Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
from __future__ import division import math import os import sys import matplotlib from matplotlib import verbose from matplotlib.cbook import is_string_like, onetrue from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, GraphicsContextBase, \ FigureManagerBase, FigureCanvasBase, NavigationToolbar2, cursors from matplotlib.backend_bases import ShowBase from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.mathtext import MathTextParser from matplotlib.widgets import SubplotTool try: import qt except ImportError: raise ImportError("Qt backend requires pyqt to be installed.") backend_version = "0.9.1" def fn_name(): return sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name DEBUG = False cursord = { cursors.MOVE : qt.Qt.PointingHandCursor, cursors.HAND : qt.Qt.WaitCursor, cursors.POINTER : qt.Qt.ArrowCursor, cursors.SELECT_REGION : qt.Qt.CrossCursor, } def draw_if_interactive(): """ Is called after every pylab drawing command """ if matplotlib.is_interactive(): figManager = Gcf.get_active() if figManager != None: figManager.canvas.draw() def _create_qApp(): """ Only one qApp can exist at a time, so check before creating one """ if qt.QApplication.startingUp(): if DEBUG: print "Starting up QApplication" global qApp qApp = qt.QApplication( [" "] ) qt.QObject.connect( qApp, qt.SIGNAL( "lastWindowClosed()" ), qApp, qt.SLOT( "quit()" ) ) #remember that matplotlib created the qApp - will be used by show() _create_qApp.qAppCreatedHere = True _create_qApp.qAppCreatedHere = False class Show(ShowBase): def mainloop(self): if _create_qApp.qAppCreatedHere: qt.qApp.exec_loop() show = Show() def new_figure_manager( num, *args, **kwargs ): """ Create a new figure manager instance """ FigureClass = kwargs.pop('FigureClass', Figure) thisFig = FigureClass( *args, **kwargs ) canvas = FigureCanvasQT( thisFig ) manager = FigureManagerQT( canvas, num ) return manager class FigureCanvasQT( qt.QWidget, FigureCanvasBase ): keyvald = { qt.Qt.Key_Control : 'control', qt.Qt.Key_Shift : 'shift', qt.Qt.Key_Alt : 'alt', } # left 1, middle 2, right 3 buttond = {1:1, 2:3, 4:2} def __init__( self, figure ): if DEBUG: print 'FigureCanvasQt: ', figure _create_qApp() qt.QWidget.__init__( self, None, "QWidget figure" ) FigureCanvasBase.__init__( self, figure ) self.figure = figure self.setMouseTracking( True ) w,h = self.get_width_height() self.resize( w, h ) def enterEvent(self, event): FigureCanvasBase.enter_notify_event(self, event) def leaveEvent(self, event): FigureCanvasBase.leave_notify_event(self, event) def mousePressEvent( self, event ): x = event.pos().x() # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.figure.bbox.height - event.pos().y() button = self.buttond[event.button()] FigureCanvasBase.button_press_event( self, x, y, button ) if DEBUG: print 'button pressed:', event.button() def mouseMoveEvent( self, event ): x = event.x() # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.figure.bbox.height - event.y() FigureCanvasBase.motion_notify_event( self, x, y ) if DEBUG: print 'mouse move' def mouseReleaseEvent( self, event ): x = event.x() # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.figure.bbox.height - event.y() button = self.buttond[event.button()] FigureCanvasBase.button_release_event( self, x, y, button ) if DEBUG: print 'button released' def keyPressEvent( self, event ): key = self._get_key( event ) FigureCanvasBase.key_press_event( self, key ) if DEBUG: print 'key press', key def keyReleaseEvent( self, event ): key = self._get_key(event) FigureCanvasBase.key_release_event( self, key ) if DEBUG: print 'key release', key def resizeEvent( self, event ): if DEBUG: print 'resize (%d x %d)' % (event.size().width(), event.size().height()) qt.QWidget.resizeEvent( self, event ) w = event.size().width() h = event.size().height() if DEBUG: print "FigureCanvasQt.resizeEvent(", w, ",", h, ")" dpival = self.figure.dpi winch = w/dpival hinch = h/dpival self.figure.set_size_inches( winch, hinch ) self.draw() def resize( self, w, h ): # Pass through to Qt to resize the widget. qt.QWidget.resize( self, w, h ) # Resize the figure by converting pixels to inches. pixelPerInch = self.figure.dpi wInch = w / pixelPerInch hInch = h / pixelPerInch self.figure.set_size_inches( wInch, hInch ) # Redraw everything. self.draw() def sizeHint( self ): w, h = self.get_width_height() return qt.QSize( w, h ) def minumumSizeHint( self ): return qt.QSize( 10, 10 ) def _get_key( self, event ): if event.key() < 256: key = event.text().latin1() elif event.key() in self.keyvald: key = self.keyvald[ event.key() ] else: key = None return key def flush_events(self): qt.qApp.processEvents() def start_event_loop(self,timeout): FigureCanvasBase.start_event_loop_default(self,timeout) start_event_loop.__doc__=FigureCanvasBase.start_event_loop_default.__doc__ def stop_event_loop(self): FigureCanvasBase.stop_event_loop_default(self) stop_event_loop.__doc__=FigureCanvasBase.stop_event_loop_default.__doc__ class FigureManagerQT( FigureManagerBase ): """ Public attributes canvas : The FigureCanvas instance num : The Figure number toolbar : The qt.QToolBar window : The qt.QMainWindow """ def __init__( self, canvas, num ): if DEBUG: print 'FigureManagerQT.%s' % fn_name() FigureManagerBase.__init__( self, canvas, num ) self.canvas = canvas self.window = qt.QMainWindow( None, None, qt.Qt.WDestructiveClose ) self.window.closeEvent = self._widgetCloseEvent centralWidget = qt.QWidget( self.window ) self.canvas.reparent( centralWidget, qt.QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) # Give the keyboard focus to the figure instead of the manager self.canvas.setFocusPolicy( qt.QWidget.ClickFocus ) self.canvas.setFocus() self.window.setCaption( "Figure %d" % num ) self.window._destroying = False self.toolbar = self._get_toolbar(self.canvas, centralWidget) # Use a vertical layout for the plot and the toolbar. Set the # stretch to all be in the plot so the toolbar doesn't resize. self.layout = qt.QVBoxLayout( centralWidget ) self.layout.addWidget( self.canvas, 1 ) if self.toolbar: self.layout.addWidget( self.toolbar, 0 ) self.window.setCentralWidget( centralWidget ) # Reset the window height so the canvas will be the right # size. This ALMOST works right. The first issue is that the # height w/ a toolbar seems to be off by just a little bit (so # we add 4 pixels). The second is that the total width/height # is slightly smaller that we actually want. It seems like # the border of the window is being included in the size but # AFAIK there is no way to get that size. w = self.canvas.width() h = self.canvas.height() if self.toolbar: h += self.toolbar.height() + 4 self.window.resize( w, h ) if matplotlib.is_interactive(): self.window.show() # attach a show method to the figure for pylab ease of use self.canvas.figure.show = lambda *args: self.window.show() def notify_axes_change( fig ): # This will be called whenever the current axes is changed if self.toolbar != None: self.toolbar.update() self.canvas.figure.add_axobserver( notify_axes_change ) def _widgetclosed( self ): if self.window._destroying: return self.window._destroying = True Gcf.destroy(self.num) def _widgetCloseEvent( self, event ): self._widgetclosed() qt.QWidget.closeEvent( self.window, event ) def _get_toolbar(self, canvas, parent): # must be inited after the window, drawingArea and figure # attrs are set if matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] == 'classic': print "Classic toolbar is not yet supported" elif matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] == 'toolbar2': toolbar = NavigationToolbar2QT(canvas, parent) else: toolbar = None return toolbar def resize(self, width, height): 'set the canvas size in pixels' self.window.resize(width, height) def show(self): self.window.show() def destroy( self, *args ): if self.window._destroying: return self.window._destroying = True if self.toolbar: self.toolbar.destroy() if DEBUG: print "destroy figure manager" self.window.close(True) def set_window_title(self, title): self.window.setCaption(title) class NavigationToolbar2QT( NavigationToolbar2, qt.QWidget ): # list of toolitems to add to the toolbar, format is: # text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback(str) toolitems = ( ('Home', 'Reset original view', 'home.ppm', 'home'), ('Back', 'Back to previous view','back.ppm', 'back'), ('Forward', 'Forward to next view','forward.ppm', 'forward'), (None, None, None, None), ('Pan', 'Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right', 'move.ppm', 'pan'), ('Zoom', 'Zoom to rectangle','zoom_to_rect.ppm', 'zoom'), (None, None, None, None), ('Subplots', 'Configure subplots','subplots.png', 'configure_subplots'), ('Save', 'Save the figure','filesave.ppm', 'save_figure'), ) def __init__( self, canvas, parent ): self.canvas = canvas self.buttons = {} qt.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) # Layout toolbar buttons horizontally. self.layout = qt.QHBoxLayout( self ) self.layout.setMargin( 2 ) NavigationToolbar2.__init__( self, canvas ) def _init_toolbar( self ): basedir = os.path.join(matplotlib.rcParams[ 'datapath' ],'images') for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in self.toolitems: if text == None: self.layout.addSpacing( 8 ) continue fname = os.path.join( basedir, image_file ) image = qt.QPixmap() image.load( fname ) button = qt.QPushButton( qt.QIconSet( image ), "", self ) qt.QToolTip.add( button, tooltip_text ) self.buttons[ text ] = button # The automatic layout doesn't look that good - it's too close # to the images so add a margin around it. margin = 4 button.setFixedSize( image.width()+margin, image.height()+margin ) qt.QObject.connect( button, qt.SIGNAL( 'clicked()' ), getattr( self, callback ) ) self.layout.addWidget( button ) self.buttons[ 'Pan' ].setToggleButton( True ) self.buttons[ 'Zoom' ].setToggleButton( True ) # Add the x,y location widget at the right side of the toolbar # The stretch factor is 1 which means any resizing of the toolbar # will resize this label instead of the buttons. self.locLabel = qt.QLabel( "", self ) self.locLabel.setAlignment( qt.Qt.AlignRight | qt.Qt.AlignVCenter ) self.locLabel.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Ignored, qt.QSizePolicy.Ignored)) self.layout.addWidget( self.locLabel, 1 ) # reference holder for subplots_adjust window self.adj_window = None def destroy( self ): for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in self.toolitems: if text is not None: qt.QObject.disconnect( self.buttons[ text ], qt.SIGNAL( 'clicked()' ), getattr( self, callback ) ) def pan( self, *args ): self.buttons[ 'Zoom' ].setOn( False ) NavigationToolbar2.pan( self, *args ) def zoom( self, *args ): self.buttons[ 'Pan' ].setOn( False ) NavigationToolbar2.zoom( self, *args ) def dynamic_update( self ): self.canvas.draw() def set_message( self, s ): self.locLabel.setText( s ) def set_cursor( self, cursor ): if DEBUG: print 'Set cursor' , cursor qt.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() qt.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( qt.QCursor( cursord[cursor] ) ) def draw_rubberband( self, event, x0, y0, x1, y1 ): height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height y1 = height - y1 y0 = height - y0 w = abs(x1 - x0) h = abs(y1 - y0) rect = [ int(val)for val in min(x0,x1), min(y0, y1), w, h ] self.canvas.drawRectangle( rect ) def configure_subplots(self): self.adj_window = qt.QMainWindow(None, None, qt.Qt.WDestructiveClose) win = self.adj_window win.setCaption("Subplot Configuration Tool") toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6,3)) toolfig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) w = int (toolfig.bbox.width) h = int (toolfig.bbox.height) canvas = self._get_canvas(toolfig) tool = SubplotTool(self.canvas.figure, toolfig) centralWidget = qt.QWidget(win) canvas.reparent(centralWidget, qt.QPoint(0, 0)) win.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(centralWidget) layout.addWidget(canvas, 1) win.resize(w, h) canvas.setFocus() win.show() def _get_canvas(self, fig): return FigureCanvasQT(fig) def save_figure(self, *args): filetypes = self.canvas.get_supported_filetypes_grouped() sorted_filetypes = filetypes.items() sorted_filetypes.sort() default_filetype = self.canvas.get_default_filetype() start = "image." + default_filetype filters = [] selectedFilter = None for name, exts in sorted_filetypes: exts_list = " ".join(['*.%s' % ext for ext in exts]) filter = '%s (%s)' % (name, exts_list) if default_filetype in exts: selectedFilter = filter filters.append(filter) filters = ';;'.join(filters) fname = qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( start, filters, self, "Save image", "Choose a filename to save to", selectedFilter) if fname: try: self.canvas.print_figure( unicode(fname) ) except Exception, e: qt.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error saving file", str(e), qt.QMessageBox.Ok, qt.QMessageBox.NoButton) def set_history_buttons( self ): canBackward = ( self._views._pos > 0 ) canForward = ( self._views._pos < len( self._views._elements ) - 1 ) self.buttons[ 'Back' ].setEnabled( canBackward ) self.buttons[ 'Forward' ].setEnabled( canForward ) # set icon used when windows are minimized try: # TODO: This is badly broken qt.window_set_default_icon_from_file ( os.path.join( matplotlib.rcParams['datapath'], 'images', 'matplotlib.svg' ) ) except: verbose.report( 'Could not load matplotlib icon: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1] ) def error_msg_qt( msg, parent=None ): if not is_string_like( msg ): msg = ','.join( map( str,msg ) ) qt.QMessageBox.warning( None, "Matplotlib", msg, qt.QMessageBox.Ok ) def exception_handler( type, value, tb ): """Handle uncaught exceptions It does not catch SystemExit """ msg = '' # get the filename attribute if available (for IOError) if hasattr(value, 'filename') and value.filename != None: msg = value.filename + ': ' if hasattr(value, 'strerror') and value.strerror != None: msg += value.strerror else: msg += str(value) if len( msg ) : error_msg_qt( msg ) FigureManager = FigureManagerQT