Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
from matplotlib.testing.noseclasses import KnownFailureTest, \ KnownFailureDidNotFailTest, ImageComparisonFailure import os, sys, shutil import nose import matplotlib import matplotlib.tests import numpy as np from matplotlib.testing.compare import comparable_formats, compare_images def knownfailureif(fail_condition, msg=None, known_exception_class=None ): """ Assume a will fail if *fail_condition* is True. *fail_condition* may also be False or the string 'indeterminate'. *msg* is the error message displayed for the test. If *known_exception_class* is not None, the failure is only known if the exception is an instance of this class. (Default = None) """ # based on numpy.testing.dec.knownfailureif if msg is None: msg = 'Test known to fail' def known_fail_decorator(f): # Local import to avoid a hard nose dependency and only incur the # import time overhead at actual test-time. import nose def failer(*args, **kwargs): try: # Always run the test (to generate images). result = f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, err: if fail_condition: if known_exception_class is not None: if not isinstance(err,known_exception_class): # This is not the expected exception raise # (Keep the next ultra-long comment so in shows in console.) raise KnownFailureTest(msg) # An error here when running nose means that you don't have the matplotlib.testing.noseclasses:KnownFailure plugin in use. else: raise if fail_condition and fail_condition != 'indeterminate': raise KnownFailureDidNotFailTest(msg) return result return nose.tools.make_decorator(f)(failer) return known_fail_decorator def image_comparison(baseline_images=None,extensions=None,tol=1e-3): """ call signature:: image_comparison(baseline_images=['my_figure'], extensions=None) Compare images generated by the test with those specified in *baseline_images*, which must correspond else an ImageComparisonFailure exception will be raised. Keyword arguments: *baseline_images*: list A list of strings specifying the names of the images generated by calls to :meth:`matplotlib.figure.savefig`. *extensions*: [ None | list ] If *None*, default to all supported extensions. Otherwise, a list of extensions to test. For example ['png','pdf']. """ if baseline_images is None: raise ValueError('baseline_images must be specified') if extensions is None: # default extensions to test extensions = ['png', 'pdf', 'svg'] # The multiple layers of defs are required because of how # parameterized decorators work, and because we want to turn the # single test_foo function to a generator that generates a # separate test case for each file format. def compare_images_decorator(func): baseline_dir, result_dir = _image_directories(func) def compare_images_generator(): for extension in extensions: orig_expected_fnames = [os.path.join(baseline_dir,fname) + '.' + extension for fname in baseline_images] expected_fnames = [os.path.join(result_dir,'expected-'+fname) + '.' + extension for fname in baseline_images] for src,dst in zip( orig_expected_fnames, expected_fnames ): shutil.copyfile(src,dst) actual_fnames = [os.path.join(result_dir, fname) + '.' + extension for fname in baseline_images] have_baseline_images = [os.path.exists(expected) for expected in expected_fnames] have_baseline_image = np.all(have_baseline_images) is_comparable = extension in comparable_formats() if not is_comparable: fail_msg = 'Cannot compare %s files on this system' % extension elif not have_baseline_image: fail_msg = 'Do not have baseline images %s' % expected_fnames else: fail_msg = 'No failure expected' will_fail = not (is_comparable and have_baseline_image) @knownfailureif(will_fail, fail_msg, known_exception_class=ImageComparisonFailure ) def decorated_compare_images(): # set the default format of savefig matplotlib.rc('savefig', extension=extension) # change to the result directory for the duration of the test old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(result_dir) try: result = func() # actually call the test function finally: os.chdir(old_dir) for actual,expected in zip(actual_fnames,expected_fnames): if not os.path.exists(expected): raise ImageComparisonFailure( 'image does not exist: %s'%expected) # compare the images err = compare_images( expected, actual, tol, in_decorator=True ) if err: raise ImageComparisonFailure( 'images not close: %(actual)s vs. %(expected)s ' '(RMS %(rms).3f)'%err) return result yield (decorated_compare_images,) return nose.tools.make_decorator(func)(compare_images_generator) return compare_images_decorator def _image_directories(func): """ Compute the baseline and result image directories for testing *func*. Create the result directory if it doesn't exist. """ module_name = func.__module__ if module_name=='__main__': # FIXME: this won't work for nested packages in matplotlib.tests import warnings warnings.warn('test module run as script. guessing baseline image locations') script_name = sys.argv[0] basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(script_name)) subdir = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(script_name)[1])[0] else: mods = module_name.split('.') assert mods.pop(0)=='matplotlib' assert mods.pop(0)=='tests' subdir = os.path.join(*mods) basedir = os.path.dirname(matplotlib.tests.__file__) baseline_dir = os.path.join(basedir,'baseline_images',subdir) result_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('result_images',subdir)) if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.makedirs(result_dir) return baseline_dir, result_dir