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""" Manage kernel packages and active kernel version ========================================================================= Example state to install the latest kernel from package repositories: .. code-block:: yaml install-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_installed: [] Example state to boot the system if a new kernel has been installed: .. code-block:: yaml boot-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_active: - at_time: 1 Example state chaining the install and reboot operations: .. code-block:: yaml install-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_installed: [] boot-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_active: - at_time: 1 - onchanges: - kernelpkg: install-latest-kernel Chaining can also be achieved using wait/listen requisites: .. code-block:: yaml install-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_installed: [] boot-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_wait: - at_time: 1 - listen: - kernelpkg: install-latest-kernel """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Only make these states available if a kernelpkg provider has been detected or assigned for this minion """ if "kernelpkg.upgrade" in __salt__: return True return (False, "kernelpkg module could not be loaded") def latest_installed(name, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Ensure that the latest version of the kernel available in the repositories is installed. .. note:: This state only installs the kernel, but does not activate it. The new kernel should become active at the next reboot. See :py:func:`kernelpkg.needs_reboot <salt.modules.kernelpkg_linux_yum.needs_reboot>` for details on how to detect this condition, and :py:func:`~salt.states.kernelpkg.latest_active` to initiale a reboot when needed. name Arbitrary name for the state. Does not affect behavior. """ installed = __salt__["kernelpkg.list_installed"]() upgrade = __salt__["kernelpkg.latest_available"]() ret = {"name": name} if upgrade in installed: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "The latest kernel package is already installed: {}".format( upgrade ) ret["changes"] = {} else: if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["changes"] = {} ret["comment"] = "The latest kernel package will be installed: {}".format( upgrade ) else: result = __salt__["kernelpkg.upgrade"]() ret["result"] = True ret["changes"] = result["upgrades"] ret[ "comment" ] = "The latest kernel package has been installed, but not activated." return ret def latest_active(name, at_time=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Initiate a reboot if the running kernel is not the latest one installed. .. note:: This state does not install any patches. It only compares the running kernel version number to other kernel versions also installed in the system. If the running version is not the latest one installed, this state will reboot the system. See :py:func:`kernelpkg.upgrade <salt.modules.kernelpkg_linux_yum.upgrade>` and :py:func:`~salt.states.kernelpkg.latest_installed` for ways to install new kernel packages. This module does not attempt to understand or manage boot loader configurations it is possible to have a new kernel installed, but a boot loader configuration that will never activate it. For this reason, it would not be advisable to schedule this state to run automatically. Because this state function may cause the system to reboot, it may be preferable to move it to the very end of the state run. See :py:func:`~salt.states.kernelpkg.latest_wait` for a waitable state that can be called with the `listen` requesite. name Arbitrary name for the state. Does not affect behavior. at_time The wait time in minutes before the system will be rebooted. """ active = __salt__["kernelpkg.active"]() latest = __salt__["kernelpkg.latest_installed"]() ret = {"name": name} if __salt__["kernelpkg.needs_reboot"](): ret["comment"] = "The system will be booted to activate kernel: {}".format( latest ) if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["changes"] = {"kernel": {"old": active, "new": latest}} else: __salt__["system.reboot"](at_time=at_time) ret["result"] = True ret["changes"] = {"kernel": {"old": active, "new": latest}} else: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = "The latest installed kernel package is active: {}".format( active ) ret["changes"] = {} return ret def latest_wait(name, at_time=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Initiate a reboot if the running kernel is not the latest one installed. This is the waitable version of :py:func:`~salt.states.kernelpkg.latest_active` and will not take any action unless triggered by a watch or listen requesite. .. note:: Because this state function may cause the system to reboot, it may be preferable to move it to the very end of the state run using `listen` or `listen_in` requisites. .. code-block:: yaml system-up-to-date: pkg.uptodate: - refresh: true boot-latest-kernel: kernelpkg.latest_wait: - at_time: 1 - listen: - pkg: system-up-to-date name Arbitrary name for the state. Does not affect behavior. at_time The wait time in minutes before the system will be rebooted. """ return {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""} def mod_watch(name, sfun, **kwargs): """ Execute a kernelpkg state based on a watch or listen call """ if sfun in ("latest_active", "latest_wait"): return latest_active(name, **kwargs) else: return { "name": name, "changes": {}, "comment": "kernelpkg.{} does not work with the watch requisite.".format( sfun ), "result": False, }