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""" Runner to provide F5 Load Balancer functionality :depends: - pycontrol Python module :configuration: In order to connect to a F5 Load Balancer, you must specify in the Salt master configuration the currently available load balancers .. code-block:: yaml load_balancers: bigip1.example.com: username: admin password: secret bigip2.example.com: username: admin password: secret """ from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError try: import pycontrol.pycontrol as f5 HAS_PYCONTROL = True except ImportError: HAS_PYCONTROL = False def __virtual__(): if not HAS_PYCONTROL: return False return True class F5Mgmt: def __init__(self, lb, username, password): self.lb = lb self.username = username self.password = password self._connect() def _connect(self): """ Connect to F5 """ try: self.bigIP = f5.BIGIP( hostname=self.lb, username=self.username, password=self.password, fromurl=True, wsdls=["LocalLB.VirtualServer", "LocalLB.Pool"], ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise Exception("Unable to connect to {}".format(self.lb)) return True def create_vs(self, name, ip, port, protocol, profile, pool_name): """ Create a virtual server """ vs = self.bigIP.LocalLB.VirtualServer vs_def = vs.typefactory.create("Common.VirtualServerDefinition") vs_def.name = name vs_def.address = ip vs_def.port = port common_protocols = vs.typefactory.create("Common.ProtocolType") p = [i[0] for i in common_protocols if i[0].split("_")[1] == protocol.upper()] if p: vs_def.protocol = p else: raise CommandExecutionError("Unknown protocol") vs_def_seq = vs.typefactory.create("Common.VirtualServerSequence") vs_def_seq.item = [vs_def] vs_type = vs.typefactory.create("LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerType") vs_resource = vs.typefactory.create( "LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerResource" ) vs_resource.type = vs_type.RESOURCE_TYPE_POOL vs_resource.default_pool_name = pool_name resource_seq = vs.typefactory.create( "LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerResourceSequence" ) resource_seq.item = [vs_resource] vs_context = vs.typefactory.create("LocalLB.ProfileContextType") vs_profile = vs.typefactory.create("LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerProfile") vs_profile.profile_context = vs_context.PROFILE_CONTEXT_TYPE_ALL vs_profile.profile_name = protocol vs_profile_http = vs.typefactory.create( "LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerProfile" ) vs_profile_http.profile_name = profile vs_profile_conn = vs.typefactory.create( "LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerProfile" ) vs_profile_conn.profile_name = "oneconnect" vs_profile_seq = vs.typefactory.create( "LocalLB.VirtualServer.VirtualServerProfileSequence" ) vs_profile_seq.item = [vs_profile, vs_profile_http, vs_profile_conn] try: vs.create( definitions=vs_def_seq, wildmasks=[""], resources=resource_seq, profiles=[vs_profile_seq], ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise Exception( "Unable to create `{}` virtual server\n\n{}".format(name, e) ) return True def create_pool(self, name, method="ROUND_ROBIN"): """ Create a pool on the F5 load balancer """ lbmethods = self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create("LocalLB.LBMethod") supported_method = [ i[0] for i in lbmethods if (i[0].split("_", 2)[-1] == method.upper()) ] if supported_method and not self.check_pool(name): try: self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.create( pool_names=[name], lb_methods=[supported_method], members=[[]] ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise Exception("Unable to create `{}` pool\n\n{}".format(name, e)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported method") return True def add_pool_member(self, name, port, pool_name): """ Add a node to a pool """ if not self.check_pool(pool_name): raise CommandExecutionError("{} pool does not exists".format(pool_name)) members_seq = self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create( "Common.IPPortDefinitionSequence" ) members_seq.items = [] member = self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create("Common.IPPortDefinition") member.address = name member.port = port members_seq.items.append(member) try: self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.add_member( pool_names=[pool_name], members=[members_seq] ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise Exception( "Unable to add `{}` to `{}`\n\n{}".format(name, pool_name, e) ) return True def check_pool(self, name): """ Check to see if a pool exists """ pools = self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool for pool in pools.get_list(): if pool.split("/")[-1] == name: return True return False def check_virtualserver(self, name): """ Check to see if a virtual server exists """ vs = self.bigIP.LocalLB.VirtualServer for v in vs.get_list(): if v.split("/")[-1] == name: return True return False def check_member_pool(self, member, pool_name): """ Check a pool member exists in a specific pool """ members = self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.get_member(pool_names=[pool_name])[0] for mem in members: if member == mem.address: return True return False def lbmethods(self): """ List all the load balancer methods """ methods = self.bigIP.LocalLB.Pool.typefactory.create("LocalLB.LBMethod") return [method[0].split("_", 2)[-1] for method in methods] def create_vs(lb, name, ip, port, protocol, profile, pool_name): """ Create a virtual server CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-run f5.create_vs lbalancer vs_name 80 tcp http poolname """ if __opts__["load_balancers"].get(lb, None): (username, password) = list(__opts__["load_balancers"][lb].values()) else: raise Exception("Unable to find `{}` load balancer".format(lb)) F5 = F5Mgmt(lb, username, password) F5.create_vs(name, ip, port, protocol, profile, pool_name) return True def create_pool(lb, name, method="ROUND_ROBIN"): """ Create a pool on the F5 load balancer CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-run f5.create_pool load_balancer pool_name loadbalance_method salt-run f5.create_pool load_balancer my_pool ROUND_ROBIN """ if __opts__["load_balancers"].get(lb, None): (username, password) = list(__opts__["load_balancers"][lb].values()) else: raise Exception("Unable to find `{}` load balancer".format(lb)) F5 = F5Mgmt(lb, username, password) F5.create_pool(name, method) return True def add_pool_member(lb, name, port, pool_name): """ Add a node to a pool CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-run f5.add_pool_member load_balancer 80 my_pool """ if __opts__["load_balancers"].get(lb, None): (username, password) = list(__opts__["load_balancers"][lb].values()) else: raise Exception("Unable to find `{}` load balancer".format(lb)) F5 = F5Mgmt(lb, username, password) F5.add_pool_member(name, port, pool_name) return True def check_pool(lb, name): """ Check to see if a pool exists CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-run f5.check_pool load_balancer pool_name """ if __opts__["load_balancers"].get(lb, None): (username, password) = list(__opts__["load_balancers"][lb].values()) else: raise Exception("Unable to find `{}` load balancer".format(lb)) F5 = F5Mgmt(lb, username, password) return F5.check_pool(name) def check_virtualserver(lb, name): """ Check to see if a virtual server exists CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-run f5.check_virtualserver load_balancer virtual_server """ if __opts__["load_balancers"].get(lb, None): (username, password) = list(__opts__["load_balancers"][lb].values()) else: raise Exception("Unable to find `{}` load balancer".format(lb)) F5 = F5Mgmt(lb, username, password) return F5.check_virtualserver(name) def check_member_pool(lb, member, pool_name): """ Check a pool member exists in a specific pool CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-run f5.check_member_pool load_balancer my_pool """ if __opts__["load_balancers"].get(lb, None): (username, password) = list(__opts__["load_balancers"][lb].values()) else: raise Exception("Unable to find `{}` load balancer".format(lb)) F5 = F5Mgmt(lb, username, password) return F5.check_member_pool(member, pool_name)