Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Manage a glusterfs pool """ import logging import re import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import salt.utils.cloud import salt.utils.path from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Only load this module if the gluster command exists """ if salt.utils.path.which("gluster"): return True return (False, "glusterfs server is not installed") def _get_version(): # Set the default minor version to 6 for tests version = [3, 6] cmd = "gluster --version" result = __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd).splitlines() for line in result: m = re.match(r"glusterfs ((?:\d+\.)+\d+)", line) if m: version = m.group(1).split(".") version = [int(i) for i in version] return tuple(version) def _gluster_ok(xml_data): """ Extract boolean return value from Gluster's XML output. """ return int(xml_data.find("opRet").text) == 0 def _gluster_output_cleanup(result): """ Gluster versions prior to 6 have a bug that requires tricking isatty. This adds "gluster> " to the output. Strip it off and produce clean xml for ElementTree. """ ret = "" for line in result.splitlines(): if line.startswith("gluster>"): ret += line[9:].strip() elif line.startswith("Welcome to gluster prompt"): pass else: ret += line.strip() return ret def _gluster_xml(cmd): """ Perform a gluster --xml command and log result. """ # We will pass the command string as stdin to allow for much longer # command strings. This is especially useful for creating large volumes # where the list of bricks exceeds 128 characters. if _get_version() < ( 3, 6, ): result = __salt__["cmd.run"]( 'script -q -c "gluster --xml --mode=script"', stdin="{}\n\004".format(cmd) ) else: result = __salt__["cmd.run"]( "gluster --xml --mode=script", stdin="{}\n".format(cmd) ) try: root = ET.fromstring(_gluster_output_cleanup(result)) except ET.ParseError: raise CommandExecutionError("\n".join(result.splitlines()[:-1])) if _gluster_ok(root): output = root.find("output") if output is not None: log.info('Gluster call "%s" succeeded: %s', cmd, root.find("output").text) else: log.info('Gluster call "%s" succeeded', cmd) else: log.error("Failed gluster call: %s: %s", cmd, root.find("opErrstr").text) return root def _gluster(cmd): """ Perform a gluster command and return a boolean status. """ return _gluster_ok(_gluster_xml(cmd)) def _etree_to_dict(t): d = {} for child in t: d[child.tag] = _etree_to_dict(child) return d or t.text def _iter(root, term): """ Checks for python2.6 or python2.7 """ if sys.version_info < (2, 7): return root.getiterator(term) else: return root.iter(term) def peer_status(): """ Return peer status information The return value is a dictionary with peer UUIDs as keys and dicts of peer information as values. Hostnames are listed in one list. GlusterFS separates one of the hostnames but the only reason for this seems to be which hostname happens to be used first in peering. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.peer_status GLUSTER direct CLI example (to show what salt is sending to gluster): $ gluster peer status GLUSTER CLI 3.4.4 return example (so we know what we are parsing): Number of Peers: 2 Hostname: ftp2 Port: 24007 Uuid: cbcb256b-e66e-4ec7-a718-21082d396c24 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) Hostname: ftp3 Uuid: 5ea10457-6cb2-427b-a770-7897509625e9 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) """ root = _gluster_xml("peer status") if not _gluster_ok(root): return None result = {} for peer in _iter(root, "peer"): uuid = peer.find("uuid").text result[uuid] = {"hostnames": []} for item in peer: if item.tag == "hostname": result[uuid]["hostnames"].append(item.text) elif item.tag == "hostnames": for hostname in item: if hostname.text not in result[uuid]["hostnames"]: result[uuid]["hostnames"].append(hostname.text) elif item.tag != "uuid": result[uuid][item.tag] = item.text return result def peer(name): """ Add another node into the peer list. name The remote host to probe. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'one.gluster.*' glusterfs.peer two GLUSTER direct CLI example (to show what salt is sending to gluster): $ gluster peer probe ftp2 GLUSTER CLI 3.4.4 return example (so we know what we are parsing): #if the "peer" is the local host: peer probe: success: on localhost not needed #if the peer was just added: peer probe: success #if the peer was already part of the cluster: peer probe: success: host ftp2 port 24007 already in peer list """ if salt.utils.cloud.check_name(name, "a-zA-Z0-9._-"): raise SaltInvocationError('Invalid characters in peer name "{}"'.format(name)) cmd = "peer probe {}".format(name) return _gluster(cmd) def create_volume( name, bricks, stripe=False, replica=False, device_vg=False, transport="tcp", start=False, force=False, arbiter=False, ): """ Create a glusterfs volume name Name of the gluster volume bricks Bricks to create volume from, in <peer>:<brick path> format. For \ multiple bricks use list format: '["<peer1>:<brick1>", \ "<peer2>:<brick2>"]' stripe Stripe count, the number of bricks should be a multiple of the stripe \ count for a distributed striped volume replica Replica count, the number of bricks should be a multiple of the \ replica count for a distributed replicated volume arbiter If true, specifies volume should use arbiter brick(s). \ Valid configuration limited to "replica 3 arbiter 1" per \ Gluster documentation. Every third brick in the brick list \ is used as an arbiter brick. .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 device_vg If true, specifies volume should use block backend instead of regular \ posix backend. Block device backend volume does not support multiple \ bricks transport Transport protocol to use, can be 'tcp', 'rdma' or 'tcp,rdma' start Start the volume after creation force Force volume creation, this works even if creating in root FS CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt host1 glusterfs.create newvolume host1:/brick salt gluster1 glusterfs.create vol2 '["gluster1:/export/vol2/brick", \ "gluster2:/export/vol2/brick"]' replica=2 start=True """ # If single brick given as a string, accept it if isinstance(bricks, str): bricks = [bricks] # Error for block devices with multiple bricks if device_vg and len(bricks) > 1: raise SaltInvocationError( "Block device backend volume does not " + "support multiple bricks" ) # Validate bricks syntax for brick in bricks: try: peer_name, path = brick.split(":") if not path.startswith("/"): raise SaltInvocationError( "Brick paths must start with / in {}".format(brick) ) except ValueError: raise SaltInvocationError( "Brick syntax is <peer>:<path> got {}".format(brick) ) # Validate arbiter config if arbiter and replica != 3: raise SaltInvocationError( "Arbiter configuration only valid " + "in replica 3 volume" ) # Format creation call cmd = "volume create {} ".format(name) if stripe: cmd += "stripe {} ".format(stripe) if replica: cmd += "replica {} ".format(replica) if arbiter: cmd += "arbiter 1 " if device_vg: cmd += "device vg " if transport != "tcp": cmd += "transport {} ".format(transport) cmd += " ".join(bricks) if force: cmd += " force" if not _gluster(cmd): return False if start: return start_volume(name) return True def list_volumes(): """ List configured volumes CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.list_volumes """ root = _gluster_xml("volume list") if not _gluster_ok(root): return None results = [x.text for x in _iter(root, "volume")] return results def status(name): """ Check the status of a gluster volume. name Volume name CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.status myvolume """ # Get volume status root = _gluster_xml("volume status {}".format(name)) if not _gluster_ok(root): # Most probably non-existing volume, the error output is logged # This return value is easy to test and intuitive return None ret = {"bricks": {}, "nfs": {}, "healers": {}} def etree_legacy_wrap(t): ret = _etree_to_dict(t) ret["online"] = ret["status"] == "1" ret["host"] = ret["hostname"] return ret # Build a hash to map hostname to peerid hostref = {} for node in _iter(root, "node"): peerid = node.find("peerid").text hostname = node.find("hostname").text if hostname not in ("NFS Server", "Self-heal Daemon"): hostref[peerid] = hostname for node in _iter(root, "node"): hostname = node.find("hostname").text if hostname not in ("NFS Server", "Self-heal Daemon"): path = node.find("path").text ret["bricks"]["{}:{}".format(hostname, path)] = etree_legacy_wrap(node) elif hostname == "NFS Server": peerid = node.find("peerid").text true_hostname = hostref[peerid] ret["nfs"][true_hostname] = etree_legacy_wrap(node) else: peerid = node.find("peerid").text true_hostname = hostref[peerid] ret["healers"][true_hostname] = etree_legacy_wrap(node) return ret def info(name=None): """ .. versionadded:: 2015.8.4 Return gluster volume info. name Optional name to retrieve only information of one volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.info """ cmd = "volume info" if name is not None: cmd += " " + name root = _gluster_xml(cmd) if not _gluster_ok(root): return None ret = {} for volume in _iter(root, "volume"): name = volume.find("name").text ret[name] = _etree_to_dict(volume) bricks = {} for i, brick in enumerate(_iter(volume, "brick"), start=1): brickkey = "brick{}".format(i) bricks[brickkey] = {"path": brick.text} for child in brick: if not child.tag == "name": bricks[brickkey].update({child.tag: child.text}) for k, v in brick.items(): bricks[brickkey][k] = v ret[name]["bricks"] = bricks options = {} for option in _iter(volume, "option"): options[option.find("name").text] = option.find("value").text ret[name]["options"] = options return ret def start_volume(name, force=False): """ Start a gluster volume name Volume name force Force the volume start even if the volume is started .. versionadded:: 2015.8.4 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.start mycluster """ cmd = "volume start {}".format(name) if force: cmd = "{} force".format(cmd) volinfo = info(name) if name not in volinfo: log.error("Cannot start non-existing volume %s", name) return False if not force and volinfo[name]["status"] == "1": log.info("Volume %s already started", name) return True return _gluster(cmd) def stop_volume(name, force=False): """ Stop a gluster volume name Volume name force Force stop the volume .. versionadded:: 2015.8.4 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.stop_volume mycluster """ volinfo = info() if name not in volinfo: log.error("Cannot stop non-existing volume %s", name) return False if int(volinfo[name]["status"]) != 1: log.warning("Attempt to stop already stopped volume %s", name) return True cmd = "volume stop {}".format(name) if force: cmd += " force" return _gluster(cmd) def delete_volume(target, stop=True): """ Deletes a gluster volume target Volume to delete stop : True If ``True``, stop volume before delete CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.delete_volume <volume> """ volinfo = info() if target not in volinfo: log.error("Cannot delete non-existing volume %s", target) return False # Stop volume if requested to and it is running running = volinfo[target]["status"] == "1" if not stop and running: # Fail if volume is running if stop is not requested log.error("Volume %s must be stopped before deletion", target) return False if running: if not stop_volume(target, force=True): return False cmd = "volume delete {}".format(target) return _gluster(cmd) def add_volume_bricks(name, bricks): """ Add brick(s) to an existing volume name Volume name bricks List of bricks to add to the volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.add_volume_bricks <volume> <bricks> """ volinfo = info() if name not in volinfo: log.error("Volume %s does not exist, cannot add bricks", name) return False new_bricks = [] cmd = "volume add-brick {}".format(name) if isinstance(bricks, str): bricks = [bricks] volume_bricks = [x["path"] for x in volinfo[name]["bricks"].values()] for brick in bricks: if brick in volume_bricks: log.debug( "Brick %s already in volume %s...excluding from command", brick, name ) else: new_bricks.append(brick) if new_bricks: for brick in new_bricks: cmd += " {}".format(brick) return _gluster(cmd) return True def enable_quota_volume(name): """ Enable quota on a glusterfs volume. name Name of the gluster volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.enable_quota_volume <volume> """ cmd = "volume quota {} enable".format(name) if not _gluster(cmd): return False return True def disable_quota_volume(name): """ Disable quota on a glusterfs volume. name Name of the gluster volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.disable_quota_volume <volume> """ cmd = "volume quota {} disable".format(name) if not _gluster(cmd): return False return True def set_quota_volume(name, path, size, enable_quota=False): """ Set quota to glusterfs volume. name Name of the gluster volume path Folder path for restriction in volume ("/") size Hard-limit size of the volume (MB/GB) enable_quota Enable quota before set up restriction CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.set_quota_volume <volume> <path> <size> enable_quota=True """ cmd = "volume quota {}".format(name) if path: cmd += " limit-usage {}".format(path) if size: cmd += " {}".format(size) if enable_quota: if not enable_quota_volume(name): pass if not _gluster(cmd): return False return True def unset_quota_volume(name, path): """ Unset quota on glusterfs volume name Name of the gluster volume path Folder path for restriction in volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.unset_quota_volume <volume> <path> """ cmd = "volume quota {}".format(name) if path: cmd += " remove {}".format(path) if not _gluster(cmd): return False return True def list_quota_volume(name): """ List quotas of glusterfs volume name Name of the gluster volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.list_quota_volume <volume> """ cmd = "volume quota {}".format(name) cmd += " list" root = _gluster_xml(cmd) if not _gluster_ok(root): return None ret = {} for limit in _iter(root, "limit"): path = limit.find("path").text ret[path] = _etree_to_dict(limit) return ret def get_op_version(name): """ .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 Returns the glusterfs volume op-version name Name of the glusterfs volume CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.get_op_version <volume> """ cmd = "volume get {} cluster.op-version".format(name) root = _gluster_xml(cmd) if not _gluster_ok(root): return False, root.find("opErrstr").text result = {} for op_version in _iter(root, "volGetopts"): for item in op_version: if item.tag == "Value": result = item.text elif item.tag == "Opt": for child in item: if child.tag == "Value": result = child.text return result def get_max_op_version(): """ .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 Returns the glusterfs volume's max op-version value Requires Glusterfs version > 3.9 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.get_max_op_version """ if _get_version() < ( 3, 10, ): return ( False, "Glusterfs version must be 3.10+. Your version is {}.".format( str(".".join(str(i) for i in _get_version())) ), ) cmd = "volume get all cluster.max-op-version" root = _gluster_xml(cmd) if not _gluster_ok(root): return False, root.find("opErrstr").text result = {} for max_op_version in _iter(root, "volGetopts"): for item in max_op_version: if item.tag == "Value": result = item.text elif item.tag == "Opt": for child in item: if child.tag == "Value": result = child.text return result def set_op_version(version): """ .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 Set the glusterfs volume op-version version Version to set the glusterfs volume op-version CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.set_op_version <volume> """ cmd = "volume set all cluster.op-version {}".format(version) root = _gluster_xml(cmd) if not _gluster_ok(root): return False, root.find("opErrstr").text return root.find("output").text def get_version(): """ .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 Returns the version of glusterfs. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' glusterfs.get_version """ return ".".join(_get_version())