Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" A state module designed to enforce load-balancing configurations for F5 Big-IP entities. :maturity: develop :platform: f5_bigip_11.6 """ import salt.utils.json # set up virtual function def __virtual__(): """ Only load if the bigip exec module is available in __salt__ """ if "bigip.list_transaction" in __salt__: return "bigip" return (False, "bigip module could not be loaded") def _load_result(response, ret): """ format the results of listing functions """ # were we able to connect? if response["code"] is None: ret["comment"] = response["content"] # forbidden? elif response["code"] == 401: ret["comment"] = "401 Forbidden: Authentication required!" # Not found? elif response["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = response["content"]["message"] # 200? elif response["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = ( "Listing Current Configuration Only. " "Not action or changes occurred during the execution of this state." ) ret["changes"] = response["content"] # something bad else: ret["comment"] = response["content"]["message"] return ret def _strip_key(dictionary, keyword): """ look for a certain key within a dictionary and nullify ti's contents, check within nested dictionaries and lists as well. Certain attributes such as "generation" will change even when there were no changes made to the entity. """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if key == keyword: dictionary[key] = None elif isinstance(value, dict): _strip_key(value, keyword) elif isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, dict): _strip_key(item, keyword) return dictionary def _check_for_changes(entity_type, ret, existing, modified): """ take an existing entity and a modified entity and check for changes. """ ret["result"] = True # were there any changes? generation always changes, remove it. if isinstance(existing, dict) and isinstance(modified, dict): if "generation" in modified["content"].keys(): del modified["content"]["generation"] if "generation" in existing["content"].keys(): del existing["content"]["generation"] if modified["content"] == existing["content"]: ret["comment"] = ( "{entity_type} is currently enforced to the desired state. No changes" " made.".format(entity_type=entity_type) ) else: ret["comment"] = ( "{entity_type} was enforced to the desired state. Note: Only" " parameters specified were enforced. See changes for details.".format( entity_type=entity_type ) ) ret["changes"]["old"] = existing["content"] ret["changes"]["new"] = modified["content"] else: if modified == existing: ret["comment"] = ( "{entity_type} is currently enforced to the desired state. No changes" " made.".format(entity_type=entity_type) ) else: ret["comment"] = ( "{entity_type} was enforced to the desired state. Note: Only" " parameters specified were enforced. See changes for details.".format( entity_type=entity_type ) ) ret["changes"]["old"] = existing ret["changes"]["new"] = modified return ret def _test_output(ret, action, params): """ For testing just output what the state will attempt to do without actually doing it. """ if action == "list": ret[ "comment" ] += "The list action will just list an entity and will make no changes.\n" elif action == "create" or action == "add": ret["comment"] += ( "The create action will attempt to create an entity if it does not already" " exist.\n" ) elif action == "delete": ret["comment"] += ( "The delete action will attempt to delete an existing entity if it" " exists.\n" ) elif action == "manage": ret["comment"] += ( "The manage action will create a new entity if it does not exist. If it" " does exist, it will be enforcedto the desired state.\n" ) elif action == "modify": ret["comment"] += ( "The modify action will attempt to modify an existing entity only if it" " exists.\n" ) ret["comment"] += "An iControl REST Request will be made using the parameters:\n" ret["comment"] += salt.utils.json.dumps(params, indent=4) ret["changes"] = {} # Return ``None`` when running with ``test=true``. ret["result"] = None return ret def list_node(hostname, username, password, name): """ A function to connect to a bigip device and list a specific node. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to list. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "list", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, }, ) response = __salt__["bigip.list_node"](hostname, username, password, name) return _load_result(response, ret) def create_node(hostname, username, password, name, address): """ Create a new node if it does not already exist. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to create address The address of the node """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "create", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "address": address, }, ) # is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_node"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "A node by this name currently exists. No change made." # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: response = __salt__["bigip.create_node"]( hostname, username, password, name, address ) ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = response["content"] ret["comment"] = "Node was successfully created." # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def manage_node( hostname, username, password, name, address, connection_limit=None, description=None, dynamic_ratio=None, logging=None, monitor=None, rate_limit=None, ratio=None, session=None, node_state=None, ): """ Manages a node of a given bigip device. If the node does not exist it will be created, otherwise, only the properties which are different than the existing will be updated. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to manage. address The address of the node connection_limit [integer] description [string] dynam c_ratio: [integer] logging [enabled | disabled] monitor [[name] | none | default] rate_limit [integer] ratio [integer] session [user-enabled | user-disabled] node_state (state) [user-down | user-up ] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "manage", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "address": address, "connection_limit": connection_limit, "description": description, "dynamic_ratio": dynamic_ratio, "logging": logging, "monitor": monitor, "rate_limit": rate_limit, "ratio": ratio, "session": session, "state:": node_state, }, ) # is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_node"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: # ensure the address is the same, we don't want to modify a different node than what # we think we are managing if existing["content"]["address"] != address: ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "A node with this name exists but the address does not match." modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_node"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=node_state, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: ret = _check_for_changes("Node", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # not found, attempt to create it elif existing["code"] == 404: new = __salt__["bigip.create_node"](hostname, username, password, name, address) # were we able to create it? if new["code"] == 200: # try modification modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_node"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=node_state, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = ( "Node was created and enforced to the desired state. Note: Only" " parameters specified were enforced. See changes for details." ) ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = modified["content"] # roll it back else: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_node"]( hostname, username, password, name ) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["comment"] = ( "Node was successfully created but an error occurred during" " modification. The creation of the node has been rolled back." " Message is as follows:\n{message}".format( message=modified["content"]["message"] ) ) # something bad happened else: ret["comment"] = ( "Node was successfully created but an error occurred during" " modification. The creation of the node was not able to be" " rolled back. Message is as follows:\n" " {message}\n{message_two}".format( message=modified["content"]["message"], message_two=deleted["content"]["message"], ) ) # unable to create it else: ret = _load_result(new, ret) # an error occurred else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def modify_node( hostname, username, password, name, connection_limit=None, description=None, dynamic_ratio=None, logging=None, monitor=None, rate_limit=None, ratio=None, session=None, node_state=None, ): """ Modify an existing node. Only a node which already exists will be modified and only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to modify connection_limit [integer] description [string] dynamic_ratio [integer] logging [enabled | disabled] monitor [[name] | none | default] rate_limit [integer] ratio [integer] session [user-enabled | user-disabled] node_state (state) [user-down | user-up ] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "modify", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "connection_limit": connection_limit, "description": description, "dynamic_ratio": dynamic_ratio, "logging": logging, "monitor": monitor, "rate_limit": rate_limit, "ratio": ratio, "session": session, "state:": node_state, }, ) # is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_node"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_node"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=node_state, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: ret = _check_for_changes("Node", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # not found, attempt to create it elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A node with this name was not found." # an error occurred else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def delete_node(hostname, username, password, name): """ Delete an existing node. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node which will be deleted. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "delete", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, }, ) # is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_node"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_node"](hostname, username, password, name) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "Node was successfully deleted." ret["changes"]["old"] = existing["content"] ret["changes"]["new"] = {} # something bad happened else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) # not found elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "This node already does not exist. No changes made." ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def list_pool(hostname, username, password, name): """ A function to connect to a bigip device and list a specific pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to list. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "list", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, }, ) response = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) return _load_result(response, ret) def create_pool( hostname, username, password, name, members=None, allow_nat=None, allow_snat=None, description=None, gateway_failsafe_device=None, ignore_persisted_weight=None, ip_tos_to_client=None, ip_tos_to_server=None, link_qos_to_client=None, link_qos_to_server=None, load_balancing_mode=None, min_active_members=None, min_up_members=None, min_up_members_action=None, min_up_members_checking=None, monitor=None, profiles=None, queue_depth_limit=None, queue_on_connection_limit=None, queue_time_limit=None, reselect_tries=None, service_down_action=None, slow_ramp_time=None, ): """ Create a new node if it does not already exist. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to create members List of members to be added to the pool allow_nat [yes | no] allow_snat [yes | no] description [string] gateway_failsafe_device [string] ignore_persisted_weight [enabled | disabled] ip_tos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] ip_tos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] load_balancing_mode [dynamic-ratio-member | dynamic-ratio-node | fastest-app-response | fastest-node | least-connections-members | least-connections-node | least-sessions | observed-member | observed-node | predictive-member | predictive-node | ratio-least-connections-member | ratio-least-connections-node | ratio-member | ratio-node | ratio-session | round-robin | weighted-least-connections-member | weighted-least-connections-node] min_active_members [integer] min_up_members [integer] min_up_members_action [failover | reboot | restart-all] min_up_members_checking [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] profiles [none | profile_name] queue_depth_limit [integer] queue_on_connection_limit [enabled | disabled] queue_time_limit [integer] reselect_tries [integer] service_down_action [drop | none | reselect | reset] slow_ramp_time [integer] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "create", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "members": members, "allow_nat": allow_nat, "allow_snat": allow_snat, "description": description, "gateway_failsafe_device": gateway_failsafe_device, "ignore_persisted_weight": ignore_persisted_weight, "ip_tos_client:": ip_tos_to_client, "ip_tos_server": ip_tos_to_server, "link_qos_to_client": link_qos_to_client, "link_qos_to_server": link_qos_to_server, "load_balancing_mode": load_balancing_mode, "min_active_members": min_active_members, "min_up_members": min_up_members, "min_up_members_checking": min_up_members_checking, "monitor": monitor, "profiles": profiles, "queue_depth_limit": queue_depth_limit, "queue_on_connection_limit": queue_on_connection_limit, "queue_time_limit": queue_time_limit, "reselect_tries": reselect_tries, "service_down_action": service_down_action, "slow_ramp_time": slow_ramp_time, }, ) # is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "A pool by this name currently exists. No change made." # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: response = __salt__["bigip.create_pool"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, members=members, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time, ) if response["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = response["content"] ret["comment"] = "Pool was successfully created." else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def manage_pool( hostname, username, password, name, allow_nat=None, allow_snat=None, description=None, gateway_failsafe_device=None, ignore_persisted_weight=None, ip_tos_to_client=None, ip_tos_to_server=None, link_qos_to_client=None, link_qos_to_server=None, load_balancing_mode=None, min_active_members=None, min_up_members=None, min_up_members_action=None, min_up_members_checking=None, monitor=None, profiles=None, queue_depth_limit=None, queue_on_connection_limit=None, queue_time_limit=None, reselect_tries=None, service_down_action=None, slow_ramp_time=None, ): """ Create a new pool if it does not already exist. Pool members are managed separately. Only the parameters specified are enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to create allow_nat [yes | no] allow_snat [yes | no] description [string] gateway_failsafe_device [string] ignore_persisted_weight [enabled | disabled] ip_tos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] ip_tos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] load_balancing_mode [dynamic-ratio-member | dynamic-ratio-node | fastest-app-response | fastest-node | least-connections-members | least-connections-node | least-sessions | observed-member | observed-node | predictive-member | predictive-node | ratio-least-connections-member | ratio-least-connections-node | ratio-member | ratio-node | ratio-session | round-robin | weighted-least-connections-member | weighted-least-connections-node] min_active_members [integer] min_up_members [integer] min_up_members_action [failover | reboot | restart-all] min_up_members_checking [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] profiles [none | profile_name] queue_depth_limit [integer] queue_on_connection_limit [enabled | disabled] queue_time_limit [integer] reselect_tries [integer] service_down_action [drop | none | reselect | reset] slow_ramp_time [integer] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "manage", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "allow_nat": allow_nat, "allow_snat": allow_snat, "description": description, "gateway_failsafe_device": gateway_failsafe_device, "ignore_persisted_weight": ignore_persisted_weight, "ip_tos_client:": ip_tos_to_client, "ip_tos_server": ip_tos_to_server, "link_qos_to_client": link_qos_to_client, "link_qos_to_server": link_qos_to_server, "load_balancing_mode": load_balancing_mode, "min_active_members": min_active_members, "min_up_members": min_up_members, "min_up_members_checking": min_up_members_checking, "monitor": monitor, "profiles": profiles, "queue_depth_limit": queue_depth_limit, "queue_on_connection_limit": queue_on_connection_limit, "queue_time_limit": queue_time_limit, "reselect_tries": reselect_tries, "service_down_action": service_down_action, "slow_ramp_time": slow_ramp_time, }, ) # is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_pool"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: # remove member listings and self-links del existing["content"]["membersReference"] del modified["content"]["membersReference"] del existing["content"]["selfLink"] del modified["content"]["selfLink"] ret = _check_for_changes("Pool", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: new = __salt__["bigip.create_pool"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time, ) # were we able to create it? if new["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = ( "Pool was created and enforced to the desired state. Note: Only" " parameters specified were enforced. See changes for details." ) ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = new["content"] # unable to create it else: ret = _load_result(new, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def modify_pool( hostname, username, password, name, allow_nat=None, allow_snat=None, description=None, gateway_failsafe_device=None, ignore_persisted_weight=None, ip_tos_to_client=None, ip_tos_to_server=None, link_qos_to_client=None, link_qos_to_server=None, load_balancing_mode=None, min_active_members=None, min_up_members=None, min_up_members_action=None, min_up_members_checking=None, monitor=None, profiles=None, queue_depth_limit=None, queue_on_connection_limit=None, queue_time_limit=None, reselect_tries=None, service_down_action=None, slow_ramp_time=None, ): """ Modify an existing pool. Pool members are managed separately. Only the parameters specified are enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to create allow_nat [yes | no] allow_snat [yes | no] description [string] gateway_failsafe_device [string] ignore_persisted_weight [enabled | disabled] ip_tos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] ip_tos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] load_balancing_mode [dynamic-ratio-member | dynamic-ratio-node | fastest-app-response | fastest-node | least-connections-members | least-connections-node | least-sessions | observed-member | observed-node | predictive-member | predictive-node | ratio-least-connections-member | ratio-least-connections-node | ratio-member | ratio-node | ratio-session | round-robin | weighted-least-connections-member | weighted-least-connections-node] min_active_members [integer] min_up_members [integer] min_up_members_action [failover | reboot | restart-all] min_up_members_checking [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] profiles [none | profile_name] queue_depth_limit [integer] queue_on_connection_limit [enabled | disabled] queue_time_limit [integer] reselect_tries [integer] service_down_action [drop | none | reselect | reset] slow_ramp_time [integer] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "modify", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "allow_nat": allow_nat, "allow_snat": allow_snat, "description": description, "gateway_failsafe_device": gateway_failsafe_device, "ignore_persisted_weight": ignore_persisted_weight, "ip_tos_client:": ip_tos_to_client, "ip_tos_server": ip_tos_to_server, "link_qos_to_client": link_qos_to_client, "link_qos_to_server": link_qos_to_server, "load_balancing_mode": load_balancing_mode, "min_active_members": min_active_members, "min_up_members": min_up_members, "min_up_members_checking": min_up_members_checking, "monitor": monitor, "profiles": profiles, "queue_depth_limit": queue_depth_limit, "queue_on_connection_limit": queue_on_connection_limit, "queue_time_limit": queue_time_limit, "reselect_tries": reselect_tries, "service_down_action": service_down_action, "slow_ramp_time": slow_ramp_time, }, ) # is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_pool"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: # remove member listings and self-links del existing["content"]["membersReference"] del modified["content"]["membersReference"] del existing["content"]["selfLink"] del modified["content"]["selfLink"] ret = _check_for_changes("Pool", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A pool with this name was not found." # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def delete_pool(hostname, username, password, name): """ Delete an existing pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool which will be deleted """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "delete", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, }, ) # is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "Pool was successfully deleted." ret["changes"]["old"] = existing["content"] ret["changes"]["new"] = {} # something bad happened else: ret = _load_result(deleted, ret) # not found elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "This pool already does not exist. No changes made." ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def manage_pool_members(hostname, username, password, name, members): """ Manage the members of an existing pool. This function replaces all current pool members. Only the parameters specified are enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to modify members list of pool members to manage. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "manage", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "members": members, }, ) # is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: # what are the current members? current_members = existing["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] modified = __salt__["bigip.replace_pool_members"]( hostname, username, password, name, members ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: # re-list the pool with new membership new_listing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"]( hostname, username, password, name ) # just in case something happened... if new_listing["code"] != 200: ret = _load_result(new_listing, ret) ret["comment"] = ( "modification of the pool was successful but an error occurred upon" " retrieving new listing." ) return ret new_members = new_listing["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] # remove generation keys and create new lists indexed by integers for current_member in current_members: del current_member["generation"] for new_member in new_members: del new_member["generation"] # anything changed? ret = _check_for_changes( "Pool Membership", ret, current_members, new_members ) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # pool does not exists elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A pool with this name was not found." else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def add_pool_member(hostname, username, password, name, member): """ A function to connect to a bigip device and add a new member to an existing pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to modify member The member to add to the pool """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "add", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "members": member, }, ) # is this pool member currently configured? existing_pool = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) if existing_pool["code"] == 200: # for some reason iControl REST doesn't support listing a single pool member. # the response from GET for listing a member will return 200 even if it doesn't exists. # because of this we have to do some rather "unnecessary" searching within a pool. # what are the current members? current_members = existing_pool["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] # loop through them exists = False for current_member in current_members: if current_member["name"] == member["name"]: exists = True break if exists: ret["result"] = True ret[ "comment" ] = "Member: {name} already exists within this pool. No changes made.".format( name=member["name"] ) ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: new_member = __salt__["bigip.add_pool_member"]( hostname, username, password, name, member ) if new_member["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret[ "comment" ] = "Member: {name} has been successfully added to the pool.".format( name=member["name"] ) ret["changes"]["old"] = {} # look up the member again... pool_listing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"]( hostname, username, password, name ) if pool_listing["code"] != 200: ret = _load_result(new_member, ret) return ret members = pool_listing["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] # loop through them for current_member in members: if current_member["name"] == member["name"]: added_member = current_member break ret["changes"]["new"] = added_member # member wasn't added else: ret = _load_result(new_member, ret) # pool does not exists elif existing_pool["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A pool with this name was not found." else: ret = _load_result(existing_pool, ret) return ret def modify_pool_member( hostname, username, password, name, member, connection_limit=None, description=None, dynamic_ratio=None, inherit_profile=None, logging=None, monitor=None, priority_group=None, profiles=None, rate_limit=None, ratio=None, session=None, member_state=None, ): """ A function to connect to a bigip device and modify a member of an existing pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to modify member The member modify connection_limit [integer] description [string] dynamic_ratio [integer] inherit_profile [enabled | disabled] logging [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] priority_group [integer] profiles [none | profile_name] rate_limit [integer] ratio [integer] session [user-enabled | user-disabled] member_state (state) [ user-up | user-down ] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "modify", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "members": member, }, ) # is this pool member currently configured? existing_pool = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) if existing_pool["code"] == 200: # for some reason iControl REST doesn't support listing a single pool member. # the response from GET for listing a member will return 200 even if it doesn't exists. # because of this we have to do some rather "unnecessary" searching within a pool. # what are the current members? current_members = existing_pool["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] # loop through them exists = False for current_member in current_members: if current_member["name"] == member: exists = True existing_member = current_member break if exists: # modify the pool member modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_pool_member"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, member=member, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, inherit_profile=inherit_profile, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, priority_group=priority_group, profiles=profiles, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=member_state, ) # re-list the pool new_pool = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) if modified["code"] == 200 and modified["code"] == 200: # what are the new members? new_members = new_pool["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] # loop through them for new_member in new_members: if new_member["name"] == member: modified_member = new_member break # check for changes old = {"content": existing_member} new = {"content": modified_member} ret = _check_for_changes( "Pool Member: {member}".format(member=member), ret, old, new ) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) else: ret[ "comment" ] = "Member: {name} does not exists within this pool. No changes made.".format( name=member["name"] ) # pool does not exists elif existing_pool["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A pool with this name was not found." else: ret = _load_result(existing_pool, ret) return ret def delete_pool_member(hostname, username, password, name, member): """ Delete an existing pool member. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to be modified member The name of the member to delete from the pool """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "delete", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "members": member, }, ) # is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_pool"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: # what are the current members? current_members = existing["content"]["membersReference"]["items"] # loop through them exists = False for current_member in current_members: if current_member["name"] == member: exists = True existing_member = current_member break if exists: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_pool_member"]( hostname, username, password, name, member ) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret[ "comment" ] = "Pool Member: {member} was successfully deleted.".format( member=member ) ret["changes"]["old"] = existing_member ret["changes"]["new"] = {} # something bad happened else: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "This pool member already does not exist. No changes made." ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def list_virtual(hostname, username, password, name): """ A function to list a specific virtual. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to list """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "list", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, }, ) response = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"](hostname, username, password, name) return _load_result(response, ret) def create_virtual( hostname, username, password, name, destination, pool=None, address_status=None, auto_lasthop=None, bwc_policy=None, cmp_enabled=None, connection_limit=None, dhcp_relay=None, description=None, fallback_persistence=None, flow_eviction_policy=None, gtm_score=None, ip_forward=None, ip_protocol=None, internal=None, twelve_forward=None, last_hop_pool=None, mask=None, mirror=None, nat64=None, persist=None, profiles=None, policies=None, rate_class=None, rate_limit=None, rate_limit_mode=None, rate_limit_dst=None, rate_limit_src=None, rules=None, related_rules=None, reject=None, source=None, source_address_translation=None, source_port=None, virtual_state=None, traffic_classes=None, translate_address=None, translate_port=None, vlans=None, ): """ A function to connect to a bigip device and create a virtual server if it does not already exists. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to create destination [ [virtual_address_name:port] | [ipv4:port] | [ipv6.port] ] pool [ [pool_name] | none] address_status [yes | no] auto_lasthop [default | enabled | disabled ] bwc_policy [none] | string] cmp_enabled [yes | no] dhcp_relay [yes | no} connection_limit [integer] description [string] state [disabled | enabled] fallback_persistence [none | [profile name] ] flow_eviction_policy [none | [eviction policy name] ] gtm_score [integer] ip_forward [yes | no] ip_protocol [any | protocol] internal [yes | no] twelve_forward(12-forward) [yes | no] last_hop-pool [ [pool_name] | none] mask { [ipv4] | [ipv6] } mirror { [disabled | enabled | none] } nat64 [enabled | disabled] persist [list] profiles [none | default | list ] policies [none | default | list ] rate_class [name] rate_limit [integer] rate_limit-mode [destination | object | object-destination | object-source | object-source-destination | source | source-destination] rate_limit-dst [integer] rate_limit-src [integer] rules [none | list ] related_rules [none | list ] reject [yes | no] source { [ipv4[/prefixlen]] | [ipv6[/prefixlen]] } source_address_translation [none | snat:pool_name | lsn | automap | dictionary ] source_port [change | preserve | preserve-strict] state [enabled | disabled] traffic_classes [none | default | list ] translate_address [enabled | disabled] translate_port [enabled | disabled] vlans [none | default | dictionary] vlan_ids [ list] enabled [ true | false ] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "create", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "destination": destination, "pool": pool, "address_status": address_status, "auto_lasthop": auto_lasthop, "bwc_policy": bwc_policy, "cmp_enabled": cmp_enabled, "connection_limit": connection_limit, "dhcp_relay": dhcp_relay, "description": description, "fallback_persistence": fallback_persistence, "flow_eviction_policy": flow_eviction_policy, "gtm_score": gtm_score, "ip_forward": ip_forward, "ip_protocol": ip_protocol, "internal": internal, "twelve_forward": twelve_forward, "last_hop_pool": last_hop_pool, "mask": mask, "mirror": mirror, "nat64": nat64, "persist": persist, "profiles": profiles, "policies": policies, "rate_class": rate_class, "rate_limit": rate_limit, "rate_limit_mode": rate_limit_mode, "rate_limit_dst": rate_limit_dst, "rate_limit_src": rate_limit_src, "rules": rules, "related_rules": related_rules, "reject": reject, "source": source, "source_address_translation": source_address_translation, "source_port": source_port, "virtual_state": virtual_state, "traffic_classes": traffic_classes, "translate_address": translate_address, "translate_port": translate_port, "vlans": vlans, }, ) existing = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"](hostname, username, password, name) # does this virtual exist? if existing["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "A virtual by this name currently exists. No change made." elif existing["code"] == 404: # create it virtual = __salt__["bigip.create_virtual"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans, ) if virtual["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = virtual["content"] ret["comment"] = "Virtual was successfully created." else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def manage_virtual( hostname, username, password, name, destination, pool=None, address_status=None, auto_lasthop=None, bwc_policy=None, cmp_enabled=None, connection_limit=None, dhcp_relay=None, description=None, fallback_persistence=None, flow_eviction_policy=None, gtm_score=None, ip_forward=None, ip_protocol=None, internal=None, twelve_forward=None, last_hop_pool=None, mask=None, mirror=None, nat64=None, persist=None, profiles=None, policies=None, rate_class=None, rate_limit=None, rate_limit_mode=None, rate_limit_dst=None, rate_limit_src=None, rules=None, related_rules=None, reject=None, source=None, source_address_translation=None, source_port=None, virtual_state=None, traffic_classes=None, translate_address=None, translate_port=None, vlans=None, ): """ Manage a virtual server. If a virtual does not exists it will be created, otherwise only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to create destination [ [virtual_address_name:port] | [ipv4:port] | [ipv6.port] ] pool [ [pool_name] | none] address_status [yes | no] auto_lasthop [default | enabled | disabled ] bwc_policy [none] | string] cmp_enabled [yes | no] dhcp_relay [yes | no} connection_limit [integer] description [string] state [disabled | enabled] fallback_persistence [none | [profile name] ] flow_eviction_policy [none | [eviction policy name] ] gtm_score [integer] ip_forward [yes | no] ip_protocol [any | protocol] internal [yes | no] twelve_forward(12-forward) [yes | no] last_hop-pool [ [pool_name] | none] mask { [ipv4] | [ipv6] } mirror { [disabled | enabled | none] } nat64 [enabled | disabled] persist [list] profiles [none | default | list ] policies [none | default | list ] rate_class [name] rate_limit [integer] rate_limit-mode [destination | object | object-destination | object-source | object-source-destination | source | source-destination] rate_limit-dst [integer] rate_limit-src [integer] rules [none | list ] related_rules [none | list ] reject [yes | no] source { [ipv4[/prefixlen]] | [ipv6[/prefixlen]] } source_address_translation [none | snat:pool_name | lsn | automap | dictionary ] source_port [change | preserve | preserve-strict] state [enabled | disabled] traffic_classes [none | default | list ] translate_address [enabled | disabled] translate_port [enabled | disabled] vlans [none | default | dictionary] vlan_ids [ list] enabled [ true | false ] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "manage", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "destination": destination, "pool": pool, "address_status": address_status, "auto_lasthop": auto_lasthop, "bwc_policy": bwc_policy, "cmp_enabled": cmp_enabled, "connection_limit": connection_limit, "dhcp_relay": dhcp_relay, "description": description, "fallback_persistence": fallback_persistence, "flow_eviction_policy": flow_eviction_policy, "gtm_score": gtm_score, "ip_forward": ip_forward, "ip_protocol": ip_protocol, "internal": internal, "twelve_forward": twelve_forward, "last_hop_pool": last_hop_pool, "mask": mask, "mirror": mirror, "nat64": nat64, "persist": persist, "profiles": profiles, "policies": policies, "rate_class": rate_class, "rate_limit": rate_limit, "rate_limit_mode": rate_limit_mode, "rate_limit_dst": rate_limit_dst, "rate_limit_src": rate_limit_src, "rules": rules, "related_rules": related_rules, "reject": reject, "source": source, "source_address_translation": source_address_translation, "source_port": source_port, "virtual_state": virtual_state, "traffic_classes": traffic_classes, "translate_address": translate_address, "translate_port": translate_port, "vlans": vlans, }, ) existing = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"](hostname, username, password, name) # does this virtual exist? if existing["code"] == 200: # modify modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_virtual"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: # relist it to compare relisting = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"]( hostname, username, password, name ) if relisting["code"] == 200: relisting = _strip_key(relisting, "generation") existing = _strip_key(existing, "generation") ret = _check_for_changes("Virtual", ret, existing, relisting) else: ret = _load_result(relisting, ret) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) elif existing["code"] == 404: # create it virtual = __salt__["bigip.create_virtual"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans, ) # were we able to create it? if virtual["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = virtual["content"] ret[ "comment" ] = "Virtual was successfully created and enforced to the desired state." else: ret = _load_result(virtual, ret) else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def modify_virtual( hostname, username, password, name, destination, pool=None, address_status=None, auto_lasthop=None, bwc_policy=None, cmp_enabled=None, connection_limit=None, dhcp_relay=None, description=None, fallback_persistence=None, flow_eviction_policy=None, gtm_score=None, ip_forward=None, ip_protocol=None, internal=None, twelve_forward=None, last_hop_pool=None, mask=None, mirror=None, nat64=None, persist=None, profiles=None, policies=None, rate_class=None, rate_limit=None, rate_limit_mode=None, rate_limit_dst=None, rate_limit_src=None, rules=None, related_rules=None, reject=None, source=None, source_address_translation=None, source_port=None, virtual_state=None, traffic_classes=None, translate_address=None, translate_port=None, vlans=None, ): """ Modify an virtual server. modify an existing virtual. Only parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to create destination [ [virtual_address_name:port] | [ipv4:port] | [ipv6.port] ] pool [ [pool_name] | none] address_status [yes | no] auto_lasthop [default | enabled | disabled ] bwc_policy [none] | string] cmp_enabled [yes | no] dhcp_relay [yes | no} connection_limit [integer] description [string] state [disabled | enabled] fallback_persistence [none | [profile name] ] flow_eviction_policy [none | [eviction policy name] ] gtm_score [integer] ip_forward [yes | no] ip_protocol [any | protocol] internal [yes | no] twelve_forward(12-forward) [yes | no] last_hop-pool [ [pool_name] | none] mask { [ipv4] | [ipv6] } mirror { [disabled | enabled | none] } nat64 [enabled | disabled] persist [list] profiles [none | default | list ] policies [none | default | list ] rate_class [name] rate_limit [integer] rate_limit-mode [destination | object | object-destination | object-source | object-source-destination | source | source-destination] rate_limit_dst [integer] rate_limit_src [integer] rules [none | list ] related_rules [none | list ] reject [yes | no] source { [ipv4[/prefixlen]] | [ipv6[/prefixlen]] } source_address_translation [none | snat:pool_name | lsn | automap | dictionary ] source_port [change | preserve | preserve-strict] state [enabled | disabled] traffic_classes [none | default | list ] translate_address [enabled | disabled] translate_port [enabled | disabled] vlans [none | default | dictionary ] vlan_ids [ list] enabled [ true | false ] """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "modify", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, "destination": destination, "pool": pool, "address_status": address_status, "auto_lasthop": auto_lasthop, "bwc_policy": bwc_policy, "cmp_enabled": cmp_enabled, "connection_limit": connection_limit, "dhcp_relay": dhcp_relay, "description": description, "fallback_persistence": fallback_persistence, "flow_eviction_policy": flow_eviction_policy, "gtm_score": gtm_score, "ip_forward": ip_forward, "ip_protocol": ip_protocol, "internal": internal, "twelve_forward": twelve_forward, "last_hop_pool": last_hop_pool, "mask": mask, "mirror": mirror, "nat64": nat64, "persist": persist, "profiles": profiles, "policies": policies, "rate_class": rate_class, "rate_limit": rate_limit, "rate_limit_mode": rate_limit_mode, "rate_limit_dst": rate_limit_dst, "rate_limit_src": rate_limit_src, "rules": rules, "related_rules": related_rules, "reject": reject, "source": source, "source_address_translation": source_address_translation, "source_port": source_port, "virtual_state": virtual_state, "traffic_classes": traffic_classes, "translate_address": translate_address, "translate_port": translate_port, "vlans": vlans, }, ) existing = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"](hostname, username, password, name) # does this virtual exist? if existing["code"] == 200: # modify modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_virtual"]( hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans, ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: # relist it to compare relisting = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"]( hostname, username, password, name ) if relisting["code"] == 200: relisting = _strip_key(relisting, "generation") existing = _strip_key(existing, "generation") ret = _check_for_changes("Virtual", ret, existing, relisting) else: ret = _load_result(relisting, ret) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A Virtual with this name was not found." # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def delete_virtual(hostname, username, password, name): """ Delete an existing virtual. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual which will be deleted """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "delete", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "name": name, }, ) # is this virtual currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_virtual"](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_virtual"](hostname, username, password, name) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "Virtual was successfully deleted." ret["changes"]["old"] = existing["content"] ret["changes"]["new"] = {} # something bad happened else: ret = _load_result(deleted, ret) # not found elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "This virtual already does not exist. No changes made." ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def list_monitor(hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name): """ A function to list an existing monitor. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password monitor_type The type of monitor to list name The name of the monitor to list """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "list", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "monitor_type": monitor_type, "name": name, }, ) response = __salt__["bigip.list_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name ) return _load_result(response, ret) def create_monitor(hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs): """ A function to connect to a bigip device and create a monitor. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password monitor_type The type of monitor to create name The name of the monitor to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: params = { "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "monitor_type": monitor_type, "name": name, } for key, value in kwargs.items(): params[key] = value return _test_output(ret, "create", params) # is this monitor currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name ) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "A monitor by this name currently exists. No change made." # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: response = __salt__["bigip.create_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs ) if response["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = response["content"] ret["comment"] = "Monitor was successfully created." else: ret = _load_result(response, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def manage_monitor(hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs): """ Create a new monitor if a monitor of this type and name does not already exists. If it does exists, only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password monitor_type The type of monitor to create name The name of the monitor to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: params = { "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "monitor_type": monitor_type, "name": name, } for key, value in kwargs.items(): params[key] = value return _test_output(ret, "manage", params) # is this monitor currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name ) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: # modify the monitor modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: del existing["content"]["selfLink"] del modified["content"]["selfLink"] ret = _check_for_changes("Monitor", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: response = __salt__["bigip.create_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs ) if response["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = response["content"] ret["comment"] = "Monitor was successfully created." else: ret = _load_result(response, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def modify_monitor(hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs): """ Modify an existing monitor. If it does exists, only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password monitor_type The type of monitor to create name The name of the monitor to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: params = { "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "monitor_type": monitor_type, "name": name, } for key, value in kwargs.items(): params[key] = value return _test_output(ret, "modify", params) # is this monitor currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name ) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: # modify the monitor modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: del existing["content"]["selfLink"] del modified["content"]["selfLink"] ret = _check_for_changes("Monitor", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A Monitor with this name was not found." # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def delete_monitor(hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name): """ Modify an existing monitor. If it does exists, only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password monitor_type The type of monitor to create name The name of the monitor to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "delete", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "monitor_type": monitor_type, "name": name, }, ) # is this profile currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name ) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_monitor"]( hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name ) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "Monitor was successfully deleted." ret["changes"]["old"] = existing["content"] ret["changes"]["new"] = {} # something bad happened else: ret = _load_result(deleted, ret) # not found elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "This Monitor already does not exist. No changes made." ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def list_profile(hostname, username, password, profile_type, name): """ A function to list an existing profile. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password profile_type The type of profile to list name The name of the profile to list """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "list", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "profile_type": profile_type, "name": name, }, ) response = __salt__["bigip.list_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name ) return _load_result(response, ret) def create_profile(hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs): r""" A function to connect to a bigip device and create a profile. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password profile_type The type of profile to create name The name of the profile to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each profile type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. Special Characters ``|``, ``,`` and ``:`` must be escaped using ``\`` when used within strings. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "create", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "profile_type": profile_type, "name": name, }, ) # is this profile currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name ) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "A profile by this name currently exists. No change made." # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: response = __salt__["bigip.create_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs ) if response["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = response["content"] ret["comment"] = "Profile was successfully created." else: ret = _load_result(response, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def manage_profile(hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs): """ Create a new profile if a monitor of this type and name does not already exists. If it does exists, only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password profile_type The type of profile to create name The name of the profile to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each profile type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: params = { "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "profile_type": profile_type, "name": name, } for key, value in kwargs.items(): params[key] = value return _test_output(ret, "manage", params) # is this profile currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name ) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: # modify the profile modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: del existing["content"]["selfLink"] del modified["content"]["selfLink"] ret = _check_for_changes("Profile", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: response = __salt__["bigip.create_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs ) if response["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = response["content"] ret["comment"] = "Profile was successfully created." else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def modify_profile(hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs): """ Modify an existing profile. If it does exists, only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password profile_type The type of profile to create name The name of the profile to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: params = { "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "profile_type": profile_type, "name": name, } for key, value in kwargs.items(): params[key] = value return _test_output(ret, "modify", params) # is this profile currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name ) # if it exists if existing["code"] == 200: # modify the profile modified = __salt__["bigip.modify_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs ) # was the modification successful? if modified["code"] == 200: del existing["content"]["selfLink"] del modified["content"]["selfLink"] ret = _check_for_changes("Profile", ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["comment"] = "A Profile with this name was not found." # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret def delete_profile(hostname, username, password, profile_type, name): """ Modify an existing profile. If it does exists, only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password profile_type The type of profile to create name The name of the profile to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each profile type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} if __opts__["test"]: return _test_output( ret, "delete", params={ "hostname": hostname, "username": username, "password": password, "profile_type": profile_type, "name": name, }, ) # is this profile currently configured? existing = __salt__["bigip.list_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name ) # if it exists by name if existing["code"] == 200: deleted = __salt__["bigip.delete_profile"]( hostname, username, password, profile_type, name ) # did we get rid of it? if deleted["code"] == 200: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "Profile was successfully deleted." ret["changes"]["old"] = existing["content"] ret["changes"]["new"] = {} # something bad happened else: ret = _load_result(deleted, ret) # not found elif existing["code"] == 404: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "This Profile already does not exist. No changes made." ret["changes"]["old"] = {} ret["changes"]["new"] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret