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package Perl::Critic; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use Readonly; use Exporter 'import'; use File::Spec; use List::MoreUtils qw< firstidx >; use Scalar::Util qw< blessed >; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Generic; use Perl::Critic::Config; use Perl::Critic::Violation; use Perl::Critic::Document; use Perl::Critic::Statistics; use Perl::Critic::Utils qw< :characters hashify shebang_line >; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- our $VERSION = '1.140'; Readonly::Array our @EXPORT_OK => qw(critique); #============================================================================= # PUBLIC methods sub new { my ( $class, %args ) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{_config} = $args{-config} || Perl::Critic::Config->new( %args ); $self->{_stats} = Perl::Critic::Statistics->new(); return $self; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub config { my $self = shift; return $self->{_config}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub add_policy { my ( $self, @args ) = @_; #Delegate to Perl::Critic::Config return $self->config()->add_policy( @args ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub policies { my $self = shift; #Delegate to Perl::Critic::Config return $self->config()->policies(); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub statistics { my $self = shift; return $self->{_stats}; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub critique { ## no critic (ArgUnpacking) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This subroutine can be called as an object method or as a static # function. In the latter case, the first argument can be a # hashref of configuration parameters that shall be used to create # an object behind the scenes. Note that this object does not # persist. In other words, it is not a singleton. Here are some # of the ways this subroutine might get called: # # #Object style... # $critic->critique( $code ); # # #Functional style... # critique( $code ); # critique( {}, $code ); # critique( {-foo => bar}, $code ); #------------------------------------------------------------------ my ( $self, $source_code ) = @_ >= 2 ? @_ : ( {}, $_[0] ); $self = ref $self eq 'HASH' ? __PACKAGE__->new(%{ $self }) : $self; return if not defined $source_code; # If no code, then nothing to do. my $config = $self->config(); my $doc = blessed($source_code) && $source_code->isa('Perl::Critic::Document') ? $source_code : Perl::Critic::Document->new( '-source' => $source_code, '-program-extensions' => [$config->program_extensions_as_regexes()], ); if ( 0 == $self->policies() ) { Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Generic->throw( message => 'There are no enabled policies.', ) } return $self->_gather_violations($doc); } #============================================================================= # PRIVATE methods sub _gather_violations { my ($self, $doc) = @_; # Disable exempt code lines, if desired if ( not $self->config->force() ) { $doc->process_annotations(); } # Evaluate each policy my @policies = $self->config->policies(); my @ordered_policies = _futz_with_policy_order(@policies); my @violations = map { _critique($_, $doc) } @ordered_policies; # Accumulate statistics $self->statistics->accumulate( $doc, \@violations ); # If requested, rank violations by their severity and return the top N. if ( @violations && (my $top = $self->config->top()) ) { my $limit = @violations < $top ? $#violations : $top-1; @violations = Perl::Critic::Violation::sort_by_severity(@violations); @violations = ( reverse @violations )[ 0 .. $limit ]; #Slicing... } # Always return violations sorted by location return Perl::Critic::Violation->sort_by_location(@violations); } #============================================================================= # PRIVATE functions sub _critique { my ($policy, $doc) = @_; return if not $policy->prepare_to_scan_document($doc); my $maximum_violations = $policy->get_maximum_violations_per_document(); return if defined $maximum_violations && $maximum_violations == 0; my @violations = (); TYPE: for my $type ( $policy->applies_to() ) { my @elements; if ($type eq 'PPI::Document') { @elements = ($doc); } else { @elements = @{ $doc->find($type) || [] }; } ELEMENT: for my $element (@elements) { # Evaluate the policy on this $element. A policy may # return zero or more violations. We only want the # violations that occur on lines that have not been # disabled. VIOLATION: for my $violation ( $policy->violates( $element, $doc ) ) { my $line = $violation->location()->[0]; if ( $doc->line_is_disabled_for_policy($line, $policy) ) { $doc->add_suppressed_violation($violation); next VIOLATION; } push @violations, $violation; last TYPE if defined $maximum_violations and @violations >= $maximum_violations; } } } return @violations; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _futz_with_policy_order { # The ProhibitUselessNoCritic policy is another special policy. It # deals with the violations that *other* Policies produce. Therefore # it needs to be run *after* all the other Policies. TODO: find # a way for Policies to express an ordering preference somehow. my @policy_objects = @_; my $magical_policy_name = 'Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic'; my $idx = firstidx {ref $_ eq $magical_policy_name} @policy_objects; push @policy_objects, splice @policy_objects, $idx, 1; return @policy_objects; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf8 =for stopwords DGR INI-style API -params pbp refactored ActivePerl ben Jore Dolan's Twitter Alexandr Ciornii Ciornii's downloadable O'Regan Hukins Omer Gazit Zacks Howarth Walde Rolsky Jakub Wilk Trosien Creenan Balhatchet Paaske Tørholm Raspass Tonkin Katz Berndt Sergey Gabor Szabo Knop Eldridge Steinbrunner Kimmel Guillaume Aubert Anirvan Chatterjee Rinaldo Ollis Etheridge Brømsø Slaven Rezić Szymon Nieznański Oschwald Mita =head1 NAME Perl::Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Perl::Critic; my $file = shift; my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(); my @violations = $critic->critique($file); print @violations; =head1 DESCRIPTION Perl::Critic is an extensible framework for creating and applying coding standards to Perl source code. Essentially, it is a static source code analysis engine. Perl::Critic is distributed with a number of L<Perl::Critic::Policy> modules that attempt to enforce various coding guidelines. Most Policy modules are based on Damian Conway's book B<Perl Best Practices>. However, Perl::Critic is B<not> limited to PBP and will even support Policies that contradict Conway. You can enable, disable, and customize those Polices through the Perl::Critic interface. You can also create new Policy modules that suit your own tastes. For a command-line interface to Perl::Critic, see the documentation for L<perlcritic>. If you want to integrate Perl::Critic with your build process, L<Test::Perl::Critic> provides an interface that is suitable for test programs. Also, L<Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive> is useful for gradually applying coding standards to legacy code. For the ultimate convenience (at the expense of some flexibility) see the L<criticism> pragma. If you'd like to try L<Perl::Critic> without installing anything, there is a web-service available at L<http://perlcritic.com>. The web-service does not yet support all the configuration features that are available in the native Perl::Critic API, but it should give you a good idea of what it does. Also, ActivePerl includes a very slick graphical interface to Perl-Critic called C<perlcritic-gui>. You can get a free community edition of ActivePerl from L<http://www.activestate.com>. =head1 PREREQUISITES Perl::Critic runs on Perl back to Perl 5.6.1. It relies on the L<PPI> module to do the heavy work of parsing Perl. =head1 INTERFACE SUPPORT The C<Perl::Critic> module is considered to be a public class. Any changes to its interface will go through a deprecation cycle. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over =item C<< new( [ -profile => $FILE, -severity => $N, -theme => $string, -include => \@PATTERNS, -exclude => \@PATTERNS, -top => $N, -only => $B, -profile-strictness => $PROFILE_STRICTNESS_{WARN|FATAL|QUIET}, -force => $B, -verbose => $N ], -color => $B, -pager => $string, -allow-unsafe => $B, -criticism-fatal => $B) >> =item C<< new() >> Returns a reference to a new Perl::Critic object. Most arguments are just passed directly into L<Perl::Critic::Config>, but I have described them here as well. The default value for all arguments can be defined in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. See the L<"CONFIGURATION"> section for more information about that. All arguments are optional key-value pairs as follows: B<-profile> is a path to a configuration file. If C<$FILE> is not defined, Perl::Critic::Config attempts to find a F<.perlcriticrc> configuration file in the current directory, and then in your home directory. Alternatively, you can set the C<PERLCRITIC> environment variable to point to a file in another location. If a configuration file can't be found, or if C<$FILE> is an empty string, then all Policies will be loaded with their default configuration. See L<"CONFIGURATION"> for more information. B<-severity> is the minimum severity level. Only Policy modules that have a severity greater than C<$N> will be applied. Severity values are integers ranging from 1 (least severe violations) to 5 (most severe violations). The default is 5. For a given C<-profile>, decreasing the C<-severity> will usually reveal more Policy violations. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. Users can redefine the severity level for any Policy in their F<.perlcriticrc> file. See L<"CONFIGURATION"> for more information. If it is difficult for you to remember whether severity "5" is the most or least restrictive level, then you can use one of these named values: SEVERITY NAME ...is equivalent to... SEVERITY NUMBER -------------------------------------------------------- -severity => 'gentle' -severity => 5 -severity => 'stern' -severity => 4 -severity => 'harsh' -severity => 3 -severity => 'cruel' -severity => 2 -severity => 'brutal' -severity => 1 The names reflect how severely the code is criticized: a C<gentle> criticism reports only the most severe violations, and so on down to a C<brutal> criticism which reports even the most minor violations. B<-theme> is special expression that determines which Policies to apply based on their respective themes. For example, the following would load only Policies that have a 'bugs' AND 'pbp' theme: my $critic = Perl::Critic->new( -theme => 'bugs && pbp' ); Unless the C<-severity> option is explicitly given, setting C<-theme> silently causes the C<-severity> to be set to 1. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. See the L<"POLICY THEMES"> section for more information about themes. B<-include> is a reference to a list of string C<@PATTERNS>. Policy modules that match at least one C<m/$PATTERN/ixms> will always be loaded, irrespective of all other settings. For example: my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-include => ['layout'], -severity => 4); This would cause Perl::Critic to apply all the C<CodeLayout::*> Policy modules even though they have a severity level that is less than 4. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. You can also use C<-include> in conjunction with the C<-exclude> option. Note that C<-exclude> takes precedence over C<-include> when a Policy matches both patterns. B<-exclude> is a reference to a list of string C<@PATTERNS>. Policy modules that match at least one C<m/$PATTERN/ixms> will not be loaded, irrespective of all other settings. For example: my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-exclude => ['strict'], -severity => 1); This would cause Perl::Critic to not apply the C<RequireUseStrict> and C<ProhibitNoStrict> Policy modules even though they have a severity level that is greater than 1. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. You can also use C<-exclude> in conjunction with the C<-include> option. Note that C<-exclude> takes precedence over C<-include> when a Policy matches both patterns. B<-single-policy> is a string C<PATTERN>. Only one policy that matches C<m/$PATTERN/ixms> will be used. Policies that do not match will be excluded. This option has precedence over the C<-severity>, C<-theme>, C<-include>, C<-exclude>, and C<-only> options. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. B<-top> is the maximum number of Violations to return when ranked by their severity levels. This must be a positive integer. Violations are still returned in the order that they occur within the file. Unless the C<-severity> option is explicitly given, setting C<-top> silently causes the C<-severity> to be set to 1. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. B<-only> is a boolean value. If set to a true value, Perl::Critic will only choose from Policies that are mentioned in the user's profile. If set to a false value (which is the default), then Perl::Critic chooses from all the Policies that it finds at your site. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. B<-profile-strictness> is an enumerated value, one of L<Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants/"$PROFILE_STRICTNESS_WARN"> (the default), L<Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants/"$PROFILE_STRICTNESS_FATAL">, and L<Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants/"$PROFILE_STRICTNESS_QUIET">. If set to L<Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants/"$PROFILE_STRICTNESS_FATAL">, Perl::Critic will make certain warnings about problems found in a F<.perlcriticrc> or file specified via the B<-profile> option fatal. For example, Perl::Critic normally only C<warn>s about profiles referring to non-existent Policies, but this value makes this situation fatal. Correspondingly, L<Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants/"$PROFILE_STRICTNESS_QUIET"> makes Perl::Critic shut up about these things. B<-force> is a boolean value that controls whether Perl::Critic observes the magical C<"## no critic"> annotations in your code. If set to a true value, Perl::Critic will analyze all code. If set to a false value (which is the default) Perl::Critic will ignore code that is tagged with these annotations. See L<"BENDING THE RULES"> for more information. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. B<-verbose> can be a positive integer (from 1 to 11), or a literal format specification. See L<Perl::Critic::Violation|Perl::Critic::Violation> for an explanation of format specifications. You can set the default value for this option in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. B<-unsafe> directs Perl::Critic to allow the use of Policies that are marked as "unsafe" by the author. Such policies may compile untrusted code or do other nefarious things. B<-color> and B<-pager> are not used by Perl::Critic but is provided for the benefit of L<perlcritic|perlcritic>. B<-criticism-fatal> is not used by Perl::Critic but is provided for the benefit of L<criticism|criticism>. B<-color-severity-highest>, B<-color-severity-high>, B<-color-severity- medium>, B<-color-severity-low>, and B<-color-severity-lowest> are not used by Perl::Critic, but are provided for the benefit of L<perlcritic|perlcritic>. Each is set to the Term::ANSIColor color specification to be used to display violations of the corresponding severity. B<-files-with-violations> and B<-files-without-violations> are not used by Perl::Critic, but are provided for the benefit of L<perlcritic|perlcritic>, to cause only the relevant filenames to be displayed. =back =head1 METHODS =over =item C<critique( $source_code )> Runs the C<$source_code> through the Perl::Critic engine using all the Policies that have been loaded into this engine. If C<$source_code> is a scalar reference, then it is treated as a string of actual Perl code. If C<$source_code> is a reference to an instance of L<PPI::Document>, then that instance is used directly. Otherwise, it is treated as a path to a local file containing Perl code. This method returns a list of L<Perl::Critic::Violation> objects for each violation of the loaded Policies. The list is sorted in the order that the Violations appear in the code. If there are no violations, this method returns an empty list. =item C<< add_policy( -policy => $policy_name, -params => \%param_hash ) >> Creates a Policy object and loads it into this Critic. If the object cannot be instantiated, it will throw a fatal exception. Otherwise, it returns a reference to this Critic. B<-policy> is the name of a L<Perl::Critic::Policy> subclass module. The C<'Perl::Critic::Policy'> portion of the name can be omitted for brevity. This argument is required. B<-params> is an optional reference to a hash of Policy parameters. The contents of this hash reference will be passed into to the constructor of the Policy module. See the documentation in the relevant Policy module for a description of the arguments it supports. =item C< policies() > Returns a list containing references to all the Policy objects that have been loaded into this engine. Objects will be in the order that they were loaded. =item C< config() > Returns the L<Perl::Critic::Config> object that was created for or given to this Critic. =item C< statistics() > Returns the L<Perl::Critic::Statistics> object that was created for this Critic. The Statistics object accumulates data for all files that are analyzed by this Critic. =back =head1 FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE For those folks who prefer to have a functional interface, The C<critique> method can be exported on request and called as a static function. If the first argument is a hashref, its contents are used to construct a new Perl::Critic object internally. The keys of that hash should be the same as those supported by the C<Perl::Critic::new()> method. Here are some examples: use Perl::Critic qw(critique); # Use default parameters... @violations = critique( $some_file ); # Use custom parameters... @violations = critique( {-severity => 2}, $some_file ); # As a one-liner %> perl -MPerl::Critic=critique -e 'print critique(shift)' some_file.pm None of the other object-methods are currently supported as static functions. Sorry. =head1 CONFIGURATION Most of the settings for Perl::Critic and each of the Policy modules can be controlled by a configuration file. The default configuration file is called F<.perlcriticrc>. Perl::Critic will look for this file in the current directory first, and then in your home directory. Alternatively, you can set the C<PERLCRITIC> environment variable to explicitly point to a different file in another location. If none of these files exist, and the C<-profile> option is not given to the constructor, then all the modules that are found in the Perl::Critic::Policy namespace will be loaded with their default configuration. The format of the configuration file is a series of INI-style blocks that contain key-value pairs separated by '='. Comments should start with '#' and can be placed on a separate line or after the name-value pairs if you desire. Default settings for Perl::Critic itself can be set B<before the first named block.> For example, putting any or all of these at the top of your configuration file will set the default value for the corresponding constructor argument. severity = 3 #Integer or named level only = 1 #Zero or One force = 0 #Zero or One verbose = 4 #Integer or format spec top = 50 #A positive integer theme = (pbp || security) && bugs #A theme expression include = NamingConventions ClassHierarchies #Space-delimited list exclude = Variables Modules::RequirePackage #Space-delimited list criticism-fatal = 1 #Zero or One color = 1 #Zero or One allow-unsafe = 1 #Zero or One pager = less #pager to pipe output to The remainder of the configuration file is a series of blocks like this: [Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName] severity = 1 set_themes = foo bar add_themes = baz maximum_violations_per_document = 57 arg1 = value1 arg2 = value2 C<Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName> is the full name of a module that implements the policy. The Policy modules distributed with Perl::Critic have been grouped into categories according to the table of contents in Damian Conway's book B<Perl Best Practices>. For brevity, you can omit the C<'Perl::Critic::Policy'> part of the module name. C<severity> is the level of importance you wish to assign to the Policy. All Policy modules are defined with a default severity value ranging from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe). However, you may disagree with the default severity and choose to give it a higher or lower severity, based on your own coding philosophy. You can set the C<severity> to an integer from 1 to 5, or use one of the equivalent names: SEVERITY NAME ...is equivalent to... SEVERITY NUMBER ---------------------------------------------------- gentle 5 stern 4 harsh 3 cruel 2 brutal 1 The names reflect how severely the code is criticized: a C<gentle> criticism reports only the most severe violations, and so on down to a C<brutal> criticism which reports even the most minor violations. C<set_themes> sets the theme for the Policy and overrides its default theme. The argument is a string of one or more whitespace-delimited alphanumeric words. Themes are case-insensitive. See L<"POLICY THEMES"> for more information. C<add_themes> appends to the default themes for this Policy. The argument is a string of one or more whitespace-delimited words. Themes are case- insensitive. See L<"POLICY THEMES"> for more information. C<maximum_violations_per_document> limits the number of Violations the Policy will return for a given document. Some Policies have a default limit; see the documentation for the individual Policies to see whether there is one. To force a Policy to not have a limit, specify "no_limit" or the empty string for the value of this parameter. The remaining key-value pairs are configuration parameters that will be passed into the constructor for that Policy. The constructors for most Policy objects do not support arguments, and those that do should have reasonable defaults. See the documentation on the appropriate Policy module for more details. Instead of redefining the severity for a given Policy, you can completely disable a Policy by prepending a '-' to the name of the module in your configuration file. In this manner, the Policy will never be loaded, regardless of the C<-severity> given to the Perl::Critic constructor. A simple configuration might look like this: #-------------------------------------------------------------- # I think these are really important, so always load them [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict] severity = 5 [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings] severity = 5 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # I think these are less important, so only load when asked [Variables::ProhibitPackageVars] severity = 2 [ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls] allow = if unless # My custom configuration severity = cruel # Same as "severity = 2" #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Give these policies a custom theme. I can activate just # these policies by saying `perlcritic -theme larry` [Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage] add_themes = larry [TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLables] add_themes = larry curly moe #-------------------------------------------------------------- # I do not agree with these at all, so never load them [-NamingConventions::Capitalization] [-ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers] #-------------------------------------------------------------- # For all other Policies, I accept the default severity, # so no additional configuration is required for them. For additional configuration examples, see the F<perlcriticrc> file that is included in this F<examples> directory of this distribution. Damian Conway's own Perl::Critic configuration is also included in this distribution as F<examples/perlcriticrc-conway>. =head1 THE POLICIES A large number of Policy modules are distributed with Perl::Critic. They are described briefly in the companion document L<Perl::Critic::PolicySummary> and in more detail in the individual modules themselves. Say C<"perlcritic -doc PATTERN"> to see the perldoc for all Policy modules that match the regex C<m/PATTERN/ixms> There are a number of distributions of additional policies on CPAN. If L<Perl::Critic> doesn't contain a policy that you want, some one may have already written it. See the L</"SEE ALSO"> section below for a list of some of these distributions. =head1 POLICY THEMES Each Policy is defined with one or more "themes". Themes can be used to create arbitrary groups of Policies. They are intended to provide an alternative mechanism for selecting your preferred set of Policies. For example, you may wish disable a certain subset of Policies when analyzing test programs. Conversely, you may wish to enable only a specific subset of Policies when analyzing modules. The Policies that ship with Perl::Critic have been broken into the following themes. This is just our attempt to provide some basic logical groupings. You are free to invent new themes that suit your needs. THEME DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- core All policies that ship with Perl::Critic pbp Policies that come directly from "Perl Best Practices" bugs Policies that that prevent or reveal bugs certrec Policies that CERT recommends certrule Policies that CERT considers rules maintenance Policies that affect the long-term health of the code cosmetic Policies that only have a superficial effect complexity Policies that specifically relate to code complexity security Policies that relate to security issues tests Policies that are specific to test programs Any Policy may fit into multiple themes. Say C<"perlcritic -list"> to get a listing of all available Policies and the themes that are associated with each one. You can also change the theme for any Policy in your F<.perlcriticrc> file. See the L<"CONFIGURATION"> section for more information about that. Using the C<-theme> option, you can create an arbitrarily complex rule that determines which Policies will be loaded. Precedence is the same as regular Perl code, and you can use parentheses to enforce precedence as well. Supported operators are: Operator Alternative Example ----------------------------------------------------------------- && and 'pbp && core' || or 'pbp || (bugs && security)' ! not 'pbp && ! (portability || complexity)' Theme names are case-insensitive. If the C<-theme> is set to an empty string, then it evaluates as true all Policies. =head1 BENDING THE RULES Perl::Critic takes a hard-line approach to your code: either you comply or you don't. In the real world, it is not always practical (nor even possible) to fully comply with coding standards. In such cases, it is wise to show that you are knowingly violating the standards and that you have a Damn Good Reason (DGR) for doing so. To help with those situations, you can direct Perl::Critic to ignore certain lines or blocks of code by using annotations: require 'LegacyLibaray1.pl'; ## no critic require 'LegacyLibrary2.pl'; ## no critic for my $element (@list) { ## no critic $foo = ""; #Violates 'ProhibitEmptyQuotes' $barf = bar() if $foo; #Violates 'ProhibitPostfixControls' #Some more evil code... ## use critic #Some good code... do_something($_); } The C<"## no critic"> annotations direct Perl::Critic to ignore the remaining lines of code until a C<"## use critic"> annotation is found. If the C<"## no critic"> annotation is on the same line as a code statement, then only that line of code is overlooked. To direct perlcritic to ignore the C<"## no critic"> annotations, use the C<--force> option. A bare C<"## no critic"> annotation disables all the active Policies. If you wish to disable only specific Policies, add a list of Policy names as arguments, just as you would for the C<"no strict"> or C<"no warnings"> pragmas. For example, this would disable the C<ProhibitEmptyQuotes> and C<ProhibitPostfixControls> policies until the end of the block or until the next C<"## use critic"> annotation (whichever comes first): ## no critic (EmptyQuotes, PostfixControls) # Now exempt from ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes $foo = ""; # Now exempt ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls $barf = bar() if $foo; # Still subjected to ValuesAndExpression::RequireNumberSeparators $long_int = 10000000000; Since the Policy names are matched against the C<"## no critic"> arguments as regular expressions, you can abbreviate the Policy names or disable an entire family of Policies in one shot like this: ## no critic (NamingConventions) # Now exempt from NamingConventions::Capitalization my $camelHumpVar = 'foo'; # Now exempt from NamingConventions::Capitalization sub camelHumpSub {} The argument list must be enclosed in parentheses or brackets and must contain one or more comma-separated barewords (e.g. don't use quotes). The C<"## no critic"> annotations can be nested, and Policies named by an inner annotation will be disabled along with those already disabled an outer annotation. Some Policies like C<Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity> apply to an entire block of code. In those cases, the C<"## no critic"> annotation must appear on the line where the violation is reported. For example: sub complicated_function { ## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity) # Your code here... } Policies such as C<Documentation::RequirePodSections> apply to the entire document, in which case violations are reported at line 1. Use this feature wisely. C<"## no critic"> annotations should be used in the smallest possible scope, or only on individual lines of code. And you should always be as specific as possible about which Policies you want to disable (i.e. never use a bare C<"## no critic">). If Perl::Critic complains about your code, try and find a compliant solution before resorting to this feature. =head1 THE L<Perl::Critic> PHILOSOPHY Coding standards are deeply personal and highly subjective. The goal of Perl::Critic is to help you write code that conforms with a set of best practices. Our primary goal is not to dictate what those practices are, but rather, to implement the practices discovered by others. Ultimately, you make the rules -- Perl::Critic is merely a tool for encouraging consistency. If there is a policy that you think is important or that we have overlooked, we would be very grateful for contributions, or you can simply load your own private set of policies into Perl::Critic. =head1 EXTENDING THE CRITIC The modular design of Perl::Critic is intended to facilitate the addition of new Policies. You'll need to have some understanding of L<PPI>, but most Policy modules are pretty straightforward and only require about 20 lines of code. Please see the L<Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER> file included in this distribution for a step-by-step demonstration of how to create new Policy modules. If you develop any new Policy modules, feel free to send them to C<< <team@perlcritic.com> >> and I'll be happy to consider putting them into the Perl::Critic distribution. Or if you would like to work on the Perl::Critic project directly, you can fork our repository at L<https://github.com/Perl-Critic/Perl-Critic.git>. The Perl::Critic team is also available for hire. If your organization has its own coding standards, we can create custom Policies to enforce your local guidelines. Or if your code base is prone to a particular defect pattern, we can design Policies that will help you catch those costly defects B<before> they go into production. To discuss your needs with the Perl::Critic team, just contact C<< <team@perlcritic.com> >>. =head1 PREREQUISITES Perl::Critic requires the following modules: L<B::Keywords> L<Config::Tiny> L<Exception::Class> L<File::Spec> L<File::Spec::Unix> L<File::Which> L<IO::String> L<List::MoreUtils> L<List::Util> L<Module::Pluggable> L<Perl::Tidy> L<Pod::Spell> L<PPI|PPI> L<Pod::PlainText> L<Pod::Select> L<Pod::Usage> L<Readonly> L<Scalar::Util> L<String::Format> L<Task::Weaken> L<Term::ANSIColor> L<Text::ParseWords> L<version|version> =head1 CONTACTING THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM You are encouraged to subscribe to the public mailing list at L<https://groups.google.com/d/forum/perl-critic>. At least one member of the development team is usually hanging around in L<irc://irc.perl.org/#perlcritic> and you can follow Perl::Critic on Twitter, at L<https://twitter.com/perlcritic>. =head1 SEE ALSO There are a number of distributions of additional Policies available. A few are listed here: L<Perl::Critic::More> L<Perl::Critic::Bangs> L<Perl::Critic::Lax> L<Perl::Critic::StricterSubs> L<Perl::Critic::Swift> L<Perl::Critic::Tics> These distributions enable you to use Perl::Critic in your unit tests: L<Test::Perl::Critic> L<Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive> There is also a distribution that will install all the Perl::Critic related modules known to the development team: L<Task::Perl::Critic> =head1 BUGS Scrutinizing Perl code is hard for humans, let alone machines. If you find any bugs, particularly false-positives or false-negatives from a Perl::Critic::Policy, please submit them at L<https://github.com/Perl-Critic/Perl-Critic/issues>. Thanks. =head1 CREDITS Adam Kennedy - For creating L<PPI>, the heart and soul of L<Perl::Critic>. Damian Conway - For writing B<Perl Best Practices>, finally :) Chris Dolan - For contributing the best features and Policy modules. Andy Lester - Wise sage and master of all-things-testing. Elliot Shank - The self-proclaimed quality freak. Giuseppe Maxia - For all the great ideas and positive encouragement. and Sharon, my wife - For putting up with my all-night code sessions. Thanks also to the Perl Foundation for providing a grant to support Chris Dolan's project to implement twenty PBP policies. L<http://www.perlfoundation.org/april_1_2007_new_grant_awards> Thanks also to this incomplete laundry list of folks who have contributed to Perl::Critic in some way: Daniel Mita, Gregory Oschwald, Mike O'Regan, Tom Hukins, Omer Gazit, Evan Zacks, Paul Howarth, Sawyer X, Christian Walde, Dave Rolsky, Jakub Wilk, Roy Ivy III, Oliver Trosien, Glenn Fowler, Matt Creenan, Alex Balhatchet, Sebastian Paaske Tørholm, Stuart A Johnston, Dan Book, Steven Humphrey, James Raspass, Nick Tonkin, Harrison Katz, Douglas Sims, Mark Fowler, Alan Berndt, Neil Bowers, Sergey Romanov, Gabor Szabo, Graham Knop, Mike Eldridge, David Steinbrunner, Kirk Kimmel, Guillaume Aubert, Dave Cross, Anirvan Chatterjee, Todd Rinaldo, Graham Ollis, Karen Etheridge, Jonas Brømsø, Olaf Alders, Jim Keenan, Slaven Rezić, Szymon Nieznański. =head1 AUTHOR Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@imaginative-software.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut ############################################################################## # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :