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""" Return data to a postgresql server .. note:: There are three PostgreSQL returners. Any can function as an external :ref:`master job cache <external-job-cache>`. but each has different features. SaltStack recommends :mod:`returners.pgjsonb <salt.returners.pgjsonb>` if you are working with a version of PostgreSQL that has the appropriate native binary JSON types. Otherwise, review :mod:`returners.postgres <salt.returners.postgres>` and :mod:`returners.postgres_local_cache <salt.returners.postgres_local_cache>` to see which module best suits your particular needs. :maintainer: None :maturity: New :depends: psycopg2 :platform: all To enable this returner the minion will need the psycopg2 installed and the following values configured in the minion or master config: .. code-block:: yaml returner.postgres.host: 'salt' returner.postgres.user: 'salt' returner.postgres.passwd: 'salt' returner.postgres.db: 'salt' returner.postgres.port: 5432 Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location: .. code-block:: yaml alternative.returner.postgres.host: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.user: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.passwd: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.db: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.port: 5432 Running the following commands as the postgres user should create the database correctly: .. code-block:: sql psql << EOF CREATE ROLE salt WITH PASSWORD 'salt'; CREATE DATABASE salt WITH OWNER salt; EOF psql -h localhost -U salt << EOF -- -- Table structure for table 'jids' -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jids; CREATE TABLE jids ( jid varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, load text NOT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table 'salt_returns' -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS salt_returns; CREATE TABLE salt_returns ( fun varchar(50) NOT NULL, jid varchar(255) NOT NULL, return text NOT NULL, full_ret text, id varchar(255) NOT NULL, success varchar(10) NOT NULL, alter_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() ); CREATE INDEX idx_salt_returns_id ON salt_returns (id); CREATE INDEX idx_salt_returns_jid ON salt_returns (jid); CREATE INDEX idx_salt_returns_fun ON salt_returns (fun); CREATE INDEX idx_salt_returns_updated ON salt_returns (alter_time); -- -- Table structure for table `salt_events` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS salt_events; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS seq_salt_events_id; CREATE SEQUENCE seq_salt_events_id; CREATE TABLE salt_events ( id BIGINT NOT NULL UNIQUE DEFAULT nextval('seq_salt_events_id'), tag varchar(255) NOT NULL, data text NOT NULL, alter_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW(), master_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_salt_events_tag on salt_events (tag); EOF Required python modules: psycopg2 To use the postgres returner, append '--return postgres' to the salt command. .. code-block:: bash salt '*' test.ping --return postgres To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command. .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 .. code-block:: bash salt '*' test.ping --return postgres --return_config alternative To override individual configuration items, append --return_kwargs '{"key:": "value"}' to the salt command. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 .. code-block:: bash salt '*' test.ping --return postgres --return_kwargs '{"db": "another-salt"}' """ import logging import sys from contextlib import contextmanager import salt.exceptions import salt.returners import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.json try: import psycopg2 HAS_POSTGRES = True except ImportError: HAS_POSTGRES = False __virtualname__ = "postgres" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): if not HAS_POSTGRES: return False, "Could not import postgres returner; psycopg2 is not installed." return __virtualname__ def _get_options(ret=None): """ Get the postgres options from salt. """ defaults = { "host": "localhost", "user": "salt", "passwd": "salt", "db": "salt", "port": 5432, } attrs = { "host": "host", "user": "user", "passwd": "passwd", "db": "db", "port": "port", } _options = salt.returners.get_returner_options( "returner.{}".format(__virtualname__), ret, attrs, __salt__=__salt__, __opts__=__opts__, defaults=defaults, ) # Ensure port is an int if "port" in _options: _options["port"] = int(_options["port"]) return _options @contextmanager def _get_serv(ret=None, commit=False): """ Return a Pg cursor """ _options = _get_options(ret) try: conn = psycopg2.connect( host=_options.get("host"), user=_options.get("user"), password=_options.get("passwd"), database=_options.get("db"), port=_options.get("port"), ) except psycopg2.OperationalError as exc: raise salt.exceptions.SaltMasterError( "postgres returner could not connect to database: {exc}".format(exc=exc) ) cursor = conn.cursor() try: yield cursor except psycopg2.DatabaseError as err: error = err.args sys.stderr.write(str(error)) cursor.execute("ROLLBACK") raise else: if commit: cursor.execute("COMMIT") else: cursor.execute("ROLLBACK") finally: conn.close() def returner(ret): """ Return data to a postgres server """ try: with _get_serv(ret, commit=True) as cur: sql = """INSERT INTO salt_returns (fun, jid, return, id, success, full_ret) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" cleaned_return = salt.utils.data.decode(ret) cur.execute( sql, ( ret["fun"], ret["jid"], salt.utils.json.dumps(cleaned_return["return"]), ret["id"], ret.get("success", False), salt.utils.json.dumps(cleaned_return), ), ) except salt.exceptions.SaltMasterError: log.critical( "Could not store return with postgres returner. PostgreSQL server" " unavailable." ) def event_return(events): """ Return event to Pg server Requires that configuration be enabled via 'event_return' option in master config. """ with _get_serv(events, commit=True) as cur: for event in events: tag = event.get("tag", "") data = event.get("data", "") sql = """INSERT INTO salt_events (tag, data, master_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" cur.execute(sql, (tag, salt.utils.json.dumps(data), __opts__["id"])) def save_load(jid, load, minions=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Save the load to the specified jid id """ with _get_serv(commit=True) as cur: sql = """INSERT INTO jids (jid, load) VALUES (%s, %s)""" json_data = salt.utils.json.dumps(salt.utils.data.decode(load)) try: cur.execute(sql, (jid, json_data)) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: # https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/22171 # Without this try/except we get tons of duplicate entry errors # which result in job returns not being stored properly pass def save_minions(jid, minions, syndic_id=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Included for API consistency """ def get_load(jid): """ Return the load data that marks a specified jid """ with _get_serv(ret=None, commit=True) as cur: sql = """SELECT load FROM jids WHERE jid = %s;""" cur.execute(sql, (jid,)) data = cur.fetchone() if data: return salt.utils.json.loads(data[0]) return {} def get_jid(jid): """ Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed """ with _get_serv(ret=None, commit=True) as cur: sql = """SELECT id, full_ret FROM salt_returns WHERE jid = %s""" cur.execute(sql, (jid,)) data = cur.fetchall() ret = {} if data: for minion, full_ret in data: ret[minion] = salt.utils.json.loads(full_ret) return ret def get_fun(fun): """ Return a dict of the last function called for all minions """ with _get_serv(ret=None, commit=True) as cur: sql = """SELECT s.id,s.jid, s.full_ret FROM salt_returns s JOIN ( SELECT MAX(`jid`) as jid from salt_returns GROUP BY fun, id) max ON s.jid = max.jid WHERE s.fun = %s """ cur.execute(sql, (fun,)) data = cur.fetchall() ret = {} if data: for minion, _, full_ret in data: ret[minion] = salt.utils.json.loads(full_ret) return ret def get_jids(): """ Return a list of all job ids """ with _get_serv(ret=None, commit=True) as cur: sql = """SELECT jid, load FROM jids""" cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() ret = {} for jid, load in data: ret[jid] = salt.utils.jid.format_jid_instance( jid, salt.utils.json.loads(load) ) return ret def get_minions(): """ Return a list of minions """ with _get_serv(ret=None, commit=True) as cur: sql = """SELECT DISTINCT id FROM salt_returns""" cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for minion in data: ret.append(minion[0]) return ret def prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id """ return passed_jid if passed_jid is not None else salt.utils.jid.gen_jid(__opts__)