Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from optparse import Option from redhat_support_lib.infrastructure.errors import RequestError, \ ConnectionError from redhat_support_tool.helpers.confighelper import EmptyValueError, _ from redhat_support_tool.helpers.launchhelper import LaunchHelper from redhat_support_tool.helpers.constants import Constants from redhat_support_tool.helpers.genericinteractiveprompt import GenericPrompt from redhat_support_tool.plugins import Plugin from redhat_support_tool.plugins.add_attachment import AddAttachment import os import redhat_support_tool.helpers.apihelper as apihelper import redhat_support_tool.helpers.common as common import redhat_support_tool.helpers.recommendationprompter as \ recommendationprompter import subprocess as sub import logging import sys __author__ = 'Spenser Shumaker <sshumake@redhat.com>' logger = logging.getLogger("redhat_support_tool.plugins.add_case") class OpenCase(Plugin): plugin_name = 'opencase' comment = None attachment = None _productsAry = None _caseNumber = None @classmethod def get_usage(cls): ''' The usage statement that will be printed by OptionParser. Example: - %prog -c CASENUMBER [options] <comment text here> Important: %prog is a OptionParser built-in. Use it! ''' return _('%prog -s SUMMARY -p PRODUCT -v VERSION -d DESCRIPTION ' '[options]') @classmethod def get_desc(cls): ''' The description statement that will be printed by OptionParser. Example: - 'Use the \'%s\' command to add a comment to a case.'\ % cls.plugin_name ''' return _('Use the \'%s\' command to open a new support case.')\ % cls.plugin_name @classmethod def get_epilog(cls): ''' The epilog string that will be printed by OptionParser. Usually used to print an example of how to use the program. Example: Examples: - %s -c 12345678 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing - %s -c 12345678 ''' return _("""Examples: - %s -s Summary -p Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization -v 3.0 -d description """) % (cls.plugin_name) @classmethod def get_options(cls): ''' Subclasses that need command line options should override this method and return an array of optparse.Option(s) to be used by the OptionParser. Example: return [Option("-f", "--file", action="store", dest="filename", help='Some file'), Option("-c", "--case", action="store", dest="casenumber", help='A case')] Would produce the following: Command (? for help): help mycommand Usage: mycommand [options] Use the 'mycommand' command to find a knowledge base solution by ID Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f, --file Some file -c, --case A case Example: - mycommand -c 12345 -f abc.txt ''' return [Option('-p', '--product', dest='product', help=_('The product the case will be opened against. ' '(required)'), default=None), Option('-v', '--version', dest='version', help=_('The version of the product the case ' 'will be opened against. (required)'), default=None), Option('-s', '--summary', dest='summary', help=_('A summary for the case (required)'), default=None), Option('-d', '--description', dest='description', help=_('A description for the case. (required)'), default=None), Option('-S', '--severity', dest='severity', help=_('The severity of the case. (optional)'), default=None), Option('-a', '--attachment', dest='attachment', help=_('Add an attachment to the newly opened case. ' '(optional)'), default=None), Option('-g', '--casegroup', dest='casegroup', help=_('Add this case to the designated case group. ' '(optional)'), default=None)] def _check_product(self): msg = _("ERROR: %s requires a product.")\ % self.plugin_name self._productsAry = None beenVerified = False if not self._options['product']: if common.is_interactive(): self._productsAry = common.get_products() common.print_products(self._productsAry) while True: line = raw_input(_('Please select a product (or \'q\' ' 'to exit): ')) if str(line).strip() == 'q': raise Exception() try: line = int(line) # pylint: disable=W0702 except: print _("ERROR: Invalid product selection.") continue if line in range(1, len(self._productsAry) + 1) and \ line != '': self._options['product'] = self._productsAry[line - 1]\ .get_name() beenVerified = True break else: print _("ERROR: Invalid product selection.") else: print msg raise Exception(msg) else: # User supplied a product self._productsAry = common.get_products() if not beenVerified: inArray = False for product in self._productsAry: if product.get_name().lower() == self._options['product'].\ lower(): inArray = True self._options['product'] = product.get_name() break if not inArray: msg = _("ERROR: Invalid product provided.") print msg raise Exception(msg) def _check_version(self): msg = _("ERROR: %s requires a version.") \ % self.plugin_name beenVerified = False versions = None for product in self._productsAry: if self._options['product'] == product.get_name(): versions = product.get_versions() break if not self._options['version']: if common.is_interactive(): common.print_versions(versions) while True: line = raw_input(_('Please select a version (or \'q\' ' 'to exit): ')) if str(line).strip() == 'q': raise Exception() try: line = int(line) # pylint: disable=W0702 except: print _("ERROR: Invalid version selection.") continue if line in range(1, len(versions) + 1) and line != '': self._options['version'] = versions[line - 1] beenVerified = True break else: print _("ERROR: Invalid version selection.") else: print msg raise Exception(msg) if not beenVerified: inArray = False for version in versions: if version.lower() == self._options['version'].lower(): inArray = True self._options['version'] = version break if not inArray: msg = _("ERROR: Invalid version provided.") print msg raise Exception(msg) def _check_summary(self): msg = _("ERROR: %s requires a summary.")\ % self.plugin_name if not self._options['summary']: if common.is_interactive(): while True: line = raw_input(_('Please enter a summary (or \'q\' ' 'to exit): ')) try: line = str(line).strip() # pylint: disable=W0702 except: print _("ERROR: Invalid summary selection.") if str(line).strip() == 'q': raise Exception() if(line == ''): print _("ERROR: Invalid summary selection.") else: self._options['summary'] = line break else: print msg raise Exception(msg) def _check_description(self): msg = _("ERROR: %s requires a description.")\ % self.plugin_name if not self._options['description']: if common.is_interactive(): while True: userinput = [] try: print _('Please enter a description (Ctrl-D on an' ' empty line when complete):') while True: userinput.append(raw_input()) except EOFError: # User pressed Ctrl-d description = str('\n'.join(userinput)).strip() if description == '': print _("ERROR: Invalid description.") else: self._options['description'] = description.decode( 'utf_8') break else: print msg raise Exception(msg) def _check_severity(self): msg = _("ERROR: Invalid severity selection") if not self._options['severity']: if common.is_interactive(): severitiesAry = common.get_severities() common.print_severities(severitiesAry) while True: line = raw_input(_('Please select a severity (or \'q\' ' 'to exit): ')) if str(line).strip() == 'q': raise Exception() try: line = int(line) # pylint: disable=W0702 except: print _("ERROR: Invalid severity selection.") if line in range(1, len(severitiesAry) + 1) and line != '': self._options['severity'] = severitiesAry[line - 1] break else: print _("ERROR: Invalid severity selection.") else: match = False for severity in common.get_severities(): if self._options['severity'].lower() in severity.lower(): match = True self._options['severity'] = severity break if(not match): msg = _("ERROR: Invalid severity specified.") print msg def _check_case_group(self): msg = _("ERROR: Invalid case group selection") if not self._options['casegroup']: if common.is_interactive(): line = raw_input(_('Would you like to assign a case' ' group to this case (y/N)? ')) if str(line).strip().lower() == 'y': groupsAry = common.get_groups() common.print_groups(groupsAry) while True: line = raw_input(_('Please select a severity (or \'q\' ' 'to exit): ')) if str(line).strip() == 'q': raise Exception() try: line = int(line) # pylint: disable=W0702 except: print _("ERROR: Invalid severity selection.") if line in range(1, len(groupsAry) + 1) and line != '': self._options['casegroup'] = groupsAry[line - 1] self._options['casegroupnumber'] = \ groupsAry[line - 1].get_number() logger.log(logging.INFO, 'Casegroup(%s) casegroupnumber(%s)' % ( self._options['casegroup'].get_name(), self._options['casegroupnumber'])) break else: print _("ERROR: Invalid case group selection.") else: match = False for group in common.get_groups(): if self._options['casegroup'].lower() in \ group.get_name().lower(): match = True self._options['casegroup'] = group.get_name() self._options['casegroupnumber'] = group.get_number() logger.log(logging.INFO, 'Casegroup(%s) casegroupnumber(%s)' % ( self._options['casegroup'], self._options['casegroupnumber'])) break if(not match): msg = _("ERROR: Invalid case group specified.") print msg def validate_args(self): self._check_product() self._check_version() self._check_summary() self._check_description() self._check_severity() self._check_case_group() def non_interactive_action(self): api = None try: api = apihelper.get_api() case = api.im.makeCase() case.summary = self._options['summary'] case.product = self._options['product'] case.version = self._options['version'] case.description = self._options['description'] case.severity = self._options['severity'] if self._options['casegroup']: case.folderNumber = self._options['casegroupnumber'] if common.is_interactive(): line = raw_input(_('Would see if there is a solution to this ' 'problem before opening a support case? (y/N) ')) line = str(line).strip().lower() if line == 'y': recommendations = api.problems.diagnoseCase(case) recprompt, recdoc = \ recommendationprompter.generate_metadata( recommendations) lh = LaunchHelper(GenericPrompt) lh.run('', recprompt, prompt=_(\ 'Selection (q returns to case creation menu): ')) line = raw_input(\ _('Would you still like to open the support' ' case? (Y/n) ')) if line.lower() == 'n': print _('Thank you for using Red Hat Access') return cs = api.cases.add(case) if cs.get_caseNumber() is None: msg = _("ERROR: There was a problem creating your case.") print msg raise Exception(msg) self._caseNumber = cs.get_caseNumber() print '%s%s%s' % (Constants.BOLD, str('-' * Constants.MAX_RULE), Constants.END) msg = _("Support case %s has successfully been opened.\n") % \ self._caseNumber print msg logger.log(logging.INFO, msg) # Attach a file if self._options['attachment']: lh = LaunchHelper(AddAttachment) lh.run('-c %s -d \'[RHST] File %s \' %s' % ( self._caseNumber, os.path.basename(self._options['attachment']), self._options['attachment'])) elif (os.geteuid() == 0): sys.stdout.write(_( 'Would you like Red Hat Support Tool to automatically generate and\n' 'attach a SoS report to %s now? (y/N) ') % (self._caseNumber)) line = raw_input() line = str(line).strip() if line == 'y': # retval = os.system('sosreport') p = sub.Popen(['sosreport', '--batch'], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.STDOUT) output = p.communicate()[0].split('\n') for out in output: if '.tar.' in out: path = str(out).strip() lh = LaunchHelper(AddAttachment) lh.run('-c %s %s' % (self._caseNumber, path)) break else: print _( 'Please attach a SoS report to support case %s. Create a SoS report as\n' 'the root user and execute the following command to attach the SoS report\n' 'directly to the case:\n' ' redhat-support-tool addattachment -c %s <path to sosreport>\n') % \ (self._caseNumber, self._caseNumber) if not self._options['attachment']: line = raw_input(_('Would you like to attach a file to %s ' 'at this time? (y/N) ') % self._caseNumber) line = str(line).strip() if line == 'y': lh = LaunchHelper(AddAttachment) lh.run('-c %s' % (self._caseNumber)) except EmptyValueError, eve: msg = _('ERROR: %s') % str(eve) print msg logger.log(logging.WARNING, msg) raise except RequestError, re: msg = _('Unable to connect to support services API. ' 'Reason: %s') % re.reason print msg logger.log(logging.WARNING, msg) raise except ConnectionError: msg = _('Problem connecting to the support services ' 'API. Is the service accessible from this host?') print msg logger.log(logging.WARNING, msg) raise except Exception: msg = _("Unable to create case.") print msg logger.log(logging.WARNING, msg) raise