Create File
Create Folder
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package Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use File::Spec::Unix qw(); use List::MoreUtils qw(any); use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :characters $POLICY_NAMESPACE :data_conversion policy_long_name policy_short_name :internal_lookup }; use Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig; use Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic qw{ throw_generic }; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Internal qw{ throw_internal }; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::PolicyDefinition qw{ throw_policy_definition }; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::NonExistentPolicy qw< >; use Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants qw{ :profile_strictness }; use Exception::Class; # this must come after "use P::C::Exception::*" our $VERSION = '1.140'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals. Ick! my @site_policy_names = (); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Blech!!! This is ug-lee. Belongs in the constructor. And it shouldn't be # called "test" mode. sub import { my ( $class, %args ) = @_; my $test_mode = $args{-test}; my $extra_test_policies = $args{'-extra-test-policies'}; if ( not @site_policy_names ) { my $eval_worked = eval { require Module::Pluggable; Module::Pluggable->import(search_path => $POLICY_NAMESPACE, require => 1, inner => 0); @site_policy_names = plugins(); #Exported by Module::Pluggable 1; }; if (not $eval_worked) { if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { throw_generic qq<Can't load Policies from namespace "$POLICY_NAMESPACE": $EVAL_ERROR>; } throw_generic qq<Can't load Policies from namespace "$POLICY_NAMESPACE" for an unknown reason.>; } if ( not @site_policy_names ) { throw_generic qq<No Policies found in namespace "$POLICY_NAMESPACE".>; } } # In test mode, only load native policies, not third-party ones. So this # filters out any policy that was loaded from within a directory called # "blib". During the usual "./Build test" process this works fine, # but it doesn't work if you are using prove to test against the code # directly in the lib/ directory. if ( $test_mode && any {m/\b blib \b/xms} @INC ) { @site_policy_names = _modules_from_blib( @site_policy_names ); if ($extra_test_policies) { my @extra_policy_full_names = map { "${POLICY_NAMESPACE}::$_" } @{$extra_test_policies}; push @site_policy_names, @extra_policy_full_names; } } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some static helper subs sub _modules_from_blib { my (@modules) = @_; return grep { _was_loaded_from_blib( _module2path($_) ) } @modules; } sub _module2path { my $module = shift || return; return File::Spec::Unix->catdir(split m/::/xms, $module) . '.pm'; } sub _was_loaded_from_blib { my $path = shift || return; my $full_path = $INC{$path}; return $full_path && $full_path =~ m/ (?: \A | \b b ) lib \b /xms; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my ( $class, %args ) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_init( %args ); return $self; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _init { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $profile = $args{-profile}; $self->{_profile} = $profile or throw_internal q{The -profile argument is required}; my $incoming_errors = $args{-errors}; my $profile_strictness = $args{'-profile-strictness'}; $profile_strictness ||= $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_DEFAULT; $self->{_profile_strictness} = $profile_strictness; if ( $profile_strictness ne $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_QUIET ) { my $errors; # If we're supposed to be strict or problems have already been found... if ( $profile_strictness eq $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_FATAL or ( $incoming_errors and @{ $incoming_errors->exceptions() } ) ) { $errors = $incoming_errors ? $incoming_errors : Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration->new(); } $self->_validate_policies_in_profile( $errors ); if ( not $incoming_errors and $errors and $errors->has_exceptions() ) { $errors->rethrow(); } } return $self; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub create_policy { my ($self, %args ) = @_; my $policy_name = $args{-name} or throw_internal q{The -name argument is required}; # Normalize policy name to a fully-qualified package name $policy_name = policy_long_name( $policy_name ); my $policy_short_name = policy_short_name( $policy_name ); # Get the policy parameters from the user profile if they were # not given to us directly. If none exist, use an empty hash. my $profile = $self->_profile(); my $policy_config; if ( $args{-params} ) { $policy_config = Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig->new( $policy_short_name, $args{-params} ); } else { $policy_config = $profile->policy_params($policy_name); $policy_config ||= Perl::Critic::PolicyConfig->new( $policy_short_name ); } # Pull out base parameters. return $self->_instantiate_policy( $policy_name, $policy_config ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub create_all_policies { my ( $self, $incoming_errors ) = @_; my $errors = $incoming_errors ? $incoming_errors : Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration->new(); my @policies; foreach my $name ( site_policy_names() ) { my $policy = eval { $self->create_policy( -name => $name ) }; $errors->add_exception_or_rethrow( $EVAL_ERROR ); if ( $policy ) { push @policies, $policy; } } if ( not $incoming_errors and $errors->has_exceptions() ) { $errors->rethrow(); } return @policies; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub site_policy_names { my @sorted_policy_names = sort @site_policy_names; return @sorted_policy_names; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _profile { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_profile}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This two-phase initialization is caused by the historical lack of a # requirement for Policies to invoke their super-constructor. sub _instantiate_policy { my ($self, $policy_name, $policy_config) = @_; $policy_config->set_profile_strictness( $self->{_profile_strictness} ); my $policy = eval { $policy_name->new( %{$policy_config} ) }; _handle_policy_instantiation_exception( $policy_name, $policy, # Note: being used as a boolean here. $EVAL_ERROR, ); $policy->__set_config( $policy_config ); my $eval_worked = eval { $policy->__set_base_parameters(); 1; }; _handle_policy_instantiation_exception( $policy_name, $eval_worked, $EVAL_ERROR, ); return $policy; } sub _handle_policy_instantiation_exception { my ($policy_name, $eval_worked, $eval_error) = @_; if (not $eval_worked) { if ($eval_error) { my $exception = Exception::Class->caught(); if (ref $exception) { $exception->rethrow(); } throw_policy_definition qq<Unable to create policy "$policy_name": $eval_error>; } throw_policy_definition qq<Unable to create policy "$policy_name" for an unknown reason.>; } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _validate_policies_in_profile { my ($self, $errors) = @_; my $profile = $self->_profile(); my %known_policies = hashify( $self->site_policy_names() ); for my $policy_name ( $profile->listed_policies() ) { if ( not exists $known_policies{$policy_name} ) { my $message = qq{Policy "$policy_name" is not installed.}; if ( $errors ) { $errors->add_exception( Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::NonExistentPolicy->new( policy => $policy_name, ) ); } else { warn qq{$message\n}; } } } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__ =pod =for stopwords PolicyFactory -params =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory - Instantiates Policy objects. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a helper class that instantiates L<Perl::Critic::Policy|Perl::Critic::Policy> objects with the user's preferred parameters. There are no user-serviceable parts here. =head1 INTERFACE SUPPORT This is considered to be a non-public class. Its interface is subject to change without notice. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over =item C<< new( -profile => $profile, -errors => $config_errors ) >> Returns a reference to a new Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory object. B<-profile> is a reference to a L<Perl::Critic::UserProfile|Perl::Critic::UserProfile> object. This argument is required. B<-errors> is a reference to an instance of L<Perl::Critic::ConfigErrors|Perl::Critic::ConfigErrors>. This argument is optional. If specified, than any problems found will be added to the object. =back =head1 METHODS =over =item C<< create_policy( -name => $policy_name, -params => \%param_hash ) >> Creates one Policy object. If the object cannot be instantiated, it will throw a fatal exception. Otherwise, it returns a reference to the new Policy object. B<-name> is the name of a L<Perl::Critic::Policy|Perl::Critic::Policy> subclass module. The C<'Perl::Critic::Policy'> portion of the name can be omitted for brevity. This argument is required. B<-params> is an optional reference to hash of parameters that will be passed into the constructor of the Policy. If C<-params> is not defined, we will use the appropriate Policy parameters from the L<Perl::Critic::UserProfile|Perl::Critic::UserProfile>. Note that the Policy will not have had L<Perl::Critic::Policy/"initialize_if_enabled"> invoked on it, so it may not yet be usable. =item C< create_all_policies() > Constructs and returns one instance of each L<Perl::Critic::Policy|Perl::Critic::Policy> subclass that is installed on the local system. Each Policy will be created with the appropriate parameters from the user's configuration profile. Note that the Policies will not have had L<Perl::Critic::Policy/"initialize_if_enabled"> invoked on them, so they may not yet be usable. =back =head1 SUBROUTINES Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory has a few static subroutines that are used internally, but may be useful to you in some way. =over =item C<site_policy_names()> Returns a list of all the Policy modules that are currently installed in the Perl::Critic:Policy namespace. These will include modules that are distributed with Perl::Critic plus any third-party modules that have been installed. =back =head1 AUTHOR Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@imaginative-software.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :