Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Control virtual machines via Salt """ import logging import os.path import salt.client import salt.key import salt.utils.cloud import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.stringutils from salt.exceptions import SaltClientError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _determine_host(data, omit=""): """ Determine what the most resource free host is based on the given data """ # This is just checking for the host with the most free ram, this needs # to be much more complicated. host = "" bestmem = 0 for hv_, comps in data.items(): if hv_ == omit: continue if not isinstance(comps, dict): continue if comps.get("freemem", 0) > bestmem: bestmem = comps["freemem"] host = hv_ return host def _find_vm(name, data, quiet=False): """ Scan the query data for the named VM """ for hv_ in data: # Check if data is a dict, and not '"virt.full_info" is not available.' if not isinstance(data[hv_], dict): continue if name in data[hv_].get("vm_info", {}): ret = {hv_: {name: data[hv_]["vm_info"][name]}} if not quiet: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"data": ret, "outputter": "nested"}, "progress" ) return ret return {} def query(host=None, quiet=False): """ Query the virtual machines. When called without options all hosts are detected and a full query is returned. A single host can be passed in to specify an individual host to query. """ if quiet: log.warning("'quiet' is deprecated. Please migrate to --quiet") ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: try: for info in client.cmd_iter( "virtual:physical", "virt.full_info", tgt_type="grain" ): if not info: continue if not isinstance(info, dict): continue chunk = {} id_ = next(iter(info.keys())) if host: if host != id_: continue if not isinstance(info[id_], dict): continue if "ret" not in info[id_]: continue if not isinstance(info[id_]["ret"], dict): continue chunk[id_] = info[id_]["ret"] ret.update(chunk) if not quiet: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"data": chunk, "outputter": "virt_query"}, "progress" ) except SaltClientError as client_error: print(client_error) return ret def list(host=None, quiet=False, hyper=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ List the virtual machines on each host, this is a simplified query, showing only the virtual machine names belonging to each host. A single host can be passed in to specify an individual host to list. """ if quiet: log.warning("'quiet' is deprecated. Please migrate to --quiet") ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: for info in client.cmd_iter( "virtual:physical", "virt.vm_info", tgt_type="grain" ): if not info: continue if not isinstance(info, dict): continue chunk = {} id_ = next(iter(info.keys())) if host: if host != id_: continue if not isinstance(info[id_], dict): continue if "ret" not in info[id_]: continue if not isinstance(info[id_]["ret"], dict): continue data = {} for key, val in info[id_]["ret"].items(): if val["state"] in data: data[val["state"]].append(key) else: data[val["state"]] = [key] chunk[id_] = data ret.update(chunk) if not quiet: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"data": chunk, "outputter": "nested"}, "progress" ) return ret def next_host(): """ Return the host to use for the next autodeployed VM. This queries the available host and executes some math the determine the most "available" next host. """ host = _determine_host(query(quiet=True)) print(host) return host def host_info(host=None): """ Return information about the host connected to this master """ data = query(host, quiet=True) for id_ in data: if "vm_info" in data[id_]: data[id_].pop("vm_info") __jid_event__.fire_event({"data": data, "outputter": "nested"}, "progress") return data def init( name, cpu, mem, image, hypervisor="kvm", host=None, seed=True, nic="default", install=True, start=True, disk="default", saltenv="base", enable_vnc=False, seed_cmd="seed.apply", enable_qcow=False, serial_type="None", ): """ This routine is used to create a new virtual machine. This routines takes a number of options to determine what the newly created virtual machine will look like. name The mandatory name of the new virtual machine. The name option is also the minion id, all minions must have an id. cpu The number of cpus to allocate to this new virtual machine. mem The amount of memory to allocate to this virtual machine. The number is interpreted in megabytes. image The network location of the virtual machine image, commonly a location on the salt fileserver, but http, https and ftp can also be used. hypervisor The hypervisor to use for the new virtual machine. Default is `kvm`. host The host to use for the new virtual machine, if this is omitted Salt will automatically detect what host to use. seed Set to `False` to prevent Salt from seeding the new virtual machine. nic The nic profile to use, defaults to the "default" nic profile which assumes a single network interface per VM associated with the "br0" bridge on the master. install Set to False to prevent Salt from installing a minion on the new VM before it spins up. disk The disk profile to use saltenv The Salt environment to use enable_vnc Whether a VNC screen is attached to resulting VM. Default is `False`. seed_cmd If seed is `True`, use this execution module function to seed new VM. Default is `seed.apply`. enable_qcow Clone disk image as a copy-on-write qcow2 image, using downloaded `image` as backing file. serial_type Enable serial console. Set to 'pty' for serial console or 'tcp' for telnet. Default is 'None' """ __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": "Searching for hosts"}, "progress") data = query(host, quiet=True) # Check if the name is already deployed for node in data: if "vm_info" in data[node]: if name in data[node]["vm_info"]: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Virtual machine {} is already deployed".format(name)}, "progress", ) return "fail" if host is None: host = _determine_host(data) if host not in data or not host: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Host {} was not found".format(host)}, "progress" ) return "fail" pub_key = None priv_key = None if seed: __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": "Minion will be preseeded"}, "progress") priv_key, pub_key = salt.utils.cloud.gen_keys() accepted_key = os.path.join(__opts__["pki_dir"], "minions", name) with salt.utils.files.fopen(accepted_key, "w") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(pub_key)) with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Creating VM {} on host {}".format(name, host)}, "progress" ) try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter( host, "virt.init", [name, cpu, mem], timeout=600, kwarg={ "image": image, "nic": nic, "hypervisor": hypervisor, "start": start, "disk": disk, "saltenv": saltenv, "seed": seed, "install": install, "pub_key": pub_key, "priv_key": priv_key, "seed_cmd": seed_cmd, "enable_vnc": enable_vnc, "enable_qcow": enable_qcow, "serial_type": serial_type, }, ) except SaltClientError as client_error: # Fall through to ret error handling below print(client_error) ret = next(cmd_ret) if not ret: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "VM {} was not initialized.".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "fail" for minion_id in ret: if ret[minion_id]["ret"] is False: print( "VM {} initialization failed. Returned error: {}".format( name, ret[minion_id]["ret"] ) ) return "fail" __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "VM {} initialized on host {}".format(name, host)}, "progress" ) return "good" def vm_info(name, quiet=False): """ Return the information on the named VM """ data = query(quiet=True) return _find_vm(name, data, quiet) def reset(name): """ Force power down and restart an existing VM """ ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = vm_info(name, quiet=True) if not data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Failed to find VM {} to reset".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "fail" host = next(iter(data.keys())) try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter(host, "virt.reset", [name], timeout=600) for comp in cmd_ret: ret.update(comp) __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Reset VM {}".format(name)}, "progress" ) except SaltClientError as client_error: print(client_error) return ret def start(name): """ Start a named virtual machine """ ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = vm_info(name, quiet=True) if not data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Failed to find VM {} to start".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "fail" host = next(iter(data.keys())) if data[host][name]["state"] == "running": print("VM {} is already running".format(name)) return "bad state" try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter(host, "virt.start", [name], timeout=600) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "Virtual machine {} not started: {}".format(name, client_error) for comp in cmd_ret: ret.update(comp) __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": "Started VM {}".format(name)}, "progress") return "good" def force_off(name): """ Force power down the named virtual machine """ ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = vm_info(name, quiet=True) if not data: print("Failed to find VM {} to destroy".format(name)) return "fail" host = next(iter(data.keys())) if data[host][name]["state"] == "shutdown": print("VM {} is already shutdown".format(name)) return "bad state" try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter(host, "virt.stop", [name], timeout=600) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "Virtual machine {} could not be forced off: {}".format( name, client_error ) for comp in cmd_ret: ret.update(comp) __jid_event__.fire_event( {"message": "Powered off VM {}".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "good" def purge(name, delete_key=True): """ Destroy the named VM """ ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = vm_info(name, quiet=True) if not data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "Failed to find VM {} to purge".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "fail" host = next(iter(data.keys())) try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter(host, "virt.purge", [name, True], timeout=600) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "Virtual machine {} could not be purged: {}".format( name, client_error ) for comp in cmd_ret: ret.update(comp) if delete_key: log.debug("Deleting key %s", name) with salt.key.Key(__opts__) as skey: skey.delete_key(name) __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": "Purged VM {}".format(name)}, "progress") return "good" def pause(name): """ Pause the named VM """ ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = vm_info(name, quiet=True) if not data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "Failed to find VM {} to pause".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "fail" host = next(iter(data.keys())) if data[host][name]["state"] == "paused": __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "VM {} is already paused".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "bad state" try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter(host, "virt.pause", [name], timeout=600) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "Virtual machine {} could not be pasued: {}".format( name, client_error ) for comp in cmd_ret: ret.update(comp) __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": "Paused VM {}".format(name)}, "progress") return "good" def resume(name): """ Resume a paused VM """ ret = {} with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = vm_info(name, quiet=True) if not data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "Failed to find VM {} to pause".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "not found" host = next(iter(data.keys())) if data[host][name]["state"] != "paused": __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "VM {} is not paused".format(name)}, "progress" ) return "bad state" try: cmd_ret = client.cmd_iter(host, "virt.resume", [name], timeout=600) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "Virtual machine {} could not be resumed: {}".format( name, client_error ) for comp in cmd_ret: ret.update(comp) __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": "Resumed VM {}".format(name)}, "progress") return "good" def migrate(name, target=""): """ Migrate a VM from one host to another. This routine will just start the migration and display information on how to look up the progress. """ with salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__["conf_file"]) as client: data = query(quiet=True) origin_data = _find_vm(name, data, quiet=True) try: origin_host = next(iter(origin_data)) except StopIteration: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "Named VM {} was not found to migrate".format(name)}, "progress", ) return "" disks = origin_data[origin_host][name]["disks"] if not origin_data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "Named VM {} was not found to migrate".format(name)}, "progress", ) return "" if not target: target = _determine_host(data, origin_host) if target not in data: __jid_event__.fire_event( {"error": "Target host {} not found".format(origin_data)}, "progress" ) return "" try: client.cmd(target, "virt.seed_non_shared_migrate", [disks, True]) jid = client.cmd_async( origin_host, "virt.migrate", [name, target], copy_storage=all ) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "Virtual machine {} could not be migrated: {}".format( name, client_error ) msg = ( "The migration of virtual machine {} to host {} has begun, " "and can be tracked via jid {}. The ``salt-run virt.query`` " "runner can also be used, the target VM will be shown as paused " "until the migration is complete.".format(name, target, jid) ) __jid_event__.fire_event({"message": msg}, "progress")