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""" A salt interface to psutil, a system and process library. See http://code.google.com/p/psutil. :depends: - psutil Python module, version 0.3.0 or later - python-utmp package (optional) """ import datetime import re import time import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.decorators.path from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError # pylint: disable=import-error try: import salt.utils.psutil_compat as psutil HAS_PSUTIL = True PSUTIL2 = getattr(psutil, "version_info", ()) >= (2, 0) except ImportError: HAS_PSUTIL = False # pylint: enable=import-error def __virtual__(): if not HAS_PSUTIL: return ( False, "The ps module cannot be loaded: python module psutil not installed.", ) # Functions and attributes used in this execution module seem to have been # added as of psutil 0.3.0, from an inspection of the source code. Only # make this module available if the version of psutil is >= 0.3.0. Note # that this may need to be tweaked if we find post-0.3.0 versions which # also have problems running the functions in this execution module, but # most distributions have already moved to later versions (for example, # as of Dec. 2013 EPEL is on 0.6.1, Debian 7 is on 0.5.1, etc.). if psutil.version_info >= (0, 3, 0): return True return ( False, "The ps execution module cannot be loaded: the psutil python module version {}" " is less than 0.3.0".format(psutil.version_info), ) def _get_proc_cmdline(proc): """ Returns the cmdline of a Process instance. It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil. """ try: return salt.utils.data.decode(proc.cmdline() if PSUTIL2 else proc.cmdline) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): return [] def _get_proc_create_time(proc): """ Returns the create_time of a Process instance. It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil. """ try: return salt.utils.data.decode( proc.create_time() if PSUTIL2 else proc.create_time ) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): return None def _get_proc_name(proc): """ Returns the name of a Process instance. It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil. """ try: return salt.utils.data.decode(proc.name() if PSUTIL2 else proc.name) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): return [] def _get_proc_status(proc): """ Returns the status of a Process instance. It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil. """ try: return salt.utils.data.decode(proc.status() if PSUTIL2 else proc.status) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): return None def _get_proc_username(proc): """ Returns the username of a Process instance. It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil. """ try: return salt.utils.data.decode(proc.username() if PSUTIL2 else proc.username) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, KeyError): return None def _get_proc_pid(proc): """ Returns the pid of a Process instance. It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil. """ return proc.pid def top(num_processes=5, interval=3): """ Return a list of top CPU consuming processes during the interval. num_processes = return the top N CPU consuming processes interval = the number of seconds to sample CPU usage over CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.top salt '*' ps.top 5 10 """ result = [] start_usage = {} for pid in psutil.pids(): try: process = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: continue else: try: user, system = process.cpu_times()[:2] except psutil.ZombieProcess: user = system = 0.0 start_usage[process] = user + system time.sleep(interval) usage = set() for process, start in start_usage.items(): try: user, system = process.cpu_times()[:2] except psutil.NoSuchProcess: continue now = user + system diff = now - start usage.add((diff, process)) for diff, process in sorted(usage, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True): info = { "cmd": _get_proc_cmdline(process) or _get_proc_name(process), "user": _get_proc_username(process), "status": _get_proc_status(process), "pid": _get_proc_pid(process), "create_time": _get_proc_create_time(process), "cpu": {}, "mem": {}, } try: for key, value in process.cpu_times()._asdict().items(): info["cpu"][key] = value for key, value in process.memory_info()._asdict().items(): info["mem"][key] = value except psutil.NoSuchProcess: # Process ended since psutil.pids() was run earlier in this # function. Ignore this process and do not include this process in # the return data. continue result.append(info) # Stop gathering process info since we've reached the desired number if len(result) >= num_processes: break return result def get_pid_list(): """ Return a list of process ids (PIDs) for all running processes. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.get_pid_list """ return psutil.pids() def proc_info(pid, attrs=None): """ Return a dictionary of information for a process id (PID). CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.proc_info 2322 salt '*' ps.proc_info 2322 attrs='["pid", "name"]' pid PID of process to query. attrs Optional list of desired process attributes. The list of possible attributes can be found here: https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#processes """ try: proc = psutil.Process(pid) return proc.as_dict(attrs) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, AttributeError) as exc: raise CommandExecutionError(exc) def kill_pid(pid, signal=15): """ Kill a process by PID. .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion' ps.kill_pid pid [signal=signal_number] pid PID of process to kill. signal Signal to send to the process. See manpage entry for kill for possible values. Default: 15 (SIGTERM). **Example:** Send SIGKILL to process with PID 2000: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion' ps.kill_pid 2000 signal=9 """ try: psutil.Process(pid).send_signal(signal) return True except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return False def pkill(pattern, user=None, signal=15, full=False): """ Kill processes matching a pattern. .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.pkill pattern [user=username] [signal=signal_number] \\ [full=(true|false)] pattern Pattern to search for in the process list. user Limit matches to the given username. Default: All users. signal Signal to send to the process(es). See manpage entry for kill for possible values. Default: 15 (SIGTERM). full A boolean value indicating whether only the name of the command or the full command line should be matched against the pattern. **Examples:** Send SIGHUP to all httpd processes on all 'www' minions: .. code-block:: bash salt 'www.*' ps.pkill httpd signal=1 Send SIGKILL to all bash processes owned by user 'tom': .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.pkill bash signal=9 user=tom """ killed = [] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): name_match = ( pattern in " ".join(_get_proc_cmdline(proc)) if full else pattern in _get_proc_name(proc) ) user_match = True if user is None else user == _get_proc_username(proc) if name_match and user_match: try: proc.send_signal(signal) killed.append(_get_proc_pid(proc)) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass if not killed: return None else: return {"killed": killed} def pgrep(pattern, user=None, full=False, pattern_is_regex=False): """ Return the pids for processes matching a pattern. If full is true, the full command line is searched for a match, otherwise only the name of the command is searched. .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.pgrep pattern [user=username] [full=(true|false)] pattern Pattern to search for in the process list. user Limit matches to the given username. Default: All users. full A boolean value indicating whether only the name of the command or the full command line should be matched against the pattern. pattern_is_regex This flag enables ps.pgrep to mirror the regex search functionality found in the pgrep command line utility. .. versionadded:: 3001 **Examples:** Find all httpd processes on all 'www' minions: .. code-block:: bash salt 'www.*' ps.pgrep httpd Find all bash processes owned by user 'tom': .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.pgrep bash user=tom """ procs = [] if pattern_is_regex: pattern = re.compile(str(pattern)) for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if full: process_line = " ".join(_get_proc_cmdline(proc)) else: process_line = _get_proc_name(proc) if pattern_is_regex: name_match = re.search(pattern, process_line) else: name_match = pattern in process_line user_match = True if user is None else user == _get_proc_username(proc) if name_match and user_match: procs.append(_get_proc_pid(proc)) return procs or None def cpu_percent(interval=0.1, per_cpu=False): """ Return the percent of time the CPU is busy. interval the number of seconds to sample CPU usage over per_cpu if True return an array of CPU percent busy for each CPU, otherwise aggregate all percents into one number CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.cpu_percent """ if per_cpu: result = list(psutil.cpu_percent(interval, True)) else: result = psutil.cpu_percent(interval) return result def cpu_times(per_cpu=False): """ Return the percent of time the CPU spends in each state, e.g. user, system, idle, nice, iowait, irq, softirq. per_cpu if True return an array of percents for each CPU, otherwise aggregate all percents into one number CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.cpu_times """ if per_cpu: result = [dict(times._asdict()) for times in psutil.cpu_times(True)] else: result = dict(psutil.cpu_times(per_cpu)._asdict()) return result def virtual_memory(): """ .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 Return a dict that describes statistics about system memory usage. .. note:: This function is only available in psutil version 0.6.0 and above. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.virtual_memory """ if psutil.version_info < (0, 6, 0): msg = "virtual_memory is only available in psutil 0.6.0 or greater" raise CommandExecutionError(msg) return dict(psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict()) def swap_memory(): """ .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 Return a dict that describes swap memory statistics. .. note:: This function is only available in psutil version 0.6.0 and above. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.swap_memory """ if psutil.version_info < (0, 6, 0): msg = "swap_memory is only available in psutil 0.6.0 or greater" raise CommandExecutionError(msg) return dict(psutil.swap_memory()._asdict()) def disk_partitions(all=False): """ Return a list of disk partitions and their device, mount point, and filesystem type. all if set to False, only return local, physical partitions (hard disk, USB, CD/DVD partitions). If True, return all filesystems. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.disk_partitions """ result = [dict(partition._asdict()) for partition in psutil.disk_partitions(all)] return result def disk_usage(path): """ Given a path, return a dict listing the total available space as well as the free space, and used space. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.disk_usage /home """ return dict(psutil.disk_usage(path)._asdict()) def disk_partition_usage(all=False): """ Return a list of disk partitions plus the mount point, filesystem and usage statistics. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.disk_partition_usage """ result = disk_partitions(all) for partition in result: partition.update(disk_usage(partition["mountpoint"])) return result def total_physical_memory(): """ Return the total number of bytes of physical memory. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.total_physical_memory """ if psutil.version_info < (0, 6, 0): msg = "virtual_memory is only available in psutil 0.6.0 or greater" raise CommandExecutionError(msg) try: return psutil.virtual_memory().total except AttributeError: # TOTAL_PHYMEM is deprecated but with older psutil versions this is # needed as a fallback. return psutil.TOTAL_PHYMEM def num_cpus(): """ Return the number of CPUs. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.num_cpus """ try: return psutil.cpu_count() except AttributeError: # NUM_CPUS is deprecated but with older psutil versions this is needed # as a fallback. return psutil.NUM_CPUS def boot_time(time_format=None): """ Return the boot time in number of seconds since the epoch began. CLI Example: time_format Optionally specify a `strftime`_ format string. Use ``time_format='%c'`` to get a nicely-formatted locale specific date and time (i.e. ``Fri May 2 19:08:32 2014``). .. _strftime: https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior .. versionadded:: 2014.1.4 .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.boot_time """ try: b_time = int(psutil.boot_time()) except AttributeError: # get_boot_time() has been removed in newer psutil versions, and has # been replaced by boot_time() which provides the same information. b_time = int(psutil.boot_time()) if time_format: # Load epoch timestamp as a datetime.datetime object b_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(b_time) try: return b_time.strftime(time_format) except TypeError as exc: raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid format string: {}".format(exc)) return b_time def network_io_counters(interface=None): """ Return network I/O statistics. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.network_io_counters salt '*' ps.network_io_counters interface=eth0 """ if not interface: return dict(psutil.net_io_counters()._asdict()) else: stats = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) if interface in stats: return dict(stats[interface]._asdict()) else: return False def disk_io_counters(device=None): """ Return disk I/O statistics. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.disk_io_counters salt '*' ps.disk_io_counters device=sda1 """ if not device: return dict(psutil.disk_io_counters()._asdict()) else: stats = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True) if device in stats: return dict(stats[device]._asdict()) else: return False def get_users(): """ Return logged-in users. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.get_users """ try: recs = psutil.users() return [dict(x._asdict()) for x in recs] except AttributeError: # get_users is only present in psutil > v0.5.0 # try utmp try: import utmp # pylint: disable=import-error result = [] while True: rec = utmp.utmpaccess.getutent() if rec is None: return result elif rec[0] == 7: started = rec[8] if isinstance(started, tuple): started = started[0] result.append( { "name": rec[4], "terminal": rec[2], "started": started, "host": rec[5], } ) except ImportError: return False def lsof(name): """ Retrieve the lsof information of the given process name. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.lsof apache2 """ sanitize_name = str(name) lsof_infos = __salt__["cmd.run"]("lsof -c " + sanitize_name) ret = [] ret.extend([sanitize_name, lsof_infos]) return ret @salt.utils.decorators.path.which("netstat") def netstat(name): """ Retrieve the netstat information of the given process name. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.netstat apache2 """ sanitize_name = str(name) netstat_infos = __salt__["cmd.run"]("netstat -nap") found_infos = [] ret = [] for info in netstat_infos.splitlines(): if info.find(sanitize_name) != -1: found_infos.append(info) ret.extend([sanitize_name, found_infos]) return ret @salt.utils.decorators.path.which("ss") def ss(name): """ Retrieve the ss information of the given process name. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.ss apache2 .. versionadded:: 2016.11.6 """ sanitize_name = str(name) ss_infos = __salt__["cmd.run"]("ss -neap") found_infos = [] ret = [] for info in ss_infos.splitlines(): if info.find(sanitize_name) != -1: found_infos.append(info) ret.extend([sanitize_name, found_infos]) return ret def psaux(name): """ Retrieve information corresponding to a "ps aux" filtered with the given pattern. It could be just a name or a regular expression (using python search from "re" module). CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.psaux www-data.+apache2 """ sanitize_name = str(name) pattern = re.compile(sanitize_name) salt_exception_pattern = re.compile("salt.+ps.psaux.+") ps_aux = __salt__["cmd.run"]("ps aux") found_infos = [] ret = [] nb_lines = 0 for info in ps_aux.splitlines(): found = pattern.search(info) if found is not None: # remove 'salt' command from results if not salt_exception_pattern.search(info): nb_lines += 1 found_infos.append(info) pid_count = str(nb_lines) + " occurrence(s)." ret = [] ret.extend([sanitize_name, found_infos, pid_count]) return ret def status(status): """ .. versionadded:: 3006.0 Returns a list of processes according to their state. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' ps.status STATUS where ``STATUS`` is one of * running * sleeping * disk_sleep * stopped * tracing_stop * zombie * dead * wake_kill * waking * parked (Linux) * idle (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD) * locked (FreeBSD) * waiting (FreeBSD) * suspended (NetBSD) See https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html\ ?highlight=status#process-status-constants """ ret = [] if not status: raise SaltInvocationError("Filter is required for ps.status") else: try: list_of_processes = psutil.process_iter(["pid", "name", "status"]) ret = [ proc.as_dict(("pid", "name")) for proc in list_of_processes # It's possible in the future we may want to filter by `in` # instead - which will allow the user to request a number of # statuses. But for now this is how it was originally written. if proc.info["status"] == status ] except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): # AccessDenied may be returned from old versions of psutil on Windows systems raise CommandExecutionError("Psutil did not return a list of processes") return ret