Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
package Perl::Critic::Utils::POD; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; use English qw< -no_match_vars >; use IO::String (); use Pod::PlainText (); use Pod::Select (); # TODO: non-fatal generic? use Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic qw< throw_generic >; use Perl::Critic::Exception::IO qw< throw_io >; use Perl::Critic::Utils qw< :characters >; use Exporter 'import'; our $VERSION = '1.140'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- our @EXPORT_OK = qw( get_pod_file_for_module get_raw_pod_section_from_file get_raw_pod_section_from_filehandle get_raw_pod_section_from_string get_raw_pod_section_for_module get_pod_section_from_file get_pod_section_from_filehandle get_pod_section_from_string get_pod_section_for_module trim_raw_pod_section trim_pod_section get_raw_module_abstract_from_file get_raw_module_abstract_from_filehandle get_raw_module_abstract_from_string get_raw_module_abstract_for_module get_module_abstract_from_file get_module_abstract_from_filehandle get_module_abstract_from_string get_module_abstract_for_module ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK, ); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pod_file_for_module { my ($module_name) = @_; # No File::Spec: %INC always uses forward slashes. (my $relative_path = $module_name) =~ s< :: ></>xmsg; $relative_path .= '.pm'; my $absolute_path = $INC{$relative_path} or return; (my $pod_path = $absolute_path) =~ s< [.] [^.]+ \z><.pod>xms; return $pod_path if -f $pod_path; return $absolute_path; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_pod_section_from_file { my ($file_name, $section_name) = @_; return _get_pod_section_from_file( $file_name, $section_name, Pod::Select->new(), ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_pod_section_from_filehandle { my ($file_handle, $section_name) = @_; return _get_pod_section_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $section_name, Pod::Select->new(), ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_pod_section_from_string { my ($source, $section_name) = @_; return _get_pod_section_from_string( $source, $section_name, Pod::Select->new(), ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_pod_section_for_module { my ($module_name, $section_name) = @_; my $file_name = get_pod_file_for_module($module_name) or throw_generic qq<Could not find POD for "$module_name".>; return get_raw_pod_section_from_file($file_name, $section_name); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pod_section_from_file { my ($file_name, $section_name) = @_; return _get_pod_section_from_file( $file_name, $section_name, Pod::PlainText->new(), ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pod_section_from_filehandle { my ($file_handle, $section_name) = @_; return _get_pod_section_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $section_name, Pod::PlainText->new(), ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pod_section_from_string { my ($source, $section_name) = @_; return _get_pod_section_from_string( $source, $section_name, Pod::PlainText->new(), ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pod_section_for_module { my ($module_name, $section_name) = @_; my $file_name = get_pod_file_for_module($module_name) or throw_generic qq<Could not find POD for "$module_name".>; return get_pod_section_from_file($file_name, $section_name); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_pod_section_from_file { my ($file_name, $section_name, $parser) = @_; open my $file_handle, '<', $file_name or throw_io message => qq<Could not open "$file_name": $ERRNO>, file_name => $file_name, errno => $ERRNO; my $content = _get_pod_section_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $section_name, $parser, ); close $file_handle or throw_io message => qq<Could not close "$file_name": $ERRNO>, file_name => $file_name, errno => $ERRNO; return $content; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_pod_section_from_filehandle { my ($file_handle, $section_name, $parser) = @_; $parser->select($section_name); my $content = $EMPTY; my $content_handle = IO::String->new( \$content ); $parser->parse_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $content_handle ); return if $content eq $EMPTY; return $content; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_pod_section_from_string { my ($source, $section_name, $parser) = @_; my $source_handle = IO::String->new( \$source ); return _get_pod_section_from_filehandle( $source_handle, $section_name, $parser, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub trim_raw_pod_section { my ($pod) = @_; return if not defined $pod; $pod =~ s< \A =head1 \b [^\n]* \n $ ><>xms; $pod =~ s< \A \s+ ><>xms; $pod =~ s< \s+ \z ><>xms; return $pod; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub trim_pod_section { my ($pod) = @_; return if not defined $pod; $pod =~ s< \A [^\n]* \n ><>xms; $pod =~ s< \A \s* \n ><>xms; $pod =~ s< \s+ \z ><>xms; return $pod; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_module_abstract_from_file { my ($file_name) = @_; return _get_module_abstract_from_file( $file_name, Pod::Select->new(), \&trim_raw_pod_section, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_module_abstract_from_filehandle { my ($file_handle) = @_; return _get_module_abstract_from_filehandle( $file_handle, Pod::Select->new(), \&trim_raw_pod_section, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_module_abstract_from_string { my ($source) = @_; return _get_module_abstract_from_string( $source, Pod::Select->new(), \&trim_raw_pod_section, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_raw_module_abstract_for_module { my ($module_name) = @_; my $file_name = get_pod_file_for_module($module_name) or throw_generic qq<Could not find POD for "$module_name".>; return get_raw_module_abstract_from_file($file_name); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_module_abstract_from_file { my ($file_name) = @_; return _get_module_abstract_from_file( $file_name, Pod::PlainText->new(), \&trim_pod_section, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_module_abstract_from_filehandle { my ($file_handle) = @_; return _get_module_abstract_from_filehandle( $file_handle, Pod::PlainText->new(), \&trim_pod_section, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_module_abstract_from_string { my ($source) = @_; return _get_module_abstract_from_string( $source, Pod::PlainText->new(), \&trim_pod_section, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_module_abstract_for_module { my ($module_name) = @_; my $file_name = get_pod_file_for_module($module_name) or throw_generic qq<Could not find POD for "$module_name".>; return get_module_abstract_from_file($file_name); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_module_abstract_from_file { my ($file_name, $parser, $trimmer) = @_; open my $file_handle, '<', $file_name or throw_io message => qq<Could not open "$file_name": $ERRNO>, file_name => $file_name, errno => $ERRNO; my $module_abstract = _get_module_abstract_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $parser, $trimmer, ); close $file_handle or throw_io message => qq<Could not close "$file_name": $ERRNO>, file_name => $file_name, errno => $ERRNO; return $module_abstract; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_module_abstract_from_filehandle { ## no critic (RequireFinalReturn) my ($file_handle, $parser, $trimmer) = @_; my $name_section = _get_pod_section_from_filehandle( $file_handle, 'NAME', $parser ); return if not $name_section; $name_section = $trimmer->($name_section); return if not $name_section; # Testing for parser class, blech. But it's a lot simpler and it's all # hidden in the implementation. if ('Pod::Select' eq ref $parser) { if ( $name_section =~ m< \n >xms ) { throw_generic qq<Malformed NAME section in "$name_section". > . q<It must be on a single line>; } } else { $name_section =~ s< \s+ >< >xmsg; # Ugh. Pod::PlainText splits up module names. if ( $name_section =~ m< \A \s* ( \w [ \w:]+ \w ) ( \s* - .* )? \z >xms ) { my ($module_name, $rest) = ($1, $2); $module_name =~ s/ [ ] //xms; $name_section = $module_name . ( $rest ? $rest : $EMPTY ); } } if ( $name_section =~ m< \A \s* [\w:]+ # Module name. \s+ - # The required single hyphen. \s+ ( \S # At least one non-whitespace. (?: .* \S)? # Everything up to the last non-whitespace. ) \s* \z >xms ) { my $module_abstract = $1; return $module_abstract; } if ( $name_section =~ m< \A \s* [\w:]+ # Module name. (?: \s* - )? # The single hyphen is now optional. \s* \z >xms ) { return; } throw_generic qq<Malformed NAME section in "$name_section".>; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_module_abstract_from_string { my ($source, $parser, $trimmer) = @_; my $source_handle = IO::String->new( \$source ); return _get_module_abstract_from_filehandle( $source_handle, $parser, $trimmer, ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =for stopwords =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::Utils::POD - Utility functions for dealing with POD. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Perl::Critic::Utils::POD qw< get_pod_section_from_file >; my $synopsis = get_pod_section_from_file('Perl/Critic/Utils/POD.pm', 'SYNOPSIS'); my $see_also = get_pod_section_from_filehandle($file_handle, 'SEE ALSO'); my $see_also_content = trim_pod_section($see_also); # "Utility functions for dealing with POD." my $module_abstract = get_module_abstract_from_file('Perl/Critic/Utils/POD.pm'); my $module_abstract = get_module_abstract_from_filehandle($file_handle); =head1 DESCRIPTION Provides means of accessing chunks of POD. =head1 INTERFACE SUPPORT This is considered to be a public module. Any changes to its interface will go through a deprecation cycle. =head1 IMPORTABLE SUBROUTINES =over =item C<get_pod_file_for_module( $module_name )> Figure out where to find the POD for the parameter. This depends upon the module already being loaded; it will not find the path for arbitrary modules. If there is a file with a ".pod" extension next to the real module location, it will be returned in preference to the actual module. =item C<get_raw_pod_section_from_file( $file_name, $section_name )> Retrieves the specified section of POD (i.e. something marked by C<=head1>) from the file. This is uninterpreted; escapes are not processed and any sub-sections will be present. E.g. if the content contains "CZ<><$x>", the return value will contain "CZ<><$x>". Returns nothing if no such section is found. Throws a L<Perl::Critic::Exception::IO|Perl::Critic::Exception::IO> if there's a problem with the file. =item C<get_raw_pod_section_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $section_name )> Does the same as C<get_raw_pod_section_from_file()>, but with a file handle. =item C<get_raw_pod_section_from_string( $source, $section_name )> Does the same as C<get_raw_pod_section_from_file()>, but with a string that contains the raw POD. =item C<get_raw_pod_section_for_module( $module_name, $section_name )> Does the same as C<get_raw_pod_section_from_file()>, but with a module name. Throws a L<Perl::Critic::Exception::Generic|Perl::Critic::Exception::Generic> if a file containing POD for the module can't be found. =item C<get_pod_section_from_file( $file_name, $section_name )> Retrieves the specified section of POD (i.e. something marked by C<=head1>) from the file. This is interpreted into plain text. Returns nothing if no such section is found. Throws a L<Perl::Critic::Exception::IO|Perl::Critic::Exception::IO> if there's a problem with the file. =item C<get_pod_section_from_filehandle( $file_handle, $section_name )> Does the same as C<get_pod_section_from_file()>, but with a file handle. =item C<get_pod_section_from_string( $source, $section_name )> Does the same as C<get_pod_section_from_file()>, but with a string that contains the raw POD. =item C<get_pod_section_for_module( $module_name, $section_name )> Does the same as C<get_pod_section_from_file()>, but with a module name. Throws a L<Perl::Critic::Exception::Generic|Perl::Critic::Exception::Generic> if a file containing POD for the module can't be found. =item C<trim_raw_pod_section( $pod_section )> Returns a copy of the parameter, with any starting C<=item1 BLAH> removed and all leading and trailing whitespace (including newlines) removed after that. For example, using one of the C<get_raw_pod_section_from_*> functions to get the "NAME" section of this module and then calling C<trim_raw_pod_section()> on the result would give you "Perl::Critic::Utils::POD - Utility functions for dealing with POD.". =item C<trim_pod_section( $pod_section )> Returns a copy of the parameter, with any starting line removed and leading blank lines and trailing whitespace (including newlines) removed after that. Note that only leading whitespace on the first real line of the section will remain. Since this cannot count upon a C<=item1> marker, this is much less reliable than C<trim_raw_pod_section()>. =item C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_file( $file_name )> Attempts to parse the "NAME" section of the specified file and get the abstract of the module from that. If it succeeds, it returns the abstract. If it fails, either because there is no "NAME" section or there is no abstract after the module name, returns nothing. If it looks like there's a malformed abstract, throws a L<Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic|Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic>. Example "well formed" "NAME" sections without abstracts: Some::Module Some::Other::Module - Example "NAME" sections that will result in an exception: Some::Bad::Module This has no hyphen. Some::Mean::Module -- This has double hyphens. Some::Nasty::Module - This one attempts to span multiple lines. =item C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_filehandle( $file_handle )> Does the same as C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_file()>, but with a file handle. =item C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_string( $source )> Does the same as C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_file()>, but with a string that contains the raw POD. =item C<get_raw_module_abstract_for_module( $module_name )> Does the same as C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_file()>, but for a module name. =item C<get_module_abstract_from_file( $file_name )> Does the same as C<get_raw_module_abstract_from_file()>, but with escapes interpreted. =item C<get_module_abstract_from_filehandle( $file_handle )> Does the same as C<get_module_abstract_from_file()>, but with a file handle. =item C<get_module_abstract_from_string( $source )> Does the same as C<get_module_abstract_from_file()>, but with a string that contains the raw POD. =item C<get_module_abstract_for_module( $module_name )> Does the same as C<get_module_abstract_from_file()>, but for a module name. =back =head1 AUTHOR Elliot Shank <perl@galumph.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Elliot Shank. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :