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package Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; use Readonly; our $VERSION = '1.140'; use Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ParameterValue; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ExtraParameter; use Perl::Critic::Utils qw< :booleans :characters severity_to_number >; use Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants qw< :profile_strictness >; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readonly::Scalar my $NON_PUBLIC_DATA => '_non_public_data'; Readonly::Scalar my $NO_LIMIT => 'no_limit'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my ($class, $policy_short_name, $specification) = @_; my %self = $specification ? %{ $specification } : (); my %non_public_data; $non_public_data{_policy_short_name} = $policy_short_name; $non_public_data{_profile_strictness} = $self{$NON_PUBLIC_DATA}{_profile_strictness}; foreach my $standard_parameter ( qw< maximum_violations_per_document severity set_themes add_themes > ) { if ( exists $self{$standard_parameter} ) { $non_public_data{"_$standard_parameter"} = delete $self{$standard_parameter}; } } $self{$NON_PUBLIC_DATA} = \%non_public_data; return bless \%self, $class; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_non_public_data { my $self = shift; return $self->{$NON_PUBLIC_DATA}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_policy_short_name { my $self = shift; return $self->_get_non_public_data()->{_policy_short_name}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_set_themes { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_get_non_public_data()->{_set_themes}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_add_themes { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_get_non_public_data()->{_add_themes}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_severity { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_get_non_public_data()->{_severity}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub is_maximum_violations_per_document_unlimited { my ($self) = @_; my $maximum_violations = $self->get_maximum_violations_per_document(); if ( not defined $maximum_violations or $maximum_violations eq $EMPTY or $maximum_violations =~ m<\A $NO_LIMIT \z>xmsio ) { return $TRUE; } return $FALSE; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_maximum_violations_per_document { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_get_non_public_data()->{_maximum_violations_per_document}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get { my ($self, $parameter) = @_; return if $parameter eq $NON_PUBLIC_DATA; return $self->{$parameter}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub remove { my ($self, $parameter) = @_; return if $parameter eq $NON_PUBLIC_DATA; delete $self->{$parameter}; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub is_empty { my ($self) = @_; return 1 >= keys %{$self}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_parameter_names { my ($self) = @_; return grep { $_ ne $NON_PUBLIC_DATA } keys %{$self}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_extra_parameters { my ($self, $policy, $errors) = @_; my $profile_strictness = $self->{$NON_PUBLIC_DATA}{_profile_strictness}; defined $profile_strictness or $profile_strictness = $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_DEFAULT; return if $profile_strictness eq $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_QUIET; my $parameter_errors = $profile_strictness eq $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_WARN ? Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration->new() : $errors; foreach my $offered_param ( $self->get_parameter_names() ) { $parameter_errors->add_exception( Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ExtraParameter->new( policy => $policy->get_short_name(), option_name => $offered_param, source => undef, ) ); } warn qq<$parameter_errors\n> if ($profile_strictness eq $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_WARN && $parameter_errors->has_exceptions()); return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub set_profile_strictness { my ($self, $profile_strictness) = @_; $self->{$NON_PUBLIC_DATA}{_profile_strictness} = $profile_strictness; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =for stopwords =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig - Configuration data for a Policy. =head1 DESCRIPTION A container for the configuration of a Policy. =head1 INTERFACE SUPPORT This is considered to be a non-public class. Its interface is subject to change without notice. =head1 METHODS =over =item C<get_policy_short_name()> The name of the policy this configuration is for. Primarily here for the sake of debugging. =item C< get_set_themes() > The value of C<set_themes> in the user's F<.perlcriticrc>. =item C< get_add_themes() > The value of C<add_themes> in the user's F<.perlcriticrc>. =item C< get_severity() > The value of C<severity> in the user's F<.perlcriticrc>. =item C< is_maximum_violations_per_document_unlimited() > Answer whether the value of C<maximum_violations_per_document> should be considered to be unlimited. =item C< get_maximum_violations_per_document() > The value of C<maximum_violations_per_document> in the user's F<.perlcriticrc>. =item C< get($parameter) > Retrieve the value of the specified parameter in the user's F<.perlcriticrc>. =item C< remove($parameter) > Delete the value of the specified parameter. =item C< is_empty() > Answer whether there is any non-standard configuration information left. =item C< get_parameter_names() > Retrieve the names of the parameters in this object. =item C< set_profile_strictness($profile_strictness) > Sets the profile strictness associated with the configuration. =item C< handle_extra_parameters($policy,$errors) > Deals with any extra parameters according to the profile_strictness setting. To be called by Perl::Critic::Policy->new() once all valid policies have been processed and removed from the configuration. If profile_strictness is $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_QUIET, extra policy parameters are ignored. If profile_strictness is $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_WARN, extra policy parameters generate a warning. If profile_strictness is $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_FATAL, extra policy parameters generate a fatal error. If no profile_strictness was set, the behavior is that specified by $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_DEFAULT. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER/"MAKING YOUR POLICY CONFIGURABLE"> =head1 AUTHOR Elliot Shank <perl@galumph.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Elliot Shank. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :