Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Connection module for Amazon Lambda .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :depends: - boto - boto3 The dependencies listed above can be installed via package or pip. :configuration: This module accepts explicit Lambda credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More Information available here__. .. __: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/iam-roles-for-amazon-ec2.html If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file: .. code-block:: yaml lambda.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H lambda.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs A region may also be specified in the configuration: .. code-block:: yaml lambda.region: us-east-1 If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1. It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config: .. code-block:: yaml myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1 .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.0 All methods now return a dictionary. Create and delete methods return: .. code-block:: yaml created: true or .. code-block:: yaml created: false error: message: error message Request methods (e.g., `describe_function`) return: .. code-block:: yaml function: - {...} - {...} or .. code-block:: yaml error: message: error message """ # keep lint from choking on _get_conn and _cache_id # pylint: disable=E0602 import logging import random import time import salt.utils.compat import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.json import salt.utils.versions from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=import-error try: # pylint: disable=unused-import import boto import boto3 from botocore import __version__ as found_botocore_version # pylint: enable=unused-import from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logging.getLogger("boto").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger("boto3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) HAS_BOTO = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTO = False # pylint: enable=import-error def __virtual__(): """ Only load if boto libraries exist and if boto libraries are greater than a given version. """ # the boto_lambda execution module relies on the connect_to_region() method # which was added in boto 2.8.0 # https://github.com/boto/boto/commit/33ac26b416fbb48a60602542b4ce15dcc7029f12 # botocore version >= 1.5.2 is required due to lambda environment variables return salt.utils.versions.check_boto_reqs( boto_ver="2.8.0", boto3_ver="1.2.5", botocore_ver="1.5.2" ) def __init__(opts): if HAS_BOTO: __utils__["boto3.assign_funcs"](__name__, "lambda") def _find_function(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ Given function name, find and return matching Lambda information. """ conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) for funcs in __utils__["boto3.paged_call"](conn.list_functions): for func in funcs["Functions"]: if func["FunctionName"] == name: return func return None def function_exists(FunctionName, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ Given a function name, check to see if the given function name exists. Returns True if the given function exists and returns False if the given function does not exist. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.function_exists myfunction """ try: func = _find_function( FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) return {"exists": bool(func)} except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def _get_role_arn(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): if name.startswith("arn:aws:iam:"): return name account_id = __salt__["boto_iam.get_account_id"]( region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) if profile and "region" in profile: region = profile["region"] if region is None: region = "us-east-1" return "arn:aws:iam::{}:role/{}".format(account_id, name) def _filedata(infile): with salt.utils.files.fopen(infile, "rb") as f: return f.read() def _resolve_vpcconfig(conf, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): if isinstance(conf, str): conf = salt.utils.json.loads(conf) if not conf: return None if not isinstance(conf, dict): raise SaltInvocationError("VpcConfig must be a dict.") sns = [ __salt__["boto_vpc.get_resource_id"]( "subnet", s, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ).get("id") for s in conf.pop("SubnetNames", []) ] sgs = [ __salt__["boto_secgroup.get_group_id"]( s, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) for s in conf.pop("SecurityGroupNames", []) ] conf.setdefault("SubnetIds", []).extend(sns) conf.setdefault("SecurityGroupIds", []).extend(sgs) return conf def create_function( FunctionName, Runtime, Role, Handler, ZipFile=None, S3Bucket=None, S3Key=None, S3ObjectVersion=None, Description="", Timeout=3, MemorySize=128, Publish=False, WaitForRole=False, RoleRetries=5, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, VpcConfig=None, Environment=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Given a valid config, create a function. Environment The parent object that contains your environment's configuration settings. This is a dictionary of the form: .. code-block:: python { 'Variables': { 'VariableName': 'VariableValue' } } Returns ``{'created': True}`` if the function was created and ``{created: False}`` if the function was not created. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.create_function my_function python2.7 my_role my_file.my_function my_function.zip salt myminion boto_lamba.create_function my_function python2.7 my_role my_file.my_function salt://files/my_function.zip """ role_arn = _get_role_arn(Role, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if ZipFile: if S3Bucket or S3Key or S3ObjectVersion: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either ZipFile must be specified, or " "S3Bucket and S3Key must be provided." ) if "://" in ZipFile: # Looks like a remote URL to me... dlZipFile = __salt__["cp.cache_file"](path=ZipFile) if dlZipFile is False: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Failed to cache ZipFile `{}`.".format(ZipFile) return ret ZipFile = dlZipFile code = { "ZipFile": _filedata(ZipFile), } else: if not S3Bucket or not S3Key: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either ZipFile must be specified, or " "S3Bucket and S3Key must be provided." ) code = { "S3Bucket": S3Bucket, "S3Key": S3Key, } if S3ObjectVersion: code["S3ObjectVersion"] = S3ObjectVersion kwargs = {} if VpcConfig is not None: kwargs["VpcConfig"] = _resolve_vpcconfig( VpcConfig, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) if Environment is not None: kwargs["Environment"] = Environment if WaitForRole: retrycount = RoleRetries else: retrycount = 1 for retry in range(retrycount, 0, -1): try: func = conn.create_function( FunctionName=FunctionName, Runtime=Runtime, Role=role_arn, Handler=Handler, Code=code, Description=Description, Timeout=Timeout, MemorySize=MemorySize, Publish=Publish, **kwargs ) except ClientError as e: if ( retry > 1 and e.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code") == "InvalidParameterValueException" ): log.info( "Function not created but IAM role may not have propagated," " will retry" ) # exponential backoff time.sleep( (2 ** (RoleRetries - retry)) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000) ) continue else: raise else: break if func: log.info("The newly created function name is %s", func["FunctionName"]) return {"created": True, "name": func["FunctionName"]} else: log.warning("Function was not created") return {"created": False} except ClientError as e: return {"created": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def delete_function( FunctionName, Qualifier=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None ): """ Given a function name and optional version qualifier, delete it. Returns {deleted: true} if the function was deleted and returns {deleted: false} if the function was not deleted. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.delete_function myfunction """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if Qualifier: conn.delete_function(FunctionName=FunctionName, Qualifier=Qualifier) else: conn.delete_function(FunctionName=FunctionName) return {"deleted": True} except ClientError as e: return {"deleted": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def describe_function(FunctionName, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ Given a function name describe its properties. Returns a dictionary of interesting properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.describe_function myfunction """ try: func = _find_function( FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) if func: keys = ( "FunctionName", "Runtime", "Role", "Handler", "CodeSha256", "CodeSize", "Description", "Timeout", "MemorySize", "FunctionArn", "LastModified", "VpcConfig", "Environment", ) return {"function": {k: func.get(k) for k in keys}} else: return {"function": None} except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def update_function_config( FunctionName, Role=None, Handler=None, Description=None, Timeout=None, MemorySize=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, VpcConfig=None, WaitForRole=False, RoleRetries=5, Environment=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Update the named lambda function to the configuration. Environment The parent object that contains your environment's configuration settings. This is a dictionary of the form: .. code-block:: python { 'Variables': { 'VariableName': 'VariableValue' } } Returns ``{'updated': True}`` if the function was updated, and ``{'updated': False}`` if the function was not updated. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.update_function_config my_function my_role my_file.my_function "my lambda function" """ args = dict(FunctionName=FunctionName) options = { "Handler": Handler, "Description": Description, "Timeout": Timeout, "MemorySize": MemorySize, "VpcConfig": VpcConfig, "Environment": Environment, } conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) for val, var in options.items(): if var: args[val] = var if Role: args["Role"] = _get_role_arn(Role, region, key, keyid, profile) if VpcConfig: args["VpcConfig"] = _resolve_vpcconfig( VpcConfig, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) try: if WaitForRole: retrycount = RoleRetries else: retrycount = 1 for retry in range(retrycount, 0, -1): try: r = conn.update_function_configuration(**args) except ClientError as e: if ( retry > 1 and e.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code") == "InvalidParameterValueException" ): log.info( "Function not updated but IAM role may not have propagated," " will retry" ) # exponential backoff time.sleep( (2 ** (RoleRetries - retry)) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000) ) continue else: raise else: break if r: keys = ( "FunctionName", "Runtime", "Role", "Handler", "CodeSha256", "CodeSize", "Description", "Timeout", "MemorySize", "FunctionArn", "LastModified", "VpcConfig", "Environment", ) return {"updated": True, "function": {k: r.get(k) for k in keys}} else: log.warning("Function was not updated") return {"updated": False} except ClientError as e: return {"updated": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def update_function_code( FunctionName, ZipFile=None, S3Bucket=None, S3Key=None, S3ObjectVersion=None, Publish=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Upload the given code to the named lambda function. Returns {updated: true} if the function was updated and returns {updated: False} if the function was not updated. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.update_function_code my_function ZipFile=function.zip """ conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) try: if ZipFile: if S3Bucket or S3Key or S3ObjectVersion: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either ZipFile must be specified, or " "S3Bucket and S3Key must be provided." ) r = conn.update_function_code( FunctionName=FunctionName, ZipFile=_filedata(ZipFile), Publish=Publish ) else: if not S3Bucket or not S3Key: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either ZipFile must be specified, or " "S3Bucket and S3Key must be provided." ) args = { "S3Bucket": S3Bucket, "S3Key": S3Key, } if S3ObjectVersion: args["S3ObjectVersion"] = S3ObjectVersion r = conn.update_function_code( FunctionName=FunctionName, Publish=Publish, **args ) if r: keys = ( "FunctionName", "Runtime", "Role", "Handler", "CodeSha256", "CodeSize", "Description", "Timeout", "MemorySize", "FunctionArn", "LastModified", "VpcConfig", "Environment", ) return {"updated": True, "function": {k: r.get(k) for k in keys}} else: log.warning("Function was not updated") return {"updated": False} except ClientError as e: return {"updated": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def add_permission( FunctionName, StatementId, Action, Principal, SourceArn=None, SourceAccount=None, Qualifier=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Add a permission to a lambda function. Returns {added: true} if the permission was added and returns {added: False} if the permission was not added. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.add_permission my_function my_id "lambda:*" \\ s3.amazonaws.com aws:arn::::bucket-name \\ aws-account-id """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) kwargs = {} for key in ("SourceArn", "SourceAccount", "Qualifier"): if locals()[key] is not None: kwargs[key] = str(locals()[key]) conn.add_permission( FunctionName=FunctionName, StatementId=StatementId, Action=Action, Principal=str(Principal), **kwargs ) return {"updated": True} except ClientError as e: return {"updated": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def remove_permission( FunctionName, StatementId, Qualifier=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Remove a permission from a lambda function. Returns {removed: true} if the permission was removed and returns {removed: False} if the permission was not removed. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.remove_permission my_function my_id """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) kwargs = {} if Qualifier is not None: kwargs["Qualifier"] = Qualifier conn.remove_permission( FunctionName=FunctionName, StatementId=StatementId, **kwargs ) return {"updated": True} except ClientError as e: return {"updated": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def get_permissions( FunctionName, Qualifier=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None ): """ Get resource permissions for the given lambda function Returns dictionary of permissions, by statement ID CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.get_permissions my_function permissions: {...} """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) kwargs = {} if Qualifier is not None: kwargs["Qualifier"] = Qualifier # The get_policy call is not symmetric with add/remove_permissions. So # massage it until it is, for better ease of use. policy = conn.get_policy(FunctionName=FunctionName, **kwargs) policy = policy.get("Policy", {}) if isinstance(policy, str): policy = salt.utils.json.loads(policy) if policy is None: policy = {} permissions = {} for statement in policy.get("Statement", []): condition = statement.get("Condition", {}) principal = statement.get("Principal", {}) if "AWS" in principal: principal = principal["AWS"].split(":")[4] else: principal = principal.get("Service") permission = { "Action": statement.get("Action"), "Principal": principal, } if "ArnLike" in condition: permission["SourceArn"] = condition["ArnLike"].get("AWS:SourceArn") if "StringEquals" in condition: permission["SourceAccount"] = condition["StringEquals"].get( "AWS:SourceAccount" ) permissions[statement.get("Sid")] = permission return {"permissions": permissions} except ClientError as e: err = __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e) if e.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code") == "ResourceNotFoundException": return {"permissions": None} return {"permissions": None, "error": err} def list_functions(region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ List all Lambda functions visible in the current scope. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.list_functions """ conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) ret = [] for funcs in __utils__["boto3.paged_call"](conn.list_functions): ret += funcs["Functions"] return ret def list_function_versions( FunctionName, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None ): """ List the versions available for the given function. Returns list of function versions CLI Example: .. code-block:: yaml versions: - {...} - {...} """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) vers = [] for ret in __utils__["boto3.paged_call"]( conn.list_versions_by_function, FunctionName=FunctionName ): vers.extend(ret["Versions"]) if not bool(vers): log.warning("No versions found") return {"Versions": vers} except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def create_alias( FunctionName, Name, FunctionVersion, Description="", region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Given a valid config, create an alias to a function. Returns {created: true} if the alias was created and returns {created: False} if the alias was not created. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.create_alias my_function my_alias $LATEST "An alias" """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) alias = conn.create_alias( FunctionName=FunctionName, Name=Name, FunctionVersion=FunctionVersion, Description=Description, ) if alias: log.info("The newly created alias name is %s", alias["Name"]) return {"created": True, "name": alias["Name"]} else: log.warning("Alias was not created") return {"created": False} except ClientError as e: return {"created": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def delete_alias(FunctionName, Name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ Given a function name and alias name, delete the alias. Returns {deleted: true} if the alias was deleted and returns {deleted: false} if the alias was not deleted. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.delete_alias myfunction myalias """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) conn.delete_alias(FunctionName=FunctionName, Name=Name) return {"deleted": True} except ClientError as e: return {"deleted": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def _find_alias( FunctionName, Name, FunctionVersion=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Given function name and alias name, find and return matching alias information. """ conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) args = {"FunctionName": FunctionName} if FunctionVersion: args["FunctionVersion"] = FunctionVersion for aliases in __utils__["boto3.paged_call"](conn.list_aliases, **args): for alias in aliases.get("Aliases"): if alias["Name"] == Name: return alias return None def alias_exists(FunctionName, Name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ Given a function name and alias name, check to see if the given alias exists. Returns True if the given alias exists and returns False if the given alias does not exist. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.alias_exists myfunction myalias """ try: alias = _find_alias( FunctionName, Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) return {"exists": bool(alias)} except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def describe_alias(FunctionName, Name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): """ Given a function name and alias name describe the properties of the alias. Returns a dictionary of interesting properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.describe_alias myalias """ try: alias = _find_alias( FunctionName, Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile ) if alias: keys = ("AliasArn", "Name", "FunctionVersion", "Description") return {"alias": {k: alias.get(k) for k in keys}} else: return {"alias": None} except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def update_alias( FunctionName, Name, FunctionVersion=None, Description=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Update the named alias to the configuration. Returns {updated: true} if the alias was updated and returns {updated: False} if the alias was not updated. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.update_alias my_lambda my_alias $LATEST """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) args = {} if FunctionVersion: args["FunctionVersion"] = FunctionVersion if Description: args["Description"] = Description r = conn.update_alias(FunctionName=FunctionName, Name=Name, **args) if r: keys = ("Name", "FunctionVersion", "Description") return {"updated": True, "alias": {k: r.get(k) for k in keys}} else: log.warning("Alias was not updated") return {"updated": False} except ClientError as e: return {"created": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def create_event_source_mapping( EventSourceArn, FunctionName, StartingPosition, Enabled=True, BatchSize=100, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Identifies a stream as an event source for a Lambda function. It can be either an Amazon Kinesis stream or an Amazon DynamoDB stream. AWS Lambda invokes the specified function when records are posted to the stream. Returns {created: true} if the event source mapping was created and returns {created: False} if the event source mapping was not created. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.create_event_source_mapping arn::::eventsource myfunction LATEST """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) obj = conn.create_event_source_mapping( EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName, Enabled=Enabled, BatchSize=BatchSize, StartingPosition=StartingPosition, ) if obj: log.info("The newly created event source mapping ID is %s", obj["UUID"]) return {"created": True, "id": obj["UUID"]} else: log.warning("Event source mapping was not created") return {"created": False} except ClientError as e: return {"created": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def get_event_source_mapping_ids( EventSourceArn, FunctionName, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None ): """ Given an event source and function name, return a list of mapping IDs CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.get_event_source_mapping_ids arn:::: myfunction """ conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) try: mappings = [] for maps in __utils__["boto3.paged_call"]( conn.list_event_source_mappings, EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName, ): mappings.extend( [mapping["UUID"] for mapping in maps["EventSourceMappings"]] ) return mappings except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def _get_ids( UUID=None, EventSourceArn=None, FunctionName=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): if UUID: if EventSourceArn or FunctionName: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either UUID must be specified, or " "EventSourceArn and FunctionName must be provided." ) return [UUID] else: if not EventSourceArn or not FunctionName: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either UUID must be specified, or " "EventSourceArn and FunctionName must be provided." ) return get_event_source_mapping_ids( EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, ) def delete_event_source_mapping( UUID=None, EventSourceArn=None, FunctionName=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Given an event source mapping ID or an event source ARN and FunctionName, delete the event source mapping Returns {deleted: true} if the mapping was deleted and returns {deleted: false} if the mapping was not deleted. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.delete_event_source_mapping 260c423d-e8b5-4443-8d6a-5e91b9ecd0fa """ ids = _get_ids(UUID, EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName) try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) for id in ids: conn.delete_event_source_mapping(UUID=id) return {"deleted": True} except ClientError as e: return {"deleted": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def event_source_mapping_exists( UUID=None, EventSourceArn=None, FunctionName=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Given an event source mapping ID or an event source ARN and FunctionName, check whether the mapping exists. Returns True if the given alias exists and returns False if the given alias does not exist. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.alias_exists myfunction myalias """ desc = describe_event_source_mapping( UUID=UUID, EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, ) if "error" in desc: return desc return {"exists": bool(desc.get("event_source_mapping"))} def describe_event_source_mapping( UUID=None, EventSourceArn=None, FunctionName=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Given an event source mapping ID or an event source ARN and FunctionName, obtain the current settings of that mapping. Returns a dictionary of interesting properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lambda.describe_event_source_mapping uuid """ ids = _get_ids(UUID, EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName) if not ids: return {"event_source_mapping": None} UUID = ids[0] try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) desc = conn.get_event_source_mapping(UUID=UUID) if desc: keys = ( "UUID", "BatchSize", "EventSourceArn", "FunctionArn", "LastModified", "LastProcessingResult", "State", "StateTransitionReason", ) return {"event_source_mapping": {k: desc.get(k) for k in keys}} else: return {"event_source_mapping": None} except ClientError as e: return {"error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)} def update_event_source_mapping( UUID, FunctionName=None, Enabled=None, BatchSize=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): """ Update the event source mapping identified by the UUID. Returns {updated: true} if the alias was updated and returns {updated: False} if the alias was not updated. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion boto_lamba.update_event_source_mapping uuid FunctionName=new_function """ try: conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) args = {} if FunctionName is not None: args["FunctionName"] = FunctionName if Enabled is not None: args["Enabled"] = Enabled if BatchSize is not None: args["BatchSize"] = BatchSize r = conn.update_event_source_mapping(UUID=UUID, **args) if r: keys = ( "UUID", "BatchSize", "EventSourceArn", "FunctionArn", "LastModified", "LastProcessingResult", "State", "StateTransitionReason", ) return { "updated": True, "event_source_mapping": {k: r.get(k) for k in keys}, } else: log.warning("Mapping was not updated") return {"updated": False} except ClientError as e: return {"created": False, "error": __utils__["boto3.get_error"](e)}