Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import redhat_support_lib.utils.confighelper as confighelper import redhat_support_lib.utils.reporthelper as reporthelper from redhat_support_lib.web.connection import Connection from ftplib import FTP import base64 import tempfile import datetime import gzip import logging import os.path import shutil import sys logger = logging.getLogger("redhat_support_lib.utils.ftphelper") __author__ = 'Spenser Shumaker sshumake@redhat.com' __author__ = 'Keith Robertson kroberts@redhat.com' def ftp_attachment(fileName=None, caseNumber=None, fileChunk=None): config = confighelper.get_config_helper() if not fileName: raise Exception('ftp_file(%s) cannot be empty.' % fileName) logger.debug("Creating connection to FTP server %s" % config.ftp_host) if not caseNumber: caseNumber = 'RHST-upload' conn = None ftp = None fh = None # add http to host because if it is not prefixed it defaults to https try: if config.proxy_url != None: conn = Connection(url="http://" + config.ftp_host, manager=None, key_file=config.key_file, cert_file=config.cert_file, timeout=config.timeout, username=config.ftp_user, password=config.ftp_pass, proxy_url=config.proxy_url, proxy_user=config.proxy_user, proxy_pass=config.proxy_pass, debug=config.http_debug) httpconnection = conn.getConnection() hdr = {'Host': config.ftp_host, 'Proxy-Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'Accept': 'application/xml'} if config.proxy_user and config.proxy_pass: auth = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % \ (config.proxy_user, config.proxy_pass)).strip() hdr['Proxy-authorization'] = "Basic %s" % auth # Critical step. Proxy must know where to go. if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): httpconnection._set_tunnel(config.ftp_host, config.ftp_port, hdr) else: httpconnection.set_tunnel(config.ftp_host, config.ftp_port, hdr) httpconnection.connect() ftp = FTP() ftp.host = config.ftp_host ftp.sock = httpconnection.sock ftp.af = ftp.sock.family ftp.file = ftp.sock.makefile('rb') ftp.welcome = ftp.getresp() ftp.login(user=config.ftp_user, passwd=config.ftp_pass) else: ftp = FTP(host=config.ftp_host, user=config.ftp_user, passwd=config.ftp_pass) ftp.login() if config.ftp_dir: ftp.cwd(config.ftp_dir) fh = open(fileName, 'rb') if fileChunk: fileSize = os.path.getsize(fileName) while fh.tell() < fileSize: chunkName = ("%s-%s.%03d" % (caseNumber, os.path.basename(fileName), fileChunk['num'])) fileChunk['names'].append(chunkName) logger.debug("Sending file %s over FTP" % chunkName) resp = _ftp_storbinary_chunk(ftp, 'STOR %s' % chunkName, fh, fileChunk['size']) if _ftp_error_return_code(resp): raise Exception(resp) fileChunk['num'] += 1 else: logger.debug("Sending file %s over FTP" % fileName) resp = ftp.storbinary('STOR %s-%s' % (caseNumber, os.path.basename(fileName)), fh) if _ftp_error_return_code(resp): raise Exception(resp) finally: if fh: fh.close() if config.proxy_url != None: if conn: conn.close() else: if ftp: ftp.close() return resp def _ftp_storbinary_chunk(ftpobj, cmd, fp, chunksize): """Replacement for ftplib.storbinary that sends only a single file chunk, representing a separate file on dropbox, then closes the connection """ ftpobj.voidcmd('TYPE I') conn = ftpobj.transfercmd(cmd) conn.sendall(fp.read(chunksize)) conn.close() return ftpobj.voidresp() def _ftp_error_return_code(code): # True if FTP return code is 4xx or 5xx signifying an error if code[0] in '45': return True return False def compress_attachment(fileName): try: try: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() gzipName = "%s/%s.gz" % (tmp_dir, os.path.basename(fileName)) gzf = gzip.open(gzipName, 'w+') f = open(fileName, 'rb') gzf.writelines(f) except Exception, e: err = ("Failed.\nERROR: unable to compress attachment. Reason: %s" % e) print err logger.log(logging.ERROR, err) if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) return None return gzipName finally: f.close() gzf.close() def is_compressed_file(fileName): file_type = reporthelper.get_file_type(fileName) for compressed_type in ['zip', 'x-xz', 'x-rar']: if compressed_type in file_type: return True return False