer! index end when :script last[1].gsub!(/\(haml_temp, (.*?)\);$/, '(haml_temp.rstrip, \1);') rstrip_buffer! index - 1 else raise SyntaxError.new("[HAML BUG] Undefined entry in Haml::Compiler@to_merge.") end end end end