Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Module for managing BCache sets BCache is a block-level caching mechanism similar to ZFS L2ARC/ZIL, dm-cache and fscache. It works by formatting one block device as a cache set, then adding backend devices (which need to be formatted as such) to the set and activating them. It's available in Linux mainline kernel since 3.10 https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/bcache.txt This module needs the bcache userspace tools to function. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 """ import logging import os import re import time import salt.utils.path log = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG = { "trace": logging.TRACE, "debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warn": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "crit": logging.CRITICAL, } __func_alias__ = { "attach_": "attach", "config_": "config", "super_": "super", } HAS_BLKDISCARD = salt.utils.path.which("blkdiscard") is not None def __virtual__(): """ Only work when make-bcache is installed """ return salt.utils.path.which("make-bcache") is not None def uuid(dev=None): """ Return the bcache UUID of a block device. If no device is given, the Cache UUID is returned. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.uuid salt '*' bcache.uuid /dev/sda salt '*' bcache.uuid bcache0 """ try: if dev is None: # take the only directory in /sys/fs/bcache and return its basename return list(salt.utils.path.os_walk("/sys/fs/bcache/"))[0][1][0] else: # basename of the /sys/block/{dev}/bcache/cache symlink target return os.path.basename(_bcsys(dev, "cache")) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return False def attach_(dev=None): """ Attach a backing devices to a cache set If no dev is given, all backing devices will be attached. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.attach sdc salt '*' bcache.attach /dev/bcache1 :return: bool or None if nuttin' happened """ cache = uuid() if not cache: log.error("No cache to attach %s to", dev) return False if dev is None: res = {} for dev, data in status(alldevs=True).items(): if "cache" in data: res[dev] = attach_(dev) return res if res else None bcache = uuid(dev) if bcache: if bcache == cache: log.info("%s is already attached to bcache %s, doing nothing", dev, cache) return None elif not detach(dev): return False log.debug("Attaching %s to bcache %s", dev, cache) if not _bcsys( dev, "attach", cache, "error", "Error attaching {} to bcache {}".format(dev, cache), ): return False return _wait( lambda: uuid(dev) == cache, "error", "{} received attach to bcache {}, but did not comply".format(dev, cache), ) def detach(dev=None): """ Detach a backing device(s) from a cache set If no dev is given, all backing devices will be attached. Detaching a backing device will flush its write cache. This should leave the underlying device in a consistent state, but might take a while. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.detach sdc salt '*' bcache.detach bcache1 """ if dev is None: res = {} for dev, data in status(alldevs=True).items(): if "cache" in data: res[dev] = detach(dev) return res if res else None log.debug("Detaching %s", dev) if not _bcsys(dev, "detach", "goaway", "error", "Error detaching {}".format(dev)): return False return _wait( lambda: uuid(dev) is False, "error", "{} received detach, but did not comply".format(dev), 300, ) def start(): """ Trigger a start of the full bcache system through udev. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.start """ if not _run_all("udevadm trigger", "error", "Error starting bcache: %s"): return False elif not _wait( lambda: uuid() is not False, "warn", "Bcache system started, but no active cache set found.", ): return False return True def stop(dev=None): """ Stop a bcache device If no device is given, all backing devices will be detached from the cache, which will subsequently be stopped. .. warning:: 'Stop' on an individual backing device means hard-stop; no attempt at flushing will be done and the bcache device will seemingly 'disappear' from the device lists CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.stop """ if dev is not None: log.warning("Stopping %s, device will only reappear after reregistering!", dev) if not _bcsys(dev, "stop", "goaway", "error", "Error stopping {}".format(dev)): return False return _wait( lambda: _sysfs_attr(_bcpath(dev)) is False, "error", "Device {} did not stop".format(dev), 300, ) else: cache = uuid() if not cache: log.warning("bcache already stopped?") return None if not _alltrue(detach()): return False elif not _fssys("stop", "goaway", "error", "Error stopping cache"): return False return _wait(lambda: uuid() is False, "error", "Cache did not stop", 300) def back_make(dev, cache_mode="writeback", force=False, attach=True, bucket_size=None): """ Create a backing device for attachment to a set. Because the block size must be the same, a cache set already needs to exist. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.back_make sdc cache_mode=writeback attach=True :param cache_mode: writethrough, writeback, writearound or none. :param force: Overwrite existing bcaches :param attach: Immediately attach the backing device to the set :param bucket_size: Size of a bucket (see kernel doc) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements cache = uuid() if not cache: log.error("No bcache set found") return False elif _sysfs_attr(_bcpath(dev)): if not force: log.error( "%s already contains a bcache. Wipe it manually or use force", dev ) return False elif uuid(dev) and not detach(dev): return False elif not stop(dev): return False dev = _devpath(dev) block_size = _size_map(_fssys("block_size")) # You might want to override, we pick the cache set's as sane default if bucket_size is None: bucket_size = _size_map(_fssys("bucket_size")) cmd = "make-bcache --block {} --bucket {} --{} --bdev {}".format( block_size, bucket_size, cache_mode, dev ) if force: cmd += " --wipe-bcache" if not _run_all(cmd, "error", "Error creating backing device {}: %s".format(dev)): return False elif not _sysfs_attr( "fs/bcache/register", _devpath(dev), "error", "Error registering backing device {}".format(dev), ): return False elif not _wait( lambda: _sysfs_attr(_bcpath(dev)) is not False, "error", "Backing device {} did not register".format(dev), ): return False elif attach: return attach_(dev) return True def cache_make( dev, reserved=None, force=False, block_size=None, bucket_size=None, attach=True ): """ Create BCache cache on a block device. If blkdiscard is available the entire device will be properly cleared in advance. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.cache_make sdb reserved=10% block_size=4096 :param reserved: if dev is a full device, create a partition table with this size empty. .. note:: this increases the amount of reserved space available to SSD garbage collectors, potentially (vastly) increasing performance :param block_size: Block size of the cache; defaults to devices' logical block size :param force: Overwrite existing BCache sets :param attach: Attach all existing backend devices immediately """ # TODO: multiple devs == md jbod # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # ---------------- Preflight checks ---------------- cache = uuid() if cache: if not force: log.error("BCache cache %s is already on the system", cache) return False cache = _bdev() dev = _devbase(dev) udev = __salt__["udev.env"](dev) if ( "ID_FS_TYPE" in udev or (udev.get("DEVTYPE", None) != "partition" and "ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE" in udev) ) and not force: log.error("%s already contains data, wipe first or force", dev) return False elif reserved is not None and udev.get("DEVTYPE", None) != "disk": log.error("Need a partitionable blockdev for reserved to work") return False _, block, bucket = _sizes(dev) if bucket_size is None: bucket_size = bucket # TODO: bucket from _sizes() makes no sense bucket_size = False if block_size is None: block_size = block # ---------------- Still here, start doing destructive stuff ---------------- if cache: if not stop(): return False # Wipe the current cache device as well, # forever ruining any chance of it accidentally popping up again elif not _wipe(cache): return False # Can't do enough wiping if not _wipe(dev): return False if reserved: cmd = ( "parted -m -s -a optimal -- " "/dev/{0} mklabel gpt mkpart bcache-reserved 1M {1} mkpart bcache {1} 100%".format( dev, reserved ) ) # if wipe was incomplete & part layout remains the same, # this is one condition set where udev would make it accidentally popup again if not _run_all( cmd, "error", "Error creating bcache partitions on {}: %s".format(dev) ): return False dev = "{}2".format(dev) # ---------------- Finally, create a cache ---------------- cmd = "make-bcache --cache /dev/{} --block {} --wipe-bcache".format(dev, block_size) # Actually bucket_size should always have a value, but for testing 0 is possible as well if bucket_size: cmd += " --bucket {}".format(bucket_size) if not _run_all(cmd, "error", "Error creating cache {}: %s".format(dev)): return False elif not _wait( lambda: uuid() is not False, "error", "Cache {} seemingly created OK, but FS did not activate".format(dev), ): return False if attach: return _alltrue(attach_()) else: return True def config_(dev=None, **kwargs): """ Show or update config of a bcache device. If no device is given, operate on the cache set itself. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.config salt '*' bcache.config bcache1 salt '*' bcache.config errors=panic journal_delay_ms=150 salt '*' bcache.config bcache1 cache_mode=writeback writeback_percent=15 :return: config or True/False """ if dev is None: spath = _fspath() else: spath = _bcpath(dev) # filter out 'hidden' kwargs added by our favourite orchestration system updates = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if not key.startswith("__")} if updates: endres = 0 for key, val in updates.items(): endres += _sysfs_attr( [spath, key], val, "warn", "Failed to update {} with {}".format(os.path.join(spath, key), val), ) return endres > 0 else: result = {} data = _sysfs_parse(spath, config=True, internals=True, options=True) for key in ("other_ro", "inter_ro"): if key in data: del data[key] for key in data: result.update(data[key]) return result def status(stats=False, config=False, internals=False, superblock=False, alldevs=False): """ Show the full status of the BCache system and optionally all its involved devices CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.status salt '*' bcache.status stats=True salt '*' bcache.status internals=True alldevs=True :param stats: include statistics :param config: include settings :param internals: include internals :param superblock: include superblock """ bdevs = [] for _, links, _ in salt.utils.path.os_walk("/sys/block/"): for block in links: if "bcache" in block: continue for spath, sdirs, _ in salt.utils.path.os_walk( "/sys/block/{}".format(block), followlinks=False ): if "bcache" in sdirs: bdevs.append(os.path.basename(spath)) statii = {} for bcache in bdevs: statii[bcache] = device(bcache, stats, config, internals, superblock) cuuid = uuid() cdev = _bdev() if cdev: count = 0 for dev in statii: if dev != cdev: # it's a backing dev if statii[dev]["cache"] == cuuid: count += 1 statii[cdev]["attached_backing_devices"] = count if not alldevs: statii = statii[cdev] return statii def device(dev, stats=False, config=False, internals=False, superblock=False): """ Check the state of a single bcache device CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.device bcache0 salt '*' bcache.device /dev/sdc stats=True :param stats: include statistics :param settings: include all settings :param internals: include all internals :param superblock: include superblock info """ result = {} if not _sysfs_attr( _bcpath(dev), None, "error", "{} is not a bcache fo any kind".format(dev) ): return False elif _bcsys(dev, "set"): # ---------------- It's the cache itself ---------------- result["uuid"] = uuid() base_attr = [ "block_size", "bucket_size", "cache_available_percent", "cache_replacement_policy", "congested", ] # ---------------- Parse through both the blockdev & the FS ---------------- result.update(_sysfs_parse(_bcpath(dev), base_attr, stats, config, internals)) result.update(_sysfs_parse(_fspath(), base_attr, stats, config, internals)) result.update(result.pop("base")) else: # ---------------- It's a backing device ---------------- back_uuid = uuid(dev) if back_uuid is not None: result["cache"] = back_uuid try: result["dev"] = os.path.basename(_bcsys(dev, "dev")) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass result["bdev"] = _bdev(dev) base_attr = ["cache_mode", "running", "state", "writeback_running"] base_path = _bcpath(dev) result.update(_sysfs_parse(base_path, base_attr, stats, config, internals)) result.update(result.pop("base")) # ---------------- Modifications ---------------- state = [result["state"]] if result.pop("running"): state.append("running") else: state.append("stopped") if "writeback_running" in result: if result.pop("writeback_running"): state.append("writeback_running") else: state.append("writeback_stopped") result["state"] = state # ---------------- Statistics ---------------- if "stats" in result: replre = r"(stats|cache)_" statres = result["stats"] for attr in result["stats"]: if "/" not in attr: key = re.sub(replre, "", attr) statres[key] = statres.pop(attr) else: stat, key = attr.split("/", 1) stat = re.sub(replre, "", stat) key = re.sub(replre, "", key) if stat not in statres: statres[stat] = {} statres[stat][key] = statres.pop(attr) result["stats"] = statres # ---------------- Internals ---------------- if internals: interres = result.pop("inter_ro", {}) interres.update(result.pop("inter_rw", {})) if interres: for key in interres: if key.startswith("internal"): nkey = re.sub(r"internal[s/]*", "", key) interres[nkey] = interres.pop(key) key = nkey if key.startswith(("btree", "writeback")): mkey, skey = re.split(r"_", key, maxsplit=1) if mkey not in interres: interres[mkey] = {} interres[mkey][skey] = interres.pop(key) result["internals"] = interres # ---------------- Config ---------------- if config: configres = result["config"] for key in configres: if key.startswith("writeback"): mkey, skey = re.split(r"_", key, maxsplit=1) if mkey not in configres: configres[mkey] = {} configres[mkey][skey] = configres.pop(key) result["config"] = configres # ---------------- Superblock ---------------- if superblock: result["superblock"] = super_(dev) return result def super_(dev): """ Read out BCache SuperBlock CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' bcache.device bcache0 salt '*' bcache.device /dev/sdc """ dev = _devpath(dev) ret = {} res = _run_all( "bcache-super-show {}".format(dev), "error", "Error reading superblock on {}: %s".format(dev), ) if not res: return False for line in res.splitlines(): # pylint: disable=no-member line = line.strip() if not line: continue key, val = (val.strip() for val in re.split(r"[\s]+", line, maxsplit=1)) if not (key and val): continue mval = None if " " in val: rval, mval = (val.strip() for val in re.split(r"[\s]+", val, maxsplit=1)) mval = mval[1:-1] else: rval = val try: rval = int(rval) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except try: rval = float(rval) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if rval == "yes": rval = True elif rval == "no": rval = False pkey, key = re.split(r"\.", key, maxsplit=1) if pkey not in ret: ret[pkey] = {} if mval is not None: ret[pkey][key] = (rval, mval) else: ret[pkey][key] = rval return ret # -------------------------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------- def _devbase(dev): """ Basename of just about any dev """ dev = os.path.realpath(os.path.expandvars(dev)) dev = os.path.basename(dev) return dev def _devpath(dev): """ Return /dev name of just about any dev :return: /dev/devicename """ return os.path.join("/dev", _devbase(dev)) def _syspath(dev): """ Full SysFS path of a device """ dev = _devbase(dev) dev = re.sub(r"^([vhs][a-z]+)([0-9]+)", r"\1/\1\2", dev) # name = re.sub(r'^([a-z]+)(?<!(bcache|md|dm))([0-9]+)', r'\1/\1\2', name) return os.path.join("/sys/block/", dev) def _bdev(dev=None): """ Resolve a bcacheX or cache to a real dev :return: basename of bcache dev """ if dev is None: dev = _fssys("cache0") else: dev = _bcpath(dev) if not dev: return False else: return _devbase(os.path.dirname(dev)) def _bcpath(dev): """ Full SysFS path of a bcache device """ return os.path.join(_syspath(dev), "bcache") def _fspath(): """ :return: path of active bcache """ cuuid = uuid() if not cuuid: return False else: return os.path.join("/sys/fs/bcache/", cuuid) def _fssys(name, value=None, log_lvl=None, log_msg=None): """ Simple wrapper to interface with bcache SysFS """ fspath = _fspath() if not fspath: return False else: return _sysfs_attr([fspath, name], value, log_lvl, log_msg) def _bcsys(dev, name, value=None, log_lvl=None, log_msg=None): """ Simple wrapper to interface with backing devs SysFS """ return _sysfs_attr([_bcpath(dev), name], value, log_lvl, log_msg) def _sysfs_attr(name, value=None, log_lvl=None, log_msg=None): """ Simple wrapper with logging around sysfs.attr """ if isinstance(name, str): name = [name] res = __salt__["sysfs.attr"](os.path.join(*name), value) if not res and log_lvl is not None and log_msg is not None: log.log(LOG[log_lvl], log_msg) return res def _sysfs_parse( path, base_attr=None, stats=False, config=False, internals=False, options=False ): """ Helper function for parsing BCache's SysFS interface """ result = {} # ---------------- Parse through the interfaces list ---------------- intfs = __salt__["sysfs.interfaces"](path) # Actions, we ignore del intfs["w"] # -------- Sorting hat -------- binkeys = [] if internals: binkeys.extend(["inter_ro", "inter_rw"]) if config: binkeys.append("config") if stats: binkeys.append("stats") bintf = {} for key in binkeys: bintf[key] = [] for intf in intfs["r"]: if intf.startswith("internal"): key = "inter_ro" elif "stats" in intf: key = "stats" else: # What to do with these??? # I'll utilize 'inter_ro' as 'misc' as well key = "inter_ro" if key in bintf: bintf[key].append(intf) for intf in intfs["rw"]: if intf.startswith("internal"): key = "inter_rw" else: key = "config" if key in bintf: bintf[key].append(intf) if base_attr is not None: for intf in bintf: bintf[intf] = [sintf for sintf in bintf[intf] if sintf not in base_attr] bintf["base"] = base_attr mods = { "stats": [ "internal/bset_tree_stats", "writeback_rate_debug", "metadata_written", "nbuckets", "written", "average_key_size", "btree_cache_size", ], } for modt, modlist in mods.items(): found = [] if modt not in bintf: continue for mod in modlist: for intflist in bintf.values(): if mod in intflist: found.append(mod) intflist.remove(mod) bintf[modt] += found # -------- Fetch SysFS vals -------- bintflist = [intf for iflist in bintf.values() for intf in iflist] result.update(__salt__["sysfs.read"](bintflist, path)) # -------- Parse through well known string lists -------- for strlist in ( "writeback_rate_debug", "internal/bset_tree_stats", "priority_stats", ): if strlist in result: listres = {} for line in result[strlist].split("\n"): key, val = line.split(":", 1) val = val.strip() try: val = int(val) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except try: val = float(val) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass listres[key.strip()] = val result[strlist] = listres # -------- Parse through selection lists -------- if not options: for sellist in ("cache_mode", "cache_replacement_policy", "errors"): if sellist in result: result[sellist] = re.search(r"\[(.+)\]", result[sellist]).groups()[0] # -------- Parse through well known bools -------- for boolkey in ("running", "writeback_running", "congested"): if boolkey in result: result[boolkey] = bool(result[boolkey]) # -------- Recategorize results -------- bresult = {} for iftype, intflist in bintf.items(): ifres = {} for intf in intflist: if intf in result: ifres[intf] = result.pop(intf) if ifres: bresult[iftype] = ifres return bresult def _size_map(size): """ Map Bcache's size strings to real bytes """ try: # I know, I know, EAFP. # But everything else is reason for None if not isinstance(size, int): if re.search(r"[Kk]", size): size = 1024 * float(re.sub(r"[Kk]", "", size)) elif re.search(r"[Mm]", size): size = 1024**2 * float(re.sub(r"[Mm]", "", size)) size = int(size) return size except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return None def _sizes(dev): """ Return neigh useless sizing info about a blockdev :return: (total size in blocks, blocksize, maximum discard size in bytes) """ dev = _devbase(dev) # standarization yay block_sizes = ( "hw_sector_size", "minimum_io_size", "physical_block_size", "logical_block_size", ) discard_sizes = ( "discard_max_bytes", "discard_max_hw_bytes", ) sysfs = __salt__["sysfs.read"]( ( "size", "queue/hw_sector_size", "../queue/hw_sector_size", "queue/discard_max_bytes", "../queue/discard_max_bytes", ), root=_syspath(dev), ) # TODO: makes no sense # First of all, it has to be a power of 2 # Secondly, this returns 4GiB - 512b on Intel 3500's for some weird reason # discard_granularity seems in bytes, resolves to 512b ??? # max_hw_sectors_kb??? # There's also discard_max_hw_bytes more recently # See: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/block/queue-sysfs.txt # Also, I cant find any docs yet regarding bucket sizes; # it's supposed to be discard_max_hw_bytes, # but no way to figure that one reliably out apparently discard = sysfs.get( "queue/discard_max_bytes", sysfs.get("../queue/discard_max_bytes", None) ) block = sysfs.get( "queue/hw_sector_size", sysfs.get("../queue/hw_sector_size", None) ) return 512 * sysfs["size"], block, discard def _wipe(dev): """ REALLY DESTRUCTIVE STUFF RIGHT AHEAD """ endres = 0 dev = _devbase(dev) size, block, discard = _sizes(dev) if discard is None: log.error("Unable to read SysFS props for %s", dev) return None elif not discard: log.warning("%s seems unable to discard", dev) wiper = "dd" elif not HAS_BLKDISCARD: log.warning( "blkdiscard binary not available, properly wipe the dev manually for" " optimal results" ) wiper = "dd" else: wiper = "blkdiscard" wipe_failmsg = "Error wiping {}: %s".format(dev) if wiper == "dd": blocks = 4 cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/{} bs=1M count={}".format(dev, blocks) endres += _run_all(cmd, "warn", wipe_failmsg) # Some stuff (<cough>GPT</cough>) writes stuff at the end of a dev as well cmd += " seek={}".format((size / 1024**2) - blocks) endres += _run_all(cmd, "warn", wipe_failmsg) elif wiper == "blkdiscard": cmd = "blkdiscard /dev/{}".format(dev) endres += _run_all(cmd, "warn", wipe_failmsg) # TODO: fix annoying bug failing blkdiscard by trying to discard 1 sector past blkdev endres = 1 return endres > 0 def _wait(lfunc, log_lvl=None, log_msg=None, tries=10): """ Wait for lfunc to be True :return: True if lfunc succeeded within tries, False if it didn't """ i = 0 while i < tries: time.sleep(1) if lfunc(): return True else: i += 1 if log_lvl is not None: log.log(LOG[log_lvl], log_msg) return False def _run_all(cmd, log_lvl=None, log_msg=None, exitcode=0): """ Simple wrapper around cmd.run_all log_msg can contain {0} for stderr :return: True or stdout, False if retcode wasn't exitcode """ res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd) if res["retcode"] == exitcode: if res["stdout"]: return res["stdout"] else: return True if log_lvl is not None: log.log(LOG[log_lvl], log_msg, res["stderr"]) return False def _alltrue(resdict): if resdict is None: return True return len([val for val in resdict.values() if val]) > 0