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""" Manages VMware storage policies (called pbm because the vCenter endpoint is /pbm) Examples ======== Storage policy -------------- .. code-block:: python { "name": "salt_storage_policy" "description": "Managed by Salt. Random capability values.", "resource_type": "STORAGE", "subprofiles": [ { "capabilities": [ { "setting": { "type": "scalar", "value": 2 }, "namespace": "VSAN", "id": "hostFailuresToTolerate" }, { "setting": { "type": "scalar", "value": 2 }, "namespace": "VSAN", "id": "stripeWidth" }, { "setting": { "type": "scalar", "value": true }, "namespace": "VSAN", "id": "forceProvisioning" }, { "setting": { "type": "scalar", "value": 50 }, "namespace": "VSAN", "id": "proportionalCapacity" }, { "setting": { "type": "scalar", "value": 0 }, "namespace": "VSAN", "id": "cacheReservation" } ], "name": "Rule-Set 1: VSAN", "force_provision": null } ], } Dependencies ============ - pyVmomi Python Module pyVmomi ------- PyVmomi can be installed via pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install pyVmomi .. note:: Version 6.0 of pyVmomi has some problems with SSL error handling on certain versions of Python. If using version 6.0 of pyVmomi, Python 2.6, Python 2.7.9, or newer must be present. This is due to an upstream dependency in pyVmomi 6.0 that is not supported in Python versions 2.7 to 2.7.8. If the version of Python is not in the supported range, you will need to install an earlier version of pyVmomi. See `Issue #29537 <https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/29537>` for more information. """ import copy import logging import sys from salt.exceptions import ArgumentValueError, CommandExecutionError from salt.utils.dictdiffer import recursive_diff from salt.utils.listdiffer import list_diff # External libraries try: from pyVmomi import VmomiSupport HAS_PYVMOMI = True except ImportError: HAS_PYVMOMI = False # Get Logging Started log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): if not HAS_PYVMOMI: return False, "State module did not load: pyVmomi not found" # We check the supported vim versions to infer the pyVmomi version if ( "vim25/6.0" in VmomiSupport.versionMap and sys.version_info > (2, 7) and sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9) ): return ( False, "State module did not load: Incompatible versions " "of Python and pyVmomi present. See Issue #29537.", ) return True def mod_init(low): """ Init function """ return True def default_vsan_policy_configured(name, policy): """ Configures the default VSAN policy on a vCenter. The state assumes there is only one default VSAN policy on a vCenter. policy Dict representation of a policy """ # TODO Refactor when recurse_differ supports list_differ # It's going to make the whole thing much easier policy_copy = copy.deepcopy(policy) proxy_type = __salt__["vsphere.get_proxy_type"]() log.trace("proxy_type = %s", proxy_type) # All allowed proxies have a shim execution module with the same # name which implementes a get_details function # All allowed proxies have a vcenter detail vcenter = __salt__["{}.get_details".format(proxy_type)]()["vcenter"] log.info("Running %s on vCenter '%s'", name, vcenter) log.trace("policy = %s", policy) changes_required = False ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": None} comments = [] changes = {} changes_required = False si = None try: # TODO policy schema validation si = __salt__["vsphere.get_service_instance_via_proxy"]() current_policy = __salt__["vsphere.list_default_vsan_policy"](si) log.trace("current_policy = %s", current_policy) # Building all diffs between the current and expected policy # XXX We simplify the comparison by assuming we have at most 1 # sub_profile if policy.get("subprofiles"): if len(policy["subprofiles"]) > 1: raise ArgumentValueError( "Multiple sub_profiles ({0}) are not supported in the input policy" ) subprofile = policy["subprofiles"][0] current_subprofile = current_policy["subprofiles"][0] capabilities_differ = list_diff( current_subprofile["capabilities"], subprofile.get("capabilities", []), key="id", ) del policy["subprofiles"] if subprofile.get("capabilities"): del subprofile["capabilities"] del current_subprofile["capabilities"] # Get the subprofile diffs without the capability keys subprofile_differ = recursive_diff(current_subprofile, dict(subprofile)) del current_policy["subprofiles"] policy_differ = recursive_diff(current_policy, policy) if policy_differ.diffs or capabilities_differ.diffs or subprofile_differ.diffs: if ( "name" in policy_differ.new_values or "description" in policy_differ.new_values ): raise ArgumentValueError( "'name' and 'description' of the default VSAN policy " "cannot be updated" ) changes_required = True if __opts__["test"]: str_changes = [] if policy_differ.diffs: str_changes.extend( [change for change in policy_differ.changes_str.split("\n")] ) if subprofile_differ.diffs or capabilities_differ.diffs: str_changes.append("subprofiles:") if subprofile_differ.diffs: str_changes.extend( [ " {}".format(change) for change in subprofile_differ.changes_str.split("\n") ] ) if capabilities_differ.diffs: str_changes.append(" capabilities:") str_changes.extend( [ " {}".format(change) for change in capabilities_differ.changes_str2.split( "\n" ) ] ) comments.append( "State {} will update the default VSAN policy on " "vCenter '{}':\n{}" "".format(name, vcenter, "\n".join(str_changes)) ) else: __salt__["vsphere.update_storage_policy"]( policy=current_policy["name"], policy_dict=policy_copy, service_instance=si, ) comments.append( "Updated the default VSAN policy in vCenter '{}'".format(vcenter) ) log.info(comments[-1]) new_values = policy_differ.new_values new_values["subprofiles"] = [subprofile_differ.new_values] new_values["subprofiles"][0][ "capabilities" ] = capabilities_differ.new_values if not new_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"]: del new_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"] if not new_values["subprofiles"][0]: del new_values["subprofiles"] old_values = policy_differ.old_values old_values["subprofiles"] = [subprofile_differ.old_values] old_values["subprofiles"][0][ "capabilities" ] = capabilities_differ.old_values if not old_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"]: del old_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"] if not old_values["subprofiles"][0]: del old_values["subprofiles"] changes.update( {"default_vsan_policy": {"new": new_values, "old": old_values}} ) log.trace(changes) __salt__["vsphere.disconnect"](si) except CommandExecutionError as exc: log.error("Error: %s", exc) if si: __salt__["vsphere.disconnect"](si) if not __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = False ret.update( {"comment": exc.strerror, "result": False if not __opts__["test"] else None} ) return ret if not changes_required: # We have no changes ret.update( { "comment": ( "Default VSAN policy in vCenter " "'{}' is correctly configured. " "Nothing to be done.".format(vcenter) ), "result": True, } ) else: ret.update( { "comment": "\n".join(comments), "changes": changes, "result": None if __opts__["test"] else True, } ) return ret def storage_policies_configured(name, policies): """ Configures storage policies on a vCenter. policies List of dict representation of the required storage policies """ comments = [] changes = [] changes_required = False ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": None} log.trace("policies = %s", policies) si = None try: proxy_type = __salt__["vsphere.get_proxy_type"]() log.trace("proxy_type = %s", proxy_type) # All allowed proxies have a shim execution module with the same # name which implementes a get_details function # All allowed proxies have a vcenter detail vcenter = __salt__["{}.get_details".format(proxy_type)]()["vcenter"] log.info("Running state '%s' on vCenter '%s'", name, vcenter) si = __salt__["vsphere.get_service_instance_via_proxy"]() current_policies = __salt__["vsphere.list_storage_policies"]( policy_names=[policy["name"] for policy in policies], service_instance=si ) log.trace("current_policies = %s", current_policies) # TODO Refactor when recurse_differ supports list_differ # It's going to make the whole thing much easier for policy in policies: policy_copy = copy.deepcopy(policy) filtered_policies = [ p for p in current_policies if p["name"] == policy["name"] ] current_policy = filtered_policies[0] if filtered_policies else None if not current_policy: changes_required = True if __opts__["test"]: comments.append( "State {} will create the storage policy " "'{}' on vCenter '{}'" "".format(name, policy["name"], vcenter) ) else: __salt__["vsphere.create_storage_policy"]( policy["name"], policy, service_instance=si ) comments.append( "Created storage policy '{}' on vCenter '{}'".format( policy["name"], vcenter ) ) changes.append({"new": policy, "old": None}) log.trace(comments[-1]) # Continue with next continue # Building all diffs between the current and expected policy # XXX We simplify the comparison by assuming we have at most 1 # sub_profile if policy.get("subprofiles"): if len(policy["subprofiles"]) > 1: raise ArgumentValueError( "Multiple sub_profiles ({0}) are not " "supported in the input policy" ) subprofile = policy["subprofiles"][0] current_subprofile = current_policy["subprofiles"][0] capabilities_differ = list_diff( current_subprofile["capabilities"], subprofile.get("capabilities", []), key="id", ) del policy["subprofiles"] if subprofile.get("capabilities"): del subprofile["capabilities"] del current_subprofile["capabilities"] # Get the subprofile diffs without the capability keys subprofile_differ = recursive_diff(current_subprofile, dict(subprofile)) del current_policy["subprofiles"] policy_differ = recursive_diff(current_policy, policy) if ( policy_differ.diffs or capabilities_differ.diffs or subprofile_differ.diffs ): changes_required = True if __opts__["test"]: str_changes = [] if policy_differ.diffs: str_changes.extend( [change for change in policy_differ.changes_str.split("\n")] ) if subprofile_differ.diffs or capabilities_differ.diffs: str_changes.append("subprofiles:") if subprofile_differ.diffs: str_changes.extend( [ " {}".format(change) for change in subprofile_differ.changes_str.split( "\n" ) ] ) if capabilities_differ.diffs: str_changes.append(" capabilities:") str_changes.extend( [ " {}".format(change) for change in capabilities_differ.changes_str2.split( "\n" ) ] ) comments.append( "State {} will update the storage policy '{}'" " on vCenter '{}':\n{}" "".format(name, policy["name"], vcenter, "\n".join(str_changes)) ) else: __salt__["vsphere.update_storage_policy"]( policy=current_policy["name"], policy_dict=policy_copy, service_instance=si, ) comments.append( "Updated the storage policy '{}' in vCenter '{}'".format( policy["name"], vcenter ) ) log.info(comments[-1]) # Build new/old values to report what was changed new_values = policy_differ.new_values new_values["subprofiles"] = [subprofile_differ.new_values] new_values["subprofiles"][0][ "capabilities" ] = capabilities_differ.new_values if not new_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"]: del new_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"] if not new_values["subprofiles"][0]: del new_values["subprofiles"] old_values = policy_differ.old_values old_values["subprofiles"] = [subprofile_differ.old_values] old_values["subprofiles"][0][ "capabilities" ] = capabilities_differ.old_values if not old_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"]: del old_values["subprofiles"][0]["capabilities"] if not old_values["subprofiles"][0]: del old_values["subprofiles"] changes.append({"new": new_values, "old": old_values}) else: # No diffs found - no updates required comments.append( "Storage policy '{}' is up to date. Nothing to be done.".format( policy["name"] ) ) __salt__["vsphere.disconnect"](si) except CommandExecutionError as exc: log.error("Error: %s", exc) if si: __salt__["vsphere.disconnect"](si) if not __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = False ret.update( {"comment": exc.strerror, "result": False if not __opts__["test"] else None} ) return ret if not changes_required: # We have no changes ret.update( { "comment": ( "All storage policy in vCenter " "'{}' is correctly configured. " "Nothing to be done.".format(vcenter) ), "result": True, } ) else: ret.update( { "comment": "\n".join(comments), "changes": {"storage_policies": changes}, "result": None if __opts__["test"] else True, } ) return ret def default_storage_policy_assigned(name, policy, datastore): """ Assigns a default storage policy to a datastore policy Name of storage policy datastore Name of datastore """ log.info( "Running state %s for policy '%s', datastore '%s'.", name, policy, datastore ) changes = {} changes_required = False ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": None} si = None try: si = __salt__["vsphere.get_service_instance_via_proxy"]() existing_policy = __salt__["vsphere.list_default_storage_policy_of_datastore"]( datastore=datastore, service_instance=si ) if existing_policy["name"] == policy: comment = ( "Storage policy '{}' is already assigned to " "datastore '{}'. Nothing to be done." "".format(policy, datastore) ) else: changes_required = True changes = { "default_storage_policy": { "old": existing_policy["name"], "new": policy, } } if __opts__["test"]: comment = "State {} will assign storage policy '{}' to datastore '{}'.".format( name, policy, datastore ) else: __salt__["vsphere.assign_default_storage_policy_to_datastore"]( policy=policy, datastore=datastore, service_instance=si ) comment = "Storage policy '{} was assigned to datastore '{}'.".format( policy, name ) log.info(comment) except CommandExecutionError as exc: log.error("Error: %s", exc) if si: __salt__["vsphere.disconnect"](si) ret.update( {"comment": exc.strerror, "result": False if not __opts__["test"] else None} ) return ret ret["comment"] = comment if changes_required: ret.update({"changes": changes, "result": None if __opts__["test"] else True}) else: ret["result"] = True return ret