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#._cv_part guppy.heapy.AbstractAlgebra class AA: def __mul__(self, other): return BOAPP('op', self, other) def __add__(self, other): return BOAPP('op2', self, other) def __eq__(self, other): return BOAPP('eq', self, other) class ANAME(AA): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def __str__(self): return self.name class BOAPP(AA): def __init__(self, funcname, *args): self.funcname = funcname self.args = args def __str__(self): return '%s(%s)'%(self.funcname, ','.join([str(x) for x in self.args])) class AlgebraicStructure: def __init__(self, mod, range, *ops, **kwds): self.mod = mod self.range = range self.ops = [] for i, op in enumerate(ops): if hasattr(op, 'range') and op.range == range: pass elif callable(op) or op in mod.LE.binary_operation_name: opkwds = {} if 'identity' in kwds: opkwds['identity'] = kwds['identity'] op = mod.binary_operation.new(range, op, **opkwds) else: raise TypeError, '%s is not a valid operation'%op self.ops.append(op) setattr(self, 'op%d'%i, op) self.numops = len(self.ops) for k, v in kwds.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def eq(self, x, y, *more): if not x == y: return False for m in more: if not y == m: return False return True class BinaryOperation: def __init__(self, range, op, identity=None, invert=None, zeros=None, zero=None, complement=None): self.range = range self.arity = 2 if isinstance(op, str): opname = op func = eval('lambda x,y: x %s y'%opname) elif callable(op): func = op opname = str(func) self.opname = opname self.__call__ = func if identity is not None: self.identity = identity if invert is not None: self.invert = invert if zeros is not None: self.zeros = zeros if zero is not None: self.zero = zero if complement is not None: self.complement = complement # mimic alg. st. self.op0 = self def eq(self, x, y, *more): if not x == y: return False for m in more: if not y == m: return False return True class BinaryAlgebraicStructureFamily: def __call__(self, names, cond): di = {} for name in names: di[name] = ANAME(name) c = eval(cond, di) assert isinstance(c, AA) def gentestfunc(binop): d = {'op':binop} expr = 'lambda %s:%s'%(','.join(names), c) d = {'op':binop, 'eq': lambda x,y: x==y} f = eval (expr, d) def testfunc(env, x, y): if not f(x, y): return env.failed('not %s in %s'%((x, y), expr)) return True return testfunc return self.Set(self, (gentestfunc, cond)) def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env): f, name = a.arg return env.forall_pairs(b.range, f(b), 'not in %s'%name) class TernaryAlgebraicStructureFamily: def __call__(self, names, cond): di = {} for name in names: di[name] = ANAME(name) c = eval(cond, di) assert isinstance(c, AA) def gentestfunc(binop): d = {'op':binop} expr = 'lambda %s:%s'%(','.join(names), c) d = {'op':binop, 'eq': lambda x,y: x==y} f = eval (expr, d) def testfunc(env, x, y, z): if not f(x, y, z): return env.failed('not %s in %s'%((x, y, z), expr)) return True return testfunc return self.Set(self, (gentestfunc, cond)) def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env): f, name = a.arg return env.forall_triples(b.range, f(b), 'not in %s'%name) class DistributiveAlgebraicStructureFamily: def __call__(self, names, cond): di = {} for name in names: di[name] = ANAME(name) c = eval(cond, di) assert isinstance(c, AA) def gentestfunc(binop1, binop2): d = {'op':binop1, 'op2': binop2} expr = 'lambda %s:%s'%(','.join(names), c) d = {'op':binop1, 'op2':binop2, 'eq': lambda x,y: x==y} f = eval (expr, d) def testfunc(env, x, y, z): if not f(x, y, z): return env.failed('not %s in %s'%((x, y, z), expr)) return True return testfunc return self.Set(self, (gentestfunc, cond)) def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env): f, name = a.arg op1, op2 = b if isinstance(op1, tuple): op1 = self.specmod.AA.binary_operation.new(*op1) if isinstance(op2, tuple): op2 = self.specmod.AA.binary_operation.new(*op2) if not op1.range == op2.range: return env.failed('Not the same range') return env.forall_triples(op1.range, f(op1, op2), 'not in %s'%name) class _GLUECLAMP_: def _get_abelian_group(self): return self.Spec.adaptuple( self.group.new, self.group & self.Spec.attr('op0', self.commutative)) def _get_associative(self): return self.asuf('xyz', 'x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z') def algestruct(self, S, *args, **kwds): S = self.Spec.setcast(S) return AlgebraicStructure(self, S, *args, **kwds) def asuf(self, names, cond): if len(names) == 2: x = self.BinaryAlgebraicStructure(names, cond) elif len(names) == 3: x = self.TernaryAlgebraicStructure(names, cond) else: raise ValueError return self.Spec.adaptuple(self.binary_operation.new, x) def _get_binary_operation(self): def binop(S, func, **kwds): S = self.Spec.setcast(S) if isinstance(func, BinaryOperation) and func.range == S and not kwds: return func return BinaryOperation(S, func, **kwds) e = self.Spec return e.adaptuple( binop, e.expset("""( attr('range', set) & attr('arity', equals(2)) & expset('''mapping(range, range, '->', range)''', 'range') )""")) def _get_binary_relation(self): return self.relation def _get_BinaryAlgebraicStructure(self): return self.family(BinaryAlgebraicStructureFamily) def _get_boolean_algebra(self): def boolalg(set, op0, op1, complement, id0, id1): if complement in ('~', '-', 'not'): complement = eval('lambda x: %s x'%complement) return self.algestruct( set, self.binary_operation.new(set, op0, identity = id0, zero = id1, complement=complement), self.binary_operation.new(set, op1, identity = id1, zero = id0, complement=complement) ) e = self.Spec return (e.adaptuple( boolalg, e.attr('op0', e.AA.commutative & e.AA.complemented & e.AA.monoid) & e.attr('op1', e.AA.commutative & e.AA.complemented & e.AA.monoid) & e.attr(('op0', 'op1'), e.AA.distributive) & e.attr(('op1', 'op0'), e.AA.distributive) & e.attr(('op0.zero', 'op1.identity'), e.LE.eq) & e.attr(('op1.zero', 'op0.identity'), e.LE.eq) )) def _get_complemented(self): # Not a standard term: expresses for an op op, that # x op x' = op.zero where x' = op.complement def p(env, x): op = x.op0 zero = op.zero f = op complement = f.complement return env.forall(x.range, lambda env, y: x.eq(f(y, complement(y)), zero), 'complemented') return self.Spec.predicate(p, 'complemented') def _get_commutative(self): return self.asuf('xy', 'x * y == y * x') def _get_DistributiveAlgebraicStructure(self): return self.family(DistributiveAlgebraicStructureFamily) def _get_distributive(self): return self.distributive_1 & self.distributive_2 def _get_distributive_1(self): return self.DistributiveAlgebraicStructure( 'xyz', 'x * (y + z) == (x * y) + (x * z)') def _get_distributive_2(self): return self.DistributiveAlgebraicStructure( 'xyz', '(x + y) * z == (x * z) + (y * z)') def _get_field(self): e = self.Spec AA = self class Field: def __init__(self, S, add, mul, neg, invert, zero, one): if neg in ('-','~','not'): neg = eval('lambda x: %s x'%neg) self.range = S self.ring = AA.ring.new(S, add, mul, neg, zero) self.mulgroup = AA.group.new(S - e.equals(zero), mul, invert, one) return e.adaptuple( Field, e.attr('ring', e.AA.ring) & e.attr('mulgroup', e.AA.abelian_group)) def _get_group(self): def mkgroup(S, op, invert, identity): if invert in ('-', '~', 'not'): invert = eval('lambda x: %s x'%invert) return self.algestruct(S, op, identity=identity, invert=invert) def p(env, g): try: inv = g.invert except AttributeError: env.failed("no invert function") f = g.op0 return env.forall(g.range, lambda env, x: g.eq(f(inv(x), x), f(x, inv(x)), g.identity)) e = self.Spec return e.adaptuple( mkgroup, self.monoid & self.Spec.predicate(p, 'group')) def _get_latticeform(self): # latticeform is a representation category class RelationSpec: def _get_spec_quadruple(self, e): binop = (e.boolean << (e.PyObject, e.PyObject) | e.AA.LE.binary_operation_name) return e.cprod( e.LE.setcastable, e.relation.fuop, binop, binop) def _get_spec_struct(self, e): return (attr('range', e.set), attr('LE'), attr('GLB'), attr('LUB') ) def map_quadruple_to_struct(self, e, (S, LE, GLB, LUB)): S = e.setcast(S) LE = e.relation.paxa.fromuniversal((e.relation.defipair, (S, LE))) GLB = e.AA.binary_operation.new(S, GLB) LUB = e.AA.binary_operation.new(S, LUB) class C: pass c = C() c.range = S c.LE = LE c.GLB = GLB c.LUB = LUB return c return self.Spec.repcat(RelationSpec) def _get_lattice(self): e = self.Spec def p(env, lat): def test(R, op, name): def testlb(env, x, y): lb = op(x, y) if not (R(lb, x) and R(lb, y)): return env.failed('not an %s'%name) if R(x, lb) or R(y, lb): return True # redundant fast way out return env.forall(lat.range, lambda env, lb2: (not (R(lb2, x) and R(lb2, y)) or R(lb2, lb))) return env.forall_pairs(lat.range, testlb) return (test( lambda x, y: env.contains(lat.LE, (x, y)), lat.GLB, 'lower bound') and test( lambda x, y: env.contains(lat.LE, (y, x)), lat.LUB, 'upper bound')) return ( e.abstractset( self.latticeform.struct.fromuniversal, e.attr('range') & e.attr('LE', e.AA.partial_order.paxa) & e.attr('GLB', e.AA.binary_operation) & e.attr('LUB', e.AA.binary_operation) & e.predicate(p, 'lattice') ) ) def _get_LE(self): return self.Spec.LocalEnv(self.Spec, self._Specification_.LocalEnvExpr) def _get_monoid(self): def p(env, x): op = x.op0 e = op.identity f = op return env.forall(x.range, lambda env, y: x.eq(f(e, y), f(y, e), y)) def mkmonoid(S, op, identity): return self.algestruct(S, op, identity=identity) e = self.Spec return e.adaptuple( mkmonoid, e.attr('op0', self.associative) & e.predicate(p, 'monoid')) def _get_ring(self): def mkring(S, add, mul, neg, zero): if neg in ('-','~','not'): neg = eval('lambda x: %s x'%neg) return self.algestruct( S, self.binary_operation.new(S, add, identity=zero, invert=neg), self.binary_operation.new(S, mul)) e = self.Spec return (e.adaptuple( mkring, (e.attr('op0', e.AA.abelian_group) & e.attr('op1', e.AA.semigroup) & e.attr(('op1', 'op0'), e.AA.distributive) ))) def _get_semigroup(self): return self.Spec.adaptuple(self.binary_operation.new, self.Spec.attr('op0', self.associative)) def _get_Spec(self): return self._parent.Spec def _get_TernaryAlgebraicStructure(self): return self.family(TernaryAlgebraicStructureFamily) def family(self, F): class C(F, self.Spec.SpecFamily): def __init__(innerself, *args, **kwds): self.Spec.SpecFamily.__init__(innerself, *args, **kwds) try: ini = F.__init__ except AttributeError: pass else: ini(innerself, *args, **kwds) C.__name__ = F.__name__ return self.Spec.family(C) # # 2. Relations and their properties # def relpropred(self, s, name): return self.relprop(self.Spec.predicate(s, name)) def _get_antisymmetric(self): # Assumes implicitly equality relation via '==' operation. # Could be generalized, see notes Jan 19 2005 return self.relpropred( lambda env, R: env.forall_pairs( R.range, lambda env, x, y: (not (env.contains(R, (x, y)) and env.contains(R, (y, x))) or x == y)), "antisymmetric wrt '==' op") def _get_equivalence_relation(self): return ( self.reflexive & self.symmetric & self.transitive) def _get_irreflexive(self): return self.relpropred( lambda env, R: env.forall(R.range, lambda env, x: env.test_contains_not(R, (x, x), 'irrreflexive')), 'reflexive') def _get_partial_order(self): return ( self.reflexive & self.antisymmetric & self.transitive) def _get_total_order(self): return ( self.partial_order & self.total_relation) def _get_total_relation(self): # Nonstandard name (?) return self.relpropred( lambda env, R: env.forall_pairs( R.range, lambda env, x, y: (env.contains(R, (x, y)) or env.contains(R, (y, x)))), "total_relation: xRy or yRx for all x,y in A") def _get_reflexive(self): return self.relpropred( lambda env, R: env.forall( R.range, lambda env, x: env.test_contains(R, (x, x), 'reflexive')), 'reflexive') def _get_symmetric(self): return self.relpropred( lambda env, R: env.forall( R, lambda env, (x, y): env.test_contains(R, (y, x), 'symmetric')), 'symmetric') def _get_transitive(self): return self.relpropred( lambda env, R: env.forall( R, lambda env, (x, y): env.forall(R.range, lambda env, z: (not env.contains(R, (y, z)) or env.test_contains(R, (x, z), 'transitive')))), 'transitive') def relprop(self, s): e = self.Spec return e.abstractset( e.relation.paxa.fromuniversal, s) return e.adaptuple( self.relation.new, e.attr(('domain', 'range'), e.LE.eq) & s) class _Specification_: """ Specification of some general algebraic structures """ def GetExamples(self, te, obj): AA = obj LE = AA.LE env = te.mod S3 = [ [0,1,2,3,4,5], [1,0,4,5,2,3], [2,5,0,4,3,1], [3,4,5,0,1,2], [4,3,1,2,5,0], [5,2,3,1,0,4]] Type = env.Type asexs = [ # Too slow now with many examples, cubic complexity for associative etc. # sets are tested more extensively elsewhere #(env.set, env.set, env.empty, ~env.empty, env.equals(0), env.equals(0, 1), env.equals(1)), (env.set, env.set, env.empty), (env.Type.Int, -1, 0, 1), #(env.Type.Float, -2.5,-1.0, 0.0, 1.3, 2.0), #(env.Type.Float, -2.0,-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0), (env.Type.Float, -1.0, 0.0), (env.Type.String, '', '1234%^', 'asdf*&('), (LE.algebraic_class,AA.binary_operation), (AA.binary_operation, (int, '*')), (~AA.binary_operation, (env.equals(1), '+')), (AA.commutative, (int, '*')), (~AA.commutative, (int, '-')), (AA.associative, (int, '*')), (~AA.associative, (int, '-')), (AA.distributive, ((int, '*'), (int, '-'))), (AA.distributive_1, ((int, '*'), (int, '-'))), (AA.distributive_2, ((int, '*'), (int, '-'))), (~AA.distributive, ((int, '*'), (int, '|'))), (~AA.distributive_1,((int, '*'), (int, '|'))), (~AA.distributive_2,((int, '*'), (int, '|'))), (AA.semigroup, (int, '*')), (AA.semigroup, (str, '+')), (~AA.semigroup, (int, '-')), (AA.monoid, (int, '*', 1)), (AA.monoid, (str, '+', '')), (~AA.monoid, (int, '*', 0)), (AA.group, (int, '+', '-', 0)), (~AA.group, (int, '*', '-', 1)), (AA.abelian_group, (int, '+', '-', 0)), (AA.group & ~AA.abelian_group, ( env.equals(0,1,2,3,4,5), lambda x,y : S3[x][y], lambda x:[0,1,2,3,5,4][x], 0)), (AA.ring, (int, '+', '*', '-', 0)), (~AA.ring, (str, '+', '*', '-', 0), (int, '*', '*', '-', 0), (int, '+', '+', '-', 0), (int, '+', '*', '~', 0), (int, '+', '*', '-', 1)), (AA.field, (float, '+', '*', '-', lambda x:1.0/x, 0.0, 1.0)), (~AA.field, (float, '+', '*', '-', lambda x:2.0/x, 0.0, 1.0)), (AA.boolean_algebra,(env.equals(False, True), 'or', 'and', 'not', False, True), (int, '|', '&', '~', 0, ~0), (env.set, '|', '&', '~', env.empty, ~env.empty) ), (~AA.boolean_algebra, # Mutate each argument.. (env.equals(True, True), 'or', 'or', 'not', False, True), (env.equals(False, True), 'and', 'and', 'not', False, True), (env.equals(False, True), 'or', 'or', 'not', False, True), (env.equals(False, True), 'or', 'and', '~', False, True), (env.equals(False, True), 'or', 'and', 'not', True, True), (env.equals(False, True), 'or', 'and', 'not', False, False), ) ] ex = [] for a in asexs: name = a[0] exs = list(a[1:]) if isinstance(name, str): x = env names = name.split('.') for name in names: x = getattr(x, name) else: x = name ex.append((x, exs)) return ex class LocalEnvExpr: exec("""\ if 1: binary_operation_name <is> equals( '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '|', '&', '**', '<<', '>>') algebraic_class <is> (setof(Type.Tuple) & attr('new', callable)) relation_class <is> (setof( setof(any*any) | Type.Tuple)) relational_operator_name <is> equals( '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '!=', 'in', 'not in', 'is', 'is not') """.replace('<is>', ' = lambda IS: ')) class GlueTypeExpr: exec(""" if 1: abelian_group <in> setof(AA.group) associative <in> setof(AA.binary_operation) binary_operation <in> doc(''' A \emp{binary operation} $*$ on a set $S$ is a function $*: S \cross S \mapsto S$. The element in $S$ assigned to $(x, y)$ is denoted $x*y$. \citemh(p.21) ''') & LE.algebraic_class boolean_algebra <in> LE.algebraic_class commutative <in> LE.algebraic_class distributive <in> setof(cprod(AA.binary_operation, AA.binary_operation)) distributive_1 <in> setof(cprod(AA.binary_operation, AA.binary_operation)) distributive_2 <in> setof(cprod(AA.binary_operation, AA.binary_operation)) field <in> LE.algebraic_class group <in> (LE.algebraic_class & doc(''' ''' )) monoid <in> LE.algebraic_class ring <in> (LE.algebraic_class, attr('new', argnames('S', 'add', 'mul', 'neg', 'zero'))) semigroup <in> LE.algebraic_class """.replace('<in>', '= lambda IN:')) # Relations and functions def GetExamples(self, te, obj): AA = obj LE = AA.LE e = te.mod S = e.iso(0, 1, 2) def subsetof(x, y): # Subset relation treating ints as bitsets return x & y == x def D(S, op): return (e.relation.defipair, (S, op)) def L(*args): return (AA.latticeform.quadruple, args) asexs = [ (e.PyObject, 0), # why not ()? #(AA.relation, D(S, '==')), (AA.reflexive, D(S, '==')), #(AA.reflexive, AA.relation.new(S, '<=')), (~AA.reflexive, D(S, '<')), (AA.symmetric, D(S, '==')), (~AA.symmetric, D(S, '<=')), (AA.transitive, D(S, '<')), (~AA.transitive, D(S, '!=')), (AA.irreflexive, D(S, '<')), (~AA.irreflexive, D(S, '<=')), (AA.antisymmetric, D(S, '<=')), (~AA.antisymmetric, D(S, '!=')), (AA.total_relation, D(S, '<=')), (~AA.total_relation, D(S, '!=')), (AA.equivalence_relation, D(S, '==')), (~AA.equivalence_relation, D(S, '<=')), (AA.partial_order, D(S, subsetof)), (~AA.partial_order, D(S, '<')), (AA.total_order, D(S, '<=')), (~AA.total_order, D(S, subsetof)), (e.Type.Int, 0, 1, 2, 3), (AA.lattice, L(int, '<=', min, max)), (~AA.lattice, L(int, '<=', '&', max)), (~AA.lattice, L(int, '<=', min, '|')), (AA.lattice, L(int, lambda x, y: x & y == x, '&', '|')), (~AA.lattice, L(int, lambda x, y: x & y == x, min, '|')), (~AA.lattice, L(int, lambda x, y: x & y == x, '&', max)), (AA.lattice.quadruple, (int, '<=', min, max)), ] return asexs class GlueTypeExpr: exec("""\ if 1: reflexive <in> doc('x R x for every x in A', AA.LE.relation_class) symmetric <in> doc('x R y implies y R x, for all x, y in A', AA.LE.relation_class) transitive <in> doc('x R y, y R z implies x R z, for all x, y, z in A', AA.LE.relation_class) irreflexive <in> doc('not (x R y), for all x in A', AA.LE.relation_class) antisymmetric <in> doc('x R y, y R x implies x == y, for all x, y in A', AA.LE.relation_class) total_relation <in> doc('x R y or y R x, for all x, y in A', AA.LE.relation_class) equivalence_relation<in> doc('Reflexive, symmetric and transitive', AA.LE.relation_class) partial_order <in> doc('Reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive', AA.LE.relation_class) total_order <in> doc('Partial order and x R y or y R x, for all x, y in A', AA.LE.relation_class) lattice <in> attr('quadruple', doc('''\ Tuples (S, R, V, A), where: S: set or convertible to set, i.e. 'setcastable' R: relation operator on S V: binary operator on S A: binary operator on S R, V and A are either operator symbols or functions. (S, R) forms a partial order such that every pair x, y of elements in S have a greatest lower bound GLB and a least upper bound LUB. The GLB is given by V(x, y) or x V y depending on if V is a function or operator symbol. Likewise, ULB is given by A(x, y) or x A y. For example, these are lattice specifications: (int, '<=', min, max) (int, lambda x, y: x & y == x, '&', '|') ''', setof(tupleform( ('S', 'R', 'V', 'A'), attr('S', SPLE.setcastable) & expset('''\ attr('R', AA.LE.relational_operator_name | boolean<<(S, S)) & attr('V', AA.LE.binary_operation_name | setcast(S)<<(S, S)) & attr('A', AA.LE.binary_operation_name | setcast(S)<<(S, S)) ''', 'S') )))) """.replace('<in>', '=lambda IN:')) from guppy.heapy.test import support import sys, unittest class TestCase(support.TestCase): pass class FirstCase(TestCase): def test_1(self): Spec = self.heapy.Spec TestEnv = Spec.mkTestEnv(_Specification_) #print SpecSpec.getstr(1000) TestEnv.test(self.guppy.heapy.AbstractAlgebra) support.run_unittest(FirstCase, 1)