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"""pyzmq logging handlers. This mainly defines the PUBHandler object for publishing logging messages over a zmq.PUB socket. The PUBHandler can be used with the regular logging module, as in:: >>> import logging >>> handler = PUBHandler('tcp://') >>> handler.root_topic = 'foo' >>> logger = logging.getLogger('foobar') >>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) >>> logger.addHandler(handler) After this point, all messages logged by ``logger`` will be published on the PUB socket. Code adapted from StarCluster: https://github.com/jtriley/StarCluster/blob/StarCluster-0.91/starcluster/logger.py """ import logging # Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from typing import Optional, Union import zmq TOPIC_DELIM = "::" # delimiter for splitting topics on the receiving end. class PUBHandler(logging.Handler): """A basic logging handler that emits log messages through a PUB socket. Takes a PUB socket already bound to interfaces or an interface to bind to. Example:: sock = context.socket(zmq.PUB) sock.bind('inproc://log') handler = PUBHandler(sock) Or:: handler = PUBHandler('inproc://loc') These are equivalent. Log messages handled by this handler are broadcast with ZMQ topics ``this.root_topic`` comes first, followed by the log level (DEBUG,INFO,etc.), followed by any additional subtopics specified in the message by: log.debug("subtopic.subsub::the real message") """ ctx: zmq.Context socket: zmq.Socket def __init__( self, interface_or_socket: Union[str, zmq.Socket], context: Optional[zmq.Context] = None, root_topic: str = '', ) -> None: logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.root_topic = root_topic self.formatters = { logging.DEBUG: logging.Formatter( "%(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s\n" ), logging.INFO: logging.Formatter("%(message)s\n"), logging.WARN: logging.Formatter( "%(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s\n" ), logging.ERROR: logging.Formatter( "%(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s - %(exc_info)s\n" ), logging.CRITICAL: logging.Formatter( "%(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s\n" ), } if isinstance(interface_or_socket, zmq.Socket): self.socket = interface_or_socket self.ctx = self.socket.context else: self.ctx = context or zmq.Context() self.socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) self.socket.bind(interface_or_socket) @property def root_topic(self) -> str: return self._root_topic @root_topic.setter def root_topic(self, value: str): self.setRootTopic(value) def setRootTopic(self, root_topic: str): """Set the root topic for this handler. This value is prepended to all messages published by this handler, and it defaults to the empty string ''. When you subscribe to this socket, you must set your subscription to an empty string, or to at least the first letter of the binary representation of this string to ensure you receive any messages from this handler. If you use the default empty string root topic, messages will begin with the binary representation of the log level string (INFO, WARN, etc.). Note that ZMQ SUB sockets can have multiple subscriptions. """ if isinstance(root_topic, bytes): root_topic = root_topic.decode("utf8") self._root_topic = root_topic def setFormatter(self, fmt, level=logging.NOTSET): """Set the Formatter for this handler. If no level is provided, the same format is used for all levels. This will overwrite all selective formatters set in the object constructor. """ if level == logging.NOTSET: for fmt_level in self.formatters.keys(): self.formatters[fmt_level] = fmt else: self.formatters[level] = fmt def format(self, record): """Format a record.""" return self.formatters[record.levelno].format(record) def emit(self, record): """Emit a log message on my socket.""" try: topic, record.msg = record.msg.split(TOPIC_DELIM, 1) except ValueError: topic = "" try: bmsg = self.format(record).encode("utf8") except Exception: self.handleError(record) return topic_list = [] if self.root_topic: topic_list.append(self.root_topic) topic_list.append(record.levelname) if topic: topic_list.append(topic) btopic = '.'.join(topic_list).encode("utf8") self.socket.send_multipart([btopic, bmsg]) class TopicLogger(logging.Logger): """A simple wrapper that takes an additional argument to log methods. All the regular methods exist, but instead of one msg argument, two arguments: topic, msg are passed. That is:: logger.debug('msg') Would become:: logger.debug('topic.sub', 'msg') """ def log(self, level, topic, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Log 'msg % args' with level and topic. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a True value:: logger.log(level, "zmq.fun", "We have a %s", "mysterious problem", exc_info=1) """ logging.Logger.log(self, level, f'{topic}::{msg}', *args, **kwargs) # Generate the methods of TopicLogger, since they are just adding a # topic prefix to a message. for name in "debug warn warning error critical fatal".split(): meth = getattr(logging.Logger, name) setattr( TopicLogger, name, lambda self, level, topic, msg, *args, **kwargs: meth( self, level, topic + TOPIC_DELIM + msg, *args, **kwargs ), )