Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
require 'td/version' module TreasureData require "td/config" autoload :API, 'td/client/api' autoload :Client, 'td/client' autoload :Database, 'td/client' autoload :Table, 'td/client' autoload :Schema, 'td/client' autoload :Job, 'td/client' module Command class ParameterConfigurationError < ArgumentError end class BulkImportExecutionError < ArgumentError end class UpdateError < ArgumentError end class ImportError < RuntimeError end class WorkflowError < RuntimeError end private def initialize @render_indent = '' end def get_client(opts={}) unless opts.has_key?(:ssl) opts[:ssl] = Config.secure end unless opts.has_key?(:retry_post_requests) opts[:retry_post_requests] = Config.retry_post_requests end # apikey is mandatory apikey = Config.apikey raise ConfigError, "Account is not configured." unless apikey # optional, if not provided a default is used from the ruby client library begin if Config.endpoint opts[:endpoint] = Config.endpoint end rescue ConfigNotFoundError => e # rescue the ConfigNotFoundError exception which originates when # the config file is not found because the check on the apikey # guarantees that the API key has been provided on the command # line and that's good enough to continue since the default # endpoint will be used in place of this definition. end opts[:user_agent] = "TD: #{TOOLBELT_VERSION}" if h = ENV['TD_API_HEADERS'] pairs = h.split("\n") opts[:headers] = Hash[pairs.map {|pair| pair.split('=', 2) }] end Client.new(apikey, opts) end def get_ssl_client(opts={}) opts[:ssl] = true get_client(opts) end def set_render_format_option(op) def op.render_format @_render_format end op.on('-f', '--format FORMAT', 'format of the result rendering (tsv, csv, json or table. default is table)') {|s| unless ['tsv', 'csv', 'json', 'table'].include?(s) raise "Unknown format #{s.dump}. Supported format: tsv, csv, json, table" end op.instance_variable_set(:@_render_format, s) } end def cmd_render_table(rows, *opts) require 'hirb' options = opts.first format = options.delete(:render_format) case format when 'csv', 'tsv' require 'csv' headers = options[:fields] csv_opts = {} csv_opts[:col_sep] = "\t" if format == 'tsv' CSV.generate('', csv_opts) { |csv| csv << headers rows.each { |row| r = [] headers.each { |field| r << row[field] } csv << r } } when 'json' require 'yajl' Yajl.dump(rows) when 'table' Hirb::Helpers::Table.render(rows, *opts) else Hirb::Helpers::Table.render(rows, *opts) end end def normalized_message <<EOS Your event has numbers larger than 2^64. These numbers are converted into string type. You should consider using the cast operator in your query: e.g. cast(v['key'] as decimal). EOS end #def cmd_render_tree(nodes, *opts) # require 'hirb' # Hirb::Helpers::Tree.render(nodes, *opts) #end def cmd_debug_error(ex) if $verbose $stderr.puts "error: #{$!.class}: #{$!.to_s}" $!.backtrace.each {|b| $stderr.puts " #{b}" } $stderr.puts "" end end def self.humanize_bytesize(size, fractional_digits = 1) labels = ["B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"] max_power = labels.length - 1 size = size.to_i if size == 0 return "0 B" end # integer part value = size power = 0 while value > 0 do value /= 1024 power += 1 end power -= 1 power = power > max_power ? max_power : power # limit to TB display integer = size / (1024 ** power) out = integer.to_s # fractional part - remove the integer part to avoid running into floating # point precision problems value = size % ((1024 ** power) * integer) if value > 0 and fractional_digits > 0 fractional = value.to_f / (1024 ** power) fractional *= 10 ** fractional_digits out += sprintf ".%0*d", fractional_digits, fractional.to_i end out += " " + labels[power.to_i] out end def self.humanize_time(time, is_ms = false) if time.nil? return '' end time = time.to_i millisecs = nil elapsed = '' if is_ms # store the first 3 decimals millisecs = time % 1000 time /= 1000 end if time >= 3600 elapsed << "#{time / 3600}h " time %= 3600 elapsed << "%dm " % (time / 60) time %= 60 elapsed << "%ds" % time elsif time >= 60 elapsed << "%dm " % (time / 60) time %= 60 elapsed << "%ds" % time elsif time > 0 elapsed << "%ds" % time end if is_ms and millisecs > 0 elapsed << " %03dms" % millisecs end elapsed end # assumed to def self.humanize_elapsed_time(start, finish) if start if !finish finish = Time.now.utc end elapsed = humanize_time(finish.to_i - start.to_i, false) else elapsed = '' end elapsed end def get_database(client, db_name) begin return client.database(db_name) rescue cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts $! $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} database:list' to show the list of databases." exit 1 end db end def get_table(client, db_name, table_name) db = get_database(client, db_name) begin table = db.table(table_name) rescue $stderr.puts $! $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} table:list #{db_name}' to show the list of tables." exit 1 end #if type && table.type != type # $stderr.puts "Table '#{db_name}.#{table_name} is not a #{type} table but a #{table.type} table" #end table end def table_exist?(database, table_name) database.table(table_name) true rescue false end def create_database_and_table_if_not_exist(client, db_name, table_name) # Merge with db_create and table_create after refactoring API.validate_database_name(db_name) begin client.database(db_name) rescue NotFoundError begin client.create_database(db_name) $stderr.puts "Database '#{db_name}' is created." rescue AlreadyExistsError # do nothing end rescue ForbiddenError # do nothing end API.validate_table_name(table_name) begin client.create_log_table(db_name, table_name) $stderr.puts "Table '#{db_name}.#{table_name}' is created." rescue AlreadyExistsError end end def ask_password(max=3, &block) 3.times do begin system "stty -echo" # TODO termios $stdout.print "Password (typing will be hidden): " password = STDIN.gets || "" password = password[0..-2] # strip \n rescue Interrupt $stderr.print "\ncanceled." exit 1 ensure system "stty echo" # TODO termios $stdout.print "\n" end if password.empty? $stderr.puts "canceled." exit 0 end yield password end end def puts_with_indent(message, indent_size = 4, io = $stdout) io.puts "#{' ' * indent_size}#{message}" end def create_file_backup(out) return unless File.exist?(out) 0.upto(100) do |idx| backup = "#{out}.#{idx}" unless File.exist?(backup) FileUtils.mv(out, backup) return end end raise "backup file creation failed" end def self.validate_api_endpoint(endpoint) require 'uri' uri = URI.parse(endpoint) unless uri.kind_of?(URI::HTTP) || uri.kind_of?(URI::HTTPS) raise ParameterConfigurationError, "API server endpoint URL must use 'http' or 'https' protocol. Example format: 'https://api.treasuredata.com'" end unless uri.path =~ /^\/*$/ raise ParameterConfigurationError, "API server path must be empty ('#{uri.path}' provided). Example format: 'https://api.treasuredata.com'" end if !(md = /(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})/.match(uri.host)).nil? # IP address md[1..-1].each { |v| if v.to_i < 0 || v.to_i > 255 raise ParameterConfigurationError, "API server IP address must a 4 integers tuple, with every integer in the [0,255] range. Example format: ''" end } end end def self.test_api_endpoint(endpoint) begin # although the API may return 'Server is down' that is a good enough # indication that we hit a valid TD endpoint to accept it Client.server_status(:endpoint => endpoint) rescue raise ParameterConfigurationError, "The specified API server endpoint (#{endpoint}) does not respond." end end def self.get_http_class # use Net::HTTP::Proxy in place of Net::HTTP if a proxy is provided http_proxy = ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] if http_proxy http_proxy = (http_proxy =~ /\Ahttp:\/\/(.*)\z/) ? $~[1] : http_proxy host, port = http_proxy.split(':', 2) port = (port ? port.to_i : 80) return Net::HTTP::Proxy(host, port) else return Net::HTTP end end def self.find_files(glob, locations) files = [] locations.each {|loc| files = Dir.glob("#{loc}/#{glob}") break unless files.empty? } files end class TimeBasedDownloadProgressIndicator def initialize(msg, start_time, periodicity = 2) require 'ruby-progressbar' @start_time = start_time @last_time = start_time @periodicity = periodicity @progress_bar = ProgressBar.create( title: msg, total: nil, format: formated_with_elasped_time(0), output: $stdout, unknown_progress_animation_steps: [' '], ) update_progress_bar(formated_with_elasped_time(Command.humanize_elapsed_time(@start_time, @start_time))) end def update if (time = Time.now.to_i) - @last_time >= @periodicity update_progress_bar(formated_with_elasped_time(Command.humanize_elapsed_time(@start_time, time))) @last_time = time true else false end end def finish # NOTE %B is for clear terminal line update_progress_bar("%t: done %B") end private def formated_with_elasped_time(elasped_time) # NOTE %B is for clear terminal line "%t: #{elasped_time} elapsed %B" end def update_progress_bar(format) @progress_bar.format = format @progress_bar.refresh end end class SizeBasedDownloadProgressIndicator def initialize(msg, total_size, perc_step = 1, min_periodicity = nil) require 'ruby-progressbar' @total_size = total_size @total_byte_size = Command.humanize_bytesize(@total_size) unless unknown_progress_mode? @progress_bar = ProgressBar.create( title: msg, total: unknown_progress_mode? ? nil : @total_size, format: formated_title(0), output: $stdout, ) @progress_bar.refresh # perc_step is how small a percentage increment can be shown @perc_step = perc_step # min_periodicity=X limits updates to one every X second @start_time = Time.now.to_i @min_periodicity = min_periodicity # track progress @last_perc_step = 0 @last_time = @start_time end def update(curr_size) if unknown_progress_mode? update_progress_bar(curr_size) true else ratio = (curr_size.to_f * 100 / @total_size).round(1) if ratio >= (@last_perc_step + @perc_step) && (!@min_periodicity || (time = Time.now.to_i) - @last_time >= @min_periodicity) update_progress_bar(curr_size) @last_perc_step = ratio @last_time = time true else false end end end def finish if unknown_progress_mode? @progress_bar.format = "%t : #{Command.humanize_bytesize(@progress_bar.progress).rjust(10)} Done" @progress_bar.progress = 0 else update_progress_bar(@progress_bar.total) end end private def unknown_progress_mode? @total_size.nil? || @total_size == 0 end def update_progress_bar(curr_size) @progress_bar.format = formated_title(curr_size) @progress_bar.progress = curr_size end def formated_title(curr_size) if unknown_progress_mode? "%t : #{Command.humanize_bytesize(curr_size).rjust(10)}" else rjust_size = @total_byte_size.size + 1 "%t #{Command.humanize_bytesize(curr_size).rjust(rjust_size)} / #{@total_byte_size.rjust(rjust_size)} : %w " end end end end # module Command end # module TrasureData