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package Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '20200110'; use Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::Alignment; use Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::Line; # The Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner package collects output lines and # attempts to line up certain common tokens, such as => and #, which are # identified by the calling routine. # # There are two main routines: valign_input and flush. Append acts as a # storage buffer, collecting lines into a group which can be vertically # aligned. When alignment is no longer possible or desirable, it dumps # the group to flush. # # valign_input -----> flush # # collects writes # vertical one # groups group BEGIN { # Caution: these debug flags produce a lot of output # They should all be 0 except when debugging small scripts use constant VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND => 0; use constant VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND0 => 0; use constant VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TERNARY => 0; use constant VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TABS => 0; my $debug_warning = sub { print STDOUT "VALIGN_DEBUGGING with key $_[0]\n"; return; }; VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND && $debug_warning->('APPEND'); VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND0 && $debug_warning->('APPEND0'); VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TERNARY && $debug_warning->('TERNARY'); VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TABS && $debug_warning->('TABS'); } use vars qw( $vertical_aligner_self $maximum_alignment_index $ralignment_list $maximum_jmax_seen $minimum_jmax_seen $previous_minimum_jmax_seen $previous_maximum_jmax_seen @group_lines $group_level $group_type $group_maximum_gap $marginal_match $last_level_written $last_leading_space_count $extra_indent_ok $zero_count $last_comment_column $last_side_comment_line_number $last_side_comment_length $last_side_comment_level $outdented_line_count $first_outdented_line_at $last_outdented_line_at $diagnostics_object $logger_object $file_writer_object @side_comment_history $comment_leading_space_count $is_matching_terminal_line $consecutive_block_comments $cached_line_text $cached_line_type $cached_line_flag $cached_seqno $cached_line_valid $cached_line_leading_space_count $cached_seqno_string $valign_buffer_filling @valign_buffer $seqno_string $last_nonblank_seqno_string $rOpts $rOpts_maximum_line_length $rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length $rOpts_continuation_indentation $rOpts_indent_columns $rOpts_tabs $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace $rOpts_valign $rOpts_fixed_position_side_comment $rOpts_minimum_space_to_comment ); sub initialize { ( my $class, $rOpts, $file_writer_object, $logger_object, $diagnostics_object ) = @_; # variables describing the entire space group: $ralignment_list = []; $group_level = 0; $last_level_written = -1; $extra_indent_ok = 0; # can we move all lines to the right? $last_side_comment_length = 0; $maximum_jmax_seen = 0; $minimum_jmax_seen = 0; $previous_minimum_jmax_seen = 0; $previous_maximum_jmax_seen = 0; # variables describing each line of the group @group_lines = (); # list of all lines in group $outdented_line_count = 0; $first_outdented_line_at = 0; $last_outdented_line_at = 0; $last_side_comment_line_number = 0; $last_side_comment_level = -1; $is_matching_terminal_line = 0; # most recent 3 side comments; [ line number, column ] $side_comment_history[0] = [ -300, 0 ]; $side_comment_history[1] = [ -200, 0 ]; $side_comment_history[2] = [ -100, 0 ]; # valign_output_step_B cache: $cached_line_text = ""; $cached_line_type = 0; $cached_line_flag = 0; $cached_seqno = 0; $cached_line_valid = 0; $cached_line_leading_space_count = 0; $cached_seqno_string = ""; # string of sequence numbers joined together $seqno_string = ""; $last_nonblank_seqno_string = ""; # frequently used parameters $rOpts_indent_columns = $rOpts->{'indent-columns'}; $rOpts_tabs = $rOpts->{'tabs'}; $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace = $rOpts->{'entab-leading-whitespace'}; $rOpts_fixed_position_side_comment = $rOpts->{'fixed-position-side-comment'}; $rOpts_minimum_space_to_comment = $rOpts->{'minimum-space-to-comment'}; $rOpts_maximum_line_length = $rOpts->{'maximum-line-length'}; $rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length = $rOpts->{'variable-maximum-line-length'}; $rOpts_valign = $rOpts->{'valign'}; $consecutive_block_comments = 0; forget_side_comment(); initialize_for_new_group(); $vertical_aligner_self = {}; bless $vertical_aligner_self, $class; return $vertical_aligner_self; } sub initialize_for_new_group { @group_lines = (); $maximum_alignment_index = -1; # alignments in current group $zero_count = 0; # count consecutive lines without tokens $group_maximum_gap = 0; # largest gap introduced $group_type = ""; $marginal_match = 0; $comment_leading_space_count = 0; $last_leading_space_count = 0; return; } # interface to Perl::Tidy::Diagnostics routines sub write_diagnostics { my $msg = shift; if ($diagnostics_object) { $diagnostics_object->write_diagnostics($msg); } return; } # interface to Perl::Tidy::Logger routines sub warning { my ($msg) = @_; if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->warning($msg); } return; } sub write_logfile_entry { my ($msg) = @_; if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->write_logfile_entry($msg); } return; } sub report_definite_bug { if ($logger_object) { $logger_object->report_definite_bug(); } return; } sub get_cached_line_count { my $self = shift; return @group_lines + ( $cached_line_type ? 1 : 0 ); } sub get_spaces { # return the number of leading spaces associated with an indentation # variable $indentation is either a constant number of spaces or an # object with a get_spaces method. my $indentation = shift; return ref($indentation) ? $indentation->get_spaces() : $indentation; } sub get_recoverable_spaces { # return the number of spaces (+ means shift right, - means shift left) # that we would like to shift a group of lines with the same indentation # to get them to line up with their opening parens my $indentation = shift; return ref($indentation) ? $indentation->get_recoverable_spaces() : 0; } sub get_stack_depth { my $indentation = shift; return ref($indentation) ? $indentation->get_stack_depth() : 0; } sub make_alignment { my ( $col, $token ) = @_; # make one new alignment at column $col which aligns token $token ++$maximum_alignment_index; #my $alignment = new Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::Alignment( my $nlines = @group_lines; my $alignment = Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::Alignment->new( column => $col, starting_column => $col, matching_token => $token, starting_line => $nlines - 1, ending_line => $nlines - 1, serial_number => $maximum_alignment_index, ); $ralignment_list->[$maximum_alignment_index] = $alignment; return $alignment; } sub dump_alignments { print STDOUT "Current Alignments:\ni\ttoken\tstarting_column\tcolumn\tstarting_line\tending_line\n"; for my $i ( 0 .. $maximum_alignment_index ) { my $column = $ralignment_list->[$i]->get_column(); my $starting_column = $ralignment_list->[$i]->get_starting_column(); my $matching_token = $ralignment_list->[$i]->get_matching_token(); my $starting_line = $ralignment_list->[$i]->get_starting_line(); my $ending_line = $ralignment_list->[$i]->get_ending_line(); print STDOUT "$i\t$matching_token\t$starting_column\t$column\t$starting_line\t$ending_line\n"; } return; } sub save_alignment_columns { for my $i ( 0 .. $maximum_alignment_index ) { $ralignment_list->[$i]->save_column(); } return; } sub restore_alignment_columns { for my $i ( 0 .. $maximum_alignment_index ) { $ralignment_list->[$i]->restore_column(); } return; } sub forget_side_comment { $last_comment_column = 0; return; } sub maximum_line_length_for_level { # return maximum line length for line starting with a given level my $maximum_line_length = $rOpts_maximum_line_length; if ($rOpts_variable_maximum_line_length) { my $level = shift; if ( $level < 0 ) { $level = 0 } $maximum_line_length += $level * $rOpts_indent_columns; } return $maximum_line_length; } sub push_group_line { my ($new_line) = @_; push @group_lines, $new_line; return; } sub valign_input { # Place one line in the current vertical group. # # The input parameters are: # $level = indentation level of this line # $rfields = reference to array of fields # $rpatterns = reference to array of patterns, one per field # $rtokens = reference to array of tokens starting fields 1,2,.. # # Here is an example of what this package does. In this example, # we are trying to line up both the '=>' and the '#'. # # '18' => 'grave', # \` # '19' => 'acute', # `' # '20' => 'caron', # \v # <-tabs-><f1-><--field 2 ---><-f3-> # | | | | # | | | | # col1 col2 col3 col4 # # The calling routine has already broken the entire line into 3 fields as # indicated. (So the work of identifying promising common tokens has # already been done). # # In this example, there will be 2 tokens being matched: '=>' and '#'. # They are the leading parts of fields 2 and 3, but we do need to know # what they are so that we can dump a group of lines when these tokens # change. # # The fields contain the actual characters of each field. The patterns # are like the fields, but they contain mainly token types instead # of tokens, so they have fewer characters. They are used to be # sure we are matching fields of similar type. # # In this example, there will be 4 column indexes being adjusted. The # first one is always at zero. The interior columns are at the start of # the matching tokens, and the last one tracks the maximum line length. # # Each time a new line comes in, it joins the current vertical # group if possible. Otherwise it causes the current group to be dumped # and a new group is started. # # For each new group member, the column locations are increased, as # necessary, to make room for the new fields. When the group is finally # output, these column numbers are used to compute the amount of spaces of # padding needed for each field. # # Programming note: the fields are assumed not to have any tab characters. # Tabs have been previously removed except for tabs in quoted strings and # side comments. Tabs in these fields can mess up the column counting. # The log file warns the user if there are any such tabs. my ( $rline_hash, $rfields, $rtokens, $rpatterns ) = @_; my $level = $rline_hash->{level}; my $level_end = $rline_hash->{level_end}; my $indentation = $rline_hash->{indentation}; my $is_forced_break = $rline_hash->{is_forced_break}; my $outdent_long_lines = $rline_hash->{outdent_long_lines}; my $is_terminal_ternary = $rline_hash->{is_terminal_ternary}; my $is_terminal_statement = $rline_hash->{is_terminal_statement}; my $do_not_pad = $rline_hash->{do_not_pad}; my $rvertical_tightness_flags = $rline_hash->{rvertical_tightness_flags}; my $level_jump = $rline_hash->{level_jump}; # number of fields is $jmax # number of tokens between fields is $jmax-1 my $jmax = @{$rfields} - 1; my $leading_space_count = get_spaces($indentation); # set outdented flag to be sure we either align within statements or # across statement boundaries, but not both. my $is_outdented = $last_leading_space_count > $leading_space_count; $last_leading_space_count = $leading_space_count; # Patch: undo for hanging side comment my $is_hanging_side_comment = ( $jmax == 1 && $rtokens->[0] eq '#' && $rfields->[0] =~ /^\s*$/ ); $is_outdented = 0 if $is_hanging_side_comment; # Forget side comment alignment after seeing 2 or more block comments my $is_block_comment = ( $jmax == 0 && $rfields->[0] =~ /^#/ ); if ($is_block_comment) { $consecutive_block_comments++; } else { if ( $consecutive_block_comments > 1 ) { forget_side_comment() } $consecutive_block_comments = 0; } VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND0 && do { my $nlines = @group_lines; print STDOUT "APPEND0: entering lines=$nlines new #fields= $jmax, leading_count=$leading_space_count last_cmt=$last_comment_column force=$is_forced_break, level_jump=$level_jump, level=$level, group_level=$group_level, level_jump=$level_jump\n"; }; # Validate cached line if necessary: If we can produce a container # with just 2 lines total by combining an existing cached opening # token with the closing token to follow, then we will mark both # cached flags as valid. if ($rvertical_tightness_flags) { if ( @group_lines <= 1 && $cached_line_type && $cached_seqno && $rvertical_tightness_flags->[2] && $rvertical_tightness_flags->[2] == $cached_seqno ) { $rvertical_tightness_flags->[3] ||= 1; $cached_line_valid ||= 1; } } # do not join an opening block brace with an unbalanced line # unless requested with a flag value of 2 if ( $cached_line_type == 3 && !@group_lines && $cached_line_flag < 2 && $level_jump != 0 ) { $cached_line_valid = 0; } # patch until new aligner is finished if ($do_not_pad) { my_flush() } # shouldn't happen: if ( $level < 0 ) { $level = 0 } # do not align code across indentation level changes # or if vertical alignment is turned off for debugging if ( $level != $group_level || $is_outdented || !$rOpts_valign ) { # we are allowed to shift a group of lines to the right if its # level is greater than the previous and next group $extra_indent_ok = ( $level < $group_level && $last_level_written < $group_level ); my_flush(); # If we know that this line will get flushed out by itself because # of level changes, we can leave the extra_indent_ok flag set. # That way, if we get an external flush call, we will still be # able to do some -lp alignment if necessary. $extra_indent_ok = ( $is_terminal_statement && $level > $group_level ); $group_level = $level; # wait until after the above flush to get the leading space # count because it may have been changed if the -icp flag is in # effect $leading_space_count = get_spaces($indentation); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect outdentable block COMMENTS # -------------------------------------------------------------------- my $is_blank_line = ""; if ( $group_type eq 'COMMENT' ) { if ( ( $is_block_comment && $outdent_long_lines && $leading_space_count == $comment_leading_space_count ) || $is_blank_line ) { push_group_line( $rfields->[0] ); return; } else { my_flush(); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # add dummy fields for terminal ternary # -------------------------------------------------------------------- my $j_terminal_match; if ( $is_terminal_ternary && @group_lines ) { $j_terminal_match = fix_terminal_ternary( $group_lines[-1], $rfields, $rtokens, $rpatterns ); $jmax = @{$rfields} - 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # add dummy fields for else statement # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $rfields->[0] =~ /^else\s*$/ && @group_lines && $level_jump == 0 ) { $j_terminal_match = fix_terminal_else( $group_lines[-1], $rfields, $rtokens, $rpatterns ); $jmax = @{$rfields} - 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle simple line of code with no fields to match. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $jmax <= 0 ) { $zero_count++; if ( @group_lines && !get_recoverable_spaces( $group_lines[0]->get_indentation() ) ) { # flush the current group if it has some aligned columns.. if ( $group_lines[0]->get_jmax() > 1 ) { my_flush() } # flush current group if we are just collecting side comments.. elsif ( # ...and we haven't seen a comment lately ( $zero_count > 3 ) # ..or if this new line doesn't fit to the left of the comments || ( ( $leading_space_count + length( $rfields->[0] ) ) > $group_lines[0]->get_column(0) ) ) { my_flush(); } } # start new COMMENT group if this comment may be outdented if ( $is_block_comment && $outdent_long_lines && !@group_lines ) { $group_type = 'COMMENT'; $comment_leading_space_count = $leading_space_count; push_group_line( $rfields->[0] ); return; } # just write this line directly if no current group, no side comment, # and no space recovery is needed. if ( !@group_lines && !get_recoverable_spaces($indentation) ) { valign_output_step_B( $leading_space_count, $rfields->[0], 0, $outdent_long_lines, $rvertical_tightness_flags, $level ); return; } } else { $zero_count = 0; } # programming check: (shouldn't happen) # an error here implies an incorrect call was made if ( @{$rfields} && ( @{$rtokens} != ( @{$rfields} - 1 ) ) ) { my $nt = @{$rtokens}; my $nf = @{$rfields}; warning( "Program bug in Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner - number of tokens = $nt should be one less than number of fields: $nf)\n" ); report_definite_bug(); } my $maximum_line_length_for_level = maximum_line_length_for_level($level); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # create an object to hold this line # -------------------------------------------------------------------- my $new_line = Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner::Line->new( jmax => $jmax, jmax_original_line => $jmax, rtokens => $rtokens, rfields => $rfields, rpatterns => $rpatterns, indentation => $indentation, leading_space_count => $leading_space_count, outdent_long_lines => $outdent_long_lines, list_type => "", is_hanging_side_comment => $is_hanging_side_comment, maximum_line_length => $maximum_line_length_for_level, rvertical_tightness_flags => $rvertical_tightness_flags, is_terminal_ternary => $is_terminal_ternary, j_terminal_match => $j_terminal_match, ); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # It simplifies things to create a zero length side comment # if none exists. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- make_side_comment( $new_line, $level_end ); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decide if this is a simple list of items. # There are 3 list types: none, comma, comma-arrow. # We use this below to be less restrictive in deciding what to align. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($is_forced_break) { decide_if_list($new_line); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Append this line to the current group (or start new group) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( !@group_lines ) { add_to_group($new_line); } else { push_group_line($new_line); } # output this group if it ends in a terminal else or ternary line if ( defined($j_terminal_match) ) { my_flush(); } # Force break after jump to lower level if ( $level_jump < 0 ) { my_flush(); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some old debugging stuff # -------------------------------------------------------------------- VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND && do { print STDOUT "APPEND fields:"; dump_array( @{$rfields} ); print STDOUT "APPEND tokens:"; dump_array( @{$rtokens} ); print STDOUT "APPEND patterns:"; dump_array( @{$rpatterns} ); dump_alignments(); }; return; } sub join_hanging_comment { my $line = shift; my $jmax = $line->get_jmax(); return 0 unless $jmax == 1; # must be 2 fields my $rtokens = $line->get_rtokens(); return 0 unless $rtokens->[0] eq '#'; # the second field is a comment.. my $rfields = $line->get_rfields(); return 0 unless $rfields->[0] =~ /^\s*$/; # the first field is empty... my $old_line = shift; my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); return 0 unless $maximum_field_index > $jmax; # the current line has more fields my $rpatterns = $line->get_rpatterns(); $line->set_is_hanging_side_comment(1); $jmax = $maximum_field_index; $line->set_jmax($jmax); $rfields->[$jmax] = $rfields->[1]; $rtokens->[ $jmax - 1 ] = $rtokens->[0]; $rpatterns->[ $jmax - 1 ] = $rpatterns->[0]; foreach my $j ( 1 .. $jmax - 1 ) { $rfields->[$j] = " "; # NOTE: caused glitch unless 1 blank, why? $rtokens->[ $j - 1 ] = ""; $rpatterns->[ $j - 1 ] = ""; } return 1; } sub eliminate_old_fields { my $new_line = shift; my $jmax = $new_line->get_jmax(); if ( $jmax > $maximum_jmax_seen ) { $maximum_jmax_seen = $jmax } if ( $jmax < $minimum_jmax_seen ) { $minimum_jmax_seen = $jmax } # there must be one previous line return unless ( @group_lines == 1 ); my $old_line = shift; my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); ############################################### # Moved below to allow new coding for => matches # return unless $maximum_field_index > $jmax; ############################################### # Identify specific cases where field elimination is allowed: # case=1: both lines have comma-separated lists, and the first # line has an equals # case=2: both lines have leading equals # case 1 is the default my $case = 1; # See if case 2: both lines have leading '=' # We'll require similar leading patterns in this case my $old_rtokens = $old_line->get_rtokens(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); my $rpatterns = $new_line->get_rpatterns(); my $old_rpatterns = $old_line->get_rpatterns(); if ( $rtokens->[0] =~ /^=>?\d*$/ && $old_rtokens->[0] eq $rtokens->[0] && $old_rpatterns->[0] eq $rpatterns->[0] ) { $case = 2; } # not too many fewer fields in new line for case 1 return unless ( $case != 1 || $maximum_field_index - 2 <= $jmax ); # case 1 must have side comment my $old_rfields = $old_line->get_rfields(); return if ( $case == 1 && length( $old_rfields->[$maximum_field_index] ) == 0 ); my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); my $hid_equals = 0; my @new_alignments = (); my @new_fields = (); my @new_matching_patterns = (); my @new_matching_tokens = (); my $j = 0; my $current_field = ''; my $current_pattern = ''; # loop over all old tokens my $in_match = 0; foreach my $k ( 0 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ) { $current_field .= $old_rfields->[$k]; $current_pattern .= $old_rpatterns->[$k]; last if ( $j > $jmax - 1 ); if ( $old_rtokens->[$k] eq $rtokens->[$j] ) { $in_match = 1; $new_fields[$j] = $current_field; $new_matching_patterns[$j] = $current_pattern; $current_field = ''; $current_pattern = ''; $new_matching_tokens[$j] = $old_rtokens->[$k]; $new_alignments[$j] = $old_line->get_alignment($k); $j++; } else { if ( $old_rtokens->[$k] =~ /^\=\d*$/ ) { last if ( $case == 2 ); # avoid problems with stuff # like: $a=$b=$c=$d; $hid_equals = 1; } last if ( $in_match && $case == 1 ) ; # disallow gaps in matching field types in case 1 } } # Modify the current state if we are successful. # We must exactly reach the ends of the new list for success, and the old # pattern must have more fields. Here is an example where the first and # second lines have the same number, and we should not align: # my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255; # my @b = grep /\W/, @a; # my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a; # Otherwise, we would get all of the commas aligned, which doesn't work as # well: # my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255; # my @b = grep /\W/, @a; # my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a; if ( ( $j == $jmax ) && ( $current_field eq '' ) && ( $case != 1 || $hid_equals ) && ( $maximum_field_index > $jmax ) ) { my $k = $maximum_field_index; $current_field .= $old_rfields->[$k]; $current_pattern .= $old_rpatterns->[$k]; $new_fields[$j] = $current_field; $new_matching_patterns[$j] = $current_pattern; $new_alignments[$j] = $old_line->get_alignment($k); $maximum_field_index = $j; $old_line->set_alignments(@new_alignments); $old_line->set_jmax($jmax); $old_line->set_rtokens( \@new_matching_tokens ); $old_line->set_rfields( \@new_fields ); $old_line->set_rpatterns( \@{$rpatterns} ); } # Dumb Down starting match if necessary: # # Consider the following two lines: # # { # $a => 20 > 3 ? 1 : 0, # $xyz => 5, # } # We would like to get alignment regardless of the order of the two lines. # If the lines come in in this order, then we will simplify the patterns of # the first line in sub eliminate_new_fields. If the lines come in reverse # order, then we achieve this with eliminate_new_fields. # This update is currently restricted to leading '=>' matches. Although we # could do this for both '=' and '=>', overall the results for '=' come out # better without this step because this step can eliminate some other good # matches. For example, with the '=' we get: # my @disilva = ( "di Silva", "diSilva", "di Si\x{301}lva", "diSi\x{301}lva" ); # my @dsf = map "$_\x{FFFE}Fred", @disilva; # my @dsj = map "$_\x{FFFE}John", @disilva; # my @dsJ = map "$_ John", @disilva; # without including '=' we get: # my @disilva = ( "di Silva", "diSilva", "di Si\x{301}lva", "diSi\x{301}lva" ); # my @dsf = map "$_\x{FFFE}Fred", @disilva; # my @dsj = map "$_\x{FFFE}John", @disilva; # my @dsJ = map "$_ John", @disilva; elsif ( $case == 2 && @new_matching_tokens == 1 ##&& $new_matching_tokens[0] =~ /^=/ # see note above && $new_matching_tokens[0] =~ /^=>/ && $maximum_field_index > 2 ) { my $jmaxm = $jmax - 1; my $kmaxm = $maximum_field_index - 1; my $have_side_comment = $old_rtokens->[$kmaxm] eq '#'; # We need to reduce the group pattern to be just two tokens, # the leading equality or => and the final side comment my $mid_field = join "", @{$old_rfields}[ 1 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ]; my $mid_patterns = join "", @{$old_rpatterns}[ 1 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ]; my @new_alignments = ( $old_line->get_alignment(0), $old_line->get_alignment( $maximum_field_index - 1 ) ); my @new_tokens = ( $old_rtokens->[0], $old_rtokens->[ $maximum_field_index - 1 ] ); my @new_fields = ( $old_rfields->[0], $mid_field, $old_rfields->[$maximum_field_index] ); my @new_patterns = ( $old_rpatterns->[0], $mid_patterns, $old_rpatterns->[$maximum_field_index] ); $maximum_field_index = 2; $old_line->set_jmax($maximum_field_index); $old_line->set_rtokens( \@new_tokens ); $old_line->set_rfields( \@new_fields ); $old_line->set_rpatterns( \@new_patterns ); initialize_for_new_group(); add_to_group($old_line); } return; } # create an empty side comment if none exists sub make_side_comment { my ( $new_line, $level_end ) = @_; my $jmax = $new_line->get_jmax(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); # if line does not have a side comment... if ( ( $jmax == 0 ) || ( $rtokens->[ $jmax - 1 ] ne '#' ) ) { my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns = $new_line->get_rpatterns(); $rtokens->[$jmax] = '#'; $rfields->[ ++$jmax ] = ''; $rpatterns->[$jmax] = '#'; $new_line->set_jmax($jmax); $new_line->set_jmax_original_line($jmax); } # line has a side comment.. else { # don't remember old side comment location for very long my $line_number = $vertical_aligner_self->get_output_line_number(); my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); if ( $line_number - $last_side_comment_line_number > 12 # and don't remember comment location across block level changes || ( $level_end < $last_side_comment_level && $rfields->[0] =~ /^}/ ) ) { forget_side_comment(); } $last_side_comment_line_number = $line_number; $last_side_comment_level = $level_end; } return; } sub decide_if_list { my $line = shift; # A list will be taken to be a line with a forced break in which all # of the field separators are commas or comma-arrows (except for the # trailing #) # List separator tokens are things like ',3' or '=>2', # where the trailing digit is the nesting depth. Allow braces # to allow nested list items. my $rtokens = $line->get_rtokens(); my $test_token = $rtokens->[0]; if ( $test_token =~ /^(\,|=>)/ ) { my $list_type = $test_token; my $jmax = $line->get_jmax(); foreach ( 1 .. $jmax - 2 ) { if ( $rtokens->[$_] !~ /^(\,|=>|\{)/ ) { $list_type = ""; last; } } $line->set_list_type($list_type); } return; } sub eliminate_new_fields { my ( $new_line, $old_line ) = @_; return unless (@group_lines); my $jmax = $new_line->get_jmax(); my $old_rtokens = $old_line->get_rtokens(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); my $is_assignment = ( $rtokens->[0] =~ /^=>?\d*$/ && ( $old_rtokens->[0] eq $rtokens->[0] ) ); # must be monotonic variation return unless ( $is_assignment || $previous_maximum_jmax_seen <= $jmax ); # must be more fields in the new line my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); return unless ( $maximum_field_index < $jmax ); unless ($is_assignment) { return unless ( $old_line->get_jmax_original_line() == $minimum_jmax_seen ) ; # only if monotonic # never combine fields of a comma list return unless ( $maximum_field_index > 1 ) && ( $new_line->get_list_type() !~ /^,/ ); } my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns = $new_line->get_rpatterns(); my $old_rpatterns = $old_line->get_rpatterns(); # loop over all OLD tokens except comment and check match my $match = 1; foreach my $k ( 0 .. $maximum_field_index - 2 ) { if ( ( $old_rtokens->[$k] ne $rtokens->[$k] ) || ( $old_rpatterns->[$k] ne $rpatterns->[$k] ) ) { $match = 0; last; } } # first tokens agree, so combine extra new tokens if ($match) { foreach my $k ( $maximum_field_index .. $jmax - 1 ) { $rfields->[ $maximum_field_index - 1 ] .= $rfields->[$k]; $rfields->[$k] = ""; $rpatterns->[ $maximum_field_index - 1 ] .= $rpatterns->[$k]; $rpatterns->[$k] = ""; } $rtokens->[ $maximum_field_index - 1 ] = '#'; $rfields->[$maximum_field_index] = $rfields->[$jmax]; $rpatterns->[$maximum_field_index] = $rpatterns->[$jmax]; $jmax = $maximum_field_index; } $new_line->set_jmax($jmax); return; } sub fix_terminal_ternary { # Add empty fields as necessary to align a ternary term # like this: # # my $leapyear = # $year % 4 ? 0 # : $year % 100 ? 1 # : $year % 400 ? 0 # : 1; # # returns 1 if the terminal item should be indented my ( $old_line, $rfields, $rtokens, $rpatterns ) = @_; return unless ($old_line); ## FUTURE CODING ## my ( $old_line, $end_line ) = @_; ## return unless ( $old_line && $end_line ); ## ## my $rfields = $end_line->get_rfields(); ## my $rpatterns = $end_line->get_rpatterns(); ## my $rtokens = $end_line->get_rtokens(); my $jmax = @{$rfields} - 1; my $rfields_old = $old_line->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns_old = $old_line->get_rpatterns(); my $rtokens_old = $old_line->get_rtokens(); my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); # look for the question mark after the : my ($jquestion); my $depth_question; my $pad = ""; foreach my $j ( 0 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ) { my $tok = $rtokens_old->[$j]; if ( $tok =~ /^\?(\d+)$/ ) { $depth_question = $1; # depth must be correct next unless ( $depth_question eq $group_level ); $jquestion = $j; if ( $rfields_old->[ $j + 1 ] =~ /^(\?\s*)/ ) { $pad = " " x length($1); } else { return; # shouldn't happen } last; } } return unless ( defined($jquestion) ); # shouldn't happen # Now splice the tokens and patterns of the previous line # into the else line to insure a match. Add empty fields # as necessary. my $jadd = $jquestion; # Work on copies of the actual arrays in case we have # to return due to an error my @fields = @{$rfields}; my @patterns = @{$rpatterns}; my @tokens = @{$rtokens}; VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TERNARY && do { local $" = '><'; print STDOUT "CURRENT FIELDS=<@{$rfields_old}>\n"; print STDOUT "CURRENT TOKENS=<@{$rtokens_old}>\n"; print STDOUT "CURRENT PATTERNS=<@{$rpatterns_old}>\n"; print STDOUT "UNMODIFIED FIELDS=<@{$rfields}>\n"; print STDOUT "UNMODIFIED TOKENS=<@{$rtokens}>\n"; print STDOUT "UNMODIFIED PATTERNS=<@{$rpatterns}>\n"; }; # handle cases of leading colon on this line if ( $fields[0] =~ /^(:\s*)(.*)$/ ) { my ( $colon, $therest ) = ( $1, $2 ); # Handle sub-case of first field with leading colon plus additional code # This is the usual situation as at the '1' below: # ... # : $year % 400 ? 0 # : 1; if ($therest) { # Split the first field after the leading colon and insert padding. # Note that this padding will remain even if the terminal value goes # out on a separate line. This does not seem to look to bad, so no # mechanism has been included to undo it. my $field1 = shift @fields; unshift @fields, ( $colon, $pad . $therest ); # change the leading pattern from : to ? return unless ( $patterns[0] =~ s/^\:/?/ ); # install leading tokens and patterns of existing line unshift( @tokens, @{$rtokens_old}[ 0 .. $jquestion ] ); unshift( @patterns, @{$rpatterns_old}[ 0 .. $jquestion ] ); # insert appropriate number of empty fields splice( @fields, 1, 0, ('') x $jadd ) if $jadd; } # handle sub-case of first field just equal to leading colon. # This can happen for example in the example below where # the leading '(' would create a new alignment token # : ( $name =~ /[]}]$/ ) ? ( $mname = $name ) # : ( $mname = $name . '->' ); else { return unless ( $jmax > 0 && $tokens[0] ne '#' ); # shouldn't happen # prepend a leading ? onto the second pattern $patterns[1] = "?b" . $patterns[1]; # pad the second field $fields[1] = $pad . $fields[1]; # install leading tokens and patterns of existing line, replacing # leading token and inserting appropriate number of empty fields splice( @tokens, 0, 1, @{$rtokens_old}[ 0 .. $jquestion ] ); splice( @patterns, 1, 0, @{$rpatterns_old}[ 1 .. $jquestion ] ); splice( @fields, 1, 0, ('') x $jadd ) if $jadd; } } # Handle case of no leading colon on this line. This will # be the case when -wba=':' is used. For example, # $year % 400 ? 0 : # 1; else { # install leading tokens and patterns of existing line $patterns[0] = '?' . 'b' . $patterns[0]; unshift( @tokens, @{$rtokens_old}[ 0 .. $jquestion ] ); unshift( @patterns, @{$rpatterns_old}[ 0 .. $jquestion ] ); # insert appropriate number of empty fields $jadd = $jquestion + 1; $fields[0] = $pad . $fields[0]; splice( @fields, 0, 0, ('') x $jadd ) if $jadd; } VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TERNARY && do { local $" = '><'; print STDOUT "MODIFIED TOKENS=<@tokens>\n"; print STDOUT "MODIFIED PATTERNS=<@patterns>\n"; print STDOUT "MODIFIED FIELDS=<@fields>\n"; }; # all ok .. update the arrays @{$rfields} = @fields; @{$rtokens} = @tokens; @{$rpatterns} = @patterns; ## FUTURE CODING ## $end_line->set_rfields( \@fields ); ## $end_line->set_rtokens( \@tokens ); ## $end_line->set_rpatterns( \@patterns ); # force a flush after this line return $jquestion; } sub fix_terminal_else { # Add empty fields as necessary to align a balanced terminal # else block to a previous if/elsif/unless block, # like this: # # if ( 1 || $x ) { print "ok 13\n"; } # else { print "not ok 13\n"; } # # returns a positive value if the else block should be indented # my ( $old_line, $rfields, $rtokens, $rpatterns ) = @_; return unless ($old_line); my $jmax = @{$rfields} - 1; return unless ( $jmax > 0 ); # check for balanced else block following if/elsif/unless my $rfields_old = $old_line->get_rfields(); # TBD: add handling for 'case' return unless ( $rfields_old->[0] =~ /^(if|elsif|unless)\s*$/ ); # look for the opening brace after the else, and extract the depth my $tok_brace = $rtokens->[0]; my $depth_brace; if ( $tok_brace =~ /^\{(\d+)/ ) { $depth_brace = $1; } # probably: "else # side_comment" else { return } my $rpatterns_old = $old_line->get_rpatterns(); my $rtokens_old = $old_line->get_rtokens(); my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); # be sure the previous if/elsif is followed by an opening paren my $jparen = 0; my $tok_paren = '(' . $depth_brace; my $tok_test = $rtokens_old->[$jparen]; return unless ( $tok_test eq $tok_paren ); # shouldn't happen # Now find the opening block brace my ($jbrace); foreach my $j ( 1 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ) { my $tok = $rtokens_old->[$j]; if ( $tok eq $tok_brace ) { $jbrace = $j; last; } } return unless ( defined($jbrace) ); # shouldn't happen # Now splice the tokens and patterns of the previous line # into the else line to insure a match. Add empty fields # as necessary. my $jadd = $jbrace - $jparen; splice( @{$rtokens}, 0, 0, @{$rtokens_old}[ $jparen .. $jbrace - 1 ] ); splice( @{$rpatterns}, 1, 0, @{$rpatterns_old}[ $jparen + 1 .. $jbrace ] ); splice( @{$rfields}, 1, 0, ('') x $jadd ); # force a flush after this line if it does not follow a case if ( $rfields_old->[0] =~ /^case\s*$/ ) { return } else { return $jbrace } } { # sub check_match my %is_good_alignment; BEGIN { # Vertically aligning on certain "good" tokens is usually okay # so we can be less restrictive in marginal cases. my @q = qw( { ? => = ); push @q, (','); @is_good_alignment{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub check_match { # See if the current line matches the current vertical alignment group. # If not, flush the current group. my ( $new_line, $old_line ) = @_; # uses global variables: # $previous_minimum_jmax_seen # $maximum_jmax_seen # $marginal_match my $jmax = $new_line->get_jmax(); my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); # flush if this line has too many fields # variable $GoToLoc indicates goto branch point, for debugging my $GoToLoc = 1; if ( $jmax > $maximum_field_index ) { goto NO_MATCH } # flush if adding this line would make a non-monotonic field count if ( ( $maximum_field_index > $jmax ) # this has too few fields && ( ( $previous_minimum_jmax_seen < $jmax ) # and wouldn't be monotonic || ( $old_line->get_jmax_original_line() != $maximum_jmax_seen ) ) ) { $GoToLoc = 2; goto NO_MATCH; } # otherwise see if this line matches the current group my $jmax_original_line = $new_line->get_jmax_original_line(); my $is_hanging_side_comment = $new_line->get_is_hanging_side_comment(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns = $new_line->get_rpatterns(); my $list_type = $new_line->get_list_type(); my $group_list_type = $old_line->get_list_type(); my $old_rpatterns = $old_line->get_rpatterns(); my $old_rtokens = $old_line->get_rtokens(); my $jlimit = $jmax - 1; if ( $maximum_field_index > $jmax ) { $jlimit = $jmax_original_line; --$jlimit unless ( length( $new_line->get_rfields()->[$jmax] ) ); } # handle comma-separated lists .. if ( $group_list_type && ( $list_type eq $group_list_type ) ) { for my $j ( 0 .. $jlimit ) { my $old_tok = $old_rtokens->[$j]; next unless $old_tok; my $new_tok = $rtokens->[$j]; next unless $new_tok; # lists always match ... # unless they would align any '=>'s with ','s $GoToLoc = 3; goto NO_MATCH if ( $old_tok =~ /^=>/ && $new_tok =~ /^,/ || $new_tok =~ /^=>/ && $old_tok =~ /^,/ ); } } # do detailed check for everything else except hanging side comments elsif ( !$is_hanging_side_comment ) { my $leading_space_count = $new_line->get_leading_space_count(); my $max_pad = 0; my $min_pad = 0; my $saw_good_alignment; for my $j ( 0 .. $jlimit ) { my $old_tok = $old_rtokens->[$j]; my $new_tok = $rtokens->[$j]; # Note on encoding used for alignment tokens: # ------------------------------------------- # Tokens are "decorated" with information which can help # prevent unwanted alignments. Consider for example the # following two lines: # local ( $xn, $xd ) = split( '/', &'rnorm(@_) ); # local ( $i, $f ) = &'bdiv( $xn, $xd ); # There are three alignment tokens in each line, a comma, # an =, and a comma. In the first line these three tokens # are encoded as: # ,4+local-18 =3 ,4+split-7 # and in the second line they are encoded as # ,4+local-18 =3 ,4+&'bdiv-8 # Tokens always at least have token name and nesting # depth. So in this example the ='s are at depth 3 and # the ,'s are at depth 4. This prevents aligning tokens # of different depths. Commas contain additional # information, as follows: # , {depth} + {container name} - {spaces to opening paren} # This allows us to reject matching the rightmost commas # in the above two lines, since they are for different # function calls. This encoding is done in # 'sub send_lines_to_vertical_aligner'. # Pick off actual token. # Everything up to the first digit is the actual token. my $alignment_token = $new_tok; if ( $alignment_token =~ /^([^\d]+)/ ) { $alignment_token = $1 } # see if the decorated tokens match my $tokens_match = $new_tok eq $old_tok # Exception for matching terminal : of ternary statement.. # consider containers prefixed by ? and : a match || ( $new_tok =~ /^,\d*\+\:/ && $old_tok =~ /^,\d*\+\?/ ); # No match if the alignment tokens differ... if ( !$tokens_match ) { # ...Unless this is a side comment if ( $j == $jlimit # and there is either at least one alignment token # or this is a single item following a list. This # latter rule is required for 'December' to join # the following list: # my (@months) = ( # '', 'January', 'February', 'March', # 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', # 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', # 'December' # ); # If it doesn't then the -lp formatting will fail. && ( $j > 0 || $old_tok =~ /^,/ ) ) { $marginal_match = 1 if ( $marginal_match == 0 && @group_lines == 1 ); last; } $GoToLoc = 4; goto NO_MATCH; } # Calculate amount of padding required to fit this in. # $pad is the number of spaces by which we must increase # the current field to squeeze in this field. my $pad = length( $rfields->[$j] ) - $old_line->current_field_width($j); if ( $j == 0 ) { $pad += $leading_space_count; } # remember max pads to limit marginal cases if ( $alignment_token ne '#' ) { if ( $pad > $max_pad ) { $max_pad = $pad } if ( $pad < $min_pad ) { $min_pad = $pad } } if ( $is_good_alignment{$alignment_token} ) { $saw_good_alignment = 1; } # If patterns don't match, we have to be careful... if ( $old_rpatterns->[$j] ne $rpatterns->[$j] ) { # flag this as a marginal match since patterns differ $marginal_match = 1 if ( $marginal_match == 0 && @group_lines == 1 ); # We have to be very careful about aligning commas # when the pattern's don't match, because it can be # worse to create an alignment where none is needed # than to omit one. Here's an example where the ','s # are not in named containers. The first line below # should not match the next two: # ( $a, $b ) = ( $b, $r ); # ( $x1, $x2 ) = ( $x2 - $q * $x1, $x1 ); # ( $y1, $y2 ) = ( $y2 - $q * $y1, $y1 ); if ( $alignment_token eq ',' ) { # do not align commas unless they are in named containers $GoToLoc = 5; goto NO_MATCH unless ( $new_tok =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ); } # do not align parens unless patterns match; # large ugly spaces can occur in math expressions. elsif ( $alignment_token eq '(' ) { # But we can allow a match if the parens don't # require any padding. $GoToLoc = 6; if ( $pad != 0 ) { goto NO_MATCH } } # Handle an '=' alignment with different patterns to # the left. elsif ( $alignment_token eq '=' ) { # It is best to be a little restrictive when # aligning '=' tokens. Here is an example of # two lines that we will not align: # my $variable=6; # $bb=4; # The problem is that one is a 'my' declaration, # and the other isn't, so they're not very similar. # We will filter these out by comparing the first # letter of the pattern. This is crude, but works # well enough. if ( substr( $old_rpatterns->[$j], 0, 1 ) ne substr( $rpatterns->[$j], 0, 1 ) ) { $GoToLoc = 7; goto NO_MATCH; } # If we pass that test, we'll call it a marginal match. # Here is an example of a marginal match: # $done{$$op} = 1; # $op = compile_bblock($op); # The left tokens are both identifiers, but # one accesses a hash and the other doesn't. # We'll let this be a tentative match and undo # it later if we don't find more than 2 lines # in the group. elsif ( @group_lines == 1 ) { $marginal_match = 2; # =2 prevents being undone below } } } # Don't let line with fewer fields increase column widths # ( align3.t ) if ( $maximum_field_index > $jmax ) { # Exception: suspend this rule to allow last lines to join $GoToLoc = 8; if ( $pad > 0 ) { goto NO_MATCH; } } } ## end for my $j ( 0 .. $jlimit) # Turn off the "marginal match" flag in some cases... # A "marginal match" occurs when the alignment tokens agree # but there are differences in the other tokens (patterns). # If we leave the marginal match flag set, then the rule is that we # will align only if there are more than two lines in the group. # We will turn of the flag if we almost have a match # and either we have seen a good alignment token or we # just need a small pad (2 spaces) to fit. These rules are # the result of experimentation. Tokens which misaligned by just # one or two characters are annoying. On the other hand, # large gaps to less important alignment tokens are also annoying. if ( $marginal_match == 1 && $jmax == $maximum_field_index && ( $saw_good_alignment || ( $max_pad < 3 && $min_pad > -3 ) ) ) { $marginal_match = 0; } ##print "marginal=$marginal_match saw=$saw_good_alignment jmax=$jmax max=$maximum_field_index maxpad=$max_pad minpad=$min_pad\n"; } # We have a match (even if marginal). # If the current line has fewer fields than the current group # but otherwise matches, copy the remaining group fields to # make it a perfect match. if ( $maximum_field_index > $jmax ) { ########################################################## # FIXME: The previous version had a bug which made side comments # become regular fields, so for now the program does not allow a # line with side comment to match. This should eventually be done. # The best test file for experimenting is 'lista.t' ########################################################## my $comment = $rfields->[$jmax]; $GoToLoc = 9; goto NO_MATCH if ($comment); # Corrected loop for my $jj ( $jlimit .. $maximum_field_index ) { $rtokens->[$jj] = $old_rtokens->[$jj]; $rfields->[ $jj + 1 ] = ''; $rpatterns->[ $jj + 1 ] = $old_rpatterns->[ $jj + 1 ]; } ## THESE DO NOT GIVE CORRECT RESULTS ## $rfields->[$jmax] = $comment; ## $new_line->set_jmax($jmax); } return; NO_MATCH: # variable $GoToLoc is for debugging #print "no match from $GoToLoc\n"; # Make one last effort to retain a match of certain statements my $match = salvage_equality_matches( $new_line, $old_line ); my_flush_code() unless ($match); return; } } sub salvage_equality_matches { my ( $new_line, $old_line ) = @_; # Reduce the complexity of the two lines if it will allow us to retain # alignment of some common alignments, including '=' and '=>'. We will # convert both lines to have just two matching tokens, the equality and the # side comment. # return 0 or undef if unsuccessful # return 1 if successful # Here is a very simple example of two lines where we could at least # align the equals: # $x = $class->_sub( $x, $delta ); # $xpownm1 = $class->_pow( $class->_copy($x), $nm1 ); # x(i)^(n-1) # We will only do this if there is one old line (and one new line) return unless ( @group_lines == 1 ); return if ($is_matching_terminal_line); # We are only looking for equality type statements my $old_rtokens = $old_line->get_rtokens(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); my $is_equals = ( $rtokens->[0] =~ /=/ && ( $old_rtokens->[0] eq $rtokens->[0] ) ); return unless ($is_equals); # The leading patterns must match my $old_rpatterns = $old_line->get_rpatterns(); my $rpatterns = $new_line->get_rpatterns(); return if ( $old_rpatterns->[0] ne $rpatterns->[0] ); # Both should have side comment fields (should always be true) my $jmax_old = $old_line->get_jmax(); my $jmax_new = $new_line->get_jmax(); my $end_tok_old = $old_rtokens->[ $jmax_old - 1 ]; my $end_tok_new = $rtokens->[ $jmax_new - 1 ]; my $have_side_comments = defined($end_tok_old) && $end_tok_old eq '#' && defined($end_tok_new) && $end_tok_new eq '#'; if ( !$have_side_comments ) { return; } # Do not match if any remaining tokens in new line include '?', 'if', # 'unless','||', '&&'. The reason is that (1) this isn't a great match, and # (2) we will prevent possibly better matchs to follow. Here is an # example. The match of the first two lines is rejected, and this allows # the second and third lines to match. # my $type = shift || "o"; # my $fname = ( $type eq 'oo' ? 'orte_city' : 'orte' ); # my $suffix = ( $coord_system eq 'standard' ? '' : '-orig' ); # This logic can cause some unwanted losses of alignments, but it can retain # long runs of multiple-token alignments, so overall it is worthwhile. # If we had a peek at the subsequent line we could make a much better # decision here, but for now this is not available. for ( my $j = 1 ; $j < $jmax_new - 1 ; $j++ ) { my $new_tok = $rtokens->[$j]; # git#16: do not consider fat commas as good aligmnents here my $is_good_alignment = ( $new_tok =~ /^(=|\?|if|unless|\|\||\&\&)/ && $new_tok !~ /^=>/ ); return if ($is_good_alignment); } my $squeeze_line = sub { my ($line_obj) = @_; # reduce a line down to the three fields surrounding # the two tokens, an '=' of some sort and a '#' at the end my $jmax = $line_obj->get_jmax(); my $jmax_new = 2; return unless $jmax > $jmax_new; my $rfields = $line_obj->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns = $line_obj->get_rpatterns(); my $rtokens = $line_obj->get_rtokens(); my $rfields_new = [ $rfields->[0], join( '', @{$rfields}[ 1 .. $jmax - 1 ] ), $rfields->[$jmax] ]; my $rpatterns_new = [ $rpatterns->[0], join( '', @{$rpatterns}[ 1 .. $jmax - 1 ] ), $rpatterns->[$jmax] ]; my $rtokens_new = [ $rtokens->[0], $rtokens->[ $jmax - 1 ] ]; $line_obj->{_rfields} = $rfields_new; $line_obj->{_rpatterns} = $rpatterns_new; $line_obj->{_rtokens} = $rtokens_new; $line_obj->set_jmax($jmax_new); }; # Okay, we will force a match at the equals-like token. We will fix both # lines to have just 2 tokens and 3 fields: $squeeze_line->($new_line); $squeeze_line->($old_line); # start over with a new group initialize_for_new_group(); add_to_group($old_line); return 1; } sub check_fit { my ( $new_line, $old_line ) = @_; return unless (@group_lines); my $jmax = $new_line->get_jmax(); my $leading_space_count = $new_line->get_leading_space_count(); my $is_hanging_side_comment = $new_line->get_is_hanging_side_comment(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns = $new_line->get_rpatterns(); my $group_list_type = $group_lines[0]->get_list_type(); my $padding_so_far = 0; my $padding_available = $old_line->get_available_space_on_right(); # save current columns in case this doesn't work save_alignment_columns(); my $maximum_field_index = $old_line->get_jmax(); for my $j ( 0 .. $jmax ) { my $pad = length( $rfields->[$j] ) - $old_line->current_field_width($j); if ( $j == 0 ) { $pad += $leading_space_count; } # remember largest gap of the group, excluding gap to side comment if ( $pad < 0 && $group_maximum_gap < -$pad && $j > 0 && $j < $jmax - 1 ) { $group_maximum_gap = -$pad; } next if $pad < 0; ## OLD NOTES: ## This patch helps sometimes, but it doesn't check to see if ## the line is too long even without the side comment. It needs ## to be reworked. ##don't let a long token with no trailing side comment push ##side comments out, or end a group. (sidecmt1.t) ##next if ($j==$jmax-1 && length($rfields->[$jmax])==0); # BEGIN PATCH for keith1.txt. # If the group began matching multiple tokens but later this got # reduced to a fewer number of matching tokens, then the fields # of the later lines will still have to fit into their corresponding # fields. So a large later field will "push" the other fields to # the right, including previous side comments, and if there is no room # then there is no match. # For example, look at the last line in the following snippet: # my $b_prod_db = ( $ENV{ORACLE_SID} =~ m/p$/ && !$testing ) ? true : false; # my $env = ($b_prod_db) ? "prd" : "val"; # my $plant = ( $OPT{p} ) ? $OPT{p} : "STL"; # my $task = $OPT{t}; # my $fnam = "longggggggggggggggg.$record_created.$env.$plant.idash"; # The long term will push the '?' to the right to fit in, and in this # case there is not enough room so it will not match the equals unless # we do something special. # Usually it looks good to keep an initial alignment of '=' going, and # we can do this if the long term can fit in the space taken up by the # remaining fields (the ? : fields here). # Allowing any matching token for now, but it could be restricted # to an '='-like token if necessary. if ( $pad > $padding_available && $jmax == 2 # matching one thing (plus #) && $j == $jmax - 1 # at last field && @group_lines > 1 # more than 1 line in group now && $jmax < $maximum_field_index # other lines have more fields && length( $rfields->[$jmax] ) == 0 # no side comment # Uncomment to match only equals (but this does not seem necessary) # && $rtokens->[0] =~ /^=\d/ # matching an equals ) { my $extra_padding = 0; foreach my $jj ( $j + 1 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ) { $extra_padding += $old_line->current_field_width($jj); } next if ( $pad <= $padding_available + $extra_padding ); } # END PATCH for keith1.pl # This line will need space; lets see if we want to accept it.. if ( # not if this won't fit ( $pad > $padding_available ) # previously, there were upper bounds placed on padding here # (maximum_whitespace_columns), but they were not really helpful ) { # revert to starting state then flush; things didn't work out restore_alignment_columns(); my_flush_code(); last; } # patch to avoid excessive gaps in previous lines, # due to a line of fewer fields. # return join( ".", # $self->{"dfi"}, $self->{"aa"}, $self->rsvd, $self->{"rd"}, # $self->{"area"}, $self->{"id"}, $self->{"sel"} ); next if ( $jmax < $maximum_field_index && $j == $jmax - 1 ); # looks ok, squeeze this field in $old_line->increase_field_width( $j, $pad ); $padding_available -= $pad; # remember largest gap of the group, excluding gap to side comment if ( $pad > $group_maximum_gap && $j > 0 && $j < $jmax - 1 ) { $group_maximum_gap = $pad; } } return; } sub add_to_group { # The current line either starts a new alignment group or is # accepted into the current alignment group. my ($new_line) = @_; push_group_line($new_line); # initialize field lengths if starting new group if ( @group_lines == 1 ) { my $jmax = $new_line->get_jmax(); my $rfields = $new_line->get_rfields(); my $rtokens = $new_line->get_rtokens(); my $col = $new_line->get_leading_space_count(); for my $j ( 0 .. $jmax ) { $col += length( $rfields->[$j] ); # create initial alignments for the new group my $token = ""; if ( $j < $jmax ) { $token = $rtokens->[$j] } my $alignment = make_alignment( $col, $token ); $new_line->set_alignment( $j, $alignment ); } $maximum_jmax_seen = $jmax; $minimum_jmax_seen = $jmax; } # use previous alignments otherwise else { my @new_alignments = $group_lines[-2]->get_alignments(); $new_line->set_alignments(@new_alignments); } # remember group jmax extremes for next call to valign_input $previous_minimum_jmax_seen = $minimum_jmax_seen; $previous_maximum_jmax_seen = $maximum_jmax_seen; return; } sub dump_array { # debug routine to dump array contents local $" = ')('; print STDOUT "(@_)\n"; return; } # flush() sends the current Perl::Tidy::VerticalAligner group down the # pipeline to Perl::Tidy::FileWriter. # This is the external flush, which also empties the buffer and cache sub flush { # the buffer must be emptied first, then any cached text dump_valign_buffer(); if (@group_lines) { my_flush(); } else { if ($cached_line_type) { $seqno_string = $cached_seqno_string; valign_output_step_C( $cached_line_text, $cached_line_leading_space_count, $last_level_written ); $cached_line_type = 0; $cached_line_text = ""; $cached_seqno_string = ""; } } return; } sub reduce_valign_buffer_indentation { my ($diff) = @_; if ( $valign_buffer_filling && $diff ) { my $max_valign_buffer = @valign_buffer; foreach my $i ( 0 .. $max_valign_buffer - 1 ) { my ( $line, $leading_space_count, $level ) = @{ $valign_buffer[$i] }; my $ws = substr( $line, 0, $diff ); if ( ( length($ws) == $diff ) && $ws =~ /^\s+$/ ) { $line = substr( $line, $diff ); } if ( $leading_space_count >= $diff ) { $leading_space_count -= $diff; $level = level_change( $leading_space_count, $diff, $level ); } $valign_buffer[$i] = [ $line, $leading_space_count, $level ]; } } return; } sub level_change { # compute decrease in level when we remove $diff spaces from the # leading spaces my ( $leading_space_count, $diff, $level ) = @_; if ($rOpts_indent_columns) { my $olev = int( ( $leading_space_count + $diff ) / $rOpts_indent_columns ); my $nlev = int( $leading_space_count / $rOpts_indent_columns ); $level -= ( $olev - $nlev ); if ( $level < 0 ) { $level = 0 } } return $level; } sub dump_valign_buffer { if (@valign_buffer) { foreach (@valign_buffer) { valign_output_step_D( @{$_} ); } @valign_buffer = (); } $valign_buffer_filling = ""; return; } sub my_flush_comment { # Output a group of COMMENT lines return unless (@group_lines); my $leading_space_count = $comment_leading_space_count; my $leading_string = get_leading_string($leading_space_count); # look for excessively long lines my $max_excess = 0; foreach my $str (@group_lines) { my $excess = length($str) + $leading_space_count - maximum_line_length_for_level($group_level); if ( $excess > $max_excess ) { $max_excess = $excess; } } # zero leading space count if any lines are too long if ( $max_excess > 0 ) { $leading_space_count -= $max_excess; if ( $leading_space_count < 0 ) { $leading_space_count = 0 } $last_outdented_line_at = $file_writer_object->get_output_line_number(); unless ($outdented_line_count) { $first_outdented_line_at = $last_outdented_line_at; } my $nlines = @group_lines; $outdented_line_count += $nlines; } # write the lines my $outdent_long_lines = 0; foreach my $line (@group_lines) { valign_output_step_B( $leading_space_count, $line, 0, $outdent_long_lines, "", $group_level ); } initialize_for_new_group(); return; } sub my_flush_code { # Output a group of CODE lines return unless (@group_lines); VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND0 && do { my $group_list_type = $group_lines[0]->get_list_type(); my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); my $nlines = @group_lines; my $maximum_field_index = $group_lines[0]->get_jmax(); my $rfields_old = $group_lines[0]->get_rfields(); my $tok = $rfields_old->[0]; print STDOUT "APPEND0: my_flush_code called from $a $b $c fields=$maximum_field_index list=$group_list_type lines=$nlines extra=$extra_indent_ok first tok=$tok;\n"; }; # some small groups are best left unaligned my $do_not_align = decide_if_aligned_pair(); # optimize side comment location $do_not_align = adjust_side_comment($do_not_align); # recover spaces for -lp option if possible my $extra_leading_spaces = get_extra_leading_spaces(); # all lines of this group have the same basic leading spacing my $group_leader_length = $group_lines[0]->get_leading_space_count(); # add extra leading spaces if helpful # NOTE: Use zero; this did not work well my $min_ci_gap = 0; # output the lines foreach my $line (@group_lines) { valign_output_step_A( $line, $min_ci_gap, $do_not_align, $group_leader_length, $extra_leading_spaces ); } initialize_for_new_group(); return; } sub my_flush { # This is the vertical aligner internal flush, which leaves the cache # intact return unless (@group_lines); VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_APPEND0 && do { my ( $a, $b, $c ) = caller(); my $nlines = @group_lines; print STDOUT "APPEND0: my_flush called from $a $b $c lines=$nlines, type=$group_type \n"; }; # handle a group of COMMENT lines if ( $group_type eq 'COMMENT' ) { my_flush_comment() } # handle a single line of CODE elsif ( @group_lines == 1 ) { my_flush_code() } # handle group(s) of CODE lines else { # LP FIX PART 1 # If we are trying to add extra indentation for -lp formatting, # then we need to try to keep the group intact. But we have # to set the $extra_indent_ok flag to zero in case some lines # are output separately. We fix things up at the bottom. # NOTE: this is a workaround but is tentative; we should really look to # see if if extra indentation is possible. my $rOpt_lp = $rOpts->{'line-up-parentheses'}; my $keep_group_intact = $rOpt_lp && $extra_indent_ok; my $extra_indent_ok_save = $extra_indent_ok; $extra_indent_ok = 0; # we will rebuild alignment line group(s); my @new_lines = @group_lines; initialize_for_new_group(); # remove unmatched tokens in all lines delete_unmatched_tokens( \@new_lines ); foreach my $new_line (@new_lines) { # Start a new group if necessary if ( !@group_lines ) { add_to_group($new_line); next; } my $j_terminal_match = $new_line->get_j_terminal_match(); my $base_line = $group_lines[0]; # Initialize a global flag saying if the last line of the group # should match end of group and also terminate the group. There # should be no returns between here and where the flag is handled # at the bottom. my $col_matching_terminal = 0; if ( defined($j_terminal_match) ) { # remember the column of the terminal ? or { to match with $col_matching_terminal = $base_line->get_column($j_terminal_match); # set global flag for sub decide_if_aligned_pair $is_matching_terminal_line = 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow hanging side comment to join current group, if any. This # will help keep side comments aligned, because otherwise we # will have to start a new group, making alignment less likely. # ------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $new_line->get_is_hanging_side_comment() ) { join_hanging_comment( $new_line, $base_line ); } # If this line has no matching tokens, then flush out the lines # BEFORE this line unless both it and the previous line have side # comments. This prevents this line from pushing side coments out # to the right. elsif ( $new_line->get_jmax() == 1 && !$keep_group_intact ) { # There are no matching tokens, so now check side comments. # Programming note: accessing arrays with index -1 is # risky in Perl, but we have verified there is at least one # line in the group and that there is at least one field. my $prev_comment = $group_lines[-1]->get_rfields()->[-1]; my $side_comment = $new_line->get_rfields()->[-1]; my_flush_code() unless ( $side_comment && $prev_comment ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # If there is just one previous line, and it has more fields # than the new line, try to join fields together to get a match # with the new line. At the present time, only a single # leading '=' is allowed to be compressed out. This is useful # in rare cases where a table is forced to use old breakpoints # because of side comments, # and the table starts out something like this: # my %MonthChars = ('0', 'Jan', # side comment # '1', 'Feb', # '2', 'Mar', # Eliminating the '=' field will allow the remaining fields to # line up. This situation does not occur if there are no side # comments because scan_list would put a break after the # opening '('. # ------------------------------------------------------------- eliminate_old_fields( $new_line, $base_line ); # ------------------------------------------------------------- # If the new line has more fields than the current group, # see if we can match the first fields and combine the remaining # fields of the new line. # ------------------------------------------------------------- eliminate_new_fields( $new_line, $base_line ); # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Flush previous group unless all common tokens and patterns # match.. check_match( $new_line, $base_line ); # ------------------------------------------------------------- # See if there is space for this line in the current group (if # any) # ------------------------------------------------------------- if (@group_lines) { check_fit( $new_line, $base_line ); } add_to_group($new_line); if ( defined($j_terminal_match) ) { # if there is only one line in the group (maybe due to failure # to match perfectly with previous lines), then align the ? or # { of this terminal line with the previous one unless that # would make the line too long if ( @group_lines == 1 ) { $base_line = $group_lines[0]; my $col_now = $base_line->get_column($j_terminal_match); my $pad = $col_matching_terminal - $col_now; my $padding_available = $base_line->get_available_space_on_right(); if ( $pad > 0 && $pad <= $padding_available ) { $base_line->increase_field_width( $j_terminal_match, $pad ); } } my_flush_code(); $is_matching_terminal_line = 0; } # Optional optimization; end the group if we know we cannot match # next line. elsif ( $new_line->{_end_group} ) { my_flush_code(); } } # LP FIX PART 2 # if we managed to keep the group intact for -lp formatting, # restore the flag which allows extra indentation if ( $keep_group_intact && @group_lines == @new_lines ) { $extra_indent_ok = $extra_indent_ok_save; } my_flush_code(); } return; } sub delete_selected_tokens { my ( $line_obj, $ridel ) = @_; # remove an unused alignment token(s) to improve alignment chances return unless ( defined($line_obj) && defined($ridel) && @{$ridel} ); my $jmax_old = $line_obj->get_jmax(); my $rfields_old = $line_obj->get_rfields(); my $rpatterns_old = $line_obj->get_rpatterns(); my $rtokens_old = $line_obj->get_rtokens(); local $" = '> <'; 0 && print <<EOM; delete indexes: <@{$ridel}> old jmax: $jmax_old old tokens: <@{$rtokens_old}> old patterns: <@{$rpatterns_old}> old fields: <@{$rfields_old}> EOM my $rfields_new = []; my $rpatterns_new = []; my $rtokens_new = []; my $kmax = @{$ridel} - 1; my $k = 0; my $jdel_next = $ridel->[$k]; # FIXME: if ( $jdel_next < 0 ) { print STDERR "bad jdel_next=$jdel_next\n"; return } my $pattern = $rpatterns_old->[0]; my $field = $rfields_old->[0]; push @{$rfields_new}, $field; push @{$rpatterns_new}, $pattern; for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $jmax_old ; $j++ ) { my $token = $rtokens_old->[$j]; my $field = $rfields_old->[ $j + 1 ]; my $pattern = $rpatterns_old->[ $j + 1 ]; if ( $k > $kmax || $j < $jdel_next ) { push @{$rtokens_new}, $token; push @{$rfields_new}, $field; push @{$rpatterns_new}, $pattern; } elsif ( $j == $jdel_next ) { $rfields_new->[-1] .= $field; $rpatterns_new->[-1] .= $pattern; if ( ++$k <= $kmax ) { my $jdel_last = $jdel_next; $jdel_next = $ridel->[$k]; if ( $jdel_next < $jdel_last ) { # FIXME: print STDERR "bad jdel_next=$jdel_next\n"; return; } } } } # ----- x ------ x ------ x ------ #t 0 1 2 <- token indexing #f 0 1 2 3 <- field and pattern my $jmax_new = @{$rfields_new} - 1; $line_obj->set_rtokens($rtokens_new); $line_obj->set_rpatterns($rpatterns_new); $line_obj->set_rfields($rfields_new); $line_obj->set_jmax($jmax_new); 0 && print <<EOM; new jmax: $jmax_new new tokens: <@{$rtokens_new}> new patterns: <@{$rpatterns_new}> new fields: <@{$rfields_new}> EOM return; } sub decode_alignment_token { # Unpack the values packed in an alignment token # # Usage: # my ( $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ) = # decode_alignment_token($token); # Alignment tokens have a trailing decimal level and optional tag (for # commas): # For example, the first comma in the following line # sub banner { crlf; report( shift, '/', shift ); crlf } # is decorated as follows: # ,2+report-6 => (tok,lev,tag) =qw( , 2 +report-6) # An optional token count may be appended with a leading dot. # Currently this is only done for '=' tokens but this could change. # For example, consider the following line: # $nport = $port = shift || $name; # The first '=' may either be '=0' or '=0.1' [level 0, first equals] # The second '=' will be '=0.2' [level 0, second equals] my ($tok) = @_; my ( $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ) = ( $tok, 0, "", 1 ); if ( $tok =~ /^(\D+)(\d+)([^\.]*)(\.(\d+))?$/ ) { $raw_tok = $1; $lev = $2; $tag = $3 if ($3); $tok_count = $5 if ($5); } return ( $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ); } { # sub is_deletable_token my %is_deletable_equals; BEGIN { my @q; # These tokens with = may be deleted for vertical aligmnemt @q = qw( <= >= == =~ != <=> ); @is_deletable_equals{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub is_deletable_token { # Determine if a token with no match possibility can be removed to # improve chances of making an alignment. my ( $token, $i, $imax, $jline, $i_eq ) = @_; my ( $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ) = decode_alignment_token($token); # okay to delete second and higher copies of a token if ( $tok_count > 1 ) { return 1 } # only remove lower level commas if ( $raw_tok eq ',' ) { return if ( defined($i_eq) && $i < $i_eq ); return if ( $lev <= $group_level ); } # most operators with an equals sign should be retained if at # same level as this statement elsif ( $raw_tok =~ /=/ ) { return unless ( $lev > $group_level || $is_deletable_equals{$raw_tok} ); } # otherwise, ok to delete the token return 1; } } sub delete_unmatched_tokens { my ($rlines) = @_; # This is a preliminary step in vertical alignment in which we remove as # many obviously un-needed alignment tokens as possible. This will prevent # them from interfering with the final alignment. return unless @{$rlines}; my $has_terminal_match = $rlines->[-1]->get_j_terminal_match(); # ignore hanging side comments in these operations my @filtered = grep { !$_->{_is_hanging_side_comment} } @{$rlines}; my $rnew_lines = \@filtered; my @i_equals; my @min_levels; my $jmax = @{$rnew_lines} - 1; my %is_good_tok; # create a hash of tokens for each line my $rline_hashes = []; foreach my $line ( @{$rnew_lines} ) { my $rhash = {}; my $rtokens = $line->get_rtokens(); my $i = 0; my $i_eq; my $lev_min; foreach my $tok ( @{$rtokens} ) { my ( $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ) = decode_alignment_token($tok); if ( !defined($lev_min) || $lev < $lev_min ) { $lev_min = $lev } # Possible future upgrade: for multiple matches, # record [$i1, $i2, ..] instead of $i $rhash->{$tok} = [ $i, undef, undef, $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ]; # remember the first equals at line level if ( !defined($i_eq) && $raw_tok eq '=' ) { if ( $lev eq $group_level ) { $i_eq = $i } } $i++; } push @{$rline_hashes}, $rhash; push @i_equals, $i_eq; push @min_levels, $lev_min; } # compare each line pair and record matches my $rtok_hash = {}; my $nr = 0; for ( my $jl = 0 ; $jl < $jmax ; $jl++ ) { my $nl = $nr; $nr = 0; my $jr = $jl + 1; my $rhash_l = $rline_hashes->[$jl]; my $rhash_r = $rline_hashes->[$jr]; my $count = 0; # UNUSED NOW? my $ntoks = 0; foreach my $tok ( keys %{$rhash_l} ) { $ntoks++; if ( defined( $rhash_r->{$tok} ) ) { if ( $tok ne '#' ) { $count++; } my $il = $rhash_l->{$tok}->[0]; my $ir = $rhash_r->{$tok}->[0]; $rhash_l->{$tok}->[2] = $ir; $rhash_r->{$tok}->[1] = $il; if ( $tok ne '#' ) { push @{ $rtok_hash->{$tok} }, ( $jl, $jr ); $nr++; } } } # Set a line break if no matching tokens between these lines if ( $nr == 0 && $nl > 0 ) { $rnew_lines->[$jl]->{_end_group} = 1; } } # find subgroups my @subgroups; push @subgroups, [ 0, $jmax ]; for ( my $jl = 0 ; $jl < $jmax ; $jl++ ) { if ( $rnew_lines->[$jl]->{_end_group} ) { $subgroups[-1]->[1] = $jl; push @subgroups, [ $jl + 1, $jmax ]; } } # Loop to process each subgroups foreach my $item (@subgroups) { my ( $jbeg, $jend ) = @{$item}; # look for complete ternary or if/elsif/else blocks my $nlines = $jend - $jbeg + 1; my %token_line_count; for ( my $jj = $jbeg ; $jj <= $jend ; $jj++ ) { my %seen; my $line = $rnew_lines->[$jj]; my $rtokens = $line->get_rtokens(); foreach my $tok ( @{$rtokens} ) { if ( !$seen{$tok} ) { $seen{$tok}++; $token_line_count{$tok}++; } } } # Look for if/else/elsif and ternary blocks my $is_full_block; foreach my $tok ( keys %token_line_count ) { if ( $token_line_count{$tok} == $nlines ) { if ( $tok =~ /^\?/ || $tok =~ /^\{\d+if/ ) { $is_full_block = 1; } } } # remove unwanted alignment tokens for ( my $jj = $jbeg ; $jj <= $jend ; $jj++ ) { my $line = $rnew_lines->[$jj]; my $rtokens = $line->get_rtokens(); my $rhash = $rline_hashes->[$jj]; my $i = 0; my $i_eq = $i_equals[$jj]; my @idel; my $imax = @{$rtokens} - 2; my $delete_above_level; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $imax ; $i++ ) { my $tok = $rtokens->[$i]; next if ( $tok eq '#' ); # shouldn't happen my ( $iii, $il, $ir, $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ) = @{ $rhash->{$tok} }; # always remove unmatched tokens my $delete_me = !defined($il) && !defined($ir); # also, if this is a complete ternary or if/elsif/else block, # remove all alignments which are not also in every line $delete_me ||= ( $is_full_block && $token_line_count{$tok} < $nlines ); # Remove all tokens above a certain level following a previous # deletion. For example, we have to remove tagged higher level # alignment tokens following a => deletion because the tags of # higher level tokens will now be incorrect. For example, this # will prevent aligning commas as follows after deleting the # second => # $w->insert( # ListBox => origin => [ 270, 160 ], # size => [ 200, 55 ], # ); if ( defined($delete_above_level) ) { if ( $lev > $delete_above_level ) { $delete_me ||= 1; #$tag; } else { $delete_above_level = undef } } if ( $delete_me && is_deletable_token( $tok, $i, $imax, $jj, $i_eq ) # Patch: do not touch the first line of a terminal match, # such as below, because j_terminal has already been set. # if ($tag) { $tago = "<$tag>"; $tagc = "</$tag>"; } # else { $tago = $tagc = ''; } # But see snippets 'else1.t' and 'else2.t' && !( $jj == $jbeg && $has_terminal_match && $nlines == 2 ) ) { push @idel, $i; if ( !defined($delete_above_level) || $lev < $delete_above_level ) { # delete all following higher level alignments $delete_above_level = $lev; # but keep deleting after => to next lower level # to avoid some bizarre alignments if ( $raw_tok eq '=>' ) { $delete_above_level = $lev - 1; } } } } if (@idel) { delete_selected_tokens( $line, \@idel ) } } } # End loop over subgroups return; } { # decide_if_aligned_pair my %is_if_or; my %is_assignment; BEGIN { my @q = qw( if or || ); @is_if_or{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); @q = qw( = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= //= .= %= ^= x= ); @is_assignment{@q} = (1) x scalar(@q); } sub decide_if_aligned_pair { # Do not try to align two lines which are not really similar return unless ( @group_lines == 2 ); return if ($is_matching_terminal_line); # always align lists my $group_list_type = $group_lines[0]->get_list_type(); return 0 if ($group_list_type); my $jmax0 = $group_lines[0]->get_jmax(); my $jmax1 = $group_lines[1]->get_jmax(); my $rtokens = $group_lines[0]->get_rtokens(); my $leading_equals = ( $rtokens->[0] =~ /=/ ); # scan the tokens on the second line my $rtokens1 = $group_lines[1]->get_rtokens(); my $saw_if_or; # if we saw an 'if' or 'or' at group level my $raw_tokb = ""; # first token seen at group level for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $jmax1 - 1 ; $j++ ) { my ( $raw_tok, $lev, $tag, $tok_count ) = decode_alignment_token( $rtokens1->[$j] ); if ( $raw_tok && $lev == $group_level ) { if ( !$raw_tokb ) { $raw_tokb = $raw_tok } $saw_if_or ||= $is_if_or{$raw_tok}; } } # A marginal match is a match which has different patterns. Normally, # we should not allow exactly two lines to match if marginal. But # we can allow matching in some specific cases. my $is_marginal = $marginal_match; # lines with differing number of alignment tokens are marginal $is_marginal ||= $previous_maximum_jmax_seen != $previous_minimum_jmax_seen && !$is_assignment{$raw_tokb}; # We will use the line endings to help decide on alignments... # See if the lines end with semicolons... my $rpatterns0 = $group_lines[0]->get_rpatterns(); my $rpatterns1 = $group_lines[1]->get_rpatterns(); my $sc_term0; my $sc_term1; if ( $jmax0 < 1 || $jmax1 < 1 ) { # shouldn't happen } else { my $pat0 = $rpatterns0->[ $jmax0 - 1 ]; my $pat1 = $rpatterns1->[ $jmax1 - 1 ]; $sc_term0 = $pat0 =~ /;b?$/; $sc_term1 = $pat1 =~ /;b?$/; } if ( !$is_marginal && !$sc_term0 ) { # First line of assignment should be semicolon terminated. # For example, do not align here: # $$href{-NUM_TEXT_FILES} = $$href{-NUM_BINARY_FILES} = # $$href{-NUM_DIRS} = 0; if ( $is_assignment{$raw_tokb} ) { $is_marginal = 1; } } # Try to avoid some undesirable alignments of opening tokens # for example, the space between grep and { here: # return map { ( $_ => $_ ) } # grep { /$handles/ } $self->_get_delegate_method_list; $is_marginal ||= ( $raw_tokb eq '(' || $raw_tokb eq '{' ) && $jmax1 == 2 && $sc_term0 ne $sc_term1; # Undo the marginal match flag in certain cases, if ($is_marginal) { # Two lines with a leading equals-like operator are allowed to # align if the patterns to the left of the equals are the same. # For example the following two lines are a marginal match but have # the same left side patterns, so we will align the equals. # my $orig = my $format = "^<<<<< ~~\n"; # my $abc = "abc"; # But these have a different left pattern so they will not be # aligned # $xmldoc .= $`; # $self->{'leftovers'} .= "<bx-seq:seq" . $'; # First line semicolon terminated but second not, usually ok: # my $want = "'ab', 'a', 'b'"; # my $got = join( ", ", # map { defined($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" } # @got ); # First line not semicolon terminated, Not OK to match: # $$href{-NUM_TEXT_FILES} = $$href{-NUM_BINARY_FILES} = # $$href{-NUM_DIRS} = 0; my $pat0 = $rpatterns0->[0]; my $pat1 = $rpatterns1->[0]; ########################################################## # Turn off the marginal flag for some types of assignments ########################################################## if ( $is_assignment{$raw_tokb} ) { # undo marginal flag if first line is semicolon terminated # and leading patters match if ($sc_term0) { # && $sc_term1) { $is_marginal = $pat0 ne $pat1; } } elsif ( $raw_tokb eq '=>' ) { # undo marginal flag if patterns match $is_marginal = $pat0 ne $pat1; } elsif ( $raw_tokb eq '=~' ) { # undo marginal flag if both lines are semicolon terminated # and leading patters match if ( $sc_term1 && $sc_term0 ) { $is_marginal = $pat0 ne $pat1; } } ###################################################### # Turn off the marginal flag if we saw an 'if' or 'or' ###################################################### # A trailing 'if' and 'or' often gives a good alignment # For example, we can align these: # return -1 if $_[0] =~ m/^CHAPT|APPENDIX/; # return $1 + 0 if $_[0] =~ m/^SECT(\d*)$/; # or # $d_in_m[2] = 29 if ( &Date_LeapYear($y) ); # $d = $d_in_m[$m] if ( $d > $d_in_m[$m] ); if ($saw_if_or) { # undo marginal flag if both lines are semicolon terminated if ( $sc_term0 && $sc_term1 ) { $is_marginal = 0; } } } ############################### # Set the return flag: # Don't align if still marginal ############################### my $do_not_align = $is_marginal; # But try to convert them into a simple comment group if the first line # a has side comment my $rfields = $group_lines[0]->get_rfields(); my $maximum_field_index = $group_lines[0]->get_jmax(); if ( $do_not_align && ( length( $rfields->[$maximum_field_index] ) > 0 ) ) { combine_fields(); $do_not_align = 0; } return $do_not_align; } } sub adjust_side_comment { my $do_not_align = shift; # let's see if we can move the side comment field out a little # to improve readability (the last field is always a side comment field) my $have_side_comment = 0; my $first_side_comment_line = -1; my $maximum_field_index = $group_lines[0]->get_jmax(); my $i = 0; foreach my $line (@group_lines) { if ( length( $line->get_rfields()->[$maximum_field_index] ) ) { $have_side_comment = 1; $first_side_comment_line = $i; last; } $i++; } my $kmax = $maximum_field_index + 1; if ($have_side_comment) { my $line = $group_lines[0]; # the maximum space without exceeding the line length: my $avail = $line->get_available_space_on_right(); # try to use the previous comment column my $side_comment_column = $line->get_column( $kmax - 2 ); my $move = $last_comment_column - $side_comment_column; ## my $sc_line0 = $side_comment_history[0]->[0]; ## my $sc_col0 = $side_comment_history[0]->[1]; ## my $sc_line1 = $side_comment_history[1]->[0]; ## my $sc_col1 = $side_comment_history[1]->[1]; ## my $sc_line2 = $side_comment_history[2]->[0]; ## my $sc_col2 = $side_comment_history[2]->[1]; ## ## # FUTURE UPDATES: ## # Be sure to ignore 'do not align' and '} # end comments' ## # Find first $move > 0 and $move <= $avail as follows: ## # 1. try sc_col1 if sc_col1 == sc_col0 && (line-sc_line0) < 12 ## # 2. try sc_col2 if (line-sc_line2) < 12 ## # 3. try min possible space, plus up to 8, ## # 4. try min possible space if ( $kmax > 0 && !$do_not_align ) { # but if this doesn't work, give up and use the minimum space if ( $move > $avail ) { $move = $rOpts_minimum_space_to_comment - 1; } # but we want some minimum space to the comment my $min_move = $rOpts_minimum_space_to_comment - 1; if ( $move >= 0 && $last_side_comment_length > 0 && ( $first_side_comment_line == 0 ) && $group_level == $last_level_written ) { $min_move = 0; } if ( $move < $min_move ) { $move = $min_move; } # previously, an upper bound was placed on $move here, # (maximum_space_to_comment), but it was not helpful # don't exceed the available space if ( $move > $avail ) { $move = $avail } # we can only increase space, never decrease if ( $move > 0 ) { $line->increase_field_width( $maximum_field_index - 1, $move ); } # remember this column for the next group $last_comment_column = $line->get_column( $kmax - 2 ); } else { # try to at least line up the existing side comment location if ( $kmax > 0 && $move > 0 && $move < $avail ) { $line->increase_field_width( $maximum_field_index - 1, $move ); $do_not_align = 0; } # reset side comment column if we can't align else { forget_side_comment(); } } } return $do_not_align; } sub valign_output_step_A { ############################################################### # This is Step A in writing vertically aligned lines. # The line is prepared according to the alignments which have # been found. Then it is shipped to the next step. ############################################################### my ( $line, $min_ci_gap, $do_not_align, $group_leader_length, $extra_leading_spaces ) = @_; my $rfields = $line->get_rfields(); my $leading_space_count = $line->get_leading_space_count(); my $outdent_long_lines = $line->get_outdent_long_lines(); my $maximum_field_index = $line->get_jmax(); my $rvertical_tightness_flags = $line->get_rvertical_tightness_flags(); # add any extra spaces if ( $leading_space_count > $group_leader_length ) { $leading_space_count += $min_ci_gap; } my $str = $rfields->[0]; # loop to concatenate all fields of this line and needed padding my $total_pad_count = 0; for my $j ( 1 .. $maximum_field_index ) { # skip zero-length side comments last if ( ( $j == $maximum_field_index ) && ( !defined( $rfields->[$j] ) || ( length( $rfields->[$j] ) == 0 ) ) ); # compute spaces of padding before this field my $col = $line->get_column( $j - 1 ); my $pad = $col - ( length($str) + $leading_space_count ); if ($do_not_align) { $pad = ( $j < $maximum_field_index ) ? 0 : $rOpts_minimum_space_to_comment - 1; } # if the -fpsc flag is set, move the side comment to the selected # column if and only if it is possible, ignoring constraints on # line length and minimum space to comment if ( $rOpts_fixed_position_side_comment && $j == $maximum_field_index ) { my $newpad = $pad + $rOpts_fixed_position_side_comment - $col - 1; if ( $newpad >= 0 ) { $pad = $newpad; } } # accumulate the padding if ( $pad > 0 ) { $total_pad_count += $pad; } # add this field if ( !defined $rfields->[$j] ) { write_diagnostics("UNDEFined field at j=$j\n"); } # only add padding when we have a finite field; # this avoids extra terminal spaces if we have empty fields if ( length( $rfields->[$j] ) > 0 ) { $str .= ' ' x $total_pad_count; $total_pad_count = 0; $str .= $rfields->[$j]; } else { $total_pad_count = 0; } # update side comment history buffer if ( $j == $maximum_field_index ) { my $lineno = $file_writer_object->get_output_line_number(); shift @side_comment_history; push @side_comment_history, [ $lineno, $col ]; } } my $side_comment_length = ( length( $rfields->[$maximum_field_index] ) ); # ship this line off valign_output_step_B( $leading_space_count + $extra_leading_spaces, $str, $side_comment_length, $outdent_long_lines, $rvertical_tightness_flags, $group_level ); return; } sub get_extra_leading_spaces { #---------------------------------------------------------- # Define any extra indentation space (for the -lp option). # Here is why: # If a list has side comments, sub scan_list must dump the # list before it sees everything. When this happens, it sets # the indentation to the standard scheme, but notes how # many spaces it would have liked to use. We may be able # to recover that space here in the event that all of the # lines of a list are back together again. #---------------------------------------------------------- my $extra_leading_spaces = 0; if ($extra_indent_ok) { my $object = $group_lines[0]->get_indentation(); if ( ref($object) ) { my $extra_indentation_spaces_wanted = get_recoverable_spaces($object); # all indentation objects must be the same for my $i ( 1 .. @group_lines - 1 ) { if ( $object != $group_lines[$i]->get_indentation() ) { $extra_indentation_spaces_wanted = 0; last; } } if ($extra_indentation_spaces_wanted) { # the maximum space without exceeding the line length: my $avail = $group_lines[0]->get_available_space_on_right(); $extra_leading_spaces = ( $avail > $extra_indentation_spaces_wanted ) ? $extra_indentation_spaces_wanted : $avail; # update the indentation object because with -icp the terminal # ');' will use the same adjustment. $object->permanently_decrease_available_spaces( -$extra_leading_spaces ); } } } return $extra_leading_spaces; } sub combine_fields { # combine all fields except for the comment field ( sidecmt.t ) # Uses global variables: # @group_lines my $maximum_field_index = $group_lines[0]->get_jmax(); foreach my $line (@group_lines) { my $rfields = $line->get_rfields(); foreach ( 1 .. $maximum_field_index - 1 ) { $rfields->[0] .= $rfields->[$_]; } $rfields->[1] = $rfields->[$maximum_field_index]; $line->set_jmax(1); $line->set_column( 0, 0 ); $line->set_column( 1, 0 ); } $maximum_field_index = 1; foreach my $line (@group_lines) { my $rfields = $line->get_rfields(); for my $k ( 0 .. $maximum_field_index ) { my $pad = length( $rfields->[$k] ) - $line->current_field_width($k); if ( $k == 0 ) { $pad += $line->get_leading_space_count(); } if ( $pad > 0 ) { $line->increase_field_width( $k, $pad ) } } } return; } sub get_output_line_number { # the output line number reported to a caller is the number of items # written plus the number of items in the buffer my $self = shift; my $nlines = @group_lines; return $nlines + $file_writer_object->get_output_line_number(); } sub valign_output_step_B { ############################################################### # This is Step B in writing vertically aligned lines. # Vertical tightness is applied according to preset flags. # In particular this routine handles stacking of opening # and closing tokens. ############################################################### my ( $leading_space_count, $str, $side_comment_length, $outdent_long_lines, $rvertical_tightness_flags, $level ) = @_; # handle outdenting of long lines: if ($outdent_long_lines) { my $excess = length($str) - $side_comment_length + $leading_space_count - maximum_line_length_for_level($level); if ( $excess > 0 ) { $leading_space_count = 0; $last_outdented_line_at = $file_writer_object->get_output_line_number(); unless ($outdented_line_count) { $first_outdented_line_at = $last_outdented_line_at; } $outdented_line_count++; } } # Make preliminary leading whitespace. It could get changed # later by entabbing, so we have to keep track of any changes # to the leading_space_count from here on. my $leading_string = $leading_space_count > 0 ? ( ' ' x $leading_space_count ) : ""; # Unpack any recombination data; it was packed by # sub send_lines_to_vertical_aligner. Contents: # # [0] type: 1=opening non-block 2=closing non-block # 3=opening block brace 4=closing block brace # [1] flag: if opening: 1=no multiple steps, 2=multiple steps ok # if closing: spaces of padding to use # [2] sequence number of container # [3] valid flag: do not append if this flag is false # my ( $open_or_close, $tightness_flag, $seqno, $valid, $seqno_beg, $seqno_end ); if ($rvertical_tightness_flags) { ( $open_or_close, $tightness_flag, $seqno, $valid, $seqno_beg, $seqno_end ) = @{$rvertical_tightness_flags}; } $seqno_string = $seqno_end; # handle any cached line .. # either append this line to it or write it out if ( length($cached_line_text) ) { # Dump an invalid cached line if ( !$cached_line_valid ) { valign_output_step_C( $cached_line_text, $cached_line_leading_space_count, $last_level_written ); } # Handle cached line ending in OPENING tokens elsif ( $cached_line_type == 1 || $cached_line_type == 3 ) { my $gap = $leading_space_count - length($cached_line_text); # handle option of just one tight opening per line: if ( $cached_line_flag == 1 ) { if ( defined($open_or_close) && $open_or_close == 1 ) { $gap = -1; } } if ( $gap >= 0 && defined($seqno_beg) ) { $leading_string = $cached_line_text . ' ' x $gap; $leading_space_count = $cached_line_leading_space_count; $seqno_string = $cached_seqno_string . ':' . $seqno_beg; $level = $last_level_written; } else { valign_output_step_C( $cached_line_text, $cached_line_leading_space_count, $last_level_written ); } } # Handle cached line ending in CLOSING tokens else { my $test_line = $cached_line_text . ' ' x $cached_line_flag . $str; if ( # The new line must start with container $seqno_beg # The container combination must be okay.. && ( # okay to combine like types ( $open_or_close == $cached_line_type ) # closing block brace may append to non-block || ( $cached_line_type == 2 && $open_or_close == 4 ) # something like ');' || ( !$open_or_close && $cached_line_type == 2 ) ) # The combined line must fit && ( length($test_line) <= maximum_line_length_for_level($last_level_written) ) ) { $seqno_string = $cached_seqno_string . ':' . $seqno_beg; # Patch to outdent closing tokens ending # in ');' # If we are joining a line like ');' to a previous stacked # set of closing tokens, then decide if we may outdent the # combined stack to the indentation of the ');'. Since we # should not normally outdent any of the other tokens more than # the indentation of the lines that contained them, we will # only do this if all of the corresponding opening # tokens were on the same line. This can happen with # -sot and -sct. For example, it is ok here: # __PACKAGE__->load_components( qw( # PK::Auto # Core # )); # # But, for example, we do not outdent in this example because # that would put the closing sub brace out farther than the # opening sub brace: # # perltidy -sot -sct # $c->Tk::bind( # '<Control-f>' => sub { # my ($c) = @_; # my $e = $c->XEvent; # itemsUnderArea $c; # } ); # if ( $str =~ /^\);/ && $cached_line_text =~ /^[\)\}\]\s]*$/ ) { # The way to tell this is if the stacked sequence numbers # of this output line are the reverse of the stacked # sequence numbers of the previous non-blank line of # sequence numbers. So we can join if the previous # nonblank string of tokens is the mirror image. For # example if stack )}] is 13:8:6 then we are looking for a # leading stack like [{( which is 6:8:13 We only need to # check the two ends, because the intermediate tokens must # fall in order. Note on speed: having to split on colons # and eliminate multiple colons might appear to be slow, # but it's not an issue because we almost never come # through here. In a typical file we don't. $seqno_string =~ s/^:+//; $last_nonblank_seqno_string =~ s/^:+//; $seqno_string =~ s/:+/:/g; $last_nonblank_seqno_string =~ s/:+/:/g; # how many spaces can we outdent? my $diff = $cached_line_leading_space_count - $leading_space_count; if ( $diff > 0 && length($seqno_string) && length($last_nonblank_seqno_string) == length($seqno_string) ) { my @seqno_last = ( split /:/, $last_nonblank_seqno_string ); my @seqno_now = ( split /:/, $seqno_string ); if ( @seqno_now && @seqno_last && $seqno_now[-1] == $seqno_last[0] && $seqno_now[0] == $seqno_last[-1] ) { # OK to outdent .. # for absolute safety, be sure we only remove # whitespace my $ws = substr( $test_line, 0, $diff ); if ( ( length($ws) == $diff ) && $ws =~ /^\s+$/ ) { $test_line = substr( $test_line, $diff ); $cached_line_leading_space_count -= $diff; $last_level_written = level_change( $cached_line_leading_space_count, $diff, $last_level_written ); reduce_valign_buffer_indentation($diff); } # shouldn't happen, but not critical: ##else { ## ERROR transferring indentation here ##} } } } $str = $test_line; $leading_string = ""; $leading_space_count = $cached_line_leading_space_count; $level = $last_level_written; } else { valign_output_step_C( $cached_line_text, $cached_line_leading_space_count, $last_level_written ); } } } $cached_line_type = 0; $cached_line_text = ""; # make the line to be written my $line = $leading_string . $str; # write or cache this line if ( !$open_or_close || $side_comment_length > 0 ) { valign_output_step_C( $line, $leading_space_count, $level ); } else { $cached_line_text = $line; $cached_line_type = $open_or_close; $cached_line_flag = $tightness_flag; $cached_seqno = $seqno; $cached_line_valid = $valid; $cached_line_leading_space_count = $leading_space_count; $cached_seqno_string = $seqno_string; } $last_level_written = $level; $last_side_comment_length = $side_comment_length; $extra_indent_ok = 0; return; } sub valign_output_step_C { ############################################################### # This is Step C in writing vertically aligned lines. # Lines are either stored in a buffer or passed along to the next step. # The reason for storing lines is that we may later want to reduce their # indentation when -sot and -sct are both used. ############################################################### my @args = @_; # Dump any saved lines if we see a line with an unbalanced opening or # closing token. dump_valign_buffer() if ( $seqno_string && $valign_buffer_filling ); # Either store or write this line if ($valign_buffer_filling) { push @valign_buffer, [@args]; } else { valign_output_step_D(@args); } # For lines starting or ending with opening or closing tokens.. if ($seqno_string) { $last_nonblank_seqno_string = $seqno_string; # Start storing lines when we see a line with multiple stacked opening # tokens. # patch for RT #94354, requested by Colin Williams if ( $seqno_string =~ /^\d+(\:+\d+)+$/ && $args[0] !~ /^[\}\)\]\:\?]/ ) { # This test is efficient but a little subtle: The first test says # that we have multiple sequence numbers and hence multiple opening # or closing tokens in this line. The second part of the test # rejects stacked closing and ternary tokens. So if we get here # then we should have stacked unbalanced opening tokens. # Here is a complex example: # Foo($Bar[0], { # (side comment) # baz => 1, # }); # The first line has sequence 6::4. It does not begin with # a closing token or ternary, so it passes the test and must be # stacked opening tokens. # The last line has sequence 4:6 but is a stack of closing tokens, # so it gets rejected. # Note that the sequence number of an opening token for a qw quote # is a negative number and will be rejected. # For example, for the following line: # skip_symbols([qw( # $seqno_string='10:5:-1'. It would be okay to accept it but # I decided not to do this after testing. $valign_buffer_filling = $seqno_string; } } return; } sub valign_output_step_D { ############################################################### # This is Step D in writing vertically aligned lines. # Write one vertically aligned line of code to the output object. ############################################################### my ( $line, $leading_space_count, $level ) = @_; # The line is currently correct if there is no tabbing (recommended!) # We may have to lop off some leading spaces and replace with tabs. if ( $leading_space_count > 0 ) { # Nothing to do if no tabs if ( !( $rOpts_tabs || $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace ) || $rOpts_indent_columns <= 0 ) { # nothing to do } # Handle entab option elsif ($rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace) { # Patch 12-nov-2018 based on report from Glenn. Extra padding was # not correctly entabbed, nor were side comments: # Increase leading space count for a padded line to get correct tabbing if ( $line =~ /^(\s+)(.*)$/ ) { my $spaces = length($1); if ( $spaces > $leading_space_count ) { $leading_space_count = $spaces; } } my $space_count = $leading_space_count % $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace; my $tab_count = int( $leading_space_count / $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace ); my $leading_string = "\t" x $tab_count . ' ' x $space_count; if ( $line =~ /^\s{$leading_space_count,$leading_space_count}/ ) { substr( $line, 0, $leading_space_count ) = $leading_string; } else { # shouldn't happen - program error counting whitespace # - skip entabbing VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TABS && warning( "Error entabbing in valign_output_step_D: expected count=$leading_space_count\n" ); } } # Handle option of one tab per level else { my $leading_string = ( "\t" x $level ); my $space_count = $leading_space_count - $level * $rOpts_indent_columns; # shouldn't happen: if ( $space_count < 0 ) { # But it could be an outdented comment if ( $line !~ /^\s*#/ ) { VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TABS && warning( "Error entabbing in valign_output_step_D: for level=$group_level count=$leading_space_count\n" ); } $leading_string = ( ' ' x $leading_space_count ); } else { $leading_string .= ( ' ' x $space_count ); } if ( $line =~ /^\s{$leading_space_count,$leading_space_count}/ ) { substr( $line, 0, $leading_space_count ) = $leading_string; } else { # shouldn't happen - program error counting whitespace # we'll skip entabbing VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TABS && warning( "Error entabbing in valign_output_step_D: expected count=$leading_space_count\n" ); } } } $file_writer_object->write_code_line( $line . "\n" ); return; } { # begin get_leading_string my @leading_string_cache; sub get_leading_string { # define the leading whitespace string for this line.. my $leading_whitespace_count = shift; # Handle case of zero whitespace, which includes multi-line quotes # (which may have a finite level; this prevents tab problems) if ( $leading_whitespace_count <= 0 ) { return ""; } # look for previous result elsif ( $leading_string_cache[$leading_whitespace_count] ) { return $leading_string_cache[$leading_whitespace_count]; } # must compute a string for this number of spaces my $leading_string; # Handle simple case of no tabs if ( !( $rOpts_tabs || $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace ) || $rOpts_indent_columns <= 0 ) { $leading_string = ( ' ' x $leading_whitespace_count ); } # Handle entab option elsif ($rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace) { my $space_count = $leading_whitespace_count % $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace; my $tab_count = int( $leading_whitespace_count / $rOpts_entab_leading_whitespace ); $leading_string = "\t" x $tab_count . ' ' x $space_count; } # Handle option of one tab per level else { $leading_string = ( "\t" x $group_level ); my $space_count = $leading_whitespace_count - $group_level * $rOpts_indent_columns; # shouldn't happen: if ( $space_count < 0 ) { VALIGN_DEBUG_FLAG_TABS && warning( "Error in get_leading_string: for level=$group_level count=$leading_whitespace_count\n" ); # -- skip entabbing $leading_string = ( ' ' x $leading_whitespace_count ); } else { $leading_string .= ( ' ' x $space_count ); } } $leading_string_cache[$leading_whitespace_count] = $leading_string; return $leading_string; } } # end get_leading_string sub report_anything_unusual { my $self = shift; if ( $outdented_line_count > 0 ) { write_logfile_entry( "$outdented_line_count long lines were outdented:\n"); write_logfile_entry( " First at output line $first_outdented_line_at\n"); if ( $outdented_line_count > 1 ) { write_logfile_entry( " Last at output line $last_outdented_line_at\n"); } write_logfile_entry( " use -noll to prevent outdenting, -l=n to increase line length\n" ); write_logfile_entry("\n"); } return; } 1;