Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Hetzner Cloud Module ==================== The Hetzner cloud module is used to control access to the hetzner cloud. https://docs.hetzner.cloud/ :depends: hcloud >= 1.10 Use of this module requires the ``key`` parameter to be set. .. code-block:: yaml my-hetzner-cloud-config: key: <your api key> driver: hetzner """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name,function-redefined import logging import time import salt.config as config from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudException, SaltCloudSystemExit # hcloud module will be needed # pylint: disable=import-error try: import hcloud HAS_HCLOUD = True except ImportError: HAS_HCLOUD = False # Get logging started log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __virtualname__ = "hetzner" def __virtual__(): """ Check for hetzner configurations """ if get_configured_provider() is False: return False if get_dependencies() is False: return False return __virtualname__ def _get_active_provider_name(): try: return __active_provider_name__.value() except AttributeError: return __active_provider_name__ def get_configured_provider(): """ Return the first configured instance. """ return config.is_provider_configured( __opts__, _get_active_provider_name() or __virtualname__, ("key",), ) def get_dependencies(): """ Warn if dependencies aren't met. """ return config.check_driver_dependencies( _get_active_provider_name() or __virtualname__, {"hcloud": HAS_HCLOUD}, ) def _object_to_dict(obj, attrs): return {attr: getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs} def _datacenter_to_dict(datacenter): return { "name": datacenter.name, "location": datacenter.location.name, } def _public_network_to_dict(net): return { "ipv4": getattr(net.ipv4, "ip", None), "ipv6": getattr(net.ipv6, "ip", None), } def _private_network_to_dict(net): return { "ip": getattr(net, "ip", None), } def _connect_client(): provider = get_configured_provider() return hcloud.Client(provider["key"]) def avail_locations(call=None): """ Return a dictionary of available locations """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_locations function must be called with -f or --function" ) client = _connect_client() locations = {} for loc in client.locations.get_all(): locations[loc.name] = _object_to_dict(loc, loc.model.__slots__) return locations def avail_images(call=None): """ Return a dictionary of available images """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The avail_images function must be called with -f or --function" ) client = _connect_client() images = {} for image in client.images.get_all(): images[image.name] = _object_to_dict(image, image.model.__slots__) return images def avail_sizes(call=None): """ Return a dictionary of available VM sizes """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The avail_sizes function must be called with -f or --function" ) client = _connect_client() sizes = {} for size in client.server_types.get_all(): sizes[size.name] = _object_to_dict(size, size.model.__slots__) return sizes def list_ssh_keys(call=None): """ Return a dictionary of available SSH keys configured in the current project """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_ssh_keys function must be called with -f or --function" ) client = _connect_client() ssh_keys = {} for key in client.ssh_keys.get_all(): ssh_keys[key.name] = _object_to_dict(key, key.model.__slots__) return ssh_keys def list_nodes_full(call=None): """ Return a dictionary of existing VMs in the current project, containing full details per VM """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_nodes_full function must be called with -f or --function" ) client = _connect_client() nodes = {} for node in client.servers.get_all(): nodes[node.name] = { "id": node.id, "name": node.name, "image": node.image.name, "size": node.server_type.name, "state": node.status, "public_ips": _public_network_to_dict(node.public_net), "private_ips": list(map(_private_network_to_dict, node.private_net)), "labels": node.labels, "created": str(node.created), "datacenter": _datacenter_to_dict(node.datacenter), "volumes": [vol.name for vol in node.volumes], } return nodes def list_nodes(call=None): """ Return a dictionary of existing VMs in the current project, containing basic details of each VM """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function" ) ret = {} nodes = list_nodes_full() for node in nodes: ret[node] = {"name": node} for prop in ("id", "image", "size", "state", "private_ips", "public_ips"): ret[node][prop] = nodes[node].get(prop) return ret def wait_until(name, state, timeout=300): """ Wait until a specific state has been reached on a node """ start_time = time.time() node = show_instance(name, call="action") while True: if node["state"] == state: return True time.sleep(1) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: return False node = show_instance(name, call="action") def show_instance(name, call=None): """ Return the details of a specific VM """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_instance function must be called with -a or --action." ) try: node = list_nodes_full("function")[name] except KeyError: log.debug("Failed to get data for node '%s'", name) node = {} __utils__["cloud.cache_node"]( node, _get_active_provider_name() or __virtualname__, __opts__, ) return node def create(vm_): """ Create a single VM from a data dict """ try: # Check for required profile parameters before sending any API calls. if ( vm_.get("profile") and config.is_profile_configured( __opts__, _get_active_provider_name() or __virtualname__, vm_["profile"], vm_=vm_, ) is False ): return False except AttributeError: pass client = _connect_client() name = config.get_cloud_config_value( "name", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) if not name: raise SaltCloudException("Missing server name") # Get the required configuration server_type = client.server_types.get_by_name( config.get_cloud_config_value( "size", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) ) if server_type is None: raise SaltCloudException("The server size is not supported") image = client.images.get_by_name( config.get_cloud_config_value( "image", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) ) if image is None: raise SaltCloudException("The server image is not supported") __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "starting create", "salt/cloud/{}/creating".format(vm_["name"]), args=__utils__["cloud.filter_event"]( "creating", vm_, ["name", "profile", "provider", "driver"], ), sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) # Get the ssh_keys ssh_keys = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_keys", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if ssh_keys: names, ssh_keys = ssh_keys[:], [] for n in names: ssh_key = client.ssh_keys.get_by_name(n) if ssh_key is None: log.error("Invalid ssh key %s.", n) else: ssh_keys.append(ssh_key) # Get the location location = config.get_cloud_config_value( "location", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) if location: location = client.locations.get_by_name(location) if location is None: raise SaltCloudException("The server location is not supported") # Get the datacenter datacenter = config.get_cloud_config_value( "datacenter", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) if datacenter: datacenter = client.datacenters.get_by_name(datacenter) if datacenter is None: raise SaltCloudException("The server datacenter is not supported") # Get the volumes volumes = config.get_cloud_config_value( "volumes", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) if volumes: volumes = [vol for vol in client.volumes.get_all() if vol in volumes] # Get the networks networks = config.get_cloud_config_value( "networks", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ) if networks: networks = [vol for vol in client.networks.get_all() if vol in networks] # Create the machine response = client.servers.create( name=name, server_type=server_type, image=image, ssh_keys=ssh_keys, volumes=volumes, networks=networks, location=location, datacenter=datacenter, user_data=config.get_cloud_config_value( "user_data", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ), labels=config.get_cloud_config_value( "labels", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ), automount=config.get_cloud_config_value( "automount", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, ), ) # Bootstrap if ssh keys are configured server = response.server vm_.update( { "ssh_host": server.public_net.ipv4.ip or server.public_net.ipv6.ip, "ssh_password": response.root_password, "key_filename": config.get_cloud_config_value( "private_key", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ), } ) ret = __utils__["cloud.bootstrap"](vm_, __opts__) log.info("Created Cloud VM '%s'", vm_["name"]) ret["created"] = True __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "created instance", "salt/cloud/{}/created".format(vm_["name"]), args=__utils__["cloud.filter_event"]( "created", vm_, ["name", "profile", "provider", "driver"], ), sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) return ret def start(name, call=None, wait=True): """ Start a node. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a start mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The start action must be called with -a or --action." ) client = _connect_client() server = client.servers.get_by_name(name) if server is None: return "Instance {} doesn't exist.".format(name) server.power_on() if wait and not wait_until(name, "running"): return "Instance {} doesn't start.".format(name) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "started instance", "salt/cloud/{}/started".format(name), args={"name": name}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) return {"Started": "{} was started.".format(name)} def stop(name, call=None, wait=True): """ Stop a node. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a stop mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The stop action must be called with -a or --action.") client = _connect_client() server = client.servers.get_by_name(name) if server is None: return "Instance {} doesn't exist.".format(name) server.power_off() if wait and not wait_until(name, "off"): return "Instance {} doesn't stop.".format(name) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "stopped instance", "salt/cloud/{}/stopped".format(name), args={"name": name}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) return {"Stopped": "{} was stopped.".format(name)} def reboot(name, call=None, wait=True): """ Reboot a node. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a reboot mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The reboot action must be called with -a or --action." ) client = _connect_client() server = client.servers.get_by_name(name) if server is None: return "Instance {} doesn't exist.".format(name) server.reboot() if wait and not wait_until(name, "running"): return "Instance {} doesn't start.".format(name) return {"Rebooted": "{} was rebooted.".format(name)} def destroy(name, call=None): """ Destroy a node. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud --destroy mymachine """ if call == "function": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The destroy action must be called with -d, --destroy, -a or --action." ) client = _connect_client() server = client.servers.get_by_name(name) if server is None: return "Instance {} doesn't exist.".format(name) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "destroying instance", "salt/cloud/{}/destroying".format(name), args={"name": name}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) node = show_instance(name, call="action") if node["state"] == "running": stop(name, call="action", wait=False) if not wait_until(name, "off"): return {"Error": "Unable to destroy {}, command timed out".format(name)} server.delete() __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "destroyed instance", "salt/cloud/{}/destroyed".format(name), args={"name": name}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) if __opts__.get("update_cachedir", False) is True: __utils__["cloud.delete_minion_cachedir"]( name, _get_active_provider_name().split(":")[0], __opts__, ) return {"Destroyed": "{} was destroyed.".format(name)} def resize(name, kwargs, call=None): """ Resize a node. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a resize mymachine size=... """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The resize action must be called with -a or --action." ) client = _connect_client() server = client.servers.get_by_name(name) if server is None: return "Instance {} doesn't exist.".format(name) # Check the configuration size = kwargs.get("size", None) if size is None: raise SaltCloudException("The new size is required") server_type = client.server_types.get_by_name(size) if server_type is None: raise SaltCloudException("The server size is not supported") __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "resizing instance", "salt/cloud/{}/resizing".format(name), args={"name": name}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) node = show_instance(name, call="action") if node["state"] == "running": stop(name, call="action", wait=False) if not wait_until(name, "off"): return {"Error": "Unable to resize {}, command timed out".format(name)} server.change_type(server_type, kwargs.get("upgrade_disk", False)) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "resizing instance", "salt/cloud/{}/resized".format(name), args={"name": name}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) return {"Resized": "{} was resized.".format(name)}