Create File
Create Folder
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<?php use Twig\Environment; use Twig\Error\LoaderError; use Twig\Error\RuntimeError; use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension; use Twig\Markup; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError; use Twig\Source; use Twig\Template; /* table/index_form.twig */ class __TwigTemplate_32ecf221300612a79b5ae2ee9d4b6839 extends Template { private $source; private $macros = []; public function __construct(Environment $env) { parent::__construct($env); $this->source = $this->getSourceContext(); $this->parent = false; $this->blocks = [ ]; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; // line 1 echo "<form action=\""; echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute("/table/indexes"); echo "\" method=\"post\" name=\"index_frm\" id=\"index_frm\" class=\"ajax\"> "; // line 7 echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["form_params"] ?? null)); echo " "; // line 8 if (($context["is_from_nav"] ?? null)) { // line 9 echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_save_data\" value=\"1\"> "; } // line 11 echo " <fieldset class=\"pma-fieldset\" id=\"index_edit_fields\"> <div class=\"index_info\"> <div> <div class=\"label\"> <strong> <label for=\"input_index_name\"> "; echo _gettext("Index name:"); // line 19 echo " "; echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator::showHint(_gettext("\"PRIMARY\" <b>must</b> be the name of and <b>only of</b> a primary key!")); echo " </label> </strong> </div> <input type=\"text\" name=\"index[Key_name]\" id=\"input_index_name\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"64\" value=\""; // line 29 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 29), "html", null, true); echo "\" onfocus=\"this.select()\"> </div> <div> <div class=\"label\"> <strong> <label for=\"select_index_choice\"> "; echo _gettext("Index choice:"); // line 38 echo " "; echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::show("ALTER_TABLE"); echo " </label> </strong> </div> <select name=\"index[Index_choice]\" id=\"select_index_choice\""; // line 43 echo ((($context["create_edit_table"] ?? null)) ? (" disabled") : ("")); echo "> "; // line 44 if (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 44) == "PRIMARY") || !twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "hasPrimary", [], "method", false, false, false, 44))) { // line 45 echo " <option value=\"PRIMARY\""; echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 45) == "PRIMARY")) ? (" selected") : ("")); echo ">PRIMARY</option> "; } // line 47 echo " <option value=\"INDEX\""; echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 47) == "INDEX")) ? (" selected") : ("")); echo ">INDEX</option> <option value=\"UNIQUE\""; // line 48 echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 48) == "UNIQUE")) ? (" selected") : ("")); echo ">UNIQUE</option> <option value=\"SPATIAL\""; // line 49 echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 49) == "SPATIAL")) ? (" selected") : ("")); echo ">SPATIAL</option> <option value=\"FULLTEXT\""; // line 50 echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 50) == "FULLTEXT")) ? (" selected") : ("")); echo ">FULLTEXT</option> </select> </div> "; // line 54 if ((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) != "disabled")) { // line 55 echo " <div class=\"mb-3\"> <button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-secondary\" type=\"button\" data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\" data-bs-target=\"#advancedOptions\" aria-expanded=\""; // line 56 echo (((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) == "open")) ? ("true") : ("false")); echo "\" aria-controls=\"advancedOptions\"> "; echo _gettext("Advanced options"); // line 58 echo " </button> </div> <div class=\"collapse mb-3"; // line 60 echo (((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) == "open")) ? (" show") : ("")); echo "\" id=\"advancedOptions\"> "; } // line 62 echo " <div> <div class=\"label\"> <strong> <label for=\"input_key_block_size\"> "; echo _gettext("Key block size:"); // line 68 echo " </label> </strong> </div> <input type=\"text\" name=\"index[Key_block_size]\" id=\"input_key_block_size\" size=\"30\" value=\""; // line 76 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getKeyBlockSize", [], "method", false, false, false, 76), "html", null, true); echo "\"> </div> <div> <div class=\"label\"> <strong> <label for=\"select_index_type\"> "; echo _gettext("Index type:"); // line 85 echo " "; echo PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation::show("ALTER_TABLE"); echo " </label> </strong> </div> <select name=\"index[Index_type]\" id=\"select_index_type\"> "; // line 91 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable([0 => "", 1 => "BTREE", 2 => "HASH"]); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["index_type"]) { // line 92 echo " <option value=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["index_type"], "html", null, true); echo "\""; echo (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getType", [], "method", false, false, false, 92) == $context["index_type"])) ? (" selected") : ("")); echo ">"; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["index_type"], "html", null, true); echo "</option> "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['index_type'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 94 echo " </select> </div> <div> <div class=\"label\"> <strong> <label for=\"input_parser\"> "; echo _gettext("Parser:"); // line 102 echo " </label> </strong> </div> <input type=\"text\" name=\"index[Parser]\" id=\"input_parse\" size=\"30\" value=\""; // line 110 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getParser", [], "method", false, false, false, 110), "html", null, true); echo "\"> </div> <div> <div class=\"label\"> <strong> <label for=\"input_index_comment\"> "; echo _gettext("Comment:"); // line 118 echo " </label> </strong> </div> <input type=\"text\" name=\"index[Index_comment]\" id=\"input_index_comment\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"1024\" value=\""; // line 127 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getComment", [], "method", false, false, false, 127), "html", null, true); echo "\"> </div> "; // line 130 if ((($context["default_sliders_state"] ?? null) != "disabled")) { // line 131 echo " </div> "; } // line 133 echo " <div class=\"clearfloat\"></div> <table class=\"table align-middle\" id=\"index_columns\"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th> "; echo _gettext("Column"); // line 142 echo " </th> <th> "; echo _gettext("Size"); // line 145 echo " </th> </tr> </thead> "; // line 148 $context["spatial_types"] = [0 => "geometry", 1 => "point", 2 => "linestring", 3 => "polygon", 4 => "multipoint", 5 => "multilinestring", 6 => "multipolygon", 7 => "geomtrycollection"]; // line 158 echo " <tbody> "; // line 159 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getColumns", [], "method", false, false, false, 159)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["column"]) { // line 160 echo " <tr class=\"noclick\"> <td> <span class=\"drag_icon\" title=\""; echo _gettext("Drag to reorder"); // line 162 echo "\"></span> </td> <td> <select name=\"index[columns][names][]\"> <option value=\"\"> -- "; echo _gettext("Ignore"); // line 167 echo " -- </option> "; // line 169 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["fields"] ?? null)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["field_name"] => $context["field_type"]) { // line 170 echo " "; if ((((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 170) != "FULLTEXT") || twig_matches("/(char|text)/i", // line 171 $context["field_type"])) && ((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 172 ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 172) != "SPATIAL") || twig_in_filter( // line 173 $context["field_type"], ($context["spatial_types"] ?? null))))) { // line 174 echo " <option value=\""; // line 175 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["field_name"], "html", null, true); echo "\""; // line 176 if (($context["field_name"] == twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["column"], "getName", [], "method", false, false, false, 176))) { // line 177 echo " selected=\"selected\""; } // line 178 echo "> "; // line 179 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["field_name"], "html", null, true); echo " ["; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["field_type"], "html", null, true); echo "] </option> "; } // line 182 echo " "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['field_name'], $context['field_type'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 183 echo " </select> </td> <td> <input type=\"text\" size=\"5\" onfocus=\"this.select()\" name=\"index[columns][sub_parts][]\" value=\""; // line 191 (((twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 190 ($context["index"] ?? null), "getChoice", [], "method", false, false, false, 190) != "SPATIAL")) ? (print (twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, // line 191 $context["column"], "getSubPart", [], "method", false, false, false, 191), "html", null, true))) : (print (""))); echo "\"> </td> </tr> "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['column'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 195 echo " "; if ((($context["add_fields"] ?? null) > 0)) { // line 196 echo " "; $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, ($context["add_fields"] ?? null))); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) { // line 197 echo " <tr class=\"noclick\"> <td> <span class=\"drag_icon\" title=\""; echo _gettext("Drag to reorder"); // line 199 echo "\"></span> </td> <td> <select name=\"index[columns][names][]\"> <option value=\"\">-- "; echo _gettext("Ignore"); // line 203 echo " --</option> "; // line 204 $context["j"] = 0; // line 205 echo " "; $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["fields"] ?? null)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["field_name"] => $context["field_type"]) { // line 206 echo " "; if (($context["create_edit_table"] ?? null)) { // line 207 echo " "; $context["col_index"] = (($__internal_compile_0 = $context["field_type"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_0) || $__internal_compile_0 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_0[1] ?? null) : null); // line 208 echo " "; $context["field_type"] = (($__internal_compile_1 = $context["field_type"]) && is_array($__internal_compile_1) || $__internal_compile_1 instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_compile_1[0] ?? null) : null); // line 209 echo " "; } // line 210 echo " "; $context["j"] = (($context["j"] ?? null) + 1); // line 211 echo " <option value=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ((array_key_exists("col_index", $context)) ? ( // line 212 ($context["col_index"] ?? null)) : ($context["field_name"])), "html", null, true); echo "\""; // line 213 echo (((($context["j"] ?? null) == $context["i"])) ? (" selected=\"selected\"") : ("")); echo "> "; // line 214 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["field_name"], "html", null, true); echo " ["; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $context["field_type"], "html", null, true); echo "] </option> "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['field_name'], $context['field_type'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 217 echo " </select> </td> <td> <input type=\"text\" size=\"5\" onfocus=\"this.select()\" name=\"index[columns][sub_parts][]\" value=\"\"> </td> </tr> "; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 228 echo " "; } // line 229 echo " </tbody> </table> <div class=\"add_more\"> <div class=\"slider\"></div> <div class=\"add_fields hide\"> <input class=\"btn btn-secondary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"add_fields\" value=\""; // line 237 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_sprintf(_gettext("Add %s column(s) to index"), 1), "html", null, true); echo "\"> </div> </div> </div> </fieldset> "; // line 243 if ( !($context["create_edit_table"] ?? null)) { // line 244 echo "<fieldset class=\"pma-fieldset tblFooters\"> <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\">"; echo _gettext("Go"); // line 245 echo "</button> <button class=\"btn btn-secondary\" type=\"submit\" id=\"preview_index_frm\">"; echo _gettext("Preview SQL"); // line 246 echo "</button> </fieldset>"; } // line 249 echo "</form> "; // line 250 if (($context["is_from_nav"] ?? null)) { // line 251 echo " "; echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "modals/preview_sql_modal.twig"); echo " "; } } public function getTemplateName() { return "table/index_form.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 491 => 251, 489 => 250, 486 => 249, 482 => 246, 478 => 245, 474 => 244, 472 => 243, 464 => 237, 454 => 229, 451 => 228, 435 => 217, 424 => 214, 420 => 213, 417 => 212, 415 => 211, 412 => 210, 409 => 209, 406 => 208, 403 => 207, 400 => 206, 395 => 205, 393 => 204, 390 => 203, 383 => 199, 378 => 197, 373 => 196, 370 => 195, 360 => 191, 359 => 190, 358 => 191, 349 => 183, 343 => 182, 335 => 179, 332 => 178, 329 => 177, 327 => 176, 324 => 175, 321 => 174, 319 => 173, 318 => 172, 317 => 171, 315 => 170, 311 => 169, 307 => 167, 299 => 162, 294 => 160, 290 => 159, 287 => 158, 285 => 148, 280 => 145, 275 => 142, 264 => 133, 260 => 131, 258 => 130, 252 => 127, 241 => 118, 230 => 110, 220 => 102, 210 => 94, 197 => 92, 193 => 91, 183 => 85, 171 => 76, 161 => 68, 153 => 62, 148 => 60, 144 => 58, 139 => 56, 136 => 55, 134 => 54, 127 => 50, 123 => 49, 119 => 48, 114 => 47, 108 => 45, 106 => 44, 102 => 43, 93 => 38, 81 => 29, 67 => 19, 57 => 11, 53 => 9, 51 => 8, 47 => 7, 37 => 1,); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Source("", "table/index_form.twig", "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/templates/table/index_form.twig"); } }