Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Management of Linux logical volumes =================================== A state module to manage LVMs .. code-block:: yaml /dev/sda: lvm.pv_present my_vg: lvm.vg_present: - devices: /dev/sda lvroot: lvm.lv_present: - vgname: my_vg - size: 10G - stripes: 5 - stripesize: 8K """ import os import salt.utils.path def __virtual__(): """ Only load the module if lvm is installed """ if salt.utils.path.which("lvm"): return "lvm" return (False, "lvm command not found") def _convert_to_mb(size): str_size = str(size).lower() unit = str_size[-1:] if unit.isdigit(): unit = "m" elif unit == "b": unit = str_size[-2:-1] str_size = str_size[:-2] else: str_size = str_size[:-1] if str_size[-1:].isdigit(): size = int(str_size) else: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError("Size {} is invalid.".format(size)) if unit == "s": target_size = size / 2048 elif unit == "m": target_size = size elif unit == "g": target_size = size * 1024 elif unit == "t": target_size = size * 1024 * 1024 elif unit == "p": target_size = size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 else: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError("Unit {} is invalid.".format(unit)) return target_size def pv_present(name, **kwargs): """ Set a Physical Device to be used as an LVM Physical Volume name The device name to initialize. kwargs Any supported options to pvcreate. See :mod:`linux_lvm <salt.modules.linux_lvm>` for more details. """ ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": name, "result": True} if __salt__["lvm.pvdisplay"](name, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Physical Volume {} already present".format(name) elif __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Physical Volume {} is set to be created".format(name) ret["result"] = None return ret else: changes = __salt__["lvm.pvcreate"](name, **kwargs) if __salt__["lvm.pvdisplay"](name): ret["comment"] = "Created Physical Volume {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["created"] = changes else: ret["comment"] = "Failed to create Physical Volume {}".format(name) ret["result"] = False return ret def pv_absent(name): """ Ensure that a Physical Device is not being used by lvm name The device name to initialize. """ ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": name, "result": True} if not __salt__["lvm.pvdisplay"](name, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Physical Volume {} does not exist".format(name) elif __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Physical Volume {} is set to be removed".format(name) ret["result"] = None return ret else: changes = __salt__["lvm.pvremove"](name) if __salt__["lvm.pvdisplay"](name, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Failed to remove Physical Volume {}".format(name) ret["result"] = False else: ret["comment"] = "Removed Physical Volume {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["removed"] = changes return ret def vg_present(name, devices=None, **kwargs): """ Create an LVM Volume Group name The Volume Group name to create devices A list of devices that will be added to the Volume Group kwargs Any supported options to vgcreate. See :mod:`linux_lvm <salt.modules.linux_lvm>` for more details. """ ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": name, "result": True} if isinstance(devices, str): devices = devices.split(",") if __salt__["lvm.vgdisplay"](name, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Volume Group {} already present".format(name) for device in devices: realdev = os.path.realpath(device) pvs = __salt__["lvm.pvdisplay"](realdev, real=True) if pvs and pvs.get(realdev, None): if pvs[realdev]["Volume Group Name"] == name: ret["comment"] = "{}\n{}".format( ret["comment"], "{} is part of Volume Group".format(device) ) elif pvs[realdev]["Volume Group Name"] in ["", "#orphans_lvm2"]: __salt__["lvm.vgextend"](name, device) pvs = __salt__["lvm.pvdisplay"](realdev, real=True) if pvs[realdev]["Volume Group Name"] == name: ret["changes"].update({device: "added to {}".format(name)}) else: ret["comment"] = "{}\n{}".format( ret["comment"], "{} could not be added".format(device) ) ret["result"] = False else: ret["comment"] = "{}\n{}".format( ret["comment"], "{} is part of {}".format( device, pvs[realdev]["Volume Group Name"] ), ) ret["result"] = False else: ret["comment"] = "{}\n{}".format( ret["comment"], "pv {} is not present".format(device) ) ret["result"] = False elif __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Volume Group {} is set to be created".format(name) ret["result"] = None return ret else: changes = __salt__["lvm.vgcreate"](name, devices, **kwargs) if __salt__["lvm.vgdisplay"](name): ret["comment"] = "Created Volume Group {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["created"] = changes else: ret["comment"] = "Failed to create Volume Group {}".format(name) ret["result"] = False return ret def vg_absent(name): """ Remove an LVM volume group name The volume group to remove """ ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": name, "result": True} if not __salt__["lvm.vgdisplay"](name, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Volume Group {} already absent".format(name) elif __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Volume Group {} is set to be removed".format(name) ret["result"] = None return ret else: changes = __salt__["lvm.vgremove"](name) if not __salt__["lvm.vgdisplay"](name, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Removed Volume Group {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["removed"] = changes else: ret["comment"] = "Failed to remove Volume Group {}".format(name) ret["result"] = False return ret def lv_present( name, vgname=None, size=None, extents=None, snapshot=None, pv="", thinvolume=False, thinpool=False, force=False, resizefs=False, **kwargs ): """ Ensure that a Logical Volume is present, creating it if absent. name The name of the Logical Volume vgname The name of the Volume Group on which the Logical Volume resides size The size of the Logical Volume in megabytes, or use a suffix such as S, M, G, T, P for 512 byte sectors, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes respectively. The suffix is case insensitive. extents The number of logical extents allocated to the Logical Volume It can be a percentage allowed by lvcreate's syntax, in this case it will set the Logical Volume initial size and won't be resized. snapshot The name of the snapshot pv The Physical Volume to use kwargs Any supported options to lvcreate. See :mod:`linux_lvm <salt.modules.linux_lvm>` for more details. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 thinvolume Logical Volume is thinly provisioned thinpool Logical Volume is a thin pool .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 force Assume yes to all prompts .. versionadded:: 3002 resizefs Use fsadm to resize the logical volume filesystem if needed """ ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": name, "result": True} if extents and size: ret["comment"] = "Only one of extents or size can be specified." ret["result"] = False return ret if size: size_mb = _convert_to_mb(size) _snapshot = None if snapshot: _snapshot = name name = snapshot if thinvolume: lvpath = "/dev/{}/{}".format(vgname.split("/")[0], name) else: lvpath = "/dev/{}/{}".format(vgname, name) lv_info = __salt__["lvm.lvdisplay"](lvpath, quiet=True) lv_info = lv_info.get(lvpath) if not lv_info: if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Logical Volume {} is set to be created".format(name) ret["result"] = None return ret else: changes = __salt__["lvm.lvcreate"]( name, vgname, size=size, extents=extents, snapshot=_snapshot, pv=pv, thinvolume=thinvolume, thinpool=thinpool, force=force, **kwargs ) if __salt__["lvm.lvdisplay"](lvpath): ret["comment"] = "Created Logical Volume {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["created"] = changes else: ret["comment"] = "Failed to create Logical Volume {}. Error: {}".format( name, changes["Output from lvcreate"] ) ret["result"] = False else: ret["comment"] = "Logical Volume {} already present".format(name) if size or extents: old_extents = int(lv_info["Current Logical Extents Associated"]) old_size_mb = _convert_to_mb(lv_info["Logical Volume Size"] + "s") if size: extents = old_extents else: # ignore percentage "extents" if the logical volume already exists if "%" in str(extents): ret[ "comment" ] = "Logical Volume {} already present, {} won't be resized.".format( name, extents ) extents = old_extents size_mb = old_size_mb if force is False and (size_mb < old_size_mb or extents < old_extents): ret[ "comment" ] = "To reduce a Logical Volume option 'force' must be True." ret["result"] = False return ret if size_mb != old_size_mb or extents != old_extents: if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Logical Volume {} is set to be resized".format( name ) ret["result"] = None return ret else: if size: changes = __salt__["lvm.lvresize"]( lvpath=lvpath, size=size, resizefs=resizefs, force=force ) else: changes = __salt__["lvm.lvresize"]( lvpath=lvpath, extents=extents, resizefs=resizefs, force=force, ) if not changes: ret[ "comment" ] = "Failed to resize Logical Volume. Unknown Error." ret["result"] = False lv_info = __salt__["lvm.lvdisplay"](lvpath, quiet=True)[lvpath] new_size_mb = _convert_to_mb(lv_info["Logical Volume Size"] + "s") if new_size_mb != old_size_mb: ret["comment"] = "Resized Logical Volume {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["resized"] = changes else: ret[ "comment" ] = "Failed to resize Logical Volume {}.\nError: {}".format( name, changes["Output from lvresize"] ) ret["result"] = False return ret def lv_absent(name, vgname=None): """ Remove a given existing Logical Volume from a named existing volume group name The Logical Volume to remove vgname The name of the Volume Group on which the Logical Volume resides """ ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": name, "result": True} lvpath = "/dev/{}/{}".format(vgname, name) if not __salt__["lvm.lvdisplay"](lvpath, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Logical Volume {} already absent".format(name) elif __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Logical Volume {} is set to be removed".format(name) ret["result"] = None return ret else: changes = __salt__["lvm.lvremove"](name, vgname) if not __salt__["lvm.lvdisplay"](lvpath, quiet=True): ret["comment"] = "Removed Logical Volume {}".format(name) ret["changes"]["removed"] = changes else: ret["comment"] = "Failed to remove Logical Volume {}".format(name) ret["result"] = False return ret