Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Edit ini files :maintainer: <akilesh1597@gmail.com> :maturity: new :depends: re :platform: all (for example /etc/sysctl.conf) """ import logging import os import re import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.json import salt.utils.stringutils from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __virtualname__ = "ini" def __virtual__(): """ Rename to ini """ return __virtualname__ INI_REGX = re.compile(r"^\s*\[(.+?)\]\s*$", flags=re.M) COM_REGX = re.compile(r"^\s*(#|;)\s*(.*)") INDENTED_REGX = re.compile(r"(\s+)(.*)") def set_option(file_name, sections=None, separator="="): """ Edit an ini file, replacing one or more sections. Returns a dictionary containing the changes made. file_name path of ini_file sections : None A dictionary representing the sections to be edited ini file The keys are the section names and the values are the dictionary containing the options If the ini file does not contain sections the keys and values represent the options separator : = A character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files use the "=" character. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 API Example: .. code-block:: python import salt.client with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc: sc.cmd( 'target', 'ini.set_option', ['path_to_ini_file', '{"section_to_change": {"key": "value"}}'] ) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ini.set_option /path/to/ini '{section_foo: {key: value}}' """ sections = sections or {} changes = {} inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator) changes = inifile.update(sections) inifile.flush() return changes def get_option(file_name, section, option, separator="="): """ Get value of a key from a section in an ini file. Returns ``None`` if no matching key was found. API Example: .. code-block:: python import salt.client with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc: sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_option', [path_to_ini_file, section_name, option]) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ini.get_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name """ inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator) if section: try: return inifile.get(section, {}).get(option, None) except AttributeError: return None else: return inifile.get(option, None) def remove_option(file_name, section, option, separator="="): """ Remove a key/value pair from a section in an ini file. Returns the value of the removed key, or ``None`` if nothing was removed. API Example: .. code-block:: python import salt sc = salt.client.get_local_client() sc.cmd('target', 'ini.remove_option', [path_to_ini_file, section_name, option]) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ini.remove_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name """ inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator) if isinstance(inifile.get(section), (dict, OrderedDict)): value = inifile.get(section, {}).pop(option, None) else: value = inifile.pop(option, None) inifile.flush() return value def get_section(file_name, section, separator="="): """ Retrieve a section from an ini file. Returns the section as dictionary. If the section is not found, an empty dictionary is returned. API Example: .. code-block:: python import salt.client with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc: sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_section', [path_to_ini_file, section_name]) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ini.get_section /path/to/ini section_name """ inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator) ret = {} for key, value in inifile.get(section, {}).items(): if key[0] != "#": ret.update({key: value}) return ret def remove_section(file_name, section, separator="="): """ Remove a section in an ini file. Returns the removed section as dictionary, or ``None`` if nothing was removed. API Example: .. code-block:: python import salt.client with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc: sc.cmd('target', 'ini.remove_section', [path_to_ini_file, section_name]) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ini.remove_section /path/to/ini section_name """ inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator) if section in inifile: section = inifile.pop(section) inifile.flush() ret = {} for key, value in section.items(): if key[0] != "#": ret.update({key: value}) return ret def get_ini(file_name, separator="="): """ Retrieve whole structure from an ini file and return it as dictionary. API Example: .. code-block:: python import salt.client with salt.client.giet_local_client() as sc: sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_ini', [path_to_ini_file]) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ini.get_ini /path/to/ini """ def ini_odict2dict(odict): """ Transform OrderedDict to regular dict recursively :param odict: OrderedDict :return: regular dict """ ret = {} for key, val in odict.items(): if key[0] != "#": if isinstance(val, (dict, OrderedDict)): ret.update({key: ini_odict2dict(val)}) else: ret.update({key: val}) return ret inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator) return ini_odict2dict(inifile) class _Section(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, name, inicontents="", separator="=", commenter="#"): super().__init__(self) self.name = name self.inicontents = inicontents self.sep = separator self.com = commenter opt_regx_prefix = r"(\s*)(.+?)\s*" opt_regx_suffix = r"\s*(.*)\s*" self.opt_regx_str = r"{}(\{}){}".format( opt_regx_prefix, self.sep, opt_regx_suffix ) self.opt_regx = re.compile(self.opt_regx_str) def refresh(self, inicontents=None): comment_count = 1 unknown_count = 1 curr_indent = "" inicontents = inicontents or self.inicontents inicontents = inicontents.strip(os.linesep) if not inicontents: return for opt in self: self.pop(opt) for opt_str in inicontents.split(os.linesep): # Match comments com_match = COM_REGX.match(opt_str) if com_match: name = "#comment{}".format(comment_count) self.com = com_match.group(1) comment_count += 1 self.update({name: opt_str}) continue # Add indented lines to the value of the previous entry. indented_match = INDENTED_REGX.match(opt_str) if indented_match: indent = indented_match.group(1).replace("\t", " ") if indent > curr_indent: options = list(self) if options: prev_opt = options[-1] value = self.get(prev_opt) self.update({prev_opt: os.linesep.join((value, opt_str))}) continue # Match normal key+value lines. opt_match = self.opt_regx.match(opt_str) if opt_match: curr_indent, name, self.sep, value = opt_match.groups() curr_indent = curr_indent.replace("\t", " ") self.update({name: value}) continue # Anything remaining is a mystery. name = "#unknown{}".format(unknown_count) self.update({name: opt_str}) unknown_count += 1 def _uncomment_if_commented(self, opt_key): # should be called only if opt_key is not already present # will uncomment the key if commented and create a place holder # for the key where the correct value can be update later # used to preserve the ordering of comments and commented options # and to make sure options without sectons go above any section options_backup = OrderedDict() comment_index = None for key, value in self.items(): if comment_index is not None: options_backup.update({key: value}) continue if "#comment" not in key: continue opt_match = self.opt_regx.match(value.lstrip("#")) if opt_match and opt_match.group(2) == opt_key: comment_index = key for key in options_backup: self.pop(key) self.pop(comment_index, None) super().update({opt_key: None}) for key, value in options_backup.items(): super().update({key: value}) def update(self, update_dict): changes = {} for key, value in update_dict.items(): # Ensure the value is either a _Section or a string if isinstance(value, (dict, OrderedDict)): sect = _Section( name=key, inicontents="", separator=self.sep, commenter=self.com ) sect.update(value) value = sect value_plain = value.as_dict() else: value = str(value) value_plain = value if key not in self: changes.update({key: {"before": None, "after": value_plain}}) # If it's not a section, it may already exist as a # commented-out key/value pair if not isinstance(value, _Section): self._uncomment_if_commented(key) super().update({key: value}) else: curr_value = self.get(key, None) if isinstance(curr_value, _Section): sub_changes = curr_value.update(value) if sub_changes: changes.update({key: sub_changes}) else: if curr_value != value: changes.update( {key: {"before": curr_value, "after": value_plain}} ) super().update({key: value}) return changes def gen_ini(self): yield "{0}[{1}]{0}".format(os.linesep, self.name) sections_dict = OrderedDict() for name, value in self.items(): # Handle Comment Lines if COM_REGX.match(name): yield "{}{}".format(value, os.linesep) # Handle Sections elif isinstance(value, _Section): sections_dict.update({name: value}) # Key / Value pairs # Adds spaces between the separator else: yield "{}{}{}{}".format( name, " {} ".format(self.sep) if self.sep != " " else self.sep, value, os.linesep, ) for name, value in sections_dict.items(): yield from value.gen_ini() def as_ini(self): return "".join(self.gen_ini()) def as_dict(self): return dict(self) def dump(self): print(str(self)) def __repr__(self, _repr_running=None): _repr_running = _repr_running or {} try: super_repr = super().__repr__(_repr_running) except TypeError: super_repr = super().__repr__() return os.linesep.join((super_repr, salt.utils.json.dumps(self, indent=4))) def __str__(self): return salt.utils.json.dumps(self, indent=4) def __eq__(self, item): return isinstance(item, self.__class__) and self.name == item.name def __ne__(self, item): return not (isinstance(item, self.__class__) and self.name == item.name) class _Ini(_Section): def refresh(self, inicontents=None): if inicontents is None: if not os.path.exists(self.name): log.trace("File %s does not exist and will be created", self.name) return try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(self.name) as rfh: inicontents = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(rfh.read()) inicontents = os.linesep.join(inicontents.splitlines()) except OSError as exc: if __opts__["test"] is False: raise CommandExecutionError( "Unable to open file '{}'. Exception: {}".format(self.name, exc) ) if not inicontents: return # Remove anything left behind from a previous run. self.clear() inicontents = INI_REGX.split(inicontents) inicontents.reverse() # Pop anything defined outside of a section (ie. at the top of # the ini file). super().refresh(inicontents.pop()) for section_name, sect_ini in self._gen_tuples(inicontents): try: sect_obj = _Section(section_name, sect_ini, separator=self.sep) sect_obj.refresh() self.update({sect_obj.name: sect_obj}) except StopIteration: pass def flush(self): try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(self.name, "wb") as outfile: ini_gen = self.gen_ini() next(ini_gen) ini_gen_list = list(ini_gen) # Avoid writing an initial line separator. if ini_gen_list: ini_gen_list[0] = ini_gen_list[0].lstrip(os.linesep) outfile.writelines(salt.utils.data.encode(ini_gen_list)) except OSError as exc: raise CommandExecutionError( "Unable to write file '{}'. Exception: {}".format(self.name, exc) ) @staticmethod def get_ini_file(file_name, separator="="): inifile = _Ini(file_name, separator=separator) inifile.refresh() return inifile @staticmethod def _gen_tuples(list_object): while True: try: key = list_object.pop() value = list_object.pop() except IndexError: return else: yield key, value