Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' begin require 'bundler' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' rescue LoadError raise '[FAIL] Bundler not found! Install it with ' + '`gem install bundler; bundle install`.' end default_groups = [:default, :testing] Bundler.require(*default_groups) require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) task :default => :spec namespace :spec do task :ci => [:spec] end task :release => :spec do system "git tag -a #{Mongo::VERSION} -m 'Tagging release: #{Mongo::VERSION}'" system "git push --tags" system "gem build mongo.gemspec" system "gem push mongo-#{Mongo::VERSION}.gem" system "rm mongo-#{Mongo::VERSION}.gem" end desc "Generate all documentation" task :docs => 'docs:yard' namespace :docs do desc "Generate yard documention" task :yard do out = File.join('docs', Mongo::VERSION) FileUtils.rm_rf(out) system "yardoc -o #{out} --title mongo-#{Mongo::VERSION}" end end require_relative "profile/benchmarking" # Some require data files, available from the drivers team. See the comments above each task for details." namespace :benchmark do desc "Run the driver benchmark tests." namespace :micro do desc "Run the common driver micro benchmarking tests" namespace :flat do desc "Benchmarking for flat bson documents." # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called flat_bson.json. task :encode do puts "MICRO BENCHMARK:: FLAT:: ENCODE" Mongo::Benchmarking::Micro.run(:flat, :encode) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called flat_bson.json. task :decode do puts "MICRO BENCHMARK:: FLAT:: DECODE" Mongo::Benchmarking::Micro.run(:flat, :decode) end end namespace :deep do desc "Benchmarking for deep bson documents." # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called deep_bson.json. task :encode do puts "MICRO BENCHMARK:: DEEP:: ENCODE" Mongo::Benchmarking::Micro.run(:deep, :encode) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called deep_bson.json. task :decode do puts "MICRO BENCHMARK:: DEEP:: DECODE" Mongo::Benchmarking::Micro.run(:deep, :decode) end end namespace :full do desc "Benchmarking for full bson documents." # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called full_bson.json. task :encode do puts "MICRO BENCHMARK:: FULL:: ENCODE" Mongo::Benchmarking::Micro.run(:full, :encode) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called full_bson.json. task :decode do puts "MICRO BENCHMARK:: FULL:: DECODE" Mongo::Benchmarking::Micro.run(:full, :decode) end end end namespace :single_doc do desc "Run the common driver single-document benchmarking tests" task :command do puts "SINGLE DOC BENCHMARK:: COMMAND" Mongo::Benchmarking::SingleDoc.run(:command) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called TWEET.json. task :find_one do puts "SINGLE DOC BENCHMARK:: FIND ONE BY ID" Mongo::Benchmarking::SingleDoc.run(:find_one) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called SMALL_DOC.json. task :insert_one_small do puts "SINGLE DOC BENCHMARK:: INSERT ONE SMALL DOCUMENT" Mongo::Benchmarking::SingleDoc.run(:insert_one_small) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called LARGE_DOC.json. task :insert_one_large do puts "SINGLE DOC BENCHMARK:: INSERT ONE LARGE DOCUMENT" Mongo::Benchmarking::SingleDoc.run(:insert_one_large) end end namespace :multi_doc do desc "Run the common driver multi-document benchmarking tests" # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called TWEET.json. task :find_many do puts "MULTI DOCUMENT BENCHMARK:: FIND MANY" Mongo::Benchmarking::MultiDoc.run(:find_many) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called SMALL_DOC.json. task :bulk_insert_small do puts "MULTI DOCUMENT BENCHMARK:: BULK INSERT SMALL" Mongo::Benchmarking::MultiDoc.run(:bulk_insert_small) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called LARGE_DOC.json. task :bulk_insert_large do puts "MULTI DOCUMENT BENCHMARK:: BULK INSERT LARGE" Mongo::Benchmarking::MultiDoc.run(:bulk_insert_large) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called GRIDFS_LARGE. task :gridfs_upload do puts "MULTI DOCUMENT BENCHMARK:: GRIDFS UPLOAD" Mongo::Benchmarking::MultiDoc.run(:gridfs_upload) end # Requirement: A file in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called GRIDFS_LARGE. task :gridfs_download do puts "MULTI DOCUMENT BENCHMARK:: GRIDFS DOWNLOAD" Mongo::Benchmarking::MultiDoc.run(:gridfs_download) end end namespace :parallel do desc "Run the common driver paralell ETL benchmarking tests" # Requirement: A directory in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called LDJSON_MULTI, # with the files used in this task. task :import do puts "PARALLEL ETL BENCHMARK:: IMPORT" Mongo::Benchmarking::Parallel.run(:import) end # Requirement: A directory in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called LDJSON_MULTI, # with the files used in this task. # Requirement: Another directory in "#{Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH}/LDJSON_MULTI" # called 'output'. task :export do puts "PARALLEL ETL BENCHMARK:: EXPORT" Mongo::Benchmarking::Parallel.run(:export) end # Requirement: A directory in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called GRIDFS_MULTI, # with the files used in this task. task :gridfs_upload do puts "PARALLEL ETL BENCHMARK:: GRIDFS UPLOAD" Mongo::Benchmarking::Parallel.run(:gridfs_upload) end # Requirement: A directory in Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH, called GRIDFS_MULTI, # with the files used in this task. # Requirement: Another directory in "#{Mongo::Benchmarking::DATA_PATH}/GRIDFS_MULTI" # called 'output'. task :gridfs_download do puts "PARALLEL ETL BENCHMARK:: GRIDFS DOWNLOAD" Mongo::Benchmarking::Parallel.run(:gridfs_download) end end end