Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Rules for data collection """ import json import logging import sys import six import shlex import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from constants import InsightsConstants as constants APP_NAME = constants.app_name logger = logging.getLogger(APP_NAME) class InsightsConfig(object): """ Insights configuration """ def __init__(self, config, conn): """ Load config from parent """ self.fallback_file = constants.collection_fallback_file self.remove_file = constants.collection_remove_file self.collection_rules_file = constants.collection_rules_file self.base_url = 'https://' + config.get(APP_NAME, 'base_url') self.collection_rules_url = config.get(APP_NAME, 'collection_rules_url') if self.collection_rules_url is None: self.collection_rules_url = self.base_url + '/v1/static/uploader.json' self.gpg = config.getboolean(APP_NAME, 'gpg') self.conn = conn def validate_gpg_sig(self, path, sig=None): """ Validate the collection rules """ logger.info("Verifying GPG signature of Insights configuration") if sig is None: sig = path + ".asc" command = ("/usr/bin/gpg --no-default-keyring " "--keyring " + constants.pub_gpg_path + " --verify " + sig + " " + path) if not six.PY3: command = command.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') args = shlex.split(command) logger.debug("Executing: %s", args) proc = Popen( args, shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() logger.debug("STDOUT: %s", stdout) logger.debug("STDERR: %s", stderr) logger.debug("Status: %s", proc.returncode) if proc.returncode: sys.exit("ERROR: Unable to validate GPG signature! Exiting!") else: logger.debug("GPG signature verified") return True def try_disk(self, path, gpg=True): """ Try to load json off disk """ if not os.path.isfile(path): return if not gpg or self.validate_gpg_sig(path): stream = open(path, 'r') json_stream = stream.read() if len(json_stream): try: json_config = json.loads(json_stream) return json_config except ValueError: logger.error("ERROR: Invalid JSON in %s", path) sys.exit(1) else: logger.warn("WARNING: %s was an empty file", path) return def get_collection_rules(self): """ Download the collection rules """ logger.info("Attemping to download collection rules from %s", self.collection_rules_url) req = self.conn.session.get( self.collection_rules_url, headers=({'accept': 'text/plain'})) if req.status_code == 200: logger.info("Successfully downloaded collection rules") json_response = NamedTemporaryFile() json_response.write(req.text) json_response.file.flush() else: logger.error("ERROR: Could not download dyanmic configuration") logger.error("Debug Info: \nConf status: %s", req.status_code) sys.exit(1) if self.gpg: self.get_collection_rules_gpg(json_response) self.write_collection_data(self.collection_rules_file, req.text) return json.loads(req.text) def get_collection_rules_gpg(self, collection_rules): """ Download the collection rules gpg signature """ logger.info("Attemping to download collection " "rules GPG signature from %s", self.collection_rules_url + ".asc") headers = ({'accept': 'text/plain'}) config_sig = self.conn.session.get(self.collection_rules_url + '.asc', headers=headers) if config_sig.status_code == 200: logger.info("Successfully downloaded GPG signature") sig_response = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".asc") sig_response.write(config_sig.text) sig_response.file.flush() self.validate_gpg_sig(collection_rules.name, sig_response.name) self.write_collection_data(self.collection_rules_file + ".asc", config_sig.text) else: logger.error("ERROR: Download of GPG Signature failed!") logger.error("Sig status: %s", config_sig.status_code) sys.exit(1) def write_collection_data(self, path, data): """ Write collections rules to disk """ dyn_conf_file = os.fdopen(os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, int("0600", 8)), 'w') dyn_conf_file.write(data) dyn_conf_file.close() def get_conf(self, update): """ Get the config """ rm_conf = None # Convert config object into dict if os.path.isfile(self.remove_file): from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser parsedconfig = RawConfigParser() parsedconfig.read(self.remove_file) rm_conf = {} for item, value in parsedconfig.items('remove'): rm_conf[item] = value.strip().split(',') logger.warn("WARNING: Excluding data from files") if update: dyn_conf = self.get_collection_rules() version = dyn_conf.get('version', None) if version is None: logger.error("ERROR: Could not find version in json") sys.exit(1) dyn_conf['file'] = self.collection_rules_file logger.debug("Success reading config") logger.debug(json.dumps(dyn_conf)) return dyn_conf, rm_conf for conf_file in [self.collection_rules_file, self.fallback_file]: logger.debug("trying to read conf from: " + conf_file) conf = self.try_disk(conf_file, self.gpg) if conf: version = conf.get('version', None) if version is None: logger.error("ERROR: Could not find version in json") sys.exit(1) conf['file'] = conf_file logger.debug("Success reading config") logger.debug(json.dumps(conf)) return conf, rm_conf logger.error("ERROR: Unable to download conf or read it from disk!") sys.exit(1)