Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
module Zip class CentralDirectory include Enumerable END_OF_CDS = 0x06054b50 ZIP64_END_OF_CDS = 0x06064b50 ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR = 0x07064b50 MAX_END_OF_CDS_SIZE = 65_536 + 18 STATIC_EOCD_SIZE = 22 attr_reader :comment # Returns an Enumerable containing the entries. def entries @entry_set.entries end def initialize(entries = EntrySet.new, comment = '') #:nodoc: super() @entry_set = entries.kind_of?(EntrySet) ? entries : EntrySet.new(entries) @comment = comment end def write_to_stream(io) #:nodoc: cdir_offset = io.tell @entry_set.each { |entry| entry.write_c_dir_entry(io) } eocd_offset = io.tell cdir_size = eocd_offset - cdir_offset if ::Zip.write_zip64_support need_zip64_eocd = cdir_offset > 0xFFFFFFFF || cdir_size > 0xFFFFFFFF || @entry_set.size > 0xFFFF need_zip64_eocd ||= @entry_set.any? { |entry| entry.extra['Zip64'] } if need_zip64_eocd write_64_e_o_c_d(io, cdir_offset, cdir_size) write_64_eocd_locator(io, eocd_offset) end end write_e_o_c_d(io, cdir_offset, cdir_size) end def write_e_o_c_d(io, offset, cdir_size) #:nodoc: tmp = [ END_OF_CDS, 0, # @numberOfThisDisk 0, # @numberOfDiskWithStartOfCDir @entry_set ? [@entry_set.size, 0xFFFF].min : 0, @entry_set ? [@entry_set.size, 0xFFFF].min : 0, [cdir_size, 0xFFFFFFFF].min, [offset, 0xFFFFFFFF].min, @comment ? @comment.bytesize : 0 ] io << tmp.pack('VvvvvVVv') io << @comment end private :write_e_o_c_d def write_64_e_o_c_d(io, offset, cdir_size) #:nodoc: tmp = [ ZIP64_END_OF_CDS, 44, # size of zip64 end of central directory record (excludes signature and field itself) VERSION_MADE_BY, VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_ZIP64, 0, # @numberOfThisDisk 0, # @numberOfDiskWithStartOfCDir @entry_set ? @entry_set.size : 0, # number of entries on this disk @entry_set ? @entry_set.size : 0, # number of entries total cdir_size, # size of central directory offset, # offset of start of central directory in its disk ] io << tmp.pack('VQ<vvVVQ<Q<Q<Q<') end private :write_64_e_o_c_d def write_64_eocd_locator(io, zip64_eocd_offset) tmp = [ ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR, 0, # number of disk containing the start of zip64 eocd record zip64_eocd_offset, # offset of the start of zip64 eocd record in its disk 1 # total number of disks ] io << tmp.pack('VVQ<V') end private :write_64_eocd_locator def read_64_e_o_c_d(buf) #:nodoc: buf = get_64_e_o_c_d(buf) @size_of_zip64_e_o_c_d = Entry.read_zip_64_long(buf) @version_made_by = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @version_needed_for_extract = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @number_of_this_disk = Entry.read_zip_long(buf) @number_of_disk_with_start_of_cdir = Entry.read_zip_long(buf) @total_number_of_entries_in_cdir_on_this_disk = Entry.read_zip_64_long(buf) @size = Entry.read_zip_64_long(buf) @size_in_bytes = Entry.read_zip_64_long(buf) @cdir_offset = Entry.read_zip_64_long(buf) @zip_64_extensible = buf.slice!(0, buf.bytesize) raise Error, 'Zip consistency problem while reading eocd structure' unless buf.size == 0 end def read_e_o_c_d(buf) #:nodoc: buf = get_e_o_c_d(buf) @number_of_this_disk = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @number_of_disk_with_start_of_cdir = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @total_number_of_entries_in_cdir_on_this_disk = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @size = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @size_in_bytes = Entry.read_zip_long(buf) @cdir_offset = Entry.read_zip_long(buf) comment_length = Entry.read_zip_short(buf) @comment = if comment_length.to_i <= 0 buf.slice!(0, buf.size) else buf.read(comment_length) end raise Error, 'Zip consistency problem while reading eocd structure' unless buf.size == 0 end def read_central_directory_entries(io) #:nodoc: begin io.seek(@cdir_offset, IO::SEEK_SET) rescue Errno::EINVAL raise Error, 'Zip consistency problem while reading central directory entry' end @entry_set = EntrySet.new @size.times do @entry_set << Entry.read_c_dir_entry(io) end end def read_from_stream(io) #:nodoc: buf = start_buf(io) if self.zip64_file?(buf) read_64_e_o_c_d(buf) else read_e_o_c_d(buf) end read_central_directory_entries(io) end def get_e_o_c_d(buf) #:nodoc: sig_index = buf.rindex([END_OF_CDS].pack('V')) raise Error, 'Zip end of central directory signature not found' unless sig_index buf = buf.slice!((sig_index + 4)..(buf.bytesize)) def buf.read(count) slice!(0, count) end buf end def zip64_file?(buf) buf.rindex([ZIP64_END_OF_CDS].pack('V')) && buf.rindex([ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR].pack('V')) end def start_buf(io) begin io.seek(-MAX_END_OF_CDS_SIZE, IO::SEEK_END) rescue Errno::EINVAL io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) end io.read end def get_64_e_o_c_d(buf) #:nodoc: zip_64_start = buf.rindex([ZIP64_END_OF_CDS].pack('V')) raise Error, 'Zip64 end of central directory signature not found' unless zip_64_start zip_64_locator = buf.rindex([ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR].pack('V')) raise Error, 'Zip64 end of central directory signature locator not found' unless zip_64_locator buf = buf.slice!((zip_64_start + 4)..zip_64_locator) def buf.read(count) slice!(0, count) end buf end # For iterating over the entries. def each(&proc) @entry_set.each(&proc) end # Returns the number of entries in the central directory (and # consequently in the zip archive). def size @entry_set.size end def self.read_from_stream(io) #:nodoc: cdir = new cdir.read_from_stream(io) return cdir rescue Error return nil end def ==(other) #:nodoc: return false unless other.kind_of?(CentralDirectory) @entry_set.entries.sort == other.entries.sort && comment == other.comment end end end # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Thomas Sondergaard # rubyzip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the ruby license.