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""" Auto Configuration Helper """ import logging import os import requests from constants import InsightsConstants as constants from cert_auth import rhsmCertificate from connection import InsightsConnection logger = logging.getLogger(constants.app_name) APP_NAME = constants.app_name def verify_connectivity(config): """ Verify connectivity to satellite server """ logger.debug("Verifying Connectivity") ic = InsightsConnection(config) try: branch_info = ic.branch_info() except requests.ConnectionError as e: logger.debug(e) logger.debug("Failed to connect to satellite") return False except LookupError as e: logger.debug(e) logger.debug("Failed to parse response from satellite") return False try: remote_leaf = branch_info['remote_leaf'] return remote_leaf except LookupError as e: logger.debug(e) logger.debug("Failed to find accurate branch_info") return False def set_auto_configuration(config, hostname, ca_cert, proxy): """ Set config based on discovered data """ logger.debug("Attempting to auto conf %s %s %s %s", config, hostname, ca_cert, proxy) saved_base_url = config.get(APP_NAME, 'base_url') if ca_cert is not None: saved_cert_verify = config.get(APP_NAME, 'cert_verify') config.set(APP_NAME, 'cert_verify', ca_cert) if proxy is not None: saved_proxy = config.get(APP_NAME, 'proxy') config.set(APP_NAME, 'proxy', proxy) config.set(APP_NAME, 'base_url', hostname + '/r/insights') if not verify_connectivity(config): logger.warn("Could not auto configure, falling back to static config") logger.warn("See %s for additional information", constants.default_log_file) config.set(APP_NAME, 'base_url', saved_base_url) if proxy is not None: if saved_proxy is not None and saved_proxy.lower() == 'none': saved_proxy = None config.set(APP_NAME, 'proxy', saved_proxy) if ca_cert is not None: config.set(APP_NAME, 'cert_verify', saved_cert_verify) def _try_satellite6_configuration(config): """ Try to autoconfigure for Satellite 6 """ try: from rhsm.config import initConfig rhsm_config = initConfig() logger.debug('Trying to autoconf Satellite 6') cert = file(rhsmCertificate.certpath(), 'r').read() key = file(rhsmCertificate.keypath(), 'r').read() rhsm = rhsmCertificate(key, cert) # This will throw an exception if we are not registered logger.debug('Checking if system is subscription-manager registered') rhsm.getConsumerId() logger.debug('System is subscription-manager registered') rhsm_hostname = rhsm_config.get('server', 'hostname') rhsm_hostport = rhsm_config.get('server', 'port') rhsm_proxy_hostname = rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_hostname').strip() rhsm_proxy_port = rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_port').strip() rhsm_proxy_user = rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_user').strip() rhsm_proxy_pass = rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_password').strip() proxy = None if rhsm_proxy_hostname != "": logger.debug("Found rhsm_proxy_hostname %s", rhsm_proxy_hostname) proxy = "http://" if rhsm_proxy_user != "" and rhsm_proxy_pass != "": logger.debug("Found user and password for rhsm_proxy") proxy = proxy + rhsm_proxy_user + ":" + rhsm_proxy_pass + "@" proxy = proxy + rhsm_proxy_hostname + rhsm_proxy_port else: proxy = proxy + rhsm_proxy_hostname + ':' + rhsm_proxy_port logger.debug("RHSM Proxy: %s", proxy) logger.debug("Found Satellite Server Host: %s, Port: %s", rhsm_hostname, rhsm_hostport) rhsm_ca = rhsm_config.get('rhsm', 'repo_ca_cert') logger.debug("Found CA: %s", rhsm_ca) logger.debug("Setting authmethod to CERT") config.set(APP_NAME, 'authmethod', 'CERT') # Directly connected to Red Hat, use cert auth directly with the api if rhsm_hostname == 'subscription.rhn.redhat.com': logger.debug("Connected to RH Directly, using cert-api") rhsm_hostname = 'cert-api.access.redhat.com' rhsm_ca = None else: # Set the host path # 'rhsm_hostname' should really be named ~ 'rhsm_host_base_url' rhsm_hostname = rhsm_hostname + ':' + rhsm_hostport + '/redhat_access' logger.debug("Trying to set auto_configuration") set_auto_configuration(config, rhsm_hostname, rhsm_ca, proxy) return True except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) logger.debug('System is NOT subscription-manager registered') return False def _try_satellite5_configuration(config): """ Attempt to determine Satellite 5 Configuration """ logger.debug("Trying Satellite 5 auto_config") rhn_config = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date' if os.path.isfile(rhn_config): logger.debug("Found Satellite 5 Config") rhn_conf_file = file(rhn_config, 'r') hostname = None for line in rhn_conf_file: if line.startswith('serverURL='): from urlparse import urlparse url = urlparse(line.split('=')[1]) hostname = url.netloc + '/redhat_access' logger.debug("Found hostname %s", hostname) if line.startswith('sslCACert='): rhn_ca = line.strip().split('=')[1] # Auto discover proxy stuff if line.startswith('enableProxy='): proxy_enabled = line.strip().split('=')[1] if line.startswith('httpProxy='): proxy_host_port = line.strip().split('=')[1] if line.startswith('proxyUser='): proxy_user = line.strip().split('=')[1] if line.startswith('proxyPassword='): proxy_password = line.strip().split('=')[1] if hostname: proxy = None if proxy_enabled == "1": proxy = "http://" if proxy_user != "" and proxy_password != "": logger.debug("Found user and password for rhn_proxy") proxy = proxy + proxy_user + ':' + proxy_password proxy = proxy + "@" + proxy_host_port else: proxy = proxy + proxy_host_port logger.debug("RHN Proxy: %s", proxy) set_auto_configuration(config, hostname, rhn_ca, proxy) else: logger.debug("Could not find hostname") return False return True else: logger.debug("Could not find rhn config") return False def try_auto_configuration(config): """ Try to auto-configure if we are attached to a sat5/6 """ if not _try_satellite6_configuration(config): _try_satellite5_configuration(config)