Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
(* Module: FAI_DiskConfig Parses disk_config files for FAI Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink@gmail.com> About: Reference This lens tries to keep as close as possible to the FAI wiki where possible: http://wiki.fai-project.org/wiki/Setup-storage#New_configuration_file_syntax About: License This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. About: Examples The <Test_FAI_DiskConfig> file contains various examples and tests. *) module FAI_DiskConfig = (* autoload xfm *) (************************************************************************ * Group: USEFUL PRIMITIVES *************************************************************************) (* Group: Generic primitives *) (* Variable: eol *) let eol = Util.eol (* Variable: space *) let space = Sep.space (* Variable: empty *) let empty = Util.empty (* Variable: comment *) let comment = Util.comment (* Variable: tag A generic tag beginning with a colon *) let tag (re:regexp) = [ Util.del_str ":" . key re ] (* Variable: generic_opt A generic key/value option *) let generic_opt (type:string) (kw:regexp) = [ key type . Util.del_str ":" . store kw ] (* Variable: generic_opt_list A generic key/list option *) let generic_opt_list (type:string) (kw:regexp) = [ key type . Util.del_str ":" . counter "locallist" . Build.opt_list [seq "locallist" . store kw] Sep.comma ] (************************************************************************ * Group: RECORDS *************************************************************************) (* Group: volume *) (* Variable: mountpoint_kw *) let mountpoint_kw = "-" (* do not mount *) | "swap" (* swap space *) (* fully qualified path; if :encrypt is given, the partition * will be encrypted, the key is generated automatically *) | /\/[^: \t\n]*/ (* Variable: encrypt encrypt tag *) let encrypt = tag "encrypt" (* Variable: mountpoint *) let mountpoint = [ label "mountpoint" . store mountpoint_kw (* encrypt is only for the fspath, but we parse it anyway *) . encrypt?] (* Variable: resize resize tag *) let resize = tag "resize" (* Variable: size_kw Regexps for size *) let size_kw = /[0-9]+[kMGTP%]?(-([0-9]+[kMGTP%]?)?)?/ | /-[0-9]+[kMGTP%]?/ (* Variable: size *) let size = [ label "size" . store size_kw . resize? ] (* Variable: filesystem_kw Regexps for filesystem *) let filesystem_kw = "-" | "swap" (* NOTE: Restraining this regexp would improve perfs *) | (Rx.no_spaces - ("-" | "swap")) (* mkfs.xxx must exist *) (* Variable: filesystem *) let filesystem = [ label "filesystem" . store filesystem_kw ] (* Variable: mount_option_value *) let mount_option_value = [ label "value" . Util.del_str "=" . store /[^,= \t\n]+/ ] (* Variable: mount_option Counting options *) let mount_option = [ seq "mount_option" . store /[^,= \t\n]+/ . mount_option_value? ] (* Variable: mount_options An array of <mount_option>s *) let mount_options = [ label "mount_options" . counter "mount_option" . Build.opt_list mount_option Sep.comma ] (* Variable: fs_option *) let fs_option = [ key /createopts|tuneopts/ . Util.del_str "=\"" . store /[^"\n]*/ . Util.del_str "\"" ] (* Variable: fs_options An array of <fs_option>s *) let fs_options = (* options to append to mkfs.xxx and to the filesystem-specific * tuning tool *) [ label "fs_options" . Build.opt_list fs_option Sep.space ] (* Variable: volume_full *) let volume_full (type:lens) (third_field:lens) = [ type . space . mountpoint .space (* The third field changes depending on types *) . third_field . space . filesystem . space . mount_options . (space . fs_options)? . eol ] (* Variable: name LVM volume group name *) let name = [ label "name" . store /[^\/ \t\n]+/ ] (* Variable: partition An optional partition number for <disk> *) let partition = [ label "partition" . Util.del_str "." . store /[0-9]+/ ] (* Variable: disk *) let disk = [ label "disk" . store /[^., \t\n]+/ . partition? ] (* Variable: vg_option An option for <volume_vg> *) let vg_option = [ key "pvcreateopts" . Util.del_str "=\"" . store /[^"\n]*/ . Util.del_str "\"" ] (* Variable: volume_vg *) let volume_vg = [ key "vg" . space . name . space . disk . (space . vg_option)? . eol ] (* Variable: spare_missing *) let spare_missing = tag /spare|missing/ (* Variable: disk_with_opt A <disk> with a spare/missing option for raids *) let disk_with_opt = [ label "disk" . store /[^:., \t\n]+/ . partition? . spare_missing* ] (* Variable: disk_list A list of <disk_with_opt>s *) let disk_list = Build.opt_list disk_with_opt Sep.comma (* Variable: type_label_lv *) let type_label_lv = label "lv" . [ label "vg" . store (/[^# \t\n-]+/ - "raw") ] . Util.del_str "-" . [ label "name" . store /[^ \t\n]+/ ] (* Variable: volume_tmpfs *) let volume_tmpfs = [ key "tmpfs" . space . mountpoint .space . size . space . mount_options . (space . fs_options)? . eol ] (* Variable: volume_lvm *) let volume_lvm = volume_full type_label_lv size (* lvm logical volume: vg name and lv name *) | volume_vg (* Variable: volume_raid *) let volume_raid = volume_full (key /raid[0156]/) disk_list (* raid level *) (* Variable: device *) let device = [ label "device" . store Rx.fspath ] (* Variable: volume_cryptsetup *) let volume_cryptsetup = volume_full (key ("swap"|"tmp"|"luks")) device (* Variable: volume *) let volume = volume_full (key "primary") size (* for physical disks only *) | volume_full (key "logical") size (* for physical disks only *) | volume_full (key "raw-disk") size (* Variable: volume_or_comment A succesion of <volume>s and <comment>s *) let volume_or_comment (vol:lens) = (vol|empty|comment)* . vol (* Variable: disk_config_entry *) let disk_config_entry (kw:regexp) (opt:lens) (vol:lens) = [ key "disk_config" . space . store kw . (space . opt)* . eol . (volume_or_comment vol)? ] (* Variable: lvmoption *) let lvmoption = (* preserve partitions -- always *) generic_opt "preserve_always" /[^\/, \t\n-]+-[^\/, \t\n-]+(,[^\/, \t\n-]+-[^\/, \t\n-]+)*/ (* preserve partitions -- unless the system is installed * for the first time *) | generic_opt "preserve_reinstall" /[^\/, \t\n-]+-[^\/, \t\n-]+(,[^\/, \t\n-]+-[^\/, \t\n-]+)*/ (* attempt to resize partitions *) | generic_opt "resize" /[^\/, \t\n-]+-[^\/, \t\n-]+(,[^\/, \t\n-]+-[^\/, \t\n-]+)*/ (* when creating the fstab, the key used for defining the device * may be the device (/dev/xxx), a label given using -L, or the uuid *) | generic_opt "fstabkey" /device|label|uuid/ (* Variable: raidoption *) let raidoption = (* preserve partitions -- always *) generic_opt_list "preserve_always" (Rx.integer | "all") (* preserve partitions -- unless the system is installed * for the first time *) | generic_opt_list "preserve_reinstall" Rx.integer (* when creating the fstab, the key used for defining the device * may be the device (/dev/xxx), a label given using -L, or the uuid *) | generic_opt "fstabkey" /device|label|uuid/ (* Variable: option *) let option = (* preserve partitions -- always *) generic_opt_list "preserve_always" (Rx.integer | "all") (* preserve partitions -- unless the system is installed for the first time *) | generic_opt_list "preserve_reinstall" Rx.integer (* attempt to resize partitions *) | generic_opt_list "resize" Rx.integer (* write a disklabel - default is msdos *) | generic_opt "disklabel" /msdos|gpt/ (* mark a partition bootable, default is / *) | generic_opt "bootable" Rx.integer (* do not assume the disk to be a physical device, use with xen *) | [ key "virtual" ] (* when creating the fstab, the key used for defining the device * may be the device (/dev/xxx), a label given using -L, or the uuid *) | generic_opt "fstabkey" /device|label|uuid/ | generic_opt_list "always_format" Rx.integer | generic_opt "sameas" Rx.fspath let cryptoption = [ key "randinit" ] (* Variable: disk_config *) let disk_config = let excludes = "lvm" | "raid" | "end" | /disk[0-9]+/ | "cryptsetup" | "tmpfs" in let other_label = Rx.fspath - excludes in disk_config_entry "lvm" lvmoption volume_lvm | disk_config_entry "raid" raidoption volume_raid | disk_config_entry "tmpfs" option volume_tmpfs | disk_config_entry "end" option volume (* there shouldn't be an option here *) | disk_config_entry /disk[0-9]+/ option volume | disk_config_entry "cryptsetup" cryptoption volume_cryptsetup | disk_config_entry other_label option volume (* Variable: lns The disk_config lens *) let lns = (disk_config|comment|empty)* (* let xfm = transform lns Util.stdexcl *)