Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" This is the a dummy proxy-minion designed for testing the proxy minion subsystem. """ import copy import logging import os import pprint from contextlib import contextmanager import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.msgpack from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, MinionError # This must be present or the Salt loader won't load this module __proxyenabled__ = ["dummy"] log = logging.getLogger(__file__) # This does nothing, it's here just as an example and to provide a log # entry when the module is loaded. def __virtual__(): """ Only return if all the modules are available """ log.debug("dummy proxy __virtual__() called...") return True def _save_state(opts, details): _id = __context__["dummy_proxy"]["id"] cachefile = os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "dummy-proxy-{}.cache".format(_id)) with salt.utils.files.fopen(cachefile, "wb") as pck: pck.write(salt.utils.msgpack.packb(details, use_bin_type=True)) log.warning("Dummy Proxy Saved State(%s):\n%s", cachefile, pprint.pformat(details)) def _load_state(opts): _id = __context__["dummy_proxy"]["id"] cachefile = os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "dummy-proxy-{}.cache".format(_id)) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(cachefile, "rb") as pck: state = salt.utils.msgpack.unpackb(pck.read(), raw=False) except FileNotFoundError: state = _initial_state() _save_state(opts, state) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Failed to load state: %s", exc, exc_info=True) state = _initial_state() _save_state(opts, state) log.warning("Dummy Proxy Loaded State(%s):\n%s", cachefile, pprint.pformat(state)) return state @contextmanager def _loaded_state(opts): state = _load_state(opts) original = copy.deepcopy(state) try: yield state finally: if state != original: _save_state(opts, state) def _initial_state(): return { "services": {"apache": "running", "ntp": "running", "samba": "stopped"}, "packages": { "coreutils": "1.0", "apache": "2.4", "tinc": "1.4", "redbull": "999.99", }, } # Every proxy module needs an 'init', though you can # just put DETAILS['initialized'] = True here if nothing # else needs to be done. def init(opts): """ Required. Can be used to initialize the server connection. """ # Added to test situation when a proxy minion throws # an exception during init. if opts["proxy"].get("raise_minion_error"): raise MinionError(message="Raising A MinionError.") if opts["proxy"].get("raise_commandexec_error"): raise CommandExecutionError(message="Raising A CommandExecutionError.") __context__["dummy_proxy"] = {"id": opts["id"]} log.debug("dummy proxy init() called...") with _loaded_state(opts) as state: state["initialized"] = True def initialized(): """ Since grains are loaded in many different places and some of those places occur before the proxy can be initialized, return whether our init() function has been called """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: return state.get("initialized", False) def grains(): """ Make up some grains """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: if "grains_cache" not in state: state["grains_cache"] = { "dummy_grain_1": "one", "dummy_grain_2": "two", "dummy_grain_3": "three", } return state["grains_cache"] def grains_refresh(): """ Refresh the grains """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: if "grains_cache" in state: state.pop("grains_cache") return grains() def fns(): """ Method called by grains module. """ return { "details": ( "This key is here because a function in " "grains/rest_sample.py called fns() here in the proxymodule." ) } def service_start(name): """ Start a "service" on the dummy server """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: state["services"][name] = "running" return "running" def service_stop(name): """ Stop a "service" on the dummy server """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: state["services"][name] = "stopped" return "stopped" def service_restart(name): """ Restart a "service" on the REST server """ return True def service_list(): """ List "services" on the REST server """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: return list(state["services"]) def service_status(name): """ Check if a service is running on the REST server """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: if state["services"][name] == "running": return {"comment": "running"} else: return {"comment": "stopped"} def package_list(): """ List "packages" installed on the REST server """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: return state["packages"] def package_install(name, **kwargs): """ Install a "package" on the REST server """ if kwargs.get("version", False): version = kwargs["version"] else: version = "1.0" with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: state["packages"][name] = version return {name: version} def upgrade(): """ "Upgrade" packages """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: for p in state["packages"]: version_float = float(state["packages"][p]) version_float = version_float + 1.0 state["packages"][p] = str(version_float) return state["packages"] def uptodate(): """ Call the REST endpoint to see if the packages on the "server" are up to date. """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: return state["packages"] def package_remove(name): """ Remove a "package" on the REST server """ __context__["dummy_proxy"]["foo"] = "bar" with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: state["packages"].pop(name) return state["packages"] def package_status(name): """ Check the installation status of a package on the REST server """ with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: if name in state["packages"]: return {name: state["packages"][name]} def ping(): """ Degenerate ping """ log.debug("dummy proxy returning ping") return True def shutdown(opts): """ For this proxy shutdown is a no-op """ log.debug("dummy proxy shutdown() called...") with _loaded_state(__opts__) as state: if "filename" in state: os.unlink(state["filename"]) def test_from_state(): """ Test function so we have something to call from a state :return: """ log.debug("test_from_state called") return "testvalue"