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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement from tornado import gen from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.stack_context import (StackContext, wrap, NullContext, StackContextInconsistentError, ExceptionStackContext, run_with_stack_context, _state) from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase, AsyncTestCase, ExpectLog, gen_test from tornado.test.util import unittest from tornado.web import asynchronous, Application, RequestHandler import contextlib import functools import logging class TestRequestHandler(RequestHandler): def __init__(self, app, request, io_loop): super(TestRequestHandler, self).__init__(app, request) self.io_loop = io_loop @asynchronous def get(self): logging.debug('in get()') # call self.part2 without a self.async_callback wrapper. Its # exception should still get thrown self.io_loop.add_callback(self.part2) def part2(self): logging.debug('in part2()') # Go through a third layer to make sure that contexts once restored # are again passed on to future callbacks self.io_loop.add_callback(self.part3) def part3(self): logging.debug('in part3()') raise Exception('test exception') def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): if 'exc_info' in kwargs and str(kwargs['exc_info'][1]) == 'test exception': self.write('got expected exception') else: self.write('unexpected failure') class HTTPStackContextTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase): def get_app(self): return Application([('/', TestRequestHandler, dict(io_loop=self.io_loop))]) def test_stack_context(self): with ExpectLog(app_log, "Uncaught exception GET /"): self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url('/'), self.handle_response) self.wait() self.assertEqual(self.response.code, 500) self.assertTrue(b'got expected exception' in self.response.body) def handle_response(self, response): self.response = response self.stop() class StackContextTest(AsyncTestCase): def setUp(self): super(StackContextTest, self).setUp() self.active_contexts = [] @contextlib.contextmanager def context(self, name): self.active_contexts.append(name) yield self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts.pop(), name) # Simulates the effect of an asynchronous library that uses its own # StackContext internally and then returns control to the application. def test_exit_library_context(self): def library_function(callback): # capture the caller's context before introducing our own callback = wrap(callback) with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'library')): self.io_loop.add_callback( functools.partial(library_inner_callback, callback)) def library_inner_callback(callback): self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts[-2:], ['application', 'library']) callback() def final_callback(): # implementation detail: the full context stack at this point # is ['application', 'library', 'application']. The 'library' # context was not removed, but is no longer innermost so # the application context takes precedence. self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts[-1], 'application') self.stop() with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'application')): library_function(final_callback) self.wait() def test_deactivate(self): deactivate_callbacks = [] def f1(): with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c1')) as c1: deactivate_callbacks.append(c1) self.io_loop.add_callback(f2) def f2(): with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c2')) as c2: deactivate_callbacks.append(c2) self.io_loop.add_callback(f3) def f3(): with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c3')) as c3: deactivate_callbacks.append(c3) self.io_loop.add_callback(f4) def f4(): self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1', 'c2', 'c3']) deactivate_callbacks[1]() # deactivating a context doesn't remove it immediately, # but it will be missing from the next iteration self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1', 'c2', 'c3']) self.io_loop.add_callback(f5) def f5(): self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1', 'c3']) self.stop() self.io_loop.add_callback(f1) self.wait() def test_deactivate_order(self): # Stack context deactivation has separate logic for deactivation at # the head and tail of the stack, so make sure it works in any order. def check_contexts(): # Make sure that the full-context array and the exception-context # linked lists are consistent with each other. full_contexts, chain = _state.contexts exception_contexts = [] while chain is not None: exception_contexts.append(chain) chain = chain.old_contexts[1] self.assertEqual(list(reversed(full_contexts)), exception_contexts) return list(self.active_contexts) def make_wrapped_function(): """Wraps a function in three stack contexts, and returns the function along with the deactivation functions. """ # Remove the test's stack context to make sure we can cover # the case where the last context is deactivated. with NullContext(): partial = functools.partial with StackContext(partial(self.context, 'c0')) as c0: with StackContext(partial(self.context, 'c1')) as c1: with StackContext(partial(self.context, 'c2')) as c2: return (wrap(check_contexts), [c0, c1, c2]) # First make sure the test mechanism works without any deactivations func, deactivate_callbacks = make_wrapped_function() self.assertEqual(func(), ['c0', 'c1', 'c2']) # Deactivate the tail func, deactivate_callbacks = make_wrapped_function() deactivate_callbacks[0]() self.assertEqual(func(), ['c1', 'c2']) # Deactivate the middle func, deactivate_callbacks = make_wrapped_function() deactivate_callbacks[1]() self.assertEqual(func(), ['c0', 'c2']) # Deactivate the head func, deactivate_callbacks = make_wrapped_function() deactivate_callbacks[2]() self.assertEqual(func(), ['c0', 'c1']) def test_isolation_nonempty(self): # f2 and f3 are a chain of operations started in context c1. # f2 is incidentally run under context c2, but that context should # not be passed along to f3. def f1(): with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c1')): wrapped = wrap(f2) with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c2')): wrapped() def f2(): self.assertIn('c1', self.active_contexts) self.io_loop.add_callback(f3) def f3(): self.assertIn('c1', self.active_contexts) self.assertNotIn('c2', self.active_contexts) self.stop() self.io_loop.add_callback(f1) self.wait() def test_isolation_empty(self): # Similar to test_isolation_nonempty, but here the f2/f3 chain # is started without any context. Behavior should be equivalent # to the nonempty case (although historically it was not) def f1(): with NullContext(): wrapped = wrap(f2) with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c2')): wrapped() def f2(): self.io_loop.add_callback(f3) def f3(): self.assertNotIn('c2', self.active_contexts) self.stop() self.io_loop.add_callback(f1) self.wait() def test_yield_in_with(self): @gen.engine def f(): self.callback = yield gen.Callback('a') with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c1')): # This yield is a problem: the generator will be suspended # and the StackContext's __exit__ is not called yet, so # the context will be left on _state.contexts for anything # that runs before the yield resolves. yield gen.Wait('a') with self.assertRaises(StackContextInconsistentError): f() self.wait() # Cleanup: to avoid GC warnings (which for some reason only seem # to show up on py33-asyncio), invoke the callback (which will do # nothing since the gen.Runner is already finished) and delete it. self.callback() del self.callback @gen_test def test_yield_outside_with(self): # This pattern avoids the problem in the previous test. cb = yield gen.Callback('k1') with StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c1')): self.io_loop.add_callback(cb) yield gen.Wait('k1') def test_yield_in_with_exception_stack_context(self): # As above, but with ExceptionStackContext instead of StackContext. @gen.engine def f(): with ExceptionStackContext(lambda t, v, tb: False): yield gen.Task(self.io_loop.add_callback) with self.assertRaises(StackContextInconsistentError): f() self.wait() @gen_test def test_yield_outside_with_exception_stack_context(self): cb = yield gen.Callback('k1') with ExceptionStackContext(lambda t, v, tb: False): self.io_loop.add_callback(cb) yield gen.Wait('k1') @gen_test def test_run_with_stack_context(self): @gen.coroutine def f1(): self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1']) yield run_with_stack_context( StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c2')), f2) self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1']) @gen.coroutine def f2(): self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1', 'c2']) yield gen.Task(self.io_loop.add_callback) self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, ['c1', 'c2']) self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, []) yield run_with_stack_context( StackContext(functools.partial(self.context, 'c1')), f1) self.assertEqual(self.active_contexts, []) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()