Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
##################################################################### # # The Perl::Tidy::Formatter package adds indentation, whitespace, and # line breaks to the token stream # # WARNING: This is not a real class for speed reasons. Only one # Formatter may be used. # ##################################################################### package Perl::Tidy::Formatter; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; our $VERSION = '20200110'; # The Tokenizer will be loaded with the Formatter ##use Perl::Tidy::Tokenizer; # for is_keyword() sub Die { my ($msg) = @_; Perl::Tidy::Die($msg); croak "unexpected return from Perl::Tidy::Die"; } sub Warn { my ($msg) = @_; Perl::Tidy::Warn($msg); return; } sub Exit { my ($msg) = @_; Perl::Tidy::Exit($msg); croak "unexpected return from Perl::Tidy::Exit"; } BEGIN { # Codes for insertion and deletion of blanks use constant DELETE => 0; use constant STABLE => 1; use constant INSERT => 2; # Caution: these debug flags produce a lot of output # They should all be 0 except when debugging small scripts use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_RECOMBINE => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BOND_TABLES => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BOND => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BREAK => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_CI => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_FLUSH => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_FORCE => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_LIST => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_NOBREAK => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_OUTPUT => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_SPARSE => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_STORE => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_UNDOBP => 0; use constant FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE => 0; my $debug_warning = sub { print STDOUT "FORMATTER_DEBUGGING with key $_[0]\n"; }; FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_RECOMBINE && $debug_warning->('RECOMBINE'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BOND_TABLES && $debug_warning->('BOND_TABLES'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BOND && $debug_warning->('BOND'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BREAK && $debug_warning->('BREAK'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_CI && $debug_warning->('CI'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_FLUSH && $debug_warning->('FLUSH'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_FORCE && $debug_warning->('FORCE'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_LIST && $debug_warning->('LIST'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_NOBREAK && $debug_warning->('NOBREAK'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_OUTPUT && $debug_warning->('OUTPUT'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_SPARSE && $debug_warning->('SPARSE'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_STORE && $debug_warning->('STORE'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_UNDOBP && $debug_warning->('UNDOBP'); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE && $debug_warning->('WHITE'); } use vars qw{ @gnu_stack $max_gnu_stack_index $gnu_position_predictor $line_start_index_to_go $last_indentation_written $last_unadjusted_indentation $last_leading_token $last_output_short_opening_token $peak_batch_size $saw_VERSION_in_this_file $saw_END_or_DATA_ @gnu_item_list $max_gnu_item_index $gnu_sequence_number $last_output_indentation %last_gnu_equals %gnu_comma_count %gnu_arrow_count @block_type_to_go @type_sequence_to_go @container_environment_to_go @bond_strength_to_go @forced_breakpoint_to_go @token_lengths_to_go @summed_lengths_to_go @levels_to_go @leading_spaces_to_go @reduced_spaces_to_go @mate_index_to_go @ci_levels_to_go @nesting_depth_to_go @nobreak_to_go @old_breakpoint_to_go @tokens_to_go @K_to_go @types_to_go @inext_to_go @iprev_to_go %saved_opening_indentation $max_index_to_go $comma_count_in_batch $last_nonblank_index_to_go $last_nonblank_type_to_go $last_nonblank_token_to_go $last_last_nonblank_index_to_go $last_last_nonblank_type_to_go $last_last_nonblank_token_to_go @nonblank_lines_at_depth $starting_in_quote $ending_in_quote @whitespace_level_stack $whitespace_last_level $format_skipping_pattern_begin $format_skipping_pattern_end $forced_breakpoint_count $forced_breakpoint_undo_count @forced_breakpoint_undo_stack %postponed_breakpoint $tabbing $embedded_tab_count $first_embedded_tab_at $last_embedded_tab_at $deleted_semicolon_count $first_deleted_semicolon_at $last_deleted_semicolon_at $added_semicolon_count $first_added_semicolon_at $last_added_semicolon_at $first_tabbing_disagreement $last_tabbing_disagreement $in_tabbing_disagreement $tabbing_disagreement_count $input_line_tabbing $last_line_leading_type $last_line_leading_level $last_last_line_leading_level %block_leading_text %block_opening_line_number $csc_new_statement_ok $csc_last_label %csc_block_label $accumulating_text_for_block $leading_block_text $rleading_block_if_elsif_text $leading_block_text_level $leading_block_text_length_exceeded $leading_block_text_line_length $leading_block_text_line_number $closing_side_comment_prefix_pattern $closing_side_comment_list_pattern $blank_lines_after_opening_block_pattern $blank_lines_before_closing_block_pattern $last_nonblank_token $last_nonblank_type $last_last_nonblank_token $last_last_nonblank_type $last_nonblank_block_type $last_output_level %is_do_follower %is_if_brace_follower %space_after_keyword $rbrace_follower $looking_for_else %is_last_next_redo_return %is_other_brace_follower %is_else_brace_follower %is_anon_sub_brace_follower %is_anon_sub_1_brace_follower %is_sort_map_grep %is_sort_map_grep_eval %want_one_line_block %is_sort_map_grep_eval_do %is_block_without_semicolon %is_if_unless %is_and_or %is_assignment %is_chain_operator %is_if_unless_and_or_last_next_redo_return %ok_to_add_semicolon_for_block_type @has_broken_sublist @dont_align @want_comma_break $is_static_block_comment $index_start_one_line_block $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct $index_max_forced_break $input_line_number $diagnostics_object $vertical_aligner_object $logger_object $file_writer_object $formatter_self @ci_stack %want_break_before %outdent_keyword $static_block_comment_pattern $static_side_comment_pattern %opening_vertical_tightness %closing_vertical_tightness %closing_token_indentation $some_closing_token_indentation %opening_token_right %stack_opening_token %stack_closing_token $block_brace_vertical_tightness_pattern $keyword_group_list_pattern $keyword_group_list_comment_pattern $rOpts_add_newlines $rOpts_add_whitespace $rOpts_block_brace_tightness $rOpts_block_brace_vertical_tightness $rOpts_brace_left_and_indent $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints $rOpts_break_at_old_keyword_breakpoints $rOpts_break_at_old_comma_breakpoints $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints $rOpts_break_at_old_method_breakpoints $rOpts_break_at_old_ternary_breakpoints $rOpts_break_at_old_attribute_breakpoints $rOpts_closing_side_comment_else_flag $rOpts_closing_side_comment_maximum_text $rOpts_continuation_indentation $rOpts_delete_old_whitespace $rOpts_fuzzy_line_length $rOpts_indent_columns $rOpts_line_up_parentheses $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table $rOpts_maximum_line_length $rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length $rOpts_keep_old_blank_lines $rOpts_ignore_old_breakpoints $rOpts_format_skipping $rOpts_space_function_paren $rOpts_space_keyword_paren $rOpts_keep_interior_semicolons $rOpts_ignore_side_comment_lengths $rOpts_stack_closing_block_brace $rOpts_space_backslash_quote $rOpts_whitespace_cycle $rOpts_one_line_block_semicolons %is_opening_type %is_closing_type %is_keyword_returning_list %tightness %matching_token $rOpts %right_bond_strength %left_bond_strength %binary_ws_rules %want_left_space %want_right_space %is_digraph %is_trigraph $bli_pattern $bli_list_string %is_closing_type %is_opening_type %is_closing_token %is_opening_token %weld_len_left_closing %weld_len_right_closing %weld_len_left_opening %weld_len_right_opening $rcuddled_block_types $SUB_PATTERN $ASUB_PATTERN $NVARS }; BEGIN { # Array index names for token variables my $i = 0; use constant { _BLOCK_TYPE_ => $i++, _CI_LEVEL_ => $i++, _CONTAINER_ENVIRONMENT_ => $i++, _CONTAINER_TYPE_ => $i++, _CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_ => $i++, _LINE_INDEX_ => $i++, _KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_ => $i++, _LEVEL_ => $i++, _LEVEL_TRUE_ => $i++, _SLEVEL_ => $i++, _TOKEN_ => $i++, _TYPE_ => $i++, _TYPE_SEQUENCE_ => $i++, }; $NVARS = 1 + _TYPE_SEQUENCE_; # default list of block types for which -bli would apply $bli_list_string = 'if else elsif unless while for foreach do : sub'; my @q; @q = qw( .. :: << >> ** && .. || // -> => += -= .= %= &= |= ^= *= <> <= >= == =~ !~ != ++ -- /= x= ); @is_digraph{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( ... **= <<= >>= &&= ||= //= <=> <<~ ); @is_trigraph{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= //= .= %= ^= x= ); @is_assignment{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( grep keys map reverse sort split ); @is_keyword_returning_list{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(is if unless and or err last next redo return); @is_if_unless_and_or_last_next_redo_return{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(last next redo return); @is_last_next_redo_return{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(sort map grep); @is_sort_map_grep{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(sort map grep eval); @is_sort_map_grep_eval{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(sort map grep eval do); @is_sort_map_grep_eval_do{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(if unless); @is_if_unless{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(and or err); @is_and_or{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # Identify certain operators which often occur in chains. # Note: the minus (-) causes a side effect of padding of the first line in # something like this (by sub set_logical_padding): # Checkbutton => 'Transmission checked', # -variable => \$TRANS # This usually improves appearance so it seems ok. @q = qw(&& || and or : ? . + - * /); @is_chain_operator{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # We can remove semicolons after blocks preceded by these keywords @q = qw(BEGIN END CHECK INIT AUTOLOAD DESTROY UNITCHECK continue if elsif else unless while until for foreach given when default); @is_block_without_semicolon{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # We will allow semicolons to be added within these block types # as well as sub and package blocks. # NOTES: # 1. Note that these keywords are omitted: # switch case given when default sort map grep # 2. It is also ok to add for sub and package blocks and a labeled block # 3. But not okay for other perltidy types including: # { } ; G t # 4. Test files: blktype.t, blktype1.t, semicolon.t @q = qw( BEGIN END CHECK INIT AUTOLOAD DESTROY UNITCHECK continue if elsif else unless do while until eval for foreach ); @ok_to_add_semicolon_for_block_type{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # 'L' is token for opening { at hash key @q = qw< L { ( [ >; @is_opening_type{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # 'R' is token for closing } at hash key @q = qw< R } ) ] >; @is_closing_type{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw< { ( [ >; @is_opening_token{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw< } ) ] >; @is_closing_token{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # Patterns for standardizing matches to block types for regular subs and # anonymous subs. Examples # 'sub process' is a named sub # 'sub ::m' is a named sub # 'sub' is an anonymous sub # 'sub:' is a label, not a sub # 'substr' is a keyword $SUB_PATTERN = '^sub\s+(::|\w)'; $ASUB_PATTERN = '^sub$'; } # whitespace codes use constant WS_YES => 1; use constant WS_OPTIONAL => 0; use constant WS_NO => -1; # Token bond strengths. use constant NO_BREAK => 10000; use constant VERY_STRONG => 100; use constant STRONG => 2.1; use constant NOMINAL => 1.1; use constant WEAK => 0.8; use constant VERY_WEAK => 0.55; # values for testing indexes in output array use constant UNDEFINED_INDEX => -1; # Maximum number of little messages; probably need not be changed. use constant MAX_NAG_MESSAGES => 6; # increment between sequence numbers for each type # For example, ?: pairs might have numbers 7,11,15,... use constant TYPE_SEQUENCE_INCREMENT => 4; { # methods to count instances my $_count = 0; sub get_count { return $_count; } sub _increment_count { return ++$_count } sub _decrement_count { return --$_count } } sub trim { # trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\s+$//; $str =~ s/^\s+//; return $str; } sub max { my @vals = @_; my $max = shift @vals; foreach my $val (@vals) { $max = ( $max < $val ) ? $val : $max; } return $max; } sub min { my @vals = @_; my $min = shift @vals; foreach my $val (@vals) { $min = ( $min > $val ) ? $val : $min; } return $min; } sub split_words { # given a string containing words separated by whitespace, # return the list of words my ($str) = @_; return unless $str; $str =~ s/\s+$//; $str =~ s/^\s+//; return split( /\s+/, $str ); } sub check_keys { my ( $rtest, $rvalid, $msg, $exact_match ) = @_; # Check the keys of a hash: # $rtest = ref to hash to test # $rvalid = ref to hash with valid keys # $msg = a message to write in case of error # $exact_match defines the type of check: # = false: test hash must not have unknown key # = true: test hash must have exactly same keys as known hash my @unknown_keys = grep { !exists $rvalid->{$_} } keys %{$rtest}; my @missing_keys = grep { !exists $rtest->{$_} } keys %{$rvalid}; my $error = @unknown_keys; if ($exact_match) { $error ||= @missing_keys } if ($error) { local $" = ')('; my @expected_keys = sort keys %{$rvalid}; @unknown_keys = sort @unknown_keys; Die(<<EOM); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program error detected checking hash keys Message is: '$msg' Expected keys: (@expected_keys) Unknown key(s): (@unknown_keys) Missing key(s): (@missing_keys) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOM } return; } # interface to Perl::Tidy::Logger routines sub warning { my ($msg) = @_; if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->warning($msg); } return; } sub complain { my ($msg) = @_; if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->complain($msg); } return; } sub write_logfile_entry { my @msg = @_; if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->write_logfile_entry(@msg); } return; } sub black_box { my @msg = @_; if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->black_box(@msg); } return; } sub report_definite_bug { if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->report_definite_bug(); } return; } sub get_saw_brace_error { if ($logger_object) { return $logger_object->get_saw_brace_error(); } return; } sub we_are_at_the_last_line { if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->we_are_at_the_last_line(); } return; } # interface to Perl::Tidy::Diagnostics routine sub write_diagnostics { my $msg = shift; if ($diagnostics_object) { $diagnostics_object->write_diagnostics($msg); } return; } sub get_added_semicolon_count { my $self = shift; return $added_semicolon_count; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->_decrement_count(); return; } sub get_output_line_number { return $vertical_aligner_object->get_output_line_number(); } sub new { my ( $class, @args ) = @_; # we are given an object with a write_line() method to take lines my %defaults = ( sink_object => undef, diagnostics_object => undef, logger_object => undef, ); my %args = ( %defaults, @args ); $logger_object = $args{logger_object}; $diagnostics_object = $args{diagnostics_object}; # we create another object with a get_line() and peek_ahead() method my $sink_object = $args{sink_object}; $file_writer_object = Perl::Tidy::FileWriter->new( $sink_object, $rOpts, $logger_object ); # initialize the leading whitespace stack to negative levels # so that we can never run off the end of the stack $peak_batch_size = 0; # flag to determine if we have output code $gnu_position_predictor = 0; # where the current token is predicted to be $max_gnu_stack_index = 0; $max_gnu_item_index = -1; $gnu_stack[0] = new_lp_indentation_item( 0, -1, -1, 0, 0 ); @gnu_item_list = (); $last_output_indentation = 0; $last_indentation_written = 0; $last_unadjusted_indentation = 0; $last_leading_token = ""; $last_output_short_opening_token = 0; $saw_VERSION_in_this_file = !$rOpts->{'pass-version-line'}; $saw_END_or_DATA_ = 0; @block_type_to_go = (); @type_sequence_to_go = (); @container_environment_to_go = (); @bond_strength_to_go = (); @forced_breakpoint_to_go = (); @summed_lengths_to_go = (); # line length to start of ith token @token_lengths_to_go = (); @levels_to_go = (); @mate_index_to_go = (); @ci_levels_to_go = (); @nesting_depth_to_go = (0); @nobreak_to_go = (); @old_breakpoint_to_go = (); @tokens_to_go = (); @K_to_go = (); @types_to_go = (); @leading_spaces_to_go = (); @reduced_spaces_to_go = (); @inext_to_go = (); @iprev_to_go = (); @whitespace_level_stack = (); $whitespace_last_level = -1; @dont_align = (); @has_broken_sublist = (); @want_comma_break = (); @ci_stack = (""); $first_tabbing_disagreement = 0; $last_tabbing_disagreement = 0; $tabbing_disagreement_count = 0; $in_tabbing_disagreement = 0; $input_line_tabbing = undef; $last_last_line_leading_level = 0; $last_line_leading_level = 0; $last_line_leading_type = '#'; $last_nonblank_token = ';'; $last_nonblank_type = ';'; $last_last_nonblank_token = ';'; $last_last_nonblank_type = ';'; $last_nonblank_block_type = ""; $last_output_level = 0; $looking_for_else = 0; $embedded_tab_count = 0; $first_embedded_tab_at = 0; $last_embedded_tab_at = 0; $deleted_semicolon_count = 0; $first_deleted_semicolon_at = 0; $last_deleted_semicolon_at = 0; $added_semicolon_count = 0; $first_added_semicolon_at = 0; $last_added_semicolon_at = 0; $is_static_block_comment = 0; %postponed_breakpoint = (); # variables for adding side comments %block_leading_text = (); %block_opening_line_number = (); $csc_new_statement_ok = 1; %csc_block_label = (); %saved_opening_indentation = (); reset_block_text_accumulator(); prepare_for_new_input_lines(); $vertical_aligner_object = Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner->initialize( $rOpts, $file_writer_object, $logger_object, $diagnostics_object ); if ( $rOpts->{'entab-leading-whitespace'} ) { write_logfile_entry( "Leading whitespace will be entabbed with $rOpts->{'entab-leading-whitespace'} spaces per tab\n" ); } elsif ( $rOpts->{'tabs'} ) { write_logfile_entry("Indentation will be with a tab character\n"); } else { write_logfile_entry( "Indentation will be with $rOpts->{'indent-columns'} spaces\n"); } # This hash holds the main data structures for formatting # All hash keys must be defined here. $formatter_self = { rlines => [], # = ref to array of lines of the file rlines_new => [], # = ref to array of output lines # (FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) rLL => [], # = ref to array with all tokens # in the file. LL originally meant # 'Linked List'. Linked lists were a # bad idea but LL is easy to type. Klimit => undef, # = maximum K index for rLL. This is # needed to catch any autovivification # problems. rnested_pairs => [], # for welding decisions K_opening_container => {}, # for quickly traversing structure K_closing_container => {}, # for quickly traversing structure K_opening_ternary => {}, # for quickly traversing structure K_closing_ternary => {}, # for quickly traversing structure rcontainer_map => {}, # hierarchical map of containers rK_phantom_semicolons => undef, # for undoing phantom semicolons if iterating rpaired_to_inner_container => {}, rbreak_container => {}, # prevent one-line blocks rshort_nested => {}, # blocks not forced open rvalid_self_keys => [], # for checking valign_batch_count => 0, }; my @valid_keys = keys %{$formatter_self}; $formatter_self->{rvalid_self_keys} = \@valid_keys; bless $formatter_self, $class; # Safety check..this is not a class yet if ( _increment_count() > 1 ) { confess "Attempt to create more than 1 object in $class, which is not a true class yet\n"; } return $formatter_self; } # Future routines for storing new lines sub push_line { my ( $self, $rline ) = @_; # my $rline = $rlines->[$index_old]; # push @{$rlines_new}, $rline; return; } sub push_old_line { my ( $self, $index_old ) = @_; # TODO: This will copy line with index $index_old to the new line array # my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; # my $rline = $rlines->[$index_old]; # $self->push_line($rline); return; } sub push_blank_line { my ($self) = @_; # my $rline = ... # $self->push_line($rline); return; } sub push_CODE_line { my ( $self, $Kmin, $Kmax ) = @_; # TODO: This will store the values for one new line of CODE # CHECK TOKEN RANGE HERE # $self->push_line($rline); return; } sub increment_valign_batch_count { my ($self) = shift; return ++$self->{valign_batch_count}; } sub get_valign_batch_count { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{valign_batch_count}; } sub Fault { my ($msg) = @_; # This routine is called for errors that really should not occur # except if there has been a bug introduced by a recent program change my ( $package0, $filename0, $line0, $subroutine0 ) = caller(0); my ( $package1, $filename1, $line1, $subroutine1 ) = caller(1); my ( $package2, $filename2, $line2, $subroutine2 ) = caller(2); my $input_stream_name = $logger_object->get_input_stream_name(); Die(<<EOM); ============================================================================== While operating on input stream with name: '$input_stream_name' A fault was detected at line $line0 of sub '$subroutine1' in file '$filename1' which was called from line $line1 of sub '$subroutine2' Message: '$msg' This is probably an error introduced by a recent programming change. ============================================================================== EOM # This is for Perl-Critic return; } sub check_self_hash { my $self = shift; my @valid_self_keys = @{ $self->{rvalid_self_keys} }; my %valid_self_hash; @valid_self_hash{@valid_self_keys} = (1) x scalar(@valid_self_keys); check_keys( $self, \%valid_self_hash, "Checkpoint: self error", 1 ); return; } sub check_token_array { my $self = shift; # Check for errors in the array of tokens # Uses package variable $NVARS $self->check_self_hash(); my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; for ( my $KK = 0 ; $KK < @{$rLL} ; $KK++ ) { my $nvars = @{ $rLL->[$KK] }; if ( $nvars != $NVARS ) { my $type = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_]; $type = '*' unless defined($type); Fault( "number of vars for node $KK, type '$type', is $nvars but should be $NVARS" ); } foreach my $var ( _TOKEN_, _TYPE_ ) { if ( !defined( $rLL->[$KK]->[$var] ) ) { my $iline = $rLL->[$KK]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; Fault("Undefined variable $var for K=$KK, line=$iline\n"); } } } return; } sub set_rLL_max_index { my $self = shift; # Set the limit of the rLL array, assuming that it is correct. # This should only be called by routines after they make changes # to tokenization my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; if ( !defined($rLL) ) { # Shouldn't happen because rLL was initialized to be an array ref Fault("Undefined Memory rLL"); } my $Klimit_old = $self->{Klimit}; my $num = @{$rLL}; my $Klimit; if ( $num > 0 ) { $Klimit = $num - 1 } $self->{Klimit} = $Klimit; return ($Klimit); } sub get_rLL_max_index { my $self = shift; # the memory location $rLL and number of tokens should be obtained # from this routine so that any autovivication can be immediately caught. my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit = $self->{Klimit}; if ( !defined($rLL) ) { # Shouldn't happen because rLL was initialized to be an array ref Fault("Undefined Memory rLL"); } my $num = @{$rLL}; if ( $num == 0 && defined($Klimit) || $num > 0 && !defined($Klimit) || $num > 0 && $Klimit != $num - 1 ) { # Possible autovivification problem... if ( !defined($Klimit) ) { $Klimit = '*' } Fault("Error getting rLL: Memory items=$num and Klimit=$Klimit"); } return ($Klimit); } sub prepare_for_new_input_lines { # Remember the largest batch size processed. This is needed # by the pad routine to avoid padding the first nonblank token if ( $max_index_to_go && $max_index_to_go > $peak_batch_size ) { $peak_batch_size = $max_index_to_go; } $gnu_sequence_number++; # increment output batch counter %last_gnu_equals = (); %gnu_comma_count = (); %gnu_arrow_count = (); $line_start_index_to_go = 0; $max_gnu_item_index = UNDEFINED_INDEX; $index_max_forced_break = UNDEFINED_INDEX; $max_index_to_go = UNDEFINED_INDEX; $last_nonblank_index_to_go = UNDEFINED_INDEX; $last_nonblank_type_to_go = ''; $last_nonblank_token_to_go = ''; $last_last_nonblank_index_to_go = UNDEFINED_INDEX; $last_last_nonblank_type_to_go = ''; $last_last_nonblank_token_to_go = ''; $forced_breakpoint_count = 0; $forced_breakpoint_undo_count = 0; $rbrace_follower = undef; $summed_lengths_to_go[0] = 0; $comma_count_in_batch = 0; $starting_in_quote = 0; destroy_one_line_block(); return; } sub keyword_group_scan { my $self = shift; # Manipulate blank lines around keyword groups (kgb* flags) # Scan all lines looking for runs of consecutive lines beginning with # selected keywords. Example keywords are 'my', 'our', 'local', ... but # they may be anything. We will set flags requesting that blanks be # inserted around and within them according to input parameters. Note # that we are scanning the lines as they came in in the input stream, so # they are not necessarily well formatted. # The output of this sub is a return hash ref whose keys are the indexes of # lines after which we desire a blank line. For line index i: # $rhash_of_desires->{$i} = 1 means we want a blank line AFTER line $i # $rhash_of_desires->{$i} = 2 means we want blank line $i removed my $rhash_of_desires = {}; my $Opt_blanks_before = $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-before'}; # '-kgbb' my $Opt_blanks_after = $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-after'}; # '-kgba' my $Opt_blanks_inside = $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-inside'}; # '-kgbi' my $Opt_blanks_delete = $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-delete'}; # '-kgbd' my $Opt_size = $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-size'}; # '-kgbs' # A range of sizes can be input with decimal notation like 'min.max' with # any number of dots between the two numbers. Examples: # string => min max matches # 1.1 1 1 exactly 1 # 1.3 1 3 1,2, or 3 # 1..3 1 3 1,2, or 3 # 5 5 - 5 or more # 6. 6 - 6 or more # .2 - 2 up to 2 # 1.0 1 0 nothing my ( $Opt_size_min, $Opt_size_max ) = split /\.+/, $Opt_size; if ( $Opt_size_min && $Opt_size_min !~ /^\d+$/ || $Opt_size_max && $Opt_size_max !~ /^\d+$/ ) { Warn(<<EOM); Unexpected value for -kgbs: '$Opt_size'; expecting 'min' or 'min.max'; ignoring all -kgb flags EOM return $rhash_of_desires; } $Opt_size_min = 1 unless ($Opt_size_min); if ( $Opt_size_max && $Opt_size_max < $Opt_size_min ) { return $rhash_of_desires; } # codes for $Opt_blanks_before and $Opt_blanks_after: # 0 = never (delete if exist) # 1 = stable (keep unchanged) # 2 = always (insert if missing) return $rhash_of_desires unless $Opt_size_min > 0 && ( $Opt_blanks_before != 1 || $Opt_blanks_after != 1 || $Opt_blanks_inside || $Opt_blanks_delete ); my $Opt_pattern = $keyword_group_list_pattern; my $Opt_comment_pattern = $keyword_group_list_comment_pattern; my $Opt_repeat_count = $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-repeat-count'}; # '-kgbr' my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $K_closing_container = $self->{K_closing_container}; # variables for the current group and subgroups: my ( $ibeg, $iend, $count, $level_beg, $K_closing, @iblanks, @group, @subgroup ); # Definitions: # ($ibeg, $iend) = starting and ending line indexes of this entire group # $count = total number of keywords seen in this entire group # $level_beg = indententation level of this group # @group = [ $i, $token, $count ] =list of all keywords & blanks # @subgroup = $j, index of group where token changes # @iblanks = line indexes of blank lines in input stream in this group # where i=starting line index # token (the keyword) # count = number of this token in this subgroup # j = index in group where token changes # # These vars will contain values for the most recently seen line: my ( $line_type, $CODE_type, $K_first, $K_last ); my $number_of_groups_seen = 0; #################### # helper subroutines #################### my $insert_blank_after = sub { my ($i) = @_; $rhash_of_desires->{$i} = 1; my $ip = $i + 1; if ( defined( $rhash_of_desires->{$ip} ) && $rhash_of_desires->{$ip} == 2 ) { $rhash_of_desires->{$ip} = 0; } return; }; my $split_into_sub_groups = sub { # place blanks around long sub-groups of keywords # ...if requested return unless ($Opt_blanks_inside); # loop over sub-groups, index k push @subgroup, scalar @group; my $kbeg = 1; my $kend = @subgroup - 1; for ( my $k = $kbeg ; $k <= $kend ; $k++ ) { # index j runs through all keywords found my $j_b = $subgroup[ $k - 1 ]; my $j_e = $subgroup[$k] - 1; # index i is the actual line number of a keyword my ( $i_b, $tok_b, $count_b ) = @{ $group[$j_b] }; my ( $i_e, $tok_e, $count_e ) = @{ $group[$j_e] }; my $num = $count_e - $count_b + 1; # This subgroup runs from line $ib to line $ie-1, but may contain # blank lines if ( $num >= $Opt_size_min ) { # if there are blank lines, we require that at least $num lines # be non-blank up to the boundary with the next subgroup. my $nog_b = my $nog_e = 1; if ( @iblanks && !$Opt_blanks_delete ) { my $j_bb = $j_b + $num - 1; my ( $i_bb, $tok_bb, $count_bb ) = @{ $group[$j_bb] }; $nog_b = $count_bb - $count_b + 1 == $num; my $j_ee = $j_e - ( $num - 1 ); my ( $i_ee, $tok_ee, $count_ee ) = @{ $group[$j_ee] }; $nog_e = $count_e - $count_ee + 1 == $num; } if ( $nog_b && $k > $kbeg ) { $insert_blank_after->( $i_b - 1 ); } if ( $nog_e && $k < $kend ) { my ( $i_ep, $tok_ep, $count_ep ) = @{ $group[ $j_e + 1 ] }; $insert_blank_after->( $i_ep - 1 ); } } } }; my $delete_if_blank = sub { my ($i) = @_; # delete line $i if it is blank return unless ( $i >= 0 && $i < @{$rlines} ); my $line_type = $rlines->[$i]->{_line_type}; return if ( $line_type ne 'CODE' ); my $code_type = $rlines->[$i]->{_code_type}; if ( $code_type eq 'BL' ) { $rhash_of_desires->{$i} = 2; } return; }; my $delete_inner_blank_lines = sub { # always remove unwanted trailing blank lines from our list return unless (@iblanks); while ( my $ibl = pop(@iblanks) ) { if ( $ibl < $iend ) { push @iblanks, $ibl; last } $iend = $ibl; } # now mark mark interior blank lines for deletion if requested return unless ($Opt_blanks_delete); while ( my $ibl = pop(@iblanks) ) { $rhash_of_desires->{$ibl} = 2 } }; my $end_group = sub { # end a group of keywords my ($bad_ending) = @_; if ( defined($ibeg) && $ibeg >= 0 ) { # then handle sufficiently large groups if ( $count >= $Opt_size_min ) { $number_of_groups_seen++; # do any blank deletions regardless of the count $delete_inner_blank_lines->(); if ( $ibeg > 0 ) { my $code_type = $rlines->[ $ibeg - 1 ]->{_code_type}; # patch for hash bang line which is not currently marked as # a comment; mark it as a comment if ( $ibeg == 1 && !$code_type ) { my $line_text = $rlines->[ $ibeg - 1 ]->{_line_text}; $code_type = 'BC' if ( $line_text && $line_text =~ /^#/ ); } # Do not insert a blank after a comment # (this could be subject to a flag in the future) if ( $code_type !~ /(BC|SBC|SBCX)/ ) { if ( $Opt_blanks_before == INSERT ) { $insert_blank_after->( $ibeg - 1 ); } elsif ( $Opt_blanks_before == DELETE ) { $delete_if_blank->( $ibeg - 1 ); } } } # We will only put blanks before code lines. We could loosen # this rule a little, but we have to be very careful because # for example we certainly don't want to drop a blank line # after a line like this: # my $var = <<EOM; if ( $line_type eq 'CODE' && defined($K_first) ) { # - Do not put a blank before a line of different level # - Do not put a blank line if we ended the search badly # - Do not put a blank at the end of the file # - Do not put a blank line before a hanging side comment my $level = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_LEVEL_]; my $ci_level = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_CI_LEVEL_]; if ( $level == $level_beg && $ci_level == 0 && !$bad_ending && $iend < @{$rlines} && $CODE_type ne 'HSC' ) { if ( $Opt_blanks_after == INSERT ) { $insert_blank_after->($iend); } elsif ( $Opt_blanks_after == DELETE ) { $delete_if_blank->( $iend + 1 ); } } } } $split_into_sub_groups->(); } # reset for another group $ibeg = -1; $iend = undef; $level_beg = -1; $K_closing = undef; @group = (); @subgroup = (); @iblanks = (); }; my $find_container_end = sub { # If the keyword lines ends with an open token, find the closing token # '$K_closing' so that we can easily skip past the contents of the # container. return if ( $K_last <= $K_first ); my $KK = $K_last; my $type_last = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_]; my $tok_last = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $type_last eq '#' ) { $KK = $self->K_previous_nonblank($KK); $tok_last = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TOKEN_]; } if ( $KK > $K_first && $tok_last =~ /^[\(\{\[]$/ ) { my $type_sequence = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $lev = $rLL->[$KK]->[_LEVEL_]; if ( $lev == $level_beg ) { $K_closing = $K_closing_container->{$type_sequence}; } } }; my $add_to_group = sub { my ( $i, $token, $level ) = @_; # End the previous group if we have reached the maximum # group size if ( $Opt_size_max && @group >= $Opt_size_max ) { $end_group->(); } if ( @group == 0 ) { $ibeg = $i; $level_beg = $level; $count = 0; } $count++; $iend = $i; # New sub-group? if ( !@group || $token ne $group[-1]->[1] ) { push @subgroup, scalar(@group); } push @group, [ $i, $token, $count ]; # remember if this line ends in an open container $find_container_end->(); return; }; ################################### # loop over all lines of the source ################################### $end_group->(); my $i = -1; foreach my $line_of_tokens ( @{$rlines} ) { $i++; last if ( $Opt_repeat_count > 0 && $number_of_groups_seen >= $Opt_repeat_count ); $CODE_type = ""; $K_first = undef; $K_last = undef; $line_type = $line_of_tokens->{_line_type}; # always end a group at non-CODE if ( $line_type ne 'CODE' ) { $end_group->(); next } $CODE_type = $line_of_tokens->{_code_type}; # end any group at a format skipping line if ( $CODE_type && $CODE_type eq 'FS' ) { $end_group->(); next; } # continue in a verbatim (VB) type; it may be quoted text if ( $CODE_type eq 'VB' ) { if ( $ibeg >= 0 ) { $iend = $i; } next; } # and continue in blank (BL) types if ( $CODE_type eq 'BL' ) { if ( $ibeg >= 0 ) { $iend = $i; push @{iblanks}, $i; # propagate current subgroup token my $tok = $group[-1]->[1]; push @group, [ $i, $tok, $count ]; } next; } # examine the first token of this line my $rK_range = $line_of_tokens->{_rK_range}; ( $K_first, $K_last ) = @{$rK_range}; if ( !defined($K_first) ) { # Unexpected blank line..shouldn't happen # $rK_range should be defined for line type CODE Warn( "Programming Error: Unexpected Blank Line in sub 'keyword_group_scan'. Ignoring" ); return $rhash_of_desires; } my $level = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_LEVEL_]; my $type = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_TYPE_]; my $token = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_TOKEN_]; my $ci_level = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_CI_LEVEL_]; # see if this is a code type we seek (i.e. comment) if ( $CODE_type && $Opt_comment_pattern && $CODE_type =~ /$Opt_comment_pattern/o ) { my $tok = $CODE_type; # Continuing a group if ( $ibeg >= 0 && $level == $level_beg ) { $add_to_group->( $i, $tok, $level ); } # Start new group else { # first end old group if any; we might be starting new # keywords at different level if ( $ibeg > 0 ) { $end_group->(); } $add_to_group->( $i, $tok, $level ); } next; } # See if it is a keyword we seek, but never start a group in a # continuation line; the code may be badly formatted. if ( $ci_level == 0 && $type eq 'k' && $token =~ /$Opt_pattern/o ) { # Continuing a keyword group if ( $ibeg >= 0 && $level == $level_beg ) { $add_to_group->( $i, $token, $level ); } # Start new keyword group else { # first end old group if any; we might be starting new # keywords at different level if ( $ibeg > 0 ) { $end_group->(); } $add_to_group->( $i, $token, $level ); } next; } # This is not one of our keywords, but we are in a keyword group # so see if we should continue or quit elsif ( $ibeg >= 0 ) { # - bail out on a large level change; we may have walked into a # data structure or anoymous sub code. if ( $level > $level_beg + 1 || $level < $level_beg ) { $end_group->(); next; } # - keep going on a continuation line of the same level, since # it is probably a continuation of our previous keyword, # - and keep going past hanging side comments because we never # want to interrupt them. if ( ( ( $level == $level_beg ) && $ci_level > 0 ) || $CODE_type eq 'HSC' ) { $iend = $i; next; } # - continue if if we are within in a container which started with # the line of the previous keyword. if ( defined($K_closing) && $K_first <= $K_closing ) { # continue if entire line is within container if ( $K_last <= $K_closing ) { $iend = $i; next } # continue at ); or }; or ]; my $KK = $K_closing + 1; if ( $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_] eq ';' ) { if ( $KK < $K_last ) { if ( $rLL->[ ++$KK ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { ++$KK } if ( $KK > $K_last || $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_] ne '#' ) { $end_group->(1); next; } } $iend = $i; next; } $end_group->(1); next; } # - end the group if none of the above $end_group->(); next; } # not in a keyword group; continue else { next } } # end of loop over all lines $end_group->(); return $rhash_of_desires; } sub break_lines { # Loop over old lines to set new line break points my $self = shift; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; # Note for RT#118553, leave only one newline at the end of a file. # Example code to do this is in comments below: # my $Opt_trim_ending_blank_lines = 0; # if ($Opt_trim_ending_blank_lines) { # while ( my $line_of_tokens = pop @{$rlines} ) { # my $line_type = $line_of_tokens->{_line_type}; # if ( $line_type eq 'CODE' ) { # my $CODE_type = $line_of_tokens->{_code_type}; # next if ( $CODE_type eq 'BL' ); # } # push @{$rlines}, $line_of_tokens; # last; # } # } # But while this would be a trivial update, it would have very undesirable # side effects when perltidy is run from within an editor on a small snippet. # So this is best done with a separate filter, such # as 'delete_ending_blank_lines.pl' in the examples folder. # Flag to prevent blank lines when POD occurs in a format skipping sect. my $in_format_skipping_section; # set locations for blanks around long runs of keywords my $rwant_blank_line_after = $self->keyword_group_scan(); my $line_type = ""; my $i = -1; foreach my $line_of_tokens ( @{$rlines} ) { $i++; # insert blank lines requested for keyword sequences if ( $i > 0 && defined( $rwant_blank_line_after->{ $i - 1 } ) && $rwant_blank_line_after->{ $i - 1 } == 1 ) { $self->want_blank_line(); } my $last_line_type = $line_type; $line_type = $line_of_tokens->{_line_type}; my $input_line = $line_of_tokens->{_line_text}; # _line_type codes are: # SYSTEM - system-specific code before hash-bang line # CODE - line of perl code (including comments) # POD_START - line starting pod, such as '=head' # POD - pod documentation text # POD_END - last line of pod section, '=cut' # HERE - text of here-document # HERE_END - last line of here-doc (target word) # FORMAT - format section # FORMAT_END - last line of format section, '.' # DATA_START - __DATA__ line # DATA - unidentified text following __DATA__ # END_START - __END__ line # END - unidentified text following __END__ # ERROR - we are in big trouble, probably not a perl script # put a blank line after an =cut which comes before __END__ and __DATA__ # (required by podchecker) if ( $last_line_type eq 'POD_END' && !$saw_END_or_DATA_ ) { $file_writer_object->reset_consecutive_blank_lines(); if ( !$in_format_skipping_section && $input_line !~ /^\s*$/ ) { $self->want_blank_line(); } } # handle line of code.. if ( $line_type eq 'CODE' ) { my $CODE_type = $line_of_tokens->{_code_type}; $in_format_skipping_section = $CODE_type eq 'FS'; # Handle blank lines if ( $CODE_type eq 'BL' ) { # If keep-old-blank-lines is zero, we delete all # old blank lines and let the blank line rules generate any # needed blanks. # We also delete lines requested by the keyword-group logic my $kgb_keep = !( defined( $rwant_blank_line_after->{$i} ) && $rwant_blank_line_after->{$i} == 2 ); # But the keep-old-blank-lines flag has priority over kgb flags $kgb_keep = 1 if ( $rOpts_keep_old_blank_lines == 2 ); if ( $rOpts_keep_old_blank_lines && $kgb_keep ) { $self->flush(); $file_writer_object->write_blank_code_line( $rOpts_keep_old_blank_lines == 2 ); $last_line_leading_type = 'b'; } next; } else { # let logger see all non-blank lines of code my $output_line_number = get_output_line_number(); black_box( $line_of_tokens, $output_line_number ); } # Handle Format Skipping (FS) and Verbatim (VB) Lines if ( $CODE_type eq 'VB' || $CODE_type eq 'FS' ) { $self->write_unindented_line("$input_line"); $file_writer_object->reset_consecutive_blank_lines(); next; } # Handle block comment to be deleted elsif ( $CODE_type eq 'DEL' ) { $self->flush(); next; } # Handle all other lines of code $self->print_line_of_tokens($line_of_tokens); } # handle line of non-code.. else { # set special flags my $skip_line = 0; my $tee_line = 0; if ( $line_type =~ /^POD/ ) { # Pod docs should have a preceding blank line. But stay # out of __END__ and __DATA__ sections, because # the user may be using this section for any purpose whatsoever if ( $rOpts->{'delete-pod'} ) { $skip_line = 1; } if ( $rOpts->{'tee-pod'} ) { $tee_line = 1; } if ( $rOpts->{'trim-pod'} ) { $input_line =~ s/\s+$// } if ( !$skip_line && !$in_format_skipping_section && $line_type eq 'POD_START' && !$saw_END_or_DATA_ ) { $self->want_blank_line(); } } # leave the blank counters in a predictable state # after __END__ or __DATA__ elsif ( $line_type =~ /^(END_START|DATA_START)$/ ) { $file_writer_object->reset_consecutive_blank_lines(); $saw_END_or_DATA_ = 1; } # write unindented non-code line if ( !$skip_line ) { if ($tee_line) { $file_writer_object->tee_on() } $self->write_unindented_line($input_line); if ($tee_line) { $file_writer_object->tee_off() } } } } return; } { ## Beginning of routine to check line hashes my %valid_line_hash; BEGIN { # These keys are defined for each line in the formatter # Each line must have exactly these quantities my @valid_line_keys = qw( _curly_brace_depth _ending_in_quote _guessed_indentation_level _line_number _line_text _line_type _paren_depth _quote_character _rK_range _square_bracket_depth _starting_in_quote _ended_in_blank_token _code_type _ci_level_0 _level_0 _nesting_blocks_0 _nesting_tokens_0 ); @valid_line_hash{@valid_line_keys} = (1) x scalar(@valid_line_keys); } sub check_line_hashes { my $self = shift; $self->check_self_hash(); my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; foreach my $rline ( @{$rlines} ) { my $iline = $rline->{_line_number}; my $line_type = $rline->{_line_type}; check_keys( $rline, \%valid_line_hash, "Checkpoint: line number =$iline, line_type=$line_type", 1 ); } return; } } ## End check line hashes sub write_line { # We are caching tokenized lines as they arrive and converting them to the # format needed for the final formatting. my ( $self, $line_of_tokens_old ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit = $self->{Klimit}; my $rlines_new = $self->{rlines}; my $Kfirst; my $line_of_tokens = {}; foreach my $key ( qw( _curly_brace_depth _ending_in_quote _guessed_indentation_level _line_number _line_text _line_type _paren_depth _quote_character _square_bracket_depth _starting_in_quote ) ) { $line_of_tokens->{$key} = $line_of_tokens_old->{$key}; } # Data needed by Logger $line_of_tokens->{_level_0} = 0; $line_of_tokens->{_ci_level_0} = 0; $line_of_tokens->{_nesting_blocks_0} = ""; $line_of_tokens->{_nesting_tokens_0} = ""; # Needed to avoid trimming quotes $line_of_tokens->{_ended_in_blank_token} = undef; my $line_type = $line_of_tokens_old->{_line_type}; my $input_line_no = $line_of_tokens_old->{_line_number} - 1; if ( $line_type eq 'CODE' ) { my $rtokens = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rtokens}; my $rtoken_type = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rtoken_type}; my $rblock_type = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rblock_type}; my $rcontainer_type = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rcontainer_type}; my $rcontainer_environment = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rcontainer_environment}; my $rtype_sequence = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rtype_sequence}; my $rlevels = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rlevels}; my $rslevels = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rslevels}; my $rci_levels = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rci_levels}; my $rnesting_blocks = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rnesting_blocks}; my $rnesting_tokens = $line_of_tokens_old->{_rnesting_tokens}; my $jmax = @{$rtokens} - 1; if ( $jmax >= 0 ) { $Kfirst = defined($Klimit) ? $Klimit + 1 : 0; foreach my $j ( 0 .. $jmax ) { # Clip negative nesting depths to zero to avoid problems. # Negative values can occur in files with unbalanced containers my $slevel = $rslevels->[$j]; if ( $slevel < 0 ) { $slevel = 0 } my @tokary; @tokary[ _TOKEN_, _TYPE_, _BLOCK_TYPE_, _CONTAINER_TYPE_, _CONTAINER_ENVIRONMENT_, _TYPE_SEQUENCE_, _LEVEL_, _LEVEL_TRUE_, _SLEVEL_, _CI_LEVEL_, _LINE_INDEX_, ] = ( $rtokens->[$j], $rtoken_type->[$j], $rblock_type->[$j], $rcontainer_type->[$j], $rcontainer_environment->[$j], $rtype_sequence->[$j], $rlevels->[$j], $rlevels->[$j], $slevel, $rci_levels->[$j], $input_line_no, ); push @{$rLL}, \@tokary; } $Klimit = @{$rLL} - 1; # Need to remember if we can trim the input line $line_of_tokens->{_ended_in_blank_token} = $rtoken_type->[$jmax] eq 'b'; $line_of_tokens->{_level_0} = $rlevels->[0]; $line_of_tokens->{_ci_level_0} = $rci_levels->[0]; $line_of_tokens->{_nesting_blocks_0} = $rnesting_blocks->[0]; $line_of_tokens->{_nesting_tokens_0} = $rnesting_tokens->[0]; } } $line_of_tokens->{_rK_range} = [ $Kfirst, $Klimit ]; $line_of_tokens->{_code_type} = ""; $self->{Klimit} = $Klimit; push @{$rlines_new}, $line_of_tokens; return; } sub initialize_whitespace_hashes { # initialize these global hashes, which control the use of # whitespace around tokens: # # %binary_ws_rules # %want_left_space # %want_right_space # %space_after_keyword # # Many token types are identical to the tokens themselves. # See the tokenizer for a complete list. Here are some special types: # k = perl keyword # f = semicolon in for statement # m = unary minus # p = unary plus # Note that :: is excluded since it should be contained in an identifier # Note that '->' is excluded because it never gets space # parentheses and brackets are excluded since they are handled specially # curly braces are included but may be overridden by logic, such as # newline logic. # NEW_TOKENS: create a whitespace rule here. This can be as # simple as adding your new letter to @spaces_both_sides, for # example. my @opening_type = qw< L { ( [ >; @is_opening_type{@opening_type} = (1) x scalar(@opening_type); my @closing_type = qw< R } ) ] >; @is_closing_type{@closing_type} = (1) x scalar(@closing_type); my @spaces_both_sides = qw# + - * / % ? = . : x < > | & ^ .. << >> ** && .. || // => += -= .= %= x= &= |= ^= *= <> <= >= == =~ !~ /= != ... <<= >>= ~~ !~~ &&= ||= //= <=> A k f w F n C Y U G v #; my @spaces_left_side = qw< t ! ~ m p { \ h pp mm Z j >; push( @spaces_left_side, '#' ); # avoids warning message my @spaces_right_side = qw< ; } ) ] R J ++ -- **= >; push( @spaces_right_side, ',' ); # avoids warning message # Note that we are in a BEGIN block here. Later in processing # the values of %want_left_space and %want_right_space # may be overridden by any user settings specified by the # -wls and -wrs parameters. However the binary_whitespace_rules # are hardwired and have priority. @want_left_space{@spaces_both_sides} = (1) x scalar(@spaces_both_sides); @want_right_space{@spaces_both_sides} = (1) x scalar(@spaces_both_sides); @want_left_space{@spaces_left_side} = (1) x scalar(@spaces_left_side); @want_right_space{@spaces_left_side} = (-1) x scalar(@spaces_left_side); @want_left_space{@spaces_right_side} = (-1) x scalar(@spaces_right_side); @want_right_space{@spaces_right_side} = (1) x scalar(@spaces_right_side); $want_left_space{'->'} = WS_NO; $want_right_space{'->'} = WS_NO; $want_left_space{'**'} = WS_NO; $want_right_space{'**'} = WS_NO; $want_right_space{'CORE::'} = WS_NO; # These binary_ws_rules are hardwired and have priority over the above # settings. It would be nice to allow adjustment by the user, # but it would be complicated to specify. # # hash type information must stay tightly bound # as in : ${xxxx} $binary_ws_rules{'i'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'i'}{'{'} = WS_YES; $binary_ws_rules{'k'}{'{'} = WS_YES; $binary_ws_rules{'U'}{'{'} = WS_YES; $binary_ws_rules{'i'}{'['} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'R'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'R'}{'{'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'t'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'t'}{'{'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'}'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'}'}{'{'} = WS_OPTIONAL; # RT#129850; was WS_NO $binary_ws_rules{'$'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'$'}{'{'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'@'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'@'}{'{'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'='}{'L'} = WS_YES; $binary_ws_rules{'J'}{'J'} = WS_YES; # the following includes ') {' # as in : if ( xxx ) { yyy } $binary_ws_rules{']'}{'L'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{']'}{'{'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{')'}{'{'} = WS_YES; $binary_ws_rules{')'}{'['} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{']'}{'['} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{']'}{'{'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'}'}{'['} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'R'}{'['} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{']'}{'++'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{']'}{'--'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{')'}{'++'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{')'}{'--'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'R'}{'++'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'R'}{'--'} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'i'}{'Q'} = WS_YES; $binary_ws_rules{'n'}{'('} = WS_YES; # occurs in 'use package n ()' # FIXME: we could to split 'i' into variables and functions # and have no space for functions but space for variables. For now, # I have a special patch in the special rules below $binary_ws_rules{'i'}{'('} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'w'}{'('} = WS_NO; $binary_ws_rules{'w'}{'{'} = WS_YES; return; } ## end initialize_whitespace_hashes sub set_whitespace_flags { # This routine examines each pair of nonblank tokens and # sets a flag indicating if white space is needed. # # $rwhitespace_flags->[$j] is a flag indicating whether a white space # BEFORE token $j is needed, with the following values: # # WS_NO = -1 do not want a space before token $j # WS_OPTIONAL= 0 optional space or $j is a whitespace # WS_YES = 1 want a space before token $j # my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $rwhitespace_flags = []; my ( $last_token, $last_type, $last_block_type, $last_input_line_no, $token, $type, $block_type, $input_line_no ); my $j_tight_closing_paren = -1; $token = ' '; $type = 'b'; $block_type = ''; $input_line_no = 0; $last_token = ' '; $last_type = 'b'; $last_block_type = ''; $last_input_line_no = 0; my $jmax = @{$rLL} - 1; my ($ws); # This is some logic moved to a sub to avoid deep nesting of if stmts my $ws_in_container = sub { my ($j) = @_; my $ws = WS_YES; if ( $j + 1 > $jmax ) { return (WS_NO) } # Patch to count '-foo' as single token so that # each of $a{-foo} and $a{foo} and $a{'foo'} do # not get spaces with default formatting. my $j_here = $j; ++$j_here if ( $token eq '-' && $last_token eq '{' && $rLL->[ $j + 1 ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'w' ); # $j_next is where a closing token should be if # the container has a single token if ( $j_here + 1 > $jmax ) { return (WS_NO) } my $j_next = ( $rLL->[ $j_here + 1 ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) ? $j_here + 2 : $j_here + 1; if ( $j_next > $jmax ) { return WS_NO } my $tok_next = $rLL->[$j_next]->[_TOKEN_]; my $type_next = $rLL->[$j_next]->[_TYPE_]; # for tightness = 1, if there is just one token # within the matching pair, we will keep it tight if ( $tok_next eq $matching_token{$last_token} # but watch out for this: [ [ ] (misc.t) && $last_token ne $token # double diamond is usually spaced && $token ne '<<>>' ) { # remember where to put the space for the closing paren $j_tight_closing_paren = $j_next; return (WS_NO); } return (WS_YES); }; # main loop over all tokens to define the whitespace flags for ( my $j = 0 ; $j <= $jmax ; $j++ ) { my $rtokh = $rLL->[$j]; # Set a default $rwhitespace_flags->[$j] = WS_OPTIONAL; if ( $rtokh->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { next; } # set a default value, to be changed as needed $ws = undef; $last_token = $token; $last_type = $type; $last_block_type = $block_type; $last_input_line_no = $input_line_no; $token = $rtokh->[_TOKEN_]; $type = $rtokh->[_TYPE_]; $block_type = $rtokh->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; $input_line_no = $rtokh->[_LINE_INDEX_]; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Whitespace Rules Section 1: # Handle space on the inside of opening braces. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # /^[L\{\(\[]$/ if ( $is_opening_type{$last_type} ) { $j_tight_closing_paren = -1; # let us keep empty matched braces together: () {} [] # except for BLOCKS if ( $token eq $matching_token{$last_token} ) { if ($block_type) { $ws = WS_YES; } else { $ws = WS_NO; } } else { # we're considering the right of an opening brace # tightness = 0 means always pad inside with space # tightness = 1 means pad inside if "complex" # tightness = 2 means never pad inside with space my $tightness; if ( $last_type eq '{' && $last_token eq '{' && $last_block_type ) { $tightness = $rOpts_block_brace_tightness; } else { $tightness = $tightness{$last_token} } #============================================================= # Patch for test problem <<snippets/fabrice_bug.in>> # We must always avoid spaces around a bare word beginning # with ^ as in: # my $before = ${^PREMATCH}; # Because all of the following cause an error in perl: # my $before = ${ ^PREMATCH }; # my $before = ${ ^PREMATCH}; # my $before = ${^PREMATCH }; # So if brace tightness flag is -bt=0 we must temporarily reset # to bt=1. Note that here we must set tightness=1 and not 2 so # that the closing space # is also avoided (via the $j_tight_closing_paren flag in coding) if ( $type eq 'w' && $token =~ /^\^/ ) { $tightness = 1 } #============================================================= if ( $tightness <= 0 ) { $ws = WS_YES; } elsif ( $tightness > 1 ) { $ws = WS_NO; } else { $ws = $ws_in_container->($j); } } } # end setting space flag inside opening tokens my $ws_1; $ws_1 = $ws if FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Whitespace Rules Section 2: # Handle space on inside of closing brace pairs. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # /[\}\)\]R]/ if ( $is_closing_type{$type} ) { if ( $j == $j_tight_closing_paren ) { $j_tight_closing_paren = -1; $ws = WS_NO; } else { if ( !defined($ws) ) { my $tightness; if ( $type eq '}' && $token eq '}' && $block_type ) { $tightness = $rOpts_block_brace_tightness; } else { $tightness = $tightness{$token} } $ws = ( $tightness > 1 ) ? WS_NO : WS_YES; } } } # end setting space flag inside closing tokens my $ws_2; $ws_2 = $ws if FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Whitespace Rules Section 3: # Use the binary rule table. #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ( !defined($ws) ) { $ws = $binary_ws_rules{$last_type}{$type}; } my $ws_3; $ws_3 = $ws if FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Whitespace Rules Section 4: # Handle some special cases. #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $token eq '(' ) { # This will have to be tweaked as tokenization changes. # We usually want a space at '} (', for example: # <<snippets/space1.in>> # map { 1 * $_; } ( $y, $M, $w, $d, $h, $m, $s ); # # But not others: # &{ $_->[1] }( delete $_[$#_]{ $_->[0] } ); # At present, the above & block is marked as type L/R so this case # won't go through here. if ( $last_type eq '}' ) { $ws = WS_YES } # NOTE: some older versions of Perl had occasional problems if # spaces are introduced between keywords or functions and opening # parens. So the default is not to do this except is certain # cases. The current Perl seems to tolerate spaces. # Space between keyword and '(' elsif ( $last_type eq 'k' ) { $ws = WS_NO unless ( $rOpts_space_keyword_paren || $space_after_keyword{$last_token} ); } # Space between function and '(' # ----------------------------------------------------- # 'w' and 'i' checks for something like: # myfun( &myfun( ->myfun( # ----------------------------------------------------- elsif (( $last_type =~ /^[wUG]$/ ) || ( $last_type =~ /^[wi]$/ && $last_token =~ /^(\&|->)/ ) ) { $ws = WS_NO unless ($rOpts_space_function_paren); } # space between something like $i and ( in <<snippets/space2.in>> # for $i ( 0 .. 20 ) { # FIXME: eventually, type 'i' needs to be split into multiple # token types so this can be a hardwired rule. elsif ( $last_type eq 'i' && $last_token =~ /^[\$\%\@]/ ) { $ws = WS_YES; } # allow constant function followed by '()' to retain no space elsif ($last_type eq 'C' && $rLL->[ $j + 1 ]->[_TOKEN_] eq ')' ) { $ws = WS_NO; } } # patch for SWITCH/CASE: make space at ']{' optional # since the '{' might begin a case or when block elsif ( ( $token eq '{' && $type ne 'L' ) && $last_token eq ']' ) { $ws = WS_OPTIONAL; } # keep space between 'sub' and '{' for anonymous sub definition if ( $type eq '{' ) { if ( $last_token eq 'sub' ) { $ws = WS_YES; } # this is needed to avoid no space in '){' if ( $last_token eq ')' && $token eq '{' ) { $ws = WS_YES } # avoid any space before the brace or bracket in something like # @opts{'a','b',...} if ( $last_type eq 'i' && $last_token =~ /^\@/ ) { $ws = WS_NO; } } elsif ( $type eq 'i' ) { # never a space before -> if ( $token =~ /^\-\>/ ) { $ws = WS_NO; } } # retain any space between '-' and bare word elsif ( $type eq 'w' || $type eq 'C' ) { $ws = WS_OPTIONAL if $last_type eq '-'; # never a space before -> if ( $token =~ /^\-\>/ ) { $ws = WS_NO; } } # retain any space between '-' and bare word; for example # avoid space between 'USER' and '-' here: <<snippets/space2.in>> # $myhash{USER-NAME}='steve'; elsif ( $type eq 'm' || $type eq '-' ) { $ws = WS_OPTIONAL if ( $last_type eq 'w' ); } # always space before side comment elsif ( $type eq '#' ) { $ws = WS_YES if $j > 0 } # always preserver whatever space was used after a possible # filehandle (except _) or here doc operator if ( $type ne '#' && ( ( $last_type eq 'Z' && $last_token ne '_' ) || $last_type eq 'h' ) ) { $ws = WS_OPTIONAL; } # space_backslash_quote; RT #123774 <<snippets/rt123774.in>> # allow a space between a backslash and single or double quote # to avoid fooling html formatters elsif ( $last_type eq '\\' && $type eq 'Q' && $token =~ /^[\"\']/ ) { if ($rOpts_space_backslash_quote) { if ( $rOpts_space_backslash_quote == 1 ) { $ws = WS_OPTIONAL; } elsif ( $rOpts_space_backslash_quote == 2 ) { $ws = WS_YES } else { } # shouldnt happen } else { $ws = WS_NO; } } my $ws_4; $ws_4 = $ws if FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Whitespace Rules Section 5: # Apply default rules not covered above. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # If we fall through to here, look at the pre-defined hash tables for # the two tokens, and: # if (they are equal) use the common value # if (either is zero or undef) use the other # if (either is -1) use it # That is, # left vs right # 1 vs 1 --> 1 # 0 vs 0 --> 0 # -1 vs -1 --> -1 # # 0 vs -1 --> -1 # 0 vs 1 --> 1 # 1 vs 0 --> 1 # -1 vs 0 --> -1 # # -1 vs 1 --> -1 # 1 vs -1 --> -1 if ( !defined($ws) ) { my $wl = $want_left_space{$type}; my $wr = $want_right_space{$last_type}; if ( !defined($wl) ) { $wl = 0 } if ( !defined($wr) ) { $wr = 0 } $ws = ( ( $wl == $wr ) || ( $wl == -1 ) || !$wr ) ? $wl : $wr; } if ( !defined($ws) ) { $ws = 0; write_diagnostics( "WS flag is undefined for tokens $last_token $token\n"); } # Treat newline as a whitespace. Otherwise, we might combine # 'Send' and '-recipients' here according to the above rules: # <<snippets/space3.in>> # my $msg = new Fax::Send # -recipients => $to, # -data => $data; if ( $ws == 0 && $input_line_no != $last_input_line_no ) { $ws = 1 } if ( ( $ws == 0 ) && $j > 0 && $j < $jmax && ( $last_type !~ /^[Zh]$/ ) ) { # If this happens, we have a non-fatal but undesirable # hole in the above rules which should be patched. write_diagnostics( "WS flag is zero for tokens $last_token $token\n"); } $rwhitespace_flags->[$j] = $ws; FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_WHITE && do { my $str = substr( $last_token, 0, 15 ); $str .= ' ' x ( 16 - length($str) ); if ( !defined($ws_1) ) { $ws_1 = "*" } if ( !defined($ws_2) ) { $ws_2 = "*" } if ( !defined($ws_3) ) { $ws_3 = "*" } if ( !defined($ws_4) ) { $ws_4 = "*" } print STDOUT "NEW WHITE: i=$j $str $last_type $type $ws_1 : $ws_2 : $ws_3 : $ws_4 : $ws \n"; }; } ## end main loop if ( $rOpts->{'tight-secret-operators'} ) { new_secret_operator_whitespace( $rLL, $rwhitespace_flags ); } return $rwhitespace_flags; } ## end sub set_whitespace_flags sub respace_tokens { my $self = shift; return if $rOpts->{'indent-only'}; # This routine makes all necessary changes to the tokenization after the # file has been read. This consists mostly of inserting and deleting spaces # according to the selected parameters. In a few cases non-space characters # are added, deleted or modified. # The old tokens are copied one-by-one, with changes, from the old # linear storage array to a new array. my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit_old = $self->{Klimit}; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; my $rpaired_to_inner_container = $self->{rpaired_to_inner_container}; my $rLL_new = []; # This is the new array my $KK = 0; my $rtoken_vars; my $Kmax = @{$rLL} - 1; # Set the whitespace flags, which indicate the token spacing preference. my $rwhitespace_flags = $self->set_whitespace_flags(); # we will be setting token lengths as we go my $cumulative_length = 0; # We also define these hash indexes giving container token array indexes # as a function of the container sequence numbers. For example, my $K_opening_container = {}; # opening [ { or ( my $K_closing_container = {}; # closing ] } or ) my $K_opening_ternary = {}; # opening ? of ternary my $K_closing_ternary = {}; # closing : of ternary # List of new K indexes of phantom semicolons # This will be needed if we want to undo them for iterations my $rK_phantom_semicolons = []; # Temporary hashes for adding semicolons ##my $rKfirst_new = {}; # a sub to link preceding nodes forward to a new node type my $link_back = sub { my ( $Ktop, $key ) = @_; my $Kprev = $Ktop - 1; while ( $Kprev >= 0 && !defined( $rLL_new->[$Kprev]->[$key] ) ) { $rLL_new->[$Kprev]->[$key] = $Ktop; $Kprev -= 1; } }; # A sub to store one token in the new array # All new tokens must be stored by this sub so that it can update # all data structures on the fly. my $last_nonblank_type = ';'; my $last_nonblank_token = ';'; my $last_nonblank_block_type = ''; my $store_token = sub { my ($item) = @_; # This will be the index of this item in the new array my $KK_new = @{$rLL_new}; # check for a sequenced item (i.e., container or ?/:) my $type_sequence = $item->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ($type_sequence) { $link_back->( $KK_new, _KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_ ); my $token = $item->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $is_opening_token{$token} ) { $K_opening_container->{$type_sequence} = $KK_new; } elsif ( $is_closing_token{$token} ) { $K_closing_container->{$type_sequence} = $KK_new; } # These are not yet used but could be useful else { if ( $token eq '?' ) { $K_opening_ternary->{$type_sequence} = $KK_new; } elsif ( $token eq ':' ) { $K_closing_ternary->{$type_sequence} = $KK_new; } else { # shouldn't happen Fault("Ugh: shouldn't happen"); } } } # find the length of this token my $token_length = length( $item->[_TOKEN_] ); # and update the cumulative length $cumulative_length += $token_length; # Save the length sum to just AFTER this token $item->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_] = $cumulative_length; my $type = $item->[_TYPE_]; # trim side comments if ( $type eq '#' ) { $item->[_TOKEN_] =~ s/\s*$//; } if ( $type && $type ne 'b' && $type ne '#' ) { $last_nonblank_type = $type; $last_nonblank_token = $item->[_TOKEN_]; $last_nonblank_block_type = $item->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; } # and finally, add this item to the new array push @{$rLL_new}, $item; }; my $store_token_and_space = sub { my ( $item, $want_space ) = @_; # store a token with preceding space if requested and needed # First store the space if ( $want_space && @{$rLL_new} && $rLL_new->[-1]->[_TYPE_] ne 'b' && $rOpts_add_whitespace ) { my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $item, 'b', ' ' ); $rcopy->[_LINE_INDEX_] = $rLL_new->[-1]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; $store_token->($rcopy); } # then the token $store_token->($item); }; my $K_end_q = sub { my ($KK) = @_; my $K_end = $KK; my $Kn = $self->K_next_nonblank($KK); while ( defined($Kn) && $rLL->[$Kn]->[_TYPE_] eq 'q' ) { $K_end = $Kn; $Kn = $self->K_next_nonblank($Kn); } return $K_end; }; my $add_phantom_semicolon = sub { my ($KK) = @_; my $Kp = $self->K_previous_nonblank( undef, $rLL_new ); return unless ( defined($Kp) ); # we are only adding semicolons for certain block types my $block_type = $rLL->[$KK]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; return unless ( $ok_to_add_semicolon_for_block_type{$block_type} || $block_type =~ /^(sub|package)/ || $block_type =~ /^\w+\:$/ ); my $type_sequence = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $previous_nonblank_type = $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_TYPE_]; my $previous_nonblank_token = $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_TOKEN_]; # Do not add a semicolon if... return if ( # it would follow a comment (and be isolated) $previous_nonblank_type eq '#' # it follows a code block ( because they are not always wanted # there and may add clutter) || $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_] # it would follow a label || $previous_nonblank_type eq 'J' # it would be inside a 'format' statement (and cause syntax error) || ( $previous_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $previous_nonblank_token =~ /format/ ) # if it would prevent welding two containers || $rpaired_to_inner_container->{$type_sequence} ); # We will insert an empty semicolon here as a placeholder. Later, if # it becomes the last token on a line, we will bring it to life. The # advantage of doing this is that (1) we just have to check line # endings, and (2) the phantom semicolon has zero width and therefore # won't cause needless breaks of one-line blocks. my $Ktop = -1; if ( $rLL_new->[$Ktop]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' && $want_left_space{';'} == WS_NO ) { # convert the blank into a semicolon.. # be careful: we are working on the new stack top # on a token which has been stored. my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rLL_new->[$Ktop], 'b', ' ' ); # Convert the existing blank to: # a phantom semicolon for one_line_block option = 0 or 1 # a real semicolon for one_line_block option = 2 my $tok = $rOpts_one_line_block_semicolons == 2 ? ';' : ''; $rLL_new->[$Ktop]->[_TOKEN_] = $tok; # zero length if phantom $rLL_new->[$Ktop]->[_TYPE_] = ';'; $rLL_new->[$Ktop]->[_SLEVEL_] = $rLL->[$KK]->[_SLEVEL_]; push @{$rK_phantom_semicolons}, @{$rLL_new} - 1; # Then store a new blank $store_token->($rcopy); } else { # insert a new token my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rLL_new->[$Kp], ';', '' ); $rcopy->[_SLEVEL_] = $rLL->[$KK]->[_SLEVEL_]; $store_token->($rcopy); push @{$rK_phantom_semicolons}, @{$rLL_new} - 1; } }; my $check_Q = sub { # Check that a quote looks okay # This sub works but needs to by sync'd with the log file output # before it can be used. my ( $KK, $Kfirst ) = @_; my $token = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TOKEN_]; note_embedded_tab() if ( $token =~ "\t" ); my $Kp = $self->K_previous_nonblank( undef, $rLL_new ); return unless ( defined($Kp) ); my $previous_nonblank_type = $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_TYPE_]; my $previous_nonblank_token = $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_TOKEN_]; my $previous_nonblank_type_2 = 'b'; my $previous_nonblank_token_2 = ""; my $Kpp = $self->K_previous_nonblank( $Kp, $rLL_new ); if ( defined($Kpp) ) { $previous_nonblank_type_2 = $rLL_new->[$Kpp]->[_TYPE_]; $previous_nonblank_token_2 = $rLL_new->[$Kpp]->[_TOKEN_]; } my $Kn = $self->K_next_nonblank($KK); my $next_nonblank_token = ""; if ( defined($Kn) ) { $next_nonblank_token = $rLL->[$Kn]->[_TOKEN_]; } my $token_0 = $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TOKEN_]; my $type_0 = $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TYPE_]; # make note of something like '$var = s/xxx/yyy/;' # in case it should have been '$var =~ s/xxx/yyy/;' if ( $token =~ /^(s|tr|y|m|\/)/ && $previous_nonblank_token =~ /^(=|==|!=)$/ # preceded by simple scalar && $previous_nonblank_type_2 eq 'i' && $previous_nonblank_token_2 =~ /^\$/ # followed by some kind of termination # (but give complaint if we can not see far enough ahead) && $next_nonblank_token =~ /^[; \)\}]$/ # scalar is not declared && !( $type_0 eq 'k' && $token_0 =~ /^(my|our|local)$/ ) ) { my $guess = substr( $last_nonblank_token, 0, 1 ) . '~'; complain( "Note: be sure you want '$previous_nonblank_token' instead of '$guess' here\n" ); } }; # Main loop over all lines of the file my $last_K_out; my $CODE_type = ""; my $line_type = ""; # Testing option to break qw. Do not use; it can make a mess. my $ALLOW_BREAK_MULTILINE_QW = 0; my $in_multiline_qw; foreach my $line_of_tokens ( @{$rlines} ) { $input_line_number = $line_of_tokens->{_line_number}; my $last_line_type = $line_type; $line_type = $line_of_tokens->{_line_type}; next unless ( $line_type eq 'CODE' ); my $last_CODE_type = $CODE_type; $CODE_type = $line_of_tokens->{_code_type}; my $rK_range = $line_of_tokens->{_rK_range}; my ( $Kfirst, $Klast ) = @{$rK_range}; next unless defined($Kfirst); # Check for correct sequence of token indexes... # An error here means that sub write_line() did not correctly # package the tokenized lines as it received them. if ( defined($last_K_out) ) { if ( $Kfirst != $last_K_out + 1 ) { Fault( "Program Bug: last K out was $last_K_out but Kfirst=$Kfirst" ); } } else { if ( $Kfirst != 0 ) { Fault("Program Bug: first K is $Kfirst but should be 0"); } } $last_K_out = $Klast; # Handle special lines of code if ( $CODE_type && $CODE_type ne 'NIN' && $CODE_type ne 'VER' ) { # CODE_types are as follows. # 'BL' = Blank Line # 'VB' = Verbatim - line goes out verbatim # 'FS' = Format Skipping - line goes out verbatim, no blanks # 'IO' = Indent Only - only indentation may be changed # 'NIN' = No Internal Newlines - line does not get broken # 'HSC'=Hanging Side Comment - fix this hanging side comment # 'BC'=Block Comment - an ordinary full line comment # 'SBC'=Static Block Comment - a block comment which does not get # indented # 'SBCX'=Static Block Comment Without Leading Space # 'DEL'=Delete this line # 'VER'=VERSION statement # '' or (undefined) - no restructions # For a hanging side comment we insert an empty quote before # the comment so that it becomes a normal side comment and # will be aligned by the vertical aligner if ( $CODE_type eq 'HSC' ) { # Safety Check: This must be a line with one token (a comment) my $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$Kfirst]; if ( $Kfirst == $Klast && $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_] eq '#' ) { # Note that even if the flag 'noadd-whitespace' is set, we # will make an exception here and allow a blank to be # inserted to push the comment to the right. We can think # of this as an adjustment of indentation rather than # whitespace between tokens. This will also prevent the # hanging side comment from getting converted to a block # comment if whitespace gets deleted, as for example with # the -extrude and -mangle options. my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rtoken_vars, 'q', '' ); $store_token->($rcopy); $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rtoken_vars, 'b', ' ' ); $store_token->($rcopy); $store_token->($rtoken_vars); next; } else { # This line was mis-marked by sub scan_comment Fault( "Program bug. A hanging side comment has been mismarked" ); } } # Copy tokens unchanged foreach my $KK ( $Kfirst .. $Klast ) { $store_token->( $rLL->[$KK] ); } next; } # Handle normal line.. # Insert any essential whitespace between lines # if last line was normal CODE. # Patch for rt #125012: use K_previous_code rather than '_nonblank' # because comments may disappear. my $type_next = $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TYPE_]; my $token_next = $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TOKEN_]; my $Kp = $self->K_previous_code( undef, $rLL_new ); if ( $last_line_type eq 'CODE' && $type_next ne 'b' && defined($Kp) ) { my $token_p = $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_TOKEN_]; my $type_p = $rLL_new->[$Kp]->[_TYPE_]; my ( $token_pp, $type_pp ); my $Kpp = $self->K_previous_code( $Kp, $rLL_new ); if ( defined($Kpp) ) { $token_pp = $rLL_new->[$Kpp]->[_TOKEN_]; $type_pp = $rLL_new->[$Kpp]->[_TYPE_]; } else { $token_pp = ";"; $type_pp = ';'; } if ( is_essential_whitespace( $token_pp, $type_pp, $token_p, $type_p, $token_next, $type_next, ) ) { # Copy this first token as blank, but use previous line number my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rLL->[$Kfirst], 'b', ' ' ); $rcopy->[_LINE_INDEX_] = $rLL_new->[-1]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; $store_token->($rcopy); } } # loop to copy all tokens on this line, with any changes my $type_sequence; for ( my $KK = $Kfirst ; $KK <= $Klast ; $KK++ ) { $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$KK]; my $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; my $type = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_]; my $last_type_sequence = $type_sequence; $type_sequence = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; # Handle a blank space ... if ( $type eq 'b' ) { # Delete it if not wanted by whitespace rules # or we are deleting all whitespace # Note that whitespace flag is a flag indicating whether a # white space BEFORE the token is needed next if ( $KK >= $Klast ); # skip terminal blank my $Knext = $KK + 1; my $ws = $rwhitespace_flags->[$Knext]; if ( $ws == -1 || $rOpts_delete_old_whitespace ) { # FIXME: maybe switch to using _new my $Kp = $self->K_previous_nonblank($KK); next unless defined($Kp); my $token_p = $rLL->[$Kp]->[_TOKEN_]; my $type_p = $rLL->[$Kp]->[_TYPE_]; my ( $token_pp, $type_pp ); #my $Kpp = $K_previous_nonblank->($Kp); my $Kpp = $self->K_previous_nonblank($Kp); if ( defined($Kpp) ) { $token_pp = $rLL->[$Kpp]->[_TOKEN_]; $type_pp = $rLL->[$Kpp]->[_TYPE_]; } else { $token_pp = ";"; $type_pp = ';'; } my $token_next = $rLL->[$Knext]->[_TOKEN_]; my $type_next = $rLL->[$Knext]->[_TYPE_]; my $do_not_delete = is_essential_whitespace( $token_pp, $type_pp, $token_p, $type_p, $token_next, $type_next, ); next unless ($do_not_delete); } # make it just one character if allowed if ($rOpts_add_whitespace) { $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = ' '; } $store_token->($rtoken_vars); next; } # Handle a nonblank token... # check for a qw quote if ( $type eq 'q' ) { # trim blanks from right of qw quotes # (To avoid trimming qw quotes use -ntqw; the tokenizer handles # this) $token =~ s/\s*$//; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; note_embedded_tab() if ( $token =~ "\t" ); if ($in_multiline_qw) { # If we are at the end of a multiline qw .. if ( $in_multiline_qw == $KK ) { # Split off the closing delimiter character # so that the formatter can put a line break there if necessary my $part1 = $token; my $part2 = substr( $part1, -1, 1, "" ); if ($part1) { my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rtoken_vars, 'q', $part1 ); $store_token->($rcopy); $token = $part2; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; } $in_multiline_qw = undef; # store without preceding blank $store_token->($rtoken_vars); next; } else { # continuing a multiline qw $store_token->($rtoken_vars); next; } } else { # we are encountered new qw token...see if multiline my $K_end = $K_end_q->($KK); if ( $ALLOW_BREAK_MULTILINE_QW && $K_end != $KK ) { # Starting multiline qw... # set flag equal to the ending K $in_multiline_qw = $K_end; # Split off the leading part # so that the formatter can put a line break there if necessary if ( $token =~ /^(qw\s*.)(.*)$/ ) { my $part1 = $1; my $part2 = $2; if ($part2) { my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rtoken_vars, 'q', $part1 ); $store_token_and_space->( $rcopy, $rwhitespace_flags->[$KK] == WS_YES ); $token = $part2; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; # Second part goes without intermediate blank $store_token->($rtoken_vars); next; } } } else { # this is a new single token qw - # store with possible preceding blank $store_token_and_space->( $rtoken_vars, $rwhitespace_flags->[$KK] == WS_YES ); next; } } } ## end if ( $type eq 'q' ) # Modify certain tokens here for whitespace # The following is not yet done, but could be: # sub (x x x) elsif ( $type =~ /^[wit]$/ ) { # Examples: <<snippets/space1.in>> # change '$ var' to '$var' etc # '-> new' to '->new' if ( $token =~ /^([\$\&\%\*\@]|\-\>)\s/ ) { $token =~ s/\s*//g; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; } # Split identifiers with leading arrows, inserting blanks if # necessary. It is easier and safer here than in the # tokenizer. For example '->new' becomes two tokens, '->' and # 'new' with a possible blank between. # # Note: there is a related patch in sub set_whitespace_flags if ( $token =~ /^\-\>(.*)$/ && $1 ) { my $token_save = $1; my $type_save = $type; # store a blank to left of arrow if necessary my $Kprev = $self->K_previous_nonblank($KK); if ( defined($Kprev) && $rLL->[$Kprev]->[_TYPE_] ne 'b' && $rOpts_add_whitespace && $want_left_space{'->'} == WS_YES ) { my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rtoken_vars, 'b', ' ' ); $store_token->($rcopy); } # then store the arrow my $rcopy = copy_token_as_type( $rtoken_vars, '->', '->' ); $store_token->($rcopy); # then reset the current token to be the remainder, # and reset the whitespace flag according to the arrow $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token_save; $type = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_] = $type_save; $store_token->($rtoken_vars); next; } if ( $token =~ /$SUB_PATTERN/ ) { # -spp = 0 : no space before opening prototype paren # -spp = 1 : stable (follow input spacing) # -spp = 2 : always space before opening prototype paren my $spp = $rOpts->{'space-prototype-paren'}; if ( defined($spp) ) { if ( $spp == 0 ) { $token =~ s/\s+\(/\(/; } elsif ( $spp == 2 ) { $token =~ s/\(/ (/; } } # one space max, and no tabs $token =~ s/\s+/ /g; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; } # trim identifiers of trailing blanks which can occur # under some unusual circumstances, such as if the # identifier 'witch' has trailing blanks on input here: # # sub # witch # () # prototype may be on new line ... # ... if ( $type eq 'i' ) { $token =~ s/\s+$//g; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; } } # change 'LABEL :' to 'LABEL:' elsif ( $type eq 'J' ) { $token =~ s/\s+//g; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; } # patch to add space to something like "x10" # This avoids having to split this token in the pre-tokenizer elsif ( $type eq 'n' ) { if ( $token =~ /^x\d+/ ) { $token =~ s/x/x /; $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] = $token; } } # check a quote for problems elsif ( $type eq 'Q' ) { $check_Q->( $KK, $Kfirst ); } # handle semicolons elsif ( $type eq ';' ) { # Remove unnecessary semicolons, but not after bare # blocks, where it could be unsafe if the brace is # mistokenized. if ( $rOpts->{'delete-semicolons'} && ( ( $last_nonblank_type eq '}' && ( $is_block_without_semicolon{ $last_nonblank_block_type} || $last_nonblank_block_type =~ /$SUB_PATTERN/ || $last_nonblank_block_type =~ /^\w+:$/ ) ) || $last_nonblank_type eq ';' ) ) { # This looks like a deletable semicolon, but even if a # semicolon can be deleted it is necessarily best to do so. # We apply these additional rules for deletion: # - Always ok to delete a ';' at the end of a line # - Never delete a ';' before a '#' because it would # promote it to a block comment. # - If a semicolon is not at the end of line, then only # delete if it is followed by another semicolon or closing # token. This includes the comment rule. It may take # two passes to get to a final state, but it is a little # safer. For example, keep the first semicolon here: # eval { sub bubba { ok(0) }; ok(0) } || ok(1); # It is not required but adds some clarity. my $ok_to_delete = 1; if ( $KK < $Klast ) { my $Kn = $self->K_next_nonblank($KK); if ( defined($Kn) && $Kn <= $Klast ) { my $next_nonblank_token_type = $rLL->[$Kn]->[_TYPE_]; $ok_to_delete = $next_nonblank_token_type eq ';' || $next_nonblank_token_type eq '}'; } } if ($ok_to_delete) { note_deleted_semicolon(); next; } else { write_logfile_entry("Extra ';'\n"); } } } elsif ($type_sequence) { # if ( $is_opening_token{$token} ) { # } if ( $is_closing_token{$token} ) { # Insert a tentative missing semicolon if the next token is # a closing block brace if ( $type eq '}' && $token eq '}' # not preceded by a ';' && $last_nonblank_type ne ';' # and this is not a VERSION stmt (is all one line, we are not # inserting semicolons on one-line blocks) && $CODE_type ne 'VER' # and we are allowed to add semicolons && $rOpts->{'add-semicolons'} ) { $add_phantom_semicolon->($KK); } } } # Store this token with possible previous blank $store_token_and_space->( $rtoken_vars, $rwhitespace_flags->[$KK] == WS_YES ); } # End token loop } # End line loop # Reset memory to be the new array $self->{rLL} = $rLL_new; $self->set_rLL_max_index(); $self->{K_opening_container} = $K_opening_container; $self->{K_closing_container} = $K_closing_container; $self->{K_opening_ternary} = $K_opening_ternary; $self->{K_closing_ternary} = $K_closing_ternary; $self->{rK_phantom_semicolons} = $rK_phantom_semicolons; # make sure the new array looks okay $self->check_token_array(); # reset the token limits of each line $self->resync_lines_and_tokens(); return; } { # scan_comments my $Last_line_had_side_comment; my $In_format_skipping_section; my $Saw_VERSION_in_this_file; sub scan_comments { my $self = shift; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; $Last_line_had_side_comment = undef; $In_format_skipping_section = undef; $Saw_VERSION_in_this_file = undef; # Loop over all lines foreach my $line_of_tokens ( @{$rlines} ) { my $line_type = $line_of_tokens->{_line_type}; next unless ( $line_type eq 'CODE' ); my $CODE_type = $self->get_CODE_type($line_of_tokens); $line_of_tokens->{_code_type} = $CODE_type; } return; } sub get_CODE_type { my ( $self, $line_of_tokens ) = @_; # We are looking at a line of code and setting a flag to # describe any special processing that it requires # Possible CODE_types are as follows. # 'BL' = Blank Line # 'VB' = Verbatim - line goes out verbatim # 'IO' = Indent Only - line goes out unchanged except for indentation # 'NIN' = No Internal Newlines - line does not get broken # 'HSC'=Hanging Side Comment - fix this hanging side comment # 'BC'=Block Comment - an ordinary full line comment # 'SBC'=Static Block Comment - a block comment which does not get # indented # 'SBCX'=Static Block Comment Without Leading Space # 'DEL'=Delete this line # 'VER'=VERSION statement # '' or (undefined) - no restructions my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit = $self->{Klimit}; my $CODE_type = $rOpts->{'indent-only'} ? 'IO' : ""; my $no_internal_newlines = 1 - $rOpts_add_newlines; if ( !$CODE_type && $no_internal_newlines ) { $CODE_type = 'NIN' } # extract what we need for this line.. # Global value for error messages: $input_line_number = $line_of_tokens->{_line_number}; my $rK_range = $line_of_tokens->{_rK_range}; my ( $Kfirst, $Klast ) = @{$rK_range}; my $jmax = -1; if ( defined($Kfirst) ) { $jmax = $Klast - $Kfirst } my $input_line = $line_of_tokens->{_line_text}; my $in_continued_quote = my $starting_in_quote = $line_of_tokens->{_starting_in_quote}; my $in_quote = $line_of_tokens->{_ending_in_quote}; my $ending_in_quote = $in_quote; my $guessed_indentation_level = $line_of_tokens->{_guessed_indentation_level}; my $is_static_block_comment = 0; # Handle a continued quote.. if ($in_continued_quote) { # A line which is entirely a quote or pattern must go out # verbatim. Note: the \n is contained in $input_line. if ( $jmax <= 0 ) { if ( ( $input_line =~ "\t" ) ) { note_embedded_tab(); } $Last_line_had_side_comment = 0; return 'VB'; } } my $is_block_comment = ( $jmax == 0 && $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TYPE_] eq '#' ); # Write line verbatim if we are in a formatting skip section if ($In_format_skipping_section) { $Last_line_had_side_comment = 0; # Note: extra space appended to comment simplifies pattern matching if ( $is_block_comment && ( $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TOKEN_] . " " ) =~ /$format_skipping_pattern_end/o ) { $In_format_skipping_section = 0; write_logfile_entry("Exiting formatting skip section\n"); } return 'FS'; } # See if we are entering a formatting skip section if ( $rOpts_format_skipping && $is_block_comment && ( $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TOKEN_] . " " ) =~ /$format_skipping_pattern_begin/o ) { $In_format_skipping_section = 1; write_logfile_entry("Entering formatting skip section\n"); $Last_line_had_side_comment = 0; return 'FS'; } # ignore trailing blank tokens (they will get deleted later) if ( $jmax > 0 && $rLL->[$Klast]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { $jmax--; } # Handle a blank line.. if ( $jmax < 0 ) { $Last_line_had_side_comment = 0; return 'BL'; } # see if this is a static block comment (starts with ## by default) my $is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space = 0; if ( $is_block_comment && $rOpts->{'static-block-comments'} && $input_line =~ /$static_block_comment_pattern/o ) { $is_static_block_comment = 1; $is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space = substr( $input_line, 0, 1 ) eq '#'; } # Check for comments which are line directives # Treat exactly as static block comments without leading space # reference: perlsyn, near end, section Plain Old Comments (Not!) # example: '# line 42 "new_filename.plx"' if ( $is_block_comment && $input_line =~ /^\# \s* line \s+ (\d+) \s* (?:\s("?)([^"]+)\2)? \s* $/x ) { $is_static_block_comment = 1; $is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space = 1; } # look for hanging side comment if ( $is_block_comment && $Last_line_had_side_comment # last line had side comment && $input_line =~ /^\s/ # there is some leading space && !$is_static_block_comment # do not make static comment hanging && $rOpts->{'hanging-side-comments'} # user is allowing # hanging side comments # like this ) { $Last_line_had_side_comment = 1; return 'HSC'; } # remember if this line has a side comment $Last_line_had_side_comment = ( $jmax > 0 && $rLL->[$Klast]->[_TYPE_] eq '#' ); # Handle a block (full-line) comment.. if ($is_block_comment) { if ( $rOpts->{'delete-block-comments'} ) { return 'DEL' } # TRIM COMMENTS -- This could be turned off as a option $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_TOKEN_] =~ s/\s*$//; # trim right end if ($is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space) { return 'SBCX'; } elsif ($is_static_block_comment) { return 'SBC'; } else { return 'BC'; } } # Patch needed for MakeMaker. Do not break a statement # in which $VERSION may be calculated. See MakeMaker.pm; # this is based on the coding in it. # The first line of a file that matches this will be eval'd: # /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/ # Examples: # *VERSION = \'1.01'; # ( $VERSION ) = '$Revision: 1.74 $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/; # We will pass such a line straight through without breaking # it unless -npvl is used. # Patch for problem reported in RT #81866, where files # had been flattened into a single line and couldn't be # tidied without -npvl. There are two parts to this patch: # First, it is not done for a really long line (80 tokens for now). # Second, we will only allow up to one semicolon # before the VERSION. We need to allow at least one semicolon # for statements like this: # require Exporter; our $VERSION = $Exporter::VERSION; # where both statements must be on a single line for MakeMaker my $is_VERSION_statement = 0; if ( !$Saw_VERSION_in_this_file && $jmax < 80 && $input_line =~ /^[^;]*;?[^;]*([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/ ) { $Saw_VERSION_in_this_file = 1; write_logfile_entry("passing VERSION line; -npvl deactivates\n"); $CODE_type = 'VER'; } return $CODE_type; } } sub find_nested_pairs { my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return unless ( defined($rLL) && @{$rLL} ); # We define an array of pairs of nested containers my @nested_pairs; # We also set the following hash values to identify container pairs for # which the opening and closing tokens are adjacent in the token stream: # $rpaired_to_inner_container->{$seqno_out}=$seqno_in where $seqno_out and # $seqno_in are the seqence numbers of the outer and inner containers of # the pair We need these later to decide if we can insert a missing # semicolon my $rpaired_to_inner_container = {}; # This local hash remembers if an outer container has a close following # inner container; # The key is the outer sequence number # The value is the token_hash of the inner container my %has_close_following_opening; # Names of calling routines can either be marked as 'i' or 'w', # and they may invoke a sub call with an '->'. We will consider # any consecutive string of such types as a single unit when making # weld decisions. We also allow a leading ! my $is_name_type = { 'i' => 1, 'w' => 1, 'U' => 1, '->' => 1, '!' => 1, }; my $is_name = sub { my $type = shift; return $type && $is_name_type->{$type}; }; my $last_container; my $last_last_container; my $last_nonblank_token_vars; my $last_count; my $nonblank_token_count = 0; # loop over all tokens foreach my $rtoken_vars ( @{$rLL} ) { my $type = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_]; next if ( $type eq 'b' ); # long identifier-like items are counted as a single item $nonblank_token_count++ unless ( $is_name->($type) && $is_name->( $last_nonblank_token_vars->[_TYPE_] ) ); my $type_sequence = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ($type_sequence) { my $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $is_opening_token{$token} ) { # following previous opening token ... if ( $last_container && $is_opening_token{ $last_container->[_TOKEN_] } ) { # adjacent to this one my $tok_diff = $nonblank_token_count - $last_count; my $last_tok = $last_nonblank_token_vars->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $tok_diff == 1 || $tok_diff == 2 && $last_container->[_TOKEN_] eq '(' ) { # remember this pair... my $outer_seqno = $last_container->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $inner_seqno = $type_sequence; $has_close_following_opening{$outer_seqno} = $rtoken_vars; } } } elsif ( $is_closing_token{$token} ) { # if the corresponding opening token had an adjacent opening if ( $has_close_following_opening{$type_sequence} && $is_closing_token{ $last_container->[_TOKEN_] } && $has_close_following_opening{$type_sequence} ->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_] == $last_container->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_] ) { # The closing weld tokens must be adjacent # NOTE: so intermediate commas and semicolons # can currently block a weld. This is something # that could be fixed in the future by including # a flag to delete un-necessary commas and semicolons. my $tok_diff = $nonblank_token_count - $last_count; if ( $tok_diff == 1 ) { # This is a closely nested pair .. my $inner_seqno = $last_container->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $outer_seqno = $type_sequence; $rpaired_to_inner_container->{$outer_seqno} = $inner_seqno; push @nested_pairs, [ $inner_seqno, $outer_seqno ]; } } } $last_last_container = $last_container; $last_container = $rtoken_vars; $last_count = $nonblank_token_count; } $last_nonblank_token_vars = $rtoken_vars; } $self->{rnested_pairs} = \@nested_pairs; $self->{rpaired_to_inner_container} = $rpaired_to_inner_container; return; } sub dump_tokens { # a debug routine, not normally used my ( $self, $msg ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $nvars = @{$rLL}; print STDERR "$msg\n"; print STDERR "ntokens=$nvars\n"; print STDERR "K\t_TOKEN_\t_TYPE_\n"; my $K = 0; foreach my $item ( @{$rLL} ) { print STDERR "$K\t$item->[_TOKEN_]\t$item->[_TYPE_]\n"; $K++; } return; } sub get_old_line_index { my ( $self, $K ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return 0 unless defined($K); return $rLL->[$K]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; } sub get_old_line_count { my ( $self, $Kbeg, $Kend ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return 0 unless defined($Kbeg); return 0 unless defined($Kend); return $rLL->[$Kend]->[_LINE_INDEX_] - $rLL->[$Kbeg]->[_LINE_INDEX_] + 1; } sub K_next_code { my ( $self, $KK, $rLL ) = @_; # return the index K of the next nonblank, non-comment token return unless ( defined($KK) && $KK >= 0 ); # use the standard array unless given otherwise $rLL = $self->{rLL} unless ( defined($rLL) ); my $Num = @{$rLL}; my $Knnb = $KK + 1; while ( $Knnb < $Num ) { if ( !defined( $rLL->[$Knnb] ) ) { Fault("Undefined entry for k=$Knnb"); } if ( $rLL->[$Knnb]->[_TYPE_] ne 'b' && $rLL->[$Knnb]->[_TYPE_] ne '#' ) { return $Knnb; } $Knnb++; } return; } sub K_next_nonblank { my ( $self, $KK, $rLL ) = @_; # return the index K of the next nonblank token return unless ( defined($KK) && $KK >= 0 ); # use the standard array unless given otherwise $rLL = $self->{rLL} unless ( defined($rLL) ); my $Num = @{$rLL}; my $Knnb = $KK + 1; while ( $Knnb < $Num ) { if ( !defined( $rLL->[$Knnb] ) ) { Fault("Undefined entry for k=$Knnb"); } if ( $rLL->[$Knnb]->[_TYPE_] ne 'b' ) { return $Knnb } $Knnb++; } return; } sub K_previous_code { # return the index K of the previous nonblank, non-comment token # Call with $KK=undef to start search at the top of the array my ( $self, $KK, $rLL ) = @_; # use the standard array unless given otherwise $rLL = $self->{rLL} unless ( defined($rLL) ); my $Num = @{$rLL}; if ( !defined($KK) ) { $KK = $Num } elsif ( $KK > $Num ) { # The caller should make the first call with KK_new=undef to # avoid this error Fault( "Program Bug: K_previous_nonblank_new called with K=$KK which exceeds $Num" ); } my $Kpnb = $KK - 1; while ( $Kpnb >= 0 ) { if ( $rLL->[$Kpnb]->[_TYPE_] ne 'b' && $rLL->[$Kpnb]->[_TYPE_] ne '#' ) { return $Kpnb; } $Kpnb--; } return; } sub K_previous_nonblank { # return index of previous nonblank token before item K; # Call with $KK=undef to start search at the top of the array my ( $self, $KK, $rLL ) = @_; # use the standard array unless given otherwise $rLL = $self->{rLL} unless ( defined($rLL) ); my $Num = @{$rLL}; if ( !defined($KK) ) { $KK = $Num } elsif ( $KK > $Num ) { # The caller should make the first call with KK_new=undef to # avoid this error Fault( "Program Bug: K_previous_nonblank_new called with K=$KK which exceeds $Num" ); } my $Kpnb = $KK - 1; while ( $Kpnb >= 0 ) { if ( $rLL->[$Kpnb]->[_TYPE_] ne 'b' ) { return $Kpnb } $Kpnb--; } return; } sub map_containers { # Maps the container hierarchy my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return unless ( defined($rLL) && @{$rLL} ); my $K_opening_container = $self->{K_opening_container}; my $K_closing_container = $self->{K_closing_container}; my $rcontainer_map = $self->{rcontainer_map}; # loop over containers my @stack; # stack of container sequence numbers my $KNEXT = 0; while ( defined($KNEXT) ) { my $KK = $KNEXT; $KNEXT = $rLL->[$KNEXT]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; my $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$KK]; my $type_sequence = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ( !$type_sequence ) { next if ( $KK == 0 ); # first token in file may not be container Fault("sequence = $type_sequence not defined at K=$KK"); } my $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $is_opening_token{$token} ) { if (@stack) { $rcontainer_map->{$type_sequence} = $stack[-1]; } push @stack, $type_sequence; } if ( $is_closing_token{$token} ) { if (@stack) { my $seqno = pop @stack; if ( $seqno != $type_sequence ) { # shouldn't happen unless file is garbage } } } } # the stack should be empty for a good file if (@stack) { # unbalanced containers; file probably bad } else { # ok } return; } sub mark_short_nested_blocks { # This routine looks at the entire file and marks any short nested blocks # which should not be broken. The results are stored in the hash # $rshort_nested->{$type_sequence} # which will be true if the container should remain intact. # # For example, consider the following line: # sub cxt_two { sort { $a <=> $b } test_if_list() } # The 'sort' block is short and nested within an outer sub block. # Normally, the existance of the 'sort' block will force the sub block to # break open, but this is not always desirable. Here we will set a flag for # the sort block to prevent this. To give the user control, we will # follow the input file formatting. If either of the blocks is broken in # the input file then we will allow it to remain broken. Otherwise we will # set a flag to keep it together in later formatting steps. # The flag which is set here will be checked in two places: # 'sub print_line_of_tokens' and 'sub starting_one_line_block' my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return unless ( defined($rLL) && @{$rLL} ); return unless ( $rOpts->{'one-line-block-nesting'} ); my $K_opening_container = $self->{K_opening_container}; my $K_closing_container = $self->{K_closing_container}; my $rbreak_container = $self->{rbreak_container}; my $rshort_nested = $self->{rshort_nested}; my $rcontainer_map = $self->{rcontainer_map}; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; # Variables needed for estimating line lengths my $starting_indent; my $starting_lentot; my $length_tol = 1; my $excess_length_to_K = sub { my ($K) = @_; # Estimate the length from the line start to a given token my $length = $self->cumulative_length_before_K($K) - $starting_lentot; my $excess_length = $starting_indent + $length + $length_tol - $rOpts_maximum_line_length; return ($excess_length); }; my $is_broken_block = sub { # a block is broken if the input line numbers of the braces differ my ($seqno) = @_; my $K_opening = $K_opening_container->{$seqno}; return unless ( defined($K_opening) ); my $K_closing = $K_closing_container->{$seqno}; return unless ( defined($K_closing) ); return $rbreak_container->{$seqno} || $rLL->[$K_closing]->[_LINE_INDEX_] != $rLL->[$K_opening]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; }; # loop over all containers my @open_block_stack; my $iline = -1; my $KNEXT = 0; while ( defined($KNEXT) ) { my $KK = $KNEXT; $KNEXT = $rLL->[$KNEXT]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; my $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$KK]; my $type_sequence = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ( !$type_sequence ) { next if ( $KK == 0 ); # first token in file may not be container # an error here is most likely due to a recent programming change Fault("sequence = $type_sequence not defined at K=$KK"); } # We are just looking at code blocks my $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; my $type = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_]; next unless ( $type eq $token ); my $block_type = $rtoken_vars->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; next unless ($block_type); # Keep a stack of all acceptable block braces seen. # Only consider blocks entirely on one line so dump the stack when line # changes. my $iline_last = $iline; $iline = $rLL->[$KK]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; if ( $iline != $iline_last ) { @open_block_stack = () } if ( $token eq '}' ) { if (@open_block_stack) { pop @open_block_stack } } next unless ( $token eq '{' ); # block must be balanced (bad scripts may be unbalanced) my $K_opening = $K_opening_container->{$type_sequence}; my $K_closing = $K_closing_container->{$type_sequence}; next unless ( defined($K_opening) && defined($K_closing) ); # require that this block be entirely on one line next if ( $is_broken_block->($type_sequence) ); # See if this block fits on one line of allowed length (which may # be different from the input script) $starting_lentot = $KK <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $KK - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; $starting_indent = 0; if ( !$rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length ) { my $level = $rLL->[$KK]->[_LEVEL_]; $starting_indent = $rOpts_indent_columns * $level; } # Dump the stack if block is too long and skip this block if ( $excess_length_to_K->($K_closing) > 0 ) { @open_block_stack = (); next; } # OK, Block passes tests, remember it push @open_block_stack, $type_sequence; # We are only marking nested code blocks, # so check for a previous block on the stack next unless ( @open_block_stack > 1 ); # Looks OK, mark this as a short nested block $rshort_nested->{$type_sequence} = 1; } return; } sub weld_containers { # do any welding operations my $self = shift; # initialize weld length hashes needed later for checking line lengths # TODO: These should eventually be stored in $self rather than be package vars %weld_len_left_closing = (); %weld_len_right_closing = (); %weld_len_left_opening = (); %weld_len_right_opening = (); return if ( $rOpts->{'indent-only'} ); return unless ($rOpts_add_newlines); if ( $rOpts->{'weld-nested-containers'} ) { # if called, weld_nested_containers must be called before other weld # operations. # This is because weld_nested_containers could overwrite # hash values written by weld_cuddled_blocks and weld_nested_quotes. $self->weld_nested_containers(); $self->weld_nested_quotes(); } # Note that weld_nested_containers() changes the _LEVEL_ values, so # weld_cuddled_blocks must use the _TRUE_LEVEL_ values instead. # Here is a good test case to Be sure that both cuddling and welding # are working and not interfering with each other: <<snippets/ce_wn1.in>> # perltidy -wn -ce # if ($BOLD_MATH) { ( # $labels, $comment, # join( '', '<B>', &make_math( $mode, '', '', $_ ), '</B>' ) # ) } else { ( # &process_math_in_latex( $mode, $math_style, $slevel, "\\mbox{$text}" ), # $after # ) } $self->weld_cuddled_blocks(); return; } sub cumulative_length_before_K { my ( $self, $KK ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return ( $KK <= 0 ) ? 0 : $rLL->[ $KK - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; } sub cumulative_length_after_K { my ( $self, $KK ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return $rLL->[$KK]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; } sub weld_cuddled_blocks { my $self = shift; # This routine implements the -cb flag by finding the appropriate # closing and opening block braces and welding them together. return unless ( %{$rcuddled_block_types} ); my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return unless ( defined($rLL) && @{$rLL} ); my $rbreak_container = $self->{rbreak_container}; my $K_opening_container = $self->{K_opening_container}; my $K_closing_container = $self->{K_closing_container}; my $length_to_opening_seqno = sub { my ($seqno) = @_; my $KK = $K_opening_container->{$seqno}; my $lentot = $KK <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $KK - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; return $lentot; }; my $length_to_closing_seqno = sub { my ($seqno) = @_; my $KK = $K_closing_container->{$seqno}; my $lentot = $KK <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $KK - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; return $lentot; }; my $is_broken_block = sub { # a block is broken if the input line numbers of the braces differ # we can only cuddle between broken blocks my ($seqno) = @_; my $K_opening = $K_opening_container->{$seqno}; return unless ( defined($K_opening) ); my $K_closing = $K_closing_container->{$seqno}; return unless ( defined($K_closing) ); return $rbreak_container->{$seqno} || $rLL->[$K_closing]->[_LINE_INDEX_] != $rLL->[$K_opening]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; }; # A stack to remember open chains at all levels: # $in_chain[$level] = [$chain_type, $type_sequence]; my @in_chain; my $CBO = $rOpts->{'cuddled-break-option'}; # loop over structure items to find cuddled pairs my $level = 0; my $KNEXT = 0; while ( defined($KNEXT) ) { my $KK = $KNEXT; $KNEXT = $rLL->[$KNEXT]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; my $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$KK]; my $type_sequence = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ( !$type_sequence ) { next if ( $KK == 0 ); # first token in file may not be container Fault("sequence = $type_sequence not defined at K=$KK"); } # We use the original levels because they get changed by sub # 'weld_nested_containers'. So if this were to be called before that # routine, the levels would be wrong and things would go bad. my $last_level = $level; $level = $rtoken_vars->[_LEVEL_TRUE_]; if ( $level < $last_level ) { $in_chain[$last_level] = undef } elsif ( $level > $last_level ) { $in_chain[$level] = undef } # We are only looking at code blocks my $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; my $type = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_]; next unless ( $type eq $token ); if ( $token eq '{' ) { my $block_type = $rtoken_vars->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; if ( !$block_type ) { # patch for unrecognized block types which may not be labeled my $Kp = $self->K_previous_nonblank($KK); while ( $Kp && $rLL->[$Kp]->[_TYPE_] eq '#' ) { $Kp = $self->K_previous_nonblank($Kp); } next unless $Kp; $block_type = $rLL->[$Kp]->[_TOKEN_]; } if ( $in_chain[$level] ) { # we are in a chain and are at an opening block brace. # See if we are welding this opening brace with the previous # block brace. Get their identification numbers: my $closing_seqno = $in_chain[$level]->[1]; my $opening_seqno = $type_sequence; # The preceding block must be on multiple lines so that its # closing brace will start a new line. if ( !$is_broken_block->($closing_seqno) ) { next unless ( $CBO == 2 ); $rbreak_container->{$closing_seqno} = 1; } # we will let the trailing block be either broken or intact ## && $is_broken_block->($opening_seqno); # We can weld the closing brace to its following word .. my $Ko = $K_closing_container->{$closing_seqno}; my $Kon = $self->K_next_nonblank($Ko); # ..unless it is a comment if ( $rLL->[$Kon]->[_TYPE_] ne '#' ) { my $dlen = $rLL->[$Kon]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_] - $rLL->[ $Ko - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; $weld_len_right_closing{$closing_seqno} = $dlen; # Set flag that we want to break the next container # so that the cuddled line is balanced. $rbreak_container->{$opening_seqno} = 1 if ($CBO); } } else { # We are not in a chain. Start a new chain if we see the # starting block type. if ( $rcuddled_block_types->{$block_type} ) { $in_chain[$level] = [ $block_type, $type_sequence ]; } else { $block_type = '*'; $in_chain[$level] = [ $block_type, $type_sequence ]; } } } elsif ( $token eq '}' ) { if ( $in_chain[$level] ) { # We are in a chain at a closing brace. See if this chain # continues.. my $Knn = $self->K_next_code($KK); next unless $Knn; my $chain_type = $in_chain[$level]->[0]; my $next_nonblank_token = $rLL->[$Knn]->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $rcuddled_block_types->{$chain_type}->{$next_nonblank_token} ) { # Note that we do not weld yet because we must wait until # we we are sure that an opening brace for this follows. $in_chain[$level]->[1] = $type_sequence; } else { $in_chain[$level] = undef } } } } return; } sub weld_nested_containers { my $self = shift; # This routine implements the -wn flag by "welding together" # the nested closing and opening tokens which were previously # identified by sub 'find_nested_pairs'. "welding" simply # involves setting certain hash values which will be checked # later during formatting. my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit = $self->get_rLL_max_index(); my $rnested_pairs = $self->{rnested_pairs}; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; my $K_opening_container = $self->{K_opening_container}; my $K_closing_container = $self->{K_closing_container}; # Return unless there are nested pairs to weld return unless defined($rnested_pairs) && @{$rnested_pairs}; # This array will hold the sequence numbers of the tokens to be welded. my @welds; # Variables needed for estimating line lengths my $starting_indent; my $starting_lentot; # A tolerance to the length for length estimates. In some rare cases # this can avoid problems where a final weld slightly exceeds the # line length and gets broken in a bad spot. my $length_tol = 1; my $excess_length_to_K = sub { my ($K) = @_; # Estimate the length from the line start to a given token my $length = $self->cumulative_length_before_K($K) - $starting_lentot; my $excess_length = $starting_indent + $length + $length_tol - $rOpts_maximum_line_length; return ($excess_length); }; my $length_to_opening_seqno = sub { my ($seqno) = @_; my $KK = $K_opening_container->{$seqno}; my $lentot = $KK <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $KK - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; return $lentot; }; my $length_to_closing_seqno = sub { my ($seqno) = @_; my $KK = $K_closing_container->{$seqno}; my $lentot = $KK <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $KK - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; return $lentot; }; # Abbreviations: # _oo=outer opening, i.e. first of { { # _io=inner opening, i.e. second of { { # _oc=outer closing, i.e. second of } { # _ic=inner closing, i.e. first of } } my $previous_pair; # We are working from outermost to innermost pairs so that # level changes will be complete when we arrive at the inner pairs. while ( my $item = pop( @{$rnested_pairs} ) ) { my ( $inner_seqno, $outer_seqno ) = @{$item}; my $Kouter_opening = $K_opening_container->{$outer_seqno}; my $Kinner_opening = $K_opening_container->{$inner_seqno}; my $Kouter_closing = $K_closing_container->{$outer_seqno}; my $Kinner_closing = $K_closing_container->{$inner_seqno}; my $outer_opening = $rLL->[$Kouter_opening]; my $inner_opening = $rLL->[$Kinner_opening]; my $outer_closing = $rLL->[$Kouter_closing]; my $inner_closing = $rLL->[$Kinner_closing]; my $iline_oo = $outer_opening->[_LINE_INDEX_]; my $iline_io = $inner_opening->[_LINE_INDEX_]; # Set flag saying if this pair starts a new weld my $starting_new_weld = !( @welds && $outer_seqno == $welds[-1]->[0] ); # Set flag saying if this pair is adjacent to the previous nesting pair # (even if previous pair was rejected as a weld) my $touch_previous_pair = defined($previous_pair) && $outer_seqno == $previous_pair->[0]; $previous_pair = $item; # Set a flag if we should not weld. It sometimes looks best not to weld # when the opening and closing tokens are very close. However, there # is a danger that we will create a "blinker", which oscillates between # two semi-stable states, if we do not weld. So the rules for # not welding have to be carefully defined and tested. my $do_not_weld; if ( !$touch_previous_pair ) { # If this pair is not adjacent to the previous pair (skipped or # not), then measure lengths from the start of line of oo my $rK_range = $rlines->[$iline_oo]->{_rK_range}; my ( $Kfirst, $Klast ) = @{$rK_range}; $starting_lentot = $Kfirst <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $Kfirst - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; $starting_indent = 0; if ( !$rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length ) { my $level = $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_LEVEL_]; $starting_indent = $rOpts_indent_columns * $level; } # DO-NOT-WELD RULE 1: # Do not weld something that looks like the start of a two-line # function call, like this: <<snippets/wn6.in>> # $trans->add_transformation( # PDL::Graphics::TriD::Scale->new( $sx, $sy, $sz ) ); # We will look for a semicolon after the closing paren. # We want to weld something complex, like this though # my $compass = uc( opposite_direction( line_to_canvas_direction( # @{ $coords[0] }, @{ $coords[1] } ) ) ); # Otherwise we will get a 'blinker' my $iline_oc = $outer_closing->[_LINE_INDEX_]; if ( $iline_oc <= $iline_oo + 1 ) { # Look for following semicolon... my $Knext_nonblank = $self->K_next_nonblank($Kouter_closing); my $next_nonblank_type = defined($Knext_nonblank) ? $rLL->[$Knext_nonblank]->[_TYPE_] : 'b'; if ( $next_nonblank_type eq ';' ) { # Then do not weld if no other containers between inner # opening and closing. my $Knext_seq_item = $inner_opening->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; if ( $Knext_seq_item == $Kinner_closing ) { $do_not_weld ||= 1; } } } } my $iline_ic = $inner_closing->[_LINE_INDEX_]; # DO-NOT-WELD RULE 2: # Do not weld an opening paren to an inner one line brace block # We will just use old line numbers for this test and require # iterations if necessary for convergence # For example, otherwise we could cause the opening paren # in the following example to separate from the caller name # as here: # $_[0]->code_handler # ( sub { $more .= $_[1] . ":" . $_[0] . "\n" } ); # Here is another example where we do not want to weld: # $wrapped->add_around_modifier( # sub { push @tracelog => 'around 1'; $_[0]->(); } ); # If the one line sub block gets broken due to length or by the # user, then we can weld. The result will then be: # $wrapped->add_around_modifier( sub { # push @tracelog => 'around 1'; # $_[0]->(); # } ); if ( $iline_ic == $iline_io ) { my $token_oo = $outer_opening->[_TOKEN_]; my $block_type_io = $inner_opening->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; my $token_io = $inner_opening->[_TOKEN_]; $do_not_weld ||= $token_oo eq '(' && $token_io eq '{'; } # DO-NOT-WELD RULE 3: # Do not weld if this makes our line too long $do_not_weld ||= $excess_length_to_K->($Kinner_opening) > 0; # DO-NOT-WELD RULE 4; implemented for git#10: # Do not weld an opening -ce brace if the next container is on a single # line, different from the opening brace. (This is very rare). For # example, given the following with -ce, we will avoid joining the { # and [ # } else { # [ $_, length($_) ] # } # because this would produce a terminal one-line block: # } else { [ $_, length($_) ] } # which may not be what is desired. But given this input: # } else { [ $_, length($_) ] } # then we will do the weld and retain the one-line block if ( $rOpts->{'cuddled-else'} ) { my $block_type = $rLL->[$Kouter_opening]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; if ( $block_type && $rcuddled_block_types->{'*'}->{$block_type} ) { my $io_line = $inner_opening->[_LINE_INDEX_]; my $ic_line = $inner_closing->[_LINE_INDEX_]; my $oo_line = $outer_opening->[_LINE_INDEX_]; $do_not_weld ||= ( $oo_line < $io_line && $ic_line == $io_line ); } } if ($do_not_weld) { # After neglecting a pair, we start measuring from start of point io $starting_lentot = $self->cumulative_length_before_K($Kinner_opening); $starting_indent = 0; if ( !$rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length ) { my $level = $inner_opening->[_LEVEL_]; $starting_indent = $rOpts_indent_columns * $level; } # Normally, a broken pair should not decrease indentation of # intermediate tokens: ## if ( $last_pair_broken ) { next } # However, for long strings of welded tokens, such as '{{{{{{...' # we will allow broken pairs to also remove indentation. # This will keep very long strings of opening and closing # braces from marching off to the right. We will do this if the # number of tokens in a weld before the broken weld is 4 or more. # This rule will mainly be needed for test scripts, since typical # welds have fewer than about 4 welded tokens. if ( !@welds || @{ $welds[-1] } < 4 ) { next } } # otherwise start new weld ... elsif ($starting_new_weld) { push @welds, $item; } # ... or extend current weld else { unshift @{ $welds[-1] }, $inner_seqno; } # After welding, reduce the indentation level if all intermediate tokens my $dlevel = $outer_opening->[_LEVEL_] - $inner_opening->[_LEVEL_]; if ( $dlevel != 0 ) { my $Kstart = $Kinner_opening; my $Kstop = $Kinner_closing; for ( my $KK = $Kstart ; $KK <= $Kstop ; $KK++ ) { $rLL->[$KK]->[_LEVEL_] += $dlevel; } } } # Define weld lengths needed later to set line breaks foreach my $item (@welds) { # sweep from inner to outer my $inner_seqno; my $len_close = 0; my $len_open = 0; foreach my $outer_seqno ( @{$item} ) { if ($inner_seqno) { my $dlen_opening = $length_to_opening_seqno->($inner_seqno) - $length_to_opening_seqno->($outer_seqno); my $dlen_closing = $length_to_closing_seqno->($outer_seqno) - $length_to_closing_seqno->($inner_seqno); $len_open += $dlen_opening; $len_close += $dlen_closing; } $weld_len_left_closing{$outer_seqno} = $len_close; $weld_len_right_opening{$outer_seqno} = $len_open; $inner_seqno = $outer_seqno; } # sweep from outer to inner foreach my $seqno ( reverse @{$item} ) { $weld_len_right_closing{$seqno} = $len_close - $weld_len_left_closing{$seqno}; $weld_len_left_opening{$seqno} = $len_open - $weld_len_right_opening{$seqno}; } } ##################################### # DEBUG ##################################### if (0) { my $count = 0; local $" = ')('; foreach my $weld (@welds) { print "\nWeld number $count has seq: (@{$weld})\n"; foreach my $seq ( @{$weld} ) { print <<EOM; seq=$seq left_opening=$weld_len_left_opening{$seq}; right_opening=$weld_len_right_opening{$seq}; left_closing=$weld_len_left_closing{$seq}; right_closing=$weld_len_right_closing{$seq}; EOM } $count++; } } return; } sub weld_nested_quotes { my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; return unless ( defined($rLL) && @{$rLL} ); my $K_opening_container = $self->{K_opening_container}; my $K_closing_container = $self->{K_closing_container}; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; my $is_single_quote = sub { my ( $Kbeg, $Kend, $quote_type ) = @_; foreach my $K ( $Kbeg .. $Kend ) { my $test_type = $rLL->[$K]->[_TYPE_]; next if ( $test_type eq 'b' ); return if ( $test_type ne $quote_type ); } return 1; }; my $excess_line_length = sub { my ( $KK, $Ktest ) = @_; # what is the excess length if we add token $Ktest to the line with $KK? my $iline = $rLL->[$KK]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; my $rK_range = $rlines->[$iline]->{_rK_range}; my ( $Kfirst, $Klast ) = @{$rK_range}; my $starting_lentot = $Kfirst <= 0 ? 0 : $rLL->[ $Kfirst - 1 ]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_]; my $starting_indent = 0; my $length_tol = 1; if ( !$rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length ) { my $level = $rLL->[$Kfirst]->[_LEVEL_]; $starting_indent = $rOpts_indent_columns * $level; } my $length = $rLL->[$Ktest]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_] - $starting_lentot; my $excess_length = $starting_indent + $length + $length_tol - $rOpts_maximum_line_length; return $excess_length; }; # look for single qw quotes nested in containers my $KNEXT = 0; while ( defined($KNEXT) ) { my $KK = $KNEXT; $KNEXT = $rLL->[$KNEXT]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; my $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$KK]; my $outer_seqno = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ( !$outer_seqno ) { next if ( $KK == 0 ); # first token in file may not be container Fault("sequence = $outer_seqno not defined at K=$KK"); } my $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $is_opening_token{$token} ) { # see if the next token is a quote of some type my $Kn = $self->K_next_nonblank($KK); next unless $Kn; my $next_token = $rLL->[$Kn]->[_TOKEN_]; my $next_type = $rLL->[$Kn]->[_TYPE_]; next unless ( ( $next_type eq 'q' || $next_type eq 'Q' ) && $next_token =~ /^q/ ); # The token before the closing container must also be a quote my $K_closing = $K_closing_container->{$outer_seqno}; my $Kt_end = $self->K_previous_nonblank($K_closing); next unless $rLL->[$Kt_end]->[_TYPE_] eq $next_type; # Do not weld to single-line quotes. Nothing is gained, and it may # look bad. next if ( $Kt_end == $Kn ); # Only weld to quotes delimited with container tokens. This is # because welding to arbitrary quote delimiters can produce code # which is less readable than without welding. my $closing_delimiter = substr( $rLL->[$Kt_end]->[_TOKEN_], -1, 1 ); next unless ( $is_closing_token{$closing_delimiter} || $closing_delimiter eq '>' ); # Now make sure that there is just a single quote in the container next unless ( $is_single_quote->( $Kn + 1, $Kt_end - 1, $next_type ) ); # If welded, the line must not exceed allowed line length # Assume old line breaks for this estimate. next if ( $excess_line_length->( $KK, $Kn ) > 0 ); # OK to weld # FIXME: Are these always correct? $weld_len_left_closing{$outer_seqno} = 1; $weld_len_right_opening{$outer_seqno} = 2; # QW PATCH 1 (Testing) # undo CI for welded quotes foreach my $K ( $Kn .. $Kt_end ) { $rLL->[$K]->[_CI_LEVEL_] = 0; } # Change the level of a closing qw token to be that of the outer # containing token. This will allow -lp indentation to function # correctly in the vertical aligner. $rLL->[$Kt_end]->[_LEVEL_] = $rLL->[$K_closing]->[_LEVEL_]; } } return; } sub weld_len_left { my ( $seqno, $type_or_tok ) = @_; # Given the sequence number of a token, and the token or its type, # return the length of any weld to its left my $weld_len; if ($seqno) { if ( $is_closing_type{$type_or_tok} ) { $weld_len = $weld_len_left_closing{$seqno}; } elsif ( $is_opening_type{$type_or_tok} ) { $weld_len = $weld_len_left_opening{$seqno}; } } if ( !defined($weld_len) ) { $weld_len = 0 } return $weld_len; } sub weld_len_right { my ( $seqno, $type_or_tok ) = @_; # Given the sequence number of a token, and the token or its type, # return the length of any weld to its right my $weld_len; if ($seqno) { if ( $is_closing_type{$type_or_tok} ) { $weld_len = $weld_len_right_closing{$seqno}; } elsif ( $is_opening_type{$type_or_tok} ) { $weld_len = $weld_len_right_opening{$seqno}; } } if ( !defined($weld_len) ) { $weld_len = 0 } return $weld_len; } sub weld_len_left_to_go { my ($i) = @_; # Given the index of a token in the 'to_go' array # return the length of any weld to its left return if ( $i < 0 ); my $weld_len = weld_len_left( $type_sequence_to_go[$i], $types_to_go[$i] ); return $weld_len; } sub weld_len_right_to_go { my ($i) = @_; # Given the index of a token in the 'to_go' array # return the length of any weld to its right return if ( $i < 0 ); if ( $i > 0 && $types_to_go[$i] eq 'b' ) { $i-- } my $weld_len = weld_len_right( $type_sequence_to_go[$i], $types_to_go[$i] ); return $weld_len; } sub link_sequence_items { # This has been merged into 'respace_tokens' but retained for reference my $self = shift; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; # We walk the token list and make links to the next sequence item. # We also define these hashes to container tokens using sequence number as # the key: my $K_opening_container = {}; # opening [ { or ( my $K_closing_container = {}; # closing ] } or ) my $K_opening_ternary = {}; # opening ? of ternary my $K_closing_ternary = {}; # closing : of ternary # sub to link preceding nodes forward to a new node type my $link_back = sub { my ( $Ktop, $key ) = @_; my $Kprev = $Ktop - 1; while ( $Kprev >= 0 && !defined( $rLL->[$Kprev]->[$key] ) ) { $rLL->[$Kprev]->[$key] = $Ktop; $Kprev -= 1; } }; for ( my $KK = 0 ; $KK < @{$rLL} ; $KK++ ) { $rLL->[$KK]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_] = undef; my $type = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_]; next if ( $type eq 'b' ); my $type_sequence = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ($type_sequence) { $link_back->( $KK, _KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_ ); my $token = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TOKEN_]; if ( $is_opening_token{$token} ) { $K_opening_container->{$type_sequence} = $KK; } elsif ( $is_closing_token{$token} ) { $K_closing_container->{$type_sequence} = $KK; } # These are not yet used but could be useful else { if ( $token eq '?' ) { $K_opening_ternary->{$type_sequence} = $KK; } elsif ( $token eq ':' ) { $K_closing_ternary->{$type_sequence} = $KK; } else { Fault(<<EOM); Unknown sequenced token type '$type'. Expecting one of '{[(?:)]}' EOM } } } } $self->{K_opening_container} = $K_opening_container; $self->{K_closing_container} = $K_closing_container; $self->{K_opening_ternary} = $K_opening_ternary; $self->{K_closing_ternary} = $K_closing_ternary; return; } sub sum_token_lengths { my $self = shift; # This has been merged into 'respace_tokens' but retained for reference my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $cumulative_length = 0; for ( my $KK = 0 ; $KK < @{$rLL} ; $KK++ ) { # now set the length of this token my $token_length = length( $rLL->[$KK]->[_TOKEN_] ); $cumulative_length += $token_length; # Save the length sum to just AFTER this token $rLL->[$KK]->[_CUMULATIVE_LENGTH_] = $cumulative_length; } return; } sub resync_lines_and_tokens { my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit = $self->{Klimit}; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; # Re-construct the arrays of tokens associated with the original input lines # since they have probably changed due to inserting and deleting blanks # and a few other tokens. my $Kmax = -1; # This is the next token and its line index: my $Knext = 0; my $inext; if ( defined($rLL) && @{$rLL} ) { $Kmax = @{$rLL} - 1; $inext = $rLL->[$Knext]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; } my $get_inext = sub { if ( $Knext < 0 || $Knext > $Kmax ) { $inext = undef } else { $inext = $rLL->[$Knext]->[_LINE_INDEX_]; } return $inext; }; # Remember the most recently output token index my $Klast_out; my $iline = -1; foreach my $line_of_tokens ( @{$rlines} ) { $iline++; my $line_type = $line_of_tokens->{_line_type}; if ( $line_type eq 'CODE' ) { my @K_array; my $rK_range; $inext = $get_inext->(); while ( defined($inext) && $inext <= $iline ) { push @{K_array}, $Knext; $Knext += 1; $inext = $get_inext->(); } # Delete any terminal blank token if (@K_array) { if ( $rLL->[ $K_array[-1] ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { pop @K_array; } } # Define the range of K indexes for the line: # $Kfirst = index of first token on line # $Klast_out = index of last token on line my ( $Kfirst, $Klast ); if (@K_array) { $Kfirst = $K_array[0]; $Klast = $K_array[-1]; $Klast_out = $Klast; } # It is only safe to trim the actual line text if the input # line had a terminal blank token. Otherwise, we may be # in a quote. if ( $line_of_tokens->{_ended_in_blank_token} ) { $line_of_tokens->{_line_text} =~ s/\s+$//; } $line_of_tokens->{_rK_range} = [ $Kfirst, $Klast ]; # Deleting semicolons can create new empty code lines # which should be marked as blank if ( !defined($Kfirst) ) { my $code_type = $line_of_tokens->{_code_type}; if ( !$code_type ) { $line_of_tokens->{_code_type} = 'BL'; } } } } # There shouldn't be any nodes beyond the last one unless we start # allowing 'link_after' calls if ( defined($inext) ) { Fault("unexpected tokens at end of file when reconstructing lines"); } return; } sub dump_verbatim { my $self = shift; my $rlines = $self->{rlines}; foreach my $line ( @{$rlines} ) { my $input_line = $line->{_line_text}; $self->write_unindented_line($input_line); } return; } sub finish_formatting { my ( $self, $severe_error ) = @_; # The file has been tokenized and is ready to be formatted. # All of the relevant data is stored in $self, ready to go. # output file verbatim if severe error or no formatting requested if ( $severe_error || $rOpts->{notidy} ) { $self->dump_verbatim(); $self->wrapup(); return; } # Make a pass through the lines, looking at lines of CODE and identifying # special processing needs, such format skipping sections marked by # special comments $self->scan_comments(); # Find nested pairs of container tokens for any welding. This information # is also needed for adding semicolons, so it is split apart from the # welding step. $self->find_nested_pairs(); # Make sure everything looks good $self->check_line_hashes(); # Future: Place to Begin future Iteration Loop # foreach my $it_count(1..$maxit) { # Future: We must reset some things after the first iteration. # This includes: # - resetting levels if there was any welding # - resetting any phantom semicolons # - dealing with any line numbering issues so we can relate final lines # line numbers with input line numbers. # # If ($it_count>1) { # Copy {level_raw} to [_LEVEL_] if ($it_count>1) # Renumber lines # } # Make a pass through all tokens, adding or deleting any whitespace as # required. Also make any other changes, such as adding semicolons. # All token changes must be made here so that the token data structure # remains fixed for the rest of this iteration. $self->respace_tokens(); # Make a hierarchical map of the containers $self->map_containers(); # Implement any welding needed for the -wn or -cb options $self->weld_containers(); # Locate small nested blocks which should not be broken $self->mark_short_nested_blocks(); # Finishes formatting and write the result to the line sink. # Eventually this call should just change the 'rlines' data according to the # new line breaks and then return so that we can do an internal iteration # before continuing with the next stages of formatting. $self->break_lines(); ############################################################ # A possible future decomposition of 'break_lines()' follows. # Benefits: # - allow perltidy to do an internal iteration which eliminates # many unnecessary steps, such as re-parsing and vertical alignment. # This will allow iterations to be automatic. # - consolidate all length calculations to allow utf8 alignment ############################################################ # Future: Check for convergence of beginning tokens on CODE lines # Future: End of Iteration Loop # Future: add_padding($rargs); # Future: add_closing_side_comments($rargs); # Future: vertical_alignment($rargs); # Future: output results # A final routine to tie up any loose ends $self->wrapup(); return; } sub create_one_line_block { ( $index_start_one_line_block, $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct ) = @_; return; } sub destroy_one_line_block { $index_start_one_line_block = UNDEFINED_INDEX; $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct = 0; return; } sub leading_spaces_to_go { # return the number of indentation spaces for a token in the output stream; # these were previously stored by 'set_leading_whitespace'. my $ii = shift; if ( $ii < 0 ) { $ii = 0 } return get_spaces( $leading_spaces_to_go[$ii] ); } sub get_spaces { # return the number of leading spaces associated with an indentation # variable $indentation is either a constant number of spaces or an object # with a get_spaces method. my $indentation = shift; return ref($indentation) ? $indentation->get_spaces() : $indentation; } sub get_recoverable_spaces { # return the number of spaces (+ means shift right, - means shift left) # that we would like to shift a group of lines with the same indentation # to get them to line up with their opening parens my $indentation = shift; return ref($indentation) ? $indentation->get_recoverable_spaces() : 0; } sub get_available_spaces_to_go { my $ii = shift; my $item = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ii]; # return the number of available leading spaces associated with an # indentation variable. $indentation is either a constant number of # spaces or an object with a get_available_spaces method. return ref($item) ? $item->get_available_spaces() : 0; } sub new_lp_indentation_item { # this is an interface to the IndentationItem class my ( $spaces, $level, $ci_level, $available_spaces, $align_paren ) = @_; # A negative level implies not to store the item in the item_list my $index = 0; if ( $level >= 0 ) { $index = ++$max_gnu_item_index; } my $item = Perl::Tidy::IndentationItem->new( $spaces, $level, $ci_level, $available_spaces, $index, $gnu_sequence_number, $align_paren, $max_gnu_stack_index, $line_start_index_to_go, ); if ( $level >= 0 ) { $gnu_item_list[$max_gnu_item_index] = $item; } return $item; } sub set_leading_whitespace { # This routine defines leading whitespace # given: the level and continuation_level of a token, # define: space count of leading string which would apply if it # were the first token of a new line. my ( $level_abs, $ci_level, $in_continued_quote ) = @_; # Adjust levels if necessary to recycle whitespace: # given $level_abs, the absolute level # define $level, a possibly reduced level for whitespace my $level = $level_abs; if ( $rOpts_whitespace_cycle && $rOpts_whitespace_cycle > 0 ) { if ( $level_abs < $whitespace_last_level ) { pop(@whitespace_level_stack); } if ( !@whitespace_level_stack ) { push @whitespace_level_stack, $level_abs; } elsif ( $level_abs > $whitespace_last_level ) { $level = $whitespace_level_stack[-1] + ( $level_abs - $whitespace_last_level ); if ( # 1 Try to break at a block brace ( $level > $rOpts_whitespace_cycle && $last_nonblank_type eq '{' && $last_nonblank_token eq '{' ) # 2 Then either a brace or bracket || ( $level > $rOpts_whitespace_cycle + 1 && $last_nonblank_token =~ /^[\{\[]$/ ) # 3 Then a paren too || $level > $rOpts_whitespace_cycle + 2 ) { $level = 1; } push @whitespace_level_stack, $level; } $level = $whitespace_level_stack[-1]; } $whitespace_last_level = $level_abs; # modify for -bli, which adds one continuation indentation for # opening braces if ( $rOpts_brace_left_and_indent && $max_index_to_go == 0 && $block_type_to_go[$max_index_to_go] =~ /$bli_pattern/o ) { $ci_level++; } # patch to avoid trouble when input file has negative indentation. # other logic should catch this error. if ( $level < 0 ) { $level = 0 } #------------------------------------------- # handle the standard indentation scheme #------------------------------------------- unless ($rOpts_line_up_parentheses) { my $space_count = $ci_level * $rOpts_continuation_indentation + $level * $rOpts_indent_columns; my $ci_spaces = ( $ci_level == 0 ) ? 0 : $rOpts_continuation_indentation; if ($in_continued_quote) { $space_count = 0; $ci_spaces = 0; } $leading_spaces_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $space_count; $reduced_spaces_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $space_count - $ci_spaces; return; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # handle case of -lp indentation.. #------------------------------------------------------------- # The continued_quote flag means that this is the first token of a # line, and it is the continuation of some kind of multi-line quote # or pattern. It requires special treatment because it must have no # added leading whitespace. So we create a special indentation item # which is not in the stack. if ($in_continued_quote) { my $space_count = 0; my $available_space = 0; $level = -1; # flag to prevent storing in item_list $leading_spaces_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $reduced_spaces_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = new_lp_indentation_item( $space_count, $level, $ci_level, $available_space, 0 ); return; } # get the top state from the stack my $space_count = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_spaces(); my $current_level = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_level(); my $current_ci_level = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_ci_level(); my $type = $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; my $token = $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; my $total_depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; if ( $type eq '{' || $type eq '(' ) { $gnu_comma_count{ $total_depth + 1 } = 0; $gnu_arrow_count{ $total_depth + 1 } = 0; # If we come to an opening token after an '=' token of some type, # see if it would be helpful to 'break' after the '=' to save space my $last_equals = $last_gnu_equals{$total_depth}; if ( $last_equals && $last_equals > $line_start_index_to_go ) { # find the position if we break at the '=' my $i_test = $last_equals; if ( $types_to_go[ $i_test + 1 ] eq 'b' ) { $i_test++ } # TESTING ##my $too_close = ($i_test==$max_index_to_go-1); my $test_position = total_line_length( $i_test, $max_index_to_go ); my $mll = maximum_line_length($i_test); if ( # the equals is not just before an open paren (testing) ##!$too_close && # if we are beyond the midpoint $gnu_position_predictor > $mll - $rOpts_maximum_line_length / 2 # or we are beyond the 1/4 point and there was an old # break at the equals || ( $gnu_position_predictor > $mll - $rOpts_maximum_line_length * 3 / 4 && ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$last_equals] || ( $last_equals > 0 && $old_breakpoint_to_go[ $last_equals - 1 ] ) || ( $last_equals > 1 && $types_to_go[ $last_equals - 1 ] eq 'b' && $old_breakpoint_to_go[ $last_equals - 2 ] ) ) ) ) { # then make the switch -- note that we do not set a real # breakpoint here because we may not really need one; sub # scan_list will do that if necessary $line_start_index_to_go = $i_test + 1; $gnu_position_predictor = $test_position; } } } my $halfway = maximum_line_length_for_level($level) - $rOpts_maximum_line_length / 2; # Check for decreasing depth .. # Note that one token may have both decreasing and then increasing # depth. For example, (level, ci) can go from (1,1) to (2,0). So, # in this example we would first go back to (1,0) then up to (2,0) # in a single call. if ( $level < $current_level || $ci_level < $current_ci_level ) { # loop to find the first entry at or completely below this level my ( $lev, $ci_lev ); while (1) { if ($max_gnu_stack_index) { # save index of token which closes this level $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->set_closed($max_index_to_go); # Undo any extra indentation if we saw no commas my $available_spaces = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_available_spaces(); my $comma_count = 0; my $arrow_count = 0; if ( $type eq '}' || $type eq ')' ) { $comma_count = $gnu_comma_count{$total_depth}; $arrow_count = $gnu_arrow_count{$total_depth}; $comma_count = 0 unless $comma_count; $arrow_count = 0 unless $arrow_count; } $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->set_comma_count($comma_count); $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->set_arrow_count($arrow_count); if ( $available_spaces > 0 ) { if ( $comma_count <= 0 || $arrow_count > 0 ) { my $i = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_index(); my $seqno = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index] ->get_sequence_number(); # Be sure this item was created in this batch. This # should be true because we delete any available # space from open items at the end of each batch. if ( $gnu_sequence_number != $seqno || $i > $max_gnu_item_index ) { warning( "Program bug with -lp. seqno=$seqno should be $gnu_sequence_number and i=$i should be less than max=$max_gnu_item_index\n" ); report_definite_bug(); } else { if ( $arrow_count == 0 ) { $gnu_item_list[$i] ->permanently_decrease_available_spaces( $available_spaces); } else { $gnu_item_list[$i] ->tentatively_decrease_available_spaces( $available_spaces); } foreach my $j ( $i + 1 .. $max_gnu_item_index ) { $gnu_item_list[$j] ->decrease_SPACES($available_spaces); } } } } # go down one level --$max_gnu_stack_index; $lev = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_level(); $ci_lev = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_ci_level(); # stop when we reach a level at or below the current level if ( $lev <= $level && $ci_lev <= $ci_level ) { $space_count = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_spaces(); $current_level = $lev; $current_ci_level = $ci_lev; last; } } # reached bottom of stack .. should never happen because # only negative levels can get here, and $level was forced # to be positive above. else { warning( "program bug with -lp: stack_error. level=$level; lev=$lev; ci_level=$ci_level; ci_lev=$ci_lev; rerun with -nlp\n" ); report_definite_bug(); last; } } } # handle increasing depth if ( $level > $current_level || $ci_level > $current_ci_level ) { # Compute the standard incremental whitespace. This will be # the minimum incremental whitespace that will be used. This # choice results in a smooth transition between the gnu-style # and the standard style. my $standard_increment = ( $level - $current_level ) * $rOpts_indent_columns + ( $ci_level - $current_ci_level ) * $rOpts_continuation_indentation; # Now we have to define how much extra incremental space # ("$available_space") we want. This extra space will be # reduced as necessary when long lines are encountered or when # it becomes clear that we do not have a good list. my $available_space = 0; my $align_paren = 0; my $excess = 0; # initialization on empty stack.. if ( $max_gnu_stack_index == 0 ) { $space_count = $level * $rOpts_indent_columns; } # if this is a BLOCK, add the standard increment elsif ($last_nonblank_block_type) { $space_count += $standard_increment; } # if last nonblank token was not structural indentation, # just use standard increment elsif ( $last_nonblank_type ne '{' ) { $space_count += $standard_increment; } # otherwise use the space to the first non-blank level change token else { $space_count = $gnu_position_predictor; my $min_gnu_indentation = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->get_spaces(); $available_space = $space_count - $min_gnu_indentation; if ( $available_space >= $standard_increment ) { $min_gnu_indentation += $standard_increment; } elsif ( $available_space > 1 ) { $min_gnu_indentation += $available_space + 1; } elsif ( $last_nonblank_token =~ /^[\{\[\(]$/ ) { if ( ( $tightness{$last_nonblank_token} < 2 ) ) { $min_gnu_indentation += 2; } else { $min_gnu_indentation += 1; } } else { $min_gnu_indentation += $standard_increment; } $available_space = $space_count - $min_gnu_indentation; if ( $available_space < 0 ) { $space_count = $min_gnu_indentation; $available_space = 0; } $align_paren = 1; } # update state, but not on a blank token if ( $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] ne 'b' ) { $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]->set_have_child(1); ++$max_gnu_stack_index; $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index] = new_lp_indentation_item( $space_count, $level, $ci_level, $available_space, $align_paren ); # If the opening paren is beyond the half-line length, then # we will use the minimum (standard) indentation. This will # help avoid problems associated with running out of space # near the end of a line. As a result, in deeply nested # lists, there will be some indentations which are limited # to this minimum standard indentation. But the most deeply # nested container will still probably be able to shift its # parameters to the right for proper alignment, so in most # cases this will not be noticeable. if ( $available_space > 0 && $space_count > $halfway ) { $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index] ->tentatively_decrease_available_spaces($available_space); } } } # Count commas and look for non-list characters. Once we see a # non-list character, we give up and don't look for any more commas. if ( $type eq '=>' ) { $gnu_arrow_count{$total_depth}++; # tentatively treating '=>' like '=' for estimating breaks # TODO: this could use some experimentation $last_gnu_equals{$total_depth} = $max_index_to_go; } elsif ( $type eq ',' ) { $gnu_comma_count{$total_depth}++; } elsif ( $is_assignment{$type} ) { $last_gnu_equals{$total_depth} = $max_index_to_go; } # this token might start a new line # if this is a non-blank.. if ( $type ne 'b' ) { # and if .. if ( # this is the first nonblank token of the line $max_index_to_go == 1 && $types_to_go[0] eq 'b' # or previous character was one of these: || $last_nonblank_type_to_go =~ /^([\:\?\,f])$/ # or previous character was opening and this does not close it || ( $last_nonblank_type_to_go eq '{' && $type ne '}' ) || ( $last_nonblank_type_to_go eq '(' and $type ne ')' ) # or this token is one of these: || $type =~ /^([\.]|\|\||\&\&)$/ # or this is a closing structure || ( $last_nonblank_type_to_go eq '}' && $last_nonblank_token_to_go eq $last_nonblank_type_to_go ) # or previous token was keyword 'return' || ( $last_nonblank_type_to_go eq 'k' && ( $last_nonblank_token_to_go eq 'return' && $type ne '{' ) ) # or starting a new line at certain keywords is fine || ( $type eq 'k' && $is_if_unless_and_or_last_next_redo_return{$token} ) # or this is after an assignment after a closing structure || ( $is_assignment{$last_nonblank_type_to_go} && ( $last_last_nonblank_type_to_go =~ /^[\}\)\]]$/ # and it is significantly to the right || $gnu_position_predictor > $halfway ) ) ) { check_for_long_gnu_style_lines(); $line_start_index_to_go = $max_index_to_go; # back up 1 token if we want to break before that type # otherwise, we may strand tokens like '?' or ':' on a line if ( $line_start_index_to_go > 0 ) { if ( $last_nonblank_type_to_go eq 'k' ) { if ( $want_break_before{$last_nonblank_token_to_go} ) { $line_start_index_to_go--; } } elsif ( $want_break_before{$last_nonblank_type_to_go} ) { $line_start_index_to_go--; } } } } # remember the predicted position of this token on the output line if ( $max_index_to_go > $line_start_index_to_go ) { $gnu_position_predictor = total_line_length( $line_start_index_to_go, $max_index_to_go ); } else { $gnu_position_predictor = $space_count + $token_lengths_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; } # store the indentation object for this token # this allows us to manipulate the leading whitespace # (in case we have to reduce indentation to fit a line) without # having to change any token values $leading_spaces_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]; $reduced_spaces_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = ( $max_gnu_stack_index > 0 && $ci_level ) ? $gnu_stack[ $max_gnu_stack_index - 1 ] : $gnu_stack[$max_gnu_stack_index]; return; } sub check_for_long_gnu_style_lines { # look at the current estimated maximum line length, and # remove some whitespace if it exceeds the desired maximum # this is only for the '-lp' style return unless ($rOpts_line_up_parentheses); # nothing can be done if no stack items defined for this line return if ( $max_gnu_item_index == UNDEFINED_INDEX ); # see if we have exceeded the maximum desired line length # keep 2 extra free because they are needed in some cases # (result of trial-and-error testing) my $spaces_needed = $gnu_position_predictor - maximum_line_length($max_index_to_go) + 2; return if ( $spaces_needed <= 0 ); # We are over the limit, so try to remove a requested number of # spaces from leading whitespace. We are only allowed to remove # from whitespace items created on this batch, since others have # already been used and cannot be undone. my @candidates = (); my $i; # loop over all whitespace items created for the current batch for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $max_gnu_item_index ; $i++ ) { my $item = $gnu_item_list[$i]; # item must still be open to be a candidate (otherwise it # cannot influence the current token) next if ( $item->get_closed() >= 0 ); my $available_spaces = $item->get_available_spaces(); if ( $available_spaces > 0 ) { push( @candidates, [ $i, $available_spaces ] ); } } return unless (@candidates); # sort by available whitespace so that we can remove whitespace # from the maximum available first @candidates = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @candidates; # keep removing whitespace until we are done or have no more foreach my $candidate (@candidates) { my ( $i, $available_spaces ) = @{$candidate}; my $deleted_spaces = ( $available_spaces > $spaces_needed ) ? $spaces_needed : $available_spaces; # remove the incremental space from this item $gnu_item_list[$i]->decrease_available_spaces($deleted_spaces); my $i_debug = $i; # update the leading whitespace of this item and all items # that came after it for ( ; $i <= $max_gnu_item_index ; $i++ ) { my $old_spaces = $gnu_item_list[$i]->get_spaces(); if ( $old_spaces >= $deleted_spaces ) { $gnu_item_list[$i]->decrease_SPACES($deleted_spaces); } # shouldn't happen except for code bug: else { my $level = $gnu_item_list[$i_debug]->get_level(); my $ci_level = $gnu_item_list[$i_debug]->get_ci_level(); my $old_level = $gnu_item_list[$i]->get_level(); my $old_ci_level = $gnu_item_list[$i]->get_ci_level(); warning( "program bug with -lp: want to delete $deleted_spaces from item $i, but old=$old_spaces deleted: lev=$level ci=$ci_level deleted: level=$old_level ci=$ci_level\n" ); report_definite_bug(); } } $gnu_position_predictor -= $deleted_spaces; $spaces_needed -= $deleted_spaces; last unless ( $spaces_needed > 0 ); } return; } sub finish_lp_batch { # This routine is called once after each output stream batch is # finished to undo indentation for all incomplete -lp # indentation levels. It is too risky to leave a level open, # because then we can't backtrack in case of a long line to follow. # This means that comments and blank lines will disrupt this # indentation style. But the vertical aligner may be able to # get the space back if there are side comments. # this is only for the 'lp' style return unless ($rOpts_line_up_parentheses); # nothing can be done if no stack items defined for this line return if ( $max_gnu_item_index == UNDEFINED_INDEX ); # loop over all whitespace items created for the current batch foreach my $i ( 0 .. $max_gnu_item_index ) { my $item = $gnu_item_list[$i]; # only look for open items next if ( $item->get_closed() >= 0 ); # Tentatively remove all of the available space # (The vertical aligner will try to get it back later) my $available_spaces = $item->get_available_spaces(); if ( $available_spaces > 0 ) { # delete incremental space for this item $gnu_item_list[$i] ->tentatively_decrease_available_spaces($available_spaces); # Reduce the total indentation space of any nodes that follow # Note that any such nodes must necessarily be dependents # of this node. foreach ( $i + 1 .. $max_gnu_item_index ) { $gnu_item_list[$_]->decrease_SPACES($available_spaces); } } } return; } sub reduce_lp_indentation { # reduce the leading whitespace at token $i if possible by $spaces_needed # (a large value of $spaces_needed will remove all excess space) # NOTE: to be called from scan_list only for a sequence of tokens # contained between opening and closing parens/braces/brackets my ( $i, $spaces_wanted ) = @_; my $deleted_spaces = 0; my $item = $leading_spaces_to_go[$i]; my $available_spaces = $item->get_available_spaces(); if ( $available_spaces > 0 && ( ( $spaces_wanted <= $available_spaces ) || !$item->get_have_child() ) ) { # we'll remove these spaces, but mark them as recoverable $deleted_spaces = $item->tentatively_decrease_available_spaces($spaces_wanted); } return $deleted_spaces; } sub token_sequence_length { # return length of tokens ($ibeg .. $iend) including $ibeg & $iend # returns 0 if $ibeg > $iend (shouldn't happen) my ( $ibeg, $iend ) = @_; return 0 if ( $iend < 0 || $ibeg > $iend ); return $summed_lengths_to_go[ $iend + 1 ] if ( $ibeg < 0 ); return $summed_lengths_to_go[ $iend + 1 ] - $summed_lengths_to_go[$ibeg]; } sub total_line_length { # return length of a line of tokens ($ibeg .. $iend) my ( $ibeg, $iend ) = @_; return leading_spaces_to_go($ibeg) + token_sequence_length( $ibeg, $iend ); } sub maximum_line_length_for_level { # return maximum line length for line starting with a given level my $maximum_line_length = $rOpts_maximum_line_length; # Modify if -vmll option is selected if ($rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length) { my $level = shift; if ( $level < 0 ) { $level = 0 } $maximum_line_length += $level * $rOpts_indent_columns; } return $maximum_line_length; } sub maximum_line_length { # return maximum line length for line starting with the token at given index my $ii = shift; return maximum_line_length_for_level( $levels_to_go[$ii] ); } sub excess_line_length { # return number of characters by which a line of tokens ($ibeg..$iend) # exceeds the allowable line length. my ( $ibeg, $iend, $ignore_left_weld, $ignore_right_weld ) = @_; # Include left and right weld lengths unless requested not to my $wl = $ignore_left_weld ? 0 : weld_len_left_to_go($iend); my $wr = $ignore_right_weld ? 0 : weld_len_right_to_go($iend); return total_line_length( $ibeg, $iend ) + $wl + $wr - maximum_line_length($ibeg); } sub wrapup { # flush buffer and write any informative messages my $self = shift; $self->flush(); $file_writer_object->decrement_output_line_number() ; # fix up line number since it was incremented we_are_at_the_last_line(); if ( $added_semicolon_count > 0 ) { my $first = ( $added_semicolon_count > 1 ) ? "First" : ""; my $what = ( $added_semicolon_count > 1 ) ? "semicolons were" : "semicolon was"; write_logfile_entry("$added_semicolon_count $what added:\n"); write_logfile_entry( " $first at input line $first_added_semicolon_at\n"); if ( $added_semicolon_count > 1 ) { write_logfile_entry( " Last at input line $last_added_semicolon_at\n"); } write_logfile_entry(" (Use -nasc to prevent semicolon addition)\n"); write_logfile_entry("\n"); } if ( $deleted_semicolon_count > 0 ) { my $first = ( $deleted_semicolon_count > 1 ) ? "First" : ""; my $what = ( $deleted_semicolon_count > 1 ) ? "semicolons were" : "semicolon was"; write_logfile_entry( "$deleted_semicolon_count unnecessary $what deleted:\n"); write_logfile_entry( " $first at input line $first_deleted_semicolon_at\n"); if ( $deleted_semicolon_count > 1 ) { write_logfile_entry( " Last at input line $last_deleted_semicolon_at\n"); } write_logfile_entry(" (Use -ndsm to prevent semicolon deletion)\n"); write_logfile_entry("\n"); } if ( $embedded_tab_count > 0 ) { my $first = ( $embedded_tab_count > 1 ) ? "First" : ""; my $what = ( $embedded_tab_count > 1 ) ? "quotes or patterns" : "quote or pattern"; write_logfile_entry("$embedded_tab_count $what had embedded tabs:\n"); write_logfile_entry( "This means the display of this script could vary with device or software\n" ); write_logfile_entry(" $first at input line $first_embedded_tab_at\n"); if ( $embedded_tab_count > 1 ) { write_logfile_entry( " Last at input line $last_embedded_tab_at\n"); } write_logfile_entry("\n"); } if ($first_tabbing_disagreement) { write_logfile_entry( "First indentation disagreement seen at input line $first_tabbing_disagreement\n" ); } if ($in_tabbing_disagreement) { write_logfile_entry( "Ending with indentation disagreement which started at input line $in_tabbing_disagreement\n" ); } else { if ($last_tabbing_disagreement) { write_logfile_entry( "Last indentation disagreement seen at input line $last_tabbing_disagreement\n" ); } else { write_logfile_entry("No indentation disagreement seen\n"); } } if ($first_tabbing_disagreement) { write_logfile_entry( "Note: Indentation disagreement detection is not accurate for outdenting and -lp.\n" ); } write_logfile_entry("\n"); $vertical_aligner_object->report_anything_unusual(); $file_writer_object->report_line_length_errors(); return; } sub check_options { # This routine is called to check the Opts hash after it is defined $rOpts = shift; initialize_whitespace_hashes(); initialize_bond_strength_hashes(); make_static_block_comment_pattern(); make_static_side_comment_pattern(); make_closing_side_comment_prefix(); make_closing_side_comment_list_pattern(); $format_skipping_pattern_begin = make_format_skipping_pattern( 'format-skipping-begin', '#<<<' ); $format_skipping_pattern_end = make_format_skipping_pattern( 'format-skipping-end', '#>>>' ); # If closing side comments ARE selected, then we can safely # delete old closing side comments unless closing side comment # warnings are requested. This is a good idea because it will # eliminate any old csc's which fall below the line count threshold. # We cannot do this if warnings are turned on, though, because we # might delete some text which has been added. So that must # be handled when comments are created. if ( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comments'} ) { if ( !$rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-warnings'} ) { $rOpts->{'delete-closing-side-comments'} = 1; } } # If closing side comments ARE NOT selected, but warnings ARE # selected and we ARE DELETING csc's, then we will pretend to be # adding with a huge interval. This will force the comments to be # generated for comparison with the old comments, but not added. elsif ( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-warnings'} ) { if ( $rOpts->{'delete-closing-side-comments'} ) { $rOpts->{'delete-closing-side-comments'} = 0; $rOpts->{'closing-side-comments'} = 1; $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-interval'} = 100000000; } } make_sub_matching_pattern(); make_bli_pattern(); make_block_brace_vertical_tightness_pattern(); make_blank_line_pattern(); make_keyword_group_list_pattern(); # Make initial list of desired one line block types # They will be modified by 'prepare_cuddled_block_types' %want_one_line_block = %is_sort_map_grep_eval; prepare_cuddled_block_types(); if ( $rOpts->{'dump-cuddled-block-list'} ) { dump_cuddled_block_list(*STDOUT); Exit(0); } if ( $rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'} ) { if ( $rOpts->{'indent-only'} || !$rOpts->{'add-newlines'} || !$rOpts->{'delete-old-newlines'} ) { Warn(<<EOM); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Conflict: -lp conflicts with -io, -fnl, -nanl, or -ndnl; ignoring -lp The -lp indentation logic requires that perltidy be able to coordinate arbitrarily large numbers of line breakpoints. This isn't possible with these flags. Sometimes an acceptable workaround is to use -wocb=3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EOM $rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'} = 0; } } # At present, tabs are not compatible with the line-up-parentheses style # (it would be possible to entab the total leading whitespace # just prior to writing the line, if desired). if ( $rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'} && $rOpts->{'tabs'} ) { Warn(<<EOM); Conflict: -t (tabs) cannot be used with the -lp option; ignoring -t; see -et. EOM $rOpts->{'tabs'} = 0; } # Likewise, tabs are not compatible with outdenting.. if ( $rOpts->{'outdent-keywords'} && $rOpts->{'tabs'} ) { Warn(<<EOM); Conflict: -t (tabs) cannot be used with the -okw options; ignoring -t; see -et. EOM $rOpts->{'tabs'} = 0; } if ( $rOpts->{'outdent-labels'} && $rOpts->{'tabs'} ) { Warn(<<EOM); Conflict: -t (tabs) cannot be used with the -ola option; ignoring -t; see -et. EOM $rOpts->{'tabs'} = 0; } if ( !$rOpts->{'space-for-semicolon'} ) { $want_left_space{'f'} = -1; } if ( $rOpts->{'space-terminal-semicolon'} ) { $want_left_space{';'} = 1; } # implement outdenting preferences for keywords %outdent_keyword = (); my @okw = split_words( $rOpts->{'outdent-keyword-okl'} ); unless (@okw) { @okw = qw(next last redo goto return); # defaults } # FUTURE: if not a keyword, assume that it is an identifier foreach (@okw) { if ( $Perl::Tidy::Tokenizer::is_keyword{$_} ) { $outdent_keyword{$_} = 1; } else { Warn("ignoring '$_' in -okwl list; not a perl keyword"); } } # implement user whitespace preferences if ( my @q = split_words( $rOpts->{'want-left-space'} ) ) { @want_left_space{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } if ( my @q = split_words( $rOpts->{'want-right-space'} ) ) { @want_right_space{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } if ( my @q = split_words( $rOpts->{'nowant-left-space'} ) ) { @want_left_space{@q} = (-1) x scalar(@q); } if ( my @q = split_words( $rOpts->{'nowant-right-space'} ) ) { @want_right_space{@q} = (-1) x scalar(@q); } if ( $rOpts->{'dump-want-left-space'} ) { dump_want_left_space(*STDOUT); Exit(0); } if ( $rOpts->{'dump-want-right-space'} ) { dump_want_right_space(*STDOUT); Exit(0); } # default keywords for which space is introduced before an opening paren # (at present, including them messes up vertical alignment) my @sak = qw(my local our and or err eq ne if else elsif until unless while for foreach return switch case given when catch); @space_after_keyword{@sak} = (1) x scalar(@sak); # first remove any or all of these if desired if ( my @q = split_words( $rOpts->{'nospace-after-keyword'} ) ) { # -nsak='*' selects all the above keywords if ( @q == 1 && $q[0] eq '*' ) { @q = keys(%space_after_keyword) } @space_after_keyword{@q} = (0) x scalar(@q); } # then allow user to add to these defaults if ( my @q = split_words( $rOpts->{'space-after-keyword'} ) ) { @space_after_keyword{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } # implement user break preferences my @all_operators = qw(% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= //= .= %= ^= x= . : ? && || and or err xor ); my $break_after = sub { my @toks = @_; foreach my $tok (@toks) { if ( $tok eq '?' ) { $tok = ':' } # patch to coordinate ?/: my $lbs = $left_bond_strength{$tok}; my $rbs = $right_bond_strength{$tok}; if ( defined($lbs) && defined($rbs) && $lbs < $rbs ) { ( $right_bond_strength{$tok}, $left_bond_strength{$tok} ) = ( $lbs, $rbs ); } } }; my $break_before = sub { my @toks = @_; foreach my $tok (@toks) { my $lbs = $left_bond_strength{$tok}; my $rbs = $right_bond_strength{$tok}; if ( defined($lbs) && defined($rbs) && $rbs < $lbs ) { ( $right_bond_strength{$tok}, $left_bond_strength{$tok} ) = ( $lbs, $rbs ); } } }; $break_after->(@all_operators) if ( $rOpts->{'break-after-all-operators'} ); $break_before->(@all_operators) if ( $rOpts->{'break-before-all-operators'} ); $break_after->( split_words( $rOpts->{'want-break-after'} ) ); $break_before->( split_words( $rOpts->{'want-break-before'} ) ); # make note if breaks are before certain key types %want_break_before = (); foreach my $tok ( @all_operators, ',' ) { $want_break_before{$tok} = $left_bond_strength{$tok} < $right_bond_strength{$tok}; } # Coordinate ?/: breaks, which must be similar if ( !$want_break_before{':'} ) { $want_break_before{'?'} = $want_break_before{':'}; $right_bond_strength{'?'} = $right_bond_strength{':'} + 0.01; $left_bond_strength{'?'} = NO_BREAK; } # Define here tokens which may follow the closing brace of a do statement # on the same line, as in: # } while ( $something); my @dof = qw(until while unless if ; : ); push @dof, ','; @is_do_follower{@dof} = (1) x scalar(@dof); # What tokens may follow the closing brace of an if or elsif block? # Not used. Previously used for cuddled else, but no longer needed. %is_if_brace_follower = (); # nothing can follow the closing curly of an else { } block: %is_else_brace_follower = (); # what can follow a multi-line anonymous sub definition closing curly: my @asf = qw# ; : => or and && || ~~ !~~ ) #; push @asf, ','; @is_anon_sub_brace_follower{@asf} = (1) x scalar(@asf); # what can follow a one-line anonymous sub closing curly: # one-line anonymous subs also have ']' here... # see tk3.t and PP.pm my @asf1 = qw# ; : => or and && || ) ] ~~ !~~ #; push @asf1, ','; @is_anon_sub_1_brace_follower{@asf1} = (1) x scalar(@asf1); # What can follow a closing curly of a block # which is not an if/elsif/else/do/sort/map/grep/eval/sub # Testfiles: 'Toolbar.pm', 'Menubar.pm', bless.t, '3rules.pl' my @obf = qw# ; : => or and && || ) #; push @obf, ','; @is_other_brace_follower{@obf} = (1) x scalar(@obf); $right_bond_strength{'{'} = WEAK; $left_bond_strength{'{'} = VERY_STRONG; # make -l=0 equal to -l=infinite if ( !$rOpts->{'maximum-line-length'} ) { $rOpts->{'maximum-line-length'} = 1000000; } # make -lbl=0 equal to -lbl=infinite if ( !$rOpts->{'long-block-line-count'} ) { $rOpts->{'long-block-line-count'} = 1000000; } my $enc = $rOpts->{'character-encoding'}; if ( $enc && $enc !~ /^(none|utf8)$/i ) { Die(<<EOM); Unrecognized character-encoding '$enc'; expecting one of: (none, utf8) EOM } my $ole = $rOpts->{'output-line-ending'}; if ($ole) { my %endings = ( dos => "\015\012", win => "\015\012", mac => "\015", unix => "\012", ); # Patch for RT #99514, a memoization issue. # Normally, the user enters one of 'dos', 'win', etc, and we change the # value in the options parameter to be the corresponding line ending # character. But, if we are using memoization, on later passes through # here the option parameter will already have the desired ending # character rather than the keyword 'dos', 'win', etc. So # we must check to see if conversion has already been done and, if so, # bypass the conversion step. my %endings_inverted = ( "\015\012" => 'dos', "\015\012" => 'win', "\015" => 'mac', "\012" => 'unix', ); if ( defined( $endings_inverted{$ole} ) ) { # we already have valid line ending, nothing more to do } else { $ole = lc $ole; unless ( $rOpts->{'output-line-ending'} = $endings{$ole} ) { my $str = join " ", keys %endings; Die(<<EOM); Unrecognized line ending '$ole'; expecting one of: $str EOM } if ( $rOpts->{'preserve-line-endings'} ) { Warn("Ignoring -ple; conflicts with -ole\n"); $rOpts->{'preserve-line-endings'} = undef; } } } # hashes used to simplify setting whitespace %tightness = ( '{' => $rOpts->{'brace-tightness'}, '}' => $rOpts->{'brace-tightness'}, '(' => $rOpts->{'paren-tightness'}, ')' => $rOpts->{'paren-tightness'}, '[' => $rOpts->{'square-bracket-tightness'}, ']' => $rOpts->{'square-bracket-tightness'}, ); %matching_token = ( '{' => '}', '(' => ')', '[' => ']', '?' => ':', ); if ( $rOpts->{'ignore-old-breakpoints'} ) { if ( $rOpts->{'break-at-old-method-breakpoints'} ) { Warn("Conflicting parameters: -iob and -bom; -bom will be ignored\n" ); } if ( $rOpts->{'break-at-old-comma-breakpoints'} ) { Warn("Conflicting parameters: -iob and -boc; -boc will be ignored\n" ); } # Note: there are additional parameters that can be made inactive by # -iob, but they are on by default so we would generate excessive # warnings if we noted them. They are: # $rOpts->{'break-at-old-keyword-breakpoints'} # $rOpts->{'break-at-old-logical-breakpoints'} # $rOpts->{'break-at-old-ternary-breakpoints'} # $rOpts->{'break-at-old-attribute-breakpoints'} } # frequently used parameters $rOpts_add_newlines = $rOpts->{'add-newlines'}; $rOpts_add_whitespace = $rOpts->{'add-whitespace'}; $rOpts_block_brace_tightness = $rOpts->{'block-brace-tightness'}; $rOpts_block_brace_vertical_tightness = $rOpts->{'block-brace-vertical-tightness'}; $rOpts_brace_left_and_indent = $rOpts->{'brace-left-and-indent'}; $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'comma-arrow-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_break_at_old_ternary_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'break-at-old-ternary-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_break_at_old_attribute_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'break-at-old-attribute-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_break_at_old_comma_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'break-at-old-comma-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_break_at_old_keyword_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'break-at-old-keyword-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'break-at-old-logical-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_break_at_old_method_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'break-at-old-method-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_closing_side_comment_else_flag = $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-else-flag'}; $rOpts_closing_side_comment_maximum_text = $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-maximum-text'}; $rOpts_continuation_indentation = $rOpts->{'continuation-indentation'}; $rOpts_delete_old_whitespace = $rOpts->{'delete-old-whitespace'}; $rOpts_fuzzy_line_length = $rOpts->{'fuzzy-line-length'}; $rOpts_indent_columns = $rOpts->{'indent-columns'}; $rOpts_line_up_parentheses = $rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'}; $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table = $rOpts->{'maximum-fields-per-table'}; $rOpts_maximum_line_length = $rOpts->{'maximum-line-length'}; $rOpts_whitespace_cycle = $rOpts->{'whitespace-cycle'}; $rOpts_one_line_block_semicolons = $rOpts->{'one-line-block-semicolons'}; $rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length = $rOpts->{'variable-maximum-line-length'}; $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length = $rOpts->{'short-concatenation-item-length'}; $rOpts_keep_old_blank_lines = $rOpts->{'keep-old-blank-lines'}; $rOpts_ignore_old_breakpoints = $rOpts->{'ignore-old-breakpoints'}; $rOpts_format_skipping = $rOpts->{'format-skipping'}; $rOpts_space_function_paren = $rOpts->{'space-function-paren'}; $rOpts_space_keyword_paren = $rOpts->{'space-keyword-paren'}; $rOpts_keep_interior_semicolons = $rOpts->{'keep-interior-semicolons'}; $rOpts_ignore_side_comment_lengths = $rOpts->{'ignore-side-comment-lengths'}; # Note that both opening and closing tokens can access the opening # and closing flags of their container types. %opening_vertical_tightness = ( '(' => $rOpts->{'paren-vertical-tightness'}, '{' => $rOpts->{'brace-vertical-tightness'}, '[' => $rOpts->{'square-bracket-vertical-tightness'}, ')' => $rOpts->{'paren-vertical-tightness'}, '}' => $rOpts->{'brace-vertical-tightness'}, ']' => $rOpts->{'square-bracket-vertical-tightness'}, ); %closing_vertical_tightness = ( '(' => $rOpts->{'paren-vertical-tightness-closing'}, '{' => $rOpts->{'brace-vertical-tightness-closing'}, '[' => $rOpts->{'square-bracket-vertical-tightness-closing'}, ')' => $rOpts->{'paren-vertical-tightness-closing'}, '}' => $rOpts->{'brace-vertical-tightness-closing'}, ']' => $rOpts->{'square-bracket-vertical-tightness-closing'}, ); # assume flag for '>' same as ')' for closing qw quotes %closing_token_indentation = ( ')' => $rOpts->{'closing-paren-indentation'}, '}' => $rOpts->{'closing-brace-indentation'}, ']' => $rOpts->{'closing-square-bracket-indentation'}, '>' => $rOpts->{'closing-paren-indentation'}, ); # flag indicating if any closing tokens are indented $some_closing_token_indentation = $rOpts->{'closing-paren-indentation'} || $rOpts->{'closing-brace-indentation'} || $rOpts->{'closing-square-bracket-indentation'} || $rOpts->{'indent-closing-brace'}; %opening_token_right = ( '(' => $rOpts->{'opening-paren-right'}, '{' => $rOpts->{'opening-hash-brace-right'}, '[' => $rOpts->{'opening-square-bracket-right'}, ); %stack_opening_token = ( '(' => $rOpts->{'stack-opening-paren'}, '{' => $rOpts->{'stack-opening-hash-brace'}, '[' => $rOpts->{'stack-opening-square-bracket'}, ); %stack_closing_token = ( ')' => $rOpts->{'stack-closing-paren'}, '}' => $rOpts->{'stack-closing-hash-brace'}, ']' => $rOpts->{'stack-closing-square-bracket'}, ); $rOpts_stack_closing_block_brace = $rOpts->{'stack-closing-block-brace'}; $rOpts_space_backslash_quote = $rOpts->{'space-backslash-quote'}; return; } sub bad_pattern { # See if a pattern will compile. We have to use a string eval here, # but it should be safe because the pattern has been constructed # by this program. my ($pattern) = @_; eval "'##'=~/$pattern/"; return $@; } { my %no_cuddle; # Add keywords here which really should not be cuddled BEGIN { my @q = qw(if unless for foreach while); @no_cuddle{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub prepare_cuddled_block_types { # the cuddled-else style, if used, is controlled by a hash that # we construct here # Include keywords here which should not be cuddled my $cuddled_string = ""; if ( $rOpts->{'cuddled-else'} ) { # set the default $cuddled_string = 'elsif else continue catch finally' unless ( $rOpts->{'cuddled-block-list-exclusive'} ); # This is the old equivalent but more complex version # $cuddled_string = 'if-elsif-else unless-elsif-else -continue '; # Add users other blocks to be cuddled my $cuddled_block_list = $rOpts->{'cuddled-block-list'}; if ($cuddled_block_list) { $cuddled_string .= " " . $cuddled_block_list; } } # If we have a cuddled string of the form # 'try-catch-finally' # we want to prepare a hash of the form # $rcuddled_block_types = { # 'try' => { # 'catch' => 1, # 'finally' => 1 # }, # }; # use -dcbl to dump this hash # Multiple such strings are input as a space or comma separated list # If we get two lists with the same leading type, such as # -cbl = "-try-catch-finally -try-catch-otherwise" # then they will get merged as follows: # $rcuddled_block_types = { # 'try' => { # 'catch' => 1, # 'finally' => 2, # 'otherwise' => 1, # }, # }; # This will allow either type of chain to be followed. $cuddled_string =~ s/,/ /g; # allow space or comma separated lists my @cuddled_strings = split /\s+/, $cuddled_string; $rcuddled_block_types = {}; # process each dash-separated string... my $string_count = 0; foreach my $string (@cuddled_strings) { next unless $string; my @words = split /-+/, $string; # allow multiple dashes # we could look for and report possible errors here... next unless ( @words > 0 ); # allow either '-continue' or *-continue' for arbitrary starting type my $start = '*'; # a single word without dashes is a secondary block type if ( @words > 1 ) { $start = shift @words; } # always make an entry for the leading word. If none follow, this # will still prevent a wildcard from matching this word. if ( !defined( $rcuddled_block_types->{$start} ) ) { $rcuddled_block_types->{$start} = {}; } # The count gives the original word order in case we ever want it. $string_count++; my $word_count = 0; foreach my $word (@words) { next unless $word; if ( $no_cuddle{$word} ) { Warn( "## Ignoring keyword '$word' in -cbl; does not seem right\n" ); next; } $word_count++; $rcuddled_block_types->{$start}->{$word} = 1; #"$string_count.$word_count"; # git#9: Remove this word from the list of desired one-line # blocks $want_one_line_block{$word} = 0; } } return; } } sub dump_cuddled_block_list { my ($fh) = @_; # ORIGINAL METHOD: Here is the format of the cuddled block type hash # which controls this routine # my $rcuddled_block_types = { # 'if' => { # 'else' => 1, # 'elsif' => 1 # }, # 'try' => { # 'catch' => 1, # 'finally' => 1 # }, # }; # SIMPLFIED METHOD: the simplified method uses a wildcard for # the starting block type and puts all cuddled blocks together: # my $rcuddled_block_types = { # '*' => { # 'else' => 1, # 'elsif' => 1 # 'catch' => 1, # 'finally' => 1 # }, # }; # Both methods work, but the simplified method has proven to be adequate and # easier to manage. my $cuddled_string = $rOpts->{'cuddled-block-list'}; $cuddled_string = '' unless $cuddled_string; my $flags = ""; $flags .= "-ce" if ( $rOpts->{'cuddled-else'} ); $flags .= " -cbl='$cuddled_string'"; unless ( $rOpts->{'cuddled-else'} ) { $flags .= "\nNote: You must specify -ce to generate a cuddled hash"; } $fh->print(<<EOM); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hash of cuddled block types prepared for a run with these parameters: $flags ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOM use Data::Dumper; $fh->print( Dumper($rcuddled_block_types) ); $fh->print(<<EOM); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOM return; } sub make_static_block_comment_pattern { # create the pattern used to identify static block comments $static_block_comment_pattern = '^\s*##'; # allow the user to change it if ( $rOpts->{'static-block-comment-prefix'} ) { my $prefix = $rOpts->{'static-block-comment-prefix'}; $prefix =~ s/^\s*//; my $pattern = $prefix; # user may give leading caret to force matching left comments only if ( $prefix !~ /^\^#/ ) { if ( $prefix !~ /^#/ ) { Die( "ERROR: the -sbcp prefix is '$prefix' but must begin with '#' or '^#'\n" ); } $pattern = '^\s*' . $prefix; } if ( bad_pattern($pattern) ) { Die( "ERROR: the -sbc prefix '$prefix' causes the invalid regex '$pattern'\n" ); } $static_block_comment_pattern = $pattern; } return; } sub make_format_skipping_pattern { my ( $opt_name, $default ) = @_; my $param = $rOpts->{$opt_name}; unless ($param) { $param = $default } $param =~ s/^\s*//; if ( $param !~ /^#/ ) { Die("ERROR: the $opt_name parameter '$param' must begin with '#'\n"); } my $pattern = '^' . $param . '\s'; if ( bad_pattern($pattern) ) { Die( "ERROR: the $opt_name parameter '$param' causes the invalid regex '$pattern'\n" ); } return $pattern; } sub make_closing_side_comment_list_pattern { # turn any input list into a regex for recognizing selected block types $closing_side_comment_list_pattern = '^\w+'; if ( defined( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-list'} ) && $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-list'} ) { $closing_side_comment_list_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-cscl', $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-list'} ); } return; } sub make_sub_matching_pattern { $SUB_PATTERN = '^sub\s+(::|\w)'; $ASUB_PATTERN = '^sub$'; if ( $rOpts->{'sub-alias-list'} ) { # Note that any 'sub-alias-list' has been preprocessed to # be a trimmed, space-separated list which includes 'sub' # for example, it might be 'sub method fun' my $sub_alias_list = $rOpts->{'sub-alias-list'}; $sub_alias_list =~ s/\s+/\|/g; $SUB_PATTERN =~ s/sub/\($sub_alias_list\)/; $ASUB_PATTERN =~ s/sub/\($sub_alias_list\)/; } return; } sub make_bli_pattern { if ( defined( $rOpts->{'brace-left-and-indent-list'} ) && $rOpts->{'brace-left-and-indent-list'} ) { $bli_list_string = $rOpts->{'brace-left-and-indent-list'}; } $bli_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-blil', $bli_list_string ); return; } sub make_keyword_group_list_pattern { # turn any input list into a regex for recognizing selected block types. # Here are the defaults: $keyword_group_list_pattern = '^(our|local|my|use|require|)$'; $keyword_group_list_comment_pattern = ''; if ( defined( $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-list'} ) && $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-list'} ) { my @words = split /\s+/, $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-list'}; my @keyword_list; my @comment_list; foreach my $word (@words) { if ( $word =~ /^(BC|SBC)$/ ) { push @comment_list, $word; if ( $word eq 'SBC' ) { push @comment_list, 'SBCX' } } else { push @keyword_list, $word; } } $keyword_group_list_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-kgbl', $rOpts->{'keyword-group-blanks-list'} ); $keyword_group_list_comment_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-kgbl', join( ' ', @comment_list ) ); } return; } sub make_block_brace_vertical_tightness_pattern { # turn any input list into a regex for recognizing selected block types $block_brace_vertical_tightness_pattern = '^((if|else|elsif|unless|while|for|foreach|do|\w+:)$|sub)'; if ( defined( $rOpts->{'block-brace-vertical-tightness-list'} ) && $rOpts->{'block-brace-vertical-tightness-list'} ) { $block_brace_vertical_tightness_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-bbvtl', $rOpts->{'block-brace-vertical-tightness-list'} ); } return; } sub make_blank_line_pattern { $blank_lines_before_closing_block_pattern = $SUB_PATTERN; my $key = 'blank-lines-before-closing-block-list'; if ( defined( $rOpts->{$key} ) && $rOpts->{$key} ) { $blank_lines_before_closing_block_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-blbcl', $rOpts->{$key} ); } $blank_lines_after_opening_block_pattern = $SUB_PATTERN; $key = 'blank-lines-after-opening-block-list'; if ( defined( $rOpts->{$key} ) && $rOpts->{$key} ) { $blank_lines_after_opening_block_pattern = make_block_pattern( '-blaol', $rOpts->{$key} ); } return; } sub make_block_pattern { # given a string of block-type keywords, return a regex to match them # The only tricky part is that labels are indicated with a single ':' # and the 'sub' token text may have additional text after it (name of # sub). # # Example: # # input string: "if else elsif unless while for foreach do : sub"; # pattern: '^((if|else|elsif|unless|while|for|foreach|do|\w+:)$|sub)'; # Minor Update: # # To distinguish between anonymous subs and named subs, use 'sub' to # indicate a named sub, and 'asub' to indicate an anonymous sub my ( $abbrev, $string ) = @_; my @list = split_words($string); my @words = (); my %seen; for my $i (@list) { if ( $i eq '*' ) { my $pattern = '^.*'; return $pattern } next if $seen{$i}; $seen{$i} = 1; if ( $i eq 'sub' ) { } elsif ( $i eq 'asub' ) { } elsif ( $i eq ';' ) { push @words, ';'; } elsif ( $i eq '{' ) { push @words, '\{'; } elsif ( $i eq ':' ) { push @words, '\w+:'; } elsif ( $i =~ /^\w/ ) { push @words, $i; } else { Warn("unrecognized block type $i after $abbrev, ignoring\n"); } } my $pattern = '(' . join( '|', @words ) . ')$'; my $sub_patterns = ""; if ( $seen{'sub'} ) { $sub_patterns .= '|' . $SUB_PATTERN; } if ( $seen{'asub'} ) { $sub_patterns .= '|' . $ASUB_PATTERN; } if ($sub_patterns) { $pattern = '(' . $pattern . $sub_patterns . ')'; } $pattern = '^' . $pattern; return $pattern; } sub make_static_side_comment_pattern { # create the pattern used to identify static side comments $static_side_comment_pattern = '^##'; # allow the user to change it if ( $rOpts->{'static-side-comment-prefix'} ) { my $prefix = $rOpts->{'static-side-comment-prefix'}; $prefix =~ s/^\s*//; my $pattern = '^' . $prefix; if ( bad_pattern($pattern) ) { Die( "ERROR: the -sscp prefix '$prefix' causes the invalid regex '$pattern'\n" ); } $static_side_comment_pattern = $pattern; } return; } sub make_closing_side_comment_prefix { # Be sure we have a valid closing side comment prefix my $csc_prefix = $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-prefix'}; my $csc_prefix_pattern; if ( !defined($csc_prefix) ) { $csc_prefix = '## end'; $csc_prefix_pattern = '^##\s+end'; } else { my $test_csc_prefix = $csc_prefix; if ( $test_csc_prefix !~ /^#/ ) { $test_csc_prefix = '#' . $test_csc_prefix; } # make a regex to recognize the prefix my $test_csc_prefix_pattern = $test_csc_prefix; # escape any special characters $test_csc_prefix_pattern =~ s/([^#\s\w])/\\$1/g; $test_csc_prefix_pattern = '^' . $test_csc_prefix_pattern; # allow exact number of intermediate spaces to vary $test_csc_prefix_pattern =~ s/\s+/\\s\+/g; # make sure we have a good pattern # if we fail this we probably have an error in escaping # characters. if ( bad_pattern($test_csc_prefix_pattern) ) { # shouldn't happen..must have screwed up escaping, above report_definite_bug(); Warn( "Program Error: the -cscp prefix '$csc_prefix' caused the invalid regex '$csc_prefix_pattern'\n" ); # just warn and keep going with defaults Warn("Please consider using a simpler -cscp prefix\n"); Warn("Using default -cscp instead; please check output\n"); } else { $csc_prefix = $test_csc_prefix; $csc_prefix_pattern = $test_csc_prefix_pattern; } } $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-prefix'} = $csc_prefix; $closing_side_comment_prefix_pattern = $csc_prefix_pattern; return; } sub dump_want_left_space { my $fh = shift; local $" = "\n"; print $fh <<EOM; These values are the main control of whitespace to the left of a token type; They may be altered with the -wls parameter. For a list of token types, use perltidy --dump-token-types (-dtt) 1 means the token wants a space to its left -1 means the token does not want a space to its left ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOM foreach my $key ( sort keys %want_left_space ) { print $fh "$key\t$want_left_space{$key}\n"; } return; } sub dump_want_right_space { my $fh = shift; local $" = "\n"; print $fh <<EOM; These values are the main control of whitespace to the right of a token type; They may be altered with the -wrs parameter. For a list of token types, use perltidy --dump-token-types (-dtt) 1 means the token wants a space to its right -1 means the token does not want a space to its right ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOM foreach my $key ( sort keys %want_right_space ) { print $fh "$key\t$want_right_space{$key}\n"; } return; } { # begin is_essential_whitespace my %is_sort_grep_map; my %is_for_foreach; BEGIN { my @q; @q = qw(sort grep map); @is_sort_grep_map{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(for foreach); @is_for_foreach{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub is_essential_whitespace { # Essential whitespace means whitespace which cannot be safely deleted # without risking the introduction of a syntax error. # We are given three tokens and their types: # ($tokenl, $typel) is the token to the left of the space in question # ($tokenr, $typer) is the token to the right of the space in question # ($tokenll, $typell) is previous nonblank token to the left of $tokenl # # This is a slow routine but is not needed too often except when -mangle # is used. # # Note: This routine should almost never need to be changed. It is # for avoiding syntax problems rather than for formatting. my ( $tokenll, $typell, $tokenl, $typel, $tokenr, $typer ) = @_; my $result = # never combine two bare words or numbers # examples: and ::ok(1) # return ::spw(...) # for bla::bla:: abc # example is "%overload:: and" in files Dumpvalue.pm or colonbug.pl # $input eq"quit" to make $inputeq"quit" # my $size=-s::SINK if $file; <==OK but we won't do it # don't join something like: for bla::bla:: abc # example is "%overload:: and" in files Dumpvalue.pm or colonbug.pl ( ( $tokenl =~ /([\'\w]|\:\:)$/ && $typel ne 'CORE::' ) && ( $tokenr =~ /^([\'\w]|\:\:)/ ) ) # do not combine a number with a concatenation dot # example: pom.caputo: # $vt100_compatible ? "\e[0;0H" : ('-' x 78 . "\n"); || ( ( $typel eq 'n' ) && ( $tokenr eq '.' ) ) || ( ( $typer eq 'n' ) && ( $tokenl eq '.' ) ) # do not join a minus with a bare word, because you might form # a file test operator. Example from Complex.pm: # if (CORE::abs($z - i) < $eps); "z-i" would be taken as a file test. || ( ( $tokenl eq '-' ) && ( $tokenr =~ /^[_A-Za-z]$/ ) ) # do not join a bare word with a minus, like between 'Send' and # '-recipients' here <<snippets/space3.in>> # my $msg = new Fax::Send # -recipients => $to, # -data => $data; # This is the safest thing to do. If we had the token to the right of # the minus we could do a better check. || ( ( $tokenr eq '-' ) && ( $typel eq 'w' ) ) # and something like this could become ambiguous without space # after the '-': # use constant III=>1; # $a = $b - III; # and even this: # $a = - III; || ( ( $tokenl eq '-' ) && ( $typer =~ /^[wC]$/ && $tokenr =~ /^[_A-Za-z]/ ) ) # '= -' should not become =- or you will get a warning # about reversed -= # || ($tokenr eq '-') # keep a space between a quote and a bareword to prevent the # bareword from becoming a quote modifier. || ( ( $typel eq 'Q' ) && ( $tokenr =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]/ ) ) # keep a space between a token ending in '$' and any word; # this caused trouble: "die @$ if $@" || ( ( $typel eq 'i' && $tokenl =~ /\$$/ ) && ( $tokenr =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]/ ) ) # perl is very fussy about spaces before << || ( $tokenr =~ /^\<\</ ) # avoid combining tokens to create new meanings. Example: # $a+ +$b must not become $a++$b || ( $is_digraph{ $tokenl . $tokenr } ) || ( $is_trigraph{ $tokenl . $tokenr } ) # another example: do not combine these two &'s: # allow_options & &OPT_EXECCGI || ( $is_digraph{ $tokenl . substr( $tokenr, 0, 1 ) } ) # don't combine $$ or $# with any alphanumeric # (testfile mangle.t with --mangle) || ( ( $tokenl =~ /^\$[\$\#]$/ ) && ( $tokenr =~ /^\w/ ) ) # retain any space after possible filehandle # (testfiles prnterr1.t with --extrude and mangle.t with --mangle) || ( $typel eq 'Z' ) # Perl is sensitive to whitespace after the + here: # $b = xvals $a + 0.1 * yvals $a; || ( $typell eq 'Z' && $typel =~ /^[\/\?\+\-\*]$/ ) # keep paren separate in 'use Foo::Bar ()' || ( $tokenr eq '(' && $typel eq 'w' && $typell eq 'k' && $tokenll eq 'use' ) # keep any space between filehandle and paren: # file mangle.t with --mangle: || ( $typel eq 'Y' && $tokenr eq '(' ) # retain any space after here doc operator ( hereerr.t) || ( $typel eq 'h' ) # be careful with a space around ++ and --, to avoid ambiguity as to # which token it applies || ( ( $typer =~ /^(pp|mm)$/ ) && ( $tokenl !~ /^[\;\{\(\[]/ ) ) || ( ( $typel =~ /^(\+\+|\-\-)$/ ) && ( $tokenr !~ /^[\;\}\)\]]/ ) ) # need space after foreach my; for example, this will fail in # older versions of Perl: # foreach my$ft(@filetypes)... || ( $tokenl eq 'my' # /^(for|foreach)$/ && $is_for_foreach{$tokenll} && $tokenr =~ /^\$/ ) # must have space between grep and left paren; "grep(" will fail || ( $tokenr eq '(' && $is_sort_grep_map{$tokenl} ) # don't stick numbers next to left parens, as in: #use Mail::Internet 1.28 (); (see Entity.pm, Head.pm, Test.pm) || ( ( $typel eq 'n' ) && ( $tokenr eq '(' ) ) # We must be sure that a space between a ? and a quoted string # remains if the space before the ? remains. [Loca.pm, lockarea] # ie, # $b=join $comma ? ',' : ':', @_; # ok # $b=join $comma?',' : ':', @_; # ok! # $b=join $comma ?',' : ':', @_; # error! # Not really required: ## || ( ( $typel eq '?' ) && ( $typer eq 'Q' ) ) # do not remove space between an '&' and a bare word because # it may turn into a function evaluation, like here # between '&' and 'O_ACCMODE', producing a syntax error [File.pm] # $opts{rdonly} = (($opts{mode} & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY); || ( ( $typel eq '&' ) && ( $tokenr =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]/ ) ) # space stacked labels (TODO: check if really necessary) || ( $typel eq 'J' && $typer eq 'J' ) ; # the value of this long logic sequence is the result we want ##if ($typel eq 'j') {print STDERR "typel=$typel typer=$typer result='$result'\n"} return $result; } } { my %secret_operators; my %is_leading_secret_token; BEGIN { # token lists for perl secret operators as compiled by Philippe Bruhat # at: https://metacpan.org/module/perlsecret %secret_operators = ( 'Goatse' => [qw#= ( ) =#], #=( )= 'Venus1' => [qw#0 +#], # 0+ 'Venus2' => [qw#+ 0#], # +0 'Enterprise' => [qw#) x ! !#], # ()x!! 'Kite1' => [qw#~ ~ <>#], # ~~<> 'Kite2' => [qw#~~ <>#], # ~~<> 'Winking Fat Comma' => [ ( ',', '=>' ) ], # ,=> 'Bang bang ' => [qw#! !#], # !! ); # The following operators and constants are not included because they # are normally kept tight by perltidy: # ~~ <~> # # Make a lookup table indexed by the first token of each operator: # first token => [list, list, ...] foreach my $value ( values(%secret_operators) ) { my $tok = $value->[0]; push @{ $is_leading_secret_token{$tok} }, $value; } } sub new_secret_operator_whitespace { my ( $rlong_array, $rwhitespace_flags ) = @_; # Loop over all tokens in this line my ( $token, $type ); my $jmax = @{$rlong_array} - 1; foreach my $j ( 0 .. $jmax ) { $token = $rlong_array->[$j]->[_TOKEN_]; $type = $rlong_array->[$j]->[_TYPE_]; # Skip unless this token might start a secret operator next if ( $type eq 'b' ); next unless ( $is_leading_secret_token{$token} ); # Loop over all secret operators with this leading token foreach my $rpattern ( @{ $is_leading_secret_token{$token} } ) { my $jend = $j - 1; foreach my $tok ( @{$rpattern} ) { $jend++; $jend++ if ( $jend <= $jmax && $rlong_array->[$jend]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ); if ( $jend > $jmax || $tok ne $rlong_array->[$jend]->[_TOKEN_] ) { $jend = undef; last; } } if ($jend) { # set flags to prevent spaces within this operator foreach my $jj ( $j + 1 .. $jend ) { $rwhitespace_flags->[$jj] = WS_NO; } $j = $jend; last; } } ## End Loop over all operators } ## End loop over all tokens return; } # End sub } { # begin print_line_of_tokens my $rinput_token_array; # Current working array my $rinput_K_array; # Future working array my $in_quote; my $guessed_indentation_level; # This should be a return variable from extract_token # These local token variables are stored by store_token_to_go: my $Ktoken_vars; my $block_type; my $ci_level; my $container_environment; my $container_type; my $in_continued_quote; my $level; my $no_internal_newlines; my $slevel; my $token; my $type; my $type_sequence; # routine to pull the jth token from the line of tokens sub extract_token { my ( $self, $j ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; $Ktoken_vars = $rinput_K_array->[$j]; if ( !defined($Ktoken_vars) ) { # Shouldn't happen: an error here would be due to a recent program change Fault("undefined index K for j=$j"); } my $rtoken_vars = $rLL->[$Ktoken_vars]; if ( $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_] ne $rLL->[$Ktoken_vars]->[_TOKEN_] ) { # Shouldn't happen: an error here would be due to a recent program change Fault(<<EOM); j=$j, K=$Ktoken_vars, '$rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]' ne '$rLL->[$Ktoken_vars]' EOM } ######################################################### # these are now redundant and can eventually be eliminated $token = $rtoken_vars->[_TOKEN_]; $type = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_]; $block_type = $rtoken_vars->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; $container_type = $rtoken_vars->[_CONTAINER_TYPE_]; $container_environment = $rtoken_vars->[_CONTAINER_ENVIRONMENT_]; $type_sequence = $rtoken_vars->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; $level = $rtoken_vars->[_LEVEL_]; $slevel = $rtoken_vars->[_SLEVEL_]; $ci_level = $rtoken_vars->[_CI_LEVEL_]; ######################################################### return; } { my @saved_token; sub save_current_token { @saved_token = ( $block_type, $ci_level, $container_environment, $container_type, $in_continued_quote, $level, $no_internal_newlines, $slevel, $token, $type, $type_sequence, $Ktoken_vars, ); return; } sub restore_current_token { ( $block_type, $ci_level, $container_environment, $container_type, $in_continued_quote, $level, $no_internal_newlines, $slevel, $token, $type, $type_sequence, $Ktoken_vars, ) = @saved_token; return; } } sub token_length { # Returns the length of a token, given: # $token=text of the token # $type = type # $not_first_token = should be TRUE if this is not the first token of # the line. It might the index of this token in an array. It is # used to test for a side comment vs a block comment. # Note: Eventually this should be the only routine determining the # length of a token in this package. my ( $token, $type, $not_first_token ) = @_; my $token_length = length($token); # We mark lengths of side comments as just 1 if we are # ignoring their lengths when setting line breaks. $token_length = 1 if ( $rOpts_ignore_side_comment_lengths && $not_first_token && $type eq '#' ); return $token_length; } sub rtoken_length { # return length of ith token in @{$rtokens} my ($i) = @_; return token_length( $rinput_token_array->[$i]->[_TOKEN_], $rinput_token_array->[$i]->[_TYPE_], $i ); } # Routine to place the current token into the output stream. # Called once per output token. sub store_token_to_go { my ( $self, $side_comment_follows ) = @_; my $flag = $side_comment_follows ? 1 : $no_internal_newlines; ++$max_index_to_go; $K_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $Ktoken_vars; $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $token; $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $type; $nobreak_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $flag; $old_breakpoint_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = 0; $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = 0; $block_type_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $block_type; $type_sequence_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $type_sequence; $container_environment_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $container_environment; $ci_levels_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $ci_level; $mate_index_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = -1; $bond_strength_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = 0; # Note: negative levels are currently retained as a diagnostic so that # the 'final indentation level' is correctly reported for bad scripts. # But this means that every use of $level as an index must be checked. # If this becomes too much of a problem, we might give up and just clip # them at zero. ## $levels_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = ( $level > 0 ) ? $level : 0; $levels_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $level; $nesting_depth_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = ( $slevel >= 0 ) ? $slevel : 0; # link the non-blank tokens my $iprev = $max_index_to_go - 1; $iprev-- if ( $iprev >= 0 && $types_to_go[$iprev] eq 'b' ); $iprev_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $iprev; $inext_to_go[$iprev] = $max_index_to_go if ( $iprev >= 0 && $type ne 'b' ); $inext_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $max_index_to_go + 1; $token_lengths_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = token_length( $token, $type, $max_index_to_go ); # We keep a running sum of token lengths from the start of this batch: # summed_lengths_to_go[$i] = total length to just before token $i # summed_lengths_to_go[$i+1] = total length to just after token $i $summed_lengths_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 1 ] = $summed_lengths_to_go[$max_index_to_go] + $token_lengths_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; # Define the indentation that this token would have if it started # a new line. We have to do this now because we need to know this # when considering one-line blocks. set_leading_whitespace( $level, $ci_level, $in_continued_quote ); # remember previous nonblank tokens seen if ( $type ne 'b' ) { $last_last_nonblank_index_to_go = $last_nonblank_index_to_go; $last_last_nonblank_type_to_go = $last_nonblank_type_to_go; $last_last_nonblank_token_to_go = $last_nonblank_token_to_go; $last_nonblank_index_to_go = $max_index_to_go; $last_nonblank_type_to_go = $type; $last_nonblank_token_to_go = $token; if ( $type eq ',' ) { $comma_count_in_batch++; } } FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_STORE && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); print STDOUT "STORE: from $a $c: storing token $token type $type lev=$level slev=$slevel at $max_index_to_go\n"; }; return; } sub copy_hash { my ($rold_token_hash) = @_; my %new_token_hash = map { ( $_, $rold_token_hash->{$_} ) } keys %{$rold_token_hash}; return \%new_token_hash; } sub copy_array { my ($rold) = @_; my @new = map { $_ } @{$rold}; return \@new; } sub copy_token_as_type { my ( $rold_token, $type, $token ) = @_; if ( $type eq 'b' ) { $token = " " unless defined($token); } elsif ( $type eq 'q' ) { $token = '' unless defined($token); } elsif ( $type eq '->' ) { $token = '->' unless defined($token); } elsif ( $type eq ';' ) { $token = ';' unless defined($token); } else { Fault( "Programming error: copy_token_as has type $type but should be 'b' or 'q'" ); } my $rnew_token = copy_array($rold_token); $rnew_token->[_TYPE_] = $type; $rnew_token->[_TOKEN_] = $token; $rnew_token->[_BLOCK_TYPE_] = ''; $rnew_token->[_CONTAINER_TYPE_] = ''; $rnew_token->[_CONTAINER_ENVIRONMENT_] = ''; $rnew_token->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_] = ''; return $rnew_token; } sub boolean_equals { my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_; return ( $val1 && $val2 || !$val1 && !$val2 ); } sub print_line_of_tokens { my ( $self, $line_of_tokens ) = @_; # This routine is called once per input line to process all of # the tokens on that line. This is the first stage of # beautification. # # Full-line comments and blank lines may be processed immediately. # # For normal lines of code, the tokens are stored one-by-one, # via calls to 'sub store_token_to_go', until a known line break # point is reached. Then, the batch of collected tokens is # passed along to 'sub output_line_to_go' for further # processing. This routine decides if there should be # whitespace between each pair of non-white tokens, so later # routines only need to decide on any additional line breaks. # Any whitespace is initially a single space character. Later, # the vertical aligner may expand that to be multiple space # characters if necessary for alignment. $input_line_number = $line_of_tokens->{_line_number}; my $input_line = $line_of_tokens->{_line_text}; my $CODE_type = $line_of_tokens->{_code_type}; my $rK_range = $line_of_tokens->{_rK_range}; my ( $K_first, $K_last ) = @{$rK_range}; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $rbreak_container = $self->{rbreak_container}; my $rshort_nested = $self->{rshort_nested}; if ( !defined($K_first) ) { # Empty line: This can happen if tokens are deleted, for example # with the -mangle parameter return; } $no_internal_newlines = 1 - $rOpts_add_newlines; my $is_comment = ( $K_first == $K_last && $rLL->[$K_first]->[_TYPE_] eq '#' ); my $is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space = $CODE_type eq 'SBCX'; $is_static_block_comment = $CODE_type eq 'SBC' || $is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space; my $is_hanging_side_comment = $CODE_type eq 'HSC'; my $is_VERSION_statement = $CODE_type eq 'VER'; if ($is_VERSION_statement) { $saw_VERSION_in_this_file = 1; $no_internal_newlines = 1; } # Add interline blank if any my $last_old_nonblank_type = "b"; my $first_new_nonblank_type = "b"; my $first_new_nonblank_token = " "; if ( $max_index_to_go >= 0 ) { $last_old_nonblank_type = $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; $first_new_nonblank_type = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_TYPE_]; $first_new_nonblank_token = $rLL->[$K_first]->[_TOKEN_]; if ( !$is_comment && $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] ne 'b' && $K_first > 0 && $rLL->[ $K_first - 1 ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { $K_first -= 1; } } # Copy the tokens into local arrays $rinput_token_array = []; $rinput_K_array = []; $rinput_K_array = [ ( $K_first .. $K_last ) ]; $rinput_token_array = [ map { $rLL->[$_] } @{$rinput_K_array} ]; my $jmax = @{$rinput_K_array} - 1; $in_continued_quote = $starting_in_quote = $line_of_tokens->{_starting_in_quote}; $in_quote = $line_of_tokens->{_ending_in_quote}; $ending_in_quote = $in_quote; $guessed_indentation_level = $line_of_tokens->{_guessed_indentation_level}; my $j_next; my $next_nonblank_token; my $next_nonblank_token_type; $block_type = ""; $container_type = ""; $container_environment = ""; $type_sequence = ""; ###################################### # Handle a block (full-line) comment.. ###################################### if ($is_comment) { if ( $rOpts->{'tee-block-comments'} ) { $file_writer_object->tee_on(); } destroy_one_line_block(); $self->output_line_to_go(); # output a blank line before block comments if ( # unless we follow a blank or comment line $last_line_leading_type !~ /^[#b]$/ # only if allowed && $rOpts->{'blanks-before-comments'} # if this is NOT an empty comment line && $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_TOKEN_] ne '#' # not after a short line ending in an opening token # because we already have space above this comment. # Note that the first comment in this if block, after # the 'if (', does not get a blank line because of this. && !$last_output_short_opening_token # never before static block comments && !$is_static_block_comment ) { $self->flush(); # switching to new output stream $file_writer_object->write_blank_code_line(); $last_line_leading_type = 'b'; } # TRIM COMMENTS -- This could be turned off as a option $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_TOKEN_] =~ s/\s*$//; # trim right end if ( $rOpts->{'indent-block-comments'} && ( !$rOpts->{'indent-spaced-block-comments'} || $input_line =~ /^\s+/ ) && !$is_static_block_comment_without_leading_space ) { $self->extract_token(0); $self->store_token_to_go(); $self->output_line_to_go(); } else { $self->flush(); # switching to new output stream $file_writer_object->write_code_line( $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_TOKEN_] . "\n" ); $last_line_leading_type = '#'; } if ( $rOpts->{'tee-block-comments'} ) { $file_writer_object->tee_off(); } return; } # compare input/output indentation except for continuation lines # (because they have an unknown amount of initial blank space) # and lines which are quotes (because they may have been outdented) my $structural_indentation_level = $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_LEVEL_]; compare_indentation_levels( $guessed_indentation_level, $structural_indentation_level ) unless ( $is_hanging_side_comment || $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_CI_LEVEL_] > 0 || $guessed_indentation_level == 0 && $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_TYPE_] eq 'Q' ); ########################## # Handle indentation-only ########################## # NOTE: In previous versions we sent all qw lines out immediately here. # No longer doing this: also write a line which is entirely a 'qw' list # to allow stacking of opening and closing tokens. Note that interior # qw lines will still go out at the end of this routine. if ( $CODE_type eq 'IO' ) { $self->flush(); my $line = $input_line; # delete side comments if requested with -io, but # we will not allow deleting of closing side comments with -io # because the coding would be more complex if ( $rOpts->{'delete-side-comments'} && $rinput_token_array->[$jmax]->[_TYPE_] eq '#' ) { $line = ""; foreach my $jj ( 0 .. $jmax - 1 ) { $line .= $rinput_token_array->[$jj]->[_TOKEN_]; } } # Fix for rt #125506 Unexpected string formating # in which leading space of a terminal quote was removed $line =~ s/\s+$//; $line =~ s/^\s+// unless ($in_continued_quote); $self->extract_token(0); $token = $line; $type = 'q'; $block_type = ""; $container_type = ""; $container_environment = ""; $type_sequence = ""; $self->store_token_to_go(); $self->output_line_to_go(); return; } ############################ # Handle all other lines ... ############################ ####################################################### # FIXME: this should become unnecessary # making $j+2 valid simplifies coding my $rnew_blank = copy_token_as_type( $rinput_token_array->[$jmax], 'b' ); push @{$rinput_token_array}, $rnew_blank; push @{$rinput_token_array}, $rnew_blank; ####################################################### # If we just saw the end of an elsif block, write nag message # if we do not see another elseif or an else. if ($looking_for_else) { unless ( $rinput_token_array->[0]->[_TOKEN_] =~ /^(elsif|else)$/ ) { write_logfile_entry("(No else block)\n"); } $looking_for_else = 0; } # This is a good place to kill incomplete one-line blocks if ( ( ( $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct == 0 ) && ( $max_index_to_go >= 0 ) && ( $last_old_nonblank_type eq ';' ) && ( $first_new_nonblank_token ne '}' ) ) # Patch for RT #98902. Honor request to break at old commas. || ( $rOpts_break_at_old_comma_breakpoints && $max_index_to_go >= 0 && $last_old_nonblank_type eq ',' ) ) { $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = 1 if ($rOpts_break_at_old_comma_breakpoints); destroy_one_line_block(); $self->output_line_to_go(); } # loop to process the tokens one-by-one $type = 'b'; $token = ""; # We do not want a leading blank if the previous batch just got output my $jmin = 0; if ( $max_index_to_go < 0 && $rLL->[$K_first]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { $jmin = 1; } foreach my $j ( $jmin .. $jmax ) { # pull out the local values for this token $self->extract_token($j); if ( $type eq '#' ) { if ( $rOpts->{'delete-side-comments'} # delete closing side comments if necessary || ( $rOpts->{'delete-closing-side-comments'} && $token =~ /$closing_side_comment_prefix_pattern/o && $last_nonblank_block_type =~ /$closing_side_comment_list_pattern/o ) ) { if ( $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq 'b' ) { unstore_token_to_go(); } last; } } # If we are continuing after seeing a right curly brace, flush # buffer unless we see what we are looking for, as in # } else ... if ( $rbrace_follower && $type ne 'b' ) { unless ( $rbrace_follower->{$token} ) { $self->output_line_to_go(); } $rbrace_follower = undef; } $j_next = ( $rinput_token_array->[ $j + 1 ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) ? $j + 2 : $j + 1; $next_nonblank_token = $rinput_token_array->[$j_next]->[_TOKEN_]; $next_nonblank_token_type = $rinput_token_array->[$j_next]->[_TYPE_]; # Do not allow breaks which would promote a side comment to a # block comment. In order to allow a break before an opening # or closing BLOCK, followed by a side comment, those sections # of code will handle this flag separately. my $side_comment_follows = ( $next_nonblank_token_type eq '#' ); my $is_opening_BLOCK = ( $type eq '{' && $token eq '{' && $block_type && !$rshort_nested->{$type_sequence} && $block_type ne 't' ); my $is_closing_BLOCK = ( $type eq '}' && $token eq '}' && $block_type && !$rshort_nested->{$type_sequence} && $block_type ne 't' ); if ( $side_comment_follows && !$is_opening_BLOCK && !$is_closing_BLOCK ) { $no_internal_newlines = 1; } # We're only going to handle breaking for code BLOCKS at this # (top) level. Other indentation breaks will be handled by # sub scan_list, which is better suited to dealing with them. if ($is_opening_BLOCK) { # Tentatively output this token. This is required before # calling starting_one_line_block. We may have to unstore # it, though, if we have to break before it. $self->store_token_to_go($side_comment_follows); # Look ahead to see if we might form a one-line block.. my $too_long = $self->starting_one_line_block( $j, $jmax, $level, $slevel, $ci_level, $rinput_token_array ); clear_breakpoint_undo_stack(); # to simplify the logic below, set a flag to indicate if # this opening brace is far from the keyword which introduces it my $keyword_on_same_line = 1; if ( ( $max_index_to_go >= 0 ) && ( $last_nonblank_type eq ')' ) && ( ( $slevel < $nesting_depth_to_go[0] ) || $too_long ) ) { $keyword_on_same_line = 0; } # decide if user requested break before '{' my $want_break = # use -bl flag if not a sub block of any type $block_type !~ /^sub\b/ ? $rOpts->{'opening-brace-on-new-line'} # use -sbl flag for a named sub block : $block_type !~ /$ASUB_PATTERN/ ? $rOpts->{'opening-sub-brace-on-new-line'} # use -asbl flag for an anonymous sub block : $rOpts->{'opening-anonymous-sub-brace-on-new-line'}; # Do not break if this token is welded to the left if ( weld_len_left( $type_sequence, $token ) ) { $want_break = 0; } # Break before an opening '{' ... if ( # if requested $want_break # and we were unable to start looking for a block, && $index_start_one_line_block == UNDEFINED_INDEX # or if it will not be on same line as its keyword, so that # it will be outdented (eval.t, overload.t), and the user # has not insisted on keeping it on the right || ( !$keyword_on_same_line && !$rOpts->{'opening-brace-always-on-right'} ) ) { # but only if allowed unless ($no_internal_newlines) { # since we already stored this token, we must unstore it $self->unstore_token_to_go(); # then output the line $self->output_line_to_go(); # and now store this token at the start of a new line $self->store_token_to_go($side_comment_follows); } } # Now update for side comment if ($side_comment_follows) { $no_internal_newlines = 1 } # now output this line unless ($no_internal_newlines) { $self->output_line_to_go(); } } elsif ($is_closing_BLOCK) { # If there is a pending one-line block .. if ( $index_start_one_line_block != UNDEFINED_INDEX ) { # we have to terminate it if.. if ( # it is too long (final length may be different from # initial estimate). note: must allow 1 space for this # token excess_line_length( $index_start_one_line_block, $max_index_to_go ) >= 0 # or if it has too many semicolons || ( $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct == 0 && $last_nonblank_type ne ';' ) ) { destroy_one_line_block(); } } # put a break before this closing curly brace if appropriate unless ( $no_internal_newlines || $index_start_one_line_block != UNDEFINED_INDEX ) { # write out everything before this closing curly brace $self->output_line_to_go(); } # Now update for side comment if ($side_comment_follows) { $no_internal_newlines = 1 } # store the closing curly brace $self->store_token_to_go(); # ok, we just stored a closing curly brace. Often, but # not always, we want to end the line immediately. # So now we have to check for special cases. # if this '}' successfully ends a one-line block.. my $is_one_line_block = 0; my $keep_going = 0; if ( $index_start_one_line_block != UNDEFINED_INDEX ) { # Remember the type of token just before the # opening brace. It would be more general to use # a stack, but this will work for one-line blocks. $is_one_line_block = $types_to_go[$index_start_one_line_block]; # we have to actually make it by removing tentative # breaks that were set within it undo_forced_breakpoint_stack(0); set_nobreaks( $index_start_one_line_block, $max_index_to_go - 1 ); # then re-initialize for the next one-line block destroy_one_line_block(); # then decide if we want to break after the '}' .. # We will keep going to allow certain brace followers as in: # do { $ifclosed = 1; last } unless $losing; # # But make a line break if the curly ends a # significant block: if ( ( $is_block_without_semicolon{$block_type} # Follow users break point for # one line block types U & G, such as a 'try' block || $is_one_line_block =~ /^[UG]$/ && $j == $jmax ) # if needless semicolon follows we handle it later && $next_nonblank_token ne ';' ) { $self->output_line_to_go() unless ($no_internal_newlines); } } # set string indicating what we need to look for brace follower # tokens if ( $block_type eq 'do' ) { $rbrace_follower = \%is_do_follower; } elsif ( $block_type =~ /^(if|elsif|unless)$/ ) { $rbrace_follower = \%is_if_brace_follower; } elsif ( $block_type eq 'else' ) { $rbrace_follower = \%is_else_brace_follower; } # added eval for borris.t elsif ($is_sort_map_grep_eval{$block_type} || $is_one_line_block eq 'G' ) { $rbrace_follower = undef; $keep_going = 1; } # anonymous sub elsif ( $block_type =~ /$ASUB_PATTERN/ ) { if ($is_one_line_block) { $rbrace_follower = \%is_anon_sub_1_brace_follower; } else { $rbrace_follower = \%is_anon_sub_brace_follower; } } # None of the above: specify what can follow a closing # brace of a block which is not an # if/elsif/else/do/sort/map/grep/eval # Testfiles: # 'Toolbar.pm', 'Menubar.pm', bless.t, '3rules.pl', 'break1.t else { $rbrace_follower = \%is_other_brace_follower; } # See if an elsif block is followed by another elsif or else; # complain if not. if ( $block_type eq 'elsif' ) { if ( $next_nonblank_token_type eq 'b' ) { # end of line? $looking_for_else = 1; # ok, check on next line } else { unless ( $next_nonblank_token =~ /^(elsif|else)$/ ) { write_logfile_entry("No else block :(\n"); } } } # keep going after certain block types (map,sort,grep,eval) # added eval for borris.t if ($keep_going) { # keep going } # if no more tokens, postpone decision until re-entring elsif ( ( $next_nonblank_token_type eq 'b' ) && $rOpts_add_newlines ) { unless ($rbrace_follower) { $self->output_line_to_go() unless ($no_internal_newlines); } } elsif ($rbrace_follower) { unless ( $rbrace_follower->{$next_nonblank_token} ) { $self->output_line_to_go() unless ($no_internal_newlines); } $rbrace_follower = undef; } else { $self->output_line_to_go() unless ($no_internal_newlines); } } # end treatment of closing block token # handle semicolon elsif ( $type eq ';' ) { # kill one-line blocks with too many semicolons $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct--; if ( ( $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct < 0 ) || ( $semicolons_before_block_self_destruct == 0 && $next_nonblank_token_type !~ /^[b\}]$/ ) ) { destroy_one_line_block(); } $self->store_token_to_go(); $self->output_line_to_go() unless ( $no_internal_newlines || ( $rOpts_keep_interior_semicolons && $j < $jmax ) || ( $next_nonblank_token eq '}' ) ); } # handle here_doc target string elsif ( $type eq 'h' ) { # no newlines after seeing here-target $no_internal_newlines = 1; destroy_one_line_block(); $self->store_token_to_go(); } # handle all other token types else { $self->store_token_to_go(); } # remember two previous nonblank OUTPUT tokens if ( $type ne '#' && $type ne 'b' ) { $last_last_nonblank_token = $last_nonblank_token; $last_last_nonblank_type = $last_nonblank_type; $last_nonblank_token = $token; $last_nonblank_type = $type; $last_nonblank_block_type = $block_type; } # unset the continued-quote flag since it only applies to the # first token, and we want to resume normal formatting if # there are additional tokens on the line $in_continued_quote = 0; } # end of loop over all tokens in this 'line_of_tokens' # we have to flush .. if ( # if there is a side comment ( ( $type eq '#' ) && !$rOpts->{'delete-side-comments'} ) # if this line ends in a quote # NOTE: This is critically important for insuring that quoted lines # do not get processed by things like -sot and -sct || $in_quote # if this is a VERSION statement || $is_VERSION_statement # to keep a label at the end of a line || $type eq 'J' # if we are instructed to keep all old line breaks || !$rOpts->{'delete-old-newlines'} ) { destroy_one_line_block(); $self->output_line_to_go(); } # mark old line breakpoints in current output stream if ( $max_index_to_go >= 0 && !$rOpts_ignore_old_breakpoints ) { my $jobp = $max_index_to_go; if ( $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq 'b' && $max_index_to_go > 0 ) { $jobp--; } $old_breakpoint_to_go[$jobp] = 1; } return; } ## end sub print_line_of_tokens } ## end block print_line_of_tokens sub consecutive_nonblank_lines { return $file_writer_object->get_consecutive_nonblank_lines() + $vertical_aligner_object->get_cached_line_count(); } # sub output_line_to_go sends one logical line of tokens on down the # pipeline to the VerticalAligner package, breaking the line into continuation # lines as necessary. The line of tokens is ready to go in the "to_go" # arrays. sub output_line_to_go { my $self = shift; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; # debug stuff; this routine can be called from many points FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_OUTPUT && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller; write_diagnostics( "OUTPUT: output_line_to_go called: $a $c $last_nonblank_type $last_nonblank_token, one_line=$index_start_one_line_block, tokens to write=$max_index_to_go\n" ); my $output_str = join "", @tokens_to_go[ 0 .. $max_index_to_go ]; write_diagnostics("$output_str\n"); }; # Do not end line in a weld return if ( weld_len_right_to_go($max_index_to_go) ); # just set a tentative breakpoint if we might be in a one-line block if ( $index_start_one_line_block != UNDEFINED_INDEX ) { set_forced_breakpoint($max_index_to_go); return; } my $comma_arrow_count_contained = match_opening_and_closing_tokens(); # tell the -lp option we are outputting a batch so it can close # any unfinished items in its stack finish_lp_batch(); # If this line ends in a code block brace, set breaks at any # previous closing code block braces to breakup a chain of code # blocks on one line. This is very rare but can happen for # user-defined subs. For example we might be looking at this: # BOOL { $server_data{uptime} > 0; } NUM { $server_data{load}; } STR { my $saw_good_break = 0; # flag to force breaks even if short line if ( # looking for opening or closing block brace $block_type_to_go[$max_index_to_go] # but not one of these which are never duplicated on a line: # until|while|for|if|elsif|else && !$is_block_without_semicolon{ $block_type_to_go[$max_index_to_go] } ) { my $lev = $nesting_depth_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; # Walk backwards from the end and # set break at any closing block braces at the same level. # But quit if we are not in a chain of blocks. for ( my $i = $max_index_to_go - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) { last if ( $levels_to_go[$i] < $lev ); # stop at a lower level next if ( $levels_to_go[$i] > $lev ); # skip past higher level if ( $block_type_to_go[$i] ) { if ( $tokens_to_go[$i] eq '}' ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i); $saw_good_break = 1; } } # quit if we see anything besides words, function, blanks # at this level elsif ( $types_to_go[$i] !~ /^[\(\)Gwib]$/ ) { last } } } my $imin = 0; my $imax = $max_index_to_go; # trim any blank tokens if ( $max_index_to_go >= 0 ) { if ( $types_to_go[$imin] eq 'b' ) { $imin++ } if ( $types_to_go[$imax] eq 'b' ) { $imax-- } } # anything left to write? if ( $imin <= $imax ) { # add a blank line before certain key types but not after a comment if ( $last_line_leading_type !~ /^[#]/ ) { my $want_blank = 0; my $leading_token = $tokens_to_go[$imin]; my $leading_type = $types_to_go[$imin]; # blank lines before subs except declarations and one-liners if ( $leading_token =~ /^(sub\s)/ && $leading_type eq 'i' ) { $want_blank = $rOpts->{'blank-lines-before-subs'} if ( $self->terminal_type_i( $imin, $imax ) !~ /^[\;\}]$/ ); } # break before all package declarations elsif ($leading_token =~ /^(package\s)/ && $leading_type eq 'i' ) { $want_blank = $rOpts->{'blank-lines-before-packages'}; } # break before certain key blocks except one-liners if ( $leading_token =~ /^(BEGIN|END)$/ && $leading_type eq 'k' ) { $want_blank = $rOpts->{'blank-lines-before-subs'} if ( $self->terminal_type_i( $imin, $imax ) ne '}' ); } # Break before certain block types if we haven't had a # break at this level for a while. This is the # difficult decision.. elsif ($leading_type eq 'k' && $last_line_leading_type ne 'b' && $leading_token =~ /^(unless|if|while|until|for|foreach)$/ ) { my $lc = $nonblank_lines_at_depth[$last_line_leading_level]; if ( !defined($lc) ) { $lc = 0 } # patch for RT #128216: no blank line inserted at a level change if ( $levels_to_go[$imin] != $last_line_leading_level ) { $lc = 0; } $want_blank = $rOpts->{'blanks-before-blocks'} && $lc >= $rOpts->{'long-block-line-count'} && consecutive_nonblank_lines() >= $rOpts->{'long-block-line-count'} && $self->terminal_type_i( $imin, $imax ) ne '}'; } # Check for blank lines wanted before a closing brace if ( $leading_token eq '}' ) { if ( $rOpts->{'blank-lines-before-closing-block'} && $block_type_to_go[$imin] && $block_type_to_go[$imin] =~ /$blank_lines_before_closing_block_pattern/ ) { my $nblanks = $rOpts->{'blank-lines-before-closing-block'}; if ( $nblanks > $want_blank ) { $want_blank = $nblanks; } } } if ($want_blank) { # future: send blank line down normal path to VerticalAligner Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush(); $file_writer_object->require_blank_code_lines($want_blank); } } # update blank line variables and count number of consecutive # non-blank, non-comment lines at this level $last_last_line_leading_level = $last_line_leading_level; $last_line_leading_level = $levels_to_go[$imin]; if ( $last_line_leading_level < 0 ) { $last_line_leading_level = 0 } $last_line_leading_type = $types_to_go[$imin]; if ( $last_line_leading_level == $last_last_line_leading_level && $last_line_leading_type ne 'b' && $last_line_leading_type ne '#' && defined( $nonblank_lines_at_depth[$last_line_leading_level] ) ) { $nonblank_lines_at_depth[$last_line_leading_level]++; } else { $nonblank_lines_at_depth[$last_line_leading_level] = 1; } FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_FLUSH && do { my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller; print STDOUT "FLUSH: flushing from $package $file $line, types= $types_to_go[$imin] to $types_to_go[$imax]\n"; }; # add a couple of extra terminal blank tokens pad_array_to_go(); # set all forced breakpoints for good list formatting my $is_long_line = excess_line_length( $imin, $max_index_to_go ) > 0; my $old_line_count_in_batch = $self->get_old_line_count( $K_to_go[0], $K_to_go[$max_index_to_go] ); if ( $is_long_line || $old_line_count_in_batch > 1 # must always call scan_list() with unbalanced batches because it # is maintaining some stacks || is_unbalanced_batch() # call scan_list if we might want to break at commas || ( $comma_count_in_batch && ( $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table > 0 || $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints == 0 ) ) # call scan_list if user may want to break open some one-line # hash references || ( $comma_arrow_count_contained && $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints != 3 ) ) { ## This caused problems in one version of perl for unknown reasons: ## $saw_good_break ||= scan_list(); my $sgb = scan_list(); $saw_good_break ||= $sgb; } # let $ri_first and $ri_last be references to lists of # first and last tokens of line fragments to output.. my ( $ri_first, $ri_last ); # write a single line if.. if ( # we aren't allowed to add any newlines !$rOpts_add_newlines # or, we don't already have an interior breakpoint # and we didn't see a good breakpoint || ( !$forced_breakpoint_count && !$saw_good_break # and this line is 'short' && !$is_long_line ) ) { @{$ri_first} = ($imin); @{$ri_last} = ($imax); } # otherwise use multiple lines else { ( $ri_first, $ri_last, my $colon_count ) = $self->set_continuation_breaks($saw_good_break); $self->break_all_chain_tokens( $ri_first, $ri_last ); break_equals( $ri_first, $ri_last ); # now we do a correction step to clean this up a bit # (The only time we would not do this is for debugging) if ( $rOpts->{'recombine'} ) { ( $ri_first, $ri_last ) = recombine_breakpoints( $ri_first, $ri_last ); } $self->insert_final_breaks( $ri_first, $ri_last ) if $colon_count; } # do corrector step if -lp option is used my $do_not_pad = 0; if ($rOpts_line_up_parentheses) { $do_not_pad = correct_lp_indentation( $ri_first, $ri_last ); } $self->unmask_phantom_semicolons( $ri_first, $ri_last ); if ( $rOpts_one_line_block_semicolons == 0 ) { $self->delete_one_line_semicolons( $ri_first, $ri_last ); } # The line breaks for this batch of code have been finalized. Now we # can to package the results for further processing. We will switch # from the local '_to_go' buffer arrays (i-index) back to the global # token arrays (K-index) at this point. my $rlines_K; my $index_error; for ( my $n = 0 ; $n < @{$ri_first} ; $n++ ) { my $ibeg = $ri_first->[$n]; my $Kbeg = $K_to_go[$ibeg]; my $iend = $ri_last->[$n]; my $Kend = $K_to_go[$iend]; if ( $iend - $ibeg != $Kend - $Kbeg ) { $index_error = $n unless defined($index_error); } push @{$rlines_K}, [ $Kbeg, $Kend, $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend] ]; } # Check correctness of the mapping between the i and K token indexes if ( defined($index_error) ) { # Temporary debug code - should never get here for ( my $n = 0 ; $n < @{$ri_first} ; $n++ ) { my $ibeg = $ri_first->[$n]; my $Kbeg = $K_to_go[$ibeg]; my $iend = $ri_last->[$n]; my $Kend = $K_to_go[$iend]; my $idiff = $iend - $ibeg; my $Kdiff = $Kend - $Kbeg; print STDERR <<EOM; line $n, irange $ibeg-$iend = $idiff, Krange $Kbeg-$Kend = $Kdiff; EOM } Fault("Index error at line $index_error; i and K ranges differ"); } my $rbatch_hash = { rlines_K => $rlines_K, do_not_pad => $do_not_pad, ibeg0 => $ri_first->[0], }; $self->send_lines_to_vertical_aligner($rbatch_hash); # Insert any requested blank lines after an opening brace. We have to # skip back before any side comment to find the terminal token my $iterm; for ( $iterm = $imax ; $iterm >= $imin ; $iterm-- ) { next if $types_to_go[$iterm] eq '#'; next if $types_to_go[$iterm] eq 'b'; last; } # write requested number of blank lines after an opening block brace if ( $iterm >= $imin && $types_to_go[$iterm] eq '{' ) { if ( $rOpts->{'blank-lines-after-opening-block'} && $block_type_to_go[$iterm] && $block_type_to_go[$iterm] =~ /$blank_lines_after_opening_block_pattern/ ) { my $nblanks = $rOpts->{'blank-lines-after-opening-block'}; Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush(); $file_writer_object->require_blank_code_lines($nblanks); } } } prepare_for_new_input_lines(); return; } sub note_added_semicolon { my ($line_number) = @_; $last_added_semicolon_at = $line_number; if ( $added_semicolon_count == 0 ) { $first_added_semicolon_at = $last_added_semicolon_at; } $added_semicolon_count++; write_logfile_entry("Added ';' here\n"); return; } sub note_deleted_semicolon { $last_deleted_semicolon_at = $input_line_number; if ( $deleted_semicolon_count == 0 ) { $first_deleted_semicolon_at = $last_deleted_semicolon_at; } $deleted_semicolon_count++; write_logfile_entry("Deleted unnecessary ';' at line $input_line_number\n"); return; } sub note_embedded_tab { $embedded_tab_count++; $last_embedded_tab_at = $input_line_number; if ( !$first_embedded_tab_at ) { $first_embedded_tab_at = $last_embedded_tab_at; } if ( $embedded_tab_count <= MAX_NAG_MESSAGES ) { write_logfile_entry("Embedded tabs in quote or pattern\n"); } return; } sub starting_one_line_block { # after seeing an opening curly brace, look for the closing brace # and see if the entire block will fit on a line. This routine is # not always right because it uses the old whitespace, so a check # is made later (at the closing brace) to make sure we really # have a one-line block. We have to do this preliminary check, # though, because otherwise we would always break at a semicolon # within a one-line block if the block contains multiple statements. my ( $self, $j, $jmax, $level, $slevel, $ci_level, $rtoken_array ) = @_; my $rbreak_container = $self->{rbreak_container}; my $rshort_nested = $self->{rshort_nested}; my $jmax_check = @{$rtoken_array}; if ( $jmax_check < $jmax ) { Fault("jmax=$jmax > $jmax_check"); } # kill any current block - we can only go 1 deep destroy_one_line_block(); # return value: # 1=distance from start of block to opening brace exceeds line length # 0=otherwise my $i_start = 0; # shouldn't happen: there must have been a prior call to # store_token_to_go to put the opening brace in the output stream if ( $max_index_to_go < 0 ) { Fault("program bug: store_token_to_go called incorrectly\n"); } # return if block should be broken my $type_sequence = $rtoken_array->[$j]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; if ( $rbreak_container->{$type_sequence} ) { return 0; } my $block_type = $rtoken_array->[$j]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; # find the starting keyword for this block (such as 'if', 'else', ...) if ( $block_type =~ /^[\{\}\;\:]$/ || $block_type =~ /^package/ ) { $i_start = $max_index_to_go; } # the previous nonblank token should start these block types elsif (( $last_last_nonblank_token_to_go eq $block_type ) || ( $block_type =~ /^sub\b/ ) || $block_type =~ /\(\)/ ) { $i_start = $last_last_nonblank_index_to_go; # For signatures and extended syntax ... # If this brace follows a parenthesized list, we should look back to # find the keyword before the opening paren because otherwise we might # form a one line block which stays intack, and cause the parenthesized # expression to break open. That looks bad. However, actually # searching for the opening paren is slow and tedius. # The actual keyword is often at the start of a line, but might not be. # For example, we might have an anonymous sub with signature list # following a =>. It is safe to mark the start anywhere before the # opening paren, so we just go back to the prevoious break (or start of # the line) if that is before the opening paren. The minor downside is # that we may very occasionally break open a block unnecessarily. if ( $tokens_to_go[$i_start] eq ')' ) { $i_start = $index_max_forced_break + 1; if ( $types_to_go[$i_start] eq 'b' ) { $i_start++; } my $lev = $levels_to_go[$i_start]; if ( $lev > $level ) { return 0 } } } elsif ( $last_last_nonblank_token_to_go eq ')' ) { # For something like "if (xxx) {", the keyword "if" will be # just after the most recent break. This will be 0 unless # we have just killed a one-line block and are starting another. # (doif.t) # Note: cannot use inext_index_to_go[] here because that array # is still being constructed. $i_start = $index_max_forced_break + 1; if ( $types_to_go[$i_start] eq 'b' ) { $i_start++; } # Patch to avoid breaking short blocks defined with extended_syntax: # Strip off any trailing () which was added in the parser to mark # the opening keyword. For example, in the following # create( TypeFoo $e) {$bubba} # the blocktype would be marked as create() my $stripped_block_type = $block_type; $stripped_block_type =~ s/\(\)$//; unless ( $tokens_to_go[$i_start] eq $stripped_block_type ) { return 0; } } # patch for SWITCH/CASE to retain one-line case/when blocks elsif ( $block_type eq 'case' || $block_type eq 'when' ) { # Note: cannot use inext_index_to_go[] here because that array # is still being constructed. $i_start = $index_max_forced_break + 1; if ( $types_to_go[$i_start] eq 'b' ) { $i_start++; } unless ( $tokens_to_go[$i_start] eq $block_type ) { return 0; } } else { return 1; } my $pos = total_line_length( $i_start, $max_index_to_go ) - 1; # see if length is too long to even start if ( $pos > maximum_line_length($i_start) ) { return 1; } foreach my $i ( $j + 1 .. $jmax ) { # old whitespace could be arbitrarily large, so don't use it if ( $rtoken_array->[$i]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { $pos += 1 } else { $pos += rtoken_length($i) } # ignore some small blocks my $type_sequence = $rtoken_array->[$i]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $nobreak = $rshort_nested->{$type_sequence}; # Return false result if we exceed the maximum line length, if ( $pos > maximum_line_length($i_start) ) { return 0; } # keep going for non-containers elsif ( !$type_sequence ) { } # return if we encounter another opening brace before finding the # closing brace. elsif ($rtoken_array->[$i]->[_TOKEN_] eq '{' && $rtoken_array->[$i]->[_TYPE_] eq '{' && $rtoken_array->[$i]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_] && !$nobreak ) { return 0; } # if we find our closing brace.. elsif ($rtoken_array->[$i]->[_TOKEN_] eq '}' && $rtoken_array->[$i]->[_TYPE_] eq '}' && $rtoken_array->[$i]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_] && !$nobreak ) { # be sure any trailing comment also fits on the line my $i_nonblank = ( $rtoken_array->[ $i + 1 ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) ? $i + 2 : $i + 1; # Patch for one-line sort/map/grep/eval blocks with side comments: # We will ignore the side comment length for sort/map/grep/eval # because this can lead to statements which change every time # perltidy is run. Here is an example from Denis Moskowitz which # oscillates between these two states without this patch: ## -------- ## grep { $_->foo ne 'bar' } # asdfa asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf ## @baz; ## ## grep { ## $_->foo ne 'bar' ## } # asdfa asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf ## @baz; ## -------- # When the first line is input it gets broken apart by the main # line break logic in sub print_line_of_tokens. # When the second line is input it gets recombined by # print_line_of_tokens and passed to the output routines. The # output routines (set_continuation_breaks) do not break it apart # because the bond strengths are set to the highest possible value # for grep/map/eval/sort blocks, so the first version gets output. # It would be possible to fix this by changing bond strengths, # but they are high to prevent errors in older versions of perl. if ( $rtoken_array->[$i_nonblank]->[_TYPE_] eq '#' && !$is_sort_map_grep{$block_type} ) { $pos += rtoken_length($i_nonblank); if ( $i_nonblank > $i + 1 ) { # source whitespace could be anything, assume # at least one space before the hash on output if ( $rtoken_array->[ $i + 1 ]->[_TYPE_] eq 'b' ) { $pos += 1; } else { $pos += rtoken_length( $i + 1 ) } } if ( $pos >= maximum_line_length($i_start) ) { return 0; } } # ok, it's a one-line block create_one_line_block( $i_start, 20 ); return 0; } # just keep going for other characters else { } } # Allow certain types of new one-line blocks to form by joining # input lines. These can be safely done, but for other block types, # we keep old one-line blocks but do not form new ones. It is not # always a good idea to make as many one-line blocks as possible, # so other types are not done. The user can always use -mangle. if ( $want_one_line_block{$block_type} ) { create_one_line_block( $i_start, 1 ); } return 0; } sub unstore_token_to_go { # remove most recent token from output stream my $self = shift; if ( $max_index_to_go > 0 ) { $max_index_to_go--; } else { $max_index_to_go = UNDEFINED_INDEX; } return; } sub want_blank_line { my $self = shift; $self->flush(); $file_writer_object->want_blank_line(); return; } sub write_unindented_line { my ( $self, $line ) = @_; $self->flush(); $file_writer_object->write_line($line); return; } sub undo_ci { # Undo continuation indentation in certain sequences # For example, we can undo continuation indentation in sort/map/grep chains # my $dat1 = pack( "n*", # map { $_, $lookup->{$_} } # sort { $a <=> $b } # grep { $lookup->{$_} ne $default } keys %$lookup ); # To align the map/sort/grep keywords like this: # my $dat1 = pack( "n*", # map { $_, $lookup->{$_} } # sort { $a <=> $b } # grep { $lookup->{$_} ne $default } keys %$lookup ); my ( $self, $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; my ( $line_1, $line_2, $lev_last ); my $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated; my $max_line = @{$ri_first} - 1; # looking at each line of this batch.. # We are looking at leading tokens and looking for a sequence # all at the same level and higher level than enclosing lines. foreach my $line ( 0 .. $max_line ) { my $ibeg = $ri_first->[$line]; my $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; if ( $line > 0 ) { # if we have started a chain.. if ($line_1) { # see if it continues.. if ( $lev == $lev_last ) { if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'k' && $is_sort_map_grep{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] } ) { # chain continues... # check for chain ending at end of a statement if ( $line == $max_line ) { # see of this line ends a statement my $iend = $ri_last->[$line]; $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated = $types_to_go[$iend] eq ';' # with possible side comment || ( $types_to_go[$iend] eq '#' && $iend - $ibeg >= 2 && $types_to_go[ $iend - 2 ] eq ';' && $types_to_go[ $iend - 1 ] eq 'b' ); } $line_2 = $line if ($this_line_is_semicolon_terminated); } else { # kill chain $line_1 = undef; } } elsif ( $lev < $lev_last ) { # chain ends with previous line $line_2 = $line - 1; } elsif ( $lev > $lev_last ) { # kill chain $line_1 = undef; } # undo the continuation indentation if a chain ends if ( defined($line_2) && defined($line_1) ) { my $continuation_line_count = $line_2 - $line_1 + 1; @ci_levels_to_go[ @{$ri_first}[ $line_1 .. $line_2 ] ] = (0) x ($continuation_line_count) if ( $continuation_line_count >= 0 ); @leading_spaces_to_go[ @{$ri_first}[ $line_1 .. $line_2 ] ] = @reduced_spaces_to_go[ @{$ri_first} [ $line_1 .. $line_2 ] ]; $line_1 = undef; } } # not in a chain yet.. else { # look for start of a new sort/map/grep chain if ( $lev > $lev_last ) { if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'k' && $is_sort_map_grep{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] } ) { $line_1 = $line; } } } } $lev_last = $lev; } return; } sub undo_lp_ci { # If there is a single, long parameter within parens, like this: # # $self->command( "/msg " # . $infoline->chan # . " You said $1, but did you know that it's square was " # . $1 * $1 . " ?" ); # # we can remove the continuation indentation of the 2nd and higher lines # to achieve this effect, which is more pleasing: # # $self->command("/msg " # . $infoline->chan # . " You said $1, but did you know that it's square was " # . $1 * $1 . " ?"); my ( $line_open, $i_start, $closing_index, $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; my $max_line = @{$ri_first} - 1; # must be multiple lines return unless $max_line > $line_open; my $lev_start = $levels_to_go[$i_start]; my $ci_start_plus = 1 + $ci_levels_to_go[$i_start]; # see if all additional lines in this container have continuation # indentation my $n; my $line_1 = 1 + $line_open; for ( $n = $line_1 ; $n <= $max_line ; ++$n ) { my $ibeg = $ri_first->[$n]; my $iend = $ri_last->[$n]; if ( $ibeg eq $closing_index ) { $n--; last } return if ( $lev_start != $levels_to_go[$ibeg] ); return if ( $ci_start_plus != $ci_levels_to_go[$ibeg] ); last if ( $closing_index <= $iend ); } # we can reduce the indentation of all continuation lines my $continuation_line_count = $n - $line_open; @ci_levels_to_go[ @{$ri_first}[ $line_1 .. $n ] ] = (0) x ($continuation_line_count); @leading_spaces_to_go[ @{$ri_first}[ $line_1 .. $n ] ] = @reduced_spaces_to_go[ @{$ri_first}[ $line_1 .. $n ] ]; return; } sub pad_token { # insert $pad_spaces before token number $ipad my ( $self, $ipad, $pad_spaces ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; if ( $pad_spaces > 0 ) { $tokens_to_go[$ipad] = ' ' x $pad_spaces . $tokens_to_go[$ipad]; } elsif ( $pad_spaces == -1 && $tokens_to_go[$ipad] eq ' ' ) { $tokens_to_go[$ipad] = ""; } else { # shouldn't happen return; } # Keep token arrays in sync $self->sync_token_K($ipad); $token_lengths_to_go[$ipad] += $pad_spaces; foreach my $i ( $ipad .. $max_index_to_go ) { $summed_lengths_to_go[ $i + 1 ] += $pad_spaces; } return; } { my %is_math_op; BEGIN { my @q = qw( + - * / ); @is_math_op{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub set_logical_padding { # Look at a batch of lines and see if extra padding can improve the # alignment when there are certain leading operators. Here is an # example, in which some extra space is introduced before # '( $year' to make it line up with the subsequent lines: # # if ( ( $Year < 1601 ) # || ( $Year > 2899 ) # || ( $EndYear < 1601 ) # || ( $EndYear > 2899 ) ) # { # &Error_OutOfRange; # } # my ( $self, $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; my $max_line = @{$ri_first} - 1; # FIXME: move these declarations below my ( $ibeg, $ibeg_next, $ibegm, $iend, $iendm, $ipad, $pad_spaces, $tok_next, $type_next, $has_leading_op_next, $has_leading_op ); # looking at each line of this batch.. foreach my $line ( 0 .. $max_line - 1 ) { # see if the next line begins with a logical operator $ibeg = $ri_first->[$line]; $iend = $ri_last->[$line]; $ibeg_next = $ri_first->[ $line + 1 ]; $tok_next = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next]; $type_next = $types_to_go[$ibeg_next]; $has_leading_op_next = ( $tok_next =~ /^\w/ ) ? $is_chain_operator{$tok_next} # + - * / : ? && || : $is_chain_operator{$type_next}; # and, or next unless ($has_leading_op_next); # next line must not be at lesser depth next if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg] > $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next] ); # identify the token in this line to be padded on the left $ipad = undef; # handle lines at same depth... if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg] == $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next] ) { # if this is not first line of the batch ... if ( $line > 0 ) { # and we have leading operator.. next if $has_leading_op; # Introduce padding if.. # 1. the previous line is at lesser depth, or # 2. the previous line ends in an assignment # 3. the previous line ends in a 'return' # 4. the previous line ends in a comma # Example 1: previous line at lesser depth # if ( ( $Year < 1601 ) # <- we are here but # || ( $Year > 2899 ) # list has not yet # || ( $EndYear < 1601 ) # collapsed vertically # || ( $EndYear > 2899 ) ) # { # # Example 2: previous line ending in assignment: # $leapyear = # $year % 4 ? 0 # <- We are here # : $year % 100 ? 1 # : $year % 400 ? 0 # : 1; # # Example 3: previous line ending in comma: # push @expr, # /test/ ? undef # : eval($_) ? 1 # : eval($_) ? 1 # : 0; # be sure levels agree (do not indent after an indented 'if') next if ( $levels_to_go[$ibeg] ne $levels_to_go[$ibeg_next] ); # allow padding on first line after a comma but only if: # (1) this is line 2 and # (2) there are at more than three lines and # (3) lines 3 and 4 have the same leading operator # These rules try to prevent padding within a long # comma-separated list. my $ok_comma; if ( $types_to_go[$iendm] eq ',' && $line == 1 && $max_line > 2 ) { my $ibeg_next_next = $ri_first->[ $line + 2 ]; my $tok_next_next = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next_next]; $ok_comma = $tok_next_next eq $tok_next; } next unless ( $is_assignment{ $types_to_go[$iendm] } || $ok_comma || ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibegm] < $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg] ) || ( $types_to_go[$iendm] eq 'k' && $tokens_to_go[$iendm] eq 'return' ) ); # we will add padding before the first token $ipad = $ibeg; } # for first line of the batch.. else { # WARNING: Never indent if first line is starting in a # continued quote, which would change the quote. next if $starting_in_quote; # if this is text after closing '}' # then look for an interior token to pad if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq '}' ) { } # otherwise, we might pad if it looks really good else { # we might pad token $ibeg, so be sure that it # is at the same depth as the next line. next if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg] != $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next] ); # We can pad on line 1 of a statement if at least 3 # lines will be aligned. Otherwise, it # can look very confusing. # We have to be careful not to pad if there are too few # lines. The current rule is: # (1) in general we require at least 3 consecutive lines # with the same leading chain operator token, # (2) but an exception is that we only require two lines # with leading colons if there are no more lines. For example, # the first $i in the following snippet would get padding # by the second rule: # # $i == 1 ? ( "First", "Color" ) # : $i == 2 ? ( "Then", "Rarity" ) # : ( "Then", "Name" ); if ( $max_line > 1 ) { my $leading_token = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next]; my $tokens_differ; # never indent line 1 of a '.' series because # previous line is most likely at same level. # TODO: we should also look at the leasing_spaces # of the last output line and skip if it is same # as this line. next if ( $leading_token eq '.' ); my $count = 1; foreach my $l ( 2 .. 3 ) { last if ( $line + $l > $max_line ); my $ibeg_next_next = $ri_first->[ $line + $l ]; if ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next_next] ne $leading_token ) { $tokens_differ = 1; last; } $count++; } next if ($tokens_differ); next if ( $count < 3 && $leading_token ne ':' ); $ipad = $ibeg; } else { next; } } } } # find interior token to pad if necessary if ( !defined($ipad) ) { for ( my $i = $ibeg ; ( $i < $iend ) && !$ipad ; $i++ ) { # find any unclosed container next unless ( $type_sequence_to_go[$i] && $self->mate_index_to_go($i) > $iend ); # find next nonblank token to pad $ipad = $inext_to_go[$i]; last if ( $ipad > $iend ); } last unless $ipad; } # We cannot pad the first leading token of a file because # it could cause a bug in which the starting indentation # level is guessed incorrectly each time the code is run # though perltidy, thus causing the code to march off to # the right. For example, the following snippet would have # this problem: ## ov_method mycan( $package, '(""' ), $package ## or ov_method mycan( $package, '(0+' ), $package ## or ov_method mycan( $package, '(bool' ), $package ## or ov_method mycan( $package, '(nomethod' ), $package; # If this snippet is within a block this won't happen # unless the user just processes the snippet alone within # an editor. In that case either the user will see and # fix the problem or it will be corrected next time the # entire file is processed with perltidy. next if ( $ipad == 0 && $peak_batch_size <= 1 ); ## THIS PATCH REMOVES THE FOLLOWING POOR PADDING (math.t) with -pbp, BUT ## IT DID MORE HARM THAN GOOD ## ceil( ## $font->{'loca'}->{'glyphs'}[$x]->read->{'xMin'} * 1000 ## / $upem ## ), ##? # do not put leading padding for just 2 lines of math ##? if ( $ipad == $ibeg ##? && $line > 0 ##? && $levels_to_go[$ipad] > $levels_to_go[ $ipad - 1 ] ##? && $is_math_op{$type_next} ##? && $line + 2 <= $max_line ) ##? { ##? my $ibeg_next_next = $ri_first->[ $line + 2 ]; ##? my $type_next_next = $types_to_go[$ibeg_next_next]; ##? next if !$is_math_op{$type_next_next}; ##? } # next line must not be at greater depth my $iend_next = $ri_last->[ $line + 1 ]; next if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[ $iend_next + 1 ] > $nesting_depth_to_go[$ipad] ); # lines must be somewhat similar to be padded.. my $inext_next = $inext_to_go[$ibeg_next]; my $type = $types_to_go[$ipad]; my $type_next = $types_to_go[ $ipad + 1 ]; # see if there are multiple continuation lines my $logical_continuation_lines = 1; if ( $line + 2 <= $max_line ) { my $leading_token = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next]; my $ibeg_next_next = $ri_first->[ $line + 2 ]; if ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next_next] eq $leading_token && $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next] eq $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next_next] ) { $logical_continuation_lines++; } } # see if leading types match my $types_match = $types_to_go[$inext_next] eq $type; my $matches_without_bang; # if first line has leading ! then compare the following token if ( !$types_match && $type eq '!' ) { $types_match = $matches_without_bang = $types_to_go[$inext_next] eq $types_to_go[ $ipad + 1 ]; } if ( # either we have multiple continuation lines to follow # and we are not padding the first token ( $logical_continuation_lines > 1 && $ipad > 0 ) # or.. || ( # types must match $types_match # and keywords must match if keyword && !( $type eq 'k' && $tokens_to_go[$ipad] ne $tokens_to_go[$inext_next] ) ) ) { #----------------------begin special checks-------------- # # SPECIAL CHECK 1: # A check is needed before we can make the pad. # If we are in a list with some long items, we want each # item to stand out. So in the following example, the # first line beginning with '$casefold->' would look good # padded to align with the next line, but then it # would be indented more than the last line, so we # won't do it. # # ok( # $casefold->{code} eq '0041' # && $casefold->{status} eq 'C' # && $casefold->{mapping} eq '0061', # 'casefold 0x41' # ); # # Note: # It would be faster, and almost as good, to use a comma # count, and not pad if comma_count > 1 and the previous # line did not end with a comma. # my $ok_to_pad = 1; my $ibg = $ri_first->[ $line + 1 ]; my $depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[ $ibg + 1 ]; # just use simplified formula for leading spaces to avoid # needless sub calls my $lsp = $levels_to_go[$ibg] + $ci_levels_to_go[$ibg]; # look at each line beyond the next .. my $l = $line + 1; foreach my $ltest ( $line + 2 .. $max_line ) { $l = $ltest; my $ibg = $ri_first->[$l]; # quit looking at the end of this container last if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[ $ibg + 1 ] < $depth ) || ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibg] < $depth ); # cannot do the pad if a later line would be # outdented more if ( $levels_to_go[$ibg] + $ci_levels_to_go[$ibg] < $lsp ) { $ok_to_pad = 0; last; } } # don't pad if we end in a broken list if ( $l == $max_line ) { my $i2 = $ri_last->[$l]; if ( $types_to_go[$i2] eq '#' ) { my $i1 = $ri_first->[$l]; next if $self->terminal_type_i( $i1, $i2 ) eq ','; } } # SPECIAL CHECK 2: # a minus may introduce a quoted variable, and we will # add the pad only if this line begins with a bare word, # such as for the word 'Button' here: # [ # Button => "Print letter \"~$_\"", # -command => [ sub { print "$_[0]\n" }, $_ ], # -accelerator => "Meta+$_" # ]; # # On the other hand, if 'Button' is quoted, it looks best # not to pad: # [ # 'Button' => "Print letter \"~$_\"", # -command => [ sub { print "$_[0]\n" }, $_ ], # -accelerator => "Meta+$_" # ]; if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg_next] eq 'm' ) { $ok_to_pad = 0 if $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'Q'; } next unless $ok_to_pad; #----------------------end special check--------------- my $length_1 = total_line_length( $ibeg, $ipad - 1 ); my $length_2 = total_line_length( $ibeg_next, $inext_next - 1 ); $pad_spaces = $length_2 - $length_1; # If the first line has a leading ! and the second does # not, then remove one space to try to align the next # leading characters, which are often the same. For example: # if ( !$ts # || $ts == $self->Holder # || $self->Holder->Type eq "Arena" ) # # This usually helps readability, but if there are subsequent # ! operators things will still get messed up. For example: # # if ( !exists $Net::DNS::typesbyname{$qtype} # && exists $Net::DNS::classesbyname{$qtype} # && !exists $Net::DNS::classesbyname{$qclass} # && exists $Net::DNS::typesbyname{$qclass} ) # We can't fix that. if ($matches_without_bang) { $pad_spaces-- } # make sure this won't change if -lp is used my $indentation_1 = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg]; if ( ref($indentation_1) ) { if ( $indentation_1->get_recoverable_spaces() == 0 ) { my $indentation_2 = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg_next]; unless ( $indentation_2->get_recoverable_spaces() == 0 ) { $pad_spaces = 0; } } } # we might be able to handle a pad of -1 by removing a blank # token if ( $pad_spaces < 0 ) { if ( $pad_spaces == -1 ) { if ( $ipad > $ibeg && $types_to_go[ $ipad - 1 ] eq 'b' ) { $self->pad_token( $ipad - 1, $pad_spaces ); } } $pad_spaces = 0; } # now apply any padding for alignment if ( $ipad >= 0 && $pad_spaces ) { my $length_t = total_line_length( $ibeg, $iend ); if ( $pad_spaces + $length_t <= maximum_line_length($ibeg) ) { $self->pad_token( $ipad, $pad_spaces ); } } } } continue { $iendm = $iend; $ibegm = $ibeg; $has_leading_op = $has_leading_op_next; } # end of loop over lines return; } } sub correct_lp_indentation { # When the -lp option is used, we need to make a last pass through # each line to correct the indentation positions in case they differ # from the predictions. This is necessary because perltidy uses a # predictor/corrector method for aligning with opening parens. The # predictor is usually good, but sometimes stumbles. The corrector # tries to patch things up once the actual opening paren locations # are known. my ( $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; my $do_not_pad = 0; # Note on flag '$do_not_pad': # We want to avoid a situation like this, where the aligner inserts # whitespace before the '=' to align it with a previous '=', because # otherwise the parens might become mis-aligned in a situation like # this, where the '=' has become aligned with the previous line, # pushing the opening '(' forward beyond where we want it. # # $mkFloor::currentRoom = ''; # $mkFloor::c_entry = $c->Entry( # -width => '10', # -relief => 'sunken', # ... # ); # # We leave it to the aligner to decide how to do this. # first remove continuation indentation if appropriate my $max_line = @{$ri_first} - 1; # looking at each line of this batch.. my ( $ibeg, $iend ); foreach my $line ( 0 .. $max_line ) { $ibeg = $ri_first->[$line]; $iend = $ri_last->[$line]; # looking at each token in this output line.. foreach my $i ( $ibeg .. $iend ) { # How many space characters to place before this token # for special alignment. Actual padding is done in the # continue block. # looking for next unvisited indentation item my $indentation = $leading_spaces_to_go[$i]; if ( !$indentation->get_marked() ) { $indentation->set_marked(1); # looking for indentation item for which we are aligning # with parens, braces, and brackets next unless ( $indentation->get_align_paren() ); # skip closed container on this line if ( $i > $ibeg ) { my $im = max( $ibeg, $iprev_to_go[$i] ); if ( $type_sequence_to_go[$im] && $mate_index_to_go[$im] <= $iend ) { next; } } if ( $line == 1 && $i == $ibeg ) { $do_not_pad = 1; } # Ok, let's see what the error is and try to fix it my $actual_pos; my $predicted_pos = $indentation->get_spaces(); if ( $i > $ibeg ) { # token is mid-line - use length to previous token $actual_pos = total_line_length( $ibeg, $i - 1 ); # for mid-line token, we must check to see if all # additional lines have continuation indentation, # and remove it if so. Otherwise, we do not get # good alignment. my $closing_index = $indentation->get_closed(); if ( $closing_index > $iend ) { my $ibeg_next = $ri_first->[ $line + 1 ]; if ( $ci_levels_to_go[$ibeg_next] > 0 ) { undo_lp_ci( $line, $i, $closing_index, $ri_first, $ri_last ); } } } elsif ( $line > 0 ) { # handle case where token starts a new line; # use length of previous line my $ibegm = $ri_first->[ $line - 1 ]; my $iendm = $ri_last->[ $line - 1 ]; $actual_pos = total_line_length( $ibegm, $iendm ); # follow -pt style ++$actual_pos if ( $types_to_go[ $iendm + 1 ] eq 'b' ); } else { # token is first character of first line of batch $actual_pos = $predicted_pos; } my $move_right = $actual_pos - $predicted_pos; # done if no error to correct (gnu2.t) if ( $move_right == 0 ) { $indentation->set_recoverable_spaces($move_right); next; } # if we have not seen closure for this indentation in # this batch, we can only pass on a request to the # vertical aligner my $closing_index = $indentation->get_closed(); if ( $closing_index < 0 ) { $indentation->set_recoverable_spaces($move_right); next; } # If necessary, look ahead to see if there is really any # leading whitespace dependent on this whitespace, and # also find the longest line using this whitespace. # Since it is always safe to move left if there are no # dependents, we only need to do this if we may have # dependent nodes or need to move right. my $right_margin = 0; my $have_child = $indentation->get_have_child(); my %saw_indentation; my $line_count = 1; $saw_indentation{$indentation} = $indentation; if ( $have_child || $move_right > 0 ) { $have_child = 0; my $max_length = 0; if ( $i == $ibeg ) { $max_length = total_line_length( $ibeg, $iend ); } # look ahead at the rest of the lines of this batch.. foreach my $line_t ( $line + 1 .. $max_line ) { my $ibeg_t = $ri_first->[$line_t]; my $iend_t = $ri_last->[$line_t]; last if ( $closing_index <= $ibeg_t ); # remember all different indentation objects my $indentation_t = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg_t]; $saw_indentation{$indentation_t} = $indentation_t; $line_count++; # remember longest line in the group my $length_t = total_line_length( $ibeg_t, $iend_t ); if ( $length_t > $max_length ) { $max_length = $length_t; } } $right_margin = maximum_line_length($ibeg) - $max_length; if ( $right_margin < 0 ) { $right_margin = 0 } } my $first_line_comma_count = grep { $_ eq ',' } @types_to_go[ $ibeg .. $iend ]; my $comma_count = $indentation->get_comma_count(); my $arrow_count = $indentation->get_arrow_count(); # This is a simple approximate test for vertical alignment: # if we broke just after an opening paren, brace, bracket, # and there are 2 or more commas in the first line, # and there are no '=>'s, # then we are probably vertically aligned. We could set # an exact flag in sub scan_list, but this is good # enough. my $indentation_count = keys %saw_indentation; my $is_vertically_aligned = ( $i == $ibeg && $first_line_comma_count > 1 && $indentation_count == 1 && ( $arrow_count == 0 || $arrow_count == $line_count ) ); # Make the move if possible .. if ( # we can always move left $move_right < 0 # but we should only move right if we are sure it will # not spoil vertical alignment || ( $comma_count == 0 ) || ( $comma_count > 0 && !$is_vertically_aligned ) ) { my $move = ( $move_right <= $right_margin ) ? $move_right : $right_margin; foreach ( keys %saw_indentation ) { $saw_indentation{$_} ->permanently_decrease_available_spaces( -$move ); } } # Otherwise, record what we want and the vertical aligner # will try to recover it. else { $indentation->set_recoverable_spaces($move_right); } } } } return $do_not_pad; } # flush is called to output any tokens in the pipeline, so that # an alternate source of lines can be written in the correct order sub flush { my $self = shift; destroy_one_line_block(); $self->output_line_to_go(); Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush(); return; } sub reset_block_text_accumulator { # save text after 'if' and 'elsif' to append after 'else' if ($accumulating_text_for_block) { if ( $accumulating_text_for_block =~ /^(if|elsif)$/ ) { push @{$rleading_block_if_elsif_text}, $leading_block_text; } } $accumulating_text_for_block = ""; $leading_block_text = ""; $leading_block_text_level = 0; $leading_block_text_length_exceeded = 0; $leading_block_text_line_number = 0; $leading_block_text_line_length = 0; return; } sub set_block_text_accumulator { my $i = shift; $accumulating_text_for_block = $tokens_to_go[$i]; if ( $accumulating_text_for_block !~ /^els/ ) { $rleading_block_if_elsif_text = []; } $leading_block_text = ""; $leading_block_text_level = $levels_to_go[$i]; $leading_block_text_line_number = get_output_line_number(); $leading_block_text_length_exceeded = 0; # this will contain the column number of the last character # of the closing side comment $leading_block_text_line_length = length($csc_last_label) + length($accumulating_text_for_block) + length( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-prefix'} ) + $leading_block_text_level * $rOpts_indent_columns + 3; return; } sub accumulate_block_text { my $i = shift; # accumulate leading text for -csc, ignoring any side comments if ( $accumulating_text_for_block && !$leading_block_text_length_exceeded && $types_to_go[$i] ne '#' ) { my $added_length = $token_lengths_to_go[$i]; $added_length += 1 if $i == 0; my $new_line_length = $leading_block_text_line_length + $added_length; # we can add this text if we don't exceed some limits.. if ( # we must not have already exceeded the text length limit length($leading_block_text) < $rOpts_closing_side_comment_maximum_text # and either: # the new total line length must be below the line length limit # or the new length must be below the text length limit # (ie, we may allow one token to exceed the text length limit) && ( $new_line_length < maximum_line_length_for_level($leading_block_text_level) || length($leading_block_text) + $added_length < $rOpts_closing_side_comment_maximum_text ) # UNLESS: we are adding a closing paren before the brace we seek. # This is an attempt to avoid situations where the ... to be # added are longer than the omitted right paren, as in: # foreach my $item (@a_rather_long_variable_name_here) { # &whatever; # } ## end foreach my $item (@a_rather_long_variable_name_here... || ( $tokens_to_go[$i] eq ')' && ( ( $i + 1 <= $max_index_to_go && $block_type_to_go[ $i + 1 ] eq $accumulating_text_for_block ) || ( $i + 2 <= $max_index_to_go && $block_type_to_go[ $i + 2 ] eq $accumulating_text_for_block ) ) ) ) { # add an extra space at each newline if ( $i == 0 ) { $leading_block_text .= ' ' } # add the token text $leading_block_text .= $tokens_to_go[$i]; $leading_block_text_line_length = $new_line_length; } # show that text was truncated if necessary elsif ( $types_to_go[$i] ne 'b' ) { $leading_block_text_length_exceeded = 1; $leading_block_text .= '...'; } } return; } { my %is_if_elsif_else_unless_while_until_for_foreach; BEGIN { # These block types may have text between the keyword and opening # curly. Note: 'else' does not, but must be included to allow trailing # if/elsif text to be appended. # patch for SWITCH/CASE: added 'case' and 'when' my @q = qw(if elsif else unless while until for foreach case when catch); @is_if_elsif_else_unless_while_until_for_foreach{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub accumulate_csc_text { # called once per output buffer when -csc is used. Accumulates # the text placed after certain closing block braces. # Defines and returns the following for this buffer: my $block_leading_text = ""; # the leading text of the last '}' my $rblock_leading_if_elsif_text; my $i_block_leading_text = -1; # index of token owning block_leading_text my $block_line_count = 100; # how many lines the block spans my $terminal_type = 'b'; # type of last nonblank token my $i_terminal = 0; # index of last nonblank token my $terminal_block_type = ""; # update most recent statement label $csc_last_label = "" unless ($csc_last_label); if ( $types_to_go[0] eq 'J' ) { $csc_last_label = $tokens_to_go[0] } my $block_label = $csc_last_label; # Loop over all tokens of this batch for my $i ( 0 .. $max_index_to_go ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; my $block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i]; my $token = $tokens_to_go[$i]; # remember last nonblank token type if ( $type ne '#' && $type ne 'b' ) { $terminal_type = $type; $terminal_block_type = $block_type; $i_terminal = $i; } my $type_sequence = $type_sequence_to_go[$i]; if ( $block_type && $type_sequence ) { if ( $token eq '}' ) { # restore any leading text saved when we entered this block if ( defined( $block_leading_text{$type_sequence} ) ) { ( $block_leading_text, $rblock_leading_if_elsif_text ) = @{ $block_leading_text{$type_sequence} }; $i_block_leading_text = $i; delete $block_leading_text{$type_sequence}; $rleading_block_if_elsif_text = $rblock_leading_if_elsif_text; } if ( defined( $csc_block_label{$type_sequence} ) ) { $block_label = $csc_block_label{$type_sequence}; delete $csc_block_label{$type_sequence}; } # if we run into a '}' then we probably started accumulating # at something like a trailing 'if' clause..no harm done. if ( $accumulating_text_for_block && $levels_to_go[$i] <= $leading_block_text_level ) { my $lev = $levels_to_go[$i]; reset_block_text_accumulator(); } if ( defined( $block_opening_line_number{$type_sequence} ) ) { my $output_line_number = get_output_line_number(); $block_line_count = $output_line_number - $block_opening_line_number{$type_sequence} + 1; delete $block_opening_line_number{$type_sequence}; } else { # Error: block opening line undefined for this line.. # This shouldn't be possible, but it is not a # significant problem. } } elsif ( $token eq '{' ) { my $line_number = get_output_line_number(); $block_opening_line_number{$type_sequence} = $line_number; # set a label for this block, except for # a bare block which already has the label # A label can only be used on the next { if ( $block_type =~ /:$/ ) { $csc_last_label = "" } $csc_block_label{$type_sequence} = $csc_last_label; $csc_last_label = ""; if ( $accumulating_text_for_block && $levels_to_go[$i] == $leading_block_text_level ) { if ( $accumulating_text_for_block eq $block_type ) { # save any leading text before we enter this block $block_leading_text{$type_sequence} = [ $leading_block_text, $rleading_block_if_elsif_text ]; $block_opening_line_number{$type_sequence} = $leading_block_text_line_number; reset_block_text_accumulator(); } else { # shouldn't happen, but not a serious error. # We were accumulating -csc text for block type # $accumulating_text_for_block and unexpectedly # encountered a '{' for block type $block_type. } } } } if ( $type eq 'k' && $csc_new_statement_ok && $is_if_elsif_else_unless_while_until_for_foreach{$token} && $token =~ /$closing_side_comment_list_pattern/o ) { set_block_text_accumulator($i); } else { # note: ignoring type 'q' because of tricks being played # with 'q' for hanging side comments if ( $type ne 'b' && $type ne '#' && $type ne 'q' ) { $csc_new_statement_ok = ( $block_type || $type eq 'J' || $type eq ';' ); } if ( $type eq ';' && $accumulating_text_for_block && $levels_to_go[$i] == $leading_block_text_level ) { reset_block_text_accumulator(); } else { accumulate_block_text($i); } } } # Treat an 'else' block specially by adding preceding 'if' and # 'elsif' text. Otherwise, the 'end else' is not helpful, # especially for cuddled-else formatting. if ( $terminal_block_type =~ /^els/ && $rblock_leading_if_elsif_text ) { $block_leading_text = make_else_csc_text( $i_terminal, $terminal_block_type, $block_leading_text, $rblock_leading_if_elsif_text ); } # if this line ends in a label then remember it for the next pass $csc_last_label = ""; if ( $terminal_type eq 'J' ) { $csc_last_label = $tokens_to_go[$i_terminal]; } return ( $terminal_type, $i_terminal, $i_block_leading_text, $block_leading_text, $block_line_count, $block_label ); } } sub make_else_csc_text { # create additional -csc text for an 'else' and optionally 'elsif', # depending on the value of switch # $rOpts_closing_side_comment_else_flag: # # = 0 add 'if' text to trailing else # = 1 same as 0 plus: # add 'if' to 'elsif's if can fit in line length # add last 'elsif' to trailing else if can fit in one line # = 2 same as 1 but do not check if exceed line length # # $rif_elsif_text = a reference to a list of all previous closing # side comments created for this if block # my ( $i_terminal, $block_type, $block_leading_text, $rif_elsif_text ) = @_; my $csc_text = $block_leading_text; if ( $block_type eq 'elsif' && $rOpts_closing_side_comment_else_flag == 0 ) { return $csc_text; } my $count = @{$rif_elsif_text}; return $csc_text unless ($count); my $if_text = '[ if' . $rif_elsif_text->[0]; # always show the leading 'if' text on 'else' if ( $block_type eq 'else' ) { $csc_text .= $if_text; } # see if that's all if ( $rOpts_closing_side_comment_else_flag == 0 ) { return $csc_text; } my $last_elsif_text = ""; if ( $count > 1 ) { $last_elsif_text = ' [elsif' . $rif_elsif_text->[ $count - 1 ]; if ( $count > 2 ) { $last_elsif_text = ' [...' . $last_elsif_text; } } # tentatively append one more item my $saved_text = $csc_text; if ( $block_type eq 'else' ) { $csc_text .= $last_elsif_text; } else { $csc_text .= ' ' . $if_text; } # all done if no length checks requested if ( $rOpts_closing_side_comment_else_flag == 2 ) { return $csc_text; } # undo it if line length exceeded my $length = length($csc_text) + length($block_type) + length( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-prefix'} ) + $levels_to_go[$i_terminal] * $rOpts_indent_columns + 3; if ( $length > maximum_line_length_for_level($leading_block_text_level) ) { $csc_text = $saved_text; } return $csc_text; } { # sub balance_csc_text my %matching_char; BEGIN { %matching_char = ( '{' => '}', '(' => ')', '[' => ']', '}' => '{', ')' => '(', ']' => '[', ); } sub balance_csc_text { # Append characters to balance a closing side comment so that editors # such as vim can correctly jump through code. # Simple Example: # input = ## end foreach my $foo ( sort { $b ... # output = ## end foreach my $foo ( sort { $b ...}) # NOTE: This routine does not currently filter out structures within # quoted text because the bounce algorithms in text editors do not # necessarily do this either (a version of vim was checked and # did not do this). # Some complex examples which will cause trouble for some editors: # while ( $mask_string =~ /\{[^{]*?\}/g ) { # if ( $mask_str =~ /\}\s*els[^\{\}]+\{$/ ) { # if ( $1 eq '{' ) { # test file test1/braces.pl has many such examples. my ($csc) = @_; # loop to examine characters one-by-one, RIGHT to LEFT and # build a balancing ending, LEFT to RIGHT. for ( my $pos = length($csc) - 1 ; $pos >= 0 ; $pos-- ) { my $char = substr( $csc, $pos, 1 ); # ignore everything except structural characters next unless ( $matching_char{$char} ); # pop most recently appended character my $top = chop($csc); # push it back plus the mate to the newest character # unless they balance each other. $csc = $csc . $top . $matching_char{$char} unless $top eq $char; } # return the balanced string return $csc; } } sub add_closing_side_comment { my $self = shift; # add closing side comments after closing block braces if -csc used my ( $closing_side_comment, $cscw_block_comment ); #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Step 1: loop through all tokens of this line to accumulate # the text needed to create the closing side comments. Also see # how the line ends. #--------------------------------------------------------------- my ( $terminal_type, $i_terminal, $i_block_leading_text, $block_leading_text, $block_line_count, $block_label ) = accumulate_csc_text(); #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Step 2: make the closing side comment if this ends a block #--------------------------------------------------------------- my $have_side_comment = $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq '#'; # if this line might end in a block closure.. if ( $terminal_type eq '}' # ..and either && ( # the block is long enough ( $block_line_count >= $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-interval'} ) # or there is an existing comment to check || ( $have_side_comment && $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-warnings'} ) ) # .. and if this is one of the types of interest && $block_type_to_go[$i_terminal] =~ /$closing_side_comment_list_pattern/o # .. but not an anonymous sub # These are not normally of interest, and their closing braces are # often followed by commas or semicolons anyway. This also avoids # possible erratic output due to line numbering inconsistencies # in the cases where their closing braces terminate a line. && $block_type_to_go[$i_terminal] ne 'sub' # ..and the corresponding opening brace must is not in this batch # (because we do not need to tag one-line blocks, although this # should also be caught with a positive -csci value) && $self->mate_index_to_go($i_terminal) < 0 # ..and either && ( # this is the last token (line doesn't have a side comment) !$have_side_comment # or the old side comment is a closing side comment || $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go] =~ /$closing_side_comment_prefix_pattern/o ) ) { # then make the closing side comment text if ($block_label) { $block_label .= " " } my $token = "$rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-prefix'} $block_label$block_type_to_go[$i_terminal]"; # append any extra descriptive text collected above if ( $i_block_leading_text == $i_terminal ) { $token .= $block_leading_text; } $token = balance_csc_text($token) if $rOpts->{'closing-side-comments-balanced'}; $token =~ s/\s*$//; # trim any trailing whitespace # handle case of existing closing side comment if ($have_side_comment) { # warn if requested and tokens differ significantly if ( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-warnings'} ) { my $old_csc = $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; my $new_csc = $token; $new_csc =~ s/\s+//g; # trim all whitespace $old_csc =~ s/\s+//g; # trim all whitespace $new_csc =~ s/[\]\)\}\s]*$//; # trim trailing structures $old_csc =~ s/[\]\)\}\s]*$//; # trim trailing structures $new_csc =~ s/(\.\.\.)$//; # trim trailing '...' my $new_trailing_dots = $1; $old_csc =~ s/(\.\.\.)\s*$//; # trim trailing '...' # Patch to handle multiple closing side comments at # else and elsif's. These have become too complicated # to check, so if we see an indication of # '[ if' or '[ # elsif', then assume they were made # by perltidy. if ( $block_type_to_go[$i_terminal] eq 'else' ) { if ( $old_csc =~ /\[\s*elsif/ ) { $old_csc = $new_csc } } elsif ( $block_type_to_go[$i_terminal] eq 'elsif' ) { if ( $old_csc =~ /\[\s*if/ ) { $old_csc = $new_csc } } # if old comment is contained in new comment, # only compare the common part. if ( length($new_csc) > length($old_csc) ) { $new_csc = substr( $new_csc, 0, length($old_csc) ); } # if the new comment is shorter and has been limited, # only compare the common part. if ( length($new_csc) < length($old_csc) && $new_trailing_dots ) { $old_csc = substr( $old_csc, 0, length($new_csc) ); } # any remaining difference? if ( $new_csc ne $old_csc ) { # just leave the old comment if we are below the threshold # for creating side comments if ( $block_line_count < $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-interval'} ) { $token = undef; } # otherwise we'll make a note of it else { warning( "perltidy -cscw replaced: $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go]\n" ); # save the old side comment in a new trailing block # comment my $timestamp = ""; if ( $rOpts->{'timestamp'} ) { my ( $day, $month, $year ) = (localtime)[ 3, 4, 5 ]; $year += 1900; $month += 1; $timestamp = "$year-$month-$day"; } $cscw_block_comment = "## perltidy -cscw $timestamp: $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go]"; ## "## perltidy -cscw $year-$month-$day: $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go]"; } } else { # No differences.. we can safely delete old comment if we # are below the threshold if ( $block_line_count < $rOpts->{'closing-side-comment-interval'} ) { $token = undef; $self->unstore_token_to_go() if ( $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq '#' ); $self->unstore_token_to_go() if ( $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq 'b' ); } } } # switch to the new csc (unless we deleted it!) if ($token) { $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = $token; $self->sync_token_K($max_index_to_go); } } # handle case of NO existing closing side comment else { # To avoid inserting a new token in the token arrays, we # will just return the new side comment so that it can be # inserted just before it is needed in the call to the # vertical aligner. $closing_side_comment = $token; } } return ( $closing_side_comment, $cscw_block_comment ); } sub previous_nonblank_token { my ($i) = @_; my $name = ""; my $im = $i - 1; return "" if ( $im < 0 ); if ( $types_to_go[$im] eq 'b' ) { $im--; } return "" if ( $im < 0 ); $name = $tokens_to_go[$im]; # prepend any sub name to an isolated -> to avoid unwanted alignments # [test case is test8/penco.pl] if ( $name eq '->' ) { $im--; if ( $im >= 0 && $types_to_go[$im] ne 'b' ) { $name = $tokens_to_go[$im] . $name; } } return $name; } sub send_lines_to_vertical_aligner { my ( $self, $rbatch_hash ) = @_; # This routine receives a batch of code for which the final line breaks # have been defined. Here we prepare the lines for passing to the vertical # aligner. We do the following tasks: # - mark certain vertical alignment tokens tokens, such as '=', in each line. # - make minor indentation adjustments # - insert extra blank spaces to help display certain logical constructions my $rlines_K = $rbatch_hash->{rlines_K}; if ( !@{$rlines_K} ) { Fault("Unexpected call with no lines"); return; } my $n_last_line = @{$rlines_K} - 1; my $do_not_pad = $rbatch_hash->{do_not_pad}; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $Klimit = $self->{Klimit}; my ( $Kbeg_next, $Kend_next ) = @{ $rlines_K->[0] }; my $type_beg_next = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_TYPE_]; my $token_beg_next = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_TOKEN_]; my $type_end_next = $rLL->[$Kend_next]->[_TYPE_]; # Construct indexes to the global_to_go arrays so that called routines can # still access those arrays. This might eventually be removed # when all called routines have been converted to access token values # in the rLL array instead. my $ibeg0 = $rbatch_hash->{ibeg0}; my $Kbeg0 = $Kbeg_next; my ( $ri_first, $ri_last ); foreach my $rline ( @{$rlines_K} ) { my ( $Kbeg, $Kend ) = @{$rline}; my $ibeg = $ibeg0 + $Kbeg - $Kbeg0; my $iend = $ibeg0 + $Kend - $Kbeg0; push @{$ri_first}, $ibeg; push @{$ri_last}, $iend; } ##################################################################### my $valign_batch_number = $self->increment_valign_batch_count(); my ( $cscw_block_comment, $closing_side_comment ); if ( $rOpts->{'closing-side-comments'} ) { ( $closing_side_comment, $cscw_block_comment ) = $self->add_closing_side_comment(); } my $rindentation_list = [0]; # ref to indentations for each line # define the array @{$ralignment_type_to_go} for the output tokens # which will be non-blank for each special token (such as =>) # for which alignment is required. my $ralignment_type_to_go = $self->set_vertical_alignment_markers( $ri_first, $ri_last ); # flush before a long if statement to avoid unwanted alignment if ( $n_last_line > 0 && $type_beg_next eq 'k' && $token_beg_next =~ /^(if|unless)$/ ) { Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush(); } $self->undo_ci( $ri_first, $ri_last ); $self->set_logical_padding( $ri_first, $ri_last ); # loop to prepare each line for shipment my $in_comma_list; my ( $Kbeg, $type_beg, $token_beg ); my ( $Kend, $type_end ); for my $n ( 0 .. $n_last_line ) { my $ibeg = $ri_first->[$n]; my $iend = $ri_last->[$n]; my $rline = $rlines_K->[$n]; my $forced_breakpoint = $rline->[2]; # we may need to look at variables on three consecutive lines ... # Some vars on line [n-1], if any: my $Kbeg_last = $Kbeg; my $type_beg_last = $type_beg; my $token_beg_last = $token_beg; my $Kend_last = $Kend; my $type_end_last = $type_end; # Some vars on line [n]: $Kbeg = $Kbeg_next; $type_beg = $type_beg_next; $token_beg = $token_beg_next; $Kend = $Kend_next; $type_end = $type_end_next; # We use two slightly different definitions of level jump at the end # of line: # $ljump is the level jump needed by 'sub set_adjusted_indentation' # $level_jump is the level jump needed by the vertical aligner. my $ljump = 0; # level jump at end of line # Get some vars on line [n+1], if any: if ( $n < $n_last_line ) { ( $Kbeg_next, $Kend_next ) = @{ $rlines_K->[ $n + 1 ] }; $type_beg_next = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_TYPE_]; $token_beg_next = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_TOKEN_]; $type_end_next = $rLL->[$Kend_next]->[_TYPE_]; $ljump = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_LEVEL_] - $rLL->[$Kend]->[_LEVEL_]; } # level jump at end of line for the vertical aligner: my $level_jump = $Kend >= $Klimit ? 0 : $rLL->[ $Kend + 1 ]->[_SLEVEL_] - $rLL->[$Kbeg]->[_SLEVEL_]; $self->delete_needless_alignments( $ibeg, $iend, $ralignment_type_to_go ); my ( $rtokens, $rfields, $rpatterns ) = $self->make_alignment_patterns( $ibeg, $iend, $ralignment_type_to_go ); my ( $indentation, $lev, $level_end, $terminal_type, $is_semicolon_terminated, $is_outdented_line ) = $self->set_adjusted_indentation( $ibeg, $iend, $rfields, $rpatterns, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list, $ljump ); # we will allow outdenting of long lines.. my $outdent_long_lines = ( # which are long quotes, if allowed ( $type_beg eq 'Q' && $rOpts->{'outdent-long-quotes'} ) # which are long block comments, if allowed || ( $type_beg eq '#' && $rOpts->{'outdent-long-comments'} # but not if this is a static block comment && !$is_static_block_comment ) ); my $rvertical_tightness_flags = $self->set_vertical_tightness_flags( $n, $n_last_line, $ibeg, $iend, $ri_first, $ri_last ); # flush an outdented line to avoid any unwanted vertical alignment Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush() if ($is_outdented_line); # Set a flag at the final ':' of a ternary chain to request # vertical alignment of the final term. Here is a # slightly complex example: # # $self->{_text} = ( # !$section ? '' # : $type eq 'item' ? "the $section entry" # : "the section on $section" # ) # . ( # $page # ? ( $section ? ' in ' : '' ) . "the $page$page_ext manpage" # : ' elsewhere in this document' # ); # my $is_terminal_ternary = 0; if ( $type_beg eq ':' || $n > 0 && $type_end_last eq ':' ) { my $last_leading_type = $n > 0 ? $type_beg_last : ':'; if ( $terminal_type ne ';' && $n_last_line > $n && $level_end == $lev ) { $level_end = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_LEVEL_]; $terminal_type = $rLL->[$Kbeg_next]->[_TYPE_]; } if ( $last_leading_type eq ':' && ( ( $terminal_type eq ';' && $level_end <= $lev ) || ( $terminal_type ne ':' && $level_end < $lev ) ) ) { # the terminal term must not contain any ternary terms, as in # my $ECHO = ( # $Is_MSWin32 ? ".\\echo$$" # : $Is_MacOS ? ":echo$$" # : ( $Is_NetWare ? "echo$$" : "./echo$$" ) # ); $is_terminal_ternary = 1; my $KP = $rLL->[$Kbeg]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; while ( defined($KP) && $KP <= $Kend ) { my $type_KP = $rLL->[$KP]->[_TYPE_]; if ( $type_KP eq '?' || $type_KP eq ':' ) { $is_terminal_ternary = 0; last; } $KP = $rLL->[$KP]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; } } } # add any new closing side comment to the last line if ( $closing_side_comment && $n == $n_last_line && @{$rfields} ) { $rfields->[-1] .= " $closing_side_comment"; } # send this new line down the pipe my $rvalign_hash = {}; $rvalign_hash->{level} = $lev; $rvalign_hash->{level_end} = $level_end; $rvalign_hash->{indentation} = $indentation; $rvalign_hash->{is_forced_break} = $forced_breakpoint || $in_comma_list; $rvalign_hash->{outdent_long_lines} = $outdent_long_lines; $rvalign_hash->{is_terminal_ternary} = $is_terminal_ternary; $rvalign_hash->{is_terminal_statement} = $is_semicolon_terminated; $rvalign_hash->{do_not_pad} = $do_not_pad; $rvalign_hash->{rvertical_tightness_flags} = $rvertical_tightness_flags; $rvalign_hash->{level_jump} = $level_jump; $rvalign_hash->{valign_batch_number} = $valign_batch_number; Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::valign_input( $rvalign_hash, $rfields, $rtokens, $rpatterns ); $in_comma_list = $type_end eq ',' && $forced_breakpoint; # flush an outdented line to avoid any unwanted vertical alignment Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush() if ($is_outdented_line); $do_not_pad = 0; # Set flag indicating if this line ends in an opening # token and is very short, so that a blank line is not # needed if the subsequent line is a comment. # Examples of what we are looking for: # { # && ( # BEGIN { # default { # sub { $last_output_short_opening_token # line ends in opening token = $type_end =~ /^[\{\(\[L]$/ # and either && ( # line has either single opening token $Kend == $Kbeg # or is a single token followed by opening token. # Note that sub identifiers have blanks like 'sub doit' || ( $Kend - $Kbeg <= 2 && $token_beg !~ /\s+/ ) ) # and limit total to 10 character widths && token_sequence_length( $ibeg, $iend ) <= 10; } # end of loop to output each line # remember indentation of lines containing opening containers for # later use by sub set_adjusted_indentation $self->save_opening_indentation( $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ); # output any new -cscw block comment if ($cscw_block_comment) { Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::flush(); $file_writer_object->write_code_line( $cscw_block_comment . "\n" ); } return; } { # begin make_alignment_patterns my %block_type_map; my %keyword_map; my %operator_map; BEGIN { # map related block names into a common name to # allow alignment %block_type_map = ( 'unless' => 'if', 'else' => 'if', 'elsif' => 'if', 'when' => 'if', 'default' => 'if', 'case' => 'if', 'sort' => 'map', 'grep' => 'map', ); # map certain keywords to the same 'if' class to align # long if/elsif sequences. [elsif.pl] %keyword_map = ( 'unless' => 'if', 'else' => 'if', 'elsif' => 'if', 'when' => 'given', 'default' => 'given', 'case' => 'switch', # treat an 'undef' similar to numbers and quotes 'undef' => 'Q', ); # map certain operators to the same class for pattern matching %operator_map = ( '!~' => '=~', '+=' => '+=', '-=' => '+=', '*=' => '+=', '/=' => '+=', ); } sub delete_needless_alignments { my ( $self, $ibeg, $iend, $ralignment_type_to_go ) = @_; # Remove unwanted alignments. This routine is a place to remove # alignments which might cause problems at later stages. There are # currently two types of fixes: # 1. Remove excess parens # 2. Remove alignments within 'elsif' conditions # Patch #1: Excess alignment of parens can prevent other good # alignments. For example, note the parens in the first two rows of # the following snippet. They would normally get marked for alignment # and aligned as follows: # my $w = $columns * $cell_w + ( $columns + 1 ) * $border; # my $h = $rows * $cell_h + ( $rows + 1 ) * $border; # my $img = new Gimp::Image( $w, $h, RGB ); # This causes unnecessary paren alignment and prevents the third equals # from aligning. If we remove the unwanted alignments we get: # my $w = $columns * $cell_w + ( $columns + 1 ) * $border; # my $h = $rows * $cell_h + ( $rows + 1 ) * $border; # my $img = new Gimp::Image( $w, $h, RGB ); # A rule for doing this which works well is to remove alignment of # parens whose containers do not contain other aligning tokens, with # the exception that we always keep alignment of the first opening # paren on a line (for things like 'if' and 'elsif' statements). # Setup needed constants my $i_good_paren = -1; my $imin_match = $iend + 1; my $i_elsif_close = $ibeg - 1; my $i_elsif_open = $iend + 1; if ( $iend > $ibeg ) { if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'k' ) { # Paren patch: mark a location of a paren we should keep, such # as one following something like a leading 'if', 'elsif',.. $i_good_paren = $ibeg + 1; if ( $types_to_go[$i_good_paren] eq 'b' ) { $i_good_paren++; } # 'elsif' patch: remember the range of the parens of an elsif, # and do not make alignments within them because this can cause # loss of padding and overall brace alignment in the vertical # aligner. if ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'elsif' && $i_good_paren < $iend && $tokens_to_go[$i_good_paren] eq '(' ) { $i_elsif_open = $i_good_paren; $i_elsif_close = $self->mate_index_to_go($i_good_paren); } } } # Loop to make the fixes on this line my @imatch_list; for my $i ( $ibeg .. $iend ) { if ( $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] ne '' ) { # Patch #2: undo alignment within elsif parens if ( $i > $i_elsif_open && $i < $i_elsif_close ) { $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] = ''; next; } push @imatch_list, $i; } if ( $tokens_to_go[$i] eq ')' ) { # Patch #1: undo the corresponding opening paren if: # - it is at the top of the stack # - and not the first overall opening paren # - does not follow a leading keyword on this line my $imate = $self->mate_index_to_go($i); if ( @imatch_list && $imatch_list[-1] eq $imate && ( $ibeg > 1 || @imatch_list > 1 ) && $imate > $i_good_paren ) { $ralignment_type_to_go->[$imate] = ''; pop @imatch_list; } } } return; } sub make_alignment_patterns { # Here we do some important preliminary work for the # vertical aligner. We create three arrays for one # output line. These arrays contain strings that can # be tested by the vertical aligner to see if # consecutive lines can be aligned vertically. # # The three arrays are indexed on the vertical # alignment fields and are: # @tokens - a list of any vertical alignment tokens for this line. # These are tokens, such as '=' '&&' '#' etc which # we want to might align vertically. These are # decorated with various information such as # nesting depth to prevent unwanted vertical # alignment matches. # @fields - the actual text of the line between the vertical alignment # tokens. # @patterns - a modified list of token types, one for each alignment # field. These should normally each match before alignment is # allowed, even when the alignment tokens match. my ( $self, $ibeg, $iend, $ralignment_type_to_go ) = @_; my @tokens = (); my @fields = (); my @patterns = (); my $i_start = $ibeg; my $depth = 0; my @container_name = (""); my @multiple_comma_arrows = (undef); my $j = 0; # field index $patterns[0] = ""; my %token_count; for my $i ( $ibeg .. $iend ) { # Keep track of containers balanced on this line only. # These are used below to prevent unwanted cross-line alignments. # Unbalanced containers already avoid aligning across # container boundaries. my $tok = $tokens_to_go[$i]; if ( $tok =~ /^[\(\{\[]/ ) { #'(' ) { # if container is balanced on this line... my $i_mate = $self->mate_index_to_go($i); if ( $i_mate > $i && $i_mate <= $iend ) { $depth++; my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$i]; my $count = comma_arrow_count($seqno); $multiple_comma_arrows[$depth] = $count && $count > 1; # Append the previous token name to make the container name # more unique. This name will also be given to any commas # within this container, and it helps avoid undesirable # alignments of different types of containers. # Containers beginning with { and [ are given those names # for uniqueness. That way commas in different containers # will not match. Here is an example of what this prevents: # a => [ 1, 2, 3 ], # b => { b1 => 4, b2 => 5 }, # Here is another example of what we avoid by labeling the # commas properly: # is_d( [ $a, $a ], [ $b, $c ] ); # is_d( { foo => $a, bar => $a }, { foo => $b, bar => $c } ); # is_d( [ \$a, \$a ], [ \$b, \$c ] ); my $name = $tok; if ( $tok eq '(' ) { $name = previous_nonblank_token($i); $name =~ s/^->//; } $container_name[$depth] = "+" . $name; # Make the container name even more unique if necessary. # If we are not vertically aligning this opening paren, # append a character count to avoid bad alignment because # it usually looks bad to align commas within containers # for which the opening parens do not align. Here # is an example very BAD alignment of commas (because # the atan2 functions are not all aligned): # $XY = # $X * $RTYSQP1 * atan2( $X, $RTYSQP1 ) + # $Y * $RTXSQP1 * atan2( $Y, $RTXSQP1 ) - # $X * atan2( $X, 1 ) - # $Y * atan2( $Y, 1 ); # # On the other hand, it is usually okay to align commas if # opening parens align, such as: # glVertex3d( $cx + $s * $xs, $cy, $z ); # glVertex3d( $cx, $cy + $s * $ys, $z ); # glVertex3d( $cx - $s * $xs, $cy, $z ); # glVertex3d( $cx, $cy - $s * $ys, $z ); # # To distinguish between these situations, we will # append the length of the line from the previous matching # token, or beginning of line, to the function name. This # will allow the vertical aligner to reject undesirable # matches. # if we are not aligning on this paren... if ( $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] eq '' ) { # Sum length from previous alignment my $len = token_sequence_length( $i_start, $i - 1 ); if ( $i_start == $ibeg ) { # For first token, use distance from start of line # but subtract off the indentation due to level. # Otherwise, results could vary with indentation. $len += leading_spaces_to_go($ibeg) - $levels_to_go[$i_start] * $rOpts_indent_columns; if ( $len < 0 ) { $len = 0 } } # tack this length onto the container name to try # to make a unique token name $container_name[$depth] .= "-" . $len; } } } elsif ( $tokens_to_go[$i] =~ /^[\)\}\]]/ ) { $depth-- if $depth > 0; } # if we find a new synchronization token, we are done with # a field if ( $i > $i_start && $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] ne '' ) { my $tok = my $raw_tok = $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i]; # map similar items my $tok_map = $operator_map{$tok}; $tok = $tok_map if ($tok_map); # make separators in different nesting depths unique # by appending the nesting depth digit. if ( $raw_tok ne '#' ) { $tok .= "$nesting_depth_to_go[$i]"; } # also decorate commas with any container name to avoid # unwanted cross-line alignments. if ( $raw_tok eq ',' || $raw_tok eq '=>' ) { if ( $container_name[$depth] ) { $tok .= $container_name[$depth]; } } # Patch to avoid aligning leading and trailing if, unless. # Mark trailing if, unless statements with container names. # This makes them different from leading if, unless which # are not so marked at present. If we ever need to name # them too, we could use ci to distinguish them. # Example problem to avoid: # return ( 2, "DBERROR" ) # if ( $retval == 2 ); # if ( scalar @_ ) { # my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f ) = @_; # } if ( $raw_tok eq '(' ) { my $ci = $ci_levels_to_go[$ibeg]; if ( $container_name[$depth] =~ /^\+(if|unless)/ && $ci ) { $tok .= $container_name[$depth]; } } # Decorate block braces with block types to avoid # unwanted alignments such as the following: # foreach ( @{$routput_array} ) { $fh->print($_) } # eval { $fh->close() }; if ( $raw_tok eq '{' && $block_type_to_go[$i] ) { my $block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i]; # map certain related block types to allow # else blocks to align $block_type = $block_type_map{$block_type} if ( defined( $block_type_map{$block_type} ) ); # remove sub names to allow one-line sub braces to align # regardless of name #if ( $block_type =~ /^sub / ) { $block_type = 'sub' } if ( $block_type =~ /$SUB_PATTERN/ ) { $block_type = 'sub' } # allow all control-type blocks to align if ( $block_type =~ /^[A-Z]+$/ ) { $block_type = 'BEGIN' } $tok .= $block_type; } # Mark multiple copies of certain tokens with the copy number # This will allow the aligner to decide if they are matched. # For now, only do this for equals. For example, the two # equals on the next line will be labeled '=0' and '=0.2'. # Later, the '=0.2' will be ignored in alignment because it # has no match. # $| = $debug = 1 if $opt_d; # $full_index = 1 if $opt_i; if ( $raw_tok eq '=' || $raw_tok eq '=>' ) { $token_count{$tok}++; if ( $token_count{$tok} > 1 ) { $tok .= '.' . $token_count{$tok}; } } # concatenate the text of the consecutive tokens to form # the field push( @fields, join( '', @tokens_to_go[ $i_start .. $i - 1 ] ) ); # store the alignment token for this field push( @tokens, $tok ); # get ready for the next batch $i_start = $i; $j++; $patterns[$j] = ""; } # continue accumulating tokens # handle non-keywords.. if ( $types_to_go[$i] ne 'k' ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; # Mark most things before arrows as a quote to # get them to line up. Testfile: mixed.pl. if ( ( $i < $iend - 1 ) && ( $type =~ /^[wnC]$/ ) ) { my $next_type = $types_to_go[ $i + 1 ]; my $i_next_nonblank = ( ( $next_type eq 'b' ) ? $i + 2 : $i + 1 ); if ( $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] eq '=>' ) { $type = 'Q'; # Patch to ignore leading minus before words, # by changing pattern 'mQ' into just 'Q', # so that we can align things like this: # Button => "Print letter \"~$_\"", # -command => [ sub { print "$_[0]\n" }, $_ ], if ( $patterns[$j] eq 'm' ) { $patterns[$j] = "" } } } # Convert a bareword within braces into a quote for matching. This will # allow alignment of expressions like this: # local ( $SIG{'INT'} ) = IGNORE; # local ( $SIG{ALRM} ) = 'POSTMAN'; if ( $type eq 'w' && $i > $ibeg && $i < $iend && $types_to_go[ $i - 1 ] eq 'L' && $types_to_go[ $i + 1 ] eq 'R' ) { $type = 'Q'; } # patch to make numbers and quotes align if ( $type eq 'n' ) { $type = 'Q' } # patch to ignore any ! in patterns if ( $type eq '!' ) { $type = '' } $patterns[$j] .= $type; } # for keywords we have to use the actual text else { my $tok = $tokens_to_go[$i]; # but map certain keywords to a common string to allow # alignment. $tok = $keyword_map{$tok} if ( defined( $keyword_map{$tok} ) ); $patterns[$j] .= $tok; } } # done with this line .. join text of tokens to make the last field push( @fields, join( '', @tokens_to_go[ $i_start .. $iend ] ) ); return ( \@tokens, \@fields, \@patterns ); } } # end make_alignment_patterns { # begin unmatched_indexes # closure to keep track of unbalanced containers. # arrays shared by the routines in this block: my @unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch; my @unmatched_closing_indexes_in_this_batch; my %comma_arrow_count; sub is_unbalanced_batch { return @unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch + @unmatched_closing_indexes_in_this_batch; } sub comma_arrow_count { my $seqno = shift; return $comma_arrow_count{$seqno}; } sub match_opening_and_closing_tokens { # Match up indexes of opening and closing braces, etc, in this batch. # This has to be done after all tokens are stored because unstoring # of tokens would otherwise cause trouble. @unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch = (); @unmatched_closing_indexes_in_this_batch = (); %comma_arrow_count = (); my $comma_arrow_count_contained = 0; foreach my $i ( 0 .. $max_index_to_go ) { if ( $type_sequence_to_go[$i] ) { my $token = $tokens_to_go[$i]; if ( $token =~ /^[\(\[\{\?]$/ ) { push @unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch, $i; } elsif ( $token =~ /^[\)\]\}\:]$/ ) { my $i_mate = pop @unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch; if ( defined($i_mate) && $i_mate >= 0 ) { if ( $type_sequence_to_go[$i_mate] == $type_sequence_to_go[$i] ) { $mate_index_to_go[$i] = $i_mate; $mate_index_to_go[$i_mate] = $i; my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$i]; if ( $comma_arrow_count{$seqno} ) { $comma_arrow_count_contained += $comma_arrow_count{$seqno}; } } else { push @unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch, $i_mate; push @unmatched_closing_indexes_in_this_batch, $i; } } else { push @unmatched_closing_indexes_in_this_batch, $i; } } } elsif ( $tokens_to_go[$i] eq '=>' ) { if (@unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch) { my $j = $unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch[-1]; my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$j]; $comma_arrow_count{$seqno}++; } } } return $comma_arrow_count_contained; } sub save_opening_indentation { # This should be called after each batch of tokens is output. It # saves indentations of lines of all unmatched opening tokens. # These will be used by sub get_opening_indentation. my ( $self, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ) = @_; # we no longer need indentations of any saved indentations which # are unmatched closing tokens in this batch, because we will # never encounter them again. So we can delete them to keep # the hash size down. foreach (@unmatched_closing_indexes_in_this_batch) { my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$_]; delete $saved_opening_indentation{$seqno}; } # we need to save indentations of any unmatched opening tokens # in this batch because we may need them in a subsequent batch. foreach (@unmatched_opening_indexes_in_this_batch) { my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$_]; $saved_opening_indentation{$seqno} = [ lookup_opening_indentation( $_, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ) ]; } return; } } # end unmatched_indexes sub get_opening_indentation { # get the indentation of the line which output the opening token # corresponding to a given closing token in the current output batch. # # given: # $i_closing - index in this line of a closing token ')' '}' or ']' # # $ri_first - reference to list of the first index $i for each output # line in this batch # $ri_last - reference to list of the last index $i for each output line # in this batch # $rindentation_list - reference to a list containing the indentation # used for each line. # # return: # -the indentation of the line which contained the opening token # which matches the token at index $i_opening # -and its offset (number of columns) from the start of the line # my ( $self, $i_closing, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ) = @_; # first, see if the opening token is in the current batch my $i_opening = $mate_index_to_go[$i_closing]; my ( $indent, $offset, $is_leading, $exists ); $exists = 1; if ( $i_opening >= 0 ) { # it is..look up the indentation ( $indent, $offset, $is_leading ) = lookup_opening_indentation( $i_opening, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ); } # if not, it should have been stored in the hash by a previous batch else { my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$i_closing]; if ($seqno) { if ( $saved_opening_indentation{$seqno} ) { ( $indent, $offset, $is_leading ) = @{ $saved_opening_indentation{$seqno} }; } # some kind of serious error # (example is badfile.t) else { $indent = 0; $offset = 0; $is_leading = 0; $exists = 0; } } # if no sequence number it must be an unbalanced container else { $indent = 0; $offset = 0; $is_leading = 0; $exists = 0; } } return ( $indent, $offset, $is_leading, $exists ); } sub lookup_opening_indentation { # get the indentation of the line in the current output batch # which output a selected opening token # # given: # $i_opening - index of an opening token in the current output batch # whose line indentation we need # $ri_first - reference to list of the first index $i for each output # line in this batch # $ri_last - reference to list of the last index $i for each output line # in this batch # $rindentation_list - reference to a list containing the indentation # used for each line. (NOTE: the first slot in # this list is the last returned line number, and this is # followed by the list of indentations). # # return # -the indentation of the line which contained token $i_opening # -and its offset (number of columns) from the start of the line my ( $i_opening, $ri_start, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ) = @_; if ( !@{$ri_last} ) { warning("Error in opening_indentation: no lines"); return; } my $nline = $rindentation_list->[0]; # line number of previous lookup # reset line location if necessary $nline = 0 if ( $i_opening < $ri_start->[$nline] ); # find the correct line unless ( $i_opening > $ri_last->[-1] ) { while ( $i_opening > $ri_last->[$nline] ) { $nline++; } } # error - token index is out of bounds - shouldn't happen else { warning( "non-fatal program bug in lookup_opening_indentation - index out of range\n" ); report_definite_bug(); $nline = $#{$ri_last}; } $rindentation_list->[0] = $nline; # save line number to start looking next call my $ibeg = $ri_start->[$nline]; my $offset = token_sequence_length( $ibeg, $i_opening ) - 1; my $is_leading = ( $ibeg == $i_opening ); return ( $rindentation_list->[ $nline + 1 ], $offset, $is_leading ); } { my %is_if_elsif_else_unless_while_until_for_foreach; BEGIN { # These block types may have text between the keyword and opening # curly. Note: 'else' does not, but must be included to allow trailing # if/elsif text to be appended. # patch for SWITCH/CASE: added 'case' and 'when' my @q = qw(if elsif else unless while until for foreach case when); @is_if_elsif_else_unless_while_until_for_foreach{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub set_adjusted_indentation { # This routine has the final say regarding the actual indentation of # a line. It starts with the basic indentation which has been # defined for the leading token, and then takes into account any # options that the user has set regarding special indenting and # outdenting. my ( $self, $ibeg, $iend, $rfields, $rpatterns, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list, $level_jump ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; # we need to know the last token of this line my ( $terminal_type, $i_terminal ) = $self->terminal_type_i( $ibeg, $iend ); my $is_outdented_line = 0; my $is_semicolon_terminated = $terminal_type eq ';' && $nesting_depth_to_go[$iend] < $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg]; # NOTE: A future improvement would be to make it semicolon terminated # even if it does not have a semicolon but is followed by a closing # block brace. This would undo ci even for something like the # following, in which the final paren does not have a semicolon because # it is a possible weld location: # if ($BOLD_MATH) { # ( # $labels, $comment, # join( '', '<B>', &make_math( $mode, '', '', $_ ), '</B>' ) # ) # } # # MOJO: Set a flag if this lines begins with ')->' my $leading_paren_arrow = ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq '}' && $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] eq ')' && ( ( $ibeg < $i_terminal && $types_to_go[ $ibeg + 1 ] eq '->' ) || ( $ibeg < $i_terminal - 1 && $types_to_go[ $ibeg + 1 ] eq 'b' && $types_to_go[ $ibeg + 2 ] eq '->' ) ) ); ########################################################## # Section 1: set a flag and a default indentation # # Most lines are indented according to the initial token. # But it is common to outdent to the level just after the # terminal token in certain cases... # adjust_indentation flag: # 0 - do not adjust # 1 - outdent # 2 - vertically align with opening token # 3 - indent ########################################################## my $adjust_indentation = 0; my $default_adjust_indentation = $adjust_indentation; my ( $opening_indentation, $opening_offset, $is_leading, $opening_exists ); my $type_beg = $types_to_go[$ibeg]; my $token_beg = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg]; my $K_beg = $K_to_go[$ibeg]; my $ibeg_weld_fix = $ibeg; # QW PATCH 2 (Testing) # At an isolated closing token of a qw quote which is welded to # a following closing token, we will locally change its type to # be the same as its token. This will allow formatting to be the # same as for an ordinary closing token. # For -lp formatting se use $ibeg_weld_fix to get around the problem # that with -lp type formatting the opening and closing tokens to not # have sequence numbers. if ( $type_beg eq 'q' && $token_beg =~ /^[\)\}\]\>]/ ) { my $K_next_nonblank = $self->K_next_code($K_beg); if ( defined($K_next_nonblank) ) { my $type_sequence = $rLL->[$K_next_nonblank]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $token = $rLL->[$K_next_nonblank]->[_TOKEN_]; my $welded = weld_len_left( $type_sequence, $token ); if ($welded) { $ibeg_weld_fix = $ibeg + ( $K_next_nonblank - $K_beg ); $type_beg = ')'; ##$token_beg; } } } # if we are at a closing token of some type.. if ( $type_beg =~ /^[\)\}\]R]$/ ) { # get the indentation of the line containing the corresponding # opening token ( $opening_indentation, $opening_offset, $is_leading, $opening_exists ) = $self->get_opening_indentation( $ibeg_weld_fix, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ); # First set the default behavior: if ( # default behavior is to outdent closing lines # of the form: "); }; ]; )->xxx;" $is_semicolon_terminated # and 'cuddled parens' of the form: ")->pack(" # Bug fix for RT #123749]: the types here were # incorrectly '(' and ')'. Corrected to be '{' and '}' || ( $terminal_type eq '{' && $type_beg eq '}' && ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$iend] + 1 == $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg] ) ) # remove continuation indentation for any line like # } ... { # or without ending '{' and unbalanced, such as # such as '}->{$operator}' || ( $type_beg eq '}' && ( $types_to_go[$iend] eq '{' || $levels_to_go[$iend] < $levels_to_go[$ibeg] ) ) # and when the next line is at a lower indentation level # PATCH: and only if the style allows undoing continuation # for all closing token types. We should really wait until # the indentation of the next line is known and then make # a decision, but that would require another pass. || ( $level_jump < 0 && !$some_closing_token_indentation ) # Patch for -wn=2, multiple welded closing tokens || ( $i_terminal > $ibeg && $types_to_go[$iend] =~ /^[\)\}\]R]$/ ) ) { $adjust_indentation = 1; } # outdent something like '),' if ( $terminal_type eq ',' # Removed this constraint for -wn # OLD: allow just one character before the comma # && $i_terminal == $ibeg + 1 # require LIST environment; otherwise, we may outdent too much - # this can happen in calls without parentheses (overload.t); && $container_environment_to_go[$i_terminal] eq 'LIST' ) { $adjust_indentation = 1; } # undo continuation indentation of a terminal closing token if # it is the last token before a level decrease. This will allow # a closing token to line up with its opening counterpart, and # avoids an indentation jump larger than 1 level. if ( $types_to_go[$i_terminal] =~ /^[\}\]\)R]$/ && $i_terminal == $ibeg && defined($K_beg) ) { my $K_next_nonblank = $self->K_next_code($K_beg); # Patch for RT#131115: honor -bli flag at closing brace my $is_bli = $rOpts_brace_left_and_indent && $block_type_to_go[$i_terminal] && $block_type_to_go[$i_terminal] =~ /$bli_pattern/o; if ( !$is_bli && defined($K_next_nonblank) ) { my $lev = $rLL->[$K_beg]->[_LEVEL_]; my $level_next = $rLL->[$K_next_nonblank]->[_LEVEL_]; $adjust_indentation = 1 if ( $level_next < $lev ); } # Patch for RT #96101, in which closing brace of anonymous subs # was not outdented. We should look ahead and see if there is # a level decrease at the next token (i.e., a closing token), # but right now we do not have that information. For now # we see if we are in a list, and this works well. # See test files 'sub*.t' for good test cases. if ( $block_type_to_go[$ibeg] =~ /$ASUB_PATTERN/ && $container_environment_to_go[$i_terminal] eq 'LIST' && !$rOpts->{'indent-closing-brace'} ) { ( $opening_indentation, $opening_offset, $is_leading, $opening_exists ) = $self->get_opening_indentation( $ibeg, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ); my $indentation = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg]; if ( defined($opening_indentation) && get_spaces($indentation) > get_spaces($opening_indentation) ) { $adjust_indentation = 1; } } } # YVES patch 1 of 2: # Undo ci of line with leading closing eval brace, # but not beyond the indention of the line with # the opening brace. if ( $block_type_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'eval' && !$rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'} && !$rOpts->{'indent-closing-brace'} ) { ( $opening_indentation, $opening_offset, $is_leading, $opening_exists ) = $self->get_opening_indentation( $ibeg, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ); my $indentation = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg]; if ( defined($opening_indentation) && get_spaces($indentation) > get_spaces($opening_indentation) ) { $adjust_indentation = 1; } } $default_adjust_indentation = $adjust_indentation; # Now modify default behavior according to user request: # handle option to indent non-blocks of the form ); }; ]; # But don't do special indentation to something like ')->pack(' if ( !$block_type_to_go[$ibeg] ) { my $cti = $closing_token_indentation{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] }; if ( $cti == 1 ) { if ( $i_terminal <= $ibeg + 1 || $is_semicolon_terminated ) { $adjust_indentation = 2; } else { $adjust_indentation = 0; } } elsif ( $cti == 2 ) { if ($is_semicolon_terminated) { $adjust_indentation = 3; } else { $adjust_indentation = 0; } } elsif ( $cti == 3 ) { $adjust_indentation = 3; } } # handle option to indent blocks else { if ( $rOpts->{'indent-closing-brace'} && ( $i_terminal == $ibeg # isolated terminal '}' || $is_semicolon_terminated ) ) # } xxxx ; { $adjust_indentation = 3; } } } # if at ');', '};', '>;', and '];' of a terminal qw quote elsif ($rpatterns->[0] =~ /^qb*;$/ && $rfields->[0] =~ /^([\)\}\]\>]);$/ ) { if ( $closing_token_indentation{$1} == 0 ) { $adjust_indentation = 1; } else { $adjust_indentation = 3; } } # if line begins with a ':', align it with any # previous line leading with corresponding ? elsif ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq ':' ) { ( $opening_indentation, $opening_offset, $is_leading, $opening_exists ) = $self->get_opening_indentation( $ibeg, $ri_first, $ri_last, $rindentation_list ); if ($is_leading) { $adjust_indentation = 2; } } ########################################################## # Section 2: set indentation according to flag set above # # Select the indentation object to define leading # whitespace. If we are outdenting something like '} } );' # then we want to use one level below the last token # ($i_terminal) in order to get it to fully outdent through # all levels. ########################################################## my $indentation; my $lev; my $level_end = $levels_to_go[$iend]; if ( $adjust_indentation == 0 ) { $indentation = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg]; $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; } elsif ( $adjust_indentation == 1 ) { # Change the indentation to be that of a different token on the line # Previously, the indentation of the terminal token was used: # OLD CODING: # $indentation = $reduced_spaces_to_go[$i_terminal]; # $lev = $levels_to_go[$i_terminal]; # Generalization for MOJO: # Use the lowest level indentation of the tokens on the line. # For example, here we can use the indentation of the ending ';': # } until ($selection > 0 and $selection < 10); # ok to use ';' # But this will not outdent if we use the terminal indentation: # )->then( sub { # use indentation of the ->, not the { # Warning: reduced_spaces_to_go[] may be a reference, do not # do numerical checks with it my $i_ind = $ibeg; $indentation = $reduced_spaces_to_go[$i_ind]; $lev = $levels_to_go[$i_ind]; while ( $i_ind < $i_terminal ) { $i_ind++; if ( $levels_to_go[$i_ind] < $lev ) { $indentation = $reduced_spaces_to_go[$i_ind]; $lev = $levels_to_go[$i_ind]; } } } # handle indented closing token which aligns with opening token elsif ( $adjust_indentation == 2 ) { # handle option to align closing token with opening token $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; # calculate spaces needed to align with opening token my $space_count = get_spaces($opening_indentation) + $opening_offset; # Indent less than the previous line. # # Problem: For -lp we don't exactly know what it was if there # were recoverable spaces sent to the aligner. A good solution # would be to force a flush of the vertical alignment buffer, so # that we would know. For now, this rule is used for -lp: # # When the last line did not start with a closing token we will # be optimistic that the aligner will recover everything wanted. # # This rule will prevent us from breaking a hierarchy of closing # tokens, and in a worst case will leave a closing paren too far # indented, but this is better than frequently leaving it not # indented enough. my $last_spaces = get_spaces($last_indentation_written); if ( $last_leading_token !~ /^[\}\]\)]$/ ) { $last_spaces += get_recoverable_spaces($last_indentation_written); } # reset the indentation to the new space count if it works # only options are all or none: nothing in-between looks good $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; if ( $space_count < $last_spaces ) { if ($rOpts_line_up_parentheses) { my $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; $indentation = new_lp_indentation_item( $space_count, $lev, 0, 0, 0 ); } else { $indentation = $space_count; } } # revert to default if it doesn't work else { $space_count = leading_spaces_to_go($ibeg); if ( $default_adjust_indentation == 0 ) { $indentation = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg]; } elsif ( $default_adjust_indentation == 1 ) { $indentation = $reduced_spaces_to_go[$i_terminal]; $lev = $levels_to_go[$i_terminal]; } } } # Full indentaion of closing tokens (-icb and -icp or -cti=2) else { # handle -icb (indented closing code block braces) # Updated method for indented block braces: indent one full level if # there is no continuation indentation. This will occur for major # structures such as sub, if, else, but not for things like map # blocks. # # Note: only code blocks without continuation indentation are # handled here (if, else, unless, ..). In the following snippet, # the terminal brace of the sort block will have continuation # indentation as shown so it will not be handled by the coding # here. We would have to undo the continuation indentation to do # this, but it probably looks ok as is. This is a possible future # update for semicolon terminated lines. # # if ($sortby eq 'date' or $sortby eq 'size') { # @files = sort { # $file_data{$a}{$sortby} <=> $file_data{$b}{$sortby} # or $a cmp $b # } @files; # } # if ( $block_type_to_go[$ibeg] && $ci_levels_to_go[$i_terminal] == 0 ) { my $spaces = get_spaces( $leading_spaces_to_go[$i_terminal] ); $indentation = $spaces + $rOpts_indent_columns; # NOTE: for -lp we could create a new indentation object, but # there is probably no need to do it } # handle -icp and any -icb block braces which fall through above # test such as the 'sort' block mentioned above. else { # There are currently two ways to handle -icp... # One way is to use the indentation of the previous line: # $indentation = $last_indentation_written; # The other way is to use the indentation that the previous line # would have had if it hadn't been adjusted: $indentation = $last_unadjusted_indentation; # Current method: use the minimum of the two. This avoids # inconsistent indentation. if ( get_spaces($last_indentation_written) < get_spaces($indentation) ) { $indentation = $last_indentation_written; } } # use previous indentation but use own level # to cause list to be flushed properly $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; } # remember indentation except for multi-line quotes, which get # no indentation unless ( $ibeg == 0 && $starting_in_quote ) { $last_indentation_written = $indentation; $last_unadjusted_indentation = $leading_spaces_to_go[$ibeg]; $last_leading_token = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg]; } # be sure lines with leading closing tokens are not outdented more # than the line which contained the corresponding opening token. ############################################################# # updated per bug report in alex_bug.pl: we must not # mess with the indentation of closing logical braces so # we must treat something like '} else {' as if it were # an isolated brace ############################################################# my $is_isolated_block_brace = $block_type_to_go[$ibeg] && ( $i_terminal == $ibeg || $is_if_elsif_else_unless_while_until_for_foreach{ $block_type_to_go[$ibeg] } ); # only do this for a ':; which is aligned with its leading '?' my $is_unaligned_colon = $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq ':' && !$is_leading; if ( defined($opening_indentation) && !$leading_paren_arrow # MOJO && !$is_isolated_block_brace && !$is_unaligned_colon ) { if ( get_spaces($opening_indentation) > get_spaces($indentation) ) { $indentation = $opening_indentation; } } # remember the indentation of each line of this batch push @{$rindentation_list}, $indentation; # outdent lines with certain leading tokens... if ( # must be first word of this batch $ibeg == 0 # and ... && ( # certain leading keywords if requested ( $rOpts->{'outdent-keywords'} && $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'k' && $outdent_keyword{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] } ) # or labels if requested || ( $rOpts->{'outdent-labels'} && $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq 'J' ) # or static block comments if requested || ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq '#' && $rOpts->{'outdent-static-block-comments'} && $is_static_block_comment ) ) ) { my $space_count = leading_spaces_to_go($ibeg); if ( $space_count > 0 ) { $space_count -= $rOpts_continuation_indentation; $is_outdented_line = 1; if ( $space_count < 0 ) { $space_count = 0 } # do not promote a spaced static block comment to non-spaced; # this is not normally necessary but could be for some # unusual user inputs (such as -ci = -i) if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg] eq '#' && $space_count == 0 ) { $space_count = 1; } if ($rOpts_line_up_parentheses) { $indentation = new_lp_indentation_item( $space_count, $lev, 0, 0, 0 ); } else { $indentation = $space_count; } } } return ( $indentation, $lev, $level_end, $terminal_type, $is_semicolon_terminated, $is_outdented_line ); } } sub mate_index_to_go { my ( $self, $i ) = @_; # Return the matching index of a container or ternary pair # This is equivalent to the array @mate_index_to_go my $K = $K_to_go[$i]; my $K_mate = $self->K_mate_index($K); my $i_mate = -1; if ( defined($K_mate) ) { $i_mate = $i + ( $K_mate - $K ); if ( $i_mate < 0 || $i_mate > $max_index_to_go ) { $i_mate = -1; } } my $i_mate_alt = $mate_index_to_go[$i]; # Debug code to eventually be removed if ( 0 && $i_mate_alt != $i_mate ) { my $tok = $tokens_to_go[$i]; my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; my $tok_mate = '*'; my $type_mate = '*'; if ( $i_mate >= 0 && $i_mate <= $max_index_to_go ) { $tok_mate = $tokens_to_go[$i_mate]; $type_mate = $types_to_go[$i_mate]; } my $seq = $type_sequence_to_go[$i]; my $file = $logger_object->get_input_stream_name(); Warn( "mate_index: file '$file': i=$i, imate=$i_mate, should be $i_mate_alt, K=$K, K_mate=$K_mate\ntype=$type, tok=$tok, seq=$seq, max=$max_index_to_go, tok_mate=$tok_mate, type_mate=$type_mate" ); } return $i_mate; } sub K_mate_index { # Given the index K of an opening or closing container, or ?/: ternary pair, # return the index K of the other member of the pair. my ( $self, $K ) = @_; return unless defined($K); my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $seqno = $rLL->[$K]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; return unless ($seqno); my $K_opening = $self->{K_opening_container}->{$seqno}; if ( defined($K_opening) ) { if ( $K != $K_opening ) { return $K_opening } return $self->{K_closing_container}->{$seqno}; } $K_opening = $self->{K_opening_ternary}->{$seqno}; if ( defined($K_opening) ) { if ( $K != $K_opening ) { return $K_opening } return $self->{K_closing_ternary}->{$seqno}; } return; } sub set_vertical_tightness_flags { my ( $self, $n, $n_last_line, $ibeg, $iend, $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; # Define vertical tightness controls for the nth line of a batch. # We create an array of parameters which tell the vertical aligner # if we should combine this line with the next line to achieve the # desired vertical tightness. The array of parameters contains: # # [0] type: 1=opening non-block 2=closing non-block # 3=opening block brace 4=closing block brace # # [1] flag: if opening: 1=no multiple steps, 2=multiple steps ok # if closing: spaces of padding to use # [2] sequence number of container # [3] valid flag: do not append if this flag is false. Will be # true if appropriate -vt flag is set. Otherwise, Will be # made true only for 2 line container in parens with -lp # # These flags are used by sub set_leading_whitespace in # the vertical aligner my $rvertical_tightness_flags = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 1: # Handle Lines 1 .. n-1 but not the last line # For non-BLOCK tokens, we will need to examine the next line # too, so we won't consider the last line. #-------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $n < $n_last_line ) { #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 1a: # Look for Type 1, last token of this line is a non-block opening token #-------------------------------------------------------------- my $ibeg_next = $ri_first->[ $n + 1 ]; my $token_end = $tokens_to_go[$iend]; my $iend_next = $ri_last->[ $n + 1 ]; if ( $type_sequence_to_go[$iend] && !$block_type_to_go[$iend] && $is_opening_token{$token_end} && ( $opening_vertical_tightness{$token_end} > 0 # allow 2-line method call to be closed up || ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && $token_end eq '(' && $iend > $ibeg && $types_to_go[ $iend - 1 ] ne 'b' ) ) ) { # avoid multiple jumps in nesting depth in one line if # requested my $ovt = $opening_vertical_tightness{$token_end}; my $iend_next = $ri_last->[ $n + 1 ]; unless ( $ovt < 2 && ( $nesting_depth_to_go[ $iend_next + 1 ] != $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next] ) ) { # If -vt flag has not been set, mark this as invalid # and aligner will validate it if it sees the closing paren # within 2 lines. my $valid_flag = $ovt; @{$rvertical_tightness_flags} = ( 1, $ovt, $type_sequence_to_go[$iend], $valid_flag ); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 1b: # Look for Type 2, first token of next line is a non-block closing # token .. and be sure this line does not have a side comment #-------------------------------------------------------------- my $token_next = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next]; if ( $type_sequence_to_go[$ibeg_next] && !$block_type_to_go[$ibeg_next] && $is_closing_token{$token_next} && $types_to_go[$iend] !~ '#' ) # for safety, shouldn't happen! { my $ovt = $opening_vertical_tightness{$token_next}; my $cvt = $closing_vertical_tightness{$token_next}; if ( # never append a trailing line like )->pack( # because it will throw off later alignment ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next] == $nesting_depth_to_go[ $iend_next + 1 ] + 1 ) && ( $cvt == 2 || ( $container_environment_to_go[$ibeg_next] ne 'LIST' && ( $cvt == 1 # allow closing up 2-line method calls || ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && $token_next eq ')' ) ) ) ) ) { # decide which trailing closing tokens to append.. my $ok = 0; if ( $cvt == 2 || $iend_next == $ibeg_next ) { $ok = 1 } else { my $str = join( '', @types_to_go[ $ibeg_next + 1 .. $ibeg_next + 2 ] ); # append closing token if followed by comment or ';' if ( $str =~ /^b?[#;]/ ) { $ok = 1 } } if ($ok) { my $valid_flag = $cvt; @{$rvertical_tightness_flags} = ( 2, $tightness{$token_next} == 2 ? 0 : 1, $type_sequence_to_go[$ibeg_next], $valid_flag, ); } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 1c: # Implement the Opening Token Right flag (Type 2).. # If requested, move an isolated trailing opening token to the end of # the previous line which ended in a comma. We could do this # in sub recombine_breakpoints but that would cause problems # with -lp formatting. The problem is that indentation will # quickly move far to the right in nested expressions. By # doing it after indentation has been set, we avoid changes # to the indentation. Actual movement of the token takes place # in sub valign_output_step_B. #-------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opening_token_right{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next] } # previous line is not opening # (use -sot to combine with it) && !$is_opening_token{$token_end} # previous line ended in one of these # (add other cases if necessary; '=>' and '.' are not necessary && !$block_type_to_go[$ibeg_next] # this is a line with just an opening token && ( $iend_next == $ibeg_next || $iend_next == $ibeg_next + 2 && $types_to_go[$iend_next] eq '#' ) # looks bad if we align vertically with the wrong container && $tokens_to_go[$ibeg] ne $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next] ) { my $valid_flag = 1; my $spaces = ( $types_to_go[ $ibeg_next - 1 ] eq 'b' ) ? 1 : 0; @{$rvertical_tightness_flags} = ( 2, $spaces, $type_sequence_to_go[$ibeg_next], $valid_flag, ); } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 1d: # Stacking of opening and closing tokens (Type 2) #-------------------------------------------------------------- my $stackable; my $token_beg_next = $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_next]; # patch to make something like 'qw(' behave like an opening paren # (aran.t) if ( $types_to_go[$ibeg_next] eq 'q' ) { if ( $token_beg_next =~ /^qw\s*([\[\(\{])$/ ) { $token_beg_next = $1; } } if ( $is_closing_token{$token_end} && $is_closing_token{$token_beg_next} ) { $stackable = $stack_closing_token{$token_beg_next} unless ( $block_type_to_go[$ibeg_next] ) ; # shouldn't happen; just checking } elsif ($is_opening_token{$token_end} && $is_opening_token{$token_beg_next} ) { $stackable = $stack_opening_token{$token_beg_next} unless ( $block_type_to_go[$ibeg_next] ) ; # shouldn't happen; just checking } if ($stackable) { my $is_semicolon_terminated; if ( $n + 1 == $n_last_line ) { my ( $terminal_type, $i_terminal ) = $self->terminal_type_i( $ibeg_next, $iend_next ); $is_semicolon_terminated = $terminal_type eq ';' && $nesting_depth_to_go[$iend_next] < $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_next]; } # this must be a line with just an opening token # or end in a semicolon if ( $is_semicolon_terminated || ( $iend_next == $ibeg_next || $iend_next == $ibeg_next + 2 && $types_to_go[$iend_next] eq '#' ) ) { my $valid_flag = 1; my $spaces = ( $types_to_go[ $ibeg_next - 1 ] eq 'b' ) ? 1 : 0; @{$rvertical_tightness_flags} = ( 2, $spaces, $type_sequence_to_go[$ibeg_next], $valid_flag, ); } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 2: # Handle type 3, opening block braces on last line of the batch # Check for a last line with isolated opening BLOCK curly #-------------------------------------------------------------- elsif ($rOpts_block_brace_vertical_tightness && $ibeg eq $iend && $types_to_go[$iend] eq '{' && $block_type_to_go[$iend] =~ /$block_brace_vertical_tightness_pattern/o ) { @{$rvertical_tightness_flags} = ( 3, $rOpts_block_brace_vertical_tightness, 0, 1 ); } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Vertical Tightness Flags Section 3: # Handle type 4, a closing block brace on the last line of the batch Check # for a last line with isolated closing BLOCK curly #-------------------------------------------------------------- elsif ($rOpts_stack_closing_block_brace && $ibeg eq $iend && $block_type_to_go[$iend] && $types_to_go[$iend] eq '}' ) { my $spaces = $rOpts_block_brace_tightness == 2 ? 0 : 1; @{$rvertical_tightness_flags} = ( 4, $spaces, $type_sequence_to_go[$iend], 1 ); } # pack in the sequence numbers of the ends of this line $rvertical_tightness_flags->[4] = get_seqno($ibeg); $rvertical_tightness_flags->[5] = get_seqno($iend); return $rvertical_tightness_flags; } sub get_seqno { # get opening and closing sequence numbers of a token for the vertical # aligner. Assign qw quotes a value to allow qw opening and closing tokens # to be treated somewhat like opening and closing tokens for stacking # tokens by the vertical aligner. my ($ii) = @_; my $seqno = $type_sequence_to_go[$ii]; if ( $types_to_go[$ii] eq 'q' ) { my $SEQ_QW = -1; if ( $ii > 0 ) { $seqno = $SEQ_QW if ( $tokens_to_go[$ii] =~ /^qw\s*[\(\{\[]/ ); } else { if ( !$ending_in_quote ) { $seqno = $SEQ_QW if ( $tokens_to_go[$ii] =~ /[\)\}\]]$/ ); } } } return ($seqno); } { my %is_vertical_alignment_type; my %is_not_vertical_alignment_token; my %is_vertical_alignment_keyword; my %is_terminal_alignment_type; my %is_low_level_alignment_token; BEGIN { my @q; # Replaced =~ and // in the list. // had been removed in RT 119588 @q = qw# = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= //= .= %= ^= x= { ? : => && || ~~ !~~ =~ !~ // #; @is_vertical_alignment_type{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # These 'tokens' are not aligned. We need this to remove [ # from the above list because it has type ='{' @q = qw([); @is_not_vertical_alignment_token{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # these are the only types aligned at a line end @q = qw(&& ||); @is_terminal_alignment_type{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # these tokens only align at line level @q = ( '{', '(' ); @is_low_level_alignment_token{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # eq and ne were removed from this list to improve alignment chances @q = qw(if unless and or err for foreach while until); @is_vertical_alignment_keyword{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub set_vertical_alignment_markers { # This routine takes the first step toward vertical alignment of the # lines of output text. It looks for certain tokens which can serve as # vertical alignment markers (such as an '='). # # Method: We look at each token $i in this output batch and set # $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] equal to those tokens at which we would # accept vertical alignment. my ( $self, $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; my $ralignment_type_to_go; for my $i ( 0 .. $max_index_to_go ) { $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] = ''; } # nothing to do if we aren't allowed to change whitespace if ( !$rOpts_add_whitespace ) { return $ralignment_type_to_go; } # remember the index of last nonblank token before any sidecomment my $i_terminal = $max_index_to_go; if ( $types_to_go[$i_terminal] eq '#' ) { if ( $i_terminal > 0 && $types_to_go[ --$i_terminal ] eq 'b' ) { if ( $i_terminal > 0 ) { --$i_terminal } } } # look at each line of this batch.. my $last_vertical_alignment_before_index; my $vert_last_nonblank_type; my $vert_last_nonblank_token; my $vert_last_nonblank_block_type; my $max_line = @{$ri_first} - 1; foreach my $line ( 0 .. $max_line ) { my $ibeg = $ri_first->[$line]; my $iend = $ri_last->[$line]; $last_vertical_alignment_before_index = -1; $vert_last_nonblank_type = ''; $vert_last_nonblank_token = ''; $vert_last_nonblank_block_type = ''; # look at each token in this output line.. my $level_beg = $levels_to_go[$ibeg]; foreach my $i ( $ibeg .. $iend ) { my $alignment_type = ''; my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; my $block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i]; my $token = $tokens_to_go[$i]; # do not align tokens at lower level then start of line # except for side comments if ( $levels_to_go[$i] < $levels_to_go[$ibeg] && $types_to_go[$i] ne '#' ) { $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] = ''; next; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # First see if we want to align BEFORE this token #-------------------------------------------------------- # The first possible token that we can align before # is index 2 because: 1) it doesn't normally make sense to # align before the first token and 2) the second # token must be a blank if we are to align before # the third if ( $i < $ibeg + 2 ) { } # must follow a blank token elsif ( $types_to_go[ $i - 1 ] ne 'b' ) { } # align a side comment -- elsif ( $type eq '#' ) { unless ( # it is a static side comment ( $rOpts->{'static-side-comments'} && $token =~ /$static_side_comment_pattern/o ) # or a closing side comment || ( $vert_last_nonblank_block_type && $token =~ /$closing_side_comment_prefix_pattern/o ) ) { $alignment_type = $type; } ## Example of a static side comment } # otherwise, do not align two in a row to create a # blank field elsif ( $last_vertical_alignment_before_index == $i - 2 ) { } # align before one of these keywords # (within a line, since $i>1) elsif ( $type eq 'k' ) { # /^(if|unless|and|or|eq|ne)$/ if ( $is_vertical_alignment_keyword{$token} ) { $alignment_type = $token; } } # align before one of these types.. # Note: add '.' after new vertical aligner is operational elsif ( $is_vertical_alignment_type{$type} && !$is_not_vertical_alignment_token{$token} ) { $alignment_type = $token; # Do not align a terminal token. Although it might # occasionally look ok to do this, this has been found to be # a good general rule. The main problems are: # (1) that the terminal token (such as an = or :) might get # moved far to the right where it is hard to see because # nothing follows it, and # (2) doing so may prevent other good alignments. # Current exceptions are && and || if ( $i == $iend || $i >= $i_terminal ) { $alignment_type = "" unless ( $is_terminal_alignment_type{$type} ); } # Do not align leading ': (' or '. ('. This would prevent # alignment in something like the following: # $extra_space .= # ( $input_line_number < 10 ) ? " " # : ( $input_line_number < 100 ) ? " " # : ""; # or # $code = # ( $case_matters ? $accessor : " lc($accessor) " ) # . ( $yesno ? " eq " : " ne " ) # Also, do not align a ( following a leading ? so we can # align something like this: # $converter{$_}->{ushortok} = # $PDL::IO::Pic::biggrays # ? ( m/GIF/ ? 0 : 1 ) # : ( m/GIF|RAST|IFF/ ? 0 : 1 ); if ( $i == $ibeg + 2 && $types_to_go[$ibeg] =~ /^[\.\:\?]$/ && $types_to_go[ $i - 1 ] eq 'b' ) { $alignment_type = ""; } # Certain tokens only align at the same level as the # initial line level if ( $is_low_level_alignment_token{$token} && $levels_to_go[$i] != $level_beg ) { $alignment_type = ""; } # For a paren after keyword, only align something like this: # if ( $a ) { &a } # elsif ( $b ) { &b } if ( $token eq '(' ) { if ( $vert_last_nonblank_type eq 'k' ) { $alignment_type = "" unless $vert_last_nonblank_token =~ /^(if|unless|elsif)$/; } } # be sure the alignment tokens are unique # This didn't work well: reason not determined # if ($token ne $type) {$alignment_type .= $type} } # NOTE: This is deactivated because it causes the previous # if/elsif alignment to fail #elsif ( $type eq '}' && $token eq '}' && $block_type_to_go[$i]) #{ $alignment_type = $type; } if ($alignment_type) { $last_vertical_alignment_before_index = $i; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # Next see if we want to align AFTER the previous nonblank #-------------------------------------------------------- # We want to line up ',' and interior ';' tokens, with the added # space AFTER these tokens. (Note: interior ';' is included # because it may occur in short blocks). if ( # we haven't already set it !$alignment_type # and its not the first token of the line && ( $i > $ibeg ) # and it follows a blank && $types_to_go[ $i - 1 ] eq 'b' # and previous token IS one of these: && ( $vert_last_nonblank_type =~ /^[\,\;]$/ ) # and it's NOT one of these && ( $type !~ /^[b\#\)\]\}]$/ ) # then go ahead and align ) { $alignment_type = $vert_last_nonblank_type; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # then store the value #-------------------------------------------------------- $ralignment_type_to_go->[$i] = $alignment_type; if ( $type ne 'b' ) { $vert_last_nonblank_type = $type; $vert_last_nonblank_token = $token; $vert_last_nonblank_block_type = $block_type; } } } return $ralignment_type_to_go; } } sub terminal_type_i { # returns type of last token on this line (terminal token), as follows: # returns # for a full-line comment # returns ' ' for a blank line # otherwise returns final token type my ( $self, $ibeg, $iend ) = @_; # Start at the end and work backwards my $i = $iend; my $type_i = $types_to_go[$i]; # Check for side comment if ( $type_i eq '#' ) { $i--; if ( $i < $ibeg ) { return wantarray ? ( $type_i, $ibeg ) : $type_i; } $type_i = $types_to_go[$i]; } # Skip past a blank if ( $type_i eq 'b' ) { $i--; if ( $i < $ibeg ) { return wantarray ? ( $type_i, $ibeg ) : $type_i; } $type_i = $types_to_go[$i]; } # Found it..make sure it is a BLOCK termination, # but hide a terminal } after sort/grep/map because it is not # necessarily the end of the line. (terminal.t) my $block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i]; if ( $type_i eq '}' && ( !$block_type || ( $is_sort_map_grep_eval_do{$block_type} ) ) ) { $type_i = 'b'; } return wantarray ? ( $type_i, $i ) : $type_i; } sub terminal_type_K { # returns type of last token on this line (terminal token), as follows: # returns # for a full-line comment # returns ' ' for a blank line # otherwise returns final token type my ( $self, $Kbeg, $Kend ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; if ( !defined($Kend) ) { Fault("Error in terminal_type_K: Kbeg=$Kbeg > $Kend=Kend"); } # Start at the end and work backwards my $K = $Kend; my $type_K = $rLL->[$K]->[_TYPE_]; # Check for side comment if ( $type_K eq '#' ) { $K--; if ( $K < $Kbeg ) { return wantarray ? ( $type_K, $Kbeg ) : $type_K; } $type_K = $rLL->[$K]->[_TYPE_]; } # Skip past a blank if ( $type_K eq 'b' ) { $K--; if ( $K < $Kbeg ) { return wantarray ? ( $type_K, $Kbeg ) : $type_K; } $type_K = $rLL->[$K]->[_TYPE_]; } # found it..make sure it is a BLOCK termination, # but hide a terminal } after sort/grep/map because it is not # necessarily the end of the line. (terminal.t) my $block_type = $rLL->[$K]->[_BLOCK_TYPE_]; if ( $type_K eq '}' && ( !$block_type || ( $is_sort_map_grep_eval_do{$block_type} ) ) ) { $type_K = 'b'; } return wantarray ? ( $type_K, $K ) : $type_K; } { # set_bond_strengths my %is_good_keyword_breakpoint; my %is_lt_gt_le_ge; my %binary_bond_strength; my %nobreak_lhs; my %nobreak_rhs; my @bias_tokens; my $delta_bias; sub bias_table_key { my ( $type, $token ) = @_; my $bias_table_key = $type; if ( $type eq 'k' ) { $bias_table_key = $token; if ( $token eq 'err' ) { $bias_table_key = 'or' } } return $bias_table_key; } sub initialize_bond_strength_hashes { my @q; @q = qw(if unless while until for foreach); @is_good_keyword_breakpoint{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw(lt gt le ge); @is_lt_gt_le_ge{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # # The decision about where to break a line depends upon a "bond # strength" between tokens. The LOWER the bond strength, the MORE # likely a break. A bond strength may be any value but to simplify # things there are several pre-defined strength levels: # NO_BREAK => 10000; # VERY_STRONG => 100; # STRONG => 2.1; # NOMINAL => 1.1; # WEAK => 0.8; # VERY_WEAK => 0.55; # The strength values are based on trial-and-error, and need to be # tweaked occasionally to get desired results. Some comments: # # 1. Only relative strengths are important. small differences # in strengths can make big formatting differences. # 2. Each indentation level adds one unit of bond strength. # 3. A value of NO_BREAK makes an unbreakable bond # 4. A value of VERY_WEAK is the strength of a ',' # 5. Values below NOMINAL are considered ok break points. # 6. Values above NOMINAL are considered poor break points. # # The bond strengths should roughly follow precedence order where # possible. If you make changes, please check the results very # carefully on a variety of scripts. Testing with the -extrude # options is particularly helpful in exercising all of the rules. # Wherever possible, bond strengths are defined in the following # tables. There are two main stages to setting bond strengths and # two types of tables: # # The first stage involves looking at each token individually and # defining left and right bond strengths, according to if we want # to break to the left or right side, and how good a break point it # is. For example tokens like =, ||, && make good break points and # will have low strengths, but one might want to break on either # side to put them at the end of one line or beginning of the next. # # The second stage involves looking at certain pairs of tokens and # defining a bond strength for that particular pair. This second # stage has priority. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength BEGIN Section 1. # Set left and right bond strengths of individual tokens. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: NO_BREAK's set in this section first are HINTS which will # probably not be honored. Essential NO_BREAKS's should be set in # BEGIN Section 2 or hardwired in the NO_BREAK coding near the end # of this subroutine. # Note that we are setting defaults in this section. The user # cannot change bond strengths but can cause the left and right # bond strengths of any token type to be swapped through the use of # the -wba and -wbb flags. In this way the user can determine if a # breakpoint token should appear at the end of one line or the # beginning of the next line. # The hash keys in this section are token types, plus the text of # certain keywords like 'or', 'and'. # no break around possible filehandle $left_bond_strength{'Z'} = NO_BREAK; $right_bond_strength{'Z'} = NO_BREAK; # never put a bare word on a new line: # example print (STDERR, "bla"); will fail with break after ( $left_bond_strength{'w'} = NO_BREAK; # blanks always have infinite strength to force breaks after # real tokens $right_bond_strength{'b'} = NO_BREAK; # try not to break on exponentation @q = qw# ** .. ... <=> #; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); # The comma-arrow has very low precedence but not a good break point $left_bond_strength{'=>'} = NO_BREAK; $right_bond_strength{'=>'} = NOMINAL; # ok to break after label $left_bond_strength{'J'} = NO_BREAK; $right_bond_strength{'J'} = NOMINAL; $left_bond_strength{'j'} = STRONG; $right_bond_strength{'j'} = STRONG; $left_bond_strength{'A'} = STRONG; $right_bond_strength{'A'} = STRONG; $left_bond_strength{'->'} = STRONG; $right_bond_strength{'->'} = VERY_STRONG; $left_bond_strength{'CORE::'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'CORE::'} = NO_BREAK; # breaking AFTER modulus operator is ok: @q = qw< % >; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = ( 0.1 * NOMINAL + 0.9 * STRONG ) x scalar(@q); # Break AFTER math operators * and / @q = qw< * / x >; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = (NOMINAL) x scalar(@q); # Break AFTER weakest math operators + and - # Make them weaker than * but a bit stronger than '.' @q = qw< + - >; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = ( 0.91 * NOMINAL + 0.09 * WEAK ) x scalar(@q); # breaking BEFORE these is just ok: @q = qw# >> << #; @right_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @left_bond_strength{@q} = (NOMINAL) x scalar(@q); # breaking before the string concatenation operator seems best # because it can be hard to see at the end of a line $right_bond_strength{'.'} = STRONG; $left_bond_strength{'.'} = 0.9 * NOMINAL + 0.1 * WEAK; @q = qw< } ] ) R >; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = (NOMINAL) x scalar(@q); # make these a little weaker than nominal so that they get # favored for end-of-line characters @q = qw< != == =~ !~ ~~ !~~ >; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = ( 0.9 * NOMINAL + 0.1 * WEAK ) x scalar(@q); # break AFTER these @q = qw# < > | & >= <= #; @left_bond_strength{@q} = (VERY_STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = ( 0.8 * NOMINAL + 0.2 * WEAK ) x scalar(@q); # breaking either before or after a quote is ok # but bias for breaking before a quote $left_bond_strength{'Q'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'Q'} = NOMINAL + 0.02; $left_bond_strength{'q'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'q'} = NOMINAL; # starting a line with a keyword is usually ok $left_bond_strength{'k'} = NOMINAL; # we usually want to bond a keyword strongly to what immediately # follows, rather than leaving it stranded at the end of a line $right_bond_strength{'k'} = STRONG; $left_bond_strength{'G'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'G'} = STRONG; # assignment operators @q = qw( = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= //= .= %= ^= x= ); # Default is to break AFTER various assignment operators @left_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = ( 0.4 * WEAK + 0.6 * VERY_WEAK ) x scalar(@q); # Default is to break BEFORE '&&' and '||' and '//' # set strength of '||' to same as '=' so that chains like # $a = $b || $c || $d will break before the first '||' $right_bond_strength{'||'} = NOMINAL; $left_bond_strength{'||'} = $right_bond_strength{'='}; # same thing for '//' $right_bond_strength{'//'} = NOMINAL; $left_bond_strength{'//'} = $right_bond_strength{'='}; # set strength of && a little higher than || $right_bond_strength{'&&'} = NOMINAL; $left_bond_strength{'&&'} = $left_bond_strength{'||'} + 0.1; $left_bond_strength{';'} = VERY_STRONG; $right_bond_strength{';'} = VERY_WEAK; $left_bond_strength{'f'} = VERY_STRONG; # make right strength of for ';' a little less than '=' # to make for contents break after the ';' to avoid this: # for ( $j = $number_of_fields - 1 ; $j < $item_count ; $j += # $number_of_fields ) # and make it weaker than ',' and 'and' too $right_bond_strength{'f'} = VERY_WEAK - 0.03; # The strengths of ?/: should be somewhere between # an '=' and a quote (NOMINAL), # make strength of ':' slightly less than '?' to help # break long chains of ? : after the colons $left_bond_strength{':'} = 0.4 * WEAK + 0.6 * NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{':'} = NO_BREAK; $left_bond_strength{'?'} = $left_bond_strength{':'} + 0.01; $right_bond_strength{'?'} = NO_BREAK; $left_bond_strength{','} = VERY_STRONG; $right_bond_strength{','} = VERY_WEAK; # remaining digraphs and trigraphs not defined above @q = qw( :: <> ++ --); @left_bond_strength{@q} = (WEAK) x scalar(@q); @right_bond_strength{@q} = (STRONG) x scalar(@q); # Set bond strengths of certain keywords # make 'or', 'err', 'and' slightly weaker than a ',' $left_bond_strength{'and'} = VERY_WEAK - 0.01; $left_bond_strength{'or'} = VERY_WEAK - 0.02; $left_bond_strength{'err'} = VERY_WEAK - 0.02; $left_bond_strength{'xor'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'and'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'or'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'err'} = NOMINAL; $right_bond_strength{'xor'} = STRONG; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength BEGIN Section 2. # Set binary rules for bond strengths between certain token types. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # We have a little problem making tables which apply to the # container tokens. Here is a list of container tokens and # their types: # # type tokens // meaning # { {, [, ( // indent # } }, ], ) // outdent # [ [ // left non-structural [ (enclosing an array index) # ] ] // right non-structural square bracket # ( ( // left non-structural paren # ) ) // right non-structural paren # L { // left non-structural curly brace (enclosing a key) # R } // right non-structural curly brace # # Some rules apply to token types and some to just the token # itself. We solve the problem by combining type and token into a # new hash key for the container types. # # If a rule applies to a token 'type' then we need to make rules # for each of these 'type.token' combinations: # Type Type.Token # { {{, {[, {( # [ [[ # ( (( # L L{ # } }}, }], }) # ] ]] # ) )) # R R} # # If a rule applies to a token then we need to make rules for # these 'type.token' combinations: # Token Type.Token # { {{, L{ # [ {[, [[ # ( {(, (( # } }}, R} # ] }], ]] # ) }), )) # allow long lines before final { in an if statement, as in: # if (.......... # ..........) # { # # Otherwise, the line before the { tends to be too short. $binary_bond_strength{'))'}{'{{'} = VERY_WEAK + 0.03; $binary_bond_strength{'(('}{'{{'} = NOMINAL; # break on something like '} (', but keep this stronger than a ',' # example is in 'howe.pl' $binary_bond_strength{'R}'}{'(('} = 0.8 * VERY_WEAK + 0.2 * WEAK; $binary_bond_strength{'}}'}{'(('} = 0.8 * VERY_WEAK + 0.2 * WEAK; # keep matrix and hash indices together # but make them a little below STRONG to allow breaking open # something like {'some-word'}{'some-very-long-word'} at the }{ # (bracebrk.t) $binary_bond_strength{']]'}{'[['} = 0.9 * STRONG + 0.1 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{']]'}{'L{'} = 0.9 * STRONG + 0.1 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'R}'}{'[['} = 0.9 * STRONG + 0.1 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'R}'}{'L{'} = 0.9 * STRONG + 0.1 * NOMINAL; # increase strength to the point where a break in the following # will be after the opening paren rather than at the arrow: # $a->$b($c); $binary_bond_strength{'i'}{'->'} = 1.45 * STRONG; $binary_bond_strength{'))'}{'->'} = 0.1 * STRONG + 0.9 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{']]'}{'->'} = 0.1 * STRONG + 0.9 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'})'}{'->'} = 0.1 * STRONG + 0.9 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'}]'}{'->'} = 0.1 * STRONG + 0.9 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'}}'}{'->'} = 0.1 * STRONG + 0.9 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'R}'}{'->'} = 0.1 * STRONG + 0.9 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'))'}{'[['} = 0.2 * STRONG + 0.8 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'})'}{'[['} = 0.2 * STRONG + 0.8 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'))'}{'{['} = 0.2 * STRONG + 0.8 * NOMINAL; $binary_bond_strength{'})'}{'{['} = 0.2 * STRONG + 0.8 * NOMINAL; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary NO_BREAK rules #--------------------------------------------------------------- # use strict requires that bare word and => not be separated $binary_bond_strength{'C'}{'=>'} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'U'}{'=>'} = NO_BREAK; # Never break between a bareword and a following paren because # perl may give an error. For example, if a break is placed # between 'to_filehandle' and its '(' the following line will # give a syntax error [Carp.pm]: my( $no) =fileno( # to_filehandle( $in)) ; $binary_bond_strength{'C'}{'(('} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'C'}{'{('} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'U'}{'(('} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'U'}{'{('} = NO_BREAK; # use strict requires that bare word within braces not start new # line $binary_bond_strength{'L{'}{'w'} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'w'}{'R}'} = NO_BREAK; # use strict requires that bare word and => not be separated $binary_bond_strength{'w'}{'=>'} = NO_BREAK; # use strict does not allow separating type info from trailing { } # testfile is readmail.pl $binary_bond_strength{'t'}{'L{'} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'i'}{'L{'} = NO_BREAK; # As a defensive measure, do not break between a '(' and a # filehandle. In some cases, this can cause an error. For # example, the following program works: # my $msg="hi!\n"; # print # ( STDOUT # $msg # ); # # But this program fails: # my $msg="hi!\n"; # print # ( # STDOUT # $msg # ); # # This is normally only a problem with the 'extrude' option $binary_bond_strength{'(('}{'Y'} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'{('}{'Y'} = NO_BREAK; # never break between sub name and opening paren $binary_bond_strength{'w'}{'(('} = NO_BREAK; $binary_bond_strength{'w'}{'{('} = NO_BREAK; # keep '}' together with ';' $binary_bond_strength{'}}'}{';'} = NO_BREAK; # Breaking before a ++ can cause perl to guess wrong. For # example the following line will cause a syntax error # with -extrude if we break between '$i' and '++' [fixstyle2] # print( ( $i++ & 1 ) ? $_ : ( $change{$_} || $_ ) ); $nobreak_lhs{'++'} = NO_BREAK; # Do not break before a possible file handle $nobreak_lhs{'Z'} = NO_BREAK; # use strict hates bare words on any new line. For # example, a break before the underscore here provokes the # wrath of use strict: # if ( -r $fn && ( -s _ || $AllowZeroFilesize)) { $nobreak_rhs{'F'} = NO_BREAK; $nobreak_rhs{'CORE::'} = NO_BREAK; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength BEGIN Section 3. # Define tables and values for applying a small bias to the above # values. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Adding a small 'bias' to strengths is a simple way to make a line # break at the first of a sequence of identical terms. For # example, to force long string of conditional operators to break # with each line ending in a ':', we can add a small number to the # bond strength of each ':' (colon.t) @bias_tokens = qw( : && || f and or . ); # tokens which get bias $delta_bias = 0.0001; # a very small strength level return; } ## end sub initialize_bond_strength_hashes sub set_bond_strengths { # patch-its always ok to break at end of line $nobreak_to_go[$max_index_to_go] = 0; # we start a new set of bias values for each line my %bias; @bias{@bias_tokens} = (0) x scalar(@bias_tokens); my $code_bias = -.01; # bias for closing block braces my $type = 'b'; my $token = ' '; my $last_type; my $last_nonblank_type = $type; my $last_nonblank_token = $token; my $list_str = $left_bond_strength{'?'}; my ( $block_type, $i_next, $i_next_nonblank, $next_nonblank_token, $next_nonblank_type, $next_token, $next_type, $total_nesting_depth, ); # main loop to compute bond strengths between each pair of tokens foreach my $i ( 0 .. $max_index_to_go ) { $last_type = $type; if ( $type ne 'b' ) { $last_nonblank_type = $type; $last_nonblank_token = $token; } $type = $types_to_go[$i]; # strength on both sides of a blank is the same if ( $type eq 'b' && $last_type ne 'b' ) { $bond_strength_to_go[$i] = $bond_strength_to_go[ $i - 1 ]; next; } $token = $tokens_to_go[$i]; $block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i]; $i_next = $i + 1; $next_type = $types_to_go[$i_next]; $next_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_next]; $total_nesting_depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_next]; $i_next_nonblank = ( ( $next_type eq 'b' ) ? $i + 2 : $i + 1 ); $next_nonblank_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; $next_nonblank_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; # We are computing the strength of the bond between the current # token and the NEXT token. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength Section 1: # First Approximation. # Use minimum of individual left and right tabulated bond # strengths. #--------------------------------------------------------------- my $bsr = $right_bond_strength{$type}; my $bsl = $left_bond_strength{$next_nonblank_type}; # define right bond strengths of certain keywords if ( $type eq 'k' && defined( $right_bond_strength{$token} ) ) { $bsr = $right_bond_strength{$token}; } elsif ( $token eq 'ne' or $token eq 'eq' ) { $bsr = NOMINAL; } # set terminal bond strength to the nominal value # this will cause good preceding breaks to be retained if ( $i_next_nonblank > $max_index_to_go ) { $bsl = NOMINAL; } # define right bond strengths of certain keywords if ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'k' && defined( $left_bond_strength{$next_nonblank_token} ) ) { $bsl = $left_bond_strength{$next_nonblank_token}; } elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq 'ne' or $next_nonblank_token eq 'eq' ) { $bsl = NOMINAL; } elsif ( $is_lt_gt_le_ge{$next_nonblank_token} ) { $bsl = 0.9 * NOMINAL + 0.1 * STRONG; } # Use the minimum of the left and right strengths. Note: it might # seem that we would want to keep a NO_BREAK if either token has # this value. This didn't work, for example because in an arrow # list, it prevents the comma from separating from the following # bare word (which is probably quoted by its arrow). So necessary # NO_BREAK's have to be handled as special cases in the final # section. if ( !defined($bsr) ) { $bsr = VERY_STRONG } if ( !defined($bsl) ) { $bsl = VERY_STRONG } my $bond_str = ( $bsr < $bsl ) ? $bsr : $bsl; my $bond_str_1 = $bond_str; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength Section 2: # Apply hardwired rules.. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Patch to put terminal or clauses on a new line: Weaken the bond # at an || followed by die or similar keyword to make the terminal # or clause fall on a new line, like this: # # my $class = shift # || die "Cannot add broadcast: No class identifier found"; # # Otherwise the break will be at the previous '=' since the || and # = have the same starting strength and the or is biased, like # this: # # my $class = # shift || die "Cannot add broadcast: No class identifier found"; # # In any case if the user places a break at either the = or the || # it should remain there. if ( $type eq '||' || $type eq 'k' && $token eq 'or' ) { if ( $next_nonblank_token =~ /^(die|confess|croak|warn)$/ ) { if ( $want_break_before{$token} && $i > 0 ) { $bond_strength_to_go[ $i - 1 ] -= $delta_bias; } else { $bond_str -= $delta_bias; } } } # good to break after end of code blocks if ( $type eq '}' && $block_type && $next_nonblank_type ne ';' ) { $bond_str = 0.5 * WEAK + 0.5 * VERY_WEAK + $code_bias; $code_bias += $delta_bias; } if ( $type eq 'k' ) { # allow certain control keywords to stand out if ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $is_last_next_redo_return{$token} ) { $bond_str = 0.45 * WEAK + 0.55 * VERY_WEAK; } # Don't break after keyword my. This is a quick fix for a # rare problem with perl. An example is this line from file # Container.pm: # foreach my $question( Debian::DebConf::ConfigDb::gettree( # $this->{'question'} ) ) if ( $token eq 'my' ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK; } } # good to break before 'if', 'unless', etc if ( $is_if_brace_follower{$next_nonblank_token} ) { $bond_str = VERY_WEAK; } if ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $type ne 'CORE::' ) { # FIXME: needs more testing if ( $is_keyword_returning_list{$next_nonblank_token} ) { $bond_str = $list_str if ( $bond_str > $list_str ); } # keywords like 'unless', 'if', etc, within statements # make good breaks if ( $is_good_keyword_breakpoint{$next_nonblank_token} ) { $bond_str = VERY_WEAK / 1.05; } } # try not to break before a comma-arrow elsif ( $next_nonblank_type eq '=>' ) { if ( $bond_str < STRONG ) { $bond_str = STRONG } } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional hardwired NOBREAK rules #--------------------------------------------------------------- # map1.t -- correct for a quirk in perl if ( $token eq '(' && $next_nonblank_type eq 'i' && $last_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $is_sort_map_grep{$last_nonblank_token} ) # /^(sort|map|grep)$/ ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK; } # extrude.t: do not break before paren at: # -l pid_filename( if ( $last_nonblank_type eq 'F' && $next_nonblank_token eq '(' ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK; } # in older version of perl, use strict can cause problems with # breaks before bare words following opening parens. For example, # this will fail under older versions if a break is made between # '(' and 'MAIL': use strict; open( MAIL, "a long filename or # command"); close MAIL; if ( $type eq '{' ) { if ( $token eq '(' && $next_nonblank_type eq 'w' ) { # but it's fine to break if the word is followed by a '=>' # or if it is obviously a sub call my $i_next_next_nonblank = $i_next_nonblank + 1; my $next_next_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_next_nonblank]; if ( $next_next_type eq 'b' && $i_next_nonblank < $max_index_to_go ) { $i_next_next_nonblank++; $next_next_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_next_nonblank]; } # We'll check for an old breakpoint and keep a leading # bareword if it was that way in the input file. # Presumably it was ok that way. For example, the # following would remain unchanged: # # @months = ( # January, February, March, April, # May, June, July, August, # September, October, November, December, # ); # # This should be sufficient: if ( !$old_breakpoint_to_go[$i] && ( $next_next_type eq ',' || $next_next_type eq '}' ) ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK; } } } # Do not break between a possible filehandle and a ? or / and do # not introduce a break after it if there is no blank # (extrude.t) elsif ( $type eq 'Z' ) { # don't break.. if ( # if there is no blank and we do not want one. Examples: # print $x++ # do not break after $x # print HTML"HELLO" # break ok after HTML ( $next_type ne 'b' && defined( $want_left_space{$next_type} ) && $want_left_space{$next_type} == WS_NO ) # or we might be followed by the start of a quote || $next_nonblank_type =~ /^[\/\?]$/ ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK; } } # Breaking before a ? before a quote can cause trouble if # they are not separated by a blank. # Example: a syntax error occurs if you break before the ? here # my$logic=join$all?' && ':' || ',@regexps; # From: Professional_Perl_Programming_Code/multifind.pl if ( $next_nonblank_type eq '?' ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK if ( $types_to_go[ $i_next_nonblank + 1 ] eq 'Q' ); } # Breaking before a . followed by a number # can cause trouble if there is no intervening space # Example: a syntax error occurs if you break before the .2 here # $str .= pack($endian.2, ensurrogate($ord)); # From: perl58/Unicode.pm elsif ( $next_nonblank_type eq '.' ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK if ( $types_to_go[ $i_next_nonblank + 1 ] eq 'n' ); } my $bond_str_2 = $bond_str; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # End of hardwired rules #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength Section 3: # Apply table rules. These have priority over the above # hardwired rules. #--------------------------------------------------------------- my $tabulated_bond_str; my $ltype = $type; my $rtype = $next_nonblank_type; if ( $token =~ /^[\(\[\{\)\]\}]/ ) { $ltype = $type . $token } if ( $next_nonblank_token =~ /^[\(\[\{\)\]\}]/ ) { $rtype = $next_nonblank_type . $next_nonblank_token; } if ( $binary_bond_strength{$ltype}{$rtype} ) { $bond_str = $binary_bond_strength{$ltype}{$rtype}; $tabulated_bond_str = $bond_str; } if ( $nobreak_rhs{$ltype} || $nobreak_lhs{$rtype} ) { $bond_str = NO_BREAK; $tabulated_bond_str = $bond_str; } my $bond_str_3 = $bond_str; # If the hardwired rules conflict with the tabulated bond # strength then there is an inconsistency that should be fixed FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BOND_TABLES && $tabulated_bond_str && $bond_str_1 && $bond_str_1 != $bond_str_2 && $bond_str_2 != $tabulated_bond_str && do { print STDERR "BOND_TABLES: ltype=$ltype rtype=$rtype $bond_str_1->$bond_str_2->$bond_str_3\n"; }; #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength Section 4: # Modify strengths of certain tokens which often occur in sequence # by adding a small bias to each one in turn so that the breaks # occur from left to right. # # Note that we only changing strengths by small amounts here, # and usually increasing, so we should not be altering any NO_BREAKs. # Other routines which check for NO_BREAKs will use a tolerance # of one to avoid any problem. #----------------------------------------------------------------- # The bias tables use special keys my $left_key = bias_table_key( $type, $token ); my $right_key = bias_table_key( $next_nonblank_type, $next_nonblank_token ); # add any bias set by sub scan_list at old comma break points. if ( $type eq ',' ) { $bond_str += $bond_strength_to_go[$i] } # bias left token elsif ( defined( $bias{$left_key} ) ) { if ( !$want_break_before{$left_key} ) { $bias{$left_key} += $delta_bias; $bond_str += $bias{$left_key}; } } # bias right token if ( defined( $bias{$right_key} ) ) { if ( $want_break_before{$right_key} ) { # for leading '.' align all but 'short' quotes; the idea # is to not place something like "\n" on a single line. if ( $right_key eq '.' ) { unless ( $last_nonblank_type eq '.' && ( length($token) <= $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length ) && ( !$is_closing_token{$token} ) ) { $bias{$right_key} += $delta_bias; } } else { $bias{$right_key} += $delta_bias; } $bond_str += $bias{$right_key}; } } my $bond_str_4 = $bond_str; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength Section 5: # Fifth Approximation. # Take nesting depth into account by adding the nesting depth # to the bond strength. #--------------------------------------------------------------- my $strength; if ( defined($bond_str) && !$nobreak_to_go[$i] ) { if ( $total_nesting_depth > 0 ) { $strength = $bond_str + $total_nesting_depth; } else { $strength = $bond_str; } } else { $strength = NO_BREAK; } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond Strength Section 6: # Sixth Approximation. Welds. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not allow a break within welds, if ( weld_len_right_to_go($i) ) { $strength = NO_BREAK } # But encourage breaking after opening welded tokens elsif ( weld_len_left_to_go($i) && $is_opening_token{$token} ) { $strength -= 1; } # always break after side comment if ( $type eq '#' ) { $strength = 0 } $bond_strength_to_go[$i] = $strength; FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BOND && do { my $str = substr( $token, 0, 15 ); $str .= ' ' x ( 16 - length($str) ); print STDOUT "BOND: i=$i $str $type $next_nonblank_type depth=$total_nesting_depth strength=$bond_str_1 -> $bond_str_2 -> $bond_str_3 -> $bond_str_4 $bond_str -> $strength \n"; }; } ## end main loop return; } ## end sub set_bond_strengths } sub pad_array_to_go { # to simplify coding in scan_list and set_bond_strengths, it helps # to create some extra blank tokens at the end of the arrays $tokens_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 1 ] = ''; $tokens_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 2 ] = ''; $types_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 1 ] = 'b'; $types_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 2 ] = 'b'; $nesting_depth_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 1 ] = $nesting_depth_to_go[$max_index_to_go]; # /^[R\}\)\]]$/ if ( $is_closing_type{ $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] } ) { if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$max_index_to_go] <= 0 ) { # shouldn't happen: unless ( get_saw_brace_error() ) { warning( "Program bug in scan_list: hit nesting error which should have been caught\n" ); report_definite_bug(); } } else { $nesting_depth_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 1 ] -= 1; } } # /^[L\{\(\[]$/ elsif ( $is_opening_type{ $types_to_go[$max_index_to_go] } ) { $nesting_depth_to_go[ $max_index_to_go + 1 ] += 1; } return; } { # begin scan_list my ( $block_type, $current_depth, $depth, $i, $i_last_nonblank_token, $last_colon_sequence_number, $last_nonblank_token, $last_nonblank_type, $last_nonblank_block_type, $last_old_breakpoint_count, $minimum_depth, $next_nonblank_block_type, $next_nonblank_token, $next_nonblank_type, $old_breakpoint_count, $starting_breakpoint_count, $starting_depth, $token, $type, $type_sequence, ); my ( @breakpoint_stack, @breakpoint_undo_stack, @comma_index, @container_type, @identifier_count_stack, @index_before_arrow, @interrupted_list, @item_count_stack, @last_comma_index, @last_dot_index, @last_nonblank_type, @old_breakpoint_count_stack, @opening_structure_index_stack, @rfor_semicolon_list, @has_old_logical_breakpoints, @rand_or_list, @i_equals, ); # routine to define essential variables when we go 'up' to # a new depth sub check_for_new_minimum_depth { my $depth = shift; if ( $depth < $minimum_depth ) { $minimum_depth = $depth; # these arrays need not retain values between calls $breakpoint_stack[$depth] = $starting_breakpoint_count; $container_type[$depth] = ""; $identifier_count_stack[$depth] = 0; $index_before_arrow[$depth] = -1; $interrupted_list[$depth] = 1; $item_count_stack[$depth] = 0; $last_nonblank_type[$depth] = ""; $opening_structure_index_stack[$depth] = -1; $breakpoint_undo_stack[$depth] = undef; $comma_index[$depth] = undef; $last_comma_index[$depth] = undef; $last_dot_index[$depth] = undef; $old_breakpoint_count_stack[$depth] = undef; $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] = 0; $rand_or_list[$depth] = []; $rfor_semicolon_list[$depth] = []; $i_equals[$depth] = -1; # these arrays must retain values between calls if ( !defined( $has_broken_sublist[$depth] ) ) { $dont_align[$depth] = 0; $has_broken_sublist[$depth] = 0; $want_comma_break[$depth] = 0; } } return; } # routine to decide which commas to break at within a container; # returns: # $bp_count = number of comma breakpoints set # $do_not_break_apart = a flag indicating if container need not # be broken open sub set_comma_breakpoints { my $dd = shift; my $bp_count = 0; my $do_not_break_apart = 0; # anything to do? if ( $item_count_stack[$dd] ) { # handle commas not in containers... if ( $dont_align[$dd] ) { do_uncontained_comma_breaks($dd); } # handle commas within containers... else { my $fbc = $forced_breakpoint_count; # always open comma lists not preceded by keywords, # barewords, identifiers (that is, anything that doesn't # look like a function call) my $must_break_open = $last_nonblank_type[$dd] !~ /^[kwiU]$/; set_comma_breakpoints_do( $dd, $opening_structure_index_stack[$dd], $i, $item_count_stack[$dd], $identifier_count_stack[$dd], $comma_index[$dd], $next_nonblank_type, $container_type[$dd], $interrupted_list[$dd], \$do_not_break_apart, $must_break_open, ); $bp_count = $forced_breakpoint_count - $fbc; $do_not_break_apart = 0 if $must_break_open; } } return ( $bp_count, $do_not_break_apart ); } sub do_uncontained_comma_breaks { # Handle commas not in containers... # This is a catch-all routine for commas that we # don't know what to do with because the don't fall # within containers. We will bias the bond strength # to break at commas which ended lines in the input # file. This usually works better than just trying # to put as many items on a line as possible. A # downside is that if the input file is garbage it # won't work very well. However, the user can always # prevent following the old breakpoints with the # -iob flag. my $dd = shift; my $bias = -.01; my $old_comma_break_count = 0; foreach my $ii ( @{ $comma_index[$dd] } ) { if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$ii] ) { $old_comma_break_count++; $bond_strength_to_go[$ii] = $bias; # reduce bias magnitude to force breaks in order $bias *= 0.99; } } # Also put a break before the first comma if # (1) there was a break there in the input, and # (2) there was exactly one old break before the first comma break # (3) OLD: there are multiple old comma breaks # (3) NEW: there are one or more old comma breaks (see return example) # # For example, we will follow the user and break after # 'print' in this snippet: # print # "conformability (Not the same dimension)\n", # "\t", $have, " is ", text_unit($hu), "\n", # "\t", $want, " is ", text_unit($wu), "\n", # ; # # Another example, just one comma, where we will break after # the return: # return # $x * cos($a) - $y * sin($a), # $x * sin($a) + $y * cos($a); # Breaking a print statement: # print SAVEOUT # ( $? & 127 ) ? " (SIG#" . ( $? & 127 ) . ")" : "", # ( $? & 128 ) ? " -- core dumped" : "", "\n"; # # But we will not force a break after the opening paren here # (causes a blinker): # $heap->{stream}->set_output_filter( # poe::filter::reference->new('myotherfreezer') ), # ; # my $i_first_comma = $comma_index[$dd]->[0]; if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$i_first_comma] ) { my $level_comma = $levels_to_go[$i_first_comma]; my $ibreak = -1; my $obp_count = 0; for ( my $ii = $i_first_comma - 1 ; $ii >= 0 ; $ii -= 1 ) { if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$ii] ) { $obp_count++; last if ( $obp_count > 1 ); $ibreak = $ii if ( $levels_to_go[$ii] == $level_comma ); } } # Changed rule from multiple old commas to just one here: if ( $ibreak >= 0 && $obp_count == 1 && $old_comma_break_count > 0 ) { # Do not to break before an opening token because # it can lead to "blinkers". my $ibreakm = $ibreak; $ibreakm-- if ( $types_to_go[$ibreakm] eq 'b' ); if ( $ibreakm >= 0 && $types_to_go[$ibreakm] !~ /^[\(\{\[L]$/ ) { set_forced_breakpoint($ibreak); } } } return; } my %is_logical_container; BEGIN { my @q = qw# if elsif unless while and or err not && | || ? : ! #; @is_logical_container{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub set_for_semicolon_breakpoints { my $dd = shift; foreach ( @{ $rfor_semicolon_list[$dd] } ) { set_forced_breakpoint($_); } return; } sub set_logical_breakpoints { my $dd = shift; if ( $item_count_stack[$dd] == 0 && $is_logical_container{ $container_type[$dd] } || $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$dd] ) { # Look for breaks in this order: # 0 1 2 3 # or and || && foreach my $i ( 0 .. 3 ) { if ( $rand_or_list[$dd][$i] ) { foreach ( @{ $rand_or_list[$dd][$i] } ) { set_forced_breakpoint($_); } # break at any 'if' and 'unless' too foreach ( @{ $rand_or_list[$dd][4] } ) { set_forced_breakpoint($_); } $rand_or_list[$dd] = []; last; } } } return; } sub is_unbreakable_container { # never break a container of one of these types # because bad things can happen (map1.t) my $dd = shift; return $is_sort_map_grep{ $container_type[$dd] }; } sub scan_list { # This routine is responsible for setting line breaks for all lists, # so that hierarchical structure can be displayed and so that list # items can be vertically aligned. The output of this routine is # stored in the array @forced_breakpoint_to_go, which is used to set # final breakpoints. $starting_depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[0]; $block_type = ' '; $current_depth = $starting_depth; $i = -1; $last_colon_sequence_number = -1; $last_nonblank_token = ';'; $last_nonblank_type = ';'; $last_nonblank_block_type = ' '; $last_old_breakpoint_count = 0; $minimum_depth = $current_depth + 1; # forces update in check below $old_breakpoint_count = 0; $starting_breakpoint_count = $forced_breakpoint_count; $token = ';'; $type = ';'; $type_sequence = ''; my $total_depth_variation = 0; my $i_old_assignment_break; my $depth_last = $starting_depth; check_for_new_minimum_depth($current_depth); my $is_long_line = excess_line_length( 0, $max_index_to_go ) > 0; my $want_previous_breakpoint = -1; my $saw_good_breakpoint; my $i_line_end = -1; my $i_line_start = -1; # loop over all tokens in this batch while ( ++$i <= $max_index_to_go ) { if ( $type ne 'b' ) { $i_last_nonblank_token = $i - 1; $last_nonblank_type = $type; $last_nonblank_token = $token; $last_nonblank_block_type = $block_type; } ## end if ( $type ne 'b' ) $type = $types_to_go[$i]; $block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i]; $token = $tokens_to_go[$i]; $type_sequence = $type_sequence_to_go[$i]; my $next_type = $types_to_go[ $i + 1 ]; my $next_token = $tokens_to_go[ $i + 1 ]; my $i_next_nonblank = ( ( $next_type eq 'b' ) ? $i + 2 : $i + 1 ); $next_nonblank_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; $next_nonblank_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; $next_nonblank_block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; # set break if flag was set if ( $want_previous_breakpoint >= 0 ) { set_forced_breakpoint($want_previous_breakpoint); $want_previous_breakpoint = -1; } $last_old_breakpoint_count = $old_breakpoint_count; if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$i] ) { $i_line_end = $i; $i_line_start = $i_next_nonblank; $old_breakpoint_count++; # Break before certain keywords if user broke there and # this is a 'safe' break point. The idea is to retain # any preferred breaks for sequential list operations, # like a schwartzian transform. if ($rOpts_break_at_old_keyword_breakpoints) { if ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $is_keyword_returning_list{$next_nonblank_token} && ( $type =~ /^[=\)\]\}Riw]$/ || $type eq 'k' && $is_keyword_returning_list{$token} ) ) { # we actually have to set this break next time through # the loop because if we are at a closing token (such # as '}') which forms a one-line block, this break might # get undone. $want_previous_breakpoint = $i; } ## end if ( $next_nonblank_type...) } ## end if ($rOpts_break_at_old_keyword_breakpoints) # Break before attributes if user broke there if ($rOpts_break_at_old_attribute_breakpoints) { if ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'A' ) { $want_previous_breakpoint = $i; } } # remember an = break as possible good break point if ( $is_assignment{$type} ) { $i_old_assignment_break = $i; } elsif ( $is_assignment{$next_nonblank_type} ) { $i_old_assignment_break = $i_next_nonblank; } } ## end if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go...) next if ( $type eq 'b' ); $depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[ $i + 1 ]; $total_depth_variation += abs( $depth - $depth_last ); $depth_last = $depth; # safety check - be sure we always break after a comment # Shouldn't happen .. an error here probably means that the # nobreak flag did not get turned off correctly during # formatting. if ( $type eq '#' ) { if ( $i != $max_index_to_go ) { warning( "Non-fatal program bug: backup logic needed to break after a comment\n" ); report_definite_bug(); $nobreak_to_go[$i] = 0; set_forced_breakpoint($i); } ## end if ( $i != $max_index_to_go) } ## end if ( $type eq '#' ) # Force breakpoints at certain tokens in long lines. # Note that such breakpoints will be undone later if these tokens # are fully contained within parens on a line. if ( # break before a keyword within a line $type eq 'k' && $i > 0 # if one of these keywords: && $token =~ /^(if|unless|while|until|for)$/ # but do not break at something like '1 while' && ( $last_nonblank_type ne 'n' || $i > 2 ) # and let keywords follow a closing 'do' brace && $last_nonblank_block_type ne 'do' && ( $is_long_line # or container is broken (by side-comment, etc) || ( $next_nonblank_token eq '(' && $mate_index_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] < $i ) ) ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i - 1 ); } ## end if ( $type eq 'k' && $i...) # remember locations of -> if this is a pre-broken method chain if ( $type eq '->' ) { if ($rOpts_break_at_old_method_breakpoints) { # Case 1: look for lines with leading pointers if ( $i == $i_line_start ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i - 1 ); } # Case 2: look for cuddled pointer calls else { # look for old lines with leading ')->' or ') ->' # and, when found, force a break before the # opening paren and after the previous closing paren. if ( $types_to_go[$i_line_start] eq '}' && ( $i == $i_line_start + 1 || $i == $i_line_start + 2 && $types_to_go[ $i - 1 ] eq 'b' ) ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i_line_start - 1 ); set_forced_breakpoint( $mate_index_to_go[$i_line_start] ); } } } } ## end if ( $type eq '->' ) # remember locations of '||' and '&&' for possible breaks if we # decide this is a long logical expression. elsif ( $type eq '||' ) { push @{ $rand_or_list[$depth][2] }, $i; ++$has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] if ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints ); } ## end elsif ( $type eq '||' ) elsif ( $type eq '&&' ) { push @{ $rand_or_list[$depth][3] }, $i; ++$has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] if ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints ); } ## end elsif ( $type eq '&&' ) elsif ( $type eq 'f' ) { push @{ $rfor_semicolon_list[$depth] }, $i; } elsif ( $type eq 'k' ) { if ( $token eq 'and' ) { push @{ $rand_or_list[$depth][1] }, $i; ++$has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] if ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints ); } ## end if ( $token eq 'and' ) # break immediately at 'or's which are probably not in a logical # block -- but we will break in logical breaks below so that # they do not add to the forced_breakpoint_count elsif ( $token eq 'or' ) { push @{ $rand_or_list[$depth][0] }, $i; ++$has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] if ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints ); if ( $is_logical_container{ $container_type[$depth] } ) { } else { if ($is_long_line) { set_forced_breakpoint($i) } elsif ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints ) { $saw_good_breakpoint = 1; } } ## end else [ if ( $is_logical_container...)] } ## end elsif ( $token eq 'or' ) elsif ( $token eq 'if' || $token eq 'unless' ) { push @{ $rand_or_list[$depth][4] }, $i; if ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_logical_breakpoints ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i); } } ## end elsif ( $token eq 'if' ||...) } ## end elsif ( $type eq 'k' ) elsif ( $is_assignment{$type} ) { $i_equals[$depth] = $i; } if ($type_sequence) { # handle any postponed closing breakpoints if ( $token =~ /^[\)\]\}\:]$/ ) { if ( $type eq ':' ) { $last_colon_sequence_number = $type_sequence; # retain break at a ':' line break if ( ( $i == $i_line_start || $i == $i_line_end ) && $rOpts_break_at_old_ternary_breakpoints ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i); # break at previous '=' if ( $i_equals[$depth] > 0 ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i_equals[$depth] ); $i_equals[$depth] = -1; } } ## end if ( ( $i == $i_line_start...)) } ## end if ( $type eq ':' ) if ( defined( $postponed_breakpoint{$type_sequence} ) ) { my $inc = ( $type eq ':' ) ? 0 : 1; set_forced_breakpoint( $i - $inc ); delete $postponed_breakpoint{$type_sequence}; } } ## end if ( $token =~ /^[\)\]\}\:]$/[{[(]) # set breaks at ?/: if they will get separated (and are # not a ?/: chain), or if the '?' is at the end of the # line elsif ( $token eq '?' ) { my $i_colon = $mate_index_to_go[$i]; if ( $i_colon <= 0 # the ':' is not in this batch || $i == 0 # this '?' is the first token of the line || $i == $max_index_to_go # or this '?' is the last token ) { # don't break at a '?' if preceded by ':' on # this line of previous ?/: pair on this line. # This is an attempt to preserve a chain of ?/: # expressions (elsif2.t). And don't break if # this has a side comment. set_forced_breakpoint($i) unless ( $type_sequence == ( $last_colon_sequence_number + TYPE_SEQUENCE_INCREMENT ) || $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq '#' ); set_closing_breakpoint($i); } ## end if ( $i_colon <= 0 ||...) } ## end elsif ( $token eq '?' ) } ## end if ($type_sequence) #print "LISTX sees: i=$i type=$type tok=$token block=$block_type depth=$depth\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle Increasing Depth.. # # prepare for a new list when depth increases # token $i is a '(','{', or '[' #------------------------------------------------------------ if ( $depth > $current_depth ) { $breakpoint_stack[$depth] = $forced_breakpoint_count; $breakpoint_undo_stack[$depth] = $forced_breakpoint_undo_count; $has_broken_sublist[$depth] = 0; $identifier_count_stack[$depth] = 0; $index_before_arrow[$depth] = -1; $interrupted_list[$depth] = 0; $item_count_stack[$depth] = 0; $last_comma_index[$depth] = undef; $last_dot_index[$depth] = undef; $last_nonblank_type[$depth] = $last_nonblank_type; $old_breakpoint_count_stack[$depth] = $old_breakpoint_count; $opening_structure_index_stack[$depth] = $i; $rand_or_list[$depth] = []; $rfor_semicolon_list[$depth] = []; $i_equals[$depth] = -1; $want_comma_break[$depth] = 0; $container_type[$depth] = ( $last_nonblank_type =~ /^(k|=>|&&|\|\||\?|\:|\.)$/ ) ? $last_nonblank_token : ""; $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] = 0; # if line ends here then signal closing token to break if ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'b' || $next_nonblank_type eq '#' ) { set_closing_breakpoint($i); } # Not all lists of values should be vertically aligned.. $dont_align[$depth] = # code BLOCKS are handled at a higher level ( $block_type ne "" ) # certain paren lists || ( $type eq '(' ) && ( # it does not usually look good to align a list of # identifiers in a parameter list, as in: # my($var1, $var2, ...) # (This test should probably be refined, for now I'm just # testing for any keyword) ( $last_nonblank_type eq 'k' ) # a trailing '(' usually indicates a non-list || ( $next_nonblank_type eq '(' ) ); # patch to outdent opening brace of long if/for/.. # statements (like this one). See similar coding in # set_continuation breaks. We have also catch it here for # short line fragments which otherwise will not go through # set_continuation_breaks. if ( $block_type # if we have the ')' but not its '(' in this batch.. && ( $last_nonblank_token eq ')' ) && $mate_index_to_go[$i_last_nonblank_token] < 0 # and user wants brace to left && !$rOpts->{'opening-brace-always-on-right'} && ( $type eq '{' ) # should be true && ( $token eq '{' ) # should be true ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i - 1 ); } ## end if ( $block_type && ( ...)) } ## end if ( $depth > $current_depth) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle Decreasing Depth.. # # finish off any old list when depth decreases # token $i is a ')','}', or ']' #------------------------------------------------------------ elsif ( $depth < $current_depth ) { check_for_new_minimum_depth($depth); # force all outer logical containers to break after we see on # old breakpoint $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$depth] ||= $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$current_depth]; # Patch to break between ') {' if the paren list is broken. # There is similar logic in set_continuation_breaks for # non-broken lists. if ( $token eq ')' && $next_nonblank_block_type && $interrupted_list[$current_depth] && $next_nonblank_type eq '{' && !$rOpts->{'opening-brace-always-on-right'} ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i); } ## end if ( $token eq ')' && ... #print "LISTY sees: i=$i type=$type tok=$token block=$block_type depth=$depth next=$next_nonblank_type next_block=$next_nonblank_block_type inter=$interrupted_list[$current_depth]\n"; # set breaks at commas if necessary my ( $bp_count, $do_not_break_apart ) = set_comma_breakpoints($current_depth); my $i_opening = $opening_structure_index_stack[$current_depth]; my $saw_opening_structure = ( $i_opening >= 0 ); # this term is long if we had to break at interior commas.. my $is_long_term = $bp_count > 0; # If this is a short container with one or more comma arrows, # then we will mark it as a long term to open it if requested. # $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints = # 0 - open only if comma precedes closing brace # 1 - stable: except for one line blocks # 2 - try to form 1 line blocks # 3 - ignore => # 4 - always open up if vt=0 # 5 - stable: even for one line blocks if vt=0 if ( !$is_long_term && $tokens_to_go[$i_opening] =~ /^[\(\{\[]$/ && $index_before_arrow[ $depth + 1 ] > 0 && !$opening_vertical_tightness{ $tokens_to_go[$i_opening] } ) { $is_long_term = $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints == 4 || ( $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints == 0 && $last_nonblank_token eq ',' ) || ( $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints == 5 && $old_breakpoint_to_go[$i_opening] ); } ## end if ( !$is_long_term &&...) # mark term as long if the length between opening and closing # parens exceeds allowed line length if ( !$is_long_term && $saw_opening_structure ) { my $i_opening_minus = find_token_starting_list($i_opening); # Note: we have to allow for one extra space after a # closing token so that we do not strand a comma or # semicolon, hence the '>=' here (oneline.t) # Note: we ignore left weld lengths here for best results $is_long_term = excess_line_length( $i_opening_minus, $i, 1 ) >= 0; } ## end if ( !$is_long_term &&...) # We've set breaks after all comma-arrows. Now we have to # undo them if this can be a one-line block # (the only breakpoints set will be due to comma-arrows) if ( # user doesn't require breaking after all comma-arrows ( $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints != 0 ) && ( $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints != 4 ) # and if the opening structure is in this batch && $saw_opening_structure # and either on the same old line && ( $old_breakpoint_count_stack[$current_depth] == $last_old_breakpoint_count # or user wants to form long blocks with arrows || $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints == 2 ) # and we made some breakpoints between the opening and closing && ( $breakpoint_undo_stack[$current_depth] < $forced_breakpoint_undo_count ) # and this block is short enough to fit on one line # Note: use < because need 1 more space for possible comma && !$is_long_term ) { undo_forced_breakpoint_stack( $breakpoint_undo_stack[$current_depth] ); } ## end if ( ( $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints...)) # now see if we have any comma breakpoints left my $has_comma_breakpoints = ( $breakpoint_stack[$current_depth] != $forced_breakpoint_count ); # update broken-sublist flag of the outer container $has_broken_sublist[$depth] = $has_broken_sublist[$depth] || $has_broken_sublist[$current_depth] || $is_long_term || $has_comma_breakpoints; # Having come to the closing ')', '}', or ']', now we have to decide if we # should 'open up' the structure by placing breaks at the opening and # closing containers. This is a tricky decision. Here are some of the # basic considerations: # # -If this is a BLOCK container, then any breakpoints will have already # been set (and according to user preferences), so we need do nothing here. # # -If we have a comma-separated list for which we can align the list items, # then we need to do so because otherwise the vertical aligner cannot # currently do the alignment. # # -If this container does itself contain a container which has been broken # open, then it should be broken open to properly show the structure. # # -If there is nothing to align, and no other reason to break apart, # then do not do it. # # We will not break open the parens of a long but 'simple' logical expression. # For example: # # This is an example of a simple logical expression and its formatting: # # if ( $bigwasteofspace1 && $bigwasteofspace2 # || $bigwasteofspace3 && $bigwasteofspace4 ) # # Most people would prefer this than the 'spacey' version: # # if ( # $bigwasteofspace1 && $bigwasteofspace2 # || $bigwasteofspace3 && $bigwasteofspace4 # ) # # To illustrate the rules for breaking logical expressions, consider: # # FULLY DENSE: # if ( $opt_excl # and ( exists $ids_excl_uc{$id_uc} # or grep $id_uc =~ /$_/, @ids_excl_uc )) # # This is on the verge of being difficult to read. The current default is to # open it up like this: # # DEFAULT: # if ( # $opt_excl # and ( exists $ids_excl_uc{$id_uc} # or grep $id_uc =~ /$_/, @ids_excl_uc ) # ) # # This is a compromise which tries to avoid being too dense and to spacey. # A more spaced version would be: # # SPACEY: # if ( # $opt_excl # and ( # exists $ids_excl_uc{$id_uc} # or grep $id_uc =~ /$_/, @ids_excl_uc # ) # ) # # Some people might prefer the spacey version -- an option could be added. The # innermost expression contains a long block '( exists $ids_... ')'. # # Here is how the logic goes: We will force a break at the 'or' that the # innermost expression contains, but we will not break apart its opening and # closing containers because (1) it contains no multi-line sub-containers itself, # and (2) there is no alignment to be gained by breaking it open like this # # and ( # exists $ids_excl_uc{$id_uc} # or grep $id_uc =~ /$_/, @ids_excl_uc # ) # # (although this looks perfectly ok and might be good for long expressions). The # outer 'if' container, though, contains a broken sub-container, so it will be # broken open to avoid too much density. Also, since it contains no 'or's, there # will be a forced break at its 'and'. # set some flags telling something about this container.. my $is_simple_logical_expression = 0; if ( $item_count_stack[$current_depth] == 0 && $saw_opening_structure && $tokens_to_go[$i_opening] eq '(' && $is_logical_container{ $container_type[$current_depth] } ) { # This seems to be a simple logical expression with # no existing breakpoints. Set a flag to prevent # opening it up. if ( !$has_comma_breakpoints ) { $is_simple_logical_expression = 1; } # This seems to be a simple logical expression with # breakpoints (broken sublists, for example). Break # at all 'or's and '||'s. else { set_logical_breakpoints($current_depth); } } ## end if ( $item_count_stack...) if ( $is_long_term && @{ $rfor_semicolon_list[$current_depth] } ) { set_for_semicolon_breakpoints($current_depth); # open up a long 'for' or 'foreach' container to allow # leading term alignment unless -lp is used. $has_comma_breakpoints = 1 unless $rOpts_line_up_parentheses; } ## end if ( $is_long_term && ...) if ( # breaks for code BLOCKS are handled at a higher level !$block_type # we do not need to break at the top level of an 'if' # type expression && !$is_simple_logical_expression ## modification to keep ': (' containers vertically tight; ## but probably better to let user set -vt=1 to avoid ## inconsistency with other paren types ## && ($container_type[$current_depth] ne ':') # otherwise, we require one of these reasons for breaking: && ( # - this term has forced line breaks $has_comma_breakpoints # - the opening container is separated from this batch # for some reason (comment, blank line, code block) # - this is a non-paren container spanning multiple lines || !$saw_opening_structure # - this is a long block contained in another breakable # container || ( $is_long_term && $container_environment_to_go[$i_opening] ne 'BLOCK' ) ) ) { # For -lp option, we must put a breakpoint before # the token which has been identified as starting # this indentation level. This is necessary for # proper alignment. if ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && $saw_opening_structure ) { my $item = $leading_spaces_to_go[ $i_opening + 1 ]; if ( $i_opening + 1 < $max_index_to_go && $types_to_go[ $i_opening + 1 ] eq 'b' ) { $item = $leading_spaces_to_go[ $i_opening + 2 ]; } if ( defined($item) ) { my $i_start_2 = $item->get_starting_index(); if ( defined($i_start_2) # we are breaking after an opening brace, paren, # so don't break before it too && $i_start_2 ne $i_opening ) { # Only break for breakpoints at the same # indentation level as the opening paren my $test1 = $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_opening]; my $test2 = $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_start_2]; if ( $test2 == $test1 ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i_start_2 - 1 ); } } ## end if ( defined($i_start_2...)) } ## end if ( defined($item) ) } ## end if ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses...) # break after opening structure. # note: break before closing structure will be automatic if ( $minimum_depth <= $current_depth ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_opening) unless ( $do_not_break_apart || is_unbreakable_container($current_depth) ); # break at ',' of lower depth level before opening token if ( $last_comma_index[$depth] ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $last_comma_index[$depth] ); } # break at '.' of lower depth level before opening token if ( $last_dot_index[$depth] ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $last_dot_index[$depth] ); } # break before opening structure if preceded by another # closing structure and a comma. This is normally # done by the previous closing brace, but not # if it was a one-line block. if ( $i_opening > 2 ) { my $i_prev = ( $types_to_go[ $i_opening - 1 ] eq 'b' ) ? $i_opening - 2 : $i_opening - 1; if ( $types_to_go[$i_prev] eq ',' && $types_to_go[ $i_prev - 1 ] =~ /^[\)\}]$/ ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_prev); } # also break before something like ':(' or '?(' # if appropriate. elsif ( $types_to_go[$i_prev] =~ /^([k\:\?]|&&|\|\|)$/ ) { my $token_prev = $tokens_to_go[$i_prev]; if ( $want_break_before{$token_prev} ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_prev); } } ## end elsif ( $types_to_go[$i_prev...]) } ## end if ( $i_opening > 2 ) } ## end if ( $minimum_depth <=...) # break after comma following closing structure if ( $next_type eq ',' ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $i + 1 ); } # break before an '=' following closing structure if ( $is_assignment{$next_nonblank_type} && ( $breakpoint_stack[$current_depth] != $forced_breakpoint_count ) ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i); } ## end if ( $is_assignment{$next_nonblank_type...}) # break at any comma before the opening structure Added # for -lp, but seems to be good in general. It isn't # obvious how far back to look; the '5' below seems to # work well and will catch the comma in something like # push @list, myfunc( $param, $param, .. my $icomma = $last_comma_index[$depth]; if ( defined($icomma) && ( $i_opening - $icomma ) < 5 ) { unless ( $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$icomma] ) { set_forced_breakpoint($icomma); } } } # end logic to open up a container # Break open a logical container open if it was already open elsif ($is_simple_logical_expression && $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$current_depth] ) { set_logical_breakpoints($current_depth); } # Handle long container which does not get opened up elsif ($is_long_term) { # must set fake breakpoint to alert outer containers that # they are complex set_fake_breakpoint(); } ## end elsif ($is_long_term) } ## end elsif ( $depth < $current_depth) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle this token #------------------------------------------------------------ $current_depth = $depth; # handle comma-arrow if ( $type eq '=>' ) { next if ( $last_nonblank_type eq '=>' ); next if $rOpts_break_at_old_comma_breakpoints; next if $rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints == 3; $want_comma_break[$depth] = 1; $index_before_arrow[$depth] = $i_last_nonblank_token; next; } ## end if ( $type eq '=>' ) elsif ( $type eq '.' ) { $last_dot_index[$depth] = $i; } # Turn off alignment if we are sure that this is not a list # environment. To be safe, we will do this if we see certain # non-list tokens, such as ';', and also the environment is # not a list. Note that '=' could be in any of the = operators # (lextest.t). We can't just use the reported environment # because it can be incorrect in some cases. elsif ( ( $type =~ /^[\;\<\>\~]$/ || $is_assignment{$type} ) && $container_environment_to_go[$i] ne 'LIST' ) { $dont_align[$depth] = 1; $want_comma_break[$depth] = 0; $index_before_arrow[$depth] = -1; } ## end elsif ( ( $type =~ /^[\;\<\>\~]$/...)) # now just handle any commas next unless ( $type eq ',' ); $last_dot_index[$depth] = undef; $last_comma_index[$depth] = $i; # break here if this comma follows a '=>' # but not if there is a side comment after the comma if ( $want_comma_break[$depth] ) { if ( $next_nonblank_type =~ /^[\)\}\]R]$/ ) { if ($rOpts_comma_arrow_breakpoints) { $want_comma_break[$depth] = 0; next; } } set_forced_breakpoint($i) unless ( $next_nonblank_type eq '#' ); # break before the previous token if it looks safe # Example of something that we will not try to break before: # DBI::SQL_SMALLINT() => $ado_consts->{adSmallInt}, # Also we don't want to break at a binary operator (like +): # $c->createOval( # $x + $R, $y + # $R => $x - $R, # $y - $R, -fill => 'black', # ); my $ibreak = $index_before_arrow[$depth] - 1; if ( $ibreak > 0 && $tokens_to_go[ $ibreak + 1 ] !~ /^[\)\}\]]$/ ) { if ( $tokens_to_go[$ibreak] eq '-' ) { $ibreak-- } if ( $types_to_go[$ibreak] eq 'b' ) { $ibreak-- } if ( $types_to_go[$ibreak] =~ /^[,wiZCUG\(\{\[]$/ ) { # don't break pointer calls, such as the following: # File::Spec->curdir => 1, # (This is tokenized as adjacent 'w' tokens) ##if ( $tokens_to_go[ $ibreak + 1 ] !~ /^->/ ) { # And don't break before a comma, as in the following: # ( LONGER_THAN,=> 1, # EIGHTY_CHARACTERS,=> 2, # CAUSES_FORMATTING,=> 3, # LIKE_THIS,=> 4, # ); # This example is for -tso but should be general rule if ( $tokens_to_go[ $ibreak + 1 ] ne '->' && $tokens_to_go[ $ibreak + 1 ] ne ',' ) { set_forced_breakpoint($ibreak); } } ## end if ( $types_to_go[$ibreak...]) } ## end if ( $ibreak > 0 && $tokens_to_go...) $want_comma_break[$depth] = 0; $index_before_arrow[$depth] = -1; # handle list which mixes '=>'s and ','s: # treat any list items so far as an interrupted list $interrupted_list[$depth] = 1; next; } ## end if ( $want_comma_break...) # break after all commas above starting depth if ( $depth < $starting_depth && !$dont_align[$depth] ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i) unless ( $next_nonblank_type eq '#' ); next; } # add this comma to the list.. my $item_count = $item_count_stack[$depth]; if ( $item_count == 0 ) { # but do not form a list with no opening structure # for example: # open INFILE_COPY, ">$input_file_copy" # or die ("very long message"); if ( ( $opening_structure_index_stack[$depth] < 0 ) && $container_environment_to_go[$i] eq 'BLOCK' ) { $dont_align[$depth] = 1; } } ## end if ( $item_count == 0 ) $comma_index[$depth][$item_count] = $i; ++$item_count_stack[$depth]; if ( $last_nonblank_type =~ /^[iR\]]$/ ) { $identifier_count_stack[$depth]++; } } ## end while ( ++$i <= $max_index_to_go) #------------------------------------------- # end of loop over all tokens in this batch #------------------------------------------- # set breaks for any unfinished lists .. for ( my $dd = $current_depth ; $dd >= $minimum_depth ; $dd-- ) { $interrupted_list[$dd] = 1; $has_broken_sublist[$dd] = 1 if ( $dd < $current_depth ); set_comma_breakpoints($dd); set_logical_breakpoints($dd) if ( $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$dd] ); set_for_semicolon_breakpoints($dd); # break open container... my $i_opening = $opening_structure_index_stack[$dd]; set_forced_breakpoint($i_opening) unless ( is_unbreakable_container($dd) # Avoid a break which would place an isolated ' or " # on a line || ( $type eq 'Q' && $i_opening >= $max_index_to_go - 2 && $token =~ /^['"]$/ ) ); } ## end for ( my $dd = $current_depth...) # Return a flag indicating if the input file had some good breakpoints. # This flag will be used to force a break in a line shorter than the # allowed line length. if ( $has_old_logical_breakpoints[$current_depth] ) { $saw_good_breakpoint = 1; } # A complex line with one break at an = has a good breakpoint. # This is not complex ($total_depth_variation=0): # $res1 # = 10; # # This is complex ($total_depth_variation=6): # $res2 = # (is_boundp("a", 'self-insert') && is_boundp("b", 'self-insert')); elsif ($i_old_assignment_break && $total_depth_variation > 4 && $old_breakpoint_count == 1 ) { $saw_good_breakpoint = 1; } ## end elsif ( $i_old_assignment_break...) return $saw_good_breakpoint; } ## end sub scan_list } # end scan_list sub find_token_starting_list { # When testing to see if a block will fit on one line, some # previous token(s) may also need to be on the line; particularly # if this is a sub call. So we will look back at least one # token. NOTE: This isn't perfect, but not critical, because # if we mis-identify a block, it will be wrapped and therefore # fixed the next time it is formatted. my $i_opening_paren = shift; my $i_opening_minus = $i_opening_paren; my $im1 = $i_opening_paren - 1; my $im2 = $i_opening_paren - 2; my $im3 = $i_opening_paren - 3; my $typem1 = $types_to_go[$im1]; my $typem2 = $im2 >= 0 ? $types_to_go[$im2] : 'b'; if ( $typem1 eq ',' || ( $typem1 eq 'b' && $typem2 eq ',' ) ) { $i_opening_minus = $i_opening_paren; } elsif ( $tokens_to_go[$i_opening_paren] eq '(' ) { $i_opening_minus = $im1 if $im1 >= 0; # walk back to improve length estimate for ( my $j = $im1 ; $j >= 0 ; $j-- ) { last if ( $types_to_go[$j] =~ /^[\(\[\{L\}\]\)Rb,]$/ ); $i_opening_minus = $j; } if ( $types_to_go[$i_opening_minus] eq 'b' ) { $i_opening_minus++ } } elsif ( $typem1 eq 'k' ) { $i_opening_minus = $im1 } elsif ( $typem1 eq 'b' && $im2 >= 0 && $types_to_go[$im2] eq 'k' ) { $i_opening_minus = $im2; } return $i_opening_minus; } { # begin set_comma_breakpoints_do my %is_keyword_with_special_leading_term; BEGIN { # These keywords have prototypes which allow a special leading item # followed by a list my @q = qw(formline grep kill map printf sprintf push chmod join pack unshift); @is_keyword_with_special_leading_term{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub set_comma_breakpoints_do { # Given a list with some commas, set breakpoints at some of the # commas, if necessary, to make it easy to read. This list is # an example: my ( $depth, $i_opening_paren, $i_closing_paren, $item_count, $identifier_count, $rcomma_index, $next_nonblank_type, $list_type, $interrupted, $rdo_not_break_apart, $must_break_open, ) = @_; # nothing to do if no commas seen return if ( $item_count < 1 ); my $i_first_comma = $rcomma_index->[0]; my $i_true_last_comma = $rcomma_index->[ $item_count - 1 ]; my $i_last_comma = $i_true_last_comma; if ( $i_last_comma >= $max_index_to_go ) { $i_last_comma = $rcomma_index->[ --$item_count - 1 ]; return if ( $item_count < 1 ); } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # find lengths of all items in the list to calculate page layout #--------------------------------------------------------------- my $comma_count = $item_count; my @item_lengths; my @i_term_begin; my @i_term_end; my @i_term_comma; my $i_prev_plus; my @max_length = ( 0, 0 ); my $first_term_length; my $i = $i_opening_paren; my $is_odd = 1; foreach my $j ( 0 .. $comma_count - 1 ) { $is_odd = 1 - $is_odd; $i_prev_plus = $i + 1; $i = $rcomma_index->[$j]; my $i_term_end = ( $types_to_go[ $i - 1 ] eq 'b' ) ? $i - 2 : $i - 1; my $i_term_begin = ( $types_to_go[$i_prev_plus] eq 'b' ) ? $i_prev_plus + 1 : $i_prev_plus; push @i_term_begin, $i_term_begin; push @i_term_end, $i_term_end; push @i_term_comma, $i; # note: currently adding 2 to all lengths (for comma and space) my $length = 2 + token_sequence_length( $i_term_begin, $i_term_end ); push @item_lengths, $length; if ( $j == 0 ) { $first_term_length = $length; } else { if ( $length > $max_length[$is_odd] ) { $max_length[$is_odd] = $length; } } } # now we have to make a distinction between the comma count and item # count, because the item count will be one greater than the comma # count if the last item is not terminated with a comma my $i_b = ( $types_to_go[ $i_last_comma + 1 ] eq 'b' ) ? $i_last_comma + 1 : $i_last_comma; my $i_e = ( $types_to_go[ $i_closing_paren - 1 ] eq 'b' ) ? $i_closing_paren - 2 : $i_closing_paren - 1; my $i_effective_last_comma = $i_last_comma; my $last_item_length = token_sequence_length( $i_b + 1, $i_e ); if ( $last_item_length > 0 ) { # add 2 to length because other lengths include a comma and a blank $last_item_length += 2; push @item_lengths, $last_item_length; push @i_term_begin, $i_b + 1; push @i_term_end, $i_e; push @i_term_comma, undef; my $i_odd = $item_count % 2; if ( $last_item_length > $max_length[$i_odd] ) { $max_length[$i_odd] = $last_item_length; } $item_count++; $i_effective_last_comma = $i_e + 1; if ( $types_to_go[ $i_b + 1 ] =~ /^[iR\]]$/ ) { $identifier_count++; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # End of length calculations #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Compound List Rule 1: # Break at (almost) every comma for a list containing a broken # sublist. This has higher priority than the Interrupted List # Rule. #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $has_broken_sublist[$depth] ) { # Break at every comma except for a comma between two # simple, small terms. This prevents long vertical # columns of, say, just 0's. my $small_length = 10; # 2 + actual maximum length wanted # We'll insert a break in long runs of small terms to # allow alignment in uniform tables. my $skipped_count = 0; my $columns = table_columns_available($i_first_comma); my $fields = int( $columns / $small_length ); if ( $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table && $fields > $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table ) { $fields = $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table; } my $max_skipped_count = $fields - 1; my $is_simple_last_term = 0; my $is_simple_next_term = 0; foreach my $j ( 0 .. $item_count ) { $is_simple_last_term = $is_simple_next_term; $is_simple_next_term = 0; if ( $j < $item_count && $i_term_end[$j] == $i_term_begin[$j] && $item_lengths[$j] <= $small_length ) { $is_simple_next_term = 1; } next if $j == 0; if ( $is_simple_last_term && $is_simple_next_term && $skipped_count < $max_skipped_count ) { $skipped_count++; } else { $skipped_count = 0; my $i = $i_term_comma[ $j - 1 ]; last unless defined $i; set_forced_breakpoint($i); } } # always break at the last comma if this list is # interrupted; we wouldn't want to leave a terminal '{', for # example. if ($interrupted) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_true_last_comma) } return; } #my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); #print "LISTX: in set_list $a $c interrupt=$interrupted count=$item_count #i_first = $i_first_comma i_last=$i_last_comma max=$max_index_to_go\n"; #print "depth=$depth has_broken=$has_broken_sublist[$depth] is_multi=$is_multiline opening_paren=($i_opening_paren) \n"; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Interrupted List Rule: # A list is forced to use old breakpoints if it was interrupted # by side comments or blank lines, or requested by user. #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $rOpts_break_at_old_comma_breakpoints || $interrupted || $i_opening_paren < 0 ) { copy_old_breakpoints( $i_first_comma, $i_true_last_comma ); return; } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Looks like a list of items. We have to look at it and size it up. #--------------------------------------------------------------- my $opening_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_opening_paren]; my $opening_environment = $container_environment_to_go[$i_opening_paren]; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return if this will fit on one line #------------------------------------------------------------------- my $i_opening_minus = find_token_starting_list($i_opening_paren); return unless excess_line_length( $i_opening_minus, $i_closing_paren ) > 0; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now we know that this block spans multiple lines; we have to set # at least one breakpoint -- real or fake -- as a signal to break # open any outer containers. #------------------------------------------------------------------- set_fake_breakpoint(); # be sure we do not extend beyond the current list length if ( $i_effective_last_comma >= $max_index_to_go ) { $i_effective_last_comma = $max_index_to_go - 1; } # Set a flag indicating if we need to break open to keep -lp # items aligned. This is necessary if any of the list terms # exceeds the available space after the '('. my $need_lp_break_open = $must_break_open; if ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && !$must_break_open ) { my $columns_if_unbroken = maximum_line_length($i_opening_minus) - total_line_length( $i_opening_minus, $i_opening_paren ); $need_lp_break_open = ( $max_length[0] > $columns_if_unbroken ) || ( $max_length[1] > $columns_if_unbroken ) || ( $first_term_length > $columns_if_unbroken ); } # Specify if the list must have an even number of fields or not. # It is generally safest to assume an even number, because the # list items might be a hash list. But if we can be sure that # it is not a hash, then we can allow an odd number for more # flexibility. my $odd_or_even = 2; # 1 = odd field count ok, 2 = want even count if ( $identifier_count >= $item_count - 1 || $is_assignment{$next_nonblank_type} || ( $list_type && $list_type ne '=>' && $list_type !~ /^[\:\?]$/ ) ) { $odd_or_even = 1; } # do we have a long first term which should be # left on a line by itself? my $use_separate_first_term = ( $odd_or_even == 1 # only if we can use 1 field/line && $item_count > 3 # need several items && $first_term_length > 2 * $max_length[0] - 2 # need long first term && $first_term_length > 2 * $max_length[1] - 2 # need long first term ); # or do we know from the type of list that the first term should # be placed alone? if ( !$use_separate_first_term ) { if ( $is_keyword_with_special_leading_term{$list_type} ) { $use_separate_first_term = 1; # should the container be broken open? if ( $item_count < 3 ) { if ( $i_first_comma - $i_opening_paren < 4 ) { ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; } } elsif ($first_term_length < 20 && $i_first_comma - $i_opening_paren < 4 ) { my $columns = table_columns_available($i_first_comma); if ( $first_term_length < $columns ) { ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; } } } } # if so, if ($use_separate_first_term) { # ..set a break and update starting values $use_separate_first_term = 1; set_forced_breakpoint($i_first_comma); $i_opening_paren = $i_first_comma; $i_first_comma = $rcomma_index->[1]; $item_count--; return if $comma_count == 1; shift @item_lengths; shift @i_term_begin; shift @i_term_end; shift @i_term_comma; } # if not, update the metrics to include the first term else { if ( $first_term_length > $max_length[0] ) { $max_length[0] = $first_term_length; } } # Field width parameters my $pair_width = ( $max_length[0] + $max_length[1] ); my $max_width = ( $max_length[0] > $max_length[1] ) ? $max_length[0] : $max_length[1]; # Number of free columns across the page width for laying out tables my $columns = table_columns_available($i_first_comma); # Estimated maximum number of fields which fit this space # This will be our first guess my $number_of_fields_max = maximum_number_of_fields( $columns, $odd_or_even, $max_width, $pair_width ); my $number_of_fields = $number_of_fields_max; # Find the best-looking number of fields # and make this our second guess if possible my ( $number_of_fields_best, $ri_ragged_break_list, $new_identifier_count ) = study_list_complexity( \@i_term_begin, \@i_term_end, \@item_lengths, $max_width ); if ( $number_of_fields_best != 0 && $number_of_fields_best < $number_of_fields_max ) { $number_of_fields = $number_of_fields_best; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If we are crowded and the -lp option is being used, try to # undo some indentation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && ( $number_of_fields == 0 || ( $number_of_fields == 1 && $number_of_fields != $number_of_fields_best ) ) ) { my $available_spaces = get_available_spaces_to_go($i_first_comma); if ( $available_spaces > 0 ) { my $spaces_wanted = $max_width - $columns; # for 1 field if ( $number_of_fields_best == 0 ) { $number_of_fields_best = get_maximum_fields_wanted( \@item_lengths ); } if ( $number_of_fields_best != 1 ) { my $spaces_wanted_2 = 1 + $pair_width - $columns; # for 2 fields if ( $available_spaces > $spaces_wanted_2 ) { $spaces_wanted = $spaces_wanted_2; } } if ( $spaces_wanted > 0 ) { my $deleted_spaces = reduce_lp_indentation( $i_first_comma, $spaces_wanted ); # redo the math if ( $deleted_spaces > 0 ) { $columns = table_columns_available($i_first_comma); $number_of_fields_max = maximum_number_of_fields( $columns, $odd_or_even, $max_width, $pair_width ); $number_of_fields = $number_of_fields_max; if ( $number_of_fields_best == 1 && $number_of_fields >= 1 ) { $number_of_fields = $number_of_fields_best; } } } } } # try for one column if two won't work if ( $number_of_fields <= 0 ) { $number_of_fields = int( $columns / $max_width ); } # The user can place an upper bound on the number of fields, # which can be useful for doing maintenance on tables if ( $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table && $number_of_fields > $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table ) { $number_of_fields = $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table; } # How many columns (characters) and lines would this container take # if no additional whitespace were added? my $packed_columns = token_sequence_length( $i_opening_paren + 1, $i_effective_last_comma + 1 ); if ( $columns <= 0 ) { $columns = 1 } # avoid divide by zero my $packed_lines = 1 + int( $packed_columns / $columns ); # are we an item contained in an outer list? my $in_hierarchical_list = $next_nonblank_type =~ /^[\}\,]$/; if ( $number_of_fields <= 0 ) { # #--------------------------------------------------------------- # # We're in trouble. We can't find a single field width that works. # # There is no simple answer here; we may have a single long list # # item, or many. # #--------------------------------------------------------------- # # In many cases, it may be best to not force a break if there is just one # comma, because the standard continuation break logic will do a better # job without it. # # In the common case that all but one of the terms can fit # on a single line, it may look better not to break open the # containing parens. Consider, for example # # $color = # join ( '/', # sort { $color_value{$::a} <=> $color_value{$::b}; } # keys %colors ); # # which will look like this with the container broken: # # $color = join ( # '/', # sort { $color_value{$::a} <=> $color_value{$::b}; } keys %colors # ); # # Here is an example of this rule for a long last term: # # log_message( 0, 256, 128, # "Number of routes in adj-RIB-in to be considered: $peercount" ); # # And here is an example with a long first term: # # $s = sprintf( # "%2d wallclock secs (%$f usr %$f sys + %$f cusr %$f csys = %$f CPU)", # $r, $pu, $ps, $cu, $cs, $tt # ) # if $style eq 'all'; my $i_last_comma = $rcomma_index->[ $comma_count - 1 ]; my $long_last_term = excess_line_length( 0, $i_last_comma ) <= 0; my $long_first_term = excess_line_length( $i_first_comma + 1, $max_index_to_go ) <= 0; # break at every comma ... if ( # if requested by user or is best looking $number_of_fields_best == 1 # or if this is a sublist of a larger list || $in_hierarchical_list # or if multiple commas and we don't have a long first or last # term || ( $comma_count > 1 && !( $long_last_term || $long_first_term ) ) ) { foreach ( 0 .. $comma_count - 1 ) { set_forced_breakpoint( $rcomma_index->[$_] ); } } elsif ($long_last_term) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_last_comma); ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1 unless $must_break_open; } elsif ($long_first_term) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_first_comma); } else { # let breaks be defined by default bond strength logic } return; } # -------------------------------------------------------- # We have a tentative field count that seems to work. # How many lines will this require? # -------------------------------------------------------- my $formatted_lines = $item_count / ($number_of_fields); if ( $formatted_lines != int $formatted_lines ) { $formatted_lines = 1 + int $formatted_lines; } # So far we've been trying to fill out to the right margin. But # compact tables are easier to read, so let's see if we can use fewer # fields without increasing the number of lines. $number_of_fields = compactify_table( $item_count, $number_of_fields, $formatted_lines, $odd_or_even ); # How many spaces across the page will we fill? my $columns_per_line = ( int $number_of_fields / 2 ) * $pair_width + ( $number_of_fields % 2 ) * $max_width; my $formatted_columns; if ( $number_of_fields > 1 ) { $formatted_columns = ( $pair_width * ( int( $item_count / 2 ) ) + ( $item_count % 2 ) * $max_width ); } else { $formatted_columns = $max_width * $item_count; } if ( $formatted_columns < $packed_columns ) { $formatted_columns = $packed_columns; } my $unused_columns = $formatted_columns - $packed_columns; # set some empirical parameters to help decide if we should try to # align; high sparsity does not look good, especially with few lines my $sparsity = ($unused_columns) / ($formatted_columns); my $max_allowed_sparsity = ( $item_count < 3 ) ? 0.1 : ( $packed_lines == 1 ) ? 0.15 : ( $packed_lines == 2 ) ? 0.4 : 0.7; # Begin check for shortcut methods, which avoid treating a list # as a table for relatively small parenthesized lists. These # are usually easier to read if not formatted as tables. if ( $packed_lines <= 2 # probably can fit in 2 lines && $item_count < 9 # doesn't have too many items && $opening_environment eq 'BLOCK' # not a sub-container && $opening_token eq '(' # is paren list ) { # Shortcut method 1: for -lp and just one comma: # This is a no-brainer, just break at the comma. if ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses # -lp && $item_count == 2 # two items, one comma && !$must_break_open ) { my $i_break = $rcomma_index->[0]; set_forced_breakpoint($i_break); ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; return; } # method 2 is for most small ragged lists which might look # best if not displayed as a table. if ( ( $number_of_fields == 2 && $item_count == 3 ) || ( $new_identifier_count > 0 # isn't all quotes && $sparsity > 0.15 ) # would be fairly spaced gaps if aligned ) { my $break_count = set_ragged_breakpoints( \@i_term_comma, $ri_ragged_break_list ); ++$break_count if ($use_separate_first_term); # NOTE: we should really use the true break count here, # which can be greater if there are large terms and # little space, but usually this will work well enough. unless ($must_break_open) { if ( $break_count <= 1 ) { ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; } elsif ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && !$need_lp_break_open ) { ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; } } return; } } # end shortcut methods # debug stuff FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_SPARSE && do { print STDOUT "SPARSE:cols=$columns commas=$comma_count items:$item_count ids=$identifier_count pairwidth=$pair_width fields=$number_of_fields lines packed: $packed_lines packed_cols=$packed_columns fmtd:$formatted_lines cols /line:$columns_per_line unused:$unused_columns fmtd:$formatted_columns sparsity=$sparsity allow=$max_allowed_sparsity\n"; }; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Compound List Rule 2: # If this list is too long for one line, and it is an item of a # larger list, then we must format it, regardless of sparsity # (ian.t). One reason that we have to do this is to trigger # Compound List Rule 1, above, which causes breaks at all commas of # all outer lists. In this way, the structure will be properly # displayed. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Decide if this list is too long for one line unless broken my $total_columns = table_columns_available($i_opening_paren); my $too_long = $packed_columns > $total_columns; # For a paren list, include the length of the token just before the # '(' because this is likely a sub call, and we would have to # include the sub name on the same line as the list. This is still # imprecise, but not too bad. (steve.t) if ( !$too_long && $i_opening_paren > 0 && $opening_token eq '(' ) { $too_long = excess_line_length( $i_opening_minus, $i_effective_last_comma + 1 ) > 0; } # FIXME: For an item after a '=>', try to include the length of the # thing before the '=>'. This is crude and should be improved by # actually looking back token by token. if ( !$too_long && $i_opening_paren > 0 && $list_type eq '=>' ) { my $i_opening_minus = $i_opening_paren - 4; if ( $i_opening_minus >= 0 ) { $too_long = excess_line_length( $i_opening_minus, $i_effective_last_comma + 1 ) > 0; } } # Always break lists contained in '[' and '{' if too long for 1 line, # and always break lists which are too long and part of a more complex # structure. my $must_break_open_container = $must_break_open || ( $too_long && ( $in_hierarchical_list || $opening_token ne '(' ) ); #print "LISTX: next=$next_nonblank_type avail cols=$columns packed=$packed_columns must format = $must_break_open_container too-long=$too_long opening=$opening_token list_type=$list_type formatted_lines=$formatted_lines packed=$packed_lines max_sparsity= $max_allowed_sparsity sparsity=$sparsity \n"; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # The main decision: # Now decide if we will align the data into aligned columns. Do not # attempt to align columns if this is a tiny table or it would be # too spaced. It seems that the more packed lines we have, the # sparser the list that can be allowed and still look ok. #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( $formatted_lines < 3 && $packed_lines < $formatted_lines ) || ( $formatted_lines < 2 ) || ( $unused_columns > $max_allowed_sparsity * $formatted_columns ) ) { #--------------------------------------------------------------- # too sparse: would look ugly if aligned in a table; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # use old breakpoints if this is a 'big' list # FIXME: goal is to improve set_ragged_breakpoints so that # this is not necessary. if ( $packed_lines > 2 && $item_count > 10 ) { write_logfile_entry("List sparse: using old breakpoints\n"); copy_old_breakpoints( $i_first_comma, $i_last_comma ); } # let the continuation logic handle it if 2 lines else { my $break_count = set_ragged_breakpoints( \@i_term_comma, $ri_ragged_break_list ); ++$break_count if ($use_separate_first_term); unless ($must_break_open_container) { if ( $break_count <= 1 ) { ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; } elsif ( $rOpts_line_up_parentheses && !$need_lp_break_open ) { ${$rdo_not_break_apart} = 1; } } } return; } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # go ahead and format as a table #--------------------------------------------------------------- write_logfile_entry( "List: auto formatting with $number_of_fields fields/row\n"); my $j_first_break = $use_separate_first_term ? $number_of_fields : $number_of_fields - 1; for ( my $j = $j_first_break ; $j < $comma_count ; $j += $number_of_fields ) { my $i = $rcomma_index->[$j]; set_forced_breakpoint($i); } return; } } sub study_list_complexity { # Look for complex tables which should be formatted with one term per line. # Returns the following: # # \@i_ragged_break_list = list of good breakpoints to avoid lines # which are hard to read # $number_of_fields_best = suggested number of fields based on # complexity; = 0 if any number may be used. # my ( $ri_term_begin, $ri_term_end, $ritem_lengths, $max_width ) = @_; my $item_count = @{$ri_term_begin}; my $complex_item_count = 0; my $number_of_fields_best = $rOpts_maximum_fields_per_table; my $i_max = @{$ritem_lengths} - 1; ##my @item_complexity; my $i_last_last_break = -3; my $i_last_break = -2; my @i_ragged_break_list; my $definitely_complex = 30; my $definitely_simple = 12; my $quote_count = 0; for my $i ( 0 .. $i_max ) { my $ib = $ri_term_begin->[$i]; my $ie = $ri_term_end->[$i]; # define complexity: start with the actual term length my $weighted_length = ( $ritem_lengths->[$i] - 2 ); ##TBD: join types here and check for variations ##my $str=join "", @tokens_to_go[$ib..$ie]; my $is_quote = 0; if ( $types_to_go[$ib] =~ /^[qQ]$/ ) { $is_quote = 1; $quote_count++; } elsif ( $types_to_go[$ib] =~ /^[w\-]$/ ) { $quote_count++; } if ( $ib eq $ie ) { if ( $is_quote && $tokens_to_go[$ib] =~ /\s/ ) { $complex_item_count++; $weighted_length *= 2; } else { } } else { if ( grep { $_ eq 'b' } @types_to_go[ $ib .. $ie ] ) { $complex_item_count++; $weighted_length *= 2; } if ( grep { $_ eq '..' } @types_to_go[ $ib .. $ie ] ) { $weighted_length += 4; } } # add weight for extra tokens. $weighted_length += 2 * ( $ie - $ib ); ## my $BUB = join '', @tokens_to_go[$ib..$ie]; ## print "# COMPLEXITY:$weighted_length $BUB\n"; ##push @item_complexity, $weighted_length; # now mark a ragged break after this item it if it is 'long and # complex': if ( $weighted_length >= $definitely_complex ) { # if we broke after the previous term # then break before it too if ( $i_last_break == $i - 1 && $i > 1 && $i_last_last_break != $i - 2 ) { ## FIXME: don't strand a small term pop @i_ragged_break_list; push @i_ragged_break_list, $i - 2; push @i_ragged_break_list, $i - 1; } push @i_ragged_break_list, $i; $i_last_last_break = $i_last_break; $i_last_break = $i; } # don't break before a small last term -- it will # not look good on a line by itself. elsif ($i == $i_max && $i_last_break == $i - 1 && $weighted_length <= $definitely_simple ) { pop @i_ragged_break_list; } } my $identifier_count = $i_max + 1 - $quote_count; # Need more tuning here.. if ( $max_width > 12 && $complex_item_count > $item_count / 2 && $number_of_fields_best != 2 ) { $number_of_fields_best = 1; } return ( $number_of_fields_best, \@i_ragged_break_list, $identifier_count ); } sub get_maximum_fields_wanted { # Not all tables look good with more than one field of items. # This routine looks at a table and decides if it should be # formatted with just one field or not. # This coding is still under development. my ($ritem_lengths) = @_; my $number_of_fields_best = 0; # For just a few items, we tentatively assume just 1 field. my $item_count = @{$ritem_lengths}; if ( $item_count <= 5 ) { $number_of_fields_best = 1; } # For larger tables, look at it both ways and see what looks best else { my $is_odd = 1; my @max_length = ( 0, 0 ); my @last_length_2 = ( undef, undef ); my @first_length_2 = ( undef, undef ); my $last_length = undef; my $total_variation_1 = 0; my $total_variation_2 = 0; my @total_variation_2 = ( 0, 0 ); foreach my $j ( 0 .. $item_count - 1 ) { $is_odd = 1 - $is_odd; my $length = $ritem_lengths->[$j]; if ( $length > $max_length[$is_odd] ) { $max_length[$is_odd] = $length; } if ( defined($last_length) ) { my $dl = abs( $length - $last_length ); $total_variation_1 += $dl; } $last_length = $length; my $ll = $last_length_2[$is_odd]; if ( defined($ll) ) { my $dl = abs( $length - $ll ); $total_variation_2[$is_odd] += $dl; } else { $first_length_2[$is_odd] = $length; } $last_length_2[$is_odd] = $length; } $total_variation_2 = $total_variation_2[0] + $total_variation_2[1]; my $factor = ( $item_count > 10 ) ? 1 : ( $item_count > 5 ) ? 0.75 : 0; unless ( $total_variation_2 < $factor * $total_variation_1 ) { $number_of_fields_best = 1; } } return ($number_of_fields_best); } sub table_columns_available { my $i_first_comma = shift; my $columns = maximum_line_length($i_first_comma) - leading_spaces_to_go($i_first_comma); # Patch: the vertical formatter does not line up lines whose lengths # exactly equal the available line length because of allowances # that must be made for side comments. Therefore, the number of # available columns is reduced by 1 character. $columns -= 1; return $columns; } sub maximum_number_of_fields { # how many fields will fit in the available space? my ( $columns, $odd_or_even, $max_width, $pair_width ) = @_; my $max_pairs = int( $columns / $pair_width ); my $number_of_fields = $max_pairs * 2; if ( $odd_or_even == 1 && $max_pairs * $pair_width + $max_width <= $columns ) { $number_of_fields++; } return $number_of_fields; } sub compactify_table { # given a table with a certain number of fields and a certain number # of lines, see if reducing the number of fields will make it look # better. my ( $item_count, $number_of_fields, $formatted_lines, $odd_or_even ) = @_; if ( $number_of_fields >= $odd_or_even * 2 && $formatted_lines > 0 ) { my $min_fields; for ( $min_fields = $number_of_fields ; $min_fields >= $odd_or_even && $min_fields * $formatted_lines >= $item_count ; $min_fields -= $odd_or_even ) { $number_of_fields = $min_fields; } } return $number_of_fields; } sub set_ragged_breakpoints { # Set breakpoints in a list that cannot be formatted nicely as a # table. my ( $ri_term_comma, $ri_ragged_break_list ) = @_; my $break_count = 0; foreach ( @{$ri_ragged_break_list} ) { my $j = $ri_term_comma->[$_]; if ($j) { set_forced_breakpoint($j); $break_count++; } } return $break_count; } sub copy_old_breakpoints { my ( $i_first_comma, $i_last_comma ) = @_; for my $i ( $i_first_comma .. $i_last_comma ) { if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$i] ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i); } } return; } sub set_nobreaks { my ( $i, $j ) = @_; if ( $i >= 0 && $i <= $j && $j <= $max_index_to_go ) { FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_NOBREAK && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); print STDOUT "NOBREAK: forced_breakpoint $forced_breakpoint_count from $a $c with i=$i max=$max_index_to_go type=$types_to_go[$i]\n"; }; @nobreak_to_go[ $i .. $j ] = (1) x ( $j - $i + 1 ); } # shouldn't happen; non-critical error else { FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_NOBREAK && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); print STDOUT "NOBREAK ERROR: from $a $c with i=$i j=$j max=$max_index_to_go\n"; }; } return; } sub set_fake_breakpoint { # Just bump up the breakpoint count as a signal that there are breaks. # This is useful if we have breaks but may want to postpone deciding where # to make them. $forced_breakpoint_count++; return; } sub set_forced_breakpoint { my $i = shift; return unless defined $i && $i >= 0; # no breaks between welded tokens return if ( weld_len_right_to_go($i) ); # when called with certain tokens, use bond strengths to decide # if we break before or after it my $token = $tokens_to_go[$i]; if ( $token =~ /^([\=\.\,\:\?]|and|or|xor|&&|\|\|)$/ ) { if ( $want_break_before{$token} && $i >= 0 ) { $i-- } } # breaks are forced before 'if' and 'unless' elsif ( $is_if_unless{$token} ) { $i-- } if ( $i >= 0 && $i <= $max_index_to_go ) { my $i_nonblank = ( $types_to_go[$i] ne 'b' ) ? $i : $i - 1; FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_FORCE && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); print STDOUT "FORCE $forced_breakpoint_count from $a $c with i=$i_nonblank max=$max_index_to_go tok=$tokens_to_go[$i_nonblank] type=$types_to_go[$i_nonblank] nobr=$nobreak_to_go[$i_nonblank]\n"; }; if ( $i_nonblank >= 0 && $nobreak_to_go[$i_nonblank] == 0 ) { $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$i_nonblank] = 1; if ( $i_nonblank > $index_max_forced_break ) { $index_max_forced_break = $i_nonblank; } $forced_breakpoint_count++; $forced_breakpoint_undo_stack[ $forced_breakpoint_undo_count++ ] = $i_nonblank; # if we break at an opening container..break at the closing if ( $tokens_to_go[$i_nonblank] =~ /^[\{\[\(\?]$/ ) { set_closing_breakpoint($i_nonblank); } } } return; } sub clear_breakpoint_undo_stack { $forced_breakpoint_undo_count = 0; return; } sub undo_forced_breakpoint_stack { my $i_start = shift; if ( $i_start < 0 ) { $i_start = 0; my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); warning( "Program Bug: undo_forced_breakpoint_stack from $a $c has i=$i_start " ); } while ( $forced_breakpoint_undo_count > $i_start ) { my $i = $forced_breakpoint_undo_stack[ --$forced_breakpoint_undo_count ]; if ( $i >= 0 && $i <= $max_index_to_go ) { $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$i] = 0; $forced_breakpoint_count--; FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_UNDOBP && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); print STDOUT "UNDOBP: undo forced_breakpoint i=$i $forced_breakpoint_undo_count from $a $c max=$max_index_to_go\n"; }; } # shouldn't happen, but not a critical error else { FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_UNDOBP && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); print STDOUT "Program Bug: undo_forced_breakpoint from $a $c has i=$i but max=$max_index_to_go"; }; } } return; } sub sync_token_K { my ( $self, $i ) = @_; # Keep tokens in the rLL array in sync with the _to_go array my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $K = $K_to_go[$i]; if ( defined($K) ) { $rLL->[$K]->[_TOKEN_] = $tokens_to_go[$i]; } else { # shouldn't happen } return; } { # begin recombine_breakpoints my %is_amp_amp; my %is_ternary; my %is_math_op; my %is_plus_minus; my %is_mult_div; BEGIN { my @q; @q = qw( && || ); @is_amp_amp{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( ? : ); @is_ternary{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( + - * / ); @is_math_op{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( + - ); @is_plus_minus{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( * / ); @is_mult_div{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub DUMP_BREAKPOINTS { # Debug routine to dump current breakpoints...not normally called # We are given indexes to the current lines: # $ri_beg = ref to array of BEGinning indexes of each line # $ri_end = ref to array of ENDing indexes of each line my ( $ri_beg, $ri_end, $msg ) = @_; print STDERR "----Dumping breakpoints from: $msg----\n"; for my $n ( 0 .. @{$ri_end} - 1 ) { my $ibeg = $ri_beg->[$n]; my $iend = $ri_end->[$n]; my $text = ""; foreach my $i ( $ibeg .. $iend ) { $text .= $tokens_to_go[$i]; } print STDERR "$n ($ibeg:$iend) $text\n"; } print STDERR "----\n"; return; } sub delete_one_line_semicolons { my ( $self, $ri_beg, $ri_end ) = @_; my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $K_opening_container = $self->{K_opening_container}; # Walk down the lines of this batch and delete any semicolons # terminating one-line blocks; my $nmax = @{$ri_end} - 1; foreach my $n ( 0 .. $nmax ) { my $i_beg = $ri_beg->[$n]; my $i_e = $ri_end->[$n]; my $K_beg = $K_to_go[$i_beg]; my $K_e = $K_to_go[$i_e]; my $K_end = $K_e; my $type_end = $rLL->[$K_end]->[_TYPE_]; if ( $type_end eq '#' ) { $K_end = $self->K_previous_nonblank($K_end); if ( defined($K_end) ) { $type_end = $rLL->[$K_end]->[_TYPE_]; } } # we are looking for a line ending in closing brace next unless ( $type_end eq '}' && $rLL->[$K_end]->[_TOKEN_] eq '}' ); # ...and preceded by a semicolon on the same line my $K_semicolon = $self->K_previous_nonblank($K_end); my $i_semicolon = $i_beg + ( $K_semicolon - $K_beg ); next if ( $i_semicolon <= $i_beg ); next unless ( $rLL->[$K_semicolon]->[_TYPE_] eq ';' ); # safety check - shouldn't happen if ( $types_to_go[$i_semicolon] ne ';' ) { Fault("unexpected type looking for semicolon, ignoring"); next; } # ... with the corresponding opening brace on the same line my $type_sequence = $rLL->[$K_end]->[_TYPE_SEQUENCE_]; my $K_opening = $K_opening_container->{$type_sequence}; my $i_opening = $i_beg + ( $K_opening - $K_beg ); next if ( $i_opening < $i_beg ); # ... and only one semicolon between these braces my $semicolon_count = 0; foreach my $K ( $K_opening + 1 .. $K_semicolon - 1 ) { if ( $rLL->[$K]->[_TYPE_] eq ';' ) { $semicolon_count++; last; } } next if ($semicolon_count); # ...ok, then make the semicolon invisible $tokens_to_go[$i_semicolon] = ""; } return; } sub unmask_phantom_semicolons { my ( $self, $ri_beg, $ri_end ) = @_; # Walk down the lines of this batch and unmask any invisible line-ending # semicolons. They were placed by sub respace_tokens but we only now # know if we actually need them. my $nmax = @{$ri_end} - 1; foreach my $n ( 0 .. $nmax ) { my $i = $ri_end->[$n]; if ( $types_to_go[$i] eq ';' && $tokens_to_go[$i] eq '' ) { $tokens_to_go[$i] = $want_left_space{';'} == WS_NO ? ';' : ' ;'; $self->sync_token_K($i); my $line_number = 1 + $self->get_old_line_index( $K_to_go[$i] ); note_added_semicolon($line_number); } } return; } sub recombine_breakpoints { # sub set_continuation_breaks is very liberal in setting line breaks # for long lines, always setting breaks at good breakpoints, even # when that creates small lines. Sometimes small line fragments # are produced which would look better if they were combined. # That's the task of this routine. # # We are given indexes to the current lines: # $ri_beg = ref to array of BEGinning indexes of each line # $ri_end = ref to array of ENDing indexes of each line my ( $ri_beg, $ri_end ) = @_; # Make a list of all good joining tokens between the lines # n-1 and n. my @joint; my $nmax = @{$ri_end} - 1; for my $n ( 1 .. $nmax ) { my $ibeg_1 = $ri_beg->[ $n - 1 ]; my $iend_1 = $ri_end->[ $n - 1 ]; my $iend_2 = $ri_end->[$n]; my $ibeg_2 = $ri_beg->[$n]; my ( $itok, $itokp, $itokm ); foreach my $itest ( $iend_1, $ibeg_2 ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$itest]; if ( $is_math_op{$type} || $is_amp_amp{$type} || $is_assignment{$type} || $type eq ':' ) { $itok = $itest; } } $joint[$n] = [$itok]; } my $more_to_do = 1; # We keep looping over all of the lines of this batch # until there are no more possible recombinations my $nmax_last = @{$ri_end}; my $reverse = 0; while ($more_to_do) { my $n_best = 0; my $bs_best; my $nmax = @{$ri_end} - 1; # Safety check for infinite loop unless ( $nmax < $nmax_last ) { # Shouldn't happen because splice below decreases nmax on each # pass. Fault("Program bug-infinite loop in recombine breakpoints\n"); } $nmax_last = $nmax; $more_to_do = 0; my $skip_Section_3; my $leading_amp_count = 0; my $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated; # loop over all remaining lines in this batch for my $iter ( 1 .. $nmax ) { # alternating sweep direction gives symmetric results # for recombining lines which exceed the line length # such as eval {{{{.... }}}} my $n; if ($reverse) { $n = 1 + $nmax - $iter; } else { $n = $iter } #---------------------------------------------------------- # If we join the current pair of lines, # line $n-1 will become the left part of the joined line # line $n will become the right part of the joined line # # Here are Indexes of the endpoint tokens of the two lines: # # -----line $n-1--- | -----line $n----- # $ibeg_1 $iend_1 | $ibeg_2 $iend_2 # ^ # | # We want to decide if we should remove the line break # between the tokens at $iend_1 and $ibeg_2 # # We will apply a number of ad-hoc tests to see if joining # here will look ok. The code will just issue a 'next' # command if the join doesn't look good. If we get through # the gauntlet of tests, the lines will be recombined. #---------------------------------------------------------- # # beginning and ending tokens of the lines we are working on my $ibeg_1 = $ri_beg->[ $n - 1 ]; my $iend_1 = $ri_end->[ $n - 1 ]; my $iend_2 = $ri_end->[$n]; my $ibeg_2 = $ri_beg->[$n]; my $ibeg_nmax = $ri_beg->[$nmax]; # combined line cannot be too long my $excess = excess_line_length( $ibeg_1, $iend_2, 1, 1 ); next if ( $excess > 0 ); my $type_iend_1 = $types_to_go[$iend_1]; my $type_iend_2 = $types_to_go[$iend_2]; my $type_ibeg_1 = $types_to_go[$ibeg_1]; my $type_ibeg_2 = $types_to_go[$ibeg_2]; # terminal token of line 2 if any side comment is ignored: my $iend_2t = $iend_2; my $type_iend_2t = $type_iend_2; # some beginning indexes of other lines, which may not exist my $ibeg_0 = $n > 1 ? $ri_beg->[ $n - 2 ] : -1; my $ibeg_3 = $n < $nmax ? $ri_beg->[ $n + 1 ] : -1; my $ibeg_4 = $n + 2 <= $nmax ? $ri_beg->[ $n + 2 ] : -1; my $bs_tweak = 0; #my $depth_increase=( $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_2] - # $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_1] ); FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_RECOMBINE && do { print STDERR "RECOMBINE: n=$n imid=$iend_1 if=$ibeg_1 type=$type_ibeg_1 =$tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] next_type=$type_ibeg_2 next_tok=$tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2]\n"; }; # If line $n is the last line, we set some flags and # do any special checks for it if ( $n == $nmax ) { # a terminal '{' should stay where it is # unless preceded by a fat comma next if ( $type_ibeg_2 eq '{' && $type_iend_1 ne '=>' ); if ( $type_iend_2 eq '#' && $iend_2 - $ibeg_2 >= 2 && $types_to_go[ $iend_2 - 1 ] eq 'b' ) { $iend_2t = $iend_2 - 2; $type_iend_2t = $types_to_go[$iend_2t]; } $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated = $type_iend_2t eq ';'; } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Recombine Section 0: # Examine the special token joining this line pair, if any. # Put as many tests in this section to avoid duplicate code and # to make formatting independent of whether breaks are to the # left or right of an operator. #---------------------------------------------------------- my ($itok) = @{ $joint[$n] }; if ($itok) { # FIXME: Patch - may not be necessary my $iend_1 = $type_iend_1 eq 'b' ? $iend_1 - 1 : $iend_1; my $iend_2 = $type_iend_2 eq 'b' ? $iend_2 - 1 : $iend_2; ## END PATCH my $type = $types_to_go[$itok]; if ( $type eq ':' ) { # do not join at a colon unless it disobeys the break request if ( $itok eq $iend_1 ) { next unless $want_break_before{$type}; } else { $leading_amp_count++; next if $want_break_before{$type}; } } ## end if ':' # handle math operators + - * / elsif ( $is_math_op{$type} ) { # Combine these lines if this line is a single # number, or if it is a short term with same # operator as the previous line. For example, in # the following code we will combine all of the # short terms $A, $B, $C, $D, $E, $F, together # instead of leaving them one per line: # my $time = # $A * $B * $C * $D * $E * $F * # ( 2. * $eps * $sigma * $area ) * # ( 1. / $tcold**3 - 1. / $thot**3 ); # This can be important in math-intensive code. my $good_combo; my $itokp = min( $inext_to_go[$itok], $iend_2 ); my $itokpp = min( $inext_to_go[$itokp], $iend_2 ); my $itokm = max( $iprev_to_go[$itok], $ibeg_1 ); my $itokmm = max( $iprev_to_go[$itokm], $ibeg_1 ); # check for a number on the right if ( $types_to_go[$itokp] eq 'n' ) { # ok if nothing else on right if ( $itokp == $iend_2 ) { $good_combo = 1; } else { # look one more token to right.. # okay if math operator or some termination $good_combo = ( ( $itokpp == $iend_2 ) && $is_math_op{ $types_to_go[$itokpp] } ) || $types_to_go[$itokpp] =~ /^[#,;]$/; } } # check for a number on the left if ( !$good_combo && $types_to_go[$itokm] eq 'n' ) { # okay if nothing else to left if ( $itokm == $ibeg_1 ) { $good_combo = 1; } # otherwise look one more token to left else { # okay if math operator, comma, or assignment $good_combo = ( $itokmm == $ibeg_1 ) && ( $is_math_op{ $types_to_go[$itokmm] } || $types_to_go[$itokmm] =~ /^[,]$/ || $is_assignment{ $types_to_go[$itokmm] } ); } } # look for a single short token either side of the # operator if ( !$good_combo ) { # Slight adjustment factor to make results # independent of break before or after operator in # long summed lists. (An operator and a space make # two spaces). my $two = ( $itok eq $iend_1 ) ? 2 : 0; $good_combo = # numbers or id's on both sides of this joint $types_to_go[$itokp] =~ /^[in]$/ && $types_to_go[$itokm] =~ /^[in]$/ # one of the two lines must be short: && ( ( # no more than 2 nonblank tokens right of # joint $itokpp == $iend_2 # short && token_sequence_length( $itokp, $iend_2 ) < $two + $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length ) || ( # no more than 2 nonblank tokens left of # joint $itokmm == $ibeg_1 # short && token_sequence_length( $ibeg_1, $itokm ) < 2 - $two + $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length ) ) # keep pure terms; don't mix +- with */ && !( $is_plus_minus{$type} && ( $is_mult_div{ $types_to_go[$itokmm] } || $is_mult_div{ $types_to_go[$itokpp] } ) ) && !( $is_mult_div{$type} && ( $is_plus_minus{ $types_to_go[$itokmm] } || $is_plus_minus{ $types_to_go[$itokpp] } ) ) ; } # it is also good to combine if we can reduce to 2 lines if ( !$good_combo ) { # index on other line where same token would be in a # long chain. my $iother = ( $itok == $iend_1 ) ? $iend_2 : $ibeg_1; $good_combo = $n == 2 && $n == $nmax && $types_to_go[$iother] ne $type; } next unless ($good_combo); } ## end math elsif ( $is_amp_amp{$type} ) { ##TBD } ## end &&, || elsif ( $is_assignment{$type} ) { ##TBD } ## end assignment } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Recombine Section 1: # Join welded nested containers immediately #---------------------------------------------------------- if ( weld_len_right_to_go($iend_1) || weld_len_left_to_go($ibeg_2) ) { $n_best = $n; # Old coding alternated sweep direction: no longer needed # $reverse = 1 - $reverse; last; } $reverse = 0; #---------------------------------------------------------- # Recombine Section 2: # Examine token at $iend_1 (right end of first line of pair) #---------------------------------------------------------- # an isolated '}' may join with a ';' terminated segment if ( $type_iend_1 eq '}' ) { # Check for cases where combining a semicolon terminated # statement with a previous isolated closing paren will # allow the combined line to be outdented. This is # generally a good move. For example, we can join up # the last two lines here: # ( # $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, # $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks # ) # = stat($file); # # to get: # ( # $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, # $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks # ) = stat($file); # # which makes the parens line up. # # Another example, from Joe Matarazzo, probably looks best # with the 'or' clause appended to the trailing paren: # $self->some_method( # PARAM1 => 'foo', # PARAM2 => 'bar' # ) or die "Some_method didn't work"; # # But we do not want to do this for something like the -lp # option where the paren is not outdentable because the # trailing clause will be far to the right. # # The logic here is synchronized with the logic in sub # sub set_adjusted_indentation, which actually does # the outdenting. # $skip_Section_3 ||= $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated # only one token on last line && $ibeg_1 == $iend_1 # must be structural paren && $tokens_to_go[$iend_1] eq ')' # style must allow outdenting, && !$closing_token_indentation{')'} # only leading '&&', '||', and ':' if no others seen # (but note: our count made below could be wrong # due to intervening comments) && ( $leading_amp_count == 0 || $type_ibeg_2 !~ /^(:|\&\&|\|\|)$/ ) # but leading colons probably line up with a # previous colon or question (count could be wrong). && $type_ibeg_2 ne ':' # only one step in depth allowed. this line must not # begin with a ')' itself. && ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$iend_1] == $nesting_depth_to_go[$iend_2] + 1 ); # YVES patch 2 of 2: # Allow cuddled eval chains, like this: # eval { # #STUFF; # 1; # return true # } or do { # #handle error # }; # This patch works together with a patch in # setting adjusted indentation (where the closing eval # brace is outdented if possible). # The problem is that an 'eval' block has continuation # indentation and it looks better to undo it in some # cases. If we do not use this patch we would get: # eval { # #STUFF; # 1; # return true # } # or do { # #handle error # }; # The alternative, for uncuddled style, is to create # a patch in set_adjusted_indentation which undoes # the indentation of a leading line like 'or do {'. # This doesn't work well with -icb through if ( $block_type_to_go[$iend_1] eq 'eval' && !$rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'} && !$rOpts->{'indent-closing-brace'} && $tokens_to_go[$iend_2] eq '{' && ( ( $type_ibeg_2 =~ /^(|\&\&|\|\|)$/ ) || ( $type_ibeg_2 eq 'k' && $is_and_or{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] } ) || $is_if_unless{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] } ) ) { $skip_Section_3 ||= 1; } next unless ( $skip_Section_3 # handle '.' and '?' specially below || ( $type_ibeg_2 =~ /^[\.\?]$/ ) ); } elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq '{' ) { # YVES # honor breaks at opening brace # Added to prevent recombining something like this: # } || eval { package main; next if $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1]; } # do not recombine lines with ending &&, ||, elsif ( $is_amp_amp{$type_iend_1} ) { next unless $want_break_before{$type_iend_1}; } # Identify and recombine a broken ?/: chain elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq '?' ) { # Do not recombine different levels next if ( $levels_to_go[$ibeg_1] ne $levels_to_go[$ibeg_2] ); # do not recombine unless next line ends in : next unless $type_iend_2 eq ':'; } # for lines ending in a comma... elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq ',' ) { # Do not recombine at comma which is following the # input bias. # TODO: might be best to make a special flag next if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] ); # an isolated '},' may join with an identifier + ';' # this is useful for the class of a 'bless' statement (bless.t) if ( $type_ibeg_1 eq '}' && $type_ibeg_2 eq 'i' ) { next unless ( ( $ibeg_1 == ( $iend_1 - 1 ) ) && ( $iend_2 == ( $ibeg_2 + 1 ) ) && $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated ); # override breakpoint $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0; } # but otherwise .. else { # do not recombine after a comma unless this will leave # just 1 more line next unless ( $n + 1 >= $nmax ); # do not recombine if there is a change in indentation depth next if ( $levels_to_go[$iend_1] != $levels_to_go[$iend_2] ); # do not recombine a "complex expression" after a # comma. "complex" means no parens. my $saw_paren; foreach my $ii ( $ibeg_2 .. $iend_2 ) { if ( $tokens_to_go[$ii] eq '(' ) { $saw_paren = 1; last; } } next if $saw_paren; } } # opening paren.. elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq '(' ) { # No longer doing this } elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq ')' ) { # No longer doing this } # keep a terminal for-semicolon elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq 'f' ) { next; } # if '=' at end of line ... elsif ( $is_assignment{$type_iend_1} ) { # keep break after = if it was in input stream # this helps prevent 'blinkers' next if $old_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] # don't strand an isolated '=' && $iend_1 != $ibeg_1; my $is_short_quote = ( $type_ibeg_2 eq 'Q' && $ibeg_2 == $iend_2 && token_sequence_length( $ibeg_2, $ibeg_2 ) < $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length ); my $is_ternary = ( $type_ibeg_1 eq '?' && ( $ibeg_3 >= 0 && $types_to_go[$ibeg_3] eq ':' ) ); # always join an isolated '=', a short quote, or if this # will put ?/: at start of adjacent lines if ( $ibeg_1 != $iend_1 && !$is_short_quote && !$is_ternary ) { next unless ( ( # unless we can reduce this to two lines $nmax < $n + 2 # or three lines, the last with a leading semicolon || ( $nmax == $n + 2 && $types_to_go[$ibeg_nmax] eq ';' ) # or the next line ends with a here doc || $type_iend_2 eq 'h' # or the next line ends in an open paren or brace # and the break hasn't been forced [dima.t] || ( !$forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] && $type_iend_2 eq '{' ) ) # do not recombine if the two lines might align well # this is a very approximate test for this && ( # RT#127633 - the leading tokens are not operators ( $type_ibeg_2 ne $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] ) # or they are different || ( $ibeg_3 >= 0 && $type_ibeg_2 ne $types_to_go[$ibeg_3] ) ) ); if ( # Recombine if we can make two lines $nmax >= $n + 2 # -lp users often prefer this: # my $title = function($env, $env, $sysarea, # "bubba Borrower Entry"); # so we will recombine if -lp is used we have # ending comma && ( !$rOpts_line_up_parentheses || $type_iend_2 ne ',' ) ) { # otherwise, scan the rhs line up to last token for # complexity. Note that we are not counting the last # token in case it is an opening paren. my $tv = 0; my $depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_2]; foreach my $i ( $ibeg_2 + 1 .. $iend_2 - 1 ) { if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$i] != $depth ) { $tv++; last if ( $tv > 1 ); } $depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[$i]; } # ok to recombine if no level changes before last token if ( $tv > 0 ) { # otherwise, do not recombine if more than two # level changes. next if ( $tv > 1 ); # check total complexity of the two adjacent lines # that will occur if we do this join my $istop = ( $n < $nmax ) ? $ri_end->[ $n + 1 ] : $iend_2; foreach my $i ( $iend_2 .. $istop ) { if ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$i] != $depth ) { $tv++; last if ( $tv > 2 ); } $depth = $nesting_depth_to_go[$i]; } # do not recombine if total is more than 2 level changes next if ( $tv > 2 ); } } } unless ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] =~ /^[\{\(\[]$/ ) { $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0; } } # for keywords.. elsif ( $type_iend_1 eq 'k' ) { # make major control keywords stand out # (recombine.t) next if ( #/^(last|next|redo|return)$/ $is_last_next_redo_return{ $tokens_to_go[$iend_1] } # but only if followed by multiple lines && $n < $nmax ); if ( $is_and_or{ $tokens_to_go[$iend_1] } ) { next unless $want_break_before{ $tokens_to_go[$iend_1] }; } } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Recombine Section 3: # Examine token at $ibeg_2 (left end of second line of pair) #---------------------------------------------------------- # join lines identified above as capable of # causing an outdented line with leading closing paren # Note that we are skipping the rest of this section # and the rest of the loop to do the join if ($skip_Section_3) { $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0; $n_best = $n; last; } # handle lines with leading &&, || elsif ( $is_amp_amp{$type_ibeg_2} ) { $leading_amp_count++; # ok to recombine if it follows a ? or : # and is followed by an open paren.. my $ok = ( $is_ternary{$type_ibeg_1} && $tokens_to_go[$iend_2] eq '(' ) # or is followed by a ? or : at same depth # # We are looking for something like this. We can # recombine the && line with the line above to make the # structure more clear: # return # exists $G->{Attr}->{V} # && exists $G->{Attr}->{V}->{$u} # ? %{ $G->{Attr}->{V}->{$u} } # : (); # # We should probably leave something like this alone: # return # exists $G->{Attr}->{E} # && exists $G->{Attr}->{E}->{$u} # && exists $G->{Attr}->{E}->{$u}->{$v} # ? %{ $G->{Attr}->{E}->{$u}->{$v} } # : (); # so that we either have all of the &&'s (or ||'s) # on one line, as in the first example, or break at # each one as in the second example. However, it # sometimes makes things worse to check for this because # it prevents multiple recombinations. So this is not done. || ( $ibeg_3 >= 0 && $is_ternary{ $types_to_go[$ibeg_3] } && $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_3] == $nesting_depth_to_go[$ibeg_2] ); next if !$ok && $want_break_before{$type_ibeg_2}; $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0; # tweak the bond strength to give this joint priority # over ? and : $bs_tweak = 0.25; } # Identify and recombine a broken ?/: chain elsif ( $type_ibeg_2 eq '?' ) { # Do not recombine different levels my $lev = $levels_to_go[$ibeg_2]; next if ( $lev ne $levels_to_go[$ibeg_1] ); # Do not recombine a '?' if either next line or # previous line does not start with a ':'. The reasons # are that (1) no alignment of the ? will be possible # and (2) the expression is somewhat complex, so the # '?' is harder to see in the interior of the line. my $follows_colon = $ibeg_1 >= 0 && $type_ibeg_1 eq ':'; my $precedes_colon = $ibeg_3 >= 0 && $types_to_go[$ibeg_3] eq ':'; next unless ( $follows_colon || $precedes_colon ); # we will always combining a ? line following a : line if ( !$follows_colon ) { # ...otherwise recombine only if it looks like a chain. # we will just look at a few nearby lines to see if # this looks like a chain. my $local_count = 0; foreach my $ii ( $ibeg_0, $ibeg_1, $ibeg_3, $ibeg_4 ) { $local_count++ if $ii >= 0 && $types_to_go[$ii] eq ':' && $levels_to_go[$ii] == $lev; } next unless ( $local_count > 1 ); } $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0; } # do not recombine lines with leading '.' elsif ( $type_ibeg_2 eq '.' ) { my $i_next_nonblank = min( $inext_to_go[$ibeg_2], $iend_2 ); next unless ( # ... unless there is just one and we can reduce # this to two lines if we do. For example, this # # # $bodyA .= # '($dummy, $pat) = &get_next_tex_cmd;' . '$args .= $pat;' # # looks better than this: # $bodyA .= '($dummy, $pat) = &get_next_tex_cmd;' # . '$args .= $pat;' ( $n == 2 && $n == $nmax && $type_ibeg_1 ne $type_ibeg_2 ) # ... or this would strand a short quote , like this # . "some long quote" # . "\n"; || ( $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] eq 'Q' && $i_next_nonblank >= $iend_2 - 1 && $token_lengths_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] < $rOpts_short_concatenation_item_length ) ); } # handle leading keyword.. elsif ( $type_ibeg_2 eq 'k' ) { # handle leading "or" if ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] eq 'or' ) { next unless ( $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated && ( $type_ibeg_1 eq '}' || ( # following 'if' or 'unless' or 'or' $type_ibeg_1 eq 'k' && $is_if_unless{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] } # important: only combine a very simple or # statement because the step below may have # combined a trailing 'and' with this or, # and we do not want to then combine # everything together && ( $iend_2 - $ibeg_2 <= 7 ) ) ) ); #X: RT #81854 $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0 unless $old_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1]; } # handle leading 'and' elsif ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] eq 'and' ) { # Decide if we will combine a single terminal 'and' # after an 'if' or 'unless'. # This looks best with the 'and' on the same # line as the 'if': # # $a = 1 # if $seconds and $nu < 2; # # But this looks better as shown: # # $a = 1 # if !$this->{Parents}{$_} # or $this->{Parents}{$_} eq $_; # next unless ( $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated && ( # following 'if' or 'unless' or 'or' $type_ibeg_1 eq 'k' && ( $is_if_unless{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] } || $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] eq 'or' ) ) ); } # handle leading "if" and "unless" elsif ( $is_if_unless{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] } ) { # FIXME: This is still experimental..may not be too useful next unless ( $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated # previous line begins with 'and' or 'or' && $type_ibeg_1 eq 'k' && $is_and_or{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] } ); } # handle all other leading keywords else { # keywords look best at start of lines, # but combine things like "1 while" unless ( $is_assignment{$type_iend_1} ) { next if ( ( $type_iend_1 ne 'k' ) && ( $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_2] ne 'while' ) ); } } } # similar treatment of && and || as above for 'and' and 'or': # NOTE: This block of code is currently bypassed because # of a previous block but is retained for possible future use. elsif ( $is_amp_amp{$type_ibeg_2} ) { # maybe looking at something like: # unless $TEXTONLY || $item =~ m%</?(hr>|p>|a|img)%i; next unless ( $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated # previous line begins with an 'if' or 'unless' keyword && $type_ibeg_1 eq 'k' && $is_if_unless{ $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] } ); } # handle line with leading = or similar elsif ( $is_assignment{$type_ibeg_2} ) { next unless ( $n == 1 || $n == $nmax ); next if $old_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1]; next unless ( # unless we can reduce this to two lines $nmax == 2 # or three lines, the last with a leading semicolon || ( $nmax == 3 && $types_to_go[$ibeg_nmax] eq ';' ) # or the next line ends with a here doc || $type_iend_2 eq 'h' # or this is a short line ending in ; || ( $n == $nmax && $this_line_is_semicolon_terminated ) ); $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] = 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Recombine Section 4: # Combine the lines if we arrive here and it is possible #---------------------------------------------------------- # honor hard breakpoints next if ( $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] > 0 ); my $bs = $bond_strength_to_go[$iend_1] + $bs_tweak; # Require a few extra spaces before recombining lines if we are # at an old breakpoint unless this is a simple list or terminal # line. The goal is to avoid oscillating between two # quasi-stable end states. For example this snippet caused # problems: ## my $this = ## bless { ## TText => "[" . ( join ',', map { "\"$_\"" } split "\n", $_ ) . "]" ## }, ## $type; next if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$iend_1] && !$this_line_is_semicolon_terminated && $n < $nmax && $excess + 4 > 0 && $type_iend_2 ne ',' ); # do not recombine if we would skip in indentation levels if ( $n < $nmax ) { my $if_next = $ri_beg->[ $n + 1 ]; next if ( $levels_to_go[$ibeg_1] < $levels_to_go[$ibeg_2] && $levels_to_go[$ibeg_2] < $levels_to_go[$if_next] # but an isolated 'if (' is undesirable && !( $n == 1 && $iend_1 - $ibeg_1 <= 2 && $type_ibeg_1 eq 'k' && $tokens_to_go[$ibeg_1] eq 'if' && $tokens_to_go[$iend_1] ne '(' ) ); } # honor no-break's next if ( $bs >= NO_BREAK - 1 ); # remember the pair with the greatest bond strength if ( !$n_best ) { $n_best = $n; $bs_best = $bs; } else { if ( $bs > $bs_best ) { $n_best = $n; $bs_best = $bs; } } } # recombine the pair with the greatest bond strength if ($n_best) { splice @{$ri_beg}, $n_best, 1; splice @{$ri_end}, $n_best - 1, 1; splice @joint, $n_best, 1; # keep going if we are still making progress $more_to_do++; } } return ( $ri_beg, $ri_end ); } } # end recombine_breakpoints sub break_all_chain_tokens { # scan the current breakpoints looking for breaks at certain "chain # operators" (. : && || + etc) which often occur repeatedly in a long # statement. If we see a break at any one, break at all similar tokens # within the same container. # my ( $self, $ri_left, $ri_right ) = @_; my %saw_chain_type; my %left_chain_type; my %right_chain_type; my %interior_chain_type; my $nmax = @{$ri_right} - 1; # scan the left and right end tokens of all lines my $count = 0; for my $n ( 0 .. $nmax ) { my $il = $ri_left->[$n]; my $ir = $ri_right->[$n]; my $typel = $types_to_go[$il]; my $typer = $types_to_go[$ir]; $typel = '+' if ( $typel eq '-' ); # treat + and - the same $typer = '+' if ( $typer eq '-' ); $typel = '*' if ( $typel eq '/' ); # treat * and / the same $typer = '*' if ( $typer eq '/' ); my $tokenl = $tokens_to_go[$il]; my $tokenr = $tokens_to_go[$ir]; if ( $is_chain_operator{$tokenl} && $want_break_before{$typel} ) { next if ( $typel eq '?' ); push @{ $left_chain_type{$typel} }, $il; $saw_chain_type{$typel} = 1; $count++; } if ( $is_chain_operator{$tokenr} && !$want_break_before{$typer} ) { next if ( $typer eq '?' ); push @{ $right_chain_type{$typer} }, $ir; $saw_chain_type{$typer} = 1; $count++; } } return unless $count; # now look for any interior tokens of the same types $count = 0; for my $n ( 0 .. $nmax ) { my $il = $ri_left->[$n]; my $ir = $ri_right->[$n]; foreach my $i ( $il + 1 .. $ir - 1 ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; $type = '+' if ( $type eq '-' ); $type = '*' if ( $type eq '/' ); if ( $saw_chain_type{$type} ) { push @{ $interior_chain_type{$type} }, $i; $count++; } } } return unless $count; # now make a list of all new break points my @insert_list; # loop over all chain types foreach my $type ( keys %saw_chain_type ) { # quit if just ONE continuation line with leading . For example-- # print LATEXFILE '\framebox{\parbox[c][' . $h . '][t]{' . $w . '}{' # . $contents; last if ( $nmax == 1 && $type =~ /^[\.\+]$/ ); # loop over all interior chain tokens foreach my $itest ( @{ $interior_chain_type{$type} } ) { # loop over all left end tokens of same type if ( $left_chain_type{$type} ) { next if $nobreak_to_go[ $itest - 1 ]; foreach my $i ( @{ $left_chain_type{$type} } ) { next unless $self->in_same_container_i( $i, $itest ); push @insert_list, $itest - 1; # Break at matching ? if this : is at a different level. # For example, the ? before $THRf_DEAD in the following # should get a break if its : gets a break. # # my $flags = # ( $_ & 1 ) ? ( $_ & 4 ) ? $THRf_DEAD : $THRf_ZOMBIE # : ( $_ & 4 ) ? $THRf_R_DETACHED # : $THRf_R_JOINABLE; if ( $type eq ':' && $levels_to_go[$i] != $levels_to_go[$itest] ) { my $i_question = $mate_index_to_go[$itest]; if ( $i_question > 0 ) { push @insert_list, $i_question - 1; } } last; } } # loop over all right end tokens of same type if ( $right_chain_type{$type} ) { next if $nobreak_to_go[$itest]; foreach my $i ( @{ $right_chain_type{$type} } ) { next unless $self->in_same_container_i( $i, $itest ); push @insert_list, $itest; # break at matching ? if this : is at a different level if ( $type eq ':' && $levels_to_go[$i] != $levels_to_go[$itest] ) { my $i_question = $mate_index_to_go[$itest]; if ( $i_question >= 0 ) { push @insert_list, $i_question; } } last; } } } } # insert any new break points if (@insert_list) { insert_additional_breaks( \@insert_list, $ri_left, $ri_right ); } return; } sub break_equals { # Look for assignment operators that could use a breakpoint. # For example, in the following snippet # # $HOME = $ENV{HOME} # || $ENV{LOGDIR} # || $pw[7] # || die "no home directory for user $<"; # # we could break at the = to get this, which is a little nicer: # $HOME = # $ENV{HOME} # || $ENV{LOGDIR} # || $pw[7] # || die "no home directory for user $<"; # # The logic here follows the logic in set_logical_padding, which # will add the padding in the second line to improve alignment. # my ( $ri_left, $ri_right ) = @_; my $nmax = @{$ri_right} - 1; return unless ( $nmax >= 2 ); # scan the left ends of first two lines my $tokbeg = ""; my $depth_beg; for my $n ( 1 .. 2 ) { my $il = $ri_left->[$n]; my $typel = $types_to_go[$il]; my $tokenl = $tokens_to_go[$il]; my $has_leading_op = ( $tokenl =~ /^\w/ ) ? $is_chain_operator{$tokenl} # + - * / : ? && || : $is_chain_operator{$typel}; # and, or return unless ($has_leading_op); if ( $n > 1 ) { return unless ( $tokenl eq $tokbeg && $nesting_depth_to_go[$il] eq $depth_beg ); } $tokbeg = $tokenl; $depth_beg = $nesting_depth_to_go[$il]; } # now look for any interior tokens of the same types my $il = $ri_left->[0]; my $ir = $ri_right->[0]; # now make a list of all new break points my @insert_list; for ( my $i = $ir - 1 ; $i > $il ; $i-- ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; if ( $is_assignment{$type} && $nesting_depth_to_go[$i] eq $depth_beg ) { if ( $want_break_before{$type} ) { push @insert_list, $i - 1; } else { push @insert_list, $i; } } } # Break after a 'return' followed by a chain of operators # return ( $^O !~ /win32|dos/i ) # && ( $^O ne 'VMS' ) # && ( $^O ne 'OS2' ) # && ( $^O ne 'MacOS' ); # To give: # return # ( $^O !~ /win32|dos/i ) # && ( $^O ne 'VMS' ) # && ( $^O ne 'OS2' ) # && ( $^O ne 'MacOS' ); my $i = 0; if ( $types_to_go[$i] eq 'k' && $tokens_to_go[$i] eq 'return' && $ir > $il && $nesting_depth_to_go[$i] eq $depth_beg ) { push @insert_list, $i; } return unless (@insert_list); # One final check... # scan second and third lines and be sure there are no assignments # we want to avoid breaking at an = to make something like this: # unless ( $icon = # $html_icons{"$type-$state"} # or $icon = $html_icons{$type} # or $icon = $html_icons{$state} ) for my $n ( 1 .. 2 ) { my $il = $ri_left->[$n]; my $ir = $ri_right->[$n]; foreach my $i ( $il + 1 .. $ir ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$i]; return if ( $is_assignment{$type} && $nesting_depth_to_go[$i] eq $depth_beg ); } } # ok, insert any new break point if (@insert_list) { insert_additional_breaks( \@insert_list, $ri_left, $ri_right ); } return; } sub insert_final_breaks { my ( $self, $ri_left, $ri_right ) = @_; my $nmax = @{$ri_right} - 1; # scan the left and right end tokens of all lines my $count = 0; my $i_first_colon = -1; for my $n ( 0 .. $nmax ) { my $il = $ri_left->[$n]; my $ir = $ri_right->[$n]; my $typel = $types_to_go[$il]; my $typer = $types_to_go[$ir]; return if ( $typel eq '?' ); return if ( $typer eq '?' ); if ( $typel eq ':' ) { $i_first_colon = $il; last; } elsif ( $typer eq ':' ) { $i_first_colon = $ir; last; } } # For long ternary chains, # if the first : we see has its ? is in the interior # of a preceding line, then see if there are any good # breakpoints before the ?. if ( $i_first_colon > 0 ) { my $i_question = $mate_index_to_go[$i_first_colon]; if ( $i_question > 0 ) { my @insert_list; for ( my $ii = $i_question - 1 ; $ii >= 0 ; $ii -= 1 ) { my $token = $tokens_to_go[$ii]; my $type = $types_to_go[$ii]; # For now, a good break is either a comma or, # in a long chain, a 'return'. # Patch for RT #126633: added the $nmax>1 check to avoid # breaking after a return for a simple ternary. For longer # chains the break after return allows vertical alignment, so # it is still done. So perltidy -wba='?' will not break # immediately after the return in the following statement: # sub x { # return 0 ? 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' : # 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'; # } if ( ( $type eq ',' || $type eq 'k' && ( $nmax > 1 && $token eq 'return' ) ) && $self->in_same_container_i( $ii, $i_question ) ) { push @insert_list, $ii; last; } } # insert any new break points if (@insert_list) { insert_additional_breaks( \@insert_list, $ri_left, $ri_right ); } } } return; } sub in_same_container_i { # check to see if tokens at i1 and i2 are in the # same container, and not separated by a comma, ? or : # This is an interface between the _to_go arrays to the rLL array my ( $self, $i1, $i2 ) = @_; return $self->in_same_container_K( $K_to_go[$i1], $K_to_go[$i2] ); } { # sub in_same_container_K my $ris_break_token; my $ris_comma_token; BEGIN { # all cases break on seeing commas at same level my @q = qw( => ); push @q, ','; @{$ris_comma_token}{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); # Non-ternary text also breaks on seeing any of qw(? : || or ) # Example: we would not want to break at any of these .'s # : "<A HREF=\"#item_" . htmlify( 0, $s2 ) . "\">$str</A>" push @q, qw( or || ? : ); @{$ris_break_token}{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub in_same_container_K { # Check to see if tokens at K1 and K2 are in the same container, # and not separated by certain characters: => , ? : || or # This version uses the newer $rLL data structure my ( $self, $K1, $K2 ) = @_; if ( $K2 < $K1 ) { ( $K1, $K2 ) = ( $K2, $K1 ) } my $rLL = $self->{rLL}; my $depth_1 = $rLL->[$K1]->[_SLEVEL_]; return if ( $depth_1 < 0 ); return unless ( $rLL->[$K2]->[_SLEVEL_] == $depth_1 ); # Select character set to scan for my $type_1 = $rLL->[$K1]->[_TYPE_]; my $rbreak = ( $type_1 ne ':' ) ? $ris_break_token : $ris_comma_token; # Fast preliminary loop to verify that tokens are in the same container my $KK = $K1; while (1) { $KK = $rLL->[$KK]->[_KNEXT_SEQ_ITEM_]; last if !defined($KK); last if ( $KK >= $K2 ); my $depth_K = $rLL->[$KK]->[_SLEVEL_]; return if ( $depth_K < $depth_1 ); next if ( $depth_K > $depth_1 ); if ( $type_1 ne ':' ) { my $tok_K = $rLL->[$KK]->[_TOKEN_]; return if ( $tok_K eq '?' || $tok_K eq ':' ); } } # Slow loop checking for certain characters ########################################################### # This is potentially a slow routine and not critical. # For safety just give up for large differences. # See test file 'infinite_loop.txt' ########################################################### return if ( $K2 - $K1 > 200 ); foreach my $K ( $K1 + 1 .. $K2 - 1 ) { my $depth_K = $rLL->[$K]->[_SLEVEL_]; next if ( $depth_K > $depth_1 ); return if ( $depth_K < $depth_1 ); # redundant, checked above my $tok = $rLL->[$K]->[_TOKEN_]; return if ( $rbreak->{$tok} ); } return 1; } } sub set_continuation_breaks { # Define an array of indexes for inserting newline characters to # keep the line lengths below the maximum desired length. There is # an implied break after the last token, so it need not be included. # Method: # This routine is part of series of routines which adjust line # lengths. It is only called if a statement is longer than the # maximum line length, or if a preliminary scanning located # desirable break points. Sub scan_list has already looked at # these tokens and set breakpoints (in array # $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$i]) where it wants breaks (for example # after commas, after opening parens, and before closing parens). # This routine will honor these breakpoints and also add additional # breakpoints as necessary to keep the line length below the maximum # requested. It bases its decision on where the 'bond strength' is # lowest. # Output: returns references to the arrays: # @i_first # @i_last # which contain the indexes $i of the first and last tokens on each # line. # In addition, the array: # $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$i] # may be updated to be =1 for any index $i after which there must be # a break. This signals later routines not to undo the breakpoint. my ( $self, $saw_good_break ) = @_; my @i_first = (); # the first index to output my @i_last = (); # the last index to output my @i_colon_breaks = (); # needed to decide if we have to break at ?'s if ( $types_to_go[0] eq ':' ) { push @i_colon_breaks, 0 } set_bond_strengths(); my $imin = 0; my $imax = $max_index_to_go; if ( $types_to_go[$imin] eq 'b' ) { $imin++ } if ( $types_to_go[$imax] eq 'b' ) { $imax-- } my $i_begin = $imin; # index for starting next iteration my $leading_spaces = leading_spaces_to_go($imin); my $line_count = 0; my $last_break_strength = NO_BREAK; my $i_last_break = -1; my $max_bias = 0.001; my $tiny_bias = 0.0001; my $leading_alignment_token = ""; my $leading_alignment_type = ""; # see if any ?/:'s are in order my $colons_in_order = 1; my $last_tok = ""; my @colon_list = grep { /^[\?\:]$/ } @types_to_go[ 0 .. $max_index_to_go ]; my $colon_count = @colon_list; foreach (@colon_list) { if ( $_ eq $last_tok ) { $colons_in_order = 0; last } $last_tok = $_; } # This is a sufficient but not necessary condition for colon chain my $is_colon_chain = ( $colons_in_order && @colon_list > 2 ); #------------------------------------------------------- # BEGINNING of main loop to set continuation breakpoints # Keep iterating until we reach the end #------------------------------------------------------- while ( $i_begin <= $imax ) { my $lowest_strength = NO_BREAK; my $starting_sum = $summed_lengths_to_go[$i_begin]; my $i_lowest = -1; my $i_test = -1; my $lowest_next_token = ''; my $lowest_next_type = 'b'; my $i_lowest_next_nonblank = -1; #------------------------------------------------------- # BEGINNING of inner loop to find the best next breakpoint #------------------------------------------------------- for ( $i_test = $i_begin ; $i_test <= $imax ; $i_test++ ) { my $type = $types_to_go[$i_test]; my $token = $tokens_to_go[$i_test]; my $next_type = $types_to_go[ $i_test + 1 ]; my $next_token = $tokens_to_go[ $i_test + 1 ]; my $i_next_nonblank = $inext_to_go[$i_test]; my $next_nonblank_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; my $next_nonblank_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; my $next_nonblank_block_type = $block_type_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; my $strength = $bond_strength_to_go[$i_test]; my $maximum_line_length = maximum_line_length($i_begin); # use old breaks as a tie-breaker. For example to # prevent blinkers with -pbp in this code: ##@keywords{ ## qw/ARG OUTPUT PROTO CONSTRUCTOR RETURNS DESC PARAMS SEEALSO EXAMPLE/} ## = (); # At the same time try to prevent a leading * in this code # with the default formatting: # ## return ## factorial( $a + $b - 1 ) / factorial( $a - 1 ) / factorial( $b - 1 ) ## * ( $x**( $a - 1 ) ) ## * ( ( 1 - $x )**( $b - 1 ) ); # reduce strength a bit to break ties at an old breakpoint ... if ( $old_breakpoint_to_go[$i_test] # which is a 'good' breakpoint, meaning ... # we don't want to break before it && !$want_break_before{$type} # and either we want to break before the next token # or the next token is not short (i.e. not a '*', '/' etc.) && $i_next_nonblank <= $imax && ( $want_break_before{$next_nonblank_type} || $token_lengths_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] > 2 || $next_nonblank_type =~ /^[\,\(\[\{L]$/ ) ) { $strength -= $tiny_bias; } # otherwise increase strength a bit if this token would be at the # maximum line length. This is necessary to avoid blinking # in the above example when the -iob flag is added. else { my $len = $leading_spaces + $summed_lengths_to_go[ $i_test + 1 ] - $starting_sum; if ( $len >= $maximum_line_length ) { $strength += $tiny_bias; } } my $must_break = 0; # Force an immediate break at certain operators # with lower level than the start of the line, # unless we've already seen a better break. # ############################################## # Note on an issue with a preceding ? ############################################## # We don't include a ? in the above list, but there may # be a break at a previous ? if the line is long. # Because of this we do not want to force a break if # there is a previous ? on this line. For now the best way # to do this is to not break if we have seen a lower strength # point, which is probably a ?. # # Example of unwanted breaks we are avoiding at a '.' following a ? # from pod2html using perltidy -gnu: # ) # ? "\n<A NAME=\"" # . $value # . "\">\n$text</A>\n" # : "\n$type$pod2.html\#" . $value . "\">$text<\/A>\n"; if ( ( $next_nonblank_type =~ /^(\.|\&\&|\|\|)$/ || ( $next_nonblank_type eq 'k' && $next_nonblank_token =~ /^(and|or)$/ ) ) && ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_begin] > $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] ) && ( $strength <= $lowest_strength ) ) { set_forced_breakpoint($i_next_nonblank); } if ( # Try to put a break where requested by scan_list $forced_breakpoint_to_go[$i_test] # break between ) { in a continued line so that the '{' can # be outdented # See similar logic in scan_list which catches instances # where a line is just something like ') {'. We have to # be careful because the corresponding block keyword might # not be on the first line, such as 'for' here: # # eval { # for ("a") { # for $x ( 1, 2 ) { local $_ = "b"; s/(.*)/+$1/ } # } # }; # || ( $line_count && ( $token eq ')' ) && ( $next_nonblank_type eq '{' ) && ($next_nonblank_block_type) && ( $next_nonblank_block_type ne $tokens_to_go[$i_begin] ) # RT #104427: Dont break before opening sub brace because # sub block breaks handled at higher level, unless # it looks like the preceding list is long and broken && !( $next_nonblank_block_type =~ /^sub\b/ && ( $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_begin] == $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] ) ) && !$rOpts->{'opening-brace-always-on-right'} ) # There is an implied forced break at a terminal opening brace || ( ( $type eq '{' ) && ( $i_test == $imax ) ) ) { # Forced breakpoints must sometimes be overridden, for example # because of a side comment causing a NO_BREAK. It is easier # to catch this here than when they are set. if ( $strength < NO_BREAK - 1 ) { $strength = $lowest_strength - $tiny_bias; $must_break = 1; } } # quit if a break here would put a good terminal token on # the next line and we already have a possible break if ( !$must_break && ( $next_nonblank_type =~ /^[\;\,]$/ ) && ( ( $leading_spaces + $summed_lengths_to_go[ $i_next_nonblank + 1 ] - $starting_sum ) > $maximum_line_length ) ) { last if ( $i_lowest >= 0 ); } # Avoid a break which would strand a single punctuation # token. For example, we do not want to strand a leading # '.' which is followed by a long quoted string. # But note that we do want to do this with -extrude (l=1) # so please test any changes to this code on -extrude. if ( !$must_break && ( $i_test == $i_begin ) && ( $i_test < $imax ) && ( $token eq $type ) && ( ( $leading_spaces + $summed_lengths_to_go[ $i_test + 1 ] - $starting_sum ) < $maximum_line_length ) ) { $i_test = min( $imax, $inext_to_go[$i_test] ); redo; } if ( ( $strength <= $lowest_strength ) && ( $strength < NO_BREAK ) ) { # break at previous best break if it would have produced # a leading alignment of certain common tokens, and it # is different from the latest candidate break last if ($leading_alignment_type); # Force at least one breakpoint if old code had good # break It is only called if a breakpoint is required or # desired. This will probably need some adjustments # over time. A goal is to try to be sure that, if a new # side comment is introduced into formatted text, then # the same breakpoints will occur. scbreak.t last if ( $i_test == $imax # we are at the end && !$forced_breakpoint_count # && $saw_good_break # old line had good break && $type =~ /^[#;\{]$/ # and this line ends in # ';' or side comment && $i_last_break < 0 # and we haven't made a break && $i_lowest >= 0 # and we saw a possible break && $i_lowest < $imax - 1 # (but not just before this ;) && $strength - $lowest_strength < 0.5 * WEAK # and it's good ); # Do not skip past an important break point in a short final # segment. For example, without this check we would miss the # break at the final / in the following code: # # $depth_stop = # ( $tau * $mass_pellet * $q_0 * # ( 1. - exp( -$t_stop / $tau ) ) - # 4. * $pi * $factor * $k_ice * # ( $t_melt - $t_ice ) * # $r_pellet * # $t_stop ) / # ( $rho_ice * $Qs * $pi * $r_pellet**2 ); # if ( $line_count > 2 && $i_lowest < $i_test && $i_test > $imax - 2 && $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_begin] > $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_lowest] && $lowest_strength < $last_break_strength - .5 * WEAK ) { # Make this break for math operators for now my $ir = $inext_to_go[$i_lowest]; my $il = $iprev_to_go[$ir]; last if ( $types_to_go[$il] =~ /^[\/\*\+\-\%]$/ || $types_to_go[$ir] =~ /^[\/\*\+\-\%]$/ ); } # Update the minimum bond strength location $lowest_strength = $strength; $i_lowest = $i_test; $lowest_next_token = $next_nonblank_token; $lowest_next_type = $next_nonblank_type; $i_lowest_next_nonblank = $i_next_nonblank; last if $must_break; # set flags to remember if a break here will produce a # leading alignment of certain common tokens if ( $line_count > 0 && $i_test < $imax && ( $lowest_strength - $last_break_strength <= $max_bias ) ) { my $i_last_end = $iprev_to_go[$i_begin]; my $tok_beg = $tokens_to_go[$i_begin]; my $type_beg = $types_to_go[$i_begin]; if ( # check for leading alignment of certain tokens ( $tok_beg eq $next_nonblank_token && $is_chain_operator{$tok_beg} && ( $type_beg eq 'k' || $type_beg eq $tok_beg ) && $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_begin] >= $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_next_nonblank] ) || ( $tokens_to_go[$i_last_end] eq $token && $is_chain_operator{$token} && ( $type eq 'k' || $type eq $token ) && $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_last_end] >= $nesting_depth_to_go[$i_test] ) ) { $leading_alignment_token = $next_nonblank_token; $leading_alignment_type = $next_nonblank_type; } } } my $too_long = ( $i_test >= $imax ); if ( !$too_long ) { my $next_length = $leading_spaces + $summed_lengths_to_go[ $i_test + 2 ] - $starting_sum; $too_long = $next_length > $maximum_line_length; # To prevent blinkers we will avoid leaving a token exactly at # the line length limit unless it is the last token or one of # several "good" types. # # The following code was a blinker with -pbp before this # modification: ## $last_nonblank_token eq '(' ## && $is_indirect_object_taker{ $paren_type ## [$paren_depth] } # The issue causing the problem is that if the # term [$paren_depth] gets broken across a line then # the whitespace routine doesn't see both opening and closing # brackets and will format like '[ $paren_depth ]'. This # leads to an oscillation in length depending if we break # before the closing bracket or not. if ( !$too_long && $i_test + 1 < $imax && $next_nonblank_type !~ /^[,\}\]\)R]$/ ) { $too_long = $next_length >= $maximum_line_length; } } FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BREAK && do { my $ltok = $token; my $rtok = $next_nonblank_token ? $next_nonblank_token : ""; my $i_testp2 = $i_test + 2; if ( $i_testp2 > $max_index_to_go + 1 ) { $i_testp2 = $max_index_to_go + 1; } if ( length($ltok) > 6 ) { $ltok = substr( $ltok, 0, 8 ) } if ( length($rtok) > 6 ) { $rtok = substr( $rtok, 0, 8 ) } print STDOUT "BREAK: i=$i_test imax=$imax $types_to_go[$i_test] $next_nonblank_type sp=($leading_spaces) lnext= $summed_lengths_to_go[$i_testp2] 2long=$too_long str=$strength $ltok $rtok\n"; }; # allow one extra terminal token after exceeding line length # if it would strand this token. if ( $rOpts_fuzzy_line_length && $too_long && $i_lowest == $i_test && $token_lengths_to_go[$i_test] > 1 && $next_nonblank_type =~ /^[\;\,]$/ ) { $too_long = 0; } last if ( ( $i_test == $imax ) # we're done if no more tokens, || ( ( $i_lowest >= 0 ) # or no more space and we have a break && $too_long ) ); } #------------------------------------------------------- # END of inner loop to find the best next breakpoint # Now decide exactly where to put the breakpoint #------------------------------------------------------- # it's always ok to break at imax if no other break was found if ( $i_lowest < 0 ) { $i_lowest = $imax } # semi-final index calculation my $i_next_nonblank = $inext_to_go[$i_lowest]; my $next_nonblank_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; my $next_nonblank_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; #------------------------------------------------------- # ?/: rule 1 : if a break here will separate a '?' on this # line from its closing ':', then break at the '?' instead. #------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $i ( $i_begin + 1 .. $i_lowest - 1 ) { next unless ( $tokens_to_go[$i] eq '?' ); # do not break if probable sequence of ?/: statements next if ($is_colon_chain); # do not break if statement is broken by side comment next if ( $tokens_to_go[$max_index_to_go] eq '#' && $self->terminal_type_i( 0, $max_index_to_go ) !~ /^[\;\}]$/ ); # no break needed if matching : is also on the line next if ( $mate_index_to_go[$i] >= 0 && $mate_index_to_go[$i] <= $i_next_nonblank ); $i_lowest = $i; if ( $want_break_before{'?'} ) { $i_lowest-- } last; } #------------------------------------------------------- # END of inner loop to find the best next breakpoint: # Break the line after the token with index i=$i_lowest #------------------------------------------------------- # final index calculation $i_next_nonblank = $inext_to_go[$i_lowest]; $next_nonblank_type = $types_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; $next_nonblank_token = $tokens_to_go[$i_next_nonblank]; FORMATTER_DEBUG_FLAG_BREAK && print STDOUT "BREAK: best is i = $i_lowest strength = $lowest_strength\n"; #------------------------------------------------------- # ?/: rule 2 : if we break at a '?', then break at its ':' # # Note: this rule is also in sub scan_list to handle a break # at the start and end of a line (in case breaks are dictated # by side comments). #------------------------------------------------------- if ( $next_nonblank_type eq '?' ) { set_closing_breakpoint($i_next_nonblank); } elsif ( $types_to_go[$i_lowest] eq '?' ) { set_closing_breakpoint($i_lowest); } #------------------------------------------------------- # ?/: rule 3 : if we break at a ':' then we save # its location for further work below. We may need to go # back and break at its '?'. #------------------------------------------------------- if ( $next_nonblank_type eq ':' ) { push @i_colon_breaks, $i_next_nonblank; } elsif ( $types_to_go[$i_lowest] eq ':' ) { push @i_colon_breaks, $i_lowest; } # here we should set breaks for all '?'/':' pairs which are # separated by this line $line_count++; # save this line segment, after trimming blanks at the ends push( @i_first, ( $types_to_go[$i_begin] eq 'b' ) ? $i_begin + 1 : $i_begin ); push( @i_last, ( $types_to_go[$i_lowest] eq 'b' ) ? $i_lowest - 1 : $i_lowest ); # set a forced breakpoint at a container opening, if necessary, to # signal a break at a closing container. Excepting '(' for now. if ( $tokens_to_go[$i_lowest] =~ /^[\{\[]$/ && !$forced_breakpoint_to_go[$i_lowest] ) { set_closing_breakpoint($i_lowest); } # get ready to go again $i_begin = $i_lowest + 1; $last_break_strength = $lowest_strength; $i_last_break = $i_lowest; $leading_alignment_token = ""; $leading_alignment_type = ""; $lowest_next_token = ''; $lowest_next_type = 'b'; if ( ( $i_begin <= $imax ) && ( $types_to_go[$i_begin] eq 'b' ) ) { $i_begin++; } # update indentation size if ( $i_begin <= $imax ) { $leading_spaces = leading_spaces_to_go($i_begin); } } #------------------------------------------------------- # END of main loop to set continuation breakpoints # Now go back and make any necessary corrections #------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------- # ?/: rule 4 -- if we broke at a ':', then break at # corresponding '?' unless this is a chain of ?: expressions #------------------------------------------------------- if (@i_colon_breaks) { # using a simple method for deciding if we are in a ?/: chain -- # this is a chain if it has multiple ?/: pairs all in order; # otherwise not. # Note that if line starts in a ':' we count that above as a break my $is_chain = ( $colons_in_order && @i_colon_breaks > 1 ); unless ($is_chain) { my @insert_list = (); foreach (@i_colon_breaks) { my $i_question = $mate_index_to_go[$_]; if ( $i_question >= 0 ) { if ( $want_break_before{'?'} ) { $i_question = $iprev_to_go[$i_question]; } if ( $i_question >= 0 ) { push @insert_list, $i_question; } } insert_additional_breaks( \@insert_list, \@i_first, \@i_last ); } } } return ( \@i_first, \@i_last, $colon_count ); } sub insert_additional_breaks { # this routine will add line breaks at requested locations after # sub set_continuation_breaks has made preliminary breaks. my ( $ri_break_list, $ri_first, $ri_last ) = @_; my $i_f; my $i_l; my $line_number = 0; foreach my $i_break_left ( sort { $a <=> $b } @{$ri_break_list} ) { $i_f = $ri_first->[$line_number]; $i_l = $ri_last->[$line_number]; while ( $i_break_left >= $i_l ) { $line_number++; # shouldn't happen unless caller passes bad indexes if ( $line_number >= @{$ri_last} ) { warning( "Non-fatal program bug: couldn't set break at $i_break_left\n" ); report_definite_bug(); return; } $i_f = $ri_first->[$line_number]; $i_l = $ri_last->[$line_number]; } # Do not leave a blank at the end of a line; back up if necessary if ( $types_to_go[$i_break_left] eq 'b' ) { $i_break_left-- } my $i_break_right = $inext_to_go[$i_break_left]; if ( $i_break_left >= $i_f && $i_break_left < $i_l && $i_break_right > $i_f && $i_break_right <= $i_l ) { splice( @{$ri_first}, $line_number, 1, ( $i_f, $i_break_right ) ); splice( @{$ri_last}, $line_number, 1, ( $i_break_left, $i_l ) ); } } return; } sub set_closing_breakpoint { # set a breakpoint at a matching closing token # at present, this is only used to break at a ':' which matches a '?' my $i_break = shift; if ( $mate_index_to_go[$i_break] >= 0 ) { # CAUTION: infinite recursion possible here: # set_closing_breakpoint calls set_forced_breakpoint, and # set_forced_breakpoint call set_closing_breakpoint # ( test files attrib.t, BasicLyx.pm.html). # Don't reduce the '2' in the statement below if ( $mate_index_to_go[$i_break] > $i_break + 2 ) { # break before } ] and ), but sub set_forced_breakpoint will decide # to break before or after a ? and : my $inc = ( $tokens_to_go[$i_break] eq '?' ) ? 0 : 1; set_forced_breakpoint( $mate_index_to_go[$i_break] - $inc ); } } else { my $type_sequence = $type_sequence_to_go[$i_break]; if ($type_sequence) { my $closing_token = $matching_token{ $tokens_to_go[$i_break] }; $postponed_breakpoint{$type_sequence} = 1; } } return; } sub compare_indentation_levels { # check to see if output line tabbing agrees with input line # this can be very useful for debugging a script which has an extra # or missing brace my ( $guessed_indentation_level, $structural_indentation_level ) = @_; if ( $guessed_indentation_level ne $structural_indentation_level ) { $last_tabbing_disagreement = $input_line_number; if ($in_tabbing_disagreement) { } else { $tabbing_disagreement_count++; if ( $tabbing_disagreement_count <= MAX_NAG_MESSAGES ) { write_logfile_entry( "Start indentation disagreement: input=$guessed_indentation_level; output=$structural_indentation_level\n" ); } $in_tabbing_disagreement = $input_line_number; $first_tabbing_disagreement = $in_tabbing_disagreement unless ($first_tabbing_disagreement); } } else { if ($in_tabbing_disagreement) { if ( $tabbing_disagreement_count <= MAX_NAG_MESSAGES ) { write_logfile_entry( "End indentation disagreement from input line $in_tabbing_disagreement\n" ); if ( $tabbing_disagreement_count == MAX_NAG_MESSAGES ) { write_logfile_entry( "No further tabbing disagreements will be noted\n"); } } $in_tabbing_disagreement = 0; } } return; } 1;