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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import hashlib import linecache import sys import warnings from operator import itemgetter from . import _config from ._compat import PY2, isclass, iteritems, metadata_proxy, set_closure_cell from .exceptions import ( DefaultAlreadySetError, FrozenInstanceError, NotAnAttrsClassError, UnannotatedAttributeError ) # This is used at least twice, so cache it here. _obj_setattr = object.__setattr__ _init_converter_pat = "__attr_converter_{}" _init_factory_pat = "__attr_factory_{}" _tuple_property_pat = " {attr_name} = property(itemgetter({index}))" _empty_metadata_singleton = metadata_proxy({}) class _Nothing(object): """ Sentinel class to indicate the lack of a value when ``None`` is ambiguous. All instances of `_Nothing` are equal. """ def __copy__(self): return self def __deepcopy__(self, _): return self def __eq__(self, other): return other.__class__ == _Nothing def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __repr__(self): return "NOTHING" def __hash__(self): return 0xdeadbeef NOTHING = _Nothing() """ Sentinel to indicate the lack of a value when ``None`` is ambiguous. """ def attrib(default=NOTHING, validator=None, repr=True, cmp=True, hash=None, init=True, convert=None, metadata=None, type=None, converter=None): """ Create a new attribute on a class. .. warning:: Does *not* do anything unless the class is also decorated with :func:`attr.s`! :param default: A value that is used if an ``attrs``-generated ``__init__`` is used and no value is passed while instantiating or the attribute is excluded using ``init=False``. If the value is an instance of :class:`Factory`, its callable will be used to construct a new value (useful for mutable data types like lists or dicts). If a default is not set (or set manually to ``attr.NOTHING``), a value *must* be supplied when instantiating; otherwise a :exc:`TypeError` will be raised. The default can also be set using decorator notation as shown below. :type default: Any value. :param validator: :func:`callable` that is called by ``attrs``-generated ``__init__`` methods after the instance has been initialized. They receive the initialized instance, the :class:`Attribute`, and the passed value. The return value is *not* inspected so the validator has to throw an exception itself. If a ``list`` is passed, its items are treated as validators and must all pass. Validators can be globally disabled and re-enabled using :func:`get_run_validators`. The validator can also be set using decorator notation as shown below. :type validator: ``callable`` or a ``list`` of ``callable``\ s. :param bool repr: Include this attribute in the generated ``__repr__`` method. :param bool cmp: Include this attribute in the generated comparison methods (``__eq__`` et al). :param hash: Include this attribute in the generated ``__hash__`` method. If ``None`` (default), mirror *cmp*'s value. This is the correct behavior according the Python spec. Setting this value to anything else than ``None`` is *discouraged*. :type hash: ``bool`` or ``None`` :param bool init: Include this attribute in the generated ``__init__`` method. It is possible to set this to ``False`` and set a default value. In that case this attributed is unconditionally initialized with the specified default value or factory. :param callable converter: :func:`callable` that is called by ``attrs``-generated ``__init__`` methods to converter attribute's value to the desired format. It is given the passed-in value, and the returned value will be used as the new value of the attribute. The value is converted before being passed to the validator, if any. :param metadata: An arbitrary mapping, to be used by third-party components. See :ref:`extending_metadata`. :param type: The type of the attribute. In Python 3.6 or greater, the preferred method to specify the type is using a variable annotation (see `PEP 526 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0526/>`_). This argument is provided for backward compatibility. Regardless of the approach used, the type will be stored on ``Attribute.type``. .. versionadded:: 15.2.0 *convert* .. versionadded:: 16.3.0 *metadata* .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0 *validator* can be a ``list`` now. .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0 *hash* is ``None`` and therefore mirrors *cmp* by default. .. versionadded:: 17.3.0 *type* .. deprecated:: 17.4.0 *convert* .. versionadded:: 17.4.0 *converter* as a replacement for the deprecated *convert* to achieve consistency with other noun-based arguments. """ if hash is not None and hash is not True and hash is not False: raise TypeError( "Invalid value for hash. Must be True, False, or None." ) if convert is not None: if converter is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Can't pass both `convert` and `converter`. " "Please use `converter` only." ) warnings.warn( "The `convert` argument is deprecated in favor of `converter`. " "It will be removed after 2019/01.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) converter = convert if metadata is None: metadata = {} return _CountingAttr( default=default, validator=validator, repr=repr, cmp=cmp, hash=hash, init=init, converter=converter, metadata=metadata, type=type, ) def _make_attr_tuple_class(cls_name, attr_names): """ Create a tuple subclass to hold `Attribute`s for an `attrs` class. The subclass is a bare tuple with properties for names. class MyClassAttributes(tuple): __slots__ = () x = property(itemgetter(0)) """ attr_class_name = "{}Attributes".format(cls_name) attr_class_template = [ "class {}(tuple):".format(attr_class_name), " __slots__ = ()", ] if attr_names: for i, attr_name in enumerate(attr_names): attr_class_template.append(_tuple_property_pat.format( index=i, attr_name=attr_name, )) else: attr_class_template.append(" pass") globs = {"itemgetter": itemgetter} eval(compile("\n".join(attr_class_template), "", "exec"), globs) return globs[attr_class_name] # Tuple class for extracted attributes from a class definition. # `super_attrs` is a subset of `attrs`. _Attributes = _make_attr_tuple_class("_Attributes", [ "attrs", # all attributes to build dunder methods for "super_attrs", # attributes that have been inherited from super classes ]) def _is_class_var(annot): """ Check whether *annot* is a typing.ClassVar. The implementation is gross but importing `typing` is slow and there are discussions to remove it from the stdlib alltogether. """ return str(annot).startswith("typing.ClassVar") def _get_annotations(cls): """ Get annotations for *cls*. """ anns = getattr(cls, "__annotations__", None) if anns is None: return {} # Verify that the annotations aren't merely inherited. for super_cls in cls.__mro__[1:]: if anns is getattr(super_cls, "__annotations__", None): return {} return anns def _transform_attrs(cls, these, auto_attribs): """ Transform all `_CountingAttr`s on a class into `Attribute`s. If *these* is passed, use that and don't look for them on the class. Return an `_Attributes`. """ cd = cls.__dict__ anns = _get_annotations(cls) if these is not None: ca_list = sorted(( (name, ca) for name, ca in iteritems(these) ), key=lambda e: e[1].counter) elif auto_attribs is True: ca_names = { name for name, attr in cd.items() if isinstance(attr, _CountingAttr) } ca_list = [] annot_names = set() for attr_name, type in anns.items(): if _is_class_var(type): continue annot_names.add(attr_name) a = cd.get(attr_name, NOTHING) if not isinstance(a, _CountingAttr): if a is NOTHING: a = attrib() else: a = attrib(default=a) ca_list.append((attr_name, a)) unannotated = ca_names - annot_names if len(unannotated) > 0: raise UnannotatedAttributeError( "The following `attr.ib`s lack a type annotation: " + ", ".join(sorted( unannotated, key=lambda n: cd.get(n).counter )) + "." ) else: ca_list = sorted(( (name, attr) for name, attr in cd.items() if isinstance(attr, _CountingAttr) ), key=lambda e: e[1].counter) own_attrs = [ Attribute.from_counting_attr( name=attr_name, ca=ca, type=anns.get(attr_name), ) for attr_name, ca in ca_list ] super_attrs = [] taken_attr_names = {a.name: a for a in own_attrs} # Traverse the MRO and collect attributes. for super_cls in cls.__mro__[1:-1]: sub_attrs = getattr(super_cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None) if sub_attrs is not None: for a in sub_attrs: prev_a = taken_attr_names.get(a.name) # Only add an attribute if it hasn't been defined before. This # allows for overwriting attribute definitions by subclassing. if prev_a is None: super_attrs.append(a) taken_attr_names[a.name] = a attr_names = [a.name for a in super_attrs + own_attrs] AttrsClass = _make_attr_tuple_class(cls.__name__, attr_names) attrs = AttrsClass( super_attrs + [ Attribute.from_counting_attr( name=attr_name, ca=ca, type=anns.get(attr_name) ) for attr_name, ca in ca_list ] ) had_default = False for a in attrs: if had_default is True and a.default is NOTHING and a.init is True: raise ValueError( "No mandatory attributes allowed after an attribute with a " "default value or factory. Attribute in question: {a!r}" .format(a=a) ) elif had_default is False and \ a.default is not NOTHING and \ a.init is not False: had_default = True return _Attributes((attrs, super_attrs)) def _frozen_setattrs(self, name, value): """ Attached to frozen classes as __setattr__. """ raise FrozenInstanceError() def _frozen_delattrs(self, name): """ Attached to frozen classes as __delattr__. """ raise FrozenInstanceError() class _ClassBuilder(object): """ Iteratively build *one* class. """ __slots__ = ( "_cls", "_cls_dict", "_attrs", "_super_names", "_attr_names", "_slots", "_frozen", "_has_post_init", ) def __init__(self, cls, these, slots, frozen, auto_attribs): attrs, super_attrs = _transform_attrs(cls, these, auto_attribs) self._cls = cls self._cls_dict = dict(cls.__dict__) if slots else {} self._attrs = attrs self._super_names = set(a.name for a in super_attrs) self._attr_names = tuple(a.name for a in attrs) self._slots = slots self._frozen = frozen or _has_frozen_superclass(cls) self._has_post_init = bool(getattr(cls, "__attrs_post_init__", False)) self._cls_dict["__attrs_attrs__"] = self._attrs if frozen: self._cls_dict["__setattr__"] = _frozen_setattrs self._cls_dict["__delattr__"] = _frozen_delattrs def __repr__(self): return "<_ClassBuilder(cls={cls})>".format(cls=self._cls.__name__) def build_class(self): """ Finalize class based on the accumulated configuration. Builder cannot be used anymore after calling this method. """ if self._slots is True: return self._create_slots_class() else: return self._patch_original_class() def _patch_original_class(self): """ Apply accumulated methods and return the class. """ cls = self._cls super_names = self._super_names # Clean class of attribute definitions (`attr.ib()`s). for name in self._attr_names: if name not in super_names and \ getattr(cls, name, None) is not None: delattr(cls, name) # Attach our dunder methods. for name, value in self._cls_dict.items(): setattr(cls, name, value) return cls def _create_slots_class(self): """ Build and return a new class with a `__slots__` attribute. """ super_names = self._super_names cd = { k: v for k, v in iteritems(self._cls_dict) if k not in tuple(self._attr_names) + ("__dict__",) } # We only add the names of attributes that aren't inherited. # Settings __slots__ to inherited attributes wastes memory. cd["__slots__"] = tuple( name for name in self._attr_names if name not in super_names ) qualname = getattr(self._cls, "__qualname__", None) if qualname is not None: cd["__qualname__"] = qualname attr_names = tuple(self._attr_names) def slots_getstate(self): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ return tuple(getattr(self, name) for name in attr_names) def slots_setstate(self, state): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ __bound_setattr = _obj_setattr.__get__(self, Attribute) for name, value in zip(attr_names, state): __bound_setattr(name, value) # slots and frozen require __getstate__/__setstate__ to work cd["__getstate__"] = slots_getstate cd["__setstate__"] = slots_setstate # Create new class based on old class and our methods. cls = type(self._cls)( self._cls.__name__, self._cls.__bases__, cd, ) # The following is a fix for # https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs/issues/102. On Python 3, # if a method mentions `__class__` or uses the no-arg super(), the # compiler will bake a reference to the class in the method itself # as `method.__closure__`. Since we replace the class with a # clone, we rewrite these references so it keeps working. for item in cls.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(item, (classmethod, staticmethod)): # Class- and staticmethods hide their functions inside. # These might need to be rewritten as well. closure_cells = getattr(item.__func__, "__closure__", None) else: closure_cells = getattr(item, "__closure__", None) if not closure_cells: # Catch None or the empty list. continue for cell in closure_cells: if cell.cell_contents is self._cls: set_closure_cell(cell, cls) return cls def add_repr(self, ns): self._cls_dict["__repr__"] = self._add_method_dunders( _make_repr(self._attrs, ns=ns) ) return self def add_str(self): repr = self._cls_dict.get("__repr__") if repr is None: raise ValueError( "__str__ can only be generated if a __repr__ exists." ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() self._cls_dict["__str__"] = self._add_method_dunders(__str__) return self def make_unhashable(self): self._cls_dict["__hash__"] = None return self def add_hash(self): self._cls_dict["__hash__"] = self._add_method_dunders( _make_hash(self._attrs) ) return self def add_init(self): self._cls_dict["__init__"] = self._add_method_dunders( _make_init( self._attrs, self._has_post_init, self._frozen, ) ) return self def add_cmp(self): cd = self._cls_dict cd["__eq__"], cd["__ne__"], cd["__lt__"], cd["__le__"], cd["__gt__"], \ cd["__ge__"] = ( self._add_method_dunders(meth) for meth in _make_cmp(self._attrs) ) return self def _add_method_dunders(self, method): """ Add __module__ and __qualname__ to a *method* if possible. """ try: method.__module__ = self._cls.__module__ except AttributeError: pass try: method.__qualname__ = ".".join( (self._cls.__qualname__, method.__name__,) ) except AttributeError: pass return method def attrs(maybe_cls=None, these=None, repr_ns=None, repr=True, cmp=True, hash=None, init=True, slots=False, frozen=False, str=False, auto_attribs=False): r""" A class decorator that adds `dunder <https://wiki.python.org/moin/DunderAlias>`_\ -methods according to the specified attributes using :func:`attr.ib` or the *these* argument. :param these: A dictionary of name to :func:`attr.ib` mappings. This is useful to avoid the definition of your attributes within the class body because you can't (e.g. if you want to add ``__repr__`` methods to Django models) or don't want to. If *these* is not ``None``, ``attrs`` will *not* search the class body for attributes. :type these: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` to :func:`attr.ib` :param str repr_ns: When using nested classes, there's no way in Python 2 to automatically detect that. Therefore it's possible to set the namespace explicitly for a more meaningful ``repr`` output. :param bool repr: Create a ``__repr__`` method with a human readable representation of ``attrs`` attributes.. :param bool str: Create a ``__str__`` method that is identical to ``__repr__``. This is usually not necessary except for :class:`Exception`\ s. :param bool cmp: Create ``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__`` methods that compare the class as if it were a tuple of its ``attrs`` attributes. But the attributes are *only* compared, if the type of both classes is *identical*! :param hash: If ``None`` (default), the ``__hash__`` method is generated according how *cmp* and *frozen* are set. 1. If *both* are True, ``attrs`` will generate a ``__hash__`` for you. 2. If *cmp* is True and *frozen* is False, ``__hash__`` will be set to None, marking it unhashable (which it is). 3. If *cmp* is False, ``__hash__`` will be left untouched meaning the ``__hash__`` method of the superclass will be used (if superclass is ``object``, this means it will fall back to id-based hashing.). Although not recommended, you can decide for yourself and force ``attrs`` to create one (e.g. if the class is immutable even though you didn't freeze it programmatically) by passing ``True`` or not. Both of these cases are rather special and should be used carefully. See the `Python documentation \ <https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__>`_ and the `GitHub issue that led to the default behavior \ <https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs/issues/136>`_ for more details. :type hash: ``bool`` or ``None`` :param bool init: Create a ``__init__`` method that initializes the ``attrs`` attributes. Leading underscores are stripped for the argument name. If a ``__attrs_post_init__`` method exists on the class, it will be called after the class is fully initialized. :param bool slots: Create a slots_-style class that's more memory-efficient. See :ref:`slots` for further ramifications. :param bool frozen: Make instances immutable after initialization. If someone attempts to modify a frozen instance, :exc:`attr.exceptions.FrozenInstanceError` is raised. Please note: 1. This is achieved by installing a custom ``__setattr__`` method on your class so you can't implement an own one. 2. True immutability is impossible in Python. 3. This *does* have a minor a runtime performance :ref:`impact <how-frozen>` when initializing new instances. In other words: ``__init__`` is slightly slower with ``frozen=True``. 4. If a class is frozen, you cannot modify ``self`` in ``__attrs_post_init__`` or a self-written ``__init__``. You can circumvent that limitation by using ``object.__setattr__(self, "attribute_name", value)``. .. _slots: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#slots :param bool auto_attribs: If True, collect `PEP 526`_-annotated attributes (Python 3.6 and later only) from the class body. In this case, you **must** annotate every field. If ``attrs`` encounters a field that is set to an :func:`attr.ib` but lacks a type annotation, an :exc:`attr.exceptions.UnannotatedAttributeError` is raised. Use ``field_name: typing.Any = attr.ib(...)`` if you don't want to set a type. If you assign a value to those attributes (e.g. ``x: int = 42``), that value becomes the default value like if it were passed using ``attr.ib(default=42)``. Passing an instance of :class:`Factory` also works as expected. Attributes annotated as :data:`typing.ClassVar` are **ignored**. .. _`PEP 526`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0526/ .. versionadded:: 16.0.0 *slots* .. versionadded:: 16.1.0 *frozen* .. versionadded:: 16.3.0 *str*, and support for ``__attrs_post_init__``. .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0 *hash* supports ``None`` as value which is also the default now. .. versionadded:: 17.3.0 *auto_attribs* """ def wrap(cls): if getattr(cls, "__class__", None) is None: raise TypeError("attrs only works with new-style classes.") builder = _ClassBuilder(cls, these, slots, frozen, auto_attribs) if repr is True: builder.add_repr(repr_ns) if str is True: builder.add_str() if cmp is True: builder.add_cmp() if hash is not True and hash is not False and hash is not None: # Can't use `hash in` because 1 == True for example. raise TypeError( "Invalid value for hash. Must be True, False, or None." ) elif hash is False or (hash is None and cmp is False): pass elif hash is True or (hash is None and cmp is True and frozen is True): builder.add_hash() else: builder.make_unhashable() if init is True: builder.add_init() return builder.build_class() # maybe_cls's type depends on the usage of the decorator. It's a class # if it's used as `@attrs` but ``None`` if used as `@attrs()`. if maybe_cls is None: return wrap else: return wrap(maybe_cls) _attrs = attrs """ Internal alias so we can use it in functions that take an argument called *attrs*. """ if PY2: def _has_frozen_superclass(cls): """ Check whether *cls* has a frozen ancestor by looking at its __setattr__. """ return ( getattr( cls.__setattr__, "__module__", None ) == _frozen_setattrs.__module__ and cls.__setattr__.__name__ == _frozen_setattrs.__name__ ) else: def _has_frozen_superclass(cls): """ Check whether *cls* has a frozen ancestor by looking at its __setattr__. """ return cls.__setattr__ == _frozen_setattrs def _attrs_to_tuple(obj, attrs): """ Create a tuple of all values of *obj*'s *attrs*. """ return tuple(getattr(obj, a.name) for a in attrs) def _make_hash(attrs): attrs = tuple( a for a in attrs if a.hash is True or (a.hash is None and a.cmp is True) ) # We cache the generated hash methods for the same kinds of attributes. sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(repr(attrs).encode("utf-8")) unique_filename = "<attrs generated hash %s>" % (sha1.hexdigest(),) type_hash = hash(unique_filename) lines = [ "def __hash__(self):", " return hash((", " %d," % (type_hash,), ] for a in attrs: lines.append(" self.%s," % (a.name)) lines.append(" ))") script = "\n".join(lines) globs = {} locs = {} bytecode = compile(script, unique_filename, "exec") eval(bytecode, globs, locs) # In order of debuggers like PDB being able to step through the code, # we add a fake linecache entry. linecache.cache[unique_filename] = ( len(script), None, script.splitlines(True), unique_filename, ) return locs["__hash__"] def _add_hash(cls, attrs): """ Add a hash method to *cls*. """ cls.__hash__ = _make_hash(attrs) return cls def __ne__(self, other): """ Check equality and either forward a NotImplemented or return the result negated. """ result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return not result def _make_cmp(attrs): attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.cmp] # We cache the generated eq methods for the same kinds of attributes. sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(repr(attrs).encode("utf-8")) unique_filename = "<attrs generated eq %s>" % (sha1.hexdigest(),) lines = [ "def __eq__(self, other):", " if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:", " return NotImplemented", ] # We can't just do a big self.x = other.x and... clause due to # irregularities like nan == nan is false but (nan,) == (nan,) is true. if attrs: lines.append(" return (") others = [ " ) == (", ] for a in attrs: lines.append(" self.%s," % (a.name,)) others.append(" other.%s," % (a.name,)) lines += others + [" )"] else: lines.append(" return True") script = "\n".join(lines) globs = {} locs = {} bytecode = compile(script, unique_filename, "exec") eval(bytecode, globs, locs) # In order of debuggers like PDB being able to step through the code, # we add a fake linecache entry. linecache.cache[unique_filename] = ( len(script), None, script.splitlines(True), unique_filename, ) eq = locs["__eq__"] ne = __ne__ def attrs_to_tuple(obj): """ Save us some typing. """ return _attrs_to_tuple(obj, attrs) def __lt__(self, other): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return attrs_to_tuple(self) < attrs_to_tuple(other) else: return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return attrs_to_tuple(self) <= attrs_to_tuple(other) else: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return attrs_to_tuple(self) > attrs_to_tuple(other) else: return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return attrs_to_tuple(self) >= attrs_to_tuple(other) else: return NotImplemented return eq, ne, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__ def _add_cmp(cls, attrs=None): """ Add comparison methods to *cls*. """ if attrs is None: attrs = cls.__attrs_attrs__ cls.__eq__, cls.__ne__, cls.__lt__, cls.__le__, cls.__gt__, cls.__ge__ = \ _make_cmp(attrs) return cls def _make_repr(attrs, ns): """ Make a repr method for *attr_names* adding *ns* to the full name. """ attr_names = tuple( a.name for a in attrs if a.repr ) def __repr__(self): """ Automatically created by attrs. """ real_cls = self.__class__ if ns is None: qualname = getattr(real_cls, "__qualname__", None) if qualname is not None: class_name = qualname.rsplit(">.", 1)[-1] else: class_name = real_cls.__name__ else: class_name = ns + "." + real_cls.__name__ return "{0}({1})".format( class_name, ", ".join( name + "=" + repr(getattr(self, name, NOTHING)) for name in attr_names ) ) return __repr__ def _add_repr(cls, ns=None, attrs=None): """ Add a repr method to *cls*. """ if attrs is None: attrs = cls.__attrs_attrs__ cls.__repr__ = _make_repr(attrs, ns) return cls def _make_init(attrs, post_init, frozen): attrs = [ a for a in attrs if a.init or a.default is not NOTHING ] # We cache the generated init methods for the same kinds of attributes. sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(repr(attrs).encode("utf-8")) unique_filename = "<attrs generated init {0}>".format( sha1.hexdigest() ) script, globs = _attrs_to_init_script( attrs, frozen, post_init, ) locs = {} bytecode = compile(script, unique_filename, "exec") attr_dict = dict((a.name, a) for a in attrs) globs.update({ "NOTHING": NOTHING, "attr_dict": attr_dict, }) if frozen is True: # Save the lookup overhead in __init__ if we need to circumvent # immutability. globs["_cached_setattr"] = _obj_setattr eval(bytecode, globs, locs) # In order of debuggers like PDB being able to step through the code, # we add a fake linecache entry. linecache.cache[unique_filename] = ( len(script), None, script.splitlines(True), unique_filename, ) return locs["__init__"] def _add_init(cls, frozen): """ Add a __init__ method to *cls*. If *frozen* is True, make it immutable. """ cls.__init__ = _make_init( cls.__attrs_attrs__, getattr(cls, "__attrs_post_init__", False), frozen, ) return cls def fields(cls): """ Returns the tuple of ``attrs`` attributes for a class. The tuple also allows accessing the fields by their names (see below for examples). :param type cls: Class to introspect. :raise TypeError: If *cls* is not a class. :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs`` class. :rtype: tuple (with name accessors) of :class:`attr.Attribute` .. versionchanged:: 16.2.0 Returned tuple allows accessing the fields by name. """ if not isclass(cls): raise TypeError("Passed object must be a class.") attrs = getattr(cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None) if attrs is None: raise NotAnAttrsClassError( "{cls!r} is not an attrs-decorated class.".format(cls=cls) ) return attrs def validate(inst): """ Validate all attributes on *inst* that have a validator. Leaves all exceptions through. :param inst: Instance of a class with ``attrs`` attributes. """ if _config._run_validators is False: return for a in fields(inst.__class__): v = a.validator if v is not None: v(inst, a, getattr(inst, a.name)) def _attrs_to_init_script(attrs, frozen, post_init): """ Return a script of an initializer for *attrs* and a dict of globals. The globals are expected by the generated script. If *frozen* is True, we cannot set the attributes directly so we use a cached ``object.__setattr__``. """ lines = [] if frozen is True: lines.append( # Circumvent the __setattr__ descriptor to save one lookup per # assignment. "_setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)" ) def fmt_setter(attr_name, value_var): return "_setattr('%(attr_name)s', %(value_var)s)" % { "attr_name": attr_name, "value_var": value_var, } def fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, value_var): conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(attr_name) return "_setattr('%(attr_name)s', %(conv)s(%(value_var)s))" % { "attr_name": attr_name, "value_var": value_var, "conv": conv_name, } else: def fmt_setter(attr_name, value): return "self.%(attr_name)s = %(value)s" % { "attr_name": attr_name, "value": value, } def fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, value_var): conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(attr_name) return "self.%(attr_name)s = %(conv)s(%(value_var)s)" % { "attr_name": attr_name, "value_var": value_var, "conv": conv_name, } args = [] attrs_to_validate = [] # This is a dictionary of names to validator and converter callables. # Injecting this into __init__ globals lets us avoid lookups. names_for_globals = {} for a in attrs: if a.validator: attrs_to_validate.append(a) attr_name = a.name arg_name = a.name.lstrip("_") has_factory = isinstance(a.default, Factory) if has_factory and a.default.takes_self: maybe_self = "self" else: maybe_self = "" if a.init is False: if has_factory: init_factory_name = _init_factory_pat.format(a.name) if a.converter is not None: lines.append(fmt_setter_with_converter( attr_name, init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self))) conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(a.name) names_for_globals[conv_name] = a.converter else: lines.append(fmt_setter( attr_name, init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self) )) names_for_globals[init_factory_name] = a.default.factory else: if a.converter is not None: lines.append(fmt_setter_with_converter( attr_name, "attr_dict['{attr_name}'].default" .format(attr_name=attr_name) )) conv_name = _init_converter_pat.format(a.name) names_for_globals[conv_name] = a.converter else: lines.append(fmt_setter( attr_name, "attr_dict['{attr_name}'].default" .format(attr_name=attr_name) )) elif a.default is not NOTHING and not has_factory: args.append( "{arg_name}=attr_dict['{attr_name}'].default".format( arg_name=arg_name, attr_name=attr_name, ) ) if a.converter is not None: lines.append(fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, arg_name)) names_for_globals[_init_converter_pat.format(a.name)] = ( a.converter ) else: lines.append(fmt_setter(attr_name, arg_name)) elif has_factory: args.append("{arg_name}=NOTHING".format(arg_name=arg_name)) lines.append("if {arg_name} is not NOTHING:" .format(arg_name=arg_name)) init_factory_name = _init_factory_pat.format(a.name) if a.converter is not None: lines.append(" " + fmt_setter_with_converter( attr_name, arg_name )) lines.append("else:") lines.append(" " + fmt_setter_with_converter( attr_name, init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self) )) names_for_globals[_init_converter_pat.format(a.name)] = ( a.converter ) else: lines.append(" " + fmt_setter(attr_name, arg_name)) lines.append("else:") lines.append(" " + fmt_setter( attr_name, init_factory_name + "({0})".format(maybe_self) )) names_for_globals[init_factory_name] = a.default.factory else: args.append(arg_name) if a.converter is not None: lines.append(fmt_setter_with_converter(attr_name, arg_name)) names_for_globals[_init_converter_pat.format(a.name)] = ( a.converter ) else: lines.append(fmt_setter(attr_name, arg_name)) if attrs_to_validate: # we can skip this if there are no validators. names_for_globals["_config"] = _config lines.append("if _config._run_validators is True:") for a in attrs_to_validate: val_name = "__attr_validator_{}".format(a.name) attr_name = "__attr_{}".format(a.name) lines.append(" {}(self, {}, self.{})".format( val_name, attr_name, a.name)) names_for_globals[val_name] = a.validator names_for_globals[attr_name] = a if post_init: lines.append("self.__attrs_post_init__()") return """\ def __init__(self, {args}): {lines} """.format( args=", ".join(args), lines="\n ".join(lines) if lines else "pass", ), names_for_globals class Attribute(object): """ *Read-only* representation of an attribute. :attribute name: The name of the attribute. Plus *all* arguments of :func:`attr.ib`. For the version history of the fields, see :func:`attr.ib`. """ __slots__ = ( "name", "default", "validator", "repr", "cmp", "hash", "init", "metadata", "type", "converter", ) def __init__(self, name, default, validator, repr, cmp, hash, init, convert=None, metadata=None, type=None, converter=None): # Cache this descriptor here to speed things up later. bound_setattr = _obj_setattr.__get__(self, Attribute) # Despite the big red warning, people *do* instantiate `Attribute` # themselves. if convert is not None: if converter is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Can't pass both `convert` and `converter`. " "Please use `converter` only." ) warnings.warn( "The `convert` argument is deprecated in favor of `converter`." " It will be removed after 2019/01.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) converter = convert bound_setattr("name", name) bound_setattr("default", default) bound_setattr("validator", validator) bound_setattr("repr", repr) bound_setattr("cmp", cmp) bound_setattr("hash", hash) bound_setattr("init", init) bound_setattr("converter", converter) bound_setattr("metadata", ( metadata_proxy(metadata) if metadata else _empty_metadata_singleton )) bound_setattr("type", type) def __setattr__(self, name, value): raise FrozenInstanceError() @property def convert(self): warnings.warn( "The `convert` attribute is deprecated in favor of `converter`. " "It will be removed after 2019/01.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.converter @classmethod def from_counting_attr(cls, name, ca, type=None): # type holds the annotated value. deal with conflicts: if type is None: type = ca.type elif ca.type is not None: raise ValueError( "Type annotation and type argument cannot both be present" ) inst_dict = { k: getattr(ca, k) for k in Attribute.__slots__ if k not in ( "name", "validator", "default", "type", "convert", ) # exclude methods and deprecated alias } return cls( name=name, validator=ca._validator, default=ca._default, type=type, **inst_dict ) # Don't use _add_pickle since fields(Attribute) doesn't work def __getstate__(self): """ Play nice with pickle. """ return tuple(getattr(self, name) if name != "metadata" else dict(self.metadata) for name in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, state): """ Play nice with pickle. """ bound_setattr = _obj_setattr.__get__(self, Attribute) for name, value in zip(self.__slots__, state): if name != "metadata": bound_setattr(name, value) else: bound_setattr(name, metadata_proxy(value) if value else _empty_metadata_singleton) _a = [ Attribute(name=name, default=NOTHING, validator=None, repr=True, cmp=True, hash=(name != "metadata"), init=True) for name in Attribute.__slots__ if name != "convert" # XXX: remove once `convert` is gone ] Attribute = _add_hash( _add_cmp(_add_repr(Attribute, attrs=_a), attrs=_a), attrs=[a for a in _a if a.hash] ) class _CountingAttr(object): """ Intermediate representation of attributes that uses a counter to preserve the order in which the attributes have been defined. *Internal* data structure of the attrs library. Running into is most likely the result of a bug like a forgotten `@attr.s` decorator. """ __slots__ = ("counter", "_default", "repr", "cmp", "hash", "init", "metadata", "_validator", "converter", "type") __attrs_attrs__ = tuple( Attribute(name=name, default=NOTHING, validator=None, repr=True, cmp=True, hash=True, init=True) for name in ("counter", "_default", "repr", "cmp", "hash", "init",) ) + ( Attribute(name="metadata", default=None, validator=None, repr=True, cmp=True, hash=False, init=True), ) cls_counter = 0 def __init__(self, default, validator, repr, cmp, hash, init, converter, metadata, type): _CountingAttr.cls_counter += 1 self.counter = _CountingAttr.cls_counter self._default = default # If validator is a list/tuple, wrap it using helper validator. if validator and isinstance(validator, (list, tuple)): self._validator = and_(*validator) else: self._validator = validator self.repr = repr self.cmp = cmp self.hash = hash self.init = init self.converter = converter self.metadata = metadata self.type = type def validator(self, meth): """ Decorator that adds *meth* to the list of validators. Returns *meth* unchanged. .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 """ if self._validator is None: self._validator = meth else: self._validator = and_(self._validator, meth) return meth def default(self, meth): """ Decorator that allows to set the default for an attribute. Returns *meth* unchanged. :raises DefaultAlreadySetError: If default has been set before. .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 """ if self._default is not NOTHING: raise DefaultAlreadySetError() self._default = Factory(meth, takes_self=True) return meth _CountingAttr = _add_cmp(_add_repr(_CountingAttr)) @attrs(slots=True, init=False, hash=True) class Factory(object): """ Stores a factory callable. If passed as the default value to :func:`attr.ib`, the factory is used to generate a new value. :param callable factory: A callable that takes either none or exactly one mandatory positional argument depending on *takes_self*. :param bool takes_self: Pass the partially initialized instance that is being initialized as a positional argument. .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 *takes_self* """ factory = attrib() takes_self = attrib() def __init__(self, factory, takes_self=False): """ `Factory` is part of the default machinery so if we want a default value here, we have to implement it ourselves. """ self.factory = factory self.takes_self = takes_self def make_class(name, attrs, bases=(object,), **attributes_arguments): """ A quick way to create a new class called *name* with *attrs*. :param name: The name for the new class. :type name: str :param attrs: A list of names or a dictionary of mappings of names to attributes. :type attrs: :class:`list` or :class:`dict` :param tuple bases: Classes that the new class will subclass. :param attributes_arguments: Passed unmodified to :func:`attr.s`. :return: A new class with *attrs*. :rtype: type .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 *bases* """ if isinstance(attrs, dict): cls_dict = attrs elif isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)): cls_dict = dict((a, attrib()) for a in attrs) else: raise TypeError("attrs argument must be a dict or a list.") post_init = cls_dict.pop("__attrs_post_init__", None) type_ = type( name, bases, {} if post_init is None else {"__attrs_post_init__": post_init} ) # For pickling to work, the __module__ variable needs to be set to the # frame where the class is created. Bypass this step in environments where # sys._getframe is not defined (Jython for example) or sys._getframe is not # defined for arguments greater than 0 (IronPython). try: type_.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get( "__name__", "__main__", ) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass return _attrs(these=cls_dict, **attributes_arguments)(type_) # These are required by within this module so we define them here and merely # import into .validators. @attrs(slots=True, hash=True) class _AndValidator(object): """ Compose many validators to a single one. """ _validators = attrib() def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): for v in self._validators: v(inst, attr, value) def and_(*validators): """ A validator that composes multiple validators into one. When called on a value, it runs all wrapped validators. :param validators: Arbitrary number of validators. :type validators: callables .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 """ vals = [] for validator in validators: vals.extend( validator._validators if isinstance(validator, _AndValidator) else [validator] ) return _AndValidator(tuple(vals))