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# jquery-rails jQuery! For Rails! So great. This gem provides: * jQuery 1.11.1 * the jQuery UJS adapter * assert_select_jquery to test jQuery responses in Ruby tests ## Versions Starting with v2.1, the jquery-rails gem follows these version guidelines to provide more control over your app's jquery version from your Gemfile: ``` patch version bump = updates to jquery-ujs, jquery-rails, and patch-level updates to jquery minor version bump = minor-level updates to jquery major version bump = major-level updates to jquery and updates to rails which may be backwards-incompatible ``` See [VERSIONS.md](VERSIONS.md) to see which versions of jquery-rails bundle which versions of jQuery. ## Installation Apps generated with Rails 3.1 or later include jquery-rails in the Gemfile by default. So just make a new app: ```sh rails new myapp ``` If upgrading from an older version of rails, or for rails 3.0 apps, add the jquery-rails gem to your Gemfile. ```ruby gem "jquery-rails" ``` And run `bundle install`. The rest of the installation depends on whether the asset pipeline is being used. ### Rails 3.1 or greater (with asset pipeline *enabled*) The jquery and jquery-ujs files will be added to the asset pipeline and available for you to use. If they're not already in `app/assets/javascripts/application.js` by default, add these lines: ```js //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs ``` For jQuery UI, we recommend the [jquery-ui-rails](https://github.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails) gem, as it includes the jquery-ui css and allows easier customization. *As of v3.0, jquery-rails no longer includes jQuery UI. Use the jquery-ui-rails gem above.* ### Rails 3.0 (or greater with asset pipeline *disabled*) This gem adds a single generator: `jquery:install`. Running the generator will remove any Prototype JS files you may happen to have, and copy jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for Rails to the `public/javascripts` directory. This gem will also hook into the Rails configuration process, removing Prototype and adding jQuery to the javascript files included by the `javascript_include_tag(:defaults)` call. While this gem contains the minified and un-minified versions of jQuery, only the minified versions will be included in the `:defaults` when Rails is run in `production` or `test` mode (un-minified versions will be included when Rails is run in `development` mode). To invoke the generator, run: ```sh rails generate jquery:install ``` You're done! *As of v3.0, jquery-rails no longer includes jQuery UI, you will need to install it by yourself as needed.* ## Contributing Feel free to open an issue ticket if you find something that could be improved. A couple notes: * If it's an issue pertaining to the jquery-ujs javascript, please report it to the [jquery-ujs project](https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs). * If the jquery scripts are outdated (i.e. maybe a new version of jquery was released yesterday), feel free to open an issue and prod us to get that thing updated. However, for security reasons, we won't be accepting pull requests with updated jquery scripts. ## Acknowledgements Many thanks are due to all of [the jquery-rails contributors](https://github.com/rails/jquery-rails/graphs/contributors). Special thanks to [JangoSteve](http://github.com/JangoSteve) for tirelessly answering questions and accepting patches, and the [Rails Core Team](https://github.com/organizations/rails/teams/617) for making jquery-rails an official part of Rails 3.1. Copyright [André Arko](http://arko.net), released under the MIT License.