Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
package File::ShareDir::Install; # git description: v0.12-6-g29a6ff7 # ABSTRACT: Install shared files use strict; use warnings; use Carp (); use File::Spec; use IO::Dir; our $VERSION = '0.13'; our @DIRS; our %ALREADY; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw( Exporter ); our @EXPORT = qw( install_share delete_share ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( postamble install_share delete_share ); our $INCLUDE_DOTFILES = 0; our $INCLUDE_DOTDIRS = 0; ##################################################################### sub install_share { my $dir = @_ ? pop : 'share'; my $type = @_ ? shift : 'dist'; unless ( defined $type and ( $type =~ /^(module|dist)$/ ) ) { Carp::confess "Illegal or invalid share dir type '$type'"; } if( $type eq 'dist' and @_ ) { Carp::confess "Too many parameters to install_share"; } my $def = _mk_def( $type ); _add_module( $def, $_[0] ); _add_dir( $def, $dir ); } ##################################################################### sub delete_share { my $dir = @_ ? pop : ''; my $type = @_ ? shift : 'dist'; unless ( defined $type and ( $type =~ /^(module|dist)$/ ) ) { Carp::confess "Illegal or invalid share dir type '$type'"; } if( $type eq 'dist' and @_ ) { Carp::confess "Too many parameters to delete_share"; } my $def = _mk_def( "delete-$type" ); _add_module( $def, $_[0] ); _add_dir( $def, $dir ); } # # Build a task definition sub _mk_def { my( $type ) = @_; return { type=>$type, dotfiles => $INCLUDE_DOTFILES, dotdirs => $INCLUDE_DOTDIRS }; } # # Add the module to a task definition sub _add_module { my( $def, $class ) = @_; if( $def->{type} =~ /module$/ ) { my $module = _CLASS( $class ); unless ( defined $module ) { Carp::confess "Missing or invalid module name '$_[0]'"; } $def->{module} = $module; } } # # Add directories to a task definition # Save the definition sub _add_dir { my( $def, $dir ) = @_; $dir = [ $dir ] unless ref $dir; my $del = 0; $del = 1 if $def->{type} =~ /^delete-/; foreach my $d ( @$dir ) { unless ( $del or (defined $d and -d $d) ) { Carp::confess "Illegal or missing directory '$d'"; } if( not $del and $ALREADY{ $d }++ ) { Carp::confess "Directory '$d' is already being installed"; } push @DIRS, { %$def }; $DIRS[-1]{dir} = $d; } } ##################################################################### # Build the postamble section sub postamble { my $self = shift; my @ret; # = $self->SUPER::postamble( @_ ); foreach my $def ( @DIRS ) { push @ret, __postamble_share_dir( $self, $def ); } return join "\n", @ret; } ##################################################################### sub __postamble_share_dir { my( $self, $def ) = @_; my $dir = $def->{dir}; my( $idir ); if( $def->{type} eq 'delete-dist' ) { $idir = File::Spec->catdir( _dist_dir(), $dir ); } elsif( $def->{type} eq 'delete-module' ) { $idir = File::Spec->catdir( _module_dir( $def ), $dir ); } elsif ( $def->{type} eq 'dist' ) { $idir = _dist_dir(); } else { # delete-share and share $idir = _module_dir( $def ); } my @cmds; if( $def->{type} =~ /^delete-/ ) { @cmds = "\$(RM_RF) $idir"; } else { my $autodir = '$(INST_LIB)'; my $pm_to_blib = $self->oneliner(<<CODE, ['-MExtUtils::Install']); pm_to_blib({\@ARGV}, '$autodir') CODE my $files = {}; _scan_share_dir( $files, $idir, $dir, $def ); @cmds = $self->split_command( $pm_to_blib, map { ($self->quote_literal($_) => $self->quote_literal($files->{$_})) } sort keys %$files ); } my $r = join '', map { "\t\$(NOECHO) $_\n" } @cmds; # use Data::Dumper; # die Dumper $files; # Set up the install return "config::\n$r"; } # Get the per-dist install directory. # We depend on the Makefile for most of the info sub _dist_dir { return File::Spec->catdir( '$(INST_LIB)', qw( auto share dist ), '$(DISTNAME)' ); } # Get the per-module install directory # We depend on the Makefile for most of the info sub _module_dir { my( $def ) = @_; my $module = $def->{module}; $module =~ s/::/-/g; return File::Spec->catdir( '$(INST_LIB)', qw( auto share module ), $module ); } sub _scan_share_dir { my( $files, $idir, $dir, $def ) = @_; my $dh = IO::Dir->new( $dir ) or die "Unable to read $dir: $!"; my $entry; while( defined( $entry = $dh->read ) ) { next if $entry =~ /(~|,v|#)$/; my $full = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $entry ); if( -f $full ) { next if not $def->{dotfiles} and $entry =~ /^\./; $files->{ $full } = File::Spec->catfile( $idir, $entry ); } elsif( -d $full ) { if( $def->{dotdirs} ) { next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..' or $entry =~ /^\.(svn|git|cvs)$/; } else { next if $entry =~ /^\./; } _scan_share_dir( $files, File::Spec->catdir( $idir, $entry ), $full, $def ); } } } ##################################################################### # Cloned from Params::Util::_CLASS sub _CLASS ($) { ( defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*$/s ) ? $_[0] : undef; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME File::ShareDir::Install - Install shared files =head1 VERSION version 0.13 =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use File::ShareDir::Install; install_share 'share'; install_share dist => 'dist-share'; install_share module => 'My::Module' => 'other-share'; WriteMakefile( ... ); # As you normally would package MY; use File::ShareDir::Install qw(postamble); =head1 DESCRIPTION File::ShareDir::Install allows you to install read-only data files from a distribution. It is a companion module to L<File::ShareDir>, which allows you to locate these files after installation. It is a port of L<Module::Install::Share> to L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> with the improvement of only installing the files you want; C<.svn>, C<.git> and other source-control junk will be ignored. Please note that this module installs read-only data files; empty directories will be ignored. =head1 EXPORT =head2 install_share install_share $dir; install_share dist => $dir; install_share module => $module, $dir; Causes all the files in C<$dir> and its sub-directories to be installed into a per-dist or per-module share directory. Must be called before L<WriteMakefile>. The first 2 forms are equivalent; the files are installed in a per-distribution directory. For example C</usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/auto/share/dist/My-Dist>. The name of that directory can be recovered with L<File::ShareDir/dist_dir>. The last form installs files in a per-module directory. For example C</usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/auto/share/module/My-Dist-Package>. The name of that directory can be recovered with L<File::ShareDir/module_dir>. The parameter C<$dir> may be an array of directories. The files will be installed when you run C<make install>. However, the list of files to install is generated when Makefile.PL is run. Note that if you make multiple calls to C<install_share> on different directories that contain the same filenames, the last of these calls takes precedence. In other words, if you do: install_share 'share1'; install_share 'share2'; And both C<share1> and C<share2> contain a file called C<info.txt>, the file C<share2/info.txt> will be installed into your C<dist_dir()>. =head2 delete_share delete_share $list; delete_share dist => $list; delete_share module => $module, $list; Remove previously installed files or directories. Unlike L</install_share>, the last parameter is a list of files or directories that were previously installed. These files and directories will be deleted when you run C<make install>. The parameter C<$list> may be an array of files or directories. Deletion happens in-order along with installation. This means that you may delete all previously installed files by putting the following at the top of your Makefile.PL. delete_share '.'; You can also selectively remove some files from installation. install_share 'some-dir'; if( ... ) { delete_share 'not-this-file.rc'; } =head2 postamble This function must be exported into the MY package. You will normally do this with the following. package MY; use File::ShareDir::Install qw( postamble ); If you need to overload postamble, use the following. package MY; use File::ShareDir::Install; sub postamble { my $self = shift; my @ret = File::ShareDir::Install::postamble( $self ); # ... add more things to @ret; return join "\n", @ret; } =head1 CONFIGURATION Two variables control the handling of dot-files and dot-directories. A dot-file has a filename that starts with a period (.). For example C<.htaccess>. A dot-directory is a directory that starts with a period (.). For example C<.config/>. Not all filesystems support the use of dot-files. =head2 $INCLUDE_DOTFILES If set to a true value, dot-files will be copied. Default is false. =head2 $INCLUDE_DOTDIRS If set to a true value, the files inside dot-directories will be copied. Known version control directories are still ignored. Default is false. =head2 Note These variables only influence subsequent calls to C<install_share()>. This allows you to control the behaviour for each directory. For example: $INCLUDE_DOTDIRS = 1; install_share 'share1'; $INCLUDE_DOTFILES = 1; $INCLUDE_DOTDIRS = 0; install_share 'share2'; The directory C<share1> will have files in its dot-directories installed, but not dot-files. The directory C<share2> will have files in its dot-files installed, but dot-directories will be ignored. =head1 SEE ALSO L<File::ShareDir>, L<Module::Install>. =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=File-ShareDir-Install> (or L<bug-File-ShareDir-Install@rt.cpan.org|mailto:bug-File-ShareDir-Install@rt.cpan.org>). =head1 AUTHOR Philip Gwyn <gwyn@cpan.org> =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Karen Etheridge Shoichi Kaji =over 4 =item * Karen Etheridge <ether@cpan.org> =item * Shoichi Kaji <skaji@cpan.org> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Philip Gwyn. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut