Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
package FFI::CheckLib; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Carp qw( croak carp ); use base qw( Exporter ); our @EXPORT = qw( find_lib assert_lib check_lib check_lib_or_exit find_lib_or_exit find_lib_or_die ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( which where has_symbols ); # ABSTRACT: Check that a library is available for FFI our $VERSION = '0.25'; # VERSION our $system_path = []; our $os ||= $^O; my $try_ld_on_text = 0; if($os eq 'MSWin32' || $os eq 'msys') { $system_path = eval { require Env; Env->import('@PATH'); \our @PATH; }; die $@ if $@; } else { $system_path = eval { require DynaLoader; \@DynaLoader::dl_library_path; }; die $@ if $@; } our $pattern = [ qr{^lib(.*?)\.so(?:\.([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*))?$} ]; our $version_split = qr/\./; if($os eq 'cygwin') { push @$pattern, qr{^cyg(.*?)(?:-([0-9])+)?\.dll$}; } elsif($os eq 'msys') { # doesn't seem as though msys uses psudo libfoo.so files # in the way that cygwin sometimes does. we can revisit # this if we find otherwise. $pattern = [ qr{^msys-(.*?)(?:-([0-9])+)?\.dll$} ]; } elsif($os eq 'MSWin32') { # handle cases like libgeos-3-7-0___.dll and libgtk-2.0-0.dll $pattern = [ qr{^(?:lib)?(\w+?)(?:-([0-9-\.]+))?_*\.dll$}i ]; $version_split = qr/\-/; } elsif($os eq 'darwin') { push @$pattern, qr{^lib(.*?)(?:\.([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*))?\.(?:dylib|bundle)$}; } elsif($os eq 'linux') { if(-e '/etc/redhat-release' && -x '/usr/bin/ld') { $try_ld_on_text = 1; } } sub _matches { my($filename, $path) = @_; foreach my $regex (@$pattern) { return [ $1, # 0 capture group 1 library name File::Spec->catfile($path, $filename), # 1 full path to library defined $2 ? (split $version_split, $2) : (), # 2... capture group 2 library version ] if $filename =~ $regex; } return (); } sub _cmp { my($A,$B) = @_; return $A->[0] cmp $B->[0] if $A->[0] ne $B->[0]; my $i=2; while(1) { return 0 if !defined($A->[$i]) && !defined($B->[$i]); return -1 if !defined $A->[$i]; return 1 if !defined $B->[$i]; return $B->[$i] <=> $A->[$i] if $A->[$i] != $B->[$i]; $i++; } } my $diagnostic; sub _is_binary { -B $_[0] } sub find_lib { my(%args) = @_; undef $diagnostic; croak "find_lib requires lib argument" unless defined $args{lib}; my $recursive = $args{_r} || $args{recursive} || 0; # make arguments be lists. foreach my $arg (qw( lib libpath symbol verify alien )) { next if ref $args{$arg} eq 'ARRAY'; if(defined $args{$arg}) { $args{$arg} = [ $args{$arg} ]; } else { $args{$arg} = []; } } if(defined $args{systempath} && !ref($args{systempath})) { $args{systempath} = [ $args{systempath} ]; } my @path = @{ $args{libpath} }; @path = map { _recurse($_) } @path if $recursive; push @path, grep { defined } defined $args{systempath} ? @{ $args{systempath} } : @$system_path; my $any = 1 if grep { $_ eq '*' } @{ $args{lib} }; my %missing = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $args{lib} }; my %symbols = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $args{symbol} }; my @found; delete $missing{'*'}; foreach my $alien (@{ $args{alien} }) { unless(eval { $alien->can('dynamic_libs') }) { if($alien =~ /^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)(::[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)*$/) { require Module::Load; Module::Load::load($alien); unless(eval { $alien->can('dynamic_libs') }) { croak "Alien $alien doesn't provide a dynamic_libs method"; } } else { croak "Doesn't appear to be a valid Alien name $alien"; } } push @path, [$alien->dynamic_libs]; } foreach my $path (@path) { next if ref $path ne 'ARRAY' && ! -d $path; my @maybe = # make determinist based on names and versions sort { _cmp($a,$b) } # Filter out the items that do not match the name that we are looking for # Filter out any broken symbolic links grep { ($any || $missing{$_->[0]} ) && (-e $_->[1]) } ref $path eq 'ARRAY' ? do { map { my($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($_); _matches($f, File::Spec->catpath($v,$d)); } @$path; } : do { my $dh; opendir $dh, $path; # get [ name, full_path ] mapping, # each entry is a 2 element list ref map { _matches($_,$path) } readdir $dh; }; if($try_ld_on_text && $args{try_linker_script}) { # This is tested in t/ci.t only @maybe = map { -B $_->[1] ? $_ : do { my($name, $so) = @$_; my $output = `/usr/bin/ld -t $so -o /dev/null -shared`; $output =~ /\((.*?lib.*\.so.*?)\)/ ? [$name, $1] : die "unable to parse ld output"; } } @maybe; } midloop: foreach my $lib (@maybe) { next unless $any || $missing{$lib->[0]}; foreach my $verify (@{ $args{verify} }) { next midloop unless $verify->(@$lib); } delete $missing{$lib->[0]}; if(%symbols) { require DynaLoader; my $dll = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($lib->[1],0); foreach my $symbol (keys %symbols) { if(DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($dll, $symbol) ? 1 : 0) { delete $symbols{$symbol} } } DynaLoader::dl_unload_file($dll); } my $found = $lib->[1]; unless($any) { while(-l $found) { require File::Basename; my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($found); $found = File::Spec->rel2abs( readlink($found), $dir ); } } push @found, $found; } } if(%missing) { my @missing = sort keys %missing; if(@missing > 1) { $diagnostic = "libraries not found: @missing" } else { $diagnostic = "library not found: @missing" } } elsif(%symbols) { my @missing = sort keys %symbols; if(@missing > 1) { $diagnostic = "symbols not found: @missing" } else { $diagnostic = "symbol not found: @missing" } } return if %symbols; return $found[0] unless wantarray; return @found; } sub _recurse { my($dir) = @_; return unless -d $dir; my $dh; opendir $dh, $dir; my @list = grep { -d $_ } map { File::Spec->catdir($dir, $_) } grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir $dh; closedir $dh; ($dir, map { _recurse($_) } @list); } sub assert_lib { croak $diagnostic || 'library not found' unless check_lib(@_); } sub check_lib_or_exit { unless(check_lib(@_)) { carp $diagnostic || 'library not found'; exit; } } sub find_lib_or_exit { my(@libs) = find_lib(@_); unless(@libs) { carp $diagnostic || 'library not found'; exit; } return unless @libs; wantarray ? @libs : $libs[0]; } sub find_lib_or_die { my(@libs) = find_lib(@_); unless(@libs) { croak $diagnostic || 'library not found'; } return unless @libs; wantarray ? @libs : $libs[0]; } sub check_lib { find_lib(@_) ? 1 : 0; } sub which { my($name) = @_; croak("cannot which *") if $name eq '*'; scalar find_lib( lib => $name ); } sub where { my($name) = @_; $name eq '*' ? find_lib(lib => '*') : find_lib(lib => '*', verify => sub { $_[0] eq $name }); } sub has_symbols { my($path, @symbols) = @_; require DynaLoader; my $dll = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($path, 0); my $ok = 1; foreach my $symbol (@symbols) { unless(DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($dll, $symbol)) { $ok = 0; last; } } DynaLoader::dl_unload_file($dll); $ok; } sub system_path { $system_path; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME FFI::CheckLib - Check that a library is available for FFI =head1 VERSION version 0.25 =head1 SYNOPSIS use FFI::CheckLib; check_lib_or_exit( lib => 'jpeg', symbol => 'jinit_memory_mgr' ); check_lib_or_exit( lib => [ 'iconv', 'jpeg' ] ); # or prompt for path to library and then: print "where to find jpeg library: "; my $path = <STDIN>; check_lib_or_exit( lib => 'jpeg', libpath => $path ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module checks whether a particular dynamic library is available for FFI to use. It is modeled heavily on L<Devel::CheckLib>, but will find dynamic libraries even when development packages are not installed. It also provides a L<find_lib|FFI::CheckLib#find_lib> function that will return the full path to the found dynamic library, which can be feed directly into L<FFI::Platypus> or another FFI system. Although intended mainly for FFI modules via L<FFI::Platypus> and similar, this module does not actually use any FFI to do its detection and probing. This module does not have any non-core runtime dependencies. The test suite does depend on L<Test2::Suite>. =head1 FUNCTIONS All of these take the same named parameters and are exported by default. =head2 find_lib my(@libs) = find_lib(%args); This will return a list of dynamic libraries, or empty list if none were found. [version 0.05] If called in scalar context it will return the first library found. Arguments are key value pairs with these keys: =over 4 =item lib Must be either a string with the name of a single library or a reference to an array of strings of library names. Depending on your platform, C<CheckLib> will prepend C<lib> or append C<.dll> or C<.so> when searching. [version 0.11] As a special case, if C<*> is specified then any libs found will match. =item libpath A string or array of additional paths to search for libraries. =item systempath [version 0.11] A string or array of system paths to search for instead of letting L<FFI::CheckLib> determine the system path. You can set this to C<[]> in order to not search I<any> system paths. =item symbol A string or a list of symbol names that must be found. =item verify A code reference used to verify a library really is the one that you want. It should take two arguments, which is the name of the library and the full path to the library pathname. It should return true if it is acceptable, and false otherwise. You can use this in conjunction with L<FFI::Platypus> to determine if it is going to meet your needs. Example: use FFI::CheckLib; use FFI::Platypus; my($lib) = find_lib( lib => 'foo', verify => sub { my($name, $libpath) = @_; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new; $ffi->lib($libpath); my $f = $ffi->function('foo_version', [] => 'int'); return $f->call() >= 500; # we accept version 500 or better }, ); =item recursive [version 0.11] Recursively search for libraries in any non-system paths (those provided via C<libpath> above). =item try_linker_script [version 0.24] Some vendors provide C<.so> files that are linker scripts that point to the real binary shared library. These linker scripts can be used by gcc or clang, but are not directly usable by L<FFI::Platypus> and friends. On select platforms, this options will use the linker command (C<ld>) to attempt to resolve the real C<.so> for non-binary files. Since there is extra overhead this is off by default. An example is libyaml on Red Hat based Linux distributions. On Debian these are handled with symlinks and no trickery is required. =item alien [version 0.25] If no libraries can be found, try the given aliens instead. The Alien classes specified must provide the L<Alien::Base> interface for dynamic libraries, which is to say they should provide a method called C<dynamic_libs> that returns a list of dynamic libraries. =back =head2 assert_lib assert_lib(%args); This behaves exactly the same as L<find_lib|FFI::CheckLib#find_lib>, except that instead of returning empty list of failure it throws an exception. =head2 check_lib_or_exit check_lib_or_exit(%args); This behaves exactly the same as L<assert_lib|FFI::CheckLib#assert_lib>, except that instead of dying, it warns (with exactly the same error message) and exists. This is intended for use in C<Makefile.PL> or C<Build.PL> =head2 find_lib_or_exit [version 0.05] my(@libs) = find_lib_or_exit(%args); This behaves exactly the same as L<find_lib|FFI::CheckLib#find_lib>, except that if the library is not found, it will call exit with an appropriate diagnostic. =head2 find_lib_or_die [version 0.06] my(@libs) = find_lib_or_die(%args); This behaves exactly the same as L<find_lib|FFI::CheckLib#find_lib>, except that if the library is not found, it will die with an appropriate diagnostic. =head2 check_lib my $bool = check_lib(%args); This behaves exactly the same as L<find_lib|FFI::CheckLib#find_lib>, except that it returns true (1) on finding the appropriate libraries or false (0) otherwise. =head2 which [version 0.17] my $path = where($name); Return the path to the first library that matches the given name. Not exported by default. =head2 where [version 0.17] my @paths = where($name); Return the paths to all the libraries that match the given name. Not exported by default. =head2 has_symbols [version 0.17] my $bool = has_symbols($path, @symbol_names); Returns true if I<all> of the symbols can be found in the dynamic library located at the given path. Can be useful in conjunction with C<verify> with C<find_lib> above. Not exported by default. =head2 system_path [version 0.20] my $path = FFI::CheckLib::system_path; Returns the system path as a list reference. On some systems, this is C<PATH> on others it might be C<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> on still others it could be something completely different. So although you I<may> add items to this list, you should probably do some careful consideration before you do so. This function is not exportable, even on request. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L<FFI::Platypus> Call library functions dynamically without a compiler. =item L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FFI::CheckLib> L<Dist::Zilla> plugin for this module. =back =head1 AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis E<lt>plicease@cpan.orgE<gt> Contributors: Bakkiaraj Murugesan (bakkiaraj) Dan Book (grinnz, DBOOK) Ilya Pavlov (Ilya, ILUX) Shawn Laffan (SLAFFAN) Petr Pisar (ppisar) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014-2018 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut