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""" The networking module for Windows based systems """ import logging import time import salt.utils.network import salt.utils.platform import salt.utils.validate.net from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError # Set up logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define the module's virtual name __virtualname__ = "ip" def __virtual__(): """ Confine this module to Windows systems """ if salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): return __virtualname__ return (False, "Module win_ip: module only works on Windows systems") def _interface_configs(): """ Return all interface configs """ cmd = ["netsh", "interface", "ip", "show", "config"] lines = __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines() ret = {} current_iface = None current_ip_list = None for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: current_iface = None current_ip_list = None continue if "Configuration for interface" in line: _, iface = line.rstrip('"').split('"', 1) # get iface name current_iface = {} ret[iface] = current_iface continue if ":" not in line: if current_ip_list: current_ip_list.append(line) else: log.warning('Cannot parse "%s"', line) continue key, val = line.split(":", 1) key = key.strip() val = val.strip() lkey = key.lower() if ("dns servers" in lkey) or ("wins servers" in lkey): current_ip_list = [] current_iface[key] = current_ip_list current_ip_list.append(val) elif "ip address" in lkey: current_iface.setdefault("ip_addrs", []).append({key: val}) elif "subnet prefix" in lkey: subnet, _, netmask = val.split(" ", 2) last_ip = current_iface["ip_addrs"][-1] last_ip["Subnet"] = subnet.strip() last_ip["Netmask"] = netmask.lstrip().rstrip(")") else: current_iface[key] = val return ret def raw_interface_configs(): """ Return raw configs for all interfaces CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.raw_interface_configs """ cmd = ["netsh", "interface", "ip", "show", "config"] return __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) def get_all_interfaces(): """ Return configs for all interfaces CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_all_interfaces """ return _interface_configs() def get_interface(iface): """ Return the configuration of a network interface CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_interface 'Local Area Connection' """ return _interface_configs().get(iface, {}) def is_enabled(iface): """ Returns ``True`` if interface is enabled, otherwise ``False`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.is_enabled 'Local Area Connection #2' """ cmd = ["netsh", "interface", "show", "interface", "name={}".format(iface)] iface_found = False for line in __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines(): if "Connect state:" in line: iface_found = True return line.split()[-1] == "Connected" if not iface_found: raise CommandExecutionError("Interface '{}' not found".format(iface)) return False def is_disabled(iface): """ Returns ``True`` if interface is disabled, otherwise ``False`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.is_disabled 'Local Area Connection #2' """ return not is_enabled(iface) def enable(iface): """ Enable an interface CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.enable 'Local Area Connection #2' """ if is_enabled(iface): return True cmd = [ "netsh", "interface", "set", "interface", "name={}".format(iface), "admin=ENABLED", ] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) return is_enabled(iface) def disable(iface): """ Disable an interface CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.disable 'Local Area Connection #2' """ if is_disabled(iface): return True cmd = [ "netsh", "interface", "set", "interface", "name={}".format(iface), "admin=DISABLED", ] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) return is_disabled(iface) def get_subnet_length(mask): """ Convenience function to convert the netmask to the CIDR subnet length CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_subnet_length """ if not salt.utils.validate.net.netmask(mask): raise SaltInvocationError("'{}' is not a valid netmask".format(mask)) return salt.utils.network.get_net_size(mask) def set_static_ip(iface, addr, gateway=None, append=False): """ Set static IP configuration on a Windows NIC iface The name of the interface to manage addr IP address with subnet length (ex. ````). The :mod:`ip.get_subnet_length <salt.modules.win_ip.get_subnet_length>` function can be used to calculate the subnet length from a netmask. gateway : None If specified, the default gateway will be set to this value. append : False If ``True``, this IP address will be added to the interface. Default is ``False``, which overrides any existing configuration for the interface and sets ``addr`` as the only address on the interface. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_ip 'Local Area Connection' gateway= salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_ip 'Local Area Connection' append=True """ def _find_addr(iface, addr, timeout=1): ip, cidr = addr.rsplit("/", 1) netmask = salt.utils.network.cidr_to_ipv4_netmask(cidr) for idx in range(timeout): for addrinfo in get_interface(iface).get("ip_addrs", []): if addrinfo["IP Address"] == ip and addrinfo["Netmask"] == netmask: return addrinfo time.sleep(1) return {} if not salt.utils.validate.net.ipv4_addr(addr): raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid address '{}'".format(addr)) if gateway and not salt.utils.validate.net.ipv4_addr(addr): raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid default gateway '{}'".format(gateway)) if "/" not in addr: addr += "/32" if append and _find_addr(iface, addr): raise CommandExecutionError( "Address '{}' already exists on interface '{}'".format(addr, iface) ) cmd = ["netsh", "interface", "ip"] if append: cmd.append("add") else: cmd.append("set") cmd.extend(["address", "name={}".format(iface)]) if not append: cmd.append("source=static") cmd.append("address={}".format(addr)) if gateway: cmd.append("gateway={}".format(gateway)) result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) if result["retcode"] != 0: raise CommandExecutionError( "Unable to set IP address: {}".format(result["stderr"]) ) new_addr = _find_addr(iface, addr, timeout=10) if not new_addr: return {} ret = {"Address Info": new_addr} if gateway: ret["Default Gateway"] = gateway return ret def set_dhcp_ip(iface): """ Set Windows NIC to get IP from DHCP CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_dhcp_ip 'Local Area Connection' """ cmd = ["netsh", "interface", "ip", "set", "address", iface, "dhcp"] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) return {"Interface": iface, "DHCP enabled": "Yes"} def set_static_dns(iface, *addrs): """ Set static DNS configuration on a Windows NIC Args: iface (str): The name of the interface to set addrs (*): One or more DNS servers to be added. To clear the list of DNS servers pass an empty list (``[]``). If undefined or ``None`` no changes will be made. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the new DNS settings CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_dns 'Local Area Connection' '' salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_dns 'Local Area Connection' '' '' """ if not addrs or str(addrs[0]).lower() == "none": return {"Interface": iface, "DNS Server": "No Changes"} # Clear the list of DNS servers if [] is passed if str(addrs[0]).lower() == "[]": log.debug("Clearing list of DNS servers") cmd = [ "netsh", "interface", "ip", "set", "dns", "name={}".format(iface), "source=static", "address=none", ] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) return {"Interface": iface, "DNS Server": []} addr_index = 1 for addr in addrs: if addr_index == 1: cmd = [ "netsh", "interface", "ip", "set", "dns", "name={}".format(iface), "source=static", "address={}".format(addr), "register=primary", ] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) addr_index = addr_index + 1 else: cmd = [ "netsh", "interface", "ip", "add", "dns", "name={}".format(iface), "address={}".format(addr), "index={}".format(addr_index), ] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) addr_index = addr_index + 1 return {"Interface": iface, "DNS Server": addrs} def set_dhcp_dns(iface): """ Set DNS source to DHCP on Windows CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_dhcp_dns 'Local Area Connection' """ cmd = ["netsh", "interface", "ip", "set", "dns", iface, "dhcp"] __salt__["cmd.run"](cmd, python_shell=False) return {"Interface": iface, "DNS Server": "DHCP"} def set_dhcp_all(iface): """ Set both IP Address and DNS to DHCP CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_dhcp_all 'Local Area Connection' """ set_dhcp_ip(iface) set_dhcp_dns(iface) return {"Interface": iface, "DNS Server": "DHCP", "DHCP enabled": "Yes"} def get_default_gateway(): """ Set DNS source to DHCP on Windows CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_default_gateway """ try: return next( iter( x.split()[-1] for x in __salt__["cmd.run"]( ["netsh", "interface", "ip", "show", "config"], python_shell=False ).splitlines() if "Default Gateway:" in x ) ) except StopIteration: raise CommandExecutionError("Unable to find default gateway")