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# emacs: -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet : # This file is part of Fail2Ban. # # Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # Author: Cyril Jaquier # __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier" __license__ = "GPL" import re, time from abc import abstractmethod from .strptime import reGroupDictStrptime, timeRE, getTimePatternRE from ..helpers import getLogger logSys = getLogger(__name__) # check already grouped contains "(", but ignores char "\(" and conditional "(?(id)...)": RE_GROUPED = re.compile(r'(?<!(?:\(\?))(?<!\\)\((?!\?)') RE_GROUP = ( re.compile(r'^((?:\(\?\w+\))?\^?(?:\(\?\w+\))?)(.*?)(\$?)$'), r"\1(\2)\3" ) RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS = re.compile(r'^\{UNB\}') RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\{\^LN-BEG\}') RE_EXSANC_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\((?:\?:)?\^\|\\b\|\\W\)') RE_EXEANC_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'\(\?=\\b\|\\W\|\$\)$') RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\(*(?:\(\?\w+\))?(?:\^|\(*\*\*|\((?:\?:)?\^)') RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_END = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(?:\$\)?|\\b|\\s|\*\*\)*)$') RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS = ( re.compile(r'^\(*(?:\(\?\w+\))?\(*\*\*|(?<!\\)\*\*\)*$'), lambda m: m.group().replace('**', '') ) RE_LINE_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^(?:\(\?\w+\))?(?:\^|\((?:\?:)?\^(?!\|))') RE_LINE_BOUND_END = re.compile(r'(?<![\\\|])(?:\$\)?)$') RE_ALPHA_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?<!\%)\%[aAbBpc]') RE_EPOCH_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\{L?EPOCH\}", re.IGNORECASE) class DateTemplate(object): """A template which searches for and returns a date from a log line. This is an not functional abstract class which other templates should inherit from. Attributes ---------- name regex """ LINE_BEGIN = 8 LINE_END = 4 WORD_BEGIN = 2 WORD_END = 1 def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.weight = 1.0 self.flags = 0 self.hits = 0 self.time = 0 self._regex = "" self._cRegex = None def getRegex(self): return self._regex def setRegex(self, regex, wordBegin=True, wordEnd=True): r"""Sets regex to use for searching for date in log line. Parameters ---------- regex : str The regex the template will use for searching for a date. wordBegin : bool Defines whether the regex should be modified to search at beginning of a word, by adding special boundary r'(?=^|\b|\W)' to start of regex. Can be disabled with specifying of ** at front of regex. Default True. wordEnd : bool Defines whether the regex should be modified to search at end of a word, by adding special boundary r'(?=\b|\W|$)' to end of regex. Can be disabled with specifying of ** at end of regex. Default True. Raises ------ re.error If regular expression fails to compile """ # Warning: don't use lookahead for line-begin boundary, # (e. g. r"^(?:\W{0,2})?" is much faster as r"(?:^|(?<=^\W)|(?<=^\W{2}))") # because it may be very slow in negative case (by long log-lines not matching pattern) regex = regex.strip() boundBegin = wordBegin and not RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_BEG.search(regex) boundEnd = wordEnd and not RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_END.search(regex) # if no group add it now, should always have a group(1): if not RE_GROUPED.search(regex): regex = RE_GROUP[0].sub(RE_GROUP[1], regex) self.flags = 0 # if word or line start boundary: if boundBegin: self.flags |= DateTemplate.WORD_BEGIN if wordBegin != 'start' else DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN if wordBegin != 'start': regex = r'(?=^|\b|\W)' + regex else: regex = r"^(?:\W{0,2})?" + regex if not self.name.startswith('{^LN-BEG}'): self.name = '{^LN-BEG}' + self.name # if word end boundary: if boundEnd: self.flags |= DateTemplate.WORD_END regex += r'(?=\b|\W|$)' if not (self.flags & DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN) and RE_LINE_BOUND_BEG.search(regex): self.flags |= DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN if not (self.flags & DateTemplate.LINE_END) and RE_LINE_BOUND_END.search(regex): self.flags |= DateTemplate.LINE_END # remove possible special pattern "**" in front and end of regex: regex = RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS[0].sub(RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS[1], regex) self._regex = regex logSys.log(7, ' constructed regex %s', regex) self._cRegex = None regex = property(getRegex, setRegex, doc= """Regex used to search for date. """) def _compileRegex(self): """Compile regex by first usage. """ if not self._cRegex: try: # print('*'*10 + (' compile - %-30.30s -- %s' % (getattr(self, 'pattern', self.regex), self.name))) self._cRegex = re.compile(self.regex) except Exception as e: logSys.error('Compile %r failed, expression %r', self.name, self.regex) raise e def matchDate(self, line, *args): """Check if regex for date matches on a log line. """ if not self._cRegex: self._compileRegex() dateMatch = self._cRegex.search(line, *args); # pos, endpos if dateMatch: self.hits += 1 # print('*'*10 + ('[%s] - %-30.30s -- %s' % ('*' if dateMatch else ' ', getattr(self, 'pattern', self.regex), self.name))) return dateMatch @abstractmethod def getDate(self, line, dateMatch=None, default_tz=None): """Abstract method, which should return the date for a log line This should return the date for a log line, typically taking the date from the part of the line which matched the templates regex. This requires abstraction, therefore just raises exception. Parameters ---------- line : str Log line, of which the date should be extracted from. default_tz: if no explicit time zone is present in the line passing this will interpret it as in that time zone. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Abstract method, therefore always returns this. """ raise NotImplementedError("getDate() is abstract") @staticmethod def unboundPattern(pattern): return RE_EXEANC_BOUND_BEG.sub('', RE_EXSANC_BOUND_BEG.sub('', RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG.sub('', RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS.sub('', pattern)) ) ) class DateEpoch(DateTemplate): """A date template which searches for Unix timestamps. This includes Unix timestamps which appear at start of a line, optionally within square braces (nsd), or on SELinux audit log lines. Attributes ---------- name regex """ def __init__(self, lineBeginOnly=False, pattern=None, longFrm=False): DateTemplate.__init__(self) self.name = "Epoch" if not pattern else pattern self._longFrm = longFrm; self._grpIdx = 1 epochRE = r"\d{10,11}\b(?:\.\d{3,6})?" if longFrm: self.name = "LongEpoch" if not pattern else pattern epochRE = r"\d{10,11}(?:\d{3}(?:\.\d{1,6}|\d{3})?)?" if pattern: # pattern should capture/cut out the whole match: regex = "(" + RE_EPOCH_PATTERN.sub(lambda v: "(%s)" % epochRE, pattern) + ")" self._grpIdx = 2 self.setRegex(regex) elif not lineBeginOnly: regex = r"((?:^|(?P<square>(?<=^\[))|(?P<selinux>(?<=\baudit\()))%s)(?:(?(selinux)(?=:\d+\)))|(?(square)(?=\])))" % epochRE self.setRegex(regex, wordBegin=False) ;# already line begin resp. word begin anchored else: regex = r"((?P<square>(?<=^\[))?%s)(?(square)(?=\]))" % epochRE self.setRegex(regex, wordBegin='start', wordEnd=True) def getDate(self, line, dateMatch=None, default_tz=None): """Method to return the date for a log line. Parameters ---------- line : str Log line, of which the date should be extracted from. default_tz: ignored, Unix timestamps are time zone independent Returns ------- (float, str) Tuple containing a Unix timestamp, and the string of the date which was matched and in turned used to calculated the timestamp. """ if not dateMatch: dateMatch = self.matchDate(line) if dateMatch: v = dateMatch.group(self._grpIdx) # extract part of format which represents seconds since epoch if self._longFrm and len(v) >= 13: if len(v) >= 16 and '.' not in v: v = float(v) / 1000000 else: v = float(v) / 1000 return (float(v), dateMatch) class DatePatternRegex(DateTemplate): """Date template, with regex/pattern Parameters ---------- pattern : str Sets the date templates pattern. Attributes ---------- name regex pattern """ _patternRE, _patternName = getTimePatternRE() _patternRE = re.compile(_patternRE) def __init__(self, pattern=None, **kwargs): super(DatePatternRegex, self).__init__() self._pattern = None if pattern is not None: self.setRegex(pattern, **kwargs) @property def pattern(self): """The pattern used for regex with strptime "%" time fields. This should be a valid regular expression, of which matching string will be extracted from the log line. strptime style "%" fields will be replaced by appropriate regular expressions, or custom regex groups with names as per the strptime fields can also be used instead. """ return self._pattern @pattern.setter def pattern(self, pattern): self.setRegex(pattern) def setRegex(self, pattern, wordBegin=True, wordEnd=True): # original pattern: self._pattern = pattern # if unbound signalled - reset boundaries left and right: if RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS.search(pattern): pattern = RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS.sub('', pattern) wordBegin = wordEnd = False # if explicit given {^LN-BEG} - remove it from pattern and set 'start' in wordBegin: if wordBegin and RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG.search(pattern): pattern = RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG.sub('', pattern) wordBegin = 'start' try: # wrap to regex: fmt = self._patternRE.sub(r'%(\1)s', pattern) self.name = fmt % self._patternName regex = fmt % timeRE # if expected add (?iu) for "ignore case" and "unicode": if RE_ALPHA_PATTERN.search(pattern): regex = r'(?iu)' + regex super(DatePatternRegex, self).setRegex(regex, wordBegin, wordEnd) except Exception as e: raise TypeError("Failed to set datepattern '%s' (may be an invalid format or unescaped percent char): %s" % (pattern, e)) def getDate(self, line, dateMatch=None, default_tz=None): """Method to return the date for a log line. This uses a custom version of strptime, using the named groups from the instances `pattern` property. Parameters ---------- line : str Log line, of which the date should be extracted from. default_tz: optionally used to correct timezone Returns ------- (float, str) Tuple containing a Unix timestamp, and the string of the date which was matched and in turned used to calculated the timestamp. """ if not dateMatch: dateMatch = self.matchDate(line) if dateMatch: return (reGroupDictStrptime(dateMatch.groupdict(), default_tz=default_tz), dateMatch) class DateTai64n(DateTemplate): """A date template which matches TAI64N formate timestamps. Attributes ---------- name regex """ def __init__(self, wordBegin=False): DateTemplate.__init__(self) self.name = "TAI64N" # We already know the format for TAI64N self.setRegex("@[0-9a-f]{24}", wordBegin=wordBegin) def getDate(self, line, dateMatch=None, default_tz=None): """Method to return the date for a log line. Parameters ---------- line : str Log line, of which the date should be extracted from. default_tz: ignored, since TAI is time zone independent Returns ------- (float, str) Tuple containing a Unix timestamp, and the string of the date which was matched and in turned used to calculated the timestamp. """ if not dateMatch: dateMatch = self.matchDate(line) if dateMatch: # extract part of format which represents seconds since epoch value = dateMatch.group(1) seconds_since_epoch = value[2:17] # convert seconds from HEX into local time stamp return (int(seconds_since_epoch, 16), dateMatch)