Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
############################################################################## # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Jabber # Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Jabber Software Foundation http://jabber.org/ # ############################################################################## package XML::Stream::Parser::DTD; =head1 NAME XML::Stream::Parser::DTD - XML DTD Parser and Verifier =head1 SYNOPSIS This is a work in progress. I had need for a DTD parser and verifier and so am working on it here. If you are reading this then you are snooping. =) =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides the initial code for a DTD parser and verifier. =head1 METHODS =head1 EXAMPLES =head1 AUTHOR By Ryan Eatmon in February of 2001 for http://jabber.org/ Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick. =head1 COPYRIGHT This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut use strict; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = "1.23"; sub new { my $self = { }; bless($self); my %args; while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); } $self->{URI} = $args{uri}; $self->{PARSING} = 0; $self->{DOC} = 0; $self->{XML} = ""; $self->{CNAME} = (); $self->{CURR} = 0; $self->{ENTITY}->{"<"} = "<"; $self->{ENTITY}->{">"} = ">"; $self->{ENTITY}->{"""} = "\""; $self->{ENTITY}->{"'"} = "'"; $self->{ENTITY}->{"&"} = "&"; $self->{HANDLER}->{startDocument} = sub{ $self->startDocument(@_); }; $self->{HANDLER}->{endDocument} = sub{ $self->endDocument(@_); }; $self->{HANDLER}->{startElement} = sub{ $self->startElement(@_); }; $self->{HANDLER}->{endElement} = sub{ $self->endElement(@_); }; $self->{STYLE} = "debug"; open(DTD,$args{uri}); my $dtd = join("",<DTD>); close(DTD); $self->parse($dtd); return $self; } sub parse { my $self = shift; my $xml = shift; while($xml =~ s/<\!--.*?-->//gs) {} while($xml =~ s/\n//g) {} $self->{XML} .= $xml; return if ($self->{PARSING} == 1); $self->{PARSING} = 1; if(!$self->{DOC} == 1) { my $start = index($self->{XML},"<"); if (substr($self->{XML},$start,3) =~ /^<\?x$/i) { my $close = index($self->{XML},"?>"); if ($close == -1) { $self->{PARSING} = 0; return; } $self->{XML} = substr($self->{XML},$close+2,length($self->{XML})-$close-2); } &{$self->{HANDLER}->{startDocument}}($self); $self->{DOC} = 1; } while(1) { if (length($self->{XML}) == 0) { $self->{PARSING} = 0; return; } my $estart = index($self->{XML},"<"); if ($estart == -1) { $self->{PARSING} = 0; return; } my $close = index($self->{XML},">"); my $dtddata = substr($self->{XML},$estart+1,$close-1); my $nextspace = index($dtddata," "); my $attribs; my $type = substr($dtddata,0,$nextspace); $dtddata = substr($dtddata,$nextspace+1,length($dtddata)-$nextspace-1); $nextspace = index($dtddata," "); if ($type eq "!ENTITY") { $self->entity($type,$dtddata); } else { my $tag = substr($dtddata,0,$nextspace); $dtddata = substr($dtddata,$nextspace+1,length($dtddata)-$nextspace-1); $nextspace = index($dtddata," "); $self->element($type,$tag,$dtddata) if ($type eq "!ELEMENT"); $self->attlist($type,$tag,$dtddata) if ($type eq "!ATTLIST"); } $self->{XML} = substr($self->{XML},$close+1,length($self->{XML})-$close-1); next; } } sub startDocument { my $self = shift; } sub endDocument { my $self = shift; } sub entity { my $self = shift; my ($type, $data) = @_; foreach my $entity (keys(%{$self->{ENTITY}})) { $data =~ s/$entity/$self->{ENTITY}->{$entity}/g; } my ($symbol,$tag,undef,$string) = ($data =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\"|\')([^\3]*)\3\s*$/); $self->{ENTITY}->{"${symbol}${tag}\;"} = $string; } sub element { my $self = shift; my ($type, $tag, $data) = @_; foreach my $entity (keys(%{$self->{ENTITY}})) { $data =~ s/$entity/$self->{ENTITY}->{$entity}/g; } $self->{COUNTER}->{$tag} = 0 unless exists($self->{COUNTER}->{$tag}); $self->parsegrouping($tag,\$self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag},$data); $self->flattendata(\$self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag}); } sub flattendata { my $self = shift; my $dstr = shift; if ($$dstr->{type} eq "list") { foreach my $index (0..$#{$$dstr->{list}}) { $self->flattendata(\$$dstr->{list}->[$index]); } if (!exists($$dstr->{repeat}) && ($#{$$dstr->{list}} == 0)) { $$dstr = $$dstr->{list}->[0]; } } } sub parsegrouping { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$dstr,$data) = @_; $data =~ s/^\s*//; $data =~ s/\s*$//; if ($data =~ /[\*\+\?]$/) { ($$dstr->{repeat}) = ($data =~ /(.)$/); $data =~ s/.$//; } if ($data =~ /^\(.*\)$/) { my ($seperator) = ($data =~ /^\(\s*\S+\s*(\,|\|)/); $$dstr->{ordered} = "yes" if ($seperator eq ","); $$dstr->{ordered} = "no" if ($seperator eq "|"); my $count = 0; $$dstr->{type} = "list"; foreach my $grouping ($self->groupinglist($data,$seperator)) { $self->parsegrouping($tag,\$$dstr->{list}->[$count],$grouping); $count++; } } else { $$dstr->{type} = "element"; $$dstr->{element} = $data; $self->{COUNTER}->{$data} = 0 unless exists($self->{COUNTER}->{$data}); $self->{COUNTER}->{$data}++; $self->{CHILDREN}->{$tag}->{$data} = 1; } } sub attlist { my $self = shift; my ($type, $tag, $data) = @_; foreach my $entity (keys(%{$self->{ENTITY}})) { $data =~ s/$entity/$self->{ENTITY}->{$entity}/g; } while($data ne "") { my ($att) = ($data =~ /^\s*(\S+)/); $data =~ s/^\s*\S+\s*//; my $value; if ($data =~ /^\(/) { $value = $self->getgrouping($data); $data = substr($data,length($value)+1,length($data)); $data =~ s/^\s*//; $self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{type} = "list"; foreach my $val (split(/\s*\|\s*/,substr($value,1,length($value)-2))) { $self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{value}->{$val} = 1; } } else { ($value) = ($data =~ /^(\S+)/); $data =~ s/^\S+\s*//; $self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{type} = $value; } my $default; if ($data =~ /^\"|^\'/) { my($sq,$val) = ($data =~ /^(\"|\')([^\"\']*)\1/); $default = $val; $data =~ s/^$sq$val$sq\s*//; } else { ($default) = ($data =~ /^(\S+)/); $data =~ s/^\S+\s*//; } $self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{default} = $default; } } sub getgrouping { my $self = shift; my ($data) = @_; my $count = 0; my $parens = 0; foreach my $char (split("",$data)) { $parens++ if ($char eq "("); $parens-- if ($char eq ")"); $count++; last if ($parens == 0); } return substr($data,0,$count); } sub groupinglist { my $self = shift; my ($grouping,$seperator) = @_; my @list; my $item = ""; my $parens = 0; my $word = ""; $grouping = substr($grouping,1,length($grouping)-2) if ($grouping =~ /^\(/); foreach my $char (split("",$grouping)) { $parens++ if ($char eq "("); $parens-- if ($char eq ")"); if (($parens == 0) && ($char eq $seperator)) { push(@list,$word); $word = ""; } else { $word .= $char; } } push(@list,$word) unless ($word eq ""); return @list; } sub root { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift; my @root; foreach my $tag (keys(%{$self->{COUNTER}})) { push(@root,$tag) if ($self->{COUNTER}->{$tag} == 0); } print "ERROR: Too many root tags... Check the DTD...\n" if ($#root > 0); return $root[0]; } sub children { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$tree) = @_; return unless exists ($self->{CHILDREN}->{$tag}); return if (exists($self->{CHILDREN}->{$tag}->{EMPTY})); if (defined($tree)) { my @current; foreach my $current (&XML::Stream::GetXMLData("tree array",$tree,"*","","")) { push(@current,$$current[0]); } return $self->allowedchildren($self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag},\@current); } return $self->allowedchildren($self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag}); } sub allowedchildren { my $self = shift; my ($dstr,$current) = @_; my @allowed; if ($dstr->{type} eq "element") { my $test = (defined($current) && $#{@{$current}} > -1) ? $$current[0] : ""; shift(@{$current}) if ($dstr->{element} eq $test); if ($self->repeatcheck($dstr,$test) == 1) { return $dstr->{element}; } } else { foreach my $index (0..$#{$dstr->{list}}) { push(@allowed,$self->allowedchildren($dstr->{list}->[$index],$current)); } } return @allowed; } sub repeatcheck { my $self = shift; my ($dstr,$tag) = @_; $dstr = $self->{ELEMENT}->{$dstr} if exists($self->{ELEMENT}->{$dstr}); # print "repeatcheck: tag($tag)\n"; # print "repeatcheck: repeat($dstr->{repeat})\n" # if exists($dstr->{repeat}); my $return = 0; $return = ((!defined($tag) || ($tag eq $dstr->{element})) ? 0 : 1) if (!exists($dstr->{repeat}) || ($dstr->{repeat} eq "?")); $return = ((defined($tag) || (exists($dstr->{ordered}) && ($dstr->{ordered} eq "yes"))) ? 1 : 0) if (exists($dstr->{repeat}) && (($dstr->{repeat} eq "+") || ($dstr->{repeat} eq "*"))); # print "repeatcheck: return($return)\n"; return $return; } sub required { my $self = shift; my ($dstr,$tag,$count) = @_; $dstr = $self->{ELEMENT}->{$dstr} if exists($self->{ELEMENT}->{$dstr}); if ($dstr->{type} eq "element") { return 0 if ($dstr->{element} ne $tag); return 1 if !exists($dstr->{repeat}); return 1 if (($dstr->{repeat} eq "+") && ($count == 1)) ; } else { return 0 if (($dstr->{repeat} eq "*") || ($dstr->{repeat} eq "?")); my $test = 0; foreach my $index (0..$#{$dstr->{list}}) { $test = $test | $self->required($dstr->{list}->[$index],$tag,$count); } return $test; } return 0; } sub addchild { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$child,$tree) = @_; # print "addchild: tag($tag) child($child)\n"; my @current; if (defined($tree)) { # &Net::Jabber::printData("\$tree",$tree); @current = &XML::Stream::GetXMLData("index array",$tree,"*","",""); # &Net::Jabber::printData("\$current",\@current); } my @newBranch = $self->addchildrecurse($self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag},$child,\@current); return $tree unless ("@newBranch" ne ""); # &Net::Jabber::printData("\$newBranch",\@newBranch); my $location = shift(@newBranch); if ($location eq "end") { splice(@{$$tree[1]},@{$$tree[1]},0,@newBranch); } else { splice(@{$$tree[1]},$location,0,@newBranch); } return $tree; } sub addcdata { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$child,$tree) = @_; # print "addchild: tag($tag) child($child)\n"; my @current; if (defined($tree)) { # &Net::Jabber::printData("\$tree",$tree); @current = &XML::Stream::GetXMLData("index array",$tree,"*","",""); # &Net::Jabber::printData("\$current",\@current); } my @newBranch = $self->addchildrecurse($self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag},$child,\@current); return $tree unless ("@newBranch" ne ""); # &Net::Jabber::printData("\$newBranch",\@newBranch); my $location = shift(@newBranch); if ($location eq "end") { splice(@{$$tree[1]},@{$$tree[1]},0,@newBranch); } else { splice(@{$$tree[1]},$location,0,@newBranch); } return $tree; } sub addchildrecurse { my $self = shift; my ($dstr,$child,$current) = @_; # print "addchildrecurse: child($child) type($dstr->{type})\n"; if ($dstr->{type} eq "element") { # print "addchildrecurse: tag($dstr->{element})\n"; my $count = 0; while(($#{@{$current}} > -1) && ($dstr->{element} eq $$current[0])) { shift(@{$current}); shift(@{$current}); $count++; } if (($dstr->{element} eq $child) && ($self->repeatcheck($dstr,(($count > 0) ? $child : "")) == 1)) { my @return = ( "end" , $self->newbranch($child)); @return = ($$current[1], $self->newbranch($child)) if ($#{@{$current}} > -1); # print "addchildrecurse: Found the spot! (",join(",",@return),")\n"; return @return; } } else { foreach my $index (0..$#{$dstr->{list}}) { my @newBranch = $self->addchildrecurse($dstr->{list}->[$index],$child,$current); return @newBranch if ("@newBranch" ne ""); } } # print "Let's blow....\n"; return; } sub deletechild { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$parent,$parenttree,$tree) = @_; return $tree unless exists($self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag}); return $tree if $self->required($parent,$tag,&XML::Stream::GetXMLData("count",$parenttree,$tag)); return []; } sub newbranch { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift; $tag = $self->root() unless defined($tag); my @tree = (); return ("0","") if ($tag eq "#PCDATA"); push(@tree,$tag); push(@tree,[ {} ]); foreach my $att ($self->attribs($tag)) { $tree[1]->[0]->{$att} = "" if (($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{default} eq "#REQUIRED") && ($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{type} eq "CDATA")); } push(@{$tree[1]},$self->recursebranch($self->{ELEMENT}->{$tag})); return @tree; } sub recursebranch { my $self = shift; my $dstr = shift; my @tree; if (($dstr->{type} eq "element") && ($dstr->{element} ne "EMPTY")) { @tree = $self->newbranch($dstr->{element}) if (!exists($dstr->{repeat}) || ($dstr->{repeat} eq "+")); } else { foreach my $index (0..$#{$dstr->{list}}) { push(@tree,$self->recursebranch($dstr->{list}->[$index])) if (!exists($dstr->{repeat}) || ($dstr->{repeat} eq "+")); } } return @tree; } sub attribs { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$tree) = @_; return unless exists ($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}); if (defined($tree)) { my %current = &XML::Stream::GetXMLData("attribs",$tree,"","",""); return $self->allowedattribs($tag,\%current); } return $self->allowedattribs($tag); } sub allowedattribs { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$current) = @_; my %allowed; foreach my $att (keys(%{$self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}})) { $allowed{$att} = 1 unless (defined($current) && exists($current->{$att})); } return sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%allowed); } sub attribvalue { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift; my $att = shift; return $self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{type} if ($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{type} ne "list"); return sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%{$self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{value}}); } sub addattrib { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$att,$tree) = @_; return $tree unless exists($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}); return $tree unless exists($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}); my $default = $self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{default}; $default = "" if ($default eq "#REQUIRED"); $default = "" if ($default eq "#IMPLIED"); $$tree[1]->[0]->{$att} = $default; return $tree; } sub attribrequired { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$att) = @_; return 0 unless exists($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}); return 0 unless exists($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}); return 1 if ($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}->{default} eq "#REQUIRED"); return 0; } sub deleteattrib { my $self = shift; my ($tag,$att,$tree) = @_; return $tree unless exists($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}); return $tree unless exists($self->{ATTLIST}->{$tag}->{$att}); return if $self->attribrequired($tag,$att); delete($$tree[1]->[0]->{$att}); return $tree; }