Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# # Copyright (c) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ''' The main interface through which you should interact with the Strata API. ''' from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure import contextmanager from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.connectionspool import ConnectionsPool from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.proxy import Proxy from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.contextmanager import Mode from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import solutions from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import articles from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import cases from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import groups from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import comments from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import attachments from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import problems from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import entitlements from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import products from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import values from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import InstanceMaker from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import symptoms from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.brokers import search from redhat_support_lib.utils import reporthelper import redhat_support_lib.utils.confighelper as confighelper from redhat_support_lib.xml import report import redhat_support_lib.version as version import logging __author__ = 'Keith Robertson <kroberts@redhat.com>' STREAM_LOG_FORMAT = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' USER_AGENT = 'redhat-support-lib-%s' % (version.version) logger = logging.getLogger("redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.proxy") class API(object): def __init__(self, username, password, url='https://api.access.redhat.com', key_file=None, cert_file=None, proxy_url=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, ftp_host='dropbox.redhat.com', ftp_port=21, ftp_user=None, ftp_pass=None, ftp_dir="/incoming", timeout=None, userAgent=None, no_verify_ssl=False, ssl_ca=None): """ Initialize an instance of the Red Hat Support Library :param username: User name for Red Hat Customer Portal :type username: string :param password: Password for Red Hat Customer Portal :type password: string :param url: Strata REST URL (by default this is https://api.access.redhat.com) :type url: string :param key_file: SSL key location for SSL authentication (not implemented) :type key_file: string :param cert_file: SSL certificate location for SSL authentication (not implemented) :type cert_file: string :param proxy_url: URL for HTTP/HTTPS proxy server (optional) :type proxy_url: string :param proxy_user: User name for HTTP/HTTPS proxy server (optional) :type proxy_user: string :param proxy_pass: Password for HTTP/HTTPS proxy server (optional) :type proxy_pass: string :param timeout: Request timeout (optional) :type timeout: string :param userAgent: User agent to set for API communications (optional) :type userAgent: string :param no_verify_ssl: If True, don't verify server identity (optional) :type no_verify_ssl: boolean :param ssl_ca: Path to an alternative certificate authority to trust :type ssl_ca: string/filepath :returns: Strata API object """ # Make sure logger is initialized if len(logging.getLogger().handlers) == 0: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) httpdebug = False if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: httpdebug = True self._ua = None if userAgent: ua = {'User-Agent': userAgent} else: ua = {'User-Agent': USER_AGENT} config = confighelper.get_config_helper() config.username = username config.password = password config.url = url config.key_file = key_file config.cert_file = cert_file config.proxy_url = proxy_url config.proxy_user = proxy_user config.proxy_pass = proxy_pass config.ftp_host = ftp_host config.ftp_port = ftp_port config.ftp_user = ftp_user config.ftp_pass = ftp_pass config.ftp_dir = ftp_dir config.timeout = timeout config.userAgent = ua config.http_debug = httpdebug config.no_verify_ssl = no_verify_ssl config.ssl_ca = ssl_ca contextmanager.add('proxy', Proxy(ConnectionsPool(url=config.url, key_file=config.key_file, cert_file=config.cert_file, timeout=config.timeout, username=config.username, password=config.password, proxy_url=config.proxy_url, proxy_user=config.proxy_user, proxy_pass=config.proxy_pass, debug=config.http_debug, noverify=config.no_verify_ssl, ssl_ca=config.ssl_ca), config.userAgent), Mode.R) # Initialize the container classes. self.solutions = solutions() self.articles = articles() self.cases = cases() self.groups = groups() self.comments = comments() self.attachments = attachments() self.problems = problems() self.entitlements = entitlements() self.products = products() self.symptoms = symptoms() self.values = values() self.search = search() self.im = InstanceMaker() def disconnect(self): ''' terminates server connection/s ''' contextmanager._remove('proxy', force=True) @classmethod def make_report(cls, path, custom=None, max_file_size=reporthelper.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES, report_dir=None): ''' A Report file is made from a path which can either be a single file or a directory. The name and content params allow for customer name/value entry into xml. Typical use is to only use the path name. :param path: the file or folder from which a report should be made :type path: string :param custom: A dictionary of bindings. Key will be name and value will binding's value. :type custom: dict :param max_file_size: The max size (in bytes) of a file which should be included in content.xml. :type max_file_size: int :param report_dir: Path to save the generated report to, a subdirectory will be created by :func:`tempfile.mkdtemp`. This value will be /tmp by default. :type report_dir: string Example: .. code-block:: python api.make_report("/var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2013-03-15-15:26:39-2202") :returns: The path to an XML file or a TGZ depending on the size of 'path' :rtype: string''' return reporthelper.make_report(path, custom, max_file_size, report_dir) @classmethod def process_report_file(cls, path): ''' A utility function which returns a redhat_support_lib.xml.report object given a report file's content.xml. The report object can then be inspected to see what was in the content.xml. :param path: A path to a report file's content.xml :type path: string :returns: A redhat_support_lib.xml.report object ''' return report.parse(path, False)