Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
############################################################################## # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Jabber # Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Jabber Software Foundation http://jabber.org/ # ############################################################################## package XML::Stream::Tree; =head1 NAME XML::Stream::Tree - Functions to make building and parsing the tree easier to work with. =head1 SYNOPSIS Just a collection of functions that do not need to be in memory if you choose one of the other methods of data storage. =head1 FORMAT The result of parsing: <foo><head id="a">Hello <em>there</em></head><bar>Howdy<ref/></bar>do</foo> would be: Tag Content ================================================================== [foo, [{}, head, [{id => "a"}, 0, "Hello ", em, [{}, 0, "there" ] ], bar, [{}, 0, "Howdy", ref, [{}] ], 0, "do" ] ] The above was copied from the XML::Parser man page. Many thanks to Larry and Clark. =head1 AUTHOR By Ryan Eatmon in March 2001 for http://jabber.org/ Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick. =head1 COPYRIGHT This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut use vars qw( $VERSION $LOADED ); $VERSION = "1.23"; $LOADED = 1; ############################################################################## # # _handle_element - handles the main tag elements sent from the server. # On an open tag it creates a new XML::Parser::Tree so # that _handle_cdata and _handle_element can add data # and tags to it later. # ############################################################################## sub _handle_element { my $self; $self = $_[0] if (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Parser"); $self = shift unless (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Parser"); my ($sax, $tag, %att) = @_; my $sid = $sax->getSID(); $self->debug(2,"_handle_element: sid($sid) sax($sax) tag($tag) att(",%att,")"); my @NEW; if($#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}} < 0) { push @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}, $tag; } else { push @{ $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}[ $#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}]}, $tag; } push @NEW, \%att; push @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}, \@NEW; } ############################################################################## # # _handle_cdata - handles the CDATA that is encountered. Also, in the # spirit of XML::Parser::Tree it combines any sequential # CDATA into one tag. # ############################################################################## sub _handle_cdata { my $self; $self = $_[0] if (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Parser"); $self = shift unless (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Parser"); my ($sax, $cdata) = @_; my $sid = $sax->getSID(); $self->debug(2,"_handle_cdata: sid($sid) sax($sax) cdata($cdata)"); return if ($#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}} == -1); $self->debug(2,"_handle_cdata: sax($sax) cdata($cdata)"); my $pos = $#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}; $self->debug(2,"_handle_cdata: pos($pos)"); if ($pos > 0 && $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}[$pos - 1] eq "0") { $self->debug(2,"_handle_cdata: append cdata"); $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}[$pos - 1] .= $cdata; } else { $self->debug(2,"_handle_cdata: new cdata"); push @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}[$#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}]}, 0; push @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}[$#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}]}, $cdata; } } ############################################################################## # # _handle_close - when we see a close tag we need to pop the last element # from the list and push it onto the end of the previous # element. This is how we build our hierarchy. # ############################################################################## sub _handle_close { my $self; $self = $_[0] if (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Parser"); $self = shift unless (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Parser"); my ($sax, $tag) = @_; my $sid = $sax->getSID(); $self->debug(2,"_handle_close: sid($sid) sax($sax) tag($tag)"); my $CLOSED = pop @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}; $self->debug(2,"_handle_close: check(",$#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}},")"); if ($#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}} == -1) { if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{rootTag} ne $tag) { $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror} = "Root tag mis-match: <$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{rootTag}> ... </$tag>\n"; } return; } if($#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}} < 1) { push @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}, $CLOSED; if (ref($self) ne "XML::Stream::Parser") { my $stream_prefix = $self->StreamPrefix($sid); if(defined($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}->[0]) && ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}->[0] =~ /^${stream_prefix}\:/)) { my @tree = @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}; $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree} = []; $self->ProcessStreamPacket($sid,\@tree); } else { my @tree = @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}; $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree} = []; my @special = &XML::Stream::XPath( \@tree, '[@xmlns="'.&XML::Stream::ConstXMLNS("xmpp-sasl").'" or @xmlns="'.&XML::Stream::ConstXMLNS("xmpp-tls").'"]' ); if ($#special > -1) { my $xmlns = &GetXMLData("value",\@tree,"","xmlns"); $self->ProcessSASLPacket($sid,\@tree) if ($xmlns eq &XML::Stream::ConstXMLNS("xmpp-sasl")); $self->ProcessTLSPacket($sid,\@tree) if ($xmlns eq &XML::Stream::ConstXMLNS("xmpp-tls")); } else { &{$self->{CB}->{node}}($sid,\@tree); } } } } else { push @{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}[$#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tree}}]}, $CLOSED; } } ############################################################################## # # SetXMLData - takes a host of arguments and sets a portion of the specified # XML::Parser::Tree object with that data. The function works # in two modes "single" or "multiple". "single" denotes that # the function should locate the current tag that matches this # data and overwrite it's contents with data passed in. # "multiple" denotes that a new tag should be created even if # others exist. # # type - single or multiple # XMLTree - pointer to XML::Stream Tree object # tag - name of tag to create/modify (if blank assumes # working with top level tag) # data - CDATA to set for tag # attribs - attributes to ADD to tag # ############################################################################## sub SetXMLData { my ($type,$XMLTree,$tag,$data,$attribs) = @_; my ($key); if ($tag ne "") { if ($type eq "single") { my ($child); foreach $child (1..$#{$$XMLTree[1]}) { if ($$XMLTree[1]->[$child] eq $tag) { if ($data ne "") { #todo: add code to handle writing the cdata again and appending it. $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[1] = 0; $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[2] = $data; } foreach $key (keys(%{$attribs})) { $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$key} = $$attribs{$key}; } return; } } } $$XMLTree[1]->[($#{$$XMLTree[1]}+1)] = $tag; $$XMLTree[1]->[($#{$$XMLTree[1]}+1)]->[0] = {}; foreach $key (keys(%{$attribs})) { $$XMLTree[1]->[$#{$$XMLTree[1]}]->[0]->{$key} = $$attribs{$key}; } if ($data ne "") { $$XMLTree[1]->[$#{$$XMLTree[1]}]->[1] = 0; $$XMLTree[1]->[$#{$$XMLTree[1]}]->[2] = $data; } } else { foreach $key (keys(%{$attribs})) { $$XMLTree[1]->[0]->{$key} = $$attribs{$key}; } if ($data ne "") { if (($#{$$XMLTree[1]} > 0) && ($$XMLTree[1]->[($#{$$XMLTree[1]}-1)] eq "0")) { $$XMLTree[1]->[$#{$$XMLTree[1]}] .= $data; } else { $$XMLTree[1]->[($#{$$XMLTree[1]}+1)] = 0; $$XMLTree[1]->[($#{$$XMLTree[1]}+1)] = $data; } } } } ############################################################################## # # GetXMLData - takes a host of arguments and returns various data structures # that match them. # # type - "existence" - returns 1 or 0 if the tag exists in the # top level. # "value" - returns either the CDATA of the tag, or the # value of the attribute depending on which is # sought. This ignores any mark ups to the data # and just returns the raw CDATA. # "value array" - returns an array of strings representing # all of the CDATA in the specified tag. # This ignores any mark ups to the data # and just returns the raw CDATA. # "tree" - returns an XML::Parser::Tree object with the # specified tag as the root tag. # "tree array" - returns an array of XML::Parser::Tree # objects each with the specified tag as # the root tag. # "child array" - returns a list of all children nodes # not including CDATA nodes. # "attribs" - returns a hash with the attributes, and # their values, for the things that match # the parameters # "count" - returns the number of things that match # the arguments # "tag" - returns the root tag of this tree # XMLTree - pointer to XML::Parser::Tree object # tag - tag to pull data from. If blank then the top level # tag is accessed. # attrib - attribute value to retrieve. Ignored for types # "value array", "tree", "tree array". If paired # with value can be used to filter tags based on # attributes and values. # value - only valid if an attribute is supplied. Used to # filter for tags that only contain this attribute. # Useful to search through multiple tags that all # reference different name spaces. # ############################################################################## sub GetXMLData { my ($type,$XMLTree,$tag,$attrib,$value) = @_; $tag = "" if !defined($tag); $attrib = "" if !defined($attrib); $value = "" if !defined($value); my $skipthis = 0; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if a child tag in the root tag is being requested. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($tag ne "") { my $count = 0; my @array; foreach my $child (1..$#{$$XMLTree[1]}) { next if (($child/2) !~ /\./); if (($$XMLTree[1]->[$child] eq $tag) || ($tag eq "*")) { next if (ref($$XMLTree[1]->[$child]) eq "ARRAY"); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter out tags that do not contain the attribute and value. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- next if (($value ne "") && ($attrib ne "") && exists($$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib}) && ($$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib} ne $value)); next if (($attrib ne "") && ((ref($$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]) ne "ARRAY") || !exists($$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib}))); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for existence #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "existence") { return 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the raw CDATA value without mark ups, or the value of the # requested attribute. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "value") { if ($attrib eq "") { my $str = ""; my $next = 0; my $index; foreach $index (1..$#{$$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]}) { if ($next == 1) { $next = 0; next; } if ($$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[$index] eq "0") { $str .= $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[$index+1]; $next = 1; } } return $str; } return $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib} if (exists $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib}); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return an array of values that represent the raw CDATA without # mark up tags for the requested tags. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "value array") { if ($attrib eq "") { my $str = ""; my $next = 0; my $index; foreach $index (1..$#{$$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]}) { if ($next == 1) { $next = 0; next; } if ($$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[$index] eq "0") { $str .= $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[$index+1]; $next = 1; } } push(@array,$str); } else { push(@array,$$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib}) if (exists $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]->{$attrib}); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a pointer to a new XML::Parser::Tree object that has the # requested tag as the root tag. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "tree") { my @tree = ( $$XMLTree[1]->[$child] , $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1] ); return @tree; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return an array of pointers to XML::Parser::Tree objects that have # the requested tag as the root tags. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "tree array") { my @tree = ( $$XMLTree[1]->[$child] , $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1] ); push(@array,\@tree); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a count of the number of tags that match #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "count") { if ($$XMLTree[1]->[$child] eq "0") { $skipthis = 1; next; } if ($skipthis == 1) { $skipthis = 0; next; } $count++; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a count of the number of tags that match #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "child array") { my @tree = ( $$XMLTree[1]->[$child] , $$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1] ); push(@array,\@tree) if ($tree[0] ne "0"); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the attribute hash that matches this tag #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "attribs") { return (%{$$XMLTree[1]->[$child+1]->[0]}); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If we are returning arrays then return array. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (($type eq "tree array") || ($type eq "value array") || ($type eq "child array")) { return @array; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If we are returning then count, then do so #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "count") { return $count; } } else { #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the root tag, so handle things a level up. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the raw CDATA value without mark ups, or the value of the # requested attribute. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "value") { if ($attrib eq "") { my $str = ""; my $next = 0; my $index; foreach $index (1..$#{$$XMLTree[1]}) { if ($next == 1) { $next = 0; next; } if ($$XMLTree[1]->[$index] eq "0") { $str .= $$XMLTree[1]->[$index+1]; $next = 1; } } return $str; } return $$XMLTree[1]->[0]->{$attrib} if (exists $$XMLTree[1]->[0]->{$attrib}); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a pointer to a new XML::Parser::Tree object that has the # requested tag as the root tag. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "tree") { my @tree = @{$$XMLTree}; return @tree; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the 1 if the specified attribute exists in the root tag. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "existence") { return 1 if (($attrib ne "") && (exists($$XMLTree[1]->[0]->{$attrib}))); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the attribute hash that matches this tag #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "attribs") { return %{$$XMLTree[1]->[0]}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the tag of this node #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($type eq "tag") { return $$XMLTree[0]; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return 0 if this was a request for existence, or "" if a request for # a "value", or [] for "tree", "value array", and "tree array". #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- return 0 if ($type eq "existence"); return "" if ($type eq "value"); return []; } ############################################################################## # # BuildXML - takes an XML::Parser::Tree object and builds the XML string # that it represents. # ############################################################################## sub BuildXML { my ($parseTree,$rawXML) = @_; return "" if $#{$parseTree} == -1; my $str = ""; if (ref($parseTree->[0]) eq "") { if ($parseTree->[0] eq "0") { return &XML::Stream::EscapeXML($parseTree->[1]); } $str = "<".$parseTree->[0]; foreach my $att (sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%{$parseTree->[1]->[0]})) { $str .= " ".$att."='".&XML::Stream::EscapeXML($parseTree->[1]->[0]->{$att})."'"; } if (($#{$parseTree->[1]} > 0) || (defined($rawXML) && ($rawXML ne ""))) { $str .= ">"; my $index = 1; while($index <= $#{$parseTree->[1]}) { my @newTree = ( $parseTree->[1]->[$index], $parseTree->[1]->[$index+1] ); $str .= &XML::Stream::Tree::BuildXML(\@newTree); $index += 2; } $str .= $rawXML if defined($rawXML); $str .= "</".$parseTree->[0].">"; } else { $str .= "/>"; } } return $str; } ############################################################################## # # XML2Config - takes an XML data tree and turns it into a hash of hashes. # This only works for certain kinds of XML trees like this: # # <foo> # <bar>1</bar> # <x> # <y>foo</y> # </x> # <z>5</z> # </foo> # # The resulting hash would be: # # $hash{bar} = 1; # $hash{x}->{y} = "foo"; # $hash{z} = 5; # # Good for config files. # ############################################################################## sub XML2Config { my ($XMLTree) = @_; my %hash; foreach my $tree (&XML::Stream::GetXMLData("tree array",$XMLTree,"*")) { if ($tree->[0] eq "0") { return $tree->[1] unless ($tree->[1] =~ /^\s*$/); } else { if (&XML::Stream::GetXMLData("count",$XMLTree,$tree->[0]) > 1) { push(@{$hash{$tree->[0]}},&XML::Stream::XML2Config($tree)); } else { $hash{$tree->[0]} = &XML::Stream::XML2Config($tree); } } } return \%hash; } 1;