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""" Support for LVS (Linux Virtual Server) """ import salt.utils.decorators as decorators import salt.utils.path from salt.exceptions import SaltException __func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"} # Cache the output of running which('ipvsadm') @decorators.memoize def __detect_os(): return salt.utils.path.which("ipvsadm") def __virtual__(): """ Only load if ipvsadm command exists on the system. """ if not __detect_os(): return ( False, "The lvs execution module cannot be loaded: the ipvsadm binary is not in" " the path.", ) return "lvs" def _build_cmd(**kwargs): """ Build a well-formatted ipvsadm command based on kwargs. """ cmd = "" if "service_address" in kwargs: if kwargs["service_address"]: if "protocol" in kwargs: if kwargs["protocol"] == "tcp": cmd += " -t {}".format(kwargs["service_address"]) elif kwargs["protocol"] == "udp": cmd += " -u {}".format(kwargs["service_address"]) elif kwargs["protocol"] == "fwmark": cmd += " -f {}".format(kwargs["service_address"]) else: raise SaltException( "Error: Only support tcp, udp and fwmark service protocol" ) del kwargs["protocol"] else: raise SaltException("Error: protocol should specified") if "scheduler" in kwargs: if kwargs["scheduler"]: cmd += " -s {}".format(kwargs["scheduler"]) del kwargs["scheduler"] else: raise SaltException("Error: service_address should specified") del kwargs["service_address"] if "server_address" in kwargs: if kwargs["server_address"]: cmd += " -r {}".format(kwargs["server_address"]) if "packet_forward_method" in kwargs and kwargs["packet_forward_method"]: if kwargs["packet_forward_method"] == "dr": cmd += " -g" elif kwargs["packet_forward_method"] == "tunnel": cmd += " -i" elif kwargs["packet_forward_method"] == "nat": cmd += " -m" else: raise SaltException("Error: only support dr, tunnel and nat") del kwargs["packet_forward_method"] if "weight" in kwargs and kwargs["weight"]: cmd += " -w {}".format(kwargs["weight"]) del kwargs["weight"] else: raise SaltException("Error: server_address should specified") del kwargs["server_address"] return cmd def add_service(protocol=None, service_address=None, scheduler="wlc"): """ Add a virtual service. protocol The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service). service_address The LVS service address. scheduler Algorithm for allocating TCP connections and UDP datagrams to real servers. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.add_service tcp rr """ cmd = "{} -A {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd( protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, scheduler=scheduler ), ) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def edit_service(protocol=None, service_address=None, scheduler=None): """ Edit the virtual service. protocol The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service). service_address The LVS service address. scheduler Algorithm for allocating TCP connections and UDP datagrams to real servers. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.edit_service tcp rr """ cmd = "{} -E {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd( protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, scheduler=scheduler ), ) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def delete_service(protocol=None, service_address=None): """ Delete the virtual service. protocol The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service). service_address The LVS service address. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.delete_service tcp """ cmd = "{} -D {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd(protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address) ) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def add_server( protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, packet_forward_method="dr", weight=1, **kwargs ): """ Add a real server to a virtual service. protocol The service protocol(only support ``tcp``, ``udp`` and ``fwmark`` service). service_address The LVS service address. server_address The real server address. packet_forward_method The LVS packet forwarding method(``dr`` for direct routing, ``tunnel`` for tunneling, ``nat`` for network access translation). weight The capacity of a server relative to the others in the pool. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.add_server tcp nat 1 """ cmd = "{} -a {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd( protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, server_address=server_address, packet_forward_method=packet_forward_method, weight=weight, **kwargs ), ) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def edit_server( protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, packet_forward_method=None, weight=None, **kwargs ): """ Edit a real server to a virtual service. protocol The service protocol(only support ``tcp``, ``udp`` and ``fwmark`` service). service_address The LVS service address. server_address The real server address. packet_forward_method The LVS packet forwarding method(``dr`` for direct routing, ``tunnel`` for tunneling, ``nat`` for network access translation). weight The capacity of a server relative to the others in the pool. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.edit_server tcp nat 1 """ cmd = "{} -e {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd( protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, server_address=server_address, packet_forward_method=packet_forward_method, weight=weight, **kwargs ), ) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def delete_server(protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None): """ Delete the realserver from the virtual service. protocol The service protocol(only support ``tcp``, ``udp`` and ``fwmark`` service). service_address The LVS service address. server_address The real server address. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.delete_server tcp """ cmd = "{} -d {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd( protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, server_address=server_address, ), ) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def clear(): """ Clear the virtual server table CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.clear """ cmd = "{} -C".format(__detect_os()) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def get_rules(): """ Get the virtual server rules CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.get_rules """ cmd = "{} -S -n".format(__detect_os()) ret = __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) return ret def list_(protocol=None, service_address=None): """ List the virtual server table if service_address is not specified. If a service_address is selected, list this service only. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.list """ if service_address: cmd = "{} -L {} -n".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd(protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address), ) else: cmd = "{} -L -n".format(__detect_os()) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = out["stdout"].strip() return ret def zero(protocol=None, service_address=None): """ Zero the packet, byte and rate counters in a service or all services. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.zero """ if service_address: cmd = "{} -Z {}".format( __detect_os(), _build_cmd(protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address), ) else: cmd = "{} -Z".format(__detect_os()) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) # A non-zero return code means fail if out["retcode"]: ret = out["stderr"].strip() else: ret = True return ret def check_service(protocol=None, service_address=None, **kwargs): """ Check the virtual service exists. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.check_service tcp """ cmd = "{}".format( _build_cmd(protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, **kwargs) ) # Exact match if not kwargs: cmd += " " all_rules = get_rules() out = all_rules.find(cmd) if out != -1: ret = True else: ret = "Error: service not exists" return ret def check_server(protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, **kwargs): """ Check the real server exists in the specified service. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' lvs.check_server tcp """ cmd = "{}".format( _build_cmd( protocol=protocol, service_address=service_address, server_address=server_address, **kwargs ) ) # Exact match if not kwargs: cmd += " " all_rules = get_rules() out = all_rules.find(cmd) if out != -1: ret = True else: ret = "Error: server not exists" return ret