Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Collect all the interesting data for analysis """ import os import re from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import errno import shlex import json import archive import logging import six from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from soscleaner import SOSCleaner from utilities import determine_hostname, _expand_paths, write_file_with_text from constants import InsightsConstants as constants APP_NAME = constants.app_name logger = logging.getLogger(APP_NAME) # python 2.7 SOSCLEANER_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('soscleaner') SOSCLEANER_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # python 2.6 SOSCLEANER_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('redhat_access_insights.soscleaner') SOSCLEANER_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.ERROR) class DataCollector(object): """ Run commands and collect files """ def __init__(self): self._set_black_list() self.archive = archive.InsightsArchive() def _set_black_list(self): """ Never run these commands """ self.black_list = ["rm", "kill", "reboot", "shutdown"] def _mangle_command(self, command, name_max=255): """ Mangle the command name, lifted from sos """ mangledname = re.sub(r"^/(usr/|)(bin|sbin)/", "", command) mangledname = re.sub(r"[^\w\-\.\/]+", "_", mangledname) mangledname = re.sub(r"/", ".", mangledname).strip(" ._-") mangledname = mangledname[0:name_max] return mangledname def run_command_get_output(self, command, exclude=None, filters=None, nolog=False): """ Execute a command through the system shell. First checks to see if the requested command is executable. Returns (returncode, stdout, 0) """ cmd_env = os.environ # ensure consistent locale for collected command output cmd_env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' if not six.PY3: command = command.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') args = shlex.split(command) if set.intersection(set(args), set(self.black_list)): raise RuntimeError("Command Blacklist") try: if not nolog: logger.debug("Executing: %s", args) proc0 = Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, bufsize=-1, env=cmd_env, close_fds=True) except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.ENOENT: logger.debug("Command %s not found", command) return {'cmd': self._mangle_command(command), 'status': 127, 'output': "Command not found"} else: raise err dirty = False cmd = "/bin/sed -rf " + constants.default_sed_file sedcmd = Popen(shlex.split(cmd.encode('utf-8')), stdin=proc0.stdout, stdout=PIPE) proc0.stdout.close() proc0 = sedcmd if exclude is not None: exclude_file = NamedTemporaryFile() exclude_file.write("\n".join(exclude)) exclude_file.flush() cmd = "/bin/grep -F -v -f %s" % exclude_file.name proc1 = Popen(shlex.split(cmd.encode("utf-8")), stdin=proc0.stdout, stdout=PIPE) proc0.stdout.close() if filters is None or len(filters) == 0: stdout, stderr = proc1.communicate() proc0 = proc1 dirty = True if filters is not None and len(filters): pattern_file = NamedTemporaryFile() pattern_file.write("\n".join(filters)) pattern_file.flush() cmd = "/bin/grep -F -f %s" % pattern_file.name proc2 = Popen(shlex.split(cmd.encode("utf-8")), stdin=proc0.stdout, stdout=PIPE) proc0.stdout.close() stdout, stderr = proc2.communicate() dirty = True if not dirty: stdout, stderr = proc0.communicate() # Required hack while we still pass shell=True to Popen; a Popen # call with shell=False for a non-existant binary will raise OSError. if proc0.returncode == 126 or proc0.returncode == 127: stdout = "Could not find cmd: %s" % command logger.debug("Status: %s", proc0.returncode) logger.debug("stderr: %s", stderr) return { 'cmd': self._mangle_command(command), 'status': proc0.returncode, 'output': stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') } def _handle_commands(self, command, exclude): """ Handle special commands """ if 'ethtool' in command['command']: # Get the ethtool flag flag = None try: flag = command['command'].split('-')[1] except LookupError: pass self._handle_ethtool(flag) elif 'hostname' in command['command']: self._handle_hostname(command['command']) elif 'parted' in command['command']: self._handle_parted() elif 'modinfo' in command['command']: self._handle_modinfo() elif len(command['pattern']) or exclude: cmd = command['command'] filters = command['pattern'] output = self.run_command_get_output(cmd, filters=filters, exclude=exclude) self.archive.add_command_output(output) else: self.archive.add_command_output( self.run_command_get_output(command['command'])) def run_commands(self, conf, rm_conf): """ Run through the list of commands and add them to the archive """ logger.debug("Beginning to execute commands") if rm_conf is not None: try: exclude = rm_conf['patterns'] except LookupError: exclude = None else: exclude = None commands = conf['commands'] for command in commands: if rm_conf: try: if command['command'] in rm_conf['commands']: logger.warn("WARNING: Skipping command %s", command['command']) continue except LookupError: pass self._handle_commands(command, exclude) logger.debug("Commands complete") def _get_interfaces(self): """ Get valid ethernet interfaces on the system """ interfaces = {} output = self.run_command_get_output( "/sbin/ip -o link")["output"].splitlines() for line in output: match = re.match( '.*link/ether', line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()) if match: iface = match.string.split(':')[1].lstrip() interfaces[iface] = True return interfaces def _handle_parted(self): """ Helper to handle parted """ if os.path.isdir("/sys/block"): for disk in os.listdir("/sys/block"): if disk in ['.', '..'] or disk.startswith('ram'): continue disk_path = os.path.join('/dev/', disk) self.archive.add_command_output( self.run_command_get_output("/usr/sbin/parted -s %s unit s print" % disk_path)) def _handle_modinfo(self): """ Helper to handle modinfo """ for module in os.listdir("/sys/module"): response = self.run_command_get_output("modinfo " + module) if response['status'] is 0: self.archive.add_command_output(response) else: logger.debug("Module %s not loaded; skipping", module) def _handle_hostname(self, command): """ Helper to attempt to get fqdn as hostname """ self.archive.add_command_output({ 'cmd': self._mangle_command(command), 'status': 0, 'output': determine_hostname() }) def _handle_ethtool(self, flag): """ Helper to handle ethtool not supporting * """ for interface in self._get_interfaces(): if flag is not None: cmd = "/sbin/ethtool -" + flag + " " + interface else: cmd = "/sbin/ethtool " + interface self.archive.add_command_output(self.run_command_get_output(cmd)) def copy_files(self, conf, rm_conf): """ Run through the list of files and copy them """ logger.debug("Beginning to copy files") files = conf['files'] if rm_conf: try: exclude = rm_conf['patterns'] except LookupError: exclude = None else: exclude = None for _file in files: if rm_conf: try: if _file['file'] in rm_conf['files']: logger.warn("WARNING: Skipping file %s", _file['file']) continue except LookupError: pass pattern = None if len(_file['pattern']) > 0: pattern = _file['pattern'] self.copy_file_with_pattern(_file['file'], pattern, exclude) logger.debug("File copy complete") def write_branch_info(self, branch_info): """ Write branch information to file """ logger.debug("Writing branch information to workdir") full_path = self.archive.get_full_archive_path('/branch_info') write_file_with_text(full_path, json.dumps(branch_info)) def _copy_file_with_pattern(self, path, patterns, exclude): """ Copy file, selecting only lines we are interested in """ full_path = self.archive.get_full_archive_path(path) if not os.path.isfile(path): logger.debug("File %s does not exist", path) return logger.debug("Copying %s to %s with filters %s", path, full_path, str(patterns)) cmd = [] # shlex.split doesn't handle special characters well cmd.append("/bin/sed".encode('utf-8')) cmd.append("-rf".encode('utf-8')) cmd.append(constants.default_sed_file.encode('utf-8')) cmd.append(path.encode('utf8')) sedcmd = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE) if exclude is not None: exclude_file = NamedTemporaryFile() exclude_file.write("\n".join(exclude)) exclude_file.flush() cmd = "/bin/grep -v -F -f %s" % exclude_file.name args = shlex.split(cmd.encode("utf-8")) proc = Popen(args, stdin=sedcmd.stdout, stdout=PIPE) sedcmd.stdout.close() stdin = proc.stdout if patterns is None: output = proc.communicate()[0] else: sedcmd = proc if patterns is not None: pattern_file = NamedTemporaryFile() pattern_file.write("\n".join(patterns)) pattern_file.flush() cmd = "/bin/grep -F -f %s" % pattern_file.name args = shlex.split(cmd.encode("utf-8")) proc1 = Popen(args, stdin=sedcmd.stdout, stdout=PIPE) sedcmd.stdout.close() if exclude is not None: stdin.close() output = proc1.communicate()[0] if patterns is None and exclude is None: output = sedcmd.communicate()[0] write_file_with_text(full_path, output.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()) def copy_file_with_pattern(self, path, patterns, exclude): """ Copy a single file or regex, creating the necessary directories But grepping for pattern(s) """ if "*" in path: paths = _expand_paths(path) if not paths: logger.debug("Could not expand %s", path) return for path in paths: self._copy_file_with_pattern(path, patterns, exclude) else: self._copy_file_with_pattern(path, patterns, exclude) def done(self, config, rm_conf): """ Do finalization stuff """ if config.getboolean(APP_NAME, "obfuscate"): cleaner = SOSCleaner(quiet=True) clean_opts = CleanOptions(self.archive.tmp_dir, config, rm_conf) fresh = cleaner.clean_report(clean_opts, self.archive.archive_dir) if clean_opts.keyword_file is not None: os.remove(clean_opts.keyword_file.name) return fresh[0] return self.archive.create_tar_file() class CleanOptions(object): """ Options for soscleaner """ def __init__(self, tmp_dir, config, rm_conf): self.report_dir = tmp_dir self.domains = [] self.files = [] self.quiet = True self.keyword_file = None self.keywords = None if rm_conf: try: keywords = rm_conf['keywords'] self.keyword_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) self.keyword_file.write("\n".join(keywords)) self.keyword_file.flush() self.keyword_file.close() self.keywords = [self.keyword_file.name] logger.debug("Attmpting keyword obfuscation") except LookupError: pass if config.getboolean(APP_NAME, "obfuscate_hostname"): self.hostname_path = "insights_commands/hostname" else: self.hostname_path = None